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Bibliographie Bibliographie Aaker D. A. (1996), Building strong brands, New York, Free Press Aaker D. A. (1991), Managing brand equity: capitalizing on the value of a brand name, New York, Free Press Aaker J. L. (1997), Dimensions of brand personality, Journal of Marketing Research, 34,3, 347-356 Ahsen A. (1997), Visual imagery and performance during multisensory experience, synaesthesia and phosphenes, Journal of Mental Imagery, 21, 3-4, 1-40 Alba J. W. et Hutchinson J. W. (1987), Dimensions of consumer expertise, Jounal of Consumer Research, 14,1, 411-454 Alpert J. et Alpert M. (1990), Music influences on mood and purchase intentions, Psychology and Marketing, 7,2, 109-133 Alpert J. et Alpert M. (1989), Background music as an influence in consumer mood and advertising responses, Advances in Consumer Research, 16, 485-491 Alpert M. I., Alpert J. I. et Maltz E. N. 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personality? , Brand Management, 11,2, 143-155 . Day E. (1985), Accounting for musical tastes, preferences and attendance patterns, Advances Tarrago R ., Martin S., De La Haye F. et Brouillet D. (2005), Normes d'associations verbales
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