1 University of Edinburgh Institute of Infrastructure and Environment Silos and Granular Solids Research Group BCURA PROJECT B54 on Arching propensity in coal bunkers with non-symmetric geometries Final report Project start date: 01.09.01 end date: 31.08.05 Project Officer: Mr M. Jones UK COAL PLC Harworth Park, Blyth Road, Harworth, Doncaster DN11 8DB, UK Tel:01302 755137 Fax: 01302 755252 Email: [email protected] Investigators: Dr J. Y. Ooi and Prof. J. M. Rotter Researcher: Dr Shiwen Wang Project Manager: Dr J.Y. Ooi SCHOOL OF CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH9 3JN, UK Tel: 0131 6505725 Fax: 0131 6506781 Email: [email protected] CONFIDENTIAL September 2005 2 Contents EEXXEECCUUTTIIVVEE SSUUMMMMAARRYY........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................44 11.. IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................66 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT...................................................................................................................6 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................7 22.. RREEVVIIEEWW OOFF JJEENNIIKKEE AARRCCHHIINNGG TTHHEEOORRYY..................................................................................................................................................................77 2.1 EXAMINATION OF THE JENIKE FLOW FUNCTION TEST.....................................................................7 2.2 MECHANICAL MODELS FOR THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF WET COAL.....................................8 2.3 MULTI-STRAND COMPUTATIONAL STRATEGY................................................................................8 33.. IINNDDUUSSTTRRIIAALL SSIITTEE SSUURRVVEEYY....................................................................................................................................................................................................................88 3.1 COAL PROPERTIES.........................................................................................................................9 3.2 BUNKER GEOMETRY......................................................................................................................9 3.3 LINING STRUCTURE AND WALL FRICTION....................................................................................10 3.4 FILLING SEQUENCE AND DISCHARGE AID.....................................................................................11 3.5 SOME INNOVATIONS....................................................................................................................11 44.. CCOOMMPPUUTTAATTIIOONNAALL MMOODDEELLLLIINNGG OOFF AA SSYYMMMMEETTRRIICC CCOONNIICCAALL HHOOPPPPEERR......................................1111 4.1 EXPLORATION OF CAM CLAY MODEL AND STRESS HISTORY IN COAL...........................................11 4.2 GEOMETRY OF THE HOPPER.........................................................................................................12 4.3 FE MESH AND MATERIAL PARAMETERS.......................................................................................12 4.4 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND LOADING.......................................................................................12 4.5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS.........................................................................................................12 4.6 COMPARISONS WITH ANALYTICAL MODELS.................................................................................13 4.6.1 Summary of analytical models.......................................................................................................13 4.6.2 Comparisons..................................................................................................................................13 55.. SSTTRREESSSSEESS IINN TTHHEE CCOOAALL AABBOOVVEE AARRCCHHEEDD OOUUTTLLEETT OOFF SSYYMMMMEETTRRIICCAALL BBUUNNKKEERRSS1144 5.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................14 5.2 THE DETAILS OF THE MODEL.......................................................................................................15 5.3 RESULTS......................................................................................................................................15 5.3.1 Wall Pressure studies....................................................................................................................15 5.3.2 Comparisons for wall pressures predicted by theoretical and numerical models.........................17 5.3.3 Stress ratio affected by arch and hopper half angles....................................................................19 5.4 STRESSES ABOVE OUTLET USING CRITICAL STATE THEORY........................................................19 5.4.1 Case 1: Hopper with selfweight.....................................................................................................19 5.4.2 Case 2: Hopper with selfweight and surcharge............................................................................19 66.. SSTTRREESSSSEESS AABBOOVVEE AANN AARRCCHHEEDD OOUUTTLLEETT IINN UUNNSSYYMMMMEETTRRIICCAALL BBUUNNKKEERRSS..............................2200 6.1 THE DETAILS OF THE MODEL.......................................................................................................20 6.2 THE EFFECTS OF WALL FRICTION.................................................................................................20 6.3 THE EFFECTS OF UNSYMMETRICAL ARRANGEMENTS...................................................................21 6.4 PADDLE POSITION.......................................................................................................................21 6.5 THE EFFECTS OF OUTLET HEIGHT................................................................................................22 6.6 THE EFFECTS OF HOPPER HEIGHT................................................................................................22 6.7 REMARKS....................................................................................................................................22 77.. SSTTUUDDYY OOFF AA TTYYPPIICCAALL UUKK CCOOAALL BBUUNNKKEERR........................................................................................................................................................2233 7.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................23 7.1.1 Geometry.......................................................................................................................................23 7.1.2 Mesh..............................................................................................................................................23 7.1.3 Material Parameters.....................................................................................................................23 7.1.4 Loading and boundary condition..................................................................................................24 3 7.2 RESULTS......................................................................................................................................24 7.2.1 Flow propensity analysis...............................................................................................................24 7.2.2 Wall Friction Effect.......................................................................................................................24 7.2.3 Paddle Feeder Position.................................................................................................................25 7.2.4 Progressive filling.........................................................................................................................26 7.3 DISCUSSION................................................................................................................................26 88.. CCOONNCCLLUUSSIIOONNSS..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2277 RREEFFEERREENNCCEESS..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2299 AAPPPPEENNDDIIXX AA:: CCAAMM--CCLLAAYY MMOODDEELL............................................................................................................................................................................................3322 A.1 GENERAL FORMULATION............................................................................................................32 A.1.1 Cam clay model simplified into three dimensional model............................................................33 A.1.2 Cam clay model simplified into tri-axial compression model.......................................................33 A.2 HARDENING LAW.......................................................................................................................34 A.2.1 Exponential form...........................................................................................................................34 A.2.2 Piecewise linear form....................................................................................................................34 A.3 CRITICAL STATE LINE.................................................................................................................34 AAPPPPEENNDDIIXX BB SSTTUUDDYY OOFF SSTTRREESSSS HHIISSTTOORRYY BBYY TTRRIIAAXXIIAALL CCOOMMPPRREESSSSIIOONN........................................3366 B.1 GEOMETRY OF THE MODEL.........................................................................................................36 B.2 MESH AND MATERIAL PARAMETERS...........................................................................................36 B.3 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND LOADING......................................................................................36 B.4 HARDENING EFFECTS..................................................................................................................36 B.5 SOFTENING EFFECTS....................................................................................................................38 B.6 LOADING METHOD EFFECTS........................................................................................................38 B.7 ELEMENT EFFECTS......................................................................................................................38 B.8 LOADING PATH EFFECTS.............................................................................................................39 B.9 DISCUSSION AND REMARKS.........................................................................................................40 AAPPPPEENNDDIIXX CC SSUUMMMMAARRYY OOFF SSEEVVEERRAALL AANNAALLYYTTIICCAALL SSOOLLUUTTIIOONN..........................................................................4422 NNOOTTAATTIIOONN....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4433 FFIIGGUURREESS............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4444 4 Executive summary Coal handling problems can cause serious unanticipated economic losses when the coal does not flow as expected from a bunker. A comprehensive survey (EPRI, 1995) on coal handling problems concluded that plugged bunkers and feeders are the biggest handling problems in this industry. In the UK, problems of coal arching and bridging in bunkers frequently occur at some power stations and human intervention is needed to break up the arches. These blockages can be very costly. Arching or bridging at a bunker outlet occurs when the stresses in the coal near the outlet are not sufficiently large to overcome the cohesive strength that permits an arch to form over the outlet. The mechanics of the problem depend on two major considerations: a) coal flow properties (characterised by the coal’s Flow Function) ; b) the bunker design (geometry, hopper angles, wall friction, feeder arrangement etc.), traditionally characterised by the Hopper Flow Factor. The aim of this project is to examine the practical coal bunker geometries and to investigate and quantify their propensity for arching. This was achieved through the use of modern computational modelling techniques that can predict the performance of a coal of given properties when placed in a bunker of given geometry and surface wall friction. The objectives of the whole project were: 1. to conduct a survey of existing power station coal bunker geometries; 2. to develop computational models of typical existing coal bunker geometries and feeder arrangements using a finite element method with appropriate constitutive models for the coal and the coal-bunker interface; 3. to determine the stress history of the coal as it passes from the bunker to the outlet (so evaluating the major consolidating stress applied to the coal); 4. to model the coal in various arched geometries (so evaluating the stress at incipient arch collapse); 5. using this information, to extend the Jenike flow factor design approach to cover these cases of non-standard bunkers; The influence of coal flow properties on handlability has been extensively investigated by the Edinburgh University Group recently through BCURA funding, leading to the successful design and development of two industrial testers. However, it is not sufficient only to measure the coal properties. Poor handling coal can pass easily through some bunkers, but even good handling coal may block a bad bunker geometry. The key scientific information on bunker outlets for arching prediction is only available for very simple conical and wedge shaped hoppers, with a horizontal hole outlet. Such geometries are rarely found in UK power stations, and the interpretation of current design methods to give appropriate predictions of arching requires much speculative engineering judgment. The most significant outcome of this project is the new design information that can be used to eliminate arching problems in typical coal bunkers with the typical geometries and outlet arrangements used in UK coal bunkers, which differ considerably from those considered in Jenike’s classic arching theory. The new calculations permit the Jenike design method to be extended to the hopper outlet forms used in power stations in the UK. 5 This main work commenced with careful measurements of power station bunker geometries. Then a computational finite element model was created and verified for the modelling of coal in such bunkers. The model was first used to predict consolidation stress states when the bunker was filled, considering a range of different material properties for the coal and different wall friction coefficients for the hopper walls i.e. different hopper linings. The computational model was then used in more difficult and extensive calculations to examine the stresses that develop in different shapes of coal bridges or arches across the outlet, to determine the most critical arch form and to deduce the conditions under which cohesive strength in the coal would just cause a stable arch to form. These calculations led to different outcomes depending on the geometry of the hopper sides, the hopper wall friction (with or without low friction liners), and the size of the outlet. The calculations addressed all these items in a huge parametric study, where all were systematically varied. Not only are these calculations very extensive, yielding a huge mass of information, but they are complicated to interpret, and much effort has been put into transforming them into design- relevant information that can be used in the Jenike design method for these bunkers. The main achievement of this project is the development of a method for assessing typical UK coal bunker geometries according to a modified version of the Jenike method for predicting arching across the outlet of a classic symmetrical bunker. This gives a rigorous basis for addressing arching problems and evaluating arching propensity in coal bunkers. The results will be beneficial to the owners and manufacturers of coal bunkers. 6 1. Introduction 1.1 Problem statement The bulk handling of coal is important in many industries, such as mining, power generation and steel making. Problems in coal handling can seriously affect the reliable supply of coal and cause unanticipated hidden costs. A comprehensive survey on coal handling problems concluded that plugged bunkers and feeders are the biggest handling problems facing the industry. Another survey from the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) showed that these problems are not rare events (nearly 1000 events were reported on bunker flow problems in the period 1982-87 alone) resulting in major costs to some plants (EPRI, 1995). In the UK, problems of coal arching in bunkers occur frequently in some power stations, and regular human intervention (e.g. the use of air lances) is needed to break up the arches. Arching at a bunker outlet occurs when the stress field in the coal near the outlet is not sufficient to break down an arch which is held together by the cohesive strength developed in the coal (Jenike, 1964). The mechanics of the problem depend on the coal flow properties (characterised by the coal’s Flow Function) and the bunker design (geometry, hopper angles, wall friction, feeder arrangement etc.), traditionally characterised by the Hopper Flow Factor. Bunker design is normally performed using the Jenike method (Jenike, 1964; Rotter, 2001), which includes some simplifying approximations, and which is difficult to apply to geometries where the flow factor has not been rigorously evaluated. Until this project, flow factors only existed for symmetrical conical or planar (wedge) bunkers (Fig. 1.1). The concept of arching used in the existing theory is illustrated in Fig. 1.2. This project was not concerned with mechanical arching, since this is easily prevented. Instead, it was exclusively concerned with cohesive arching. The standard method of assessing arching potential (Rotter, 2001) relies on an analysis of stresses in the hopper that relate only to these symmetrical geometries (Figs 1.3 & 1.4). British coal bunkers often have more complicated geometries and outlet arrangements (Fig. 1.5), and the standard method cannot be applied directly. As each coal bunker is different, each currently needs an individual evaluation, and it is far from a simple matter to determine which of several alternative remedies should be chosen to be the cheapest reliable solution for handling problems. There was thus a need to develop new more accurate predictions with a wider range of applicability. This has been achieved using modern nonlinear finite element computer modelling. The finite element method has been used with a variety of different constitutive material models to predict pressures and flow in silos (e.g. Haussler and Eibl, 1984; Rombach and Eibl 1989; Ooi and Rotter, 1990; Schwedes and Feise, 1993; Kolymbas, 1993; Ragneau et al, 1994; Ooi and She, 1997). However almost all these studies focused exclusively on improving constitutive models and modelling techniques, which were then applied to relatively simple geometries in symmetrical bottom-discharging gravity flow silos. A numerical model of arching in a typical UK coal bunker with a twin horizontal outlet and paddle feeder arrangement (e.g. Fig. 1.5) does not appear to have been attempted before the present study. The results of this study apply to most British coal bunkers. They have been calibrated against the analytical studies of Jenike which were undertaken in the 1960s, which are still used throughout the world as the best available information. The outcome of the present study does not depend on the method by which the flow properties of the coal are evaluated, since the calculations have adopted the Jenike philosophy. Thus, they are usable with any reliable method for measuring the flow properties of the coals, including the Jenike Shear 7 Cell, Schulze Annular Shear Cell, Edinburgh Cohesion Tester etc. One of the most direct benefits of this project is that it should now be possible to re-evaluate each existing bunker and assign a maximum unconfined strength for reliable flow in it. The project has exploited recent research on coal handling and bunker design conducted at Edinburgh and funded by BCURA, in which the interactions between stress history, moisture content and particle size distribution as affected by segregation were found to have a major influence on coal handling performance (Zhong et al, 2000; Rotter and Ooi, 2000; Zhong et al, 2005). 1.2 Aims and objectives In this project, different practical bunker geometries were examined to investigate and quantify their propensity to stop flowing. This was achieved through the use of modern computational modelling techniques that can predict the performance of a coal of given properties when placed in a bunker of given geometry and surface wall friction. The objectives of the whole project were: 6. to conduct a survey of existing power station coal bunker geometries; 7. to develop computational models of typical existing coal bunker geometries and feeder arrangements using a finite element method with appropriate constitutive models for the coal and the coal-bunker interface; 8. to determine the stress history of the coal as it passes from the bunker to the outlet (so evaluating the major consolidating stress applied to the coal); 9. to model the coal in various arched geometries (so evaluating the stress at incipient arch collapse); 10. using this information, to extend the Jenike flow factor design approach to cover these cases of non-standard bunkers; These objectives have all been satisfactorily achieved. 2. Review of Jenike arching theory A review has been undertaken of the Jenike arching theory and its application in practice, including the determination of the flow function by testing and the flow factor evaluation using classical mechanics theory. This work has led to a number of interim conclusions a) The Jenike arching theory is relatively simple, so some modifications to it can be made even for standard outlet geometries; b) The application of the Jenike method depends heavily on the analysis that leads to the flow factor for the hopper. It has been found that the method is rather variable in its accuracy when different properties are assumed for the coal. New proposals for modifications to this classic theory are still being developed and verified; c) The application of the Jenike method leaves quite a lot to be desired. In particular, the stress history of the solid that arches in the bunker is seriously over-simplfied because that was all that could be done in the 1960s. The computer programs that have been used in this project overcame this stress history difficulty and produced a much clearer image of true arching situations. However, the full stress history was found to be very complicated indeed, and many numerical problems had to be overcome in the search for sound solutions. d) The Jenike method could not be applied to bunkers with the outlet geometries commonly used in Britain (Fig. 1.5). This project has focussed on these other geometries. 2.1 Examination of the Jenike flow function test The entire world bulk solids handling community depends on the Jenike flow function test for its predictions of arching in all bunkers. This test is conducted in a shear cell, in which the stress state is not well defined. Under this project, some work was undertaken to assess the real behaviour of coal placed in this tester, so that this behaviour can be related to the conditions under which arching can occur at a hopper outlet. However, the relationship proved to be more difficult to establish than was 8 originally thought, and it was found that this part of the project could not be completed within the timescale, so it was abandoned before it was complete. Nevertheless the specific conclusions arising from this study include: a) The Jenike tester is difficult to use and slow, and it is not easy to produce identical results with it every time. For this reason, some doubt must be cast on many of the precise values of properties that come from the test. b) This tester is completely unsuitable for coal testing, because it cannot accommodate particles larger than a few millimetres in size. c) Several research groups world-wide have attempted to devise new testers that can reveal the coal behaviour more accurately than the Jenike tester. d) The task of relating measurements made in other testers, such as the Edinburgh Cohesion Tester, to those of the Jenike cell is quite complicated, and requires a relatively complicated numerical analysis to determine the relationships. 2.2 Mechanical models for the mechanical behaviour of wet coal The numerical modelling by computer used in this project required that the behaviour of the coal should be represented in an appropriate manner. The Jenike theory assumes that coal is a rigid-plastic material obeying a simple frictional failure criterion at all points. Whilst the computer model could also represent it approximately in this manner, it is a considerable oversimplification, and this idealisation omits key aspects of the stress history arising from placement and flow of the coal. Interim conclusions that have been reached in this project include: a) A simple elastic model should be used for parametric explorations of a wide range of geometries of both bunkers and arch shapes; b) A simple elastic-plastic model using a Mohr-Coulomb or Drucker-Prager failure criterion should be used to assess Jenike theory against more modern calculations. c) It was thought that it would be very useful to conduct a few analyses using a full stress history for the coal. However, this was found to be a very complicated task. The Modified Cam Clay mathematical model was chosen as probably the most appropriate for this purpose, but it was known to have difficulties when the stress level becomes very low, as in the bunker arching problem. Although this full stress history study was attempted in this project, it ran into many difficulties associated with the highly overconsolidated material and the prediction of very high strength with very brittle behaviour. d) The main predictive outcomes from this project were achieved with an elastic-plastic model using a Drucker-Prager failure criterion. This was calibrated onto the unconfined compressive strength of the coal. 2.3 Multi-strand computational strategy The plan for computational work was set out as follows: a) The different constitutive models were each used for the greatest applicable information. b) Elastic stress calculations were used to determine stress states in a wide range of arch geometries to ensure that the worst conditions were identified. c) The classical bunker outlet geometry was used to calibrate the predictions. d) The geometries of existing British bunker outlets were carefully measured and documented and adopted into the calculation plan. 3. Industrial site survey The first industrial surveys at West Burton and Drax Power Stations were carried out on 26th and 27th July 2002. West Burton Power Station then belonged to the London Power Company (LPC) (now owned by EDF Energy Ltd). Besides West Burton Power station, LPC also owned Cottam Power station, Sutton Bridge 9 Power station and several others. West Burton Power Station was opened on 25th April 1969. It is a 2000MW power station. The station comprises four coal-fired generating sets and two 20MW gas turbines. The station can burn up to 19,000 tonnes of coal a day, so the bunkers must be capable of handling at least 19,000 tonnes of coal within one day. Drax is now the largest coal-fired power station in Western Europe. It stands in 1854 acres and is situated in North Yorkshire on the south bank of the River Ouse, midway between Selby and Goole. It can produce enough electricity - about 4000 MW- to meet the needs of approximately four million people. The station was built in two 2000 MW stages. It has six 660 megawatt, coal-fired generating units. The first stage of construction began in 1965 and was completed in 1974. The second stage began in 1978 and was completed in 1986. Both power stations are coal-fired plant and have Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) equipment associated with their generating units. The coal receiving bunker is typical and its filling and discharging operation is important to avoid disruption of power generation. 3.1 Coal properties The principal coal properties that cause the greatest concern to power stations include ash, sulphur, moisture and volatile matter contents, heating value and grindability. A high moisture content will lower the boiler efficiency, whilst ash, sulphur and nitrogen may contribute to air pollution, acid rain and global warming. As Power Station Fuel, coal should be easy to handle. This further requires that the coal should develop only a small amount of cohesion when compressed in a bunker. A well designed bunker can handle coals with very poor handling performance, but the challenge in this project is to recommend limits on the cohesion potential of coals so that they can be guaranteed to flow through the existing bunkers without modification. Table 3.1 shows some typical properties of UK coal. These data come from one coal mine belonging to RJB Mining (UK) Ltd (Zhong, 2001). Table 3.1 Properties of typical UK coal Particle size Coals Moisture range Ash content range CV§ (mm) Washed coal (46%) 8% ~ 12% 7% ~ 13% <10 Very high Singles (15%) 6% ~ 9% 5% ~ 8% 10~50 29270 Filter cake (6.5%) 25% ~ 34% 8% ~ 15% <1 19450 Foreign fines (7.5%) 8% ~ 12% 4% ~ 18% <6 2460 U/T# fines (25%) 7% ~ 9% 28% ~ 50% 10~50 Varying Final PSF* 8% ~ 12% 14.0% ~ 19.2% <50 24260 §CV --- Calorific Value (kcal/kg) #U/T --- Untreated fines *PSF --- Power Station Fuel 3.2 Bunker Geometry Four types of coal receiving bunker were found in the power stations visited during this survey. Their geometries are explained separately in the following. Type A (Fig. 3.1a): This is a concrete planar hopper, 55.47m long and 6.7m high with hopper wall slopes of 30° to vertical(Fig.3.1a). This bunker is very similar to bunkers at Fiddler’s Ferry (Rotter and Ooi, 2000). The bunker is partitioned into eight separate compartments (Fig.3.1b). At the top of the bunker, there are two railway tracks along the length of the bunker. At the level of the two outlets, there is an inverted cone making an angle of 60° with the vertical on a concrete platform. This structure is different from that of Fiddler’s Ferry. In Fiddler’s Ferry, a structure 10 termed a “Coal Bunker Centre Extension Cone” (colloquially known as the “dog kennel”) was constructed at a date after its initial bunker construction. The two outlets are horizontal slots above a concrete table on which the coal was intended to lie at its angle of repose. For the coal to lie on this table without spilling onto the conveyor, it must have an angle of repose greater than the angle defined by the slope from lip of the concrete bunker wall to the edge of the table. From the original design, it measured an angle of 50°. Thus, unless the coal had an angle of repose in excess of 50°, it would continuously fall from the table onto the conveyor. Coals have a wide range of repose angles, varying from about 35° for very free-flowing coals to as high as 65° for highly cohesive coals. Additional plates (Fig.3.1c) are bolted onto the external wall of bunker on the outside to reduce the repose angle required of the coal and help to control the discharge of free flowing granular coals. This is similar to that of Fiddler’s Ferry. The outlet is served by two travelling feeding machines, each of which carries a pair of counter-rotating paddle feeders which withdraw coal from the feeding platform onto the conveyor. Other dimensions and comparisons for the bunker are listed in Table 3.2: Table 3.2. Dimension comparisons between two receiving bunkers Fiddler’s Ferry West Burton Bunker width at the top 9.6 m 9.8 m Bunker width at the bottom 2.5 m 2.8 m Width of discharge opening 0.63 m 0.67 m Bunker half angle 30° 30° UHMWP sheets, good Stainless steel sheets, good Bunker lining material condition condition 60° slope on lower part and Dog kennel (Inverted cone) 60° slope for the whole part 45° slope on the upper part Type B: The second kind of bunker shown in Fig. 3.2 is the “so called” milling bunker. It is comprised by two arrays of rectangular compartments. Each compartment comprises six rectangular cells with a length of 45.72m and a width of 22.86m. Bunker structures, one typical cell and their dimensions are shown in Fig.3.2. Each cell is consisted by a vertical rectangular silo and an unsymmetrical trapezoidal hopper. The side walls of the trapezoidal hopper are inclined in different angles with vertical in two directions. The hopper walls are very steep, with angles of 67° to 75° degrees to the horizontal. The total height of each cell is 15.36m. Coals are discharged automatically when trains go through the tracks. Type C: Fig. 3.3 shows one type of concrete bunker with twin horizontal outlets. The whole structure of the bunker is in the shape of a letter W. Paddle feeders and belt conveyors are used to transfer coal from the hopper to the next process. Type D: Fig.3.4 shows an all metal hopper found in Drax power station. This hopper is completed encapsulated in the coal operation (Fig.3.4a). Vibration is applied at the outlet to assist the withdrawal of coal from the bunker (Fig.3.4b) 3.3 Lining structure and wall friction Three kinds of lining have been observed in coal bunkers in power industry. The first type is found at West Burton power station, in an un-used bunker. There are no linings at all. Heavy wear scratches can be observed on the inside of the bunker (Fig.3.5a). The second type is UHMWP linings bolted onto the inside of bunkers. This kind of lining has been observed in our previous survey at Fiddler’s Ferry power station (Rotter and Ooi, 2000). A layer of 10mm thick UHMWP sheets is bolted into the concrete bunker as the lining. The surface of the UHMWP sheets is very smooth with low wall frictions. This kind of lining is also cheaper and easier to install and replace. The main disadvantage for this lining is that it is susceptible to wear and tear. There is also the possibility of ageing in the