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Preview Bay Area Reporter, Volume 34, Number 5, 29 January 2004

Jones, Names Project dispute continues Ohio contradictions Gay at Sundance But AIDS quilt creator will continue to Governor to sign ‘super Films for us at ’04 receive health benefits, says the foundation. DOMADP registry opens. Sundance Film Fest. page 5 page 13 see Arts section B.wAry.aR EPORTER Vol. 34 • No. 5 • 29 January 2004 Serving the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities since 1971 Kicked out for staying drug-free? Homophobia not motive Man loses housing after filing grievance Aby zak Szymanski in Antioch local man who is a recovering -addict with symptomatic HIV is learning the murder, hard way that assistance from publicly funded programs is often dependent on a client’s lack of success. friend says San Francisco resident William Scott Oliver will be homeless as of February 1, in large part because he has remained drug- by Ed Walsh free and vigilant about his home and recov¬ J ery environment. Oliver believes that his imminent home¬ effrey Myrick said that weeks before Chris Armstrong was murdered, lessness stems from his filing a grievance his close friend seemed to have a sense against the nonprofit provider Baker Places, after which he was informed that he would that his life would soon be over. Myrick, 23, fondly recalled the last have to vacate his apartment leased by Baker night out that he spent with Chris Places’ Supported Living program. Baker Places maintains that the city’s Armstrong. They went bar hopping, housing market forces its housing-inclusive winding up at Club 1220 in Walnut programs to serve those most in need, and Creek. Although they had a great time that the agency had planned to vacate Oliv¬ together, what he remembered most er’s property long before he filed a griev¬ was the underlying tone of the meet¬ ance. ing. Myrick added that he’s talked to . It appears, however, that all of the re¬ other friends of Chris Armstrong’s maining Baker Places clients in Oliver’s who related similar experiences. building reportedly will be transferred to “It was almost like he was subcon¬ other housing - everyone, that is, except for sciously saying goodbye without real¬ William Scott Oliver, right, and his boyfriend Tom Hogendijk. Oliver. izing it,” Myrick said. And regardless of whether Oliver’s griev¬ Chris Armstrong, 24, was found ances triggered or influenced his dismissal shot to death along with his mother from Baker Place's, one undisputed fact is and father in their Antioch home on NGLTF’s E.D. predicts ga clear: Oliver’s biggest crime was his success Thursday, January 22. Police say that at remaining sober while enduring a stress¬ Gary Armstrong killed his wife and ful living environment. son before shooting himself. Myrick will lose marriage fight got the news from a friend who called Nine months in the life him on his cell phone while he was on Oliver, 41, entered the BPSL program last his way to work. ‘We are under siege/ Foreman sa] April to receive what he believed would be a Myrick told the Bay Area Reporter safe and sober roof over his head at an that before he was murdered, it apartment building in San Francisco. His seemed as if Chris Armstrong had a sense that his life would soon end. by Matthew S. Bajko nnootteedd that the yearly Social Security disability income of Myrick disagreed with initial tele¬ D debate over gay $13,000 allowed him to afford the shared vision news reports that quoted marriage has apartment’s $365 monthly rent and embark neighbors who suggested that Gary uring a forum January 22 at ignited a new on what he had hoped would be a fresh Armstrong killed his family because San Francisco Sate University, generation of start. his son was gay. the leader of a national LGBT gay activists like Almost immediately, he said, he encoun¬ “Gary knew about it and he was rights organization called the fight no other issue tered what he believed were unsuitable liv¬ fine with it,” Myrick said. for gay marriage “a catastrophe” in the last 30 ing conditions and inadequate responses Gary Armstrong’s sister, Shellie and predicted that proponents of years. from Baker Places. Pico, agreed. a federal constitutional amend¬ “It is very Upon arrival, Oliver found his home to i.t ,” “sMhey tborlodt htheer hCaodn ntroa pCroobstlae mT iwmietsh. vmicetnotr itoou bs.a n gay marriage will be dsoifcfiiectuyl t tofo rr e¬a bheu “mfialtnh ye,”x wcriethm ceanrtp aetn sdt abinloso thda, th leo oskaeidd. lHikee “Any family member knows he had “The freedom to marry debate strict rights. It also found a gun under his bed. His build¬ dntnoeoo t mabpiierlgos, db‘oTeleafhm law. tW.’ hsW aef teia n’rhvee.ea ’a p alIpl l ldoe okpnnnee’nodt.w , k Gnbna.uo rItwyt ts whtahaaidest Wiasstm aaet ecenasndt,o a wwostuer roa fpCarhceoee nf fsaotacir it nuomgtui oorr vnemn,e oamevnweedenm ditne en1tfto¬5. Aintsivo mnet eethglriiiaknctegai vsn,ens” e sagandai¬odd iemnnget,ar ynw ths hyiecs htce omwua,l sdh sanudop tap r oebcsreeoidkv eet onh ihisna pfvtoeaeorg cdaeo dsm1eecl;4i uv trhe►eirds- had nothing to do with it. I’m his sis¬ forts to outlaw gay marriage,” said Herdt. “They ter; he loved his son.” Matthew Foreman, executive di¬ will sometimes ■LULU One of Gary Armstrong’s neigh¬ rector of the National Gay and go along with btoolrds ,t hLeo Bui.As .AR.l ftrheadt, haels od oaegsrne’et dth. iHnke sLieegsbe.i”a n Task Force. “We are under _NGLTF' s Matthew Foreman bthe ivs ebryu td iiftf iwcuilllt BAR Talk 39 that Armstrong’s son being gay had Participating in a policy debate for Americans Classifieds 19 anything to do with the crime. on gay rights hosted by the National Sexual¬ to be able to swallow this bill of goods.” Lavender Tube 38 “I don’t think Gary was homo- ity Resource Center, Foreman later added Judy Young, the resource center’s nation¬ phobic at all,” Alfred said. that, “There is a strong likelihood we are al liaison and community outreach director, Lesbian Notions 8 toldA tnhoet hSearn n eFirgahnbciosrc,o R Cosharloinnidcal eD tihaazt, cgooninsgti ttuot iolonsael” atmhee nfdigmhet natg. ainst the federal raemspenodnmdeedn t twhiallt nsohte p ahsos.l ds out hope the Mailstrom 7 Armstrong was having problems with He likened advocates of the amendment, “I tend to be an optimist,” said Young, a Mister Marcus 34 his son because Chris Armstrong was which would define marriage as solely be¬ board member of the Black Coalition on unemployed and had recently moved tween a man and a woman in the U.S. Con¬ AIDS. Obituaries 17 back home. Diaz said that Gary Arm¬ stitution, as schoolyard bullies. More positive note Open Forum 6 strong told her that he [Chris] “wasn’t “We may not beat this bully but we are doing anything all day.” going to hit him in the nose. No one can say At a gay marriage debate held on Tuesday, Our Man Friday 9 MaTryh He ebleond iAesrm osftr oCnhgr iws,e rGe afroyu,n adn idn we Gsiimlbpelryt wHheirmdtp, ethreed r easwoauyr,c” es aciedn tFeor’rse mdiraenc.¬ wJaenaulathry C 2l7u ba’ns dI nspfoornusmor,e ad dbiys cthuess Cioonm gmroonu¬p Out There 26 their Antioch home by the couple’s tor, said he agreed with Foreman’s contention geared toward young professionals, advocates Out & About 36 e2r8 -dyiedanr-’ot lsdh doawu guhpte rf oarf there rh ejro bm oatsh ¬a the “aImf iet nsudcmceeendts m ita wyi vlle brey aw gerlla vseu cpceereild .t o this fMora tgt aCyo mlesa,r trhiaeg dei rteocotko ra o mf tohree A pmoesirtiicvaen tCoinvei.l Past Out 10 preschool teacher. Gary Armstrong democracy,” said Herdt. Liberties Union’s lesbian and gay rights pro¬ Personals 40 page 14 ► However, Herdt also contended ityvill not ject, said it is only a matter of time before be easy for antigay proponents to win. He page 15 ► Sports Complex 18 2 BAY AREA REPORTER 29 January 2004 111 ■ ’■in Governor signs Leno’s YOU’LL LOVE IT SMOOTH AND SO WILL HE! HIV rapid test bill FOR PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL bAy Matthew S. Bajko JOHN FRIZZELL REGISTERED ELECTROUOQIST s AIDS activists wage an in¬ 626-2729 tense battle against Gover¬ nor Arnold Schwarzeneg¬ WWW.CASTROEtECTBOLOaV.COM ger’s proposed cuts to AIDS pro¬ grams, they praised him last week for signing an HIV rapid testing bill into law. Assemblyman Mark Leno (D- San Francisco) introduced the bill, AB685, in order to reduce hurdles to training HIV counselors and SUTTER DENTAL speed deployment of an effective GENERAL & COSMETIC OENTiSTRY HIV test that yields results in less Formerly Michael W. Blevins, DDS & Associates than one hour. An urgency bill, it became law the minute the gover¬ nor signed it late in the afternoon of Wednesday January 21. “We have waited a long time for the rapid HIV test,” Leno said. “My bill will speed the implemen¬ tation of this important pilot pro¬ gram, and help HIV counselors reach people who are traditional¬ ly averse to getting tested, or who do not return for their results. Bu¬ said the change is needed because for HIV never return to find out reaucratic hurdles and redundant many of the HIV counselors who their results. In San Francisco, of¬ training should not contribute to are best equipped to relate to and ficials estimate 15 percent of peo¬ anyone contracting or spreading reach underserved populations of ple never return for their test re¬ Barry Witt, DDS HIV.” people at high risk for HIV are sults. AESTHETIC DENTISTRY 0 LASER WHITENING During a press conference held former intravenous drug users or While there are upwards of VENEERS 0 PERIODONTAL THERAPY 0 IMPLANTS Friday, January 23 at Magnet, the sex workers who have not neces¬ 15,000 people in the city already SMILE DESIGN 0 INVISIBLE BRACES gtraoy, mfoeens’ so hf etahlet hg coevnetrenro irn’s t hpela Cna sto¬ bsaurti layr efi nimishmeidn efnotrlmy aql usaclhifoieodli ntog r1e0c,e0i0v0i nHg IcVa-rpeo fsoitri vHeI Vpe, oapnloet haerer DOWNTOWN GLEN PARK cap enrollment to the AIDS Drug administer the simple finger prick not, estimate health officials. They 450 (S4u1t5te) r9 S8t6re 6e2t,2 #31 233 279(04 1D5)ia 5m8o5 n1d5 S00tr eet AHsIsVis tasenrcvei cPerso gbrya m$ 6a.n6 d mreidlluiocne testT. he bill also declares the intent arelssoid eesntitms adtoe 5n,o00t 0k nSoanw F trhaenyci sacroe joined Leno in applauding the for the Department of Health Ser¬ HIV-positive. ON-LINE governor for supporting the legis¬ vice’s Office of AIDS to develop a “This will enable us to identify www. su tier de n tal. co m lation. less costly, streamlined curricu¬ those individuals and get them “Some of the counselors who lum to train HIV counselors. It into care,” said John Stansell, di¬ best relate.to clients may not have currently takes eight days to fully rector of HIV services at San that high school diploma,” said train counselors to use the test, Francisco General Hospital. Alameda & The East Bay Karen Mall, director of prevention and AIDS officials, would like to The HIV rapid test yields re¬ for the Los Angeles-based AIDS see that pared down to four. sults in less than an hour, allowing Alameda’s most trusted Healthcare Foundation, which “HIV counselors are on the patients to get their results on-site and experienced Realtors was an official sponsor of the bill. front lines of the AIDS epidemic in one visit, at which time they “People will receive results in the and are trusted by individuals in can access important counseling are partners, and the same counseling session and that some of our toughest, hardest to and referral services if they find East Bay’s only gay is what we need to do. This will serve neighborhoods,” said Leno. out they have contracted the real estate team! save money for California.” “It makes sense that we arm them virus. I AB685 will allow HIV coun¬ with this simple, effective test that Glide Memorial United selors to become certified to ad¬ can literally save people’s lives.” Methodist Church began using Andrew Raskopf & David Gunderman, Realtors* minister the rapid HIV test by Because traditional HIV tests the rapid test last year, and after a 510.205.3575 -or- 510.864.2024 passing a state-approved literacy often require individuals to return successful pilot program, the city protocol, but without requiring weeks later for their test results, it expanded use of the test to six them to have a GED or high is estimated that statewide, 30 per¬ other sites. It is now in the process school diploma. Health officials cent of people who test positive of training counselors at other sites, including two from Magnet, to use the test. ▼ Ample parking Steven Tierney, the city’s direc¬ jErftErre ▼ Helpful staff tor of HIV prevention, said the ▼ Notary health department hopes to have MAIL & COPY ▼▼ CMoapilibeosx rental athlle enliegwib ltee sstist eos vterar itnheed nienx ut sfiinvge THE CASTRO’S ▼ Color laser copies months. &PR GEUMEIESRT HHOOTUESLE 5▼2 1N4Fe xDt itaom Doniadm Hoenigdh ts Blvd, ▼▼ RPuubblbice rf asxt amps essa“rTyh, isv iitsa la bionufot rpmroavtiiodinn gt on eacl¬l Heights Safeway Domestic Partner people at risk for HIV,” said Tier¬ www.parkerguesthouse.com toll free 1-888-520-7275 ▼ GGBA Member Notarizations ney. “We will continue training on 415-282-2100 50% off now through a regular cycle so every agency 415-282-2102 (fax) doing HIV testing will be on www.jensens-sf.com Feb. 14, 2004 board by mid-year.” ▼ [bankruptcy Professional Massage Trainini LAW OFFICEJ homas r. burns learn massage in a setting that teaches yon t I honor your intuitive ability to heal with touch embefi'MtoiwMssociafioii C°nsutmt Ban*truPlct Attorneys O o CM and prepares you for professional practice. tEBT RELIEF .KEEP YOUR PROPERTY *#5 iwn n• ELIMINATE OR CONSOLIDATE ALL DEBTS < £ CD 2-week intensive ^ LL Ottering personal Attention & A PosiliveApproach March 6 - 21 fRf£ phone consultation 510 653-1594 CALL FOR A FRESH START - 543-9900 Bodt| 03 Markewt Swtrwee .tt,b Suurintes l1ay10v9.c Soamn Fronci«o Electric 4920 Telegraph Ave. • Oakland, CA 94609 School Call for a free brochure. 29 January 2004 BAY AREA REPORTER 3 Safeway demonstration GET FAST RELIEF FROM... • Back, Neck, Hip, Knee or Ankle Pam • Headaches • Muscle & Joint Aches • Sciatica • Auto Injuries & Work Comp Cases sparks Castro clash Located on the Muni K Line. Easy street parking • Evening & weekend hours Advantage CmoPKAcnc • PAIN RELIEF CENTER • by Zak Szymanski Wells, who has disabling AIDS, house. Call today for a free consultation said he uses Safeway’s services to “They said, ‘You fags are the » 587-7000 m avoid ATM fees and buy groceries reason why we’re losing our astro residents and others at a place conveniently located health care,”’Wells told the B.A.R. 2445 Ocean Ave. (1/2 Block East of Junipero Serra) who frequent the Church near his home. He also enjoys the “Groups of people came over to and Market Safeway may respectful and helpful staff there, us to scream at us and get in our have been surprised to find hun¬ he said. He went to Safeway last faces. I never thought something DElD Imagery dreds of demonstrators in front Saturday “just to get some money, like this would happen to me in of the Castro area grocery store and do a little shopping.” my own neighborhood.” last Saturday, January 24. According to Wells and his two The protester cited for her in¬ A S^fE, EASY, DIRECT PATH The mass protest was orga¬ companions, they were rushed by volvement in the alleged incident nized by the San Francisco Labor protesters as soon as they pulled was Gloria LaRiva, a well-known TCTClHANGE & HEALING. Council to support Southern Cal¬ into a parking space, then taunted local militant unionist and ac¬ ifornia’s striking workers from the with homophobic insults and tivist associated with San Francis¬ United Food and Commercial physically threatened as they co’s International Action Center. Workers Union, and it had the ef¬ crossed the picket line. Upon ex¬ LaRiva filed a police report of fect of deterring many potential iting the store with a requested her own that day, for what she TIM UPDIKE shoppers from walking through police escort, Wells said he found and witnesses said was Wells’s im¬ Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Safeway’s doors. UFCW has been his car vandalized, with scratches mediate physical assault upon protesting a move by Safeway and on every door panel and two tires her. LaRiva said she approached other grocery stores to cut em¬ slashed, which is documented in Wells to educate him on why he ployee benefits, including health¬ a police report. He also believes should not shop at Safeway, and Mark Brand' ARCHITECTURE care, by as much as $500 million that protesters followed him Wells immediately called her a over the next few years. home and defecated in front of “whore,” then spit at her and de¬ California licensed architect # c!3145 Initial news bulletins labeled his garage and threw eggs at his page 17 ► Saturday’s demonstration as “peaceful” and “without incident” but as the day progressed it was San Francisco Residential reported that police were called to the scene to address an “unruly” Real Estate Sales crowd. The day ended with one MATT FLYNN protester and one Safeway shop¬ per cited, according to the San 415-509-5222 Francisco Chronicle. □ That shopper was San Francis¬ www.mattflynn.com 425 second st. ste. 601 ,sf 415.543.7300 | ctaoc treedsi dtheen tB Barya Ad rWeae lRlse, pwohrtoe rc tohni¬s [email protected] [email protected] ( week to complain that he had Service you can count on! been verbally and physically as¬ skin car© saulted upon trying to enter the service knowledge creativity grocery store. facials chemical peels waxing mole "brazilions" available Tie i&r*t fr Cn s in t* call Charlie aL 415-550-1583 tued-fri 12-8 sat-sun 10-6 at episode 1360 church st photo: stevenunderhill.com Is your chiropractor Nurturing? Or are your appointments uncomfortable and rushed? We invite you to experience compassionate chiropractic care in the comfort of our beautiful home in the Mission. Active Release Technique chirop^,( Sports Chiropractic Soft Tissue Injuries • 1800 sizzling slots - the most variety -1 (t to $ 100 machines HeJaodinatc hInejsu/rNieesc/Pk aPina in • 46 table games - Pai Gow, Crazy Four, Let it Ride • 7 themed restaurants and bars • Big-name stars at the Half-Dome Theater 2762 21st Street • Free nightly entertainment at Firehouse Blues Cabaret in the Mission • 192 room luxury hotel Rooms Starting at $79 Sunday thru Thursday^^ I SUt>i<fCS to On the way to majestic Yosemite Valley • Hwy 41 North 1-866-7-WIN-WIN (946-946) • www.chukchansigold.com Greg Gormari, DC Brian Rizzo, DC 4 BAY AREA REPORTER 29 January 2004 ROBERT JOHN DERN Gay man files $600,000 Certified Public Accountant T h y ZETUZHt claim against city Corporations, Partnerships, Individuals 25+ YEARS EXPERIENCE - REASONABLE FEES! 870 Market St., Suite #1246 SF, CA written antidiscrimination policy person must take in order to sue a 415.982.121 1 bAy Matthew S. Bajko and forms to include information government entity. If the claim is on commitment ceremonies and denied, it allows the claimant to www.bobdern.com llen White, a gay man who domestic partners. proceed with litigation. has handled public rela¬ In a letter sent to White on No¬ In 1999 White filed a claim tions work for several vember 29, 2000 Larry Brinkin, a with the city for $1 and accused LGBT organizations, filed a contract compliance officer with Conroy and her assistant, London $600,000 claim against the city last HRC, wrote that his “conversa¬ Breed, of slander and invasion of clinic week, alleging that policies on tions with various people con¬ privacy. White had been given a Treasure Island violate many of nected to your complaint did re¬ $60,000 contract in 1998 to be a » Laser Hair Removal • Endermologie San Francisco’s civil rights veal inconsistent procedures at media coordinator for the Trea¬ statutes. Treasure Island. However, I was sure Island Project Authority. * Microdermabrasion • Facials/Peels White asserts that his claim unable to confirm that the incon¬ According to his 1999 claim, stems from the refusal of An- sistencies were based on race, sex¬ White alleged that Breed made Ken Mauldin, RN nemarie Conroy, director of the ual orientation, or other protect¬ disparaging comments about him Jeannie Wong, Clinical Esthetician Treasure Island Project Authority, ed classes.” to employees at Glide Memorial 415-567-1791 to cooperate with the Human In the letter, Brinldn outlined Church, where he attended ser¬ 1700 California St., Suite 500 Rights Commission on what she what steps Treasure Island staff vices and also provided media has done to satisfy agreements she had taken in answer to White’s consultant services. He also filed a made relating to alleged civil claims and that HRC had closed separate claim that year in which GYM FEARS? INTIMIDATED? rights violations on the island. its case entitled Allen White v. he said was never paid for the I’LL BE WITH YOU “What this is really all about is Treasure Island “except for ongo¬ work he did for the authority. He EVERY REP OF THE WAY! Treasure Island as an entity is part ing monitoring and discussion.” asked for $60,650 in that claim. of San Francisco and it has not re¬ According to White’s claim, in The city denied both claims. ally been conducive for people es¬ April 2003, Conroy was requested He said he filed his claims back tablishing businesses there,” said to report to the commission on then “because while I was trying to ‘Martin Svector White. “I would not feel comfort¬ compliance with the plan but re¬ get my final pay check I called the 415-606.4695 able doing business there and many fused. White contends she didn’t mayor’s office. I simply wanted to other people would not feel com¬ implement the agreement and get paid. What happened was be¬ fortable doing business there. Sim¬ therefore decided to file his claim cause of the response of the mayor’s Certified Personal Trainer / Weight Manager ply think about in the last five years last Thursday, January 22. office to Annemarie Conroy.” For Men & Women in Their Primel if you have felt some compelling “I think it is simply time to White contends Conroy called Free consultation: [email protected] reason to go to Treasure Island, clean house,” said White, who sug¬ the pastor of his church because which is unquestionably one of the gests in his claim that the San “she wanted to shut me up.” most amazing spots in San Francis¬ Francisco Convention and Visi¬ His claim was denied by the co. There has not been an event of tors Bureau assume responsibility city and sent to small claims court, The UPS Store” makes shipping any consequence there since 1998.” for the island. “Treasure Island at which point White said he let A claim filed with the commis¬ should be a vibrant exciting the matter go because it became sion by White in 1999 alleged that neighborhood for every commu¬ too cumbersome to purse litiga¬ a whole new experience. policies on Treasure Island were nity in San Francisco.” tion. discriminatory against the LGBT The City Attorney’s office, “To go through that type of community as well as communi¬ which represents HRC and the claim of that nature became so ex¬ We provide... ties of color. According to White, Treasure Island Project Authority, pensive,” he said. • Helpful service right in your neighborhood he agreed to settle the matter as would not comment on the merits As for the $600,000 amount he • Package tracking at no additional cost 2370 Market Street long as Conroy followed through of White’s claim. Spokesman Matt now claims he is due from the city, (at Castro) on a plan developed with HRC to Dorsey said the matter is under it is estimated on economic losses Did you know the UPS* retail rate offered San Francisco, CA 94114 make improvements. review and a decision will be accrued between 1999 and 2003, at The UPS Store’* is often better than The agreed upon improve¬ made within 45 days of the claim as well as anticipated economic prices at the U.S. Post Office? Te! (415)431-0121 ments included expanding Trea¬ being filed. losses between 2004 and 2008. M*F 9:00am-7:00pm sure Island’s outreach to various “The city and county of San “Because if the formula was From: San Francisco, CA Sat 9:00am-5:00pm communities, including people of Francisco receives more than $60,000 a year and the atmos¬ To: Denver, CO color, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans¬ 3,500 claims a year. We take every phere was conducive for me to do S-lb. Residential Package 104k. Residential Package gender people, women, disabled, claim seriously,” said Dorsey. “We work on Treasure Island,” said and youth. Treasure Island mate¬ will investigate it thoroughly. It White he would still be employed UPS* Ground $8.97 $10.20 rials were to be translated into will be the city attorney’s decision by the authority. “I am using that Priority Mail* $11.50 $15.20 languages other than English and how to proceed from there.” as a base to figure out something Parcel Post* $9.95 $13.21 island staff were to update their Filing a claim is the first step a for compensation.” T Pride changes funds policy The UPS Store- AlameAdan Ptioqinut eA nFtiaqiurees -& SCuonlldecatyib,l e6sa Fmai rteo 5 130p-8m69 -5428 bSy Zak Szymanski edrif bfeerveenrcaeg feo br othoeth s’asm $e1 ,a0m00o,u an tb oigf volvLeads.t” year’s Pride generated Monthly Estate Auctions work. more than $156,000 that was split an Francisco Pride is con¬ “In previous years organiza¬ among nonprofit partners. tinuing to make changes, tions staffing beverage booths Organizations wishing to par¬ implementing a new have received widely varying ticipate in 2004 can find applica¬ method of dividing proceeds amounts according to location, tion forms at www.sfpride.org/ among nonprofit groups, and menu, and whether the booth was beapart/forms.htm; the deadline hosting an upcoming transgender staffed on Saturday or Sunday,” to apply is March 12. Auctions by the Bay, rap session to address communi¬ said a statement from Pride. INC, Trannies ty needs around visibility and in¬ This year, all nonprofit groups Warehouse/Annex Auction: Monday, Feb. 2nd, 11am clusion. will share Pride proceeds equally; What does the “T” mean in HeldP irne Bvlidegw. 2s5:, Sneuxntd taoy ,t hFee Ab laI mste, d9aa mPo-i4npt Amn;t iDquayes o&f SCaollele cattib 9leasm F aire Sharing bucks soerngdainnigza stiixo nvso lmunutsete rcso tmo mPirti dteo, bSraant iForna?n cisco’s LGBT Pride Cele¬ Estate Auction: As part of Pride’s “Communi¬ .who may work anywhere in the All MTF, FTM, genderqueer, ty Partner Program,” Bay Area festival or parade. All funds will transgender, transsexual, fluid, Saturday, Feb 7th, 11am nployn vporolufnitt eoergrsa nfoizra tthioen cse wlehbora stuiopn¬ buep opno otlheed nanudm dbiesrt roibfu vteodlu bnatseeedr vanitde dg eton dheerlp-v sahraiapnet apnedo pdleef ianree tihn¬e HePldr einv oieurw msa:i nS guanlldearyy, ,2 7F5e1b T oId sdt ,S 9traemet,- A4lpamme;d a are in turn rewarded by sharing hours contributed. “trans” presence in Pride 2004. Friday, Feb 6th, I lam-6pm; Day of Sale at 9am the funds earned through gate “The SF Pride Celebration A rap session will be held on donations and beverage booths. Committee is always looking for Monday, February 9, from 6-9 Featuring a collection of European majolica, Staffordshire figures, a small Traditionally, groups who ways to increase community in¬ p.m. at the San Francisco LGBT cAomlleecritcioann ,o Ef nEgulirsohp aenadn Earutr ogplaesasn, a fnu runniutusurea,l dcionlilnegc triooon mof s Furietensc, hp areinlitgeido udse pcloarqauteeds, committed representatives from volvement in the event. Our Community Center, 1800 Market armoires, trunks and bedroom suites, fine art, jewelry, rugs and much more. their organizations to volunteer at Community Partner Program Street, to discuss issues around a Experience Auctions in our Art Deco Movie Palace, ebay live or liveauctioneers.com Pride would share proceeds based gives small, medium, and large potential transgender stage, trans¬ Full color catalog available online at www.auctionsbythebay.com or call 510-740-0220 upon where their organization organizations a chance to partici¬ gender party, and transgender Ask about our “No Risk Consignment Policy” • Only 20 minutes drive from San Francisco worked in the festival and how pate while helping to fund the marching contingents. www.stores.ebay.com/auctionsbythebay much money they made at their vital programs they provide to the All feedback, suggestions, and booths. LGBT community,” said Pride proposals are welcome. For more A27u0c0ti oSnasr aBtoyg Tah Set rBeaeyt, Inc. §oTdehsec fgr iaobnoe ddesB aaabyno dSv/teoo rar ersese rstvheilocleseres, ticePdr iad ed isocfrfeicpiaanlsc,y ;h olawste vyeear,r , nfoo¬r cPhreasnigdeesn wt Jeo heayv Cea mina. d“eW ien hthoep ep rtoh¬e iNnifkokrim Catailomna, oart t(o4 1R5S)V 2P9, 2c-o3n4t2a0ct, Alameda. CA 94501 not eBay Inc. eBay and the instance, one beverage booth gram this year will encourage ext. 348, or e-mail titaaida@api- Bond #M5066&6 eBay Stores logo are trademarks of eBay Inc. made $5,000 compared to anoth¬ more groups to. become in¬ wellness.org. ▼ 29 January 2004 BAY AREA REPORTER 5 Names Project extends A Great Smile Leaves a Lasting healthcare to Jones Impression j Teeth V Whitening & by Matthew S. Bajko many years. Organizations grow they came to an impasse over the and change and inevitably they future of the quilt and whether it Victor reach pivotal points where change should be displayed on the Mall in Barcellona, DDS ne day after Cleve Jones, the becomes crucial. In the last 24 Washington, D.C. this October, Tooth Colored creator of the AIDS Memo¬ months, the Names Project Foun¬ just weeks prior to the presidential Fillings rial Quilt, filed a wrongful dation has undergone an exten¬ election. Jones claimed he was COSMETIC termination lawsuit against the sive restructuring and Cleve Jones able to secure the $2 million in RESTORATIVE Names Project Foundation, offi¬ has refused to discuss his role in corporate funding needed to pay cials in Atlanta announced they this change.” for displaying the quilt, which to¬ & PREVENTATIVE Porcelain will continue to pay for his health¬ Gatta added that while both tals more than 44,000 panels and DENTISTRY Veneers care costs and laid blame on Jones the board and Jones share similar was last seen in its entirety in a for their decision to fire him. goals, “it is essential that we ad¬ 1996 display on the Mall in Wash¬ After he stepped down as the here to strong fiscally responsible ington D.C. 450 Sutter, Suite 1229 project’s executive director in strategies for the organization so According to Jones, he request¬ 1990 due to HIV-related compli¬ that the quilt will live to tell its ed the project’s financial records San Francisco, CA cations, Jones claims he had a ver¬ story - today and in the future. We to show to donors but the board (415)982-2250 Most Credit Cards and bal agreement with the board that are disappointed that Cleve did and current Executive Director [email protected] Insurance Accepted he would be employed as the pro¬ not believe he could play a role in Julie Rhoad refused to turn the ject’s founder for life and receive a the organization as it is evolving documents over to him. He said yearly salary and health benefits. today.” he began to suspect that Rhoad For the last five years, he said he Jones, who resides in Palm and the board no longer wanted FREE Quit-smoking classes for lesbian, gay, bisexual, has been paid $41,500 a year with Springs, countered “that is just to display the quilt and instead TRANSGENDER AND HIV+ SMOKERS. QUIT SMOKING IN A medical bills averaging $2,000 per silly. I didn’t resign. I was fired. I would like to house it in a perma¬ CONFIDENTIAL AND SUPPORTIVE GROUP SETTING. CLASSES month. want my job back.” nent museum. LED BY A HIGHLY SKILLED AND EXPERIENCED CLINIC LEADER Jones filed his suit in San Fran¬ Jones said that he did attempt Last September, Jones sent CERTIFIED BY THE AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION. cisco last Tuesday, January 20 and to talk to foundation officials, Rhoad and the board a scathing is fighting not only to retain his even flying to meet with them last letter outlining his concerns about LAST job but to see the quilt returned to September 24 in Atlanta to discuss the foundation’s management and the Bay Area. his concerns but that they did not handling of the quilt. Jones claims According to foundation offi¬ show up. that in October^ the board and cials, Jones was fired because he “The foundation paid for my Rhoad revoked his right to refused to negotiate with them airfare to go there. I arrived at the fundraise on behalf of the project about his future role with the or¬ designated time and place without and cut off all correspondence be¬ ganization. Since moving the quilt an attorney and they walked out tween him and board members. from San Francisco to Atlanta in without speaking to me,” he said. In their statement, project offi¬ DRAG ^ 2001, they said the quilt’s role in “I have never had an explanation cials contend that throughout the battle against AIDS has for that. It is pretty bizarre.” 2003 the board explored the pos¬ changed and that Jones refused to In addition to maintaining sibility of returning the entire reexamine his position with the Jones’s medical coverage, the quilt to the Mall as long as the $2 .organization. In an e-mail sent on foundation said the opportunity million in funding could be se¬ December 31, 2003 the founda¬ for negotiation remains available cured by November 15, 2003. tion informed Jones he was being to him. Jones claims he could have met fired. “We are always willing to talk that goal but Gatta stated, “This In a statement released to Cleve, always willing to work funding goal was not met and Wednesday, January 21, Edward for a positive resolution,” stated therefore, the 2004 D.C. display as SMOKE LESS. Gatta, president of the founda¬ Gatta. contemplated was not pursued.” PLAY MORE. tion’s board, said, “The strength of The board, according to Gatta, the original idea of creating the Impasse has authorized a smaller display of NEXT CLASS BEGINS FEBRUARY 4TH! quilt carried this institution for | The two sides do agree that page 19 ► WWW.LASTDRAO.ORO 415.339.STOP LGBT center launches job fair series next week by Zak Szymanski dress how California’s new laws - to kind of get a feel for the field,” including the Equal Benefits in said Lynch. “The employers will State Contracting Act, the Gender have all types of jobs, from entry n keeping with its commit- Nondiscrimination Act, and the level on up.” # ment to provide the LGBT Domestic Partnership Rights & Employers can still get in on 1 community with economic Responsibilities Act - impact re¬ the action, as the job fair is a great empowerment, the San Francisco cruiting and retention practices. way for companies to connect LGBT Community Center has an¬ The keynote speaker is diversity with qualified candidates, accord¬ nounced a series of job fairs and training coach Simma Lieberman, ing to organizers, who stated in a workplace seminars scheduled for and panelists include staffing con¬ release, “The center is your pre¬ this year. Everyone from the ca¬ sultant Katy Johnson of Wells mier recruitment gateway into the reer-curious to the diversity- Fargo; discrimination settlement LGBT workforce. It is also an ex¬ minded employer is encouraged recipient Michael Romero; em¬ cellent opportunity to showcase to attend. ployment and labor attorney your commitment to workplace The first “Job Fair and Work¬ Julius Turman of Haight Brown & diversity and inclusion.” place Compliance Seminar” takes Bonesteel; and employment and Lynch said that the center place Thursday, February 5 and is labor attorney Katherine Catlos of plans on doing follow-up with job a daylong event “for job seekers to Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith. fair attendees, to see who got in¬ discover the center as a resource Attendees should leave the semi¬ terviews, who got jobs, and to for their career development, and nar with “new tools to create a learn how to make future events for employers to partner with the positive and inclusive work envi¬ even better. center to develop and maintain a ronment,” according to organiz¬ The job fair is free for LGBT diverse workplace,” according to ers. job seekers. center officials. From noon until 4 p.m. is the The community center’s Next Thursday’s job fair will workforce recruitment and job March job fair will focus on focus mainly on the banking, se¬ fair, with at least a dozen potential healthcare, pharmaceutical, and curities, and credit card industries employers expected to attend. biotech industries, and the May of the greater Bay Area. Future job For LGBT job seekers and job fair will highlight real estate fairs will highlight nonprofit, those pondering a new career, the and mortgage fields. healthcare, and hospitality indus¬ fair is a great place to start, said For more information on next tries, to name a few. Thom Lynch, executive director of week’s event, visit The day begins at 10 a.m., with the center. www.sfcenter.org/jobfair. To regis¬ a workplace compliance seminar “This is a place for people to ter as a company seeking qualified until noon. The seminar is geared come and meet with potential employees, call (415) 865-5534 or toward employers and will ad¬ employers and ask any questions e-mail [email protected]. ▼ 1199 East Ramon Road Palm Springs, CA 92264 Independently Owned and Operated 6 BAY AREA REPORTER 29 January 2004 Housing is healthcare BayAreaReporter Volume 34, Number 5 T 29 January 2004 his week we report on the case of a And this points to the need for a new solu¬ who are nearing completion of treatment, PUBLISHER San Francisco gay man, William tion. There are thousands of people on the stable housing is a major concern. Bob Ross (1971 - 2003) Scott Oliver, who is expected to lose HIV housing waiting list, and thou¬ Housing is healthcare, as Bargetto told NEWS EDITOR his housing this Sunday primarily because sands more waiting for Section 8 us, and we agree. Treatment providers Cynthia Laird he has successfully kicked his drug addic¬ vouchers; these don’t seem like cannot be allowed to terminate ARTS EDITOR tion and has filed a grievance with the options for Oliver, who has only , clients’ housing arrangements sud¬ Roberto Friedman nonprofit Baker Places, his treatment ser¬ a few days to find a new place to denly, especially when that power vices provider, when he had to deal with live. can be used in retaliation for filing a POLITICAL EDITOR unsatisfactory living conditions. There’s In the long term, the city should complaint, as is Oliver’s case. In the Wayne Friday something wrong with this picture - and work with service providers and with next few days, Baker Places should ASSISTANT EDITORS the Case calls for the need for immediate agencies, such as Baker Places, to see if work with Bargetto and Oliver to Matthew S. Bajko solutions to provide more affordable hous¬ a resolution can be found. It see if a temporary solution Mark Mardon ing in the city - and for treatment may be too late for Oliver, but can be found. If housing has Zak Szymanski providers like Baker Places to take a more he is hardly the only person been secured for the other CONTRIBUTING WRITERS proactive role in exit strategies for its ever to complete a drug treat¬ Baker Places clients who lived Tavo Amador • Heidi Beeler • John Blanco clients. ment program successfully. And we suspect in the building, then surely the agency can Dan Blue • Victoria A. Brownworth While Oliver had his own well docu¬ that for many others in similar programs find an apartment for Oliver. ▼ Philip Campbell • Dale Carpenter mented problems with the apartment he AGlaerno nH Je.l fCanodh en• L• izR iHcihgahrlde yDmoadnd s • • JoEeri cE .G Jaenftfhreeyr s was renting through Baker Places, the Brandon Judell • Robert Julian • John F. Karr agency’s decision to vacate the building en¬ Matthew Kennedy • David Lamble • Mister Marcus tirely and find new housing for all the ten¬ Paula Martinac • Michael McDonagh • Gary Morris ants except Oliver smacks of retaliation. Jim Nawrocki • Lois Pearlman • Deborah Peifer “You filed a complaint against us, so we’re Jim Piechota • Jim Provenzano • Mary Richards Adrian Roberts • Bob Roehr • Adam Sandel kicking you out” is what the agency seems Jason Serinus • Will Shank • Gregg Shapiro 5 to be saying to him, despite its claim that Michael Wade Simpson • Gwendolyn Smith his dissatisfaction with a dirty, drug-in¬ Alex Robertson Textor • Paul Thomason fested home meant he no longer wanted to Stephanie von Buchau • Helen Vozenilek Ed Walsh • Dick Walters stay housed through the program. Where’s the incentive to complete a program successfully if the result is that ART DIRECTION & LAYOUT you’ll suddenly be booted out onto the Adrian Roberts street? Oliver seems to be caught in a AD PRODUCTION & DESIGN dreadful Catch-22. And while Baker Places T. Scott King can argue that clients most at risk of re¬ PRODUCTION ASSISTANT lapse are in greater need of housing, we be¬ Rich Garitano lieve the case can also be made that people who are successful in completing a drug re¬ PHOTOGRAPHERS habilitation program are also susceptible to Jane Philomen Cleland relapse if there is no planned transitional Darlene/PhotoGraphics Marc Geller exit from the treatment facility and stable Rick Gerharter housing is not found. Such planning defi¬ nitely seems to be missing in Oliver’s case. ILLUSTRATORS & CARTOONISTS Richard Bargetto, director of the city’s Christine Smith HIV Consumer Rights Advocacy Project, Ron Williams agrees with Oliver that his being a model client has resulted in his loss of housing. GENERAL MANAGER Michael M. Yamashita ADVERTISING MANAGER Time to take up the fight David McBrayer ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Elsa Lee toward non-traditional families, so propo¬ a conservator to tend to a partner’s medical NATIONAL ADVERTISING bIy Carole Migden nents of HR56 have been able to muster and financial needs. Finally, last year, he REPRESENTATIVE only a scant 38 percent of Americans in signed AB205, which passed along a range Rivendell Media remember the' outrage. I remember favor of a constitutional amendment dedi¬ of responsibilities, including financial cus¬ 212.242.6863 when gays and lesbians had nothing as a cated to snatching our rights. That’s a far cry tody rights, debt obligations, child custody LEGAL COUNSEL community and we came together to from the two-thirds of each house of Con¬ rights, housing protections, and rights to Thomas E. Horn, Esq. protest civil rights injustices. We fought gress and three-quarters of states needed to public services. long, difficult battles passionately and re¬ ratify a constitutional amendment. In fact, These changes came incrementally. They MEMBER peatedly until we won meaningful rights while 55 percent of Americans still balk at are on the books today because of hard- NUnatiitoedn aPl rGesasy INnteewrnsaptaipoenra lG uild like domestic partnerships, employment gay marriage, only 51 percent wouldn’t sup¬ fought victories; even in progressive San and housing anti-discrimination, and prop¬ port civil unions, according to a Wash¬ Francisco, the first domestic partnership erty rights. ington Post poll. initiative in 1989 failed to meet voter ap¬ Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court struck Uncharacteristically, the federal proval. Fortunately, a few years later, we cre¬ down a Texas law that outlawed sexual rela¬ government is intruding into an ated the model for California’s do- tions between consenting adults, simultane¬ area of law that has overwhelming¬ mestic partnership rights that ously striking down 14 similar state laws na¬ ly been the purview of the states for cover all domestic partners Bay Area Reporter tionwide. New Jersey just became the fifth over 200 years. Instead of remedy¬ statewide today. And other 395 Ninth Street state to codify gay and lesbian relationships ing an injustice or clarifying an un¬ states, local governments, and San Francisco, CA 94103 in their state law. Fifteen states have anti- certainty, this constitution¬ companies have followed in 415.861.5019 • 415.861.7230 discrimination laws on their books, and the al amendment is attempt¬ our path. California’s new http://www.ebar.com Episcopal Church recently ordained an ing to impose a flawed domestic partnership openly gay bishop. moral judgment on all laws have created a struc¬ News Editor • [email protected] But now that we’ve made some gains, Americans. It also injects ture for thousands and Arts Editor • [email protected] many gays and lesbians have lost the ur¬ family law into the U.S. Constitution, and it thousands of committed couples to register Advertising • [email protected] gency of the struggle. We’re sitting in our is one of the few amendments to actually as domestic partners. These committed re¬ living rooms with our Queer Eye for the take away rights from American citizens lationships are in society’s interest because A division of Benro Enterprises, Inc. © 2004 Straight Guy when we should be seeing our¬ rather than bestow them. they strengthen our community, and help Published weekly. Bay Area Reporter reserves selves on the nightly news protesting. It’s Beyond the fact that lesbian and gay create a just society. wthhei crhig thhte t op uebdliits hoerr rbeejelicetv aens yi sa dinv eprotoisre tmasetnet time to take up the fight again to prevent couples have no access to civil marriage, However, we’re still bereft of the ability to or which advertises illegal items which our hard fought rights from being eroded which grants nearly 1,000 rights to hetero¬ file joint tax returns, collect Social Security might result in legal action against from under our feet. sexual couples, HR56 outlaws de facto mar¬ benefits, and allow non-citizen spouses to re¬ Bay Area Reporter. Ads will not be rejected By now, you’ve probably heard that Pres¬ riages such as domestic partnerships and side freely in the country without fear of de¬ solely on the basis of politics, philosophy, religion, race, age, or sexual orientation. ident George Bush endorsed the Federal civil unions. This strips states of their right portation along with many others. These Advertising rates are available upon request. Marriage Amendment, a.k.a. House Joint to sovereignty in determining the nature of basic rights reflect American values and form Resolution 56, in his State of the Union their own marriage laws. the core of civil marriage. Denying them to Ocounr fildisetn otifa sl uabnsdc riisb enrost asnodld .a dTvheer tsiesxeursa li s speech. And I say it’s time we told him how Four years ago, when then-Governor same-sex couples violates the spirit of our orientation of advertisers, photographers, and we feel about it. Gray Davis signed California’s first domes¬ country and is a fundamental inequity. writers published herein is neither inferred nor Representative Marilyn Musgrave (R) tic partnership law, California became the So I say call George Bush and take him mimapnluiesdc.r iWptse aorre a rntowt orreks.p onsible for unsolicited from Colorado introduced HR56 into relative first U.S. state to recognize same-sex rela¬ to task. And demand from your Democrat¬ obscurity late last year. Since then, the con¬ tionships without a court order. The bill ic leaders that they do the same. Our rights I ?| VERIFIED servative right has taken up the issue as their also guaranteed hospital visitation rights and the lives of the people in our commu¬ • m AUDIT CIRCULATION latest attack on lesbians and gays and have and offered health coverage for registered nity are at stake. ▼ brought the issue to the front lines thinking domestic partners of state employees and it will upset our bid for the White House. But certain local agency public employees. Two the leading contenders for the Democratic years later, Davis signed legislation to allow Caroie Migden (D), a former San The Bay Area Reporter is printed on 100% presidential nomination have all expressed partners to seek compensation for the loss Francisco supervisor and state recycled paper using soy-based inks. support for lesbian and gay families. of economic or emotional support, make assemblywoman, is the chairwoman of And, public opinion is beginning to sway medical decisions in the hospital, and act as the California Board of Equalization. 29 January 2004 BAY AREA REPORTER 7 Stop City Hail marriages Freezing at theatre AN EARTH-BASED APPROACH TO PSYCHOLGICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALING Mark Leno’s work for gay marriage is admirable, but I recently attended an evening show at the Castro the idea of a balloon and streamer decorated bus trav¬ Theatre. The theater was so cold that I had to sit bun¬ Gay Men's Jungian eling the Central Valley is pathetically lame [“Gay ac¬ dled up in my winter coat and hat! Shamanic Group Forming tivists welcome wedge politics in marriage debate,” Janu¬ I thought that my purchase of an $8.50 ticket en¬ ary 22J. It is pretty obvious that except for the trips to titled me to a heated theater in the middle of January. Thu weekly long-term group stresses a nature- his legislative office he has not been to the valley much. I was mistaken. based approach to psychologica] and spiritual daabnaddoI. u wiAtg annassyo b rwpaoonerllnccie toai cmonidfae n trah aswei s ahpenode o Acipnaml methe ptrehia cMeiagrneon dswH efisuoltlmro m gvaaearyeek a emi, n tta hhBreera i fagbehgua¬esr tro NTeheedalterses atnoy staiym, eI wsoiloln n. ot be returnBinSrguac nte o F Mtrhaaenr csCihsaacslo¬l Rodney Karr, Fh.D. odmnhenreiesagnsalogi mnbi,n ge mw.gt w Tyopetrrrhaekodn ,ca i eotnsisetdoshl n fetr,ao irctlw uofhaaomelcra.li mlldiiJn tujoagonti eunpit r rtyonoh tceaeheyn escidsrnoes gnns i, na niednt ucrcatarlneeum d.d ¬¬e on the basis of fairness will get a one-way ticket out of Licensed Psychologist #PSY6906 Sacramento. What a dump Offices in San Francisco & the East Bay 415-931-1934 Wasting time and political capital in the Central I’d like to let all these people who help keep the Valley will get us nothing. They believe granting mar¬ Castro a magnet for the homeless and riffraff in gen¬ riage licenses to gays will make their children turn gay. eral know that from now on, whenever I see one of It’s shockingly ignorant but I have heard it with my them encouraging one of these individuals to hang own ears. around here with monetary handouts, I will say some¬ Experienced Attorney We have to exercise our power - San Francisco is thing. I have had it! One of them took a dump right the place to start. out by our front entrance on a recent Sunday night. Currently we have an apartheid system - even in Now the barbarians are literally at the gate and that is Barry Schneider, Esq. our beloved city. Heteros are given a big perk denied simply unacceptable. Enough! to gays and lesbians. That perk is marriage - we are Anthony Rhody Wills and Probate offered something less - domestic partnerships. San Francisco San Francisco ought to stop offering marriage at Family Law and Conservatorships City Hall. Everyone who comes to City Hall should Does Ose propose censoring Bible? automatically get domestic partnership - gays and U.S. Representative Doug Ose (R-California) Criminal Offenses straights - everyone equal. wants to banish certain “profanities” from the air¬ enoWughha tf’os rg tohoe dg afnodr etrh. e goose will have to be good vwearvsees .f rBoym d obieningg s or,e hciiste lda wo rm raeya dp raolhoiubdi to cne rrtaadinio B aibnlde Barry Schneider 400 Montgomery St. Can you imagine the mainstream press headlines TV. Attorney at Law Suite 505 “San Francisco Outlaws Straight Marriage.” Congressman Ose’s bill, HR 3687, would pro¬ (415)781-6500 San Francisco Of course, we don’t have to outlaw it, just hibit broadcast of certain “profane” words cut off funding for the little clerk who fills and phrases. The bill provides that “the out the forms. I equate this person at City ' term ‘profane,’ used with respect to lan¬ Hall who denies marriage licenses to gays guage, includes the words ‘shit’, ‘piss’, - ALL COMMERCIAL LINES • HOMEOWNERS & APARTMENTS as a Nazi collaborator. Just a little cog in ‘fuck’, ‘cunt’, ‘asshole’, and the phrases our oppression, and we pay his salary. ‘cocksucker’, ‘motherfucker,’ and ‘asshole,’ PENNBROOK If San Francisco stops performing compound use (including hyphenated hfoeltleorwo smuiatr, rjiuasgte ass oththeeyr d cidit iwesi twh itlhl es odoon¬ ceso mwiptohu enadchs) o othf seur cohr wwoitrhd so athnedr pwhorarsd¬s INSURANCE SERVICES mestic partner benefits. Denying their or phrases, and other-grammatical lovely little wedding rituals will scare the bejezus out forms of such words and phrases (including verb, ad¬ Since 1982 • We do it all! of the right-wing zealots. jective, gerund, participle, and infinitive forms).” Dale Hamilton At least one of Ose’s words, “piss,” appears in the San Francisco King James Bible. In one instance, the text refers to all 200 Pine Street, 8th Floor those who “pisseth against the wall” - that is all males, San Francisco, CA 94104 [Editor’s note: As the article stated, the bus ride is actu¬ or at least all males beyond infancy. Perhaps the verb (415) 820-2200 ally the idea of Marriage Equality California.] “to piss” wasn’t considered obscene in 1611. Does Ose realize he’s banning parts of the Bible? I Fax (415) 394-8332 Bush not voice of God advise him to check his list against a concordance Mr. Bush, this may surprise you, but not everyone (word index) to the King James Bible, to see if any California Toll Free (800) 652-1513 believes that you are the voice of God on earth nor are more of his banned words or phrases appear therein. ft Broker Lie. # 0622553 you the Messiah who has returned with his second In British and Australian (as contrasted with coming or a second Moses. Your “state of the delu¬ American), the word “asshole” and the phrase “ass EARTHQUAKE • CRIME • ESTATE PLANNING • TRAVEL sion” sermon was very insightful by clearly stating that hole” would be “arsehole” and “arse hole,” respective¬ if you agree with certain national issues, it is God’s ly. Does Ose mean to ban the Brit spellings and pro¬ will, but if you disagree with certain issues, God is nunciations, or merely the American? Does “other stating his disapproval with your voice. grammatical forms” include “other dialectal forms”? You keep stating throughout your dictatorship that Apparently “ass” and “arse,” without that pesky the American people enjoy great freedoms. This may hole, are okay by Ose. The linguistic complexities tog¬ be true for you and your buddies, doing whatever you gle my queer, um, whatever. want because you have more money to spend than the j • Personal Injury rest of the people in the country combined. Most of Tortuga Bi Liberty us do not live in this so-called freedom you have but San Francisco I • Medical Malpractice are in economic bondage or slavery to your buddies’ corporations. Thanks to leather community Discrimination Next, you say we should ignore the rulings of “ac¬ Kudos to SF Leather Daddy XX Tony Koester for Wrongful Eviction tivist judges” if they rule against the “will of the peo¬ hosting a great beverage benefit (plus dinner) to sup¬ ple.” Well, as I recall, A1 Gore received the majority of port the Stop AIDS Project’s leather events advisory Wills & Estate Planning the votes by the “will of the people,” and it was five group at the Eagle Tavern January 18. Hurrah to his justices of the U.S. Supreme Court who appointed trusty helper, SF Leather Daddy’s Boy XXI Joey Se- FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION you president. So, “we the people” must accept your quera, as well. divine command to ignore these same “activist Many, many thanks to the Stop AIDS Project’s vol¬ Boone Callaway Carl Wolf judges,” because they support the rights of all Ameri¬ unteers and staffers who manned the door, sold raffle 785 Market Street, Suite I 150 cans and not just the majority? So we must all accept tickets, prepared and served the delicious supper, con¬ your “arbitrary will” now in this instance and ignore ducted individual outreach in the crowd, and made 415.541.0300 the “will of the people” in the 2000 presidential elec¬ logistics a breeze. Special appreciation goes out to all tion? How convenient. the men of the Eagle Tavern. The raffle prizes were And now, steroids. Well, this was certainly a major great, donated by our South of Market merchant part¬ issue to be addressed. Of course, since most pharma¬ ners and other special benefactors. ceutical grade anabolic steroids are made in Europe, Mr. Marcus, your “Eventures in Leather” solo SF this means that your pharmaceutical corporate bud¬ listing in the Bay Area Reporter let those in the city for dies in the U.S. are not reaping the profits by their sale, a three-day weekend know just where to be on a Sun¬ a national catastrophe. But, as we all understand that day afternoon. Many good wishes for this Year of the the Olympic trials are soon to begin, and needing to Monkey to you. preserve the untarnished picture of the super-strength I bet those at the Eagle Tavern that day will agree in athletes of this country without the use of chemical this was a spectacular mid-January event. Thanks to enhancements (as other countries may use), and also, everyone who attended - and reached deep to sup¬ to illustrate to the world that you are “tough on drugs” port locally funded, community-based HIV preven¬ in the “war on drugs” (why are prescription drugs tion efforts. Please come join the Stop AIDS Project’s Use the equity in your home never mentioned, I wonder). For it is obvious that one LEAG to promote health and well-being in our com¬ to get back on track. who uses anabolic steroids has more muscle strength munity in 2004 and beyond. and size than one who does not (a professional body¬ Even with a few late payments you builder is more obvious than a track star, though). Teddy Partridge can consolidate large bills and Both Reagan and your father picked on the body¬ SOMA Neighborhood Organizer builders (less than 1 percent of the population), for Stop AIDS Project start saving money now. they are an easy target and both presidents needed ev¬ San Francisco idence that their drug war policies were working. Call Tony Hayes Today! After all, minorities are easy targets, even though 1-800-256-4444 ex#.2285 they too, count as part of “we the people.” And we know God hates minorities, except the minority of the Send letters to the Bay Area Reporter, 395 Ninth super-wealthy, who are his favorites. Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, or e-maii to it Ful SpectrunT Lending [email protected]. Letters must be signed and A MEMBER OF THE COUNTRYWIDE FAMILY Douglas Alexander Matley include a daytime phone number for verification. San Francisco Unsigned letters will not be printed. tS) Equal Housing lender. © 2003 Full Spectrum Lending, Inc. Trade/service marks are the properly of Countrywide Credit Industries, Int. and/or its subsidies, licensed by the Department o! Corporations under the Californio Residential Mortgage Lending Act. 8 BAY AREA REPORTER 29 January 2004 lil Visibility is L-ementary TOGETHER WE’LL BUILD THE BEDROOM BODY YOU’VE ALWAYS DREAMED ABOUT! ‘Martin Spector by Paula Martinac 415-606.4695 H s it better if lesbians are visible ; or invisible in popular culture? Certified Personal Trainer / Weight Manager 1 That may sound like a silly For Men & Women in Their Prime! question with only one possible Free consultation: [email protected] answer, but it’s one that’s been raised by the premiere of Show¬ time’s new lesbian-themed series, Picture Perfect and The L Word. Without a doubt, my vote is for visibility, even if there’s Worry Free no possible way to agree on how lesbians should be represented. Kitchen 5 Bath Remodel • Tile B Stone, Grout Repair There’s been a fair amount of public and private griping about Closet Systems, Doors B Windows, The L Wordy much of it even be¬ Tito Garay Hardwood Resurfacing " Drywall, Framing, fore the show hit the airwaves. One big complaint has been that J| tow Mage Lighting “real” lesbians don’t look like the Deck G Fence, Flagstone. pretty, ultra-feminine characters on the show, only one of whom is Experienced Homeowner with Community References Gelt 415-812-2484 | portrayed by a bona-fide lesbian Fish. And I was never a baby dyke TV and multiplex screens contin¬ (Leisha Hailey). Showtime has like those in The Incredibly True ue to be trim. Even my hometown taken quite a few knocks for giv¬ Adventure of Two Girls in Love. of Pittsburgh doesn’t resemble the PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES ing the world these “fake” lesbians, However, that doesn’t mean I did¬ pulsating gay mecca where the even though the show has both a n’t appreciate those movies for Queer as Folk gang hangs out. ■ Revocable Living Trusts ■ Wills lesbian creator/producer (Irene telling the stories of some les¬ If, then, television and movies ■ Probates/Probate Avoidance Chaiken) and director (Rose bians’ lives - even though have trouble getting lots of people ■ Estate Planning ■ Since 1979 Troche). those lives weren’t anything “right,” maybe there are more Epitomizing the show’s like my own. meaningful criteria for judging JOHN R. BRAUN critics, columnist Winnie The decidedly unglam- popular culture than simply how jj ATTORNEY AT LAW McCroy complained in the orous, 40-ish lesbian lovers of the characters on screen look. Ul¬ EM New York Blade and its sister the movie Late Bloomers are timately, I think the big question 240 Stockton St. On Union Square (415) 956-1373 paper, the Washington actually a bit more like my to ask of The L Word isn’t whether Certified Specialist, Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law Blade, that all the immediate circle of dyke the actors are too pretty, but characters in the se¬ friends and acquain¬ whether the series speaks to our The State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization ries are “straight¬ tances. Oddly, some re¬ humanity. Can it successfully por¬ looking” viewers in the tray some of the basic problems, femmes, with gay press dis- desires, joys, challenges, and frail¬ Lesbian Notions no accompa¬ _ missed that ties that lesbians, as members of nying hutches movie be¬ the human race, encounter and in sight. In McCroy’s view, if the cause the middle-aged characters that viewers, gay and straight, can 4 la R e a I ty only choice for dyke representa¬ weren’t attractive enough. relate to? tion on TV is to see “clipped and The problem with popular cul¬ If The L Word can do that, it plucked ‘lesbians,’” she’d choose ture, of course, is that it hardly will be a boon, since for years les¬ invisibility. ever resembles “real” real life. In¬ bians have been off everyone’s This criticism suggests that all deed, maybe reality TV program¬ radar screens but our own - for ’T/S ft* iyfefl v dykes fall into neat the categories ming is so popular because the the simple reason that most of us of butch and femme. Because I people on those shows are often don’t have sex with men. The don’t identify as either, does that just as average-looking as the rest name of the show alone is a plus, mean I’m not a real lesbian? Or of us - until they get to explore because it forces viewers t<5 think maybe I’m just a butch in denial. the fantasy of being made over. “lesbian,” the term many of us (Don’t laugh - that was suggested There aren’t, for example, prefer over “gay woman.” In much to me once by an earnest femme.) many African Americans on TV, the same way, Queer as Folk Indeed, although butch-femme and those that do crop up still helped bring “the Q word” into identity is definitely an important only represent a slice of black peo¬ more widespread usage, even as it aspect of lesbian culture, it’s not ple’s experiences. Asian Americans brought sexually active gay men if the only way to be a dyke. remain stereotypes on TV and in into straight Americans’ living 4241 Ma Obviously, when viewing the mainstream movies like the re¬ rooms. And that’s no small ac¬ Showtime series, many lesbians - make of Freaky Friday, in which a complishment. T H'*4^73-5599* especially those who don’t live in Chinese woman casts a creepy Wm glam Los Angeles, where the show Eastern spell over the white folks. is set - aren’t going to see them¬ We rarely get to see middle-aged Paula Martinac is a Lambda selves. After all, there aren’t just a women on screen except as devot¬ Literary Award-winning author couple of flavors of “lesbian,” any ed moms and grannies; two recent of eight books and editor in more than there are just a couple notable exceptions were in the chief of Q Syndicate. She can of flavors of “heterosexual.” But to films Calendar Girls and Some¬ be reached care of this tell the truth, I didn’t see myself in thing's Gotta Give. And while publication or at We want to be your the hip, young, urban lesbians of Americans keep getting fatter, al¬ LesbianNotions@qsyndicate. Troche’s much-acclaimed film Go most all of the characters on our com. family practice. Tranny royalty crowned HEALTH NETWORK, ANIMAL HEALTH NETWORK, INC. understands that your pet is a part of yoi family. That’s why we provide the I individualized care you would expect for any ' member of your family. You’ll feel good knowing in a world of volume apd bargain pet care, ANIMAL HEALTH NETWORK puts quality, service and your family above all else. O We offer traditional Western medicine along with Chiropractic, Advanced Dental, Chinese Herbology and Homeopathy. utgoing Miss Transgender San Francisco 2003 Rachel Hill, center, crowns the new winner for 2004, Anne Louise, as Mr. Transgender San Francisco 2004 Bobby Cheung looks on. The winners were an¬ We are located in the Diamond Heights Shopping Center with plenty of free parking. nounced at the conclusion of the annual Cotillion, held Saturday, January 24 at the San Mateo Mar¬ 5264 DIAMOND HEIGHTS BLVD. SF CA 94131 riott. This year's contest saw six candidates vie for the Miss TGSF crown, while there were two competitors for the Mr. TGSF title. The 21st annual pageant and celebration of transgender pride was held by TGSF. 415.920.6980 • WWW.AHNSF.COM 29 January 2004 BAY AREA REPORTER 9 John Kerry worries Bush and the GOP by Wayne Friday fter nearly a year believing - indeed looking forward to the assumption that for¬ mer Vermont Governor Howard Dean would be their opponent in the November general election, the Bush White House and Re¬ publican strategists now are re¬ portedly taking a second look, in fact a much more worrisome look, at what appears to be hap¬ pening in the Democratic presi¬ dential process. Karl Rove, the top political guru for George W. Bush, has in the past barely been able to con¬ ceal his anticipation that Bush would likely be facing Dean, and Republicans clearly felt for months that they could easily handle the antiwar Dean in much the same way that then-President Richard Nixon knocked off for¬ mer Senator George McGovern, the Democratic presidential nom¬ inee who lost every state except Massachusetts back in 1972. After very strong showings in both-Iowa and New Hampshire, however, Massachusetts Senator John F. Kerry now becomes the A top Bush campaign strategist now openly attacking Kerry on a Democrat to watch and Bush Re¬ told the Los Angeles Times this regular basis, Kerry has got to feel publicans are reportedly not par¬ week that, “John Kerry is a very pretty good about eventually be¬ ticularly excited at what they are competent leader; he has demon¬ coming Bush’s opponent in the seeing. Bush & Company have felt strated that he can win elections, November election. all along that the shoot-from-the- he’s obviously a very seasoned Clearly, Dean has plenty of hip Dean, with little national ex¬ politician.” Kerry’s heroic war supporters and a lot of money and perience and none in foreign record and the fact that it is too early to count him out, policy, would be soundly he was a former pros¬ but Edwards is very likely to win beaten by Bush in the fall ecutor gives him a in South Carolina next week, and not only on the war issue, positive political sta¬ with Connecticut Senator Joseph but also because of the tus with many voters Lieberman dropping by the way- ideological fight a Bush- despite his well- side,, it is clearly Kerry that Bush Dean matchup would known liberal Mass¬ and the Republicans are now con¬ afford. achusetts background. centrating on as they have already This week, howev¬ Democrats in both the taken to honing their criticism of er, Bush strate¬ Iowa caucuses Kerry as being “nothing more gists have been and the New than a Northeastern liberal - forced to turn Hampshire Dukakis with height,” as one Bush their sights primary aide put it this week, referring, of from Dean to Kerry and many of showed they are looking first for course, to former Massachusetts those Republicans who predicted electability in a candidate - they Governor Michael Dukakis who a Bush landslide in November clearly want to defeat Bush in No¬ lost the 1988 election to George only a few weeks ago are openly vember - and although Dean’s an¬ H.W. Bush. worried that Kerry could be very tiwar stance inspired many of the Incidentally, assuming that difficult to defeat. Indeed, a party faithful, many of those same Kerry stays on a roll for the next Newsweek poll this week actually Democrats apparently have month, the March 2 California had Kerry besting Bush by three doubts whether the former Ver¬ primary, where 370 delegates will percentage points in a hypotheti¬ mont governor could take it to be chosen, could all but wrap it up cal matchup if the election were to Bush in November. for the Massachusetts senator. In be held now. Bush’s political strength comes addition, a win by Edwards on One top GOP strategist said in from his going to war against Iraq Tuesday in both South Carolina Washington this week that, “The and his response to the terrorist and/or Oklahoma could propel last thing we want” is a Kerry-Ed¬ attacks of September 2001. Many him to the vice president slot with wards ticket, something that could Democrats - as well as indepen¬ Kerry. All presumptive, of course, well become a reality. Indeed, after dents - feel that with a distin¬ but something the Republicans Iowa and New Hampshire, some guished military service record of appear to be taking very seriously. Bush advisers are already speaking his own, Kerry could more than With only Iowa and New of the former front-runner Dean hold his own on the issues of war Hampshire in the bag, the prima¬ in the past tense, a sure sign that and terrorism. ry season has already produced they feel they are now in for a con¬ The February 3 primaries in some big winners (Kerry and Ed¬ test, particularly if Kerry goes on states like South Carolina (where wards) and some early big losers - to land the Democratic nomina¬ Edwards was actually born), Mis¬ Representative Richard tion. souri, Delaware, New Mexico, Ari¬ Gephardt (D-Missouri), Dean, It is now obvious that Bush zona, and Oklahoma will go a organized labor (particularly in strategists, after hoping for a pre¬ long way toward shaking out the Iowa), and the Bush White House, sumed easier Bush-Dean Democratic field, and Kerry, with which wanted Dean as the nomi¬ matchup, now worry that Kerry, his strong showings in Iowa and nee. or even a Southerner like Senator New Hampshire, is now clearly John Edwards of North Caroli¬ the Democratic front-runner and Politics and people na would be tougher for Bush. A the one that Bush, Rove, and the Look for U.S. Senator Dianne Kerry-Edwards Democratic ticket Republican Party would least like Feinstein (D-California) to be would, in the minds of many De¬ to face in November. campaigning hard for John Kerry mocrats, be the ideal slate. Ed¬ Apparently a bit worried about during the upcoming state prima¬ wards would help the ticket as a Kerry’s new front-runner status, ry; the senior California senator Southerner in states that Bush Republican National Committee was among the first to get behind would be taking for granted, and chairman Ed Gillespie this week the Kerry candidacy, but even be¬ Kerry gets very high marks from quickly shifted his criticism from fore Feinstein, popular local voters who feel he is clearly some¬ Dean to Kerry, saying that, “Kerry politicos Assemblyman Mark one they could trust during a time is even more liberal than [Massa¬ Leno (D-San Francisco) and City of war, something that secretly chusetts Senator] Ted Kennedy, Attorney Dennis Herrera were bothered the most fervent of clearly out of step with American among the very first to line up be- Dean supporters. voters.” With the GOP party boss next page ► 10 BAY AREA REPORTER 29 January 2004 PALM SPRINGS? What was the Mitchell/ Still San Francisco’s most trusted desert realtor. Ward murder case? JayMargrey 760-323-5000 x123 [email protected] passionate correspondence in murder “A Tragedy Equal , to the by Liz Highleyman Prudential which they pledged their love to Most Morbid Imaginings of Mod¬ one another. But Freda often flirt¬ ern French Romances.” Men and California Realty January 25, 1892 (112 years ago ed with young men, and Alice women gathered at the undertak¬ this month): Alice Mitchell mur¬ grew increasingly jealous. She er’s house, the cemetery, and the Paul E. Auger, D.D.S. ders Freda Ward in Memphis, threatened to kill one of Freda’s courthouse, hoping, one reporter TTennessee. suitors and once, during a visit, speculated, “to hear something ex¬ tried to poison Freda, and then citingly naughty.” General Dentistry he 1892 murder of 17-year- herself, with laudanum. Lawyers, doctors, and journal¬ old Freda Ward by her “girl In early 1891, Alice proposed ists weighed in with conflicting in¬ We Cater to Cowards lover,” 19-year-old Alice marriage to Freda and presented terpretations of the crime. Some Mitchell, was widely covered in her with an engagement ring. suggested Alice killed Freda be¬ • Most insurance accepted both the mass-circulation press They devised a plan in which Alice cause the latter had slandered her, and the medical literature of the would take the name “Alvin J. while others believed the two • Denti-Cal accepted day, helping to shape the pub¬ Ward,” adopt male attire, cut women were rivals for the same • Visa/MC accepted lic perception of lesbianism her hair, and even try to man. But Alice’s attorneys and at the turn of the-20th cen¬ grow a mustache if Freda several expert medical witnesses 500 Sutter Street, Suite 800 • 415-392-9018 tury. desired. They conspired to made the case that she was insane, Alice and Freda were elope by boat and move to basing their judgments on her both daughters of well-to- St. Louis, where Alice failure to grasp that marriage be¬ do Memphis families. Alice would support the couple tween two women was absurd. was a tomboy who pre¬ working as a man. Said one defense attorney, “A girl ferred games such as But Freda’s older that thinks to assume the mask of baseball to girlish sister Ada was not a man ... take the place of a man amusements. During happy with the rela¬ and marry a woman - Your Alice’s trial, a friend tionship, claiming the Honor knows there was madness testified that Alice was “more like young women were “disgusting in at the bottom of that.” At the same a boy than a girl.” Freda, in con¬ their demonstrations of love for time, they took pains to empha¬ trast, was considered a proper, each other.” She got wind of the size that the respectable young feminine young lady (although marriage plan and returned the women had not engaged in family and friends called her engagement ring. “Don’t try in “coarse” or “unnatural” practices. “Fred”). any way, shape, or manner to have On July 20, the jury deliberated New Year's Resolutions Realized As teens, Alice and Freda - any intercourse with Fred again,” just 20 minutes before finding classmates at the Higbee School Ada wrote to Alice. “Stay at home Alice mentally incompetent. She for Girls - developed an extraor¬ and attend to your own business was committed to the Western dinarily close relationship. In May and Fred will do likewise.” The Hospital for the Insane, where she bLogo onoto teampsf.com 1890, Freda moved to the town of forced separation threw Alice into died six years later, reportedly of Golddust, some 80 miles north of a deep depression. She refused to consumption. to register Memphis, where she lived with eat and spent hours brooding over At the turn of the 20th century, her two sisters. Alice and Freda, Freda’s old letters. according to historian Lisa Dug¬ upon their separation, began a On the afternoon of January gan, the Mitchell/Ward case be¬ 25, 1892, at the end of a visit to came the prototype for a “lesbian Memphis, Freda was'scheduled to love murder” narrative, m_wJiich._ WWW h a n t i board a steamship to return to the attempts of a mannish “invert” Golddust. Alice, driving a horse- to usurp !fnale social privilege and drawn carriage, followed Freda win the love of a “normal” femi¬ and two companions from her nine woman end in tragedy. With¬ lodging house to the waterfront. in the emerging field of sexology, If you're living Near the customs house, Alice left the case was often cited as an ex¬ her carriage and overtook Freda ample of the pathology of same- on the street, grabbing her and sex love, and it helped shape pop¬ with HIV, you can cutting her with a razor she had ular conceptions of homosexuali¬ stolen from her father. Freda’s sis¬ ty as a mental illness. ▼ ter Jo tried to fight off Alice with learn to be a an umbrella, but Alice succeeded Liz Highleyman is a freelance in slashing Freda’s throat. writer and editor who has Alice leapt into her carriage written widely on health, long-term survivor. and sped home. She was arrested sexuality, and politics. She can and jailed that evening, charged be reached care of this with premeditated murder. Dur¬ publication or at ing questioning, Alice expressed [email protected]. little remorse. “I would have been Freda’s slave. I would have devot¬ ed my whole life to making her Suggested reading happy,” she said in a statement JViedical research shows that certain life skills can boost the provided to reporters by her at¬ Buring, Oaneel. 1997. Les¬ torneys. “But when Freda re¬ bian and Gay Memphis: immune system, improve health, and promote long-term survival with turned my engagement ring it Building Communities Be¬ HIV. The l.l.F.E. Program® (Learning Immune Function Enhancement) broke my heart. ... I resolved to kill hind the Magnolia Curtain is an innovative, interesting, and educational series of workshops that Freda because I loved her so much (Garland). that I wanted her to die loving Duggan, Lisa. 2000. Sapph¬ will help you: me.” ic Slashers (Duke University • Boost your immunity and promote long-term health Sensational press coverage of Press). the case soon swept the nation, • Learn strategies for long-term survival with one headline calling the • Develop a trusted network of HIV+ friends • Understand your own mind-body health relationships Our Man Friday November): “In 2001, we did a bill • Learn about new research and health information that created the rapid HIV testing A previous page program to help AIDS clinics treat Workshops include: AIDS patients more efficiently and • Services provided by both health professionals and peer hind the Massachusetts Democ¬ accurately; we join Mark Leno on counselors rat. building on that bill to further ex¬ Incidentally, good work to As¬ pedite the process.” • Individual health counseling sessions semblyman Leno for getting Gov¬ All polls I’ve seen show Super¬ • Your own personal L.l.F.E. Guidebook ernor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s visor Tom Ammiano (District 9) • Personalized information searches on mind-body health quick signature on his rapid HIV as safe in the upcoming November test bill. How important is that? supe elections, and Ammiano de¬ Well, even Board of Equalization serves another term hands down. Everyone welcome | Program is free Chairwoman Carole Migden,not The state of George Bush (and Session starting Wednesday, February 25, 2004 exactly Leno’s closest political ally, gay marriage): Taking its cue from issued a press release last week ap¬ Dubya himself, Ohio lawmakers Notre Dame Plaza, 347 Dolores Street at 16th Street, SF plauding the San Francisco legis¬ gave final approval last week to a For more information or to register, go to www.shanti.org lator for his work on the HIV test measure banning gay marriage or call (415) 674-4713 bill. Migden (who’s headed for and prohibiting state employees John Burton’s state Senate seat in next page ►

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