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Basic Islam 30th jan 09 AMENDED - Answering Islam PDF

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Preview Basic Islam 30th jan 09 AMENDED - Answering Islam

Islam Basic Aspects As it sees itself As others see it As it is A Teachers’ Textbook By Gerhard Nehls and Walter Eric Resource Material with Documentation of Original sources Islam Basic Aspects As it sees itself As others see it As it is By Gerhard Nehls and Walter Eric This is a publication of Life Challenge Africa © 2009 SIM P.O. Box 50770, 00200 City Square, Nairobi, Kenya New Fully Revised Edition 2005 ACTS Book Edition 2009 ISBN 9966 895 16 7 Introduction Welcome! This Textbook is part of a set of five Teacher-Trainer Manuals that are linked with a Student Handbook (REACH OUT). The set includes: Vol. 1 Islamics (green) Islam – Basic Aspects Vol. 2 Apologetics (blue) Christian – Islamic Controversy Vol. 3 Pragmatics (orange) Tactical – Practical Approach Vol. 4 Didatics (red) Training of Trainers Materials Vol. 5 Presentation File Display Materials for Teachers Please keep in mind: These notes depict primarily the view of original Islam as seen from its sources. Much of this is not known to the Muslim “man in the street”. So please use this information with wisdom and in a Christ-like spirit. Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be babes, but in your thinking be mature. 1Cor 14:20 (ASV) THIS IS A TEACHER’S TEXTBOOK – NOT A DO-IT-YOURSELF MANUAL! A textbook is not to be read as another book. Its content has to be well worked through to be fully understood. It supplies the trainer with comprehensive, yet basic information. He has to scrutinize this information and select his specific teaching materials. This should be adjusted to the students, the situation in which they are likely to work and the type of Muslims they are likely to meet. Anyone who like to read about this in more detail should contact us for our various teaching books, videos and CDs. Some repetitions have been unavoidable. These are done for emphasis, or because they relate to different subjects as well. But these notes are not designed to stand on its own. You will learn a lot from Muslims as you seek to share the Gospel in a meaningful way. It is so important to know how Islam views Christians and Christianity. We need to understand the Muslim’s world view, their perception of religion and some cultural aspects, for these factors determine decisively our communication. There are practical forms of how to present the Gospel, the good news, to this specific group of people. These notes, however, do not supply quick answers, nor do they promise instant results. Love and patience are always needed, and more so in Muslim evangelism. Which translations of Bible and Qur’an did we use? All quotations from the Bible, unless otherwise specified, are from the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, 1984, by the International Bible Society. All quotations from the Qur’an, unless otherwise marked, are from the translation by Abdullah Yussuf Ali, New Revised Edition, Amana Corporation, Brentwood, Maryland, U.S.A., 1989. This is one of the most acceptable translations to Muslims. For practical reasons we have not included any Arabic texts in this edition. Your instructors, Gerhard Nehls and Walter Eric Table of Contents 1 FACING REALITY ............................................................................ 1 2 THE PROPHET AND HIS WORLD ............................................... 3 2.1 ARABIA BEFORE ISLAM ................................................................................................ 3 2.1.1 The people of Arabia .......................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Life in Arabia ....................................................................................... 4 2.1.3 The available Scriptures ...................................................................... 4 2.1.4 The Religion of the Pagans ................................................................. 4 2.1.5 Deities of the Pagans .......................................................................... 4 2.2 MUHAMMAD - THE PROPHET OF ISLAM ....................................................................... 5 2.2.1 Islamic Terms and their meaning ....................................................... 5 2.3 MUHAMMAD’S CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH ..................................................................... 5 2.3.1 How Muhammad Received Revelation ............................................... 6 2.3.2 The Abyssinian Exile of the Early Muslims .......................................... 8 2.3.3 The Islamic Concept of Prophethood .................................................. 9 2.3.4 Alleged “Proofs” of Muhammad’s Prophethood ................................ 9 2.3.5 Muhammad - Allah’s Warner for Arabia .......................................... 18 2.3.6 The Miraj, the Mysterious Night Journey to Heaven ........................ 19 2.3.7 The Satanic Verses ............................................................................ 20 2.3.8 The Hijra - the Flight from Mecca to Medina ................................... 21 2.3.9 Muhammad in Mecca versus Muhammad in Medina ...................... 21 2.3.10 Muhammad and the Jews of Medina........................................... 22 2.3.11 Persecution of the Jews ................................................................ 25 2.3.12 Muhammad’s Assessment of the Christians ................................ 27 2.3.13 Muhammad goes to War ............................................................. 27 2.3.14 Muhammad’s Attitude Towards His Enemies .............................. 33 2.3.15 The Wives and Concubines of Muhammad .................................. 38 2.3.16 Personal Advantages - Muhammad’s great Temptation ............. 45 2.3.17 The Final Episode of the Life of Muhammad ................................ 48 2.3.18 An Evaluation ............................................................................... 50 3 HISTORY-MAKERS SHAPING NATIONS ................................. 52 3.1 THE KHALIFS (KHALIFAHS) ......................................................................................... 52 3.1.1 The Early Expansion of Islam ............................................................ 53 3.2 THE DYNASTIES ........................................................................................................ 55 3.2.1 The Ummayad Dynasty .................................................................... 55 3.2.2 The Abbaside Dynasty ...................................................................... 56 3.2.3 Medieval Islamic Expansion .............................................................. 60 3.2.4 The Ottoman Empire ........................................................................ 60 3.2.5 Islam In The Modern Age .................................................................. 62 3.3 THE CHANGING FACE OF ISLAM .................................................................................. 64 3.3.1 The Socio-Economic Leap ................................................................. 64 3.3.2 Modernity ......................................................................................... 65 3.3.3 Fundamentalism ............................................................................... 65 3.3.4 Liberal Muslims ................................................................................. 65 3.3.5 The Other Option .............................................................................. 66 3.4 THE SECTS WITHIN ISLAM ........................................................................................... 66 3.4.1 The Sunnis ......................................................................................... 67 3.4.2 The Shi’ah ......................................................................................... 68 3.4.3 The Mutazilah ................................................................................... 68 3.4.4 The Wahhabi .................................................................................... 69 3.4.5 The Ahmadiyya ................................................................................. 69 3.4.6 The Bahai .......................................................................................... 70 3.4.7 The Tabligh Movement ..................................................................... 70 3.4.8 Sufism ............................................................................................... 72 3.4.9 Folk Islam .......................................................................................... 75 4 BOOKS THAT MATTER TO MUSLIMS .................................... 82 4.1 THE QUR’AN ............................................................................................................ 82 4.1.1 An Introduction ................................................................................. 82 4.1.2 The Meaning of the Word “Qur’an” .................................................... 82 4.1.3 Chapter Divisions of the Qur’an ........................................................ 82 4.1.4 A Chronological List of the Surahs .................................................... 83 4.1.5 Important Criteria Concerning the Qur’an........................................ 83 4.1.6 An Introduction to the Qur’an as given in the Mishkat .................... 86 4.1.7 The Collection of the Qur’ an ............................................................ 91 4.1.8 Additions and Omissions in the Qur’an ............................................ 97 4.1.9 The Problem of Abrogation ............................................................ 102 4.1.10 Claims for the Uniqueness of the Qur’an! .................................. 105 4.1.11 The Sources Of The Qur’an ......................................................... 109 5.1.12 An Evaluation ............................................................................. 117 4.2 THE HADITH ..........................................................................................................118 4.2.1 Introduction and Definition ............................................................ 118 4.2.2 The Contents of the Hadith ............................................................. 119 4.2.3 The Collection and Trustworthiness of the Hadith.......................... 123 4.2.4 Islamic Teaching on Obedience to the Traditions ........................... 125 4.2.5 A Christian Evaluation Of The Hadith ............................................. 128 5 ALLAH – HIS NATURE AND ESSENCE .................................. 131 5.1 THE NATURE AND ESSENCE OF GOD IN ISLAM AND THE BIBLE .......................................132 5.1.1 Had the Knowledge of God been Kept Alive in Arabia? ................. 132 5.1.2 The historical roots of the word ‘Allah’........................................... 133 5.1.3 Who is Allah? .................................................................................. 133 ....................................................................... 138 5.1.4 The Essence of Allah 5.1.5 Yahweh Elohim ............................................................................... 139 5.1.6 Islam’s Reaction To The Triune God ............................................... 140 5.1.7 The Mercy and Grace of God .......................................................... 142 5.1.8 The Love of God .............................................................................. 144 5.1.9 God’s Power.…………………………………………………………………………… 148 5.1.10 The 99 Most Excellent Names of Allah ....................................... 150 5.1.11 An Evaluation ............................................................................. 153 6 FAITH AND PRACTICE BELONG TOGETHER .................... 154 6.1 DEEN: THE PRACTICE OF ISLAM ...................................................................................154 6.1.1 Confession Of Faith ......................................................................... 155 6.1.2 Prayer ............................................................................................. 157 6.1.3 Giving (‘Zakat’) ............................................................................... 159 6.1.4 Fasting ............................................................................................ 160 6.1.5 Pilgrimage ...................................................................................... 160 6.2 IMAN - THE FAITH OF ISLAM ………………………………………………………………………162 6.2.1 Allah ................................................................................................ 162 6.2.2 His Angels ....................................................................................... 162 6.2.3 All revealed Books .......................................................................... 162 6.2.4 All the Prophets .............................................................................. 163 6.2.5 The Last Day / Predestination......................................................... 163 6.3 PREDESTINATION IN ISLAM …………………………………………………………………….164 6.3.1 Predestination in the Qur’an .......................................................... 165 6.3.2 Predestination As Taught In The Hadith ......................................... 170 7 MAN, SIN AND THE LAW OF GOD……………………………………………173 7.1 THE NATURE OF MAN ............................................................................................173 7.1.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 173 7.1.2 Man’s Position Before God According To The Bible ............................... 173 7.1.3 Man’s Position Before God According To The Qur’an..................... 176 7.2 THE PERCEPTION OF SIN ..........................................................................................179 7.2.1 An Assessment Of Sin In The Bible .................................................. 179 7.2.2 An Assessment Of Sin In Islam ........................................................ 181 7.2.3 What the Hadith teaches about sin ................................................ 186 7.2.4 Repentance, Forgiveness, Pardon For Sin ....................................... 187 7.2.5 An Evaluation ................................................................................. 188 7.3 THE LAW OF GOD ...................................................................................................189 7.3.1 The Bible ......................................................................................... 189 7.3.2 Islam ............................................................................................... 189 8 THE SHARIAH ............................................................................. 191 8.1 THE STRUCTURE OF THE SHARIAH ............................................................................193 8.1.1 The Origin And Fountain Of All Islamic Law ................................... 195 9 ISLAMIC IDEAS ABOUT SALVATION ................................... 197 10 SPECULATIONS ABOUT FUTURE LIFE ................................ 200 10.1 DEATH AND THE PUNISHMENT IN THE GRAVE .............................................................200 10.1.1 Which Sins Will Be Punished? ..................................................... 203 10.2 THE TIME OF THE END ............................................................................................205 10.3 PARADISE ..............................................................................................................213 10.4 HELL .....................................................................................................................215 11 THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN ISLAM ..................................... 216 11.1 THE POSITION OF WOMEN IN SOCIETY ..............................................................................216 11.2 THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE FAMILY .......................................................................218 11.2.1 The Islamic Pattern of Honour and Shame ....................................... 219 11.2.2 Dress Code and Veiling ............................................................... 220 11.3 MARRIAGE ............................................................................................................221 11.4 DIVORCE ...............................................................................................................223 11.4.1 Polygamy – not an option for women!....................................... 226 11.5 RELIGIOUS LIFE AND FUTURE HOPE ...........................................................................228 11.5.1 The Impact of Folk Islam on the Life of Women ............................... 229 12 THE FEASTS OF ISLAM ............................................................ 231 12.1 THE ISLAMIC CALENDAR ..........................................................................................231 12.2 SOME MAJOR FEASTS OF ISLAM ...............................................................................231 12.2.1 Ashura ........................................................................................ 231 12.2.2 Maulid ........................................................................................ 232 12.2.3 Lailatu’n-Nisf Min Sha’ban ......................................................... 232 12.2.4 Ramadaan .................................................................................. 232 12.2.5 Lailatu’l-Qadr’ (The Night of Power) .......................................... 233 12.2.6 Eidu’l-Fitr (The Minor Feast) ....................................................... 233 12.2.7 Idu’l-Adha (The Great Festival) .................................................. 233 12.2.8 Origin and Meaning of Sacrifices in Islam .................................. 234 13 OUR FINAL CONCLUSION ........................................................ 238 13.1 THREE VITAL MISCONCEPTIONS ................................................................................238 14 APPENDIX .................................................................................... 240 14.1 KALIMA, SALAT, KA`BA AND HUBAL ..........................................................................240 14.1.1 The Kalima.................................................................................. 240 14.1.2 The Salat .................................................................................... 240 14.1.3 The Ka’ba ................................................................................... 241 14.1.4 Hubal - the Suspect .................................................................... 242 14.2 THE MOSQUE ........................................................................................................248 14.3 THE 114 SURAHS OF THE QUR'AN ............................................................................250 14.4 THE 99 MOST EXCELLENT NAMES OF ALLAH ..............................................................253 14.5 A BRIEF DICTIONARY OF ISLAMIC TERMS ....................................................................256 14.6 WHO'S WHO IN ISLAM ...........................................................................................260 14.7 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………………………………….263 14.8 INDEX ...................................................................................................................267 1 1 Facing Reality Although the West only focused on Islam in fairly recent times, it has been a religion and a world power for over 1300 years. It had its times of glory and of decay and recession. It hardly featured in Western history books, and only found attention rather recently in the media. This has changed dramatically in the last few decades. And what brought about this change? Global migration, the resurgence of Islam, the variously interpreted acts of violence in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and those directed particularly at Christians in Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, the Philippines and other places undoubtedly contributed. The attacks, first on US embassies and installations and then on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, drove home the point to the West that Islam is a force to be reckoned with. Islam is indeed in the news and two burning questions are in the air: “What is Islam?” and “What is it up to?” The West with its humanistic worldview has grappled with the issue of understanding Islam. It is fundamentally different from the still-prevailing Animism, Hinduism or Buddhism. It views itself to be an Abrahamic religion in line with Judaism and Christianity. It does, in fact, claim that Abraham, Moses and all the other actors of the Old Testament as well as Jesus and his disciples were actually all Muslims. Today’s Judaism and Christianity are assumed by Muslims to be perversions of their original and Islam sees itself as being called to correct and cure the ailments of the Western world. This, according to Islam, can only be done by enforcing the order of Allah, the Shariah, i.e. the Islamic Law, on this decadent part of the world. The purpose of the Law is to cause all mankind to bow itself in submission to Allah, the One and Only God. Christianity was, and even today is equally out of focus regarding Islam. In the past the Crusades and other belligerent actions such as Colonialism were just about the only message the Muslim world received from Christianity. In order to acquaint Muslims with the biblical Jesus and his message, we will have to make an endeavour to understand the Muslim mind-set, and in order to be able to do that, we will have to come to terms with Islam. This compilation, with its biblical assessments, wants to do that. We will, consequently, take a look at the founder and prophet of Islam, the Books it believes in, the teachings it derived from that, and its present worldview and self assessment.

May 1, 2011 It supplies the trainer with comprehensive, yet basic information. He has to scrutinize this information and select his specific teaching materials.
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