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Techniccaoln taicntf ormation We welcomey ourf eedbacPkl.e asseu bmicto rrectiaonnds addititoono su rB MW technidciaslc ussfioornu amt : http:/ww/w.BentleyPublishers.com BentlPeuyb lishae drisv,i soifoR no berBte ntleIyn,c . Erraitnaf ormation t7 34M assachusAevtetnsu e CambridgMeA, 0 2138U SA Informtahtamitao kne s We wilelv aluastueb missioannsd posta pproprieadtiet orial 800·423-4595/617·547·417t0h dei ffe®r ence changeosn linaes texetr ratoar t echd iscussiAopnp.r opriate e!! errawtial ble i ncorporwaittethdh eb ookt exitn f utuprrei ntings. BentleyPublish Reade rraitnaf ormatfioortn h ibso okb eforbee ginniwnogr ko n yourv ehiclSee.e thef ollowiwnegb addresfso ra dditional information: http://ww.wBentleyPublishers.com/errata/ WARNING-important snaofteitcye Don otu set himsa nuauln lesyso ua ref amilwiiatrbh a siacu tomotrievpea pirro ceduarnedss afweo rkshporpa ctiTcheisms.a nual illusttrhaetw eosr kshporpo cedurreeqsu irfeodmr o sts ervicweo rkI.it s n ota substiftoufrtu ela ln du p-to-date infforromtmah tei on vehicle manufoarfc otprur roepret rr ainaisna gna utomotive tecNhontietc hiaiatitn s n. o tp ossibflouers t oa nticiaplaoltft e h ew ays orc onditiuonndsew rh icvhe hiclmeasyb es ervicoertd o p rovicdaeu tioansts o a lolf t hep ossibhlaez ardtsh amta yr esult. Thev ehicmlaen ufactuwrielcrlo ntintuoei ssusee rviicnef ormautpidoant easn dp artsr etroaffittetsr h ee ditorcilaols ionfgt his manualS.o meo ft hesuep dateasn dr etrowfiilatlps p ltyop roceduarnedss pecificaitnti hoinmssa nualW.e regrtehta tw e cannot suppluyp datetsop urchasoefrt sh imsa nual. We havee ndeavorteoed n surteh ea ccuraocfyt hei nformaitnit ohnim sa nualP.l easneo teh,o wevetrh,a cto nsidertihnevg a st quantaintdyt hec omplexoiftt hyes ervice informatiwoenc ainnnvowotal rvreadtn,ht ea ccuraocrcy o mpletenoefts hsei nformation containientd h imsa nual. FOR THESE REASONS,N EITHERT HE PUBLISHERN OR THE AUTHOR MAKES ANY WARRANTIESE,X PRESSO R IMPLIETDH,A TT HEI NFORMATIONI NT HISB OOK ISF REEO F ERRORSO R OMISSIONSA,N D WE EXPRESSLYD ISCLAIM THE IMPLIEWADR RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITAYN D OF FITNESSF OR A PARTIUCLAR PURPOSE,E VEN IFT HE PUBLISHERO R AUTHORH AVEB EEN ADVISEDO F A PARTICULAPRU RPOSE,A ND EVENI FA PARTICULAPRU RPOSE ISI NDICATEIDNT HEM ANUAL.T HEP UBLISHEARN D AUTHORA LSOD ISCLAIAML LL IABILIFTOYR DIREC,TI NDIRECT, INCIDENTAOLR CONSEQUENTAIL DAMAGES THAT RESUFLRTO M ANY USE OF THE EXAMPLES,I NSTRUCTIONOSR OTHER INFORMATIOINN T HISB OOK.I NN O EVENTS HALL OUR LIABILIWTYH ETHER INT ORT,C ONTRACT OR OTHERWISEE XCEEDT HEC OST OF THISM ANUAL. Yourc ommons ensaen dg oodj udgmeanrtec rucitaosl a faen ds uccesssfeurlv iwcoer kR.e adp rocedutrherso ubgehf orset arting themT.h inakb ouwth ethetrh ec onditoifoy no ucra ry,o ulre veolfm echanicsaklio lrly ,o ulre veolfr eadicnogm prehensmiiognh t resuilnot r c ontribiunst oem ew ayt oa no ccurrewnhciec mhi ghcta usyeo ui njudraym,a gey oucra ro,rr esuilnat n u nsafree paiIrf. youh aved oubtfso trh esoer o therre asonasb ouyto uarb iltiotp ye rforsma free pawiorr ko ny oucra rh,a vet hew orkd onea ta n authoriBzMeWd d ealoerro theqru alified shop. Partn umberlsi stientd h imsa nuaalr ef oird entifipcuartpioosnoe nsl yn,o tf oorr dering. cAhlewcawkyi st yho uaru thoriBzMeWd dealteorv eripfayrt n umberasn da vailabbielfiotrbyee ginnsienrgv iwcoer kt hamta yr equinreew p arts. Beforaet temptainnygw orko ny ourB MW, readt heW ARNINGSa ndC AUTIONSo np agesi xa ndx anda nyW ARNINGo r CAUTIONt haatc companiae psr oceduirnte h es ervicmea nualR.e vietwh eW ARNINGSa ndC AUTiONSe acht imyeo up repare tow orko ny ouBrM W. Specitaolo lresq uirteopd e rform certainop seerarvtiicaoern eis d entiifnti heemd a nual andr eacromem endfeodur s eU.s eo ft oooltsh er thatnh osree commendientd h imsa nuamla yb ed etrimetnott haecl a rs'asf oep erataisow ne lals t hes afeotfyt hep ersosne rvicitnhgec ar. Copieosf t his manmuaaylb ep urchasferdo mm osta utomotaicvcee ssorainedsp artdse alesrpse cialiiznBi MnWg automobiflreosm, selectbeodo kselloerdr isr,e cftrloytm h ep ublisher. Thep ublisehnecro uragceosm mentfsr otmh er eadeorft himsa nuaTlh.e sceo mmunicathiaovnebs e ena ndw ilblec arefuclolnys ideirne d thep reparaotfit ohnia sn do themra nualPsl.e ase contact RobeInrtc, P. Buebnltilsehayet,tr hsea ddrelssi stoendt het opo ft hipsa ge. Thimsa nuawla sp ublisbhyeR do bertB entleIyn,cP .u,b lishBeMrWs .h asn otr eviewaenddd oesn otv oucfho trh ea ccuractyh eto ef chnical specificaatnidpo rnosc edudreessc ribientd h imsa nual. Libraroyf C ongresCsa taloCga rdN o.9 0-84736 ISBN0 -8376-0325-0 BentleSyt ocNko .B 390 Editorcilaols i0n8g/ 1990 100 90 80 70 60 5 161 51 41 3 Thep apre usedi nt hipsu blicaitsia ocni df reaen dm eetst her equiremeonftt sh eN ationSatla ndafrodr I nformatSicoine nces­ @ PermanenocfeP apefro rP rintLeidb raMrayt erials. © 1991R oberBte ntleIyn,c . Alrli ghrtess ervAeldil.n formactoinotna inientd h imsa nuails b aseod nt hei nformaatviaoinl atbolt eh ep ublisahtet rh et imoef e ditorial closiTnhge.r igihstr eservteomd a kec hangeasta nyt imwei thonuott icNeo.p arto ft hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproducsetdo,r ienda retrieval systeomr,t ransmiitnta endyf oromr b ya nym eanse,l ectr,om neicchanicpahlo,t ocopyriencgo,r dionrog t,h erwiwsiet,h otuhtep riworri tten conseonftt hep ublisThheiris.n cludteesxf ti,g uraensd,t ableAslr.li ghrtess ervuendd eBre mea ndP an-AmeriCcoapny ricgohntv entions. Manufactuirnte hde U niteSdt ateosfA merica Contents: Fundamentals LubricatainodMn a intenance EnginMea nagement-Driveability Engine Ignition FueSly stem CoolinSgy stem ExhausStys tem andE missiCoonn trols ManuaTrla nsmissiaonndC lutch a AutomatTirca nsmisns io til DriveshaanfdtF inaDlr ive a Brakes til Suspensiaondn Steering III Bodya ndI nterior IE ElectriScyaslt em Ihdexte Foreworadn dD isclaimer Fort heB MW ownewri tbha simce chanisckaill alnsdf oirn dependaeunttso e rvipcreo fessiotnhailss , manuailn cludmeasn yo ft hes pecificaatnidop nrso cedurtehsaw te rea vailaibnla en a uthorized BMW dealseerr vidceep artmeanstt himsa nuawle ntt op resTsh.e B MW ownewri tnho i ntentoifo n workionngh iso rh erc arw ilfli ntdh aotw ninagn dr eferrtiotn hgi msa nuawli lmla kei tp ossibtlobe e betteirn formaendd t om orek nowledgeadbilsyc usrse paiwrist ha professiaountaolm otive technician. TheB MW owneirn tendtiond go m aintenaanncder epasihro ulhda ves crewdrivae sresto, fm etric wrenchaensd s ocketasn,dm etrAilcl eann dT orxw renchessi,n cteh esbea sihca ndt oolasr en eeded fomro sto ft hew orkd escribientd h imsa nualM.a nyp roceduwriesla ll sroe quiar teo rquwer enctho ensurteh afta stenearrset ightenperdo peralnyd i na ccordanwciet hs pecificaAtdidointsi.o nal informaotnib oans itco olasn do thetri pcsa nb ef ounidn 1 FundamentaIlnss o.m ec asest,h et ext refetross pecitaolo ltsh aatr er ecommendoerdr equirteoad c complaidsjhu stmeonrrt esp aiTrhse.s e toolasr eu sualildye ntibfyit ehde BiMr W specitaolon lu mbearn di llustrated. Disclaimer We havee ndeavorteode nsurteh ea ccuraocfyt hei nformatiinto hni msa nualW.h ent hev ast arraoyf d atpar esentientd h em anuails t akeinn taoc counhto,w evenro,c laitmoi nfallicbainl ity bem ade.W e therefcoarnen obte r esponsifboltreh er esuolfta nye rrotrhsa mta yh avec repitn to thet exPtl.e asael sroe atdh eI mportaSnatf etNyo ticoen t hec opyripgahgte a tt heb eginnionfg thibso ok. A thoroupgrhe -readoifen agc hp roceduarned,W ARNINGSa ndC AUTIONSa tt hef ronotft he booka ndt hosteh aatc compantyh ep roceduirsee s sentRieaal.d inagp rocedubreef orbee ginning workw ilhle lypo ud etermiinnae d vancteh en eedf osrp ecisfkiicl ildse,n thiafzya rdpsr,e pafroer appropricaatpet uarned h andlionfgh azardomuast eriaalnsdt, hen eedf orp artictuoloalras n d replacempeanrtt ssu cha sg askets. BentlPeuyb lisheenrcso uragceosm mentfsr omt her eadeorfst himsa nuawli trhe gartdoe rrors, and/osru ggestifoonirsm provemeonfot u rp roducTth.e sec ommunicathiaovnesb eena ndw ilble carefuclolnys ideirnet dh ep reparatoifto hnia sn do themra nualIsyf. o ui dentiinfcyo nsisteinnc ies them anualy,o um ay havfeou nadn e rroPrl.e asceo ntatchtep ublisahnedrw e wileln deavtoor posatp plicacbolrer ectoinoo nusrw ebsitPeo.s tecdo rrect(ieornrsa sthao)u lbde r eviewbeedf ore beginniwnogr kP.l eassee et hef ollowwienbga ddress: http:ww/w/.BentleyPublishers.com/errata/ BMW offeerxst ensiwvaer rantieessp,e ciaolnlc yo mponenotfst hef uedle livearnyde mission control syTshteermesf.o breef,o rdee ciditnorg e paai BrM W thamta yb ec overewdh olloryi np art bya nyw arrantiisessu ebdy B MW ofN ortAhm ericLaL,C ,c onsuylotu ra uthoriBzMeWd dealer. Youm ayf intdh atth ed ealecra nm aket her epaeiirt hferre oer a tm inimucmo stR.e gardleosfis t s ageo,r w hetheirti su ndewra rranytoyu,rB MW isb otahn e asyc art os erviacned a ne asyc art o gets ervicSeodi .af t a nyt imaer epaiisrn eedetdh ayto uf eeils tdoiof fitcodu oly to urseal tfr,a ined BMW techniciisra ena dtyo d ot hej obf oyro u. BentlePyu blishers vii VehiclIed entificaantdi on VIND ecoder VehiIcdleen tifica(tViIodNne) c,o ding Number Someo ft hien formiantt himioasnn uaaplp loineltsyoc arosfa p artimcoudleyaler ao rrr anogfey earFsoe.rx amp1l9e8,4 refteort sh1 e9 8m4o deyle abru dto enso nte cessmaartictlhhyc e a lenydeaairrnw hitchhce a wra sm anufacotrsu orledd. Tob es uroeft hmeo edly eaorfa p articcaucrlh,ae rtc hkV ee hiIcdleen tifNiucmabte(irVo IonNn )t hcea r. ThVeI iNas u niqsueeq ueonf1c 7ec haracatsesrisgb nyBe MdW t oi denetaicifhny d ivciadWruh.ae ldn e codtehdVe,I tNe lls thceo unatnrydye aorfm anufacmtaukreme,o; d ealn sde rniuamlb ears;s empbllayan nted vesno meeq uipment specifications. TheB MWV IiNos n a p lamtoeu ntoentd h teo opft hdea shbooantr ehdd ,r ivseirdw'ehs e rtehn eu mbcearbn e s eetnh rough thwei ndshTihee1l 0dtc.hh araictsth emero deyle acro dTeh.el ettI0e,,r saQ ndUa rneo uts efdom ro deyle adre signation foUrS c arEsx.a mplEfe os1r:9 8F4 f,o 1r9 8G5 f,o 1r9 8H6 f,o 1r9 8e7t,Tc h.et abbleel eoxwp lasionmoseft hceo deisnt he VINf oEr3 0c ars. SamplVe NI: VIN Descprtiion Decoidgni nfmoartion posiiotn 1 Countorfy W Germany Manufacture 2 ManufacturerB BMWAG 3 ManufacturinAg BMW division S BMW Motorsport 4-7 Seriemso,d el AK74 318i4,- cylin1d.e8lr i t(eMr10 ) AK84 318iA4,- cylin1d.e8lr i t(eMr1 0) AJ93 318i4,- cylin1d.e8lr i t(eMr4 2) AF93 318i4s-,c ylin1d.e8lr i t(eMr4 2) BA73 318iC,o nverti4b-lcey,l in(dMe4r2 ) AA13 325i6,- cylin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) AA23 325iA6,- cylin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) AD13 325i6s-,c ylin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) AD23 325is6A-,c ylin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) AB54 325ele65-,c ylin2d.e7lr i t(eMr2 0) AB64 325eNesA6,- cylin2d.e7lr i t(eMr2 0) AE54 3256,- cylin2d.e7lr i t(eMr2 0) AE64 325A6,- cylin2d.e7lr i t(eMr2 0) BB13 325Cio nverti6b-lcey,l in2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) BB23 325iCAo nvertib6l-ec,y lin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) AK03 M3,4 -cylin2d.e3lr i t(eSr1 4) AB93 325i6x-,c ylin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) AB03 325ix6A-,c ylin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) AE93 325i4x- doo6r-,c ylin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) AE03 325ix4A- doo6r-,c ylin2d.e5lr i t(eMr2 0) 8 Restrasiynstt em0 Manuable lts 1 Manuable ltwsi tshu pplemenrteaslt raint 2 Manuable ltwsi tdhu aSlR S airbags 9 Checkd igit o- 9 orX ,c alculabtyeN HdT SA 10 Modeyle ar E 1984 F 1985 G 1986 H 1987 J 1988 K 1989 L 1990 0 Europeamno del 11 Assemblpyla nt A, FK, G,Mu nichGe,r many B,C,D DingolfGienrgm,a ny E,J RegensbuGregr,m any 12-17 Serinaulm ber Sequentpiraold uctniuomnb efro srp ecivfeihci cle Pleasree atdh ese wianrgnsa ndc auitons beforper oceeindg withm aintenancaen dr epiarw ork. WARNINGS- • Illumiynoautwreo rka reaad equatbeultsy a felUys.ea portable Seea lsCoA UTIONSo nn expta ge. safeltiyg fhotwr o rkiinngs iodreu ndetrh ec arM.a kes urteh eb ulb ise nclosbeyda wircea geT.h eh otf ilamoefna tna ccidentbarlol­y • Readt hei mportsaanfte ntoyt iocnet hec opyripgahgte a tt he kenb ulcba ni gnistpei llfeudev la,p orosro il. beginnionftg h eb ook. • Catcdhr ainfiunegol i,ol r,b rakfel uiinds uitacbolnet ainDeor s. • Somer epaimrasy beb eyonydo urc apability. notu sef ooodr heveracgoen taintehramsti ght missloemaedo ne Ify oul actkh e skiltloso,la sn de quipmeonrta , s uitawbolrek plafcoaern yp roce­ intdor inkfirnogtm h emS.t orfel ammabflleu iadwsa yf rofmi rhea z­ durdee scriibentd h imsa nuawle,s uggeysotu l eavseu chr epairs ardsW.i peu ps pilaltos n ceb,u td on ots torteh eo ilrya gsw,h ich toa na uthoriBzMeWd dealesre rvidceep artmeonrot t heqru ali­ cani gniatned b ursnp ontaneously. fiesdh op. • Always obsgeorovdwe o rkshporpa ctiWceeasr.g ogglwehse n e A thoroupgrhe -reaodfie nagc hp roceduarnedt, h eW ARNINGS youo peramtaec hinteo olosr w orkw itbha ttearcyi dG.l oveosr andC AUTIONtSh aatc compatnhyep roceduirsee s sentPioaslt.e d otheprr otectcilvoet hisnhgo ulbde wornw henevetrh ej ob correct(ieornrsa sthao)u ladl sboe r eviewbeedf obreeg inning worrke.q uirweosr kiwnigt hha rmful substances. Pleassee eww w.BentleyPublishers.com/errata/ ® Greaselsu,b ricaanntdos t hearu tomotcihveem icaclosn tain «; BMW isc onstanitmlpyr oviintgsc arsS.o metimetsh ese toxsiucb stancmeasn,yo fw hicahr ea bsorbdeidr ectthlryo utghhe changebso,t ihn p artasn ds pecificaatriemo andse,a pplicatbol e skinR.e adt hem anufactuirnesrt'rsu catnidow nasr nincgasr efully. earlmioedre lTsh.e refobreef,o srtea rtainnymg a jojro bosr r epairs Useh anda nde yep rotectAivooni.dd i resckti cno ntact. toc omponenotnsw hicpha ssengsearf emtayy d ependc,o nsult • Disconnetchteb attenreyg ati(-v)e t ermin(aglr ounsdt rap) youaru thoriBzMeWd dealearb ouTte chnicBaull lettihnamsta y whenevyeoru w orok nt hef uesly steomrt hee lectrsiycsatle Dmo. haveb eeni ssued. nots mokeo rw orkn earh eateorrso thefri rhea zardKse.e pa n • Do notr e-usaen yf astentehrasat r ew orno rd eformiendn or­ approvfeidre ex tinguihsahnedry . malu seM.a nyf astenaerresd e signteodb eu sedo nloyn cea nd • Frictmiaotne ri(aslusc ahs b rakpea dso rs hoeosr c lutdcihs cs) become unrelainadmb alyef aiwlh enu seda secontdi meT.h is contaaisnb estfoisb eorrso thefrr ictmiaotne riaDlos n.o tc reate includbeust,i sn otl imitteodn, u tsb,o ltwsa,s hersse,l f-locking dustb yg rindisnagn,d inogr,b y cleaniwnigt cho mpressaeidr . nutosr b oltcsi,r clainpdcs o ttpeirn sA.l wayrse platchee sfea sten­ Avoibdr eathdiunsgtB .r eathainnygf rictmiaotne rdiuaslct a nl ead ers witnhe wp arts. tos erioduiss easaensd m ayr esuilndt e ath. e Nevewro rku ndear liftceadru nlesisti ss olidly supopno rted @ Battergiievse eoxfpfl oshiyvder ogegnas d urincgh arging. standdse Signfeodtr h ep urposDeo.n ots uppoar cta ro nc inder Keeps parks, lmiagthctheeadsn do penf lame afwraoytm h et op blockhso,l lotwi loerso theprr optsh amta yc rumbluen decro ntin­ oft heb atteIrfyh .y droggeans e scapifnrgo mt hec apv entiss uousl oadN.e vewro rku ndear c art haits s upportseodl eblyya ignitiewtdi ,li lgn igtaest rappiendt hec elalnsd c austeh eb attery jackN.e vewro rku ndetrh ec arw hilteh ee nginiesr unning. toe xplode. o Iyfo ua reg ointgo w orku ndear c aro nt heg rounmda,k es ure • Battearcyi (de lectrcoalnyc taeu)s see verbeu rnFsl.u scho ntact thatth eg rounidsl eveBll.o ctkh ew heeltsok eept hec arf rormo il­ areawi twha tesre,e km edicaatlt ention. ingD.i sconntehcebt a ttenreyg ati(-v)et ermin(aglr ousntdr atpo) preveontth erfsr osmt arttihnecg a rw hilyeo ua reu ndeirt . • Connecatn dd isconnbeacttt ecrayb lejsu,m pecra bleosra bat­ tercyh argoenrl wyi tthh ei gnitsiwoint choefdfD .o n otd isconnect @) Neverru nt hee nginuen lestsh ew orka reai sw elvle ntilated. the batwtheirltyeh ee nginiesr unning. Carbomno noxikdiel ls. s Do notq uick-chtahregb ea tte(rfyob ro osstt artifnoglr) o nger Ii!} Fingerri ngbsr,a celaentdso thejre welsrhyo ulbder emoved so thaonn em inutWea.i att l easotn em inutbee fobroeo stitnhgeb at­ thatth eyc annocta usee lectrsihcoarlt gse,tc aughitn r unning teray s econtdi me. machineorryb ,ec rushebydh eavpya rts. $ Don ota llobwa ttecrhya rgivnogl tatgoee x cee1d6 .v5o ltIstf.h e � Tiel onhga ibre hinydo uhre adD.o n otw eara necktai sec,a rf, battebreyg inpsr oducignagso rb oilivnigo lenrteldyu,ct eh ec harg­ looscel othionrag n,e cklawchee ny ouw orkn eamra chine tools ingr ateB.o ostian sgu lfabtaetd teartay higrha tcea nc ausaen orr unning engIifyn oeushr.a icrl,o thionrjg e,w elwreyr et og et explosion. caughitnt hem achinesreyv,e rien jucroyu lrde sult. • Thea icro nditiosnyisntge ims f illweidtc hh emicraelf rigerant, • Don ota ttemtpotw orko ny oucra ri fyo ud on otf eewle lYlo.u whicihs h azardoTuhse.Al C systesmh oulbde s ervicoendl byy increatsheed angeorfi njutroyy o ursaenldfo theiryfso ua ret ired, trainteedc hniciuasnisnag p provreedf rigerreacnotv ery/recycling upseotr h avet akemne dicatoiroa nn yo thesru bstantcheam ta y equipmetnrta,i nienrd e latseadf eptrye cautiaonndsf ,a milwiiatrh keepy ouf robme infgu lallye rt. regulatgioovnesr nitnhged ischargainnddg i sposoafal u tomotive chemicraelf rigerants. conntuieodnn extp age -ix Pleasree atdh eswea rningasn d. cautiobnesf orper oceeding witmha intenaanncdre e paiwro rk. WARNING(Sc-ontinued) It Don ota llobwa ttercyh argivnogl tatgoee x cee1d6 .v5o ltIstf.h e battery bpergoidnusc ignagso rb Oilivnigo lenrteldyu,ct eh ec harg­ ® Don ote xposaen yp arotf t heAl C systetmoh igthe mperaturesi ngr ateB.o ostian sgu lfatbeadt teartya higchh argirnagt cea n sucha so penf lamEex.c essihveeaw ti liln creassyes tepmr essure causaen e xplosion. andm ayc austeh es ystetmob urst. • Thei gnitsiyosnt epmr oducheisg hv oltagtehsa cta nb ef atal. ,. Somea erostoilri en flaatroerh si ghfllya mmabBlee e.x tremely Avoicdo ntawcitt ehx posetde rminaanldsu see xtremcea rweh en cautiowuhse nr epairaitnigrt eh amta yh aveb eeni nflautseidna gn workionnga c arw itthh ee nginreu nnionrgt hei gnitsiwoint choend. aerostoilri en flaKteoerp.s parkosp,e nf lamoer o thesro urcoesf ignitaiwoanyf rotmh et irree paairre aI.n flaantded eflatthee taitr e e Placjea cskt andosn layt l ocatisopnesc ifbiyem da nufacturer. least four tibmreesa kbietnfhgoeb r eea df rotmh er imC.o mpletely Thev ehicllieft ijnagcs ku ppliweidtt hh ev ehicilsie n tendfeodtr i re removteh et irfer otmh er imb eforaett emptianngyr epair. changeosn lAy .h eavdyu tfyl ojoarc skh oulbdeu sedt ol ivfte hicle beforei nstalljiancgk s tandsS.e e 2 lubricatainodn @ Connecatn dd isconnae bcatt tecrhya rgoenrl wyi tthh eb attery Maintenance. chargsewri tchoefdf . @ Aeroscolle anearnsds olvenmtaysc ontahianz ardoourds e adly ® Sealeodr " maintenafnrceeeb "a ttersiheosu lbde s low-chargedv aporasn da reh ighfllya mmabUlsee.o nliyna welvle ntilaarteead. onlayt,a na mperagrea tteh aitsa pproxima1t0e%lo yft heb attery'sD on otu seo nh ots urfac(eesn ginbersa,k es, etc.). ampere-h(oAuhrr) a ting. o Don otr emovceo olarnets ervoorri ard iactaoprw itthh ee ngine hotD.a ngeorfb urnasn de ngindea mage. CAUTIONS- ® Befordeo inagn ye lectrwiecladli onngc aresq uippweidt AhB S, Seea lsWoA RNINGS onp reviopuasg e. disconntehcebt a ttenreyg ati(v-et) e rmin(aglr ousntdr aapn)d t he ABS contrmoold ulceo nnector. @ Iyfo ul actkh es kiltloso,la sn de quipmeonrta , s uitawbolrek shop Cl Alwaymsa kes urieg nitiisoo fnbf e fordei sconnecbtaitntge ry. foarn yp rocedudrees cribientd h imsa nualw,e suggesyto ul eave suchr epaitroas n a uthoriBzMeWd d ealoerro theqru alifsiheodp . \!!)L abebla ttecrayb lebse fordei sconnecOtni nsgo.m em odels, e BMW isc onstanitmlpyr oviintgsc arsa nds ometimetsh ese battecrayb leasr en otc olocro ded. changebso,t hi np artasn ds pecificaatrieom nasd,ea pplicatbol e e Disconnectthienb ga ttemrayy erasfea ulcto de(ss)t oreidn earlmioerd elTsh.e refopraer,nt u mberlsi stientd h imsa nuaalr ef or control momdeumloery U.s ing speBcMiWa dli agnosetqiuci p­ referenceA lownalyycs.h ecwki tyho uaru thoriBzMeWd d ealpearr ts mentc,h eckf orf aulcto desp riotro d isconnectthienb ga ttery departmfeontrth el ateisntf ormation. cables. e Beforset artai jnogbm ,a kec ertatihnay to uh avea ltlh en ecessary e Iaf n ormaolrr apicdh argiesur sedt oc hargbea ttetrhyeb, a ttery toolasn dp artosnh andR.e ada ltlh ei nstructthioornosu gahnldyd ,o mustb ed isconnecatnedrd e movefdr omt hev ehicilneo rdetro nota ttemsphto rtcUustest .o oalpsp roprtioat theew orkan du seo nly avoidda maginpga inatn du pholstery. replacempeanrtt mse etinBgM W specificaMtaikoenssh.i ft tools, partasn dp roceduwrielsnl o tm akeg oodr epairs ® Do notq uick-chatrhgebe a tte(rfyo bro osstt artifnogrl) o nger thaonn em inutWea.i att l easotn em inutbee forbeo ostitnhgeb at­ e Usep neumataincd e lecttroioclo sn ltyo l oosetnh readpeadr ts teray s econtdi me. andf asteneNresv.eu rs et hesteo oltsot ightfeans teneerssp,e cially onl igahltl opya rtAsl.w ayuss ea torquwer encthot ightfeans teners@ Connecatn dd isconnae bcatt tecrhya rgoenrl wyi tthh eb attery tot het ightentionrgq usep ecificlaitsitoend . chargsewri tchoefdf . ® Bem indfouflt hee nvironmaenndte cologBye.f oryeo ud raitnh e e Sealeodr" maintenafnrceeeb "a ttersiheosu lbde s low-charged crankcafsien,od u tt hep ropewra yt od ispoosfet heo ilD.o n otp our onlayt,a na mperagrea tteh aitsa pproxima1t0e%lo yft heb attery's oioln ttoh eg rounddo,w na draionri, ntao s treapmo,n do rl akeD.i s­ ampere-h(oAuhrr) a ting. poseo fi na ccordanwcietF he deraSlt,a taen dL ocalla ws. e Don ota llobwa ttecrhya rgivnogl tatgoee x cee1d6 .v5o ltIstf.h e @ Thec ontrmoold ulfeo trh ea nti-lborcakks ey ste(mA BSc)a nnot battebreyg inpsr oducignagso rb Oilivnigo lenrteldyu,ct eh ec harg­ withsttaenmdp eratufrreosma paint-drbyoiontoghr a healta mpi n ingr ateB.o ostian sgu lfatbeadt teartya highc hargirnagt cea n excesosf2 03°(F9 5°aCn)d s houlndo tb es ubjecttoet de mperaturecsa usaen e xplosion. ine xcesosf1 85°(F8 5°Cf)o mro ret hatnw oh ours. Secti1o n FUNDAMENTALS Contents Introd.u .cti o.n . . . . . . . ... .3 . . . .T ro.ub l.e s.th io.n.o.g. . ... ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..1 1. . . . . . 2.5I dnex............................ . . ...1 1 2.6N oteCsa,u tioannsdW, a rnnigs.. . . .. ...... 12 1.G eneraDle script.i. o n.. . . . . . ... . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1B od.y . . . . . . . . . ... 4 . . .3 .G.e tt.i nSg.t ar.t. e...d. .... .... ... ..... ...... .... .... ... 1 .2 . . 12. Engi.n.e.............. ... ... .. .4. . . 3.1. S.a f.e.t . y . . . . . . . .. 1..2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EnginSeys tem..s . . . . . .. ..5 . . . . .Li ft.i Tnh.ge C a..r .. . .. .. .. . . .. ..1 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . FueSly ste.m . . . . . . . ... 5. . .3 ..2 .G e.n ea.rlA d.v i.cF eo. rT h.e B .eg i.ne nr... .. .. 1..4 . . . CooliSnygs te.m .. . . . . .. ..6 . . . . .P lan.ni nA.gh e.a d. ... .. .. .. .. . .. 1..4 . . . . . . . . . . . . LubricatSiyosnt e.m . . . . . ... 6. . . . .C l.aen l.i sns..e . . .. .. .. . . . . 1.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exhaust Sy.s .t e.m .. . . . .. .. 6. . . . .T i.gt he.n iB.nog l .t..s .. . . .. . . ...1 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .D3r ivent..r.a.i.............. ... .... .. 7 . . BolTtor que. . ...... '.' . . . .. .1. 4 . . . . . . . . . . Clutcohr T orqueC onvrete.r .. . . . ... 7 . . . . G.a s.k e.t.s. .......................... 1.4 Transmsiiso.n. . . . . . .. ..7 . . . .S e.al. s... . .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ... 1 5. Drivefstahn ad nFailDr iv.e . . . .. ..8 . . . . W.ie r R.e p.ai ..r .s . . . . . . ... 1 .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drive A.x l.es . . . . . .. ..8 . . . . .C la.en in..g . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .1. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .S4u spensainodnS teenrg.i . . . . .. .8. . . . .E l.e c.t rT.ie ctsailn. g.. ... . .. ..... . . ....... 15 1. 5 Brakes....... .. ... . . . . . .. .. 9. . . . . . M.a k.i .nA gn. L EDT esLti hgt... . . . ...1 .7 . . . . . . Anti-lBorakcinkg S yste(AmS S.) ...........1 0 DisconncteinWgi rinHga rneCsosn nector.s.1. 7 16. ElectriScyaslt e.m .. . . . . . .. 10. . . 3. ..3 B .u y.i nP.ga r t..s. .. .. .. .. . . . 1. 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Batte.ry. .......... ................... 10 GenuiBnMeW Part..s . . . . . .1 7. . . . . . . . . . . . Altetronra.. . . . . . . . . . . . . N.o ne-.tr ur.n a.Pba lr.e.t . s. . . .. .. .. ... ..1. 8 .. .. .. .1 .0 . . . . . WiriHnagr ness Cainrdc ui.t s. .. .. ..1 0. . . . .If no.r matYioounN eedT o Know. ........ ... 18 4.T ool.s. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.0. . . . . . 2.H ow TeU seT hisM SI"rIUlSi.. . . • . . . . . .• . .. 1. 1. . . • BasiTcoo lR equeimrents... . . . . 2.1 . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Fundamneta.l. s . . . . . .. .1. 1 . . . .J a.c Sk.t an..d .s.. .. .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .. 22 2.2 Lubrtiicaoann dM aintena.n. c .e . . ... 1 .1 . . . . OiClh aneg Equipmte .n. . . . . .2 2. . . . . . . . . . . 2.3E nginMean agement-Driv.e..a.b..i..li.t.1y 1 TorquWer enc.h . . . . . . .2 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 RepaSierct ion.s .. . . . . .. ...1 1. . . . .T i.mn ig.L i .gh .t. . .. .. .. . . . .2 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GenerDaels crip.t. i o.n . . . . .. ..1 1. . . . T.a c.h om.e .t..e. .r.. . .... .................. 23 Maintena.n c.e . . . . . . ...1 .1 . . . F.e ee.lr G a.u g.e. s. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 FUNDAMENTALS Micromet.e .r. s . . . . .. . . .2 3. . .6. E .m .eg renci. e.s . . . . . . . . .2 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testl ihgt... . . . . . . . . .2 4. . .6 .. 1.C h.an g.i na.g T i.r. e. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 2.6 . . . . . . . . . . Vol-tOhmM ete(rV OM)o rM utlime.t.e..r. ...2 4 6.2C arW ilNlo tS ta.r.t.. ................... 26 JumeprW ires.. . . . . . . .2 4. . . 6.. 3.J u.mp -.S tna.rg .t..i .... ....................2 6 BMW SpeciTaolo l.s .. . . . . . . 2.4 . . .6 ..4 .O v.er .hte i.a.n .g... .... .... .................2 8 6.5O iPlr essuWraeri nnLgi gth .. .. ... . . 2.8 . . . 6.6B rakFel uLiedv eWla rninLgihg t. . . . . 2.8 . . . . . 5.T orubslhoeotiFnugn dame.n. t .a l.s .. . 2.5 . . .6 .. 7.A n.t i.-L B.orc akk Sey steWma rniIngni dcat.o.r.2 8 51. Statrin.g . . . . . . . .. .. 2.5 . . .6 ..8 . D i.ml i.hg t..s ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .2 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Drivea.b.i.l..i.t.y. .. 25 6.9 Towin.g.......................... 28 5.3D rinvg.i ......................... .....2 5 6.01 SparPea rtKsi .t. . . . . . . . . 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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