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Page 12 Page 13 Page 16 Reach us at our Western Needing an update Carbon tax Valuing vocational Canada news bureau Volvo’s new VNL model a STA urges province to tackle Kenworth puts its T880 and Contact Derek Clouthier sleeker looking truck. carbon tax policy. T880s models to the test. [email protected] or call 403-969-1506 SEPTEMBER 2017 VOLUME 28, ISSUE 8 WWW.TRUCKWEST.CA It’s super being RETAIL ADVERTISING single PAGES 29-36 Wide-base single tires approved in Alberta; work remains for use within municipalities By Derek Clouthier CALGARY, ALBERTA As of July 1, the Government of Alberta has given the green light for the use of wide-base single tires on provincial roadways. Following in the recent footsteps of Saskatchewan, trucks in Alberta will now be permitted to use the new generation single tire at at-par weights – single axle (9,100 kg); tandem axle (17,000 kg); tandem axle with spread 2.4 meters or more Wildfires have been consuming B.C., forcing residents out of their homes and destroying thousands of hectares of forest. but less than three meters (21,000 kg); and tandem axle with spread B.C. ablaze three meters or more but not more than 3.7 meters (24,000 kg). With Manitoba also allowing the use of wide-base single tires, Industry steps up for B.C. wildfire victims with transportation and storage B.C. is the lone western Canadian province that has not yet given the thumbs up to the new tire. By Derek Clouthier to strategically move supplies ahead of the fires, and Alberta Motor Transport store them to be ready.” Association (AMTA) presi- KAMLOOPS, BRITISH COLUMBIA Through the Red Cross, B.C.’s Ministry of Forests dent Lorraine Card received With more than 8,450 square kilometers burned by announced a $1,500 emergency credit for small busi- the news from the Minister of B.C. wildfires and tens of thousands displaced as a ness owners. Transportation and Infrastructure result, the Trucks for Change Network is doing what it Trucks for Change put the British Columbia Continued on page 15 can to get supplies to those in need. Trucking Association (BCTA) in touch with the Pete Dalmazzi, president of Trucks for Change, told Canadian Red Cross, as well as three associa- Careers: 22-27 Truck West that his organization is working with the tion members – Bandstra Transportation Systems, Ad Index: 43 Canadian Red Cross to get products transported to Hawkeye Holdings, and Landtran Logistics – that victims of the fires. have volunteered warehouse space in Kelowna, “We’re assisting them in finding donated trucking Kamloops, and Prince George to store donated items. capacity to move a whole bunch of stuff to community Supplies are being sent to these evacuation areas, centers that are being set up out (west),” Dalmazzi where many displaced residents of fire-stricken said of the partnership with Red Cross. “We are con- regions have been moved. necting them with carriers offering to donate trans- “They are actually allowing Red Cross to use their portation or offer reduced-cost transportation from facilities as hubs,” said Dalmazzi. “And then Red Cross the Red Cross’ warehouse in Calgary.” is hiring or using us to add to the trucking work that Oliver Trinh, logistics manager with the Canadian they have to do to get that product into some of the Red Cross, said this year’s wildfire in B.C. have dis- other centers. placed more than 55,000 residents and spread across “Working together with the BCTA and the over 840,000 hectares. Canadian Trucking Alliance, we have been able to “As the fire season continues through August, assist the Canadian Red Cross response in B.C. with we’re still seeing communities forced to evacuate,” offers of donated and reduced-cost services from Trinh said. “The Canadian Red Cross needs to be many highway carriers. Once again, our industry has 0 7 ready with response supplies like cots and hygiene stepped up to make a difference to Canadians in need 1 3 6 kits nearby. Trucks for Change’s generous and com- when it matters most.” 0 0 plimentary shipments have enabled the Red Cross Continued on page 14 M4 P BECAUSE EVERY DELIVERY COUNTS, RELY ON MICHELIN. ® Arriving on time and meeting delivery deadlines, whatever the weather conditions, is a daily challenge for professional drivers. You can trust the MICHELIN® XDS®2 to get you where you need to go, when you need to get there. © 2017 MNA(C)I. All rights reserved. The “Michelin Man” is a registered trademark licensed by Michelin North America, Inc. (C14959) Contents ISSN 0700-5016 (Print) ISSN 1923-3531 (Online) Lou Smyrlis Director Business Development 416-510-6881 [email protected] Kathy Koras Associate Publisher 416-510-6892 [email protected] A. (Tony) Hohenadel Publisher - truckandtrailer.ca 416-614-5800 [email protected] EDITORIAL Derek Clouthier Editor 403-969-1506 [email protected] Sonia Straface Associate Editor 416-510-6890 [email protected] James Menzies Contributing Editor ALBERTA BRITISH COLUMBIA 416-510-6896 Page 9 Edmonton company Page 11 BCTA president/CEO [email protected] Drivewyze gets PreClear program stepping down; court rules in favor DESIGN AND PRODUCTION in North Dakota. of container truckers. Carolyn Brimer, Beverley Richards, Michael Chimienti, Tim Norton Page 18 Southern Alberta Truck Page 39 History abound in B.C. ACCOUNT M ANAGERS Expo helps recruiters, showcases Vintage Truck Museum. Delon Rashid industry. Western Accounts Manager SASKATCHEWAN 403-713-1054 [email protected] Page 19 New Calgary interchange Page 13 STA hopeful province will to aid traffic flow. develop carbon tax policy before Anthony Buttino feds. National Accounts Manager 23 Page 40 Gaining an appreciation 416-458-0103 [email protected] for those who drive commercial trucks. Mark Lee Nickisha Rashid Organized drivers will reap benefits National Accounts Manager from ELD mandate. 416-614-5824 25 [email protected] Al Goodhall Denis Arsenault Quebec Accounts Manager The workplace has changed, and 514-938-0639 ext. 2 trucking companies no different. [email protected] 27 Tony Jelicic Regional Accounts Manager Equipment 416-614-5813 Tire wear a concern with 6x2 axle [email protected] configurations. Doug Copeland 28 Regional Accounts Manager 905-715-9511 Marketplace [email protected] Spec’ing a powertrain has come a long Paul Beelien way, but it must be done properly. Regional Accounts Manager 41 416-614-5806 [email protected] In-brief Truck West is published monthly by Sea critters are traveling across Canada Newcom Business Media Inc. in style. 43 Chairman & Founder: Roger McKnight Jim Glionna Will the Keystone XL pipeline drama ever President Joe Glionna come to an end? Vice - President Melissa Summerfield Director of Circulation Pat Glionna 5 15 Subscription Inquiries Lilianna Kantor Editorial Cover Story Phone: 416-614-5815 Helping wildfire victims in B.C.; Super singles approved for Fax: 416-614-8861 Canadian speed limits. Alberta highways; municipalities Email: [email protected] 7-8 must buy in. RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT, TRUCK NEWS 16-17 451 ATTWELL DR., TORONTO, ON M9W 5C4 Letters PUBLICATIOCNUSS MTOAMIL EARG NROEE. M40E0N6T2 N14O. 40063170 Driver shortage blown out of Cross-border In Every Issue proportion; ELDs won’t help everyone. Kenworth touts its T880 and T880s TRUCK WEST is a proud member of the following trucking associations: 12 models for vocational market. 42 Mark Dalton in… 20 MANITOBA TRUCKING ASSOCIATION BC TRUCKING ASSOCIATION Equipment Dalton has a breakdown STRAUSCKAKTINCGH EWAN Volvo gives its VN model truck a much- Sandy Johnson ASSOCIATION 44 Newland Transport needed update. Not every ELD is a magic cure-all. 14 21 46 Last Word: Cover Story Business Actions speak louder Trucking companies helping B.C. wildfire Takeaways from Mullen Group’s Q2 than words. victims with transportation, storage. earnings; Huayi Tire in Vancouver. September 2017 • Truck West 3 INSIDE THE NUMBERS Ramping up for renewal Western Canada’s carriers ready to renew their fleets Western Canada’s motor carriers have been reticent to make new truck purchases the last few years due to the slow growing Canadian economy outside of British Columba. Fleets in Alberta suffering through the impact of low oil pricing and the subsequent downturn in the oil business have been particularly stingy on Follow Lou on Twitter @LouSmyrlis. new truck purchases. However, optimism is building for greater economic growth in 2018 and the results from our just completed annual Equipment Buying Trends Survey indicate that fleet owners from Manitoba to British Columbia are once again ramping up their fleet renewal plans. More than 7 in 10 respondents reported plans to replace at least 10% of their heavy duty fleet by the end of the year. And 4 in 10 are planning to renew their medium duty fleet. Next issue we report on their fleet renewal plans for 2018. Percentage of heavy duty fleet Percentage of medium duty fleet Trucking industry sector anticipate replacing by end of 2017 anticipate replacing by end of 2017 For-hire fleet 0% 0% 56% 28% 58% of respondents of respondents of respondents 30% or 12% more Lease/rental 0% fleet 5% Government 9% 5% fleet 37% 40% 7% 29% 30% 20% or Private 10% more 10% fleet 20% Geographic distribution Size of heavy duty fleet Size of medium duty fleet Saskatchewan Alberta 2% 23% 0 vehicles 0 vehicles 40% of respondents of respondents 2% of respondents 1-9 vehicles 33% 1-9 vehicles 44% Manitoba 14% 10-24 vehicles 21% 10-24 vehicles 12% 25-99 vehicles 31% 25-99 vehicles 14% 44% 100-499 vehicles 5% 100-499 vehicles 0% British Columbia 500 or more vehicles 7% 500 or more vehicles 7% #DeloDrives PERFORMANCE Introducing the Next Generation of Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil Delo® 400 with ISOSYN® Advanced Technology Up to 35% Better Up to 68% Better Oxidation Control* Wear Protection* Up to 46% Better Up to 60% Better Piston Deposit Control* Component Durability* ChevronDelo.com *As compared to previous generation HDMO product test limits. © 2017 Chevron Canada limited. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property owned by Chevron Intellectual Property LLC or their respective owners. 4 Truck West • September 2017 EDITORIAL Derek’s deliberation Lessons from the road passenger vehicles is anywhere limit in this area is 100km/h , and from 65mph to 80mph – I have to on passing sections on Hwy 1 in say, being able to drive 130km/h B.C. I take full advantage to pass Recently, I went on a couple trips and on the ride over there was a legally excites me – and the limit slower drivers when I can. with the family; the first was a fire burning on the mountain we for trucks (or any vehicle towing a There was a tractor-trailer on two-week jaunt, mainly through were headed right toward. trailer) is 55mph. this stretch with a driver who California, but also Nevada, Flames and smoke was every- I’m not sure how truck drivers must have had the same mindset. Idaho, and Montana; the second where. And there are many people feel about this, but as a non-truck He was clipping along at around was a quick trip to New Denver, in B.C. who need help dealing 125km/h passing as many cars as B.C. to visit an old friend from the with the effects of these fires. he could. The driver was follow- Ottawa Valley. Many in the trucking indus- ing closely behind other vehicles, Starting with the latter, travel- try – including B.C. carri- including my own at one point, ing through B.C. is nothing short ers Bandstra Transportation and the first thing that popped of frightening at the moment. Fires Systems, Landtran Logistics, and into my mind was that it didn’t feel were raging seemingly around Hawkeye Holdings – are helping right that a transport truck was every corner, with helicopters fran- by providing warehouse space the fastest vehicle on that section tically water-bombing the smoke- for donations and/or transporta- of road. filled forest right, left, and center. tion of those items to evacuees. Driving through B.C.’s moun- Seeing it on TV doesn’t give If you’d like to donate to B.C. tainous terrain can be challenging, it justice. The stretch between wildfire victims, visit www. but lower speed limits for trucks Golden and Revelstoke – Rogers redcross.ca/how-we-help/ would be beneficial in more ways Pass through the Selkirk current-emergency-responses/ than one. TW Mountains – is charred beyond british-columbia-fires. Trucking belief. On our way home heading companies that would like to help driver, I love it. I find it helps the east, there was a new fire that can contact Pete Dalmazzi at the flow of traffic, avoids backups with wasn’t there on our way west Trucks for Change Network at trucks trying to pass one another, the day prior. It was so close the 905-844-8658 or by e-mail at and I imagine it’s safer having a Trans-Canada Highway – basi- [email protected]. transport truck moving at 55mph cally the distance of a Par 5 golf as opposed to a possible 80mph. hole – that I told my wife I was Speed limits Why do we not do this in surprised the highway was open. A Truckers know very well that in Canada? day or two later, we saw that it had the U.S. there are different speed Coming back from our trip to Derek Clouthier can be reached been closed. limits posted for trucks and for New Denver, we were just past by phone at (403) 969-1506 or by We took the Upper Arrow Lake passenger vehicles. Golden on the section of Hwy 1 e-mail at [email protected]. You Ferry from Shelter Bay across to Traveling through some of the that has been updated for a few can also follow him on Twitter at Hwy 23 on our way to New Denver western states, the speed limit for years now to a four lane. The speed @DerekClouthier. Mark Your Calendar! NORTH SEPTEMBER 25-28, 2017 AMERICAN Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA COMMERCIAL VEHICLE SHOW www.nacvshow.com SURFACE TRANSPORTATION SUMMIT OCTOBER 11, 2017 APRIL 18, 2018 APRIL 19-21, 2018 International Centre International Centre International Centre Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada surfacetransportationsummit.com www.trucksummit.ca www.truckworld.ca September 2017 • Truck West 5 The shape of trucks to come You recognize big change when you see it. The new Volvo VNL looks fast even before it starts rolling. On the road, turbo compounding and streamlined aerodynamics help to save up to 7.5 % more fuel. Inside, drivers will notice remarkably enhanced work and living spaces. A new 70-inch sleeper featuring a reclining bunk and telescopic ladder. A game-changing, one-of-a-kind steering wheel, a high-end infotainment system and the most ergonomic seats on the road—just a few of the innovations defining the shape of trucks to come. For a more complete picture, check out the Top 10 Stories at volvotrucks.ca INTRODUCING THE NEW VOLVO VNL LETTERS Calling nonsense on the driver shortage claim Becoming a driver and gaining experience has become an overly arduous task Dear editor: Come back in five years and we’ll I’m a 55-year-old male who years. But no, that makes too much talk then. drove for two years 25 years sense for trucking companies; let’s I just picked up the August edition Finally, maybe I find a job for ago. I’m in perfect health with a just keep pretending it’s still 1950 of Truck West, and the story on the some fly-by-night company with perfect driving record. I’d be a and everything will be fine. front page about training women poorly maintained equipment, great truck driver but who would My wife works at a fast food drivers – a good idea by the way poor pay, and no training. And hire me? chain and they don’t just expect – second paragraph states, “The because I’m the new guy, I get the My neighbor is a young man and her to walk in the door and make driver shortage is very real with loads no one else will take. Why truck driver from the Philippines a burger, they train and teach her staggering numbers.” would anyone do that? who thinks it would be a great how at their expense. I’m going to call nonsense There are a lot of people who thing to do here. Where does he Almost every issue of your paper on that. There is no shortage of could and would do the job, safely find the money and time for train- has a story about the dire short- people who would or could drive and reliably. But why would ing even to get his foot in the door? age of professional drivers. I just if trucking companies would get anyone want to? Sure I’ll spend He works two minimum wage maintain it’s the result of compa- their heads out of the sand and thousands of dollars to get a jobs now to support his family. nies refusing to see the world has realize what century we are in. licence so I can go be treated like Someone should grab him, pay changed and refusing to keep up. What other industry expects that crap for poor pay. You’d have to for some decent training and they there should be a pool of trained, be nuts. would have a great employee for Steve Andres experienced employees waiting for them to pick from? There are lots of men and women who would be excellent drivers who could do Unreserved public the job and be good at it, but think equipment auctions about what it takes to be a truck driver nowadays and compare that to most other industries. Fast, flexible financing available – up to 100%, $0 down I work at a job with much less risk for problems than driving + 5 trucks, but before I started, I had 5 three days of paid training and in BUSES the past three years, I’ve had about eight more days of paid training. “There is no shortage of people who 5 – 2011, 3 – 2009 & 2 – 2008 International CE NaviStar 4 | Edmonton would or could + + drive if trucking 30VACUUM TRUCKS 87TR5UCK TRACTORS companies would get their heads out of the sand 2013 International 5900I PayStar Winch 2015 Ford F750 XLT | Edmonton Edmonton 2014 Volvo VNL670 | Toronto and realize what century we are in.” For the first few months, I worked closely with a senior employee who I could call for advice or suggestions on the proper procedure. They made sure 2013 Kenworth T800 | Toronto 2013 Peterbilt 379 | Montreal 2013 Volvo VNL | Toronto I was competent at my job before they threw me in the deep end. They wanted me to be successful 23,830 items in 95+ auctions including and took the time and expense to make me a competent employee. Edmonton, AB Sep 6–8 St. Johns, NS Oct 12 Financing & leasing available Now compare that to trucking. Truro, NS Sep 13 Edmonton, AB Oct 24–27 Up to 100% financing, Let’s say I’m a young person with Montreal, QC Sep 20–21 Bid in person or online with no money down. Toronto, ON Sep 27–28 a family to support and I want ▸ No minimum bids or More items added daily Winnipeg, MB Sep 28 to give trucking a shot, so I go to Grande Prairie, AB Oct 4–5 reserve prices Call about selling: 1.800.211.3983 ▸ Test and inspect on-site truck driving school. Even some Chilliwack, BC Oct 11 ▸ Open to the public, free registration basic training to pass the test is easily two or three thousand dollars out of my pocket. See full auction & equipment listings at rbauction.com Now that I have a licence, try Auction Company License #303043, MV Dealer #10541, MV Dealer #10539, MV Dealer No. 4585592, Auction Company License #309645 *Limited-time offer. OAC. Terms & conditions apply. to find a job with no experience. September 2017 • Truck West 7 LETTERS ELDs won’t help everyone Dear editor: In my opinion there has never to the rescue with the automatic perhaps put rates even under been a driver shortage either. If transmission and EOBRs. Now more pressure. I am an owner-operator living there really was, real pay and rates you don’t even have to worry if the I have a very good safety record. in Okotoks, Alta. I have about would have come up substantially driver can shift, write or do math. And I don’t believe for a second 30 years of experience in truck- from where it was back in the ‘80s. I always thought that driving, that being more compliant will ing, half of that as a company Trucking companies decided to especially long-haul, is an acquired enhance that. To me the real driver and the other half as an flood the market with relatively skill that should be rewarded for culprit is the refusal of manage- owner-operator. cheap equipment and put unqual- what it is. Unfortunately, that view ment in shipping and transpor- I can understand your views on ified people behind the wheel. is not shared by most of truck- tation to recognize that truck the benefits of the use of ELDs, but I Some of this also explains the high ing ownership and management driving is a real skill, and being don’t think they will do anything for turnover rates of drivers. it seems. You know it’s funny that safe and compliant is a natural the people who never should have They don’t have enough loads, if you want to increase the value part of that. Due to the oversupply been in trucking in the first place. drivers get paid by the mile and of our services you should not in the market, trucking has been It seems that truck drivers failed make no money. This practice has want more people to enter this reduced to a commodity, but we to protect their trade after dereg- led to a negative image of truck- business. The law of supply and should be more than just a cost to ulation. The demand for drivers ing under potential new hires. But demand teaches us exactly that. the overall business. really overtook in what the labor instead of changing the business ELDs may cause oversupply to the “I always thought market was able to supply for model and paying more for well- market with even more equipment, skilled drivers. trained drivers, technology came because of loss of productivity. And that driving, especially long- haul, is an acquired skill that should be rewarded for what it is.” If safety and compliance is the problem, they should look at a better way of paying drivers than just by the mile. The driver shortage cry is getting old. Trying to get women to drive or import TFW truck drivers from overseas is not going to fix the problem. The top of the trucking business is going to have to look at the way they run their companies. Do a better job to con- vince the market to pay more for trucking and logistics. That will show they will have real inter- est in the industry and have more money for better qualified drivers to come back to trucking. Egbert Hartman Have an opinion? We’d like to hear it. Please send letters to the editor to [email protected]. Letters should not exceed 200 words and are subject to editing for length and style. 8 Truck West • September 2017 ALBERTA Drivewyze’s What’s the bypass service most rewarding available in career decision North Dakota you’ll ever make? EDMONTON, ALBERTA Canadian trucking software Earning the CCLP® designation is easily the single best thing company Drivewyze will be you can do to boost your career prospects. It can set you up for better pay, more advancement opportunities, and a range of expanding its weigh station bypass management pathways and options across the sector. Plus, you’ll service to North Dakota, marking develop and demonstrate cross-functional capabilities that can the first time the program will be deliver better business results—and more personal job protection. offered in the state. Depending on your background, your CCLP designation The Drivewyze PreClear program (cid:80)(cid:76)(cid:74)(cid:75)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:69)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:24)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:90)(cid:68)(cid:92)(cid:17)(cid:3)(cid:38)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:76)(cid:70)(cid:78)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:3)(cid:191)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:73)(cid:3) provides weigh station bypass (cid:92)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:3)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:76)(cid:73)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:73)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:71)(cid:89)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:17)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:77)(cid:88)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:74)(cid:72)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:17)(cid:3) opportunities to qualified carri- Your best choice for www.citt.ca (cid:116) 416.363.5696 ers in several states and Canadian complete career-long (cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:81)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:3)(cid:9)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:192)(cid:70)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:3) provinces, including Alberta, in supply chain logistics where it recently added 23 new vehicle inspection sites throughout ®CCCLP(cid:3)(cid:11)(cid:38)(cid:44)(cid:55)(cid:55)(cid:16)(cid:38)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:192)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:47)(cid:82)(cid:74)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:70)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:51)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:76)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:12)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:3)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:74)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:80)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:78)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:38)(cid:44)(cid:55)(cid:55) the province. The service became active in Alberta in April, which was the company’s first in Canada. PreClear will be available at 13 various approaches to seven fixed weigh stations, as well as eight mobile sites, for a total of 21 loca- tions in North Dakota. “Drivewyze PreClear now debuts offering five times as many bypass opportunities as that of an antici- pated transponder-based system when it goes live,” said Brian Heath, president and CEO of Drivewyze. “Truck fleets and drivers who operate safely and within legal weight limits and meet the state’s criteria can obtain bypasses through Drivewyze.” Heath said the company’s PreClear program is the largest bypass service in North America, and that the addition of the sites in North Dakota closes a near 400-mile service gap between Moorhead, Minn. and Wibaux, Mon. “Drivers traveling from Chicago to Idaho now have bypass opportu- nities in all six states over a 2,000- mile stretch,” said Heath. Drivers for Manitoba-based trucking company Wildwood Transport are excited about the addition of PreClear in the Peace Garden State. Matt Holland, manager of infor- mation technology for Wildwood, said with 35 of his company’s trucks activated on PreClear, and now the addition of the service in North Dakota, it will greatly impact Wildwood’s business. Drivers for Wildwood, obtain weigh station bypasses through the Drivewyze app that is preloaded on the company’s electronic logging devices (ELDs), which Holland said helps to reduce delays. “Each time our drivers encounter a weigh station increases the chances that they will undergo an inspection that can last up to an hour,” Holland said. “With driving time being limited, once that happens, staying on schedule can be nearly impossible for our drivers.” TW September 2017 • Truck West 9 Perfect Harmony. SmartAdvantage™ Powertrain. The Most Fuel-Effi cient Powertrain You Can Buy. What happens when two world-class companies combine their expertise to optimize fuel economy and performance? You get the SmartAdvantage Powertrain. Cummins X15™ with available ADEPT™ technology includes SmartTorque2 and SmartCoast,™ and is rated at 400 hp to 500 hp (298-373 kW). Paired with the Eaton® Fuller Advantage® 10-Speed Automated Transmission, it thinks and works as one unit – reading gross vehicle weight (GVW), road speed, grade, gear and more, then optimizing shift points, for maximum fuel effi ciency and driver comfort. Thanks to an expanded portfolio featuring the choice of small-step overdrive or direct drive transmissions and u p to 1850 lb-ft of peak torque, the ©2015 Cummins Inc., Box 3005, Columbus, IN 47202-3005 U.S.A. SmartAdvantage Powertrain is now the ideal way for more fl eets than ever to save. It’s available in the most fuel-effi cient trucks from the OEM of your choice. See how much your business could be saving at SmartAdvantagePowertrain.com. ©2017 Eaton Corporation. All rights reserved. Eaton, Fuller and Fuller Advantage are registered trademarks of Eaton. Cummins and the “C” logo are registered trademarks of Cummins Inc. All trademarks, logos and copyrights are those of their respective owners.

announced a $1,500 emergency credit for small busi- ness owners. The “Michelin Man” is a registered .. dollars out of my pocket. Now that I .. were limited to 40 mph laps of a .. manual transmission and an impressive 510.
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