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ििननबबंधंधनन ससं(cid:23)ं(cid:23) य याा पी0ट%0-40 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)बबबबहहहहहहहहाााााााारररररररर गगगगगगगगजजजजजजजजटटटटटटटट अअअअअअअअससससससससााााााााधधधधधधधधााााााााररररररररणणणणणणणण अअअअंंककंंकक (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)बबबबहहहहाााारररर ससससररररककककाााारररर (cid:28)(cid:28)(cid:28)(cid:28)ाााारररराााा ूूूूूूूूककककककककााााााााििििििििशशशशशशशशतततततततत 3 ममममााााघघघघ 1939 (शशशश0) ((((ससससंं0ंं पपपपटटटटननननाााा 52)))) पपपपपपपपटटटटटटटटननननननननाााााााा, ममममंगंगंगंगललललववववाााारररर, 22223333 जजजजननननववववरररर%%%% 2018 ooookkkkffff....kkkkTTTT;;;;&&&&ddddjjjj ffffooooHHHHkkkkkkkkxxxx &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& अअअअििििधधधधससससचचूूचचूू ननननाााा 22223333 ttttuuuuoooojjjjhhhh 2222000011118888 अअअअअअअअििििििििधधधधधधधधससससससससचचचचूूचचूूचचूूूू ननननननननाााााााा सससससससस(cid:11)(cid:11)(cid:11)(cid:11)ंं(cid:11)(cid:11)ंं(cid:11)(cid:11)ंंंं ययययययययाााााााा 00006666////2222000011118888 ÐÐÐÐ रररराााा****यययय ककककरररर ,låvkås 127] fnukda 2233 ttuuoojjhh 22001188—(cid:1)बहार माल और सवे ा कर अिधिनयम, 22001177 (cid:7)2017 का िबहार अिधिनयम 12) (ििजजससे े इइससककेे पप(cid:14)(cid:14) च चाात ् इस अिधसूचना म % उ(cid:22)त अिधिनयम कहा गया ह)ै कक## धधाारराा 128 $ारा (cid:17)द(cid:19) त शि(cid:22) तयय(cid:23)(cid:23) ककाा (cid:17)(cid:17)ययोोगग ककररतते े (cid:27)(cid:27)एए, िबहार-रा1यपाल, प2रषद ् क# िसफा2रश(cid:23) पर, 44ककससीी ररििजज5566 ीीकृत <य ि(cid:22)त $ारा संदेय िवलंब श"ु क कक## ररककमम ककाा अअििधध(cid:19)(cid:19) य यजन करत े ह,7 जो उ(cid:22)त अिधिनयम क# धारा 47 ककेे अअधधीीनन ििननययतत ततााररीीखख $ारा (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:14)(cid:14)(cid:14)पपपप जजजजीीीीएएएएससससटटटटीीीीआआआआरररर----6666 मम %% ििववववररणणीी ददेनेन ेे मम %% अअससफफलल ररहहतताा हह,ैै जो (cid:17)(cid:19)य ेक 4दन िजसके ददौौरराानन ऐऐससीी अअससफफललतताा जारी रहती ह ैके िलए प+ चीसस ,,पपयये े कक## ररककमम ससे े अअििधधकक हह।।ैै 2. 23 , 2018 ययहह अअििधधससूचूचननाा (cid:12)(cid:12)ददननाांकंक जनवरी के (cid:21)भाव से (cid:21)वृ(cid:24) होगी । [(l0a l0a &fcdz h&dj@th0,l0Vh0@fofo/k&2211@@22001177 ¼¼[[kkMaMa &&11½½&228)] fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkn's k l]s lqtkrk prqosZnh] iz/kku lfpoA 22223333 ttttuuuuoooojjjjhhhh 2222000011118888 ,låvkås 127] fnukda 2233 ttuuoojjhh 22001188 dk vxa szth e sa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn fcgkj&jjkkTT;;iikkyy d s izkf/kdkj l s bld s }kjk izdkf'kkkrrr fffddd;;;kkk tttkkkrrrkkk gggSS S tttkkk ss s HHHkkkkkkjjjrrrhhh;;; lllffaafaooo///kkkkkkuuu ddd ss s vvvuuuqqPPqPNNNnnssns 333444888 ddd ss s [[[kkk...MMM ¼¼¼333½½½ ddd ss s vvv///kkkhhhuuu vvvxxaaxa sszzttszthhh HHHkkkkkk"""kkkkkk eee ssaa sa mldk izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;A [(l0a l0a &fcdz h&dj@th0,l0Vh0@fofo/k&2211@@22001177 ¼¼[[kkMaMa &&11½½&228)] fcgkj&jkT;iky d s vkn's k l]s lqtkrk prqosZnh] iz/kku lfpoA 2 (cid:1)बहार गजट (असाधारण), 23 जजजजननननववववरररर%%%% 2018 The 23rd January 2018 Notification No. 6/2018-State Tax S.O. 127, dated the 23rd January 2018—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 128 of the Bihar Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (12 of 2017) (hereafter in this notification referred to as the said Act), the Governor of Bihar, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby waives the amount of late fee payable by any registered person for failure to furnish the return in FORM GSTR-6 by the due date under section 47 of the said Act, which is in excess of an amount of twenty-five rupees for every day during which such failure continues. 2. This notification shall come into force with effect from the 23rd January, 2018. [(File No. Bikri kar/GST/vividh-21/2017 (Part-1)—228)] By the order of Governor of Bihar, SUJATA CHATURVEDI, Principal Secretary. ———— अधी1क, सिचवालय मुिणालय, (cid:1)बहार, पटना (cid:28)ारा ूकािशत एव ं मु6ित। (cid:1)बहार गजट (असाधारण) 52-571+10-ड%0ट%0पी0। Website: http://egazette.bih.nic.in

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