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Braz Dent J (2007) 18(4): 267-280 Bacterial pathogenesis of apical periodontitis ISSN 0103-6244607 Bacterial Pathogenesis and Mediators in Apical Periodontitis José F. SIQUEIRA Jr Isabela N. RÔÇAS Department of Endodontics, Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Apical periodontitis is a group of inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms (mainly bacteria) infecting the necrotic root canal system. The pathogenesis of different types of apical periodontitis and even the same type in different individuals is unlikely to follow a stereotyped fashion with regard to the involved bacterial mediators. Disease pathogenesis is rather complex and involves a multitude of bacteria- and host-related factors. This review article discusses the bacterial pathogenesis of acute and chronic apical periodontitis, with the main focus on the bacterial mediators conceivably involved in the different stages of the infectious process, including secreted products (enzymes, exotoxins, N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine peptides, heat-shock proteins and metabolic end-products) and struc- tural components (lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan, lipoteichoic acid, lipoproteins, fimbriae, flagella, outer membrane proteins and vesicles, DNA, and exopolysaccharides). Knowledge of the bacterial factors involved in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis is important to the understanding of the disease process and to help establishing proper therapeutic measures to inactivate this bacterial “artillery”. Key Words: endodontic infection, bacterial pathogenicity, virulence factors, apical periodontitis. INTRODUCTION eradicate bacteria entrenched in the sanctuary of the necrotic root canal, which lacks an active microcircu- Apical periodontitis is a group of inflammatory lation and is consequently beyond the reaches of body diseases caused by microorganisms (mainly bacteria) defenses. Disease pathogenesis is rather complex and infecting the necrotic root canal system. The process involves a multitude of bacteria- and host-related factors. starts after pulp necrosis as a result of caries, trauma or This review article discusses the bacterial pathogenesis iatrogenic procedures, when bacteria invade and colo- of apical periodontitis, with the main focus on the nize the root canal system. As a consequence of bacterial mediators (or virulence factors) involved in the necrosis, the endodontic environment becomes a selec- different stages of the disease process. tive habitat for the establishment of a mixed microbiota conspicuously dominated by anaerobic bacteria (1). In ENDODONTIC PATHOGENS AND MECHANISMS OF late stages of the infectious process, bacterial organiza- PATHOGENICITY tions resembling biofilms can be observed adhered to the canal walls (2-4). Thus, there is a current trend to Bacteria involved in the pathogenesis of apical consider apical periodontitis as a biofilm-induced dis- periodontitis may have participated in the early stages of ease. Bacteria colonizing the necrotic root canal come pulp inflammation and necrosis or they may have gained into contact with the periodontal ligament via apical or entry into the canal space any time after pulpal necrosis. lateral foramens, induce damage and give rise to inflam- In the former situation, involved bacteria are usually matory changes. The host defenses, in turn, can eliminate those present in the advanced front of caries lesions and bacteria egressing from the canal, but are unable to from saliva bathing the affected area. Bacteria impli- Correspondence: Prof. Dr. José F. Siqueira Jr, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Estácio de Sá, Avenida Alfredo Baltazar da Silveira, 580/cobertura, Recreio, 22790-701 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Tel: +55-21-8874-1022. Fax: +55-21-2199-2204. e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 268 J. F. Siqueira Jr and I. N. Rôças cated in pulp disease first adhere to the dentinal walls and an easy task for late colonizers, other environmental colonize this surface, forming authentic biofilms. Diffu- factors, such as interaction with pioneer species, oxygen sion of bacterial products through dentinal tubules tension and nutrients availability, will determine whether induces pulpal inflammation long before the tissue is the new species entering the canal will succeed in exposed. After pulp exposure, the surface of the tissue establishing therein. Thus, latecomers will join the early can also be colonized and covered by bacteria present in colonizers to make up a dynamic mixed community in the caries biofilm. The exposed pulp tissue is in direct the root canal. Ultimately, the root canals of teeth contact with bacteria and their products, and responds evincing radiographically detectable apical periodontitis with severe inflammation. Some tissue invasion by lesions harbor early colonizers that managed to stay in some bacteria may also occur. Bacteria in the battle the canals and late colonizers that managed to adapt to front have to survive the attack from the host defenses the new, but propitious, environmental conditions. and at the same time have to acquire nutrients to keep The usual sequential stages for bacterial infec- themselves alive. In this bacteria-pulp clash, the latter tions in several body sites include a) attachment to and invariably is “defeated” and becomes necrotic. Therefore, colonization of host surfaces; b) invasion of host bacteria move forward and “occupy the territory”, i.e., tissues; c) survival within the tissue by acquiring nutri- colonize the necrotic tissue. These events occur per ents and evading host defense mechanisms; d) and tissue compartments, which coalesce and move to- induction of direct or indirect damage to the host wards the apical part of the canal until virtually the entire tissues. The process of early pulp infection is likely to root canal is necrotic and infected. At this stage, follow similar events, even though it should be assumed involved bacteria can be regarded as the early root canal that the sequence of events is more didactic than real and colonizers or pioneer species. some phases may overlap or swap positions. Several Bacteria colonizing the necrotic root canal start bacterial mediators (virulence factors) are involved in inducing damage to the periradicular tissues and give each of these events. rise to inflammatory changes. In fact, periradicular Bacteria exert their pathogenicity by wreaking inflammation can be observed even before the entire havoc to the host tissues through direct and/or indirect root canal is necrotic (5-7). Therefore, the early colo- mechanisms. Bacterial factors that cause direct tissue nizers play an important role in the initiation of the apical harm include those that damage host cells and/or the periodontitis disease process. The environmental condi- intercellular matrix of the connective tissue. These tions in the canal are modified by pioneer species and the factors usually involve secreted products, including disease process, and may now be conducive to the enzymes, exotoxins and metabolic end-products (8). establishment of bacterial groups different from the Furthermore, bacterial structural components, includ- early colonizers. Once the pulp is necrotic, species other ing peptidoglycan, lipoteichoic acid, fimbriae, flagella, than those that participated in the initial infectious outer membrane proteins and vesicles, DNA, process may also have access to the canal via coronal exopolysaccharides and lipopolysaccharide, are shed exposure or exposed dentinal tubules. In fact, a shift in into the periradicular tissues and act as modulins by the microbiota is observed and is resultant of re- stimulating the development of host immune reactions arrangements in the proportions of the pioneer species capable not only of defending the host against infection and arrival of latecomers. Some early colonizers are but also of causing severe tissue destruction (9, 10). For expected to no longer participate in the consortium in instance, inflammatory and non-inflammatory host cells advanced disease. As time passes, the endodontic can be stimulated by bacterial components to release microbiota becomes more and more structurally and chemical mediators such as cytokines and prostaglan- spatially organized. Some virulence attributes required dins, which are involved in the induction of bone for pathogens to thrive in other sites may be of no value resorption characteristically observed in chronic apical for bacteria that reach the root canal after necrosis as, periodontitis lesions (11). Pro-inflammatory cytokines for instance, the ability to evade the host defenses. This stimulate osteoclastic bone resorption by either enhanc- is because latecomers face no significant opposition ing the proliferation and differentiation of osteoclast from host defenses, which are no longer active in the precursors or promoting activation of mature osteo- canal after necrosis. Although colonization may appear clasts, or both (12). Another example of indirect dam- Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 Bacterial pathogenesis of apical periodontitis 269 age caused by bacteria is the formation of purulent predispose to abscess formation. However, it is as- exudate in acute apical abscesses. Host defense mecha- sumed that the oral microbiota contains only a few nisms against bacteria emanating from the root canal pathogenic species, and most of them have low viru- appear to be the most important factor involved in pus lence. This is consistent with the chronic slowly pro- formation associated with abscesses. Formation of gressive nature of the most common form of apical oxygen-derived free radicals, such as superoxide and periodontitis. Therefore, as bacterial infection (inva- hydrogen peroxide, alongside the release of lysosomal sion, survival and proliferation) of the periradicular enzymes by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, gives rise tissues represent a rare occurrence, except for abscess to destruction of the connective extracellular matrix, cases, direct or indirect aggression to the tissues is leading to pus formation (13). Therefore, bacteria can caused by bacterial secreted products or structural exert indirect destructive effects, which seem to be even components that diffuse out from the canal or are more significant in the tissue damage associated with released by bacterial cells that reached the periradicular acute and chronic apical periodontitis lesions. tissues but are quickly destroyed therein by the host Depending on several factors, apical periodonti- defenses. In acute cases or in the rare cases where an tis can be chronic or acute. A chronic disease is usually asymptomatic lesion is infected (e.g., actinomycosis, associated with low virulence of the involved bacterial infected cysts), tissue damage comes also from factors consortium, which though represents a persistent source released by viable bacterial cells directly in the tissues. of aggression to the tissues. Persistence can be related More than likely, few, if any, of the putative to community organization in biofilms and inaccessibility endodontic pathogens are individually capable of induc- to host defenses because of the anatomic location of the ing all of the events involved in the pathogenesis of the infection. An acute infection, in turn, is usually caused different forms of apical periodontitis. Probably, the by a high virulent bacterial consortium. Such high process requires an integrated and orchestrated interac- virulence may be due to the presence of virulent species tion of the selected members of the mixed endodontic or strains and/or the occurrence of synergism between microbiota and their respective virulence attributes. species. Acute infections are usually related to bacterial cells in a planktonic state, at high numbers, with tissue BACTERIAL VIRULENCE FACTORS invasion ability, counteracted by a diminished host resistance. It has been demonstrated for some pathogens Bacterial virulence factors comprise structural that genes coding for many virulence factors are much cellular components and released products. Bacterial more highly expressed in planktonic cells than in biofilm strategies that contribute to pathogenicity, such as the cells, suggesting that planktonic cells are more likely to ability to co-aggregate and form biofilms, have also participate in acute infections (14). been regarded as virulence factors, but will not be The isolate location of the root canal microbiota discussed herein. Most bacterial virulence factors have indicates that to exert its pathogenicity the bacteria must their primary functions other than causing host tissue either invade the periradicular tissues or their products damage. They have a structural or physiological role and/or structural components must penetrate the tissue and that of a virulence factor is merely coincidental and and be able to evoke a defense response in the host. consequential. Different virulence factors usually act in Bacteria can invade tissues either by their motility or by combination at various stages of infection, and a single growth. Motile bacteria can escape phagocytes by a factor may have several functions at different stages. rapid movement. Invasion by growth requires that the Virulence factors are involved in every step of the rate of reproduction overcomes the host defense mecha- infectious process (attachment, invasion, survival, and nisms. Frank invasion of the periradicular tissues is damage) (Table 1). rather uncommon and, when it occurs, bacteria are usually quickly eliminated. In some instances, which Structural Components will depend upon several factors, massive invasion of the periradicular tissues by bacteria may result in ab- Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) scess formation. The presence of more virulent species or strains, or a more virulent mixed consortium, can Richard Pfeiffer, one of the Robert Koch’s Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 270 J. F. Siqueira Jr and I. N. Rôças students, observed that Vibrio cholerae produced not macromolecular complexes of LPS, protein and phos- only a heat-labile exotoxin, but also a heat-resistant pholipids. substance only released after cell death (15). This The LPS molecule consists of a hydrophilic substance was named endotoxin, which was subse- polysaccharide, subdivided into the O-polysaccharide quently revealed to be a misnomer, since endotoxins specific chain (O-antigen) and the core oligosaccharide, reside on the surface of bacteria, not inside. Even and a hydrophobic glycolipid component, termed lipid A though the terms lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and endot- (16). Lipid A is found embedded in the outer membrane oxin have been used interchangeably, it has been recom- of the Gram-negative cell wall, while the core and the O- mended that the term LPS be reserved for purified antigen portions extend outward from the bacterial bacterial extracts that are free of contaminants (mainly surface. The long polysaccharide chains of LPS can protein) and the term endotoxin be used to refer to allow the fixation of the complement system at a site distant from the bacterial cell membrane, protecting the bac- terium from the lethal lytic ef- Table 1. Bacterial virulence factors involved in different stages of the infectious process. fect of that host defense sys- tem. Except for activating the Function Virulence factors complement system through the alternative pathway with con- Attachment Adhesins (fimbriae, afimbrial surface proteins) Exopolysaccharides sequent release of pro-inflam- Lipoteichoic acid matory by-products of the sys- Outer membrane proteins tem, the LPS molecule is virtu- Outer membrane vesicles ally not toxic when it is incor- porated into the bacterial outer Invasion Flagella membrane. Lipid A is set free Enzymes (collagenase, hyaluronidase, chondroitin from the outer membrane dur- sulfatase, fibrinolysin, acid phosphatase, and Dnase) ing bacterial multiplication or Survival Exopolysaccharides (capsule) after death, when LPS is re- (evasion of host IgA, IgG, IgM, C3, and C5 proteinases leased either as a free form, or defenses or acquisition Lipopolysaccharide (antigen-O portion) as a complex of LPS with bac- of nutrients) Flagella terial surface proteins (endot- Exotoxins oxin). As a consequence of re- Heat-shock proteins lease, lipid A is then exposed to Metabolic end-products host cells and can give rise to a full range of biologic events. Direct damage Exotoxins Enzymes (collagenase, hyaluronidase, chondroitin The macrophage appears sulfatase, gingipains, aminopeptidases, phospholipase, to be a key cell involved in host neuraminidase, and acid phosphatase) response to LPS. After release Metabolic end-products (short-chain fatty acids, from bacteria, LPS is initially polyamines, volatile sulfur compounds, indole, ammonia) bound to a plasm protein called LPS-binding protein (LBP) and Indirect damage Lipopolysaccharide (mainly lipid A portion) is then delivered to CD14, a cell Peptidoglycan Lipoteichoic acid receptor for LPS on the surface Fimbriae of macrophages (17). Subse- Exopolysaccharides quent activation of the mac- Outer membrane proteins (porins) rophage is a result of signal Lipoproteins triggered by a signal-transduc- DNA ing receptor called Toll-like re- Heat-shock proteins ceptor (TLR). The Toll family Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 Bacterial pathogenesis of apical periodontitis 271 of receptors encompasses transmembrane molecules adhesion molecules on endothelial cells (22-25), which linking the extracellular compartment, where contact are important in the early stages of inflammation; and recognition of pathogens occurs, and the intracel- e) Stimulation of osteoclast differentiation and lular compartment, where signaling cascades leading to bone resorption, particularly via interactions with TLR- cellular responses are initiated. TLRs are responsible for 4 on osteoblast-lineage cells (26). LPS induces RANKL cell signaling to a variety of bacterial components (Table expression in osteoblasts and stimulates these cells to 2). TLR-4 is involved in cellular activation by LPS from secrete interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, prostaglandin E (PGE ), 2 2 most bacteria. However, TLR-2 may be involved in cell and TNF-α, each known to induce osteoclast activity signalling to some types of LPS, such as that from and differentiation (12,27,28). Porphyromonas gingivalis. Engagement of the receptor f) LPS may be mitogenic to B lymphocytes and activates transcription factors, which induce activation epithelial cells (29). of genes encoding several cytokines. g) LPS can stimulate naive B cells in the absence The biologic effects of LPS include: of T-cell help. At low concentrations, LPS stimulates a) Activation of macrophages/monocytes with specific antibody production. At high concentrations, consequent synthesis and release of pro-inflammatory this molecule can cause nonspecific polyclonal activa- cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, CXCL8 or IL-8, TNF-α), tion of B cells (30). prostaglandins, nitric oxide, and oxygen-derived free h) It has been recently demonstrated that trigemi- radicals (9,10,18). These substances are chemical me- nal afferent neurons express the TLR4 and CD14 diators of inflammation and most of them can stimulate receptor complex and that LPS activation of TLR4/ bone resorption; CD14 may trigger intracellular signaling cascades, lead- b) Activation of the complement system. Some ing to peripheral release of neuropeptides and central products of complement activation are chemotactic to nociceptive neurotransmission (31). This raises the inflammatory cells (C5a), act as opsonins (C3b), and possibility that one of the mechanisms of pain associ- can increase vascular permeability (C3a and C5a). ated with bacterial infectious processes can result from c) Activation of the Hageman factor (19-21), the direct effects of LPS on sensory fibers via interaction first step of the intrinsic clotting system, triggering the and direct activation of the TLR4/CD14 complex. coagulation cascade or the production of bradykinin, an The concentration of LPS in infected canals is important chemical mediator of inflammation; obviously expected to be directly proportional to the d) Induction of the expression of leukocyte load (number of cells) of Gram-negative bacteria (32). Studies have revealed that the content of endotoxin or LPS in infected root canals is higher in teeth with symptomatic apical periodontitis, teeth with periradicular Table 2. Microbial ligands recognized by Toll-like family members. bone destruction, or teeth with persistent exudation than in those without them (32-36). Murakami et al. (37) TLRs Ligands Source detected Porphyromonas endodontalis LPS in samples TLR2 Peptidoglycan Gram-positive and from infected root canals or in the pus samples of acute Gram-negative species abscesses of about 90% of the patients tested. They Lipoteichoic acid Gram-positive species suggested that P. endodontalis LPS can play an integral Lipoproteins Gram-negative species role as a potent stimulator of inflammatory cytokines LPS Porphyromonas gingivalis that are involved in the formation of acute abscesses and Leptospira interrogans (37). Dahlén et al. (38) inoculated Fusobacterium nucleatum LPS into the root canals of monkeys and TLR4 LPS Most Gram-negative species reported the occurrence of inflammatory reaction in the TLR5 Flagellin Flagellated Gram-positive periradicular tissues of all the experimental teeth with and Gram-negative species resorption of both bone and teeth. Dwyer and Torabinejad (39) evaluated histologically and radiographically the TLR9 CpG motifs of All bacteria periradicular tissues of cats after deposition of E. coli bacterial DNA endotoxin solutions in the root canals and concluded Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 272 J. F. Siqueira Jr and I. N. Rôças that endotoxin may have a role in the induction and also activate the complement system (48). All these perpetuation of periradicular inflammatory lesions. Such effects may indirectly account for the induction of results were similar to those obtained by Pitts et al. (40) tissue damage. Because LTA resembles LPS in certain after inoculation of Salmonella minnesota endotoxin biologic effects, it can be considered as the Gram- solution in the root canals of dogs. positive counterpart of LPS. Not all Gram-negative bacteria produce LPS. For instance, some treponemes possess lipooligosaccharides Outer Membrane Proteins (with a carbohydrate portion much shorter), and lipo- proteins in the outer membrane. Treponemal Approximately 50% of the dry mass of the outer lipooligosaccharides and lipoproteins may have similar membrane of Gram-negative bacteria consists of pro- bioactivity to LPS (41-44). teins. Apart from their structural role, outer membrane proteins (OMPs) have also been shown to have other Peptidoglycan physiological functions, such as porin activity. OMPs have been shown to stimulate macrophages and Except for cell wall-less mycoplasmas, every lymphocytes to release a range of pro-inflammatory and bacterium contains peptidoglycan in its cell wall, whose immunomodulatory cytokines, including IL-1, IL-4, primary function seems to be protecting the cell against IL-6, CXCL8, TNF-α, GM-CSF and IFN-γ (9). OMPs osmotic lysis. Peptidoglycan is a complex polymer can also promote resistance to complement-mediated consisting of two parts: a glycan portion and a tetrapep- killing by preventing activation of complement cascades tide portion. Due to cross-linkages, peptidoglycan forms and/or by blocking the formation of the membrane a strong, multilayered sheet that entirely surrounds the attack complex (49). A recent study reported that more bacterial cell. In Gram-positive bacteria, there are as than one-half of sera from patients with apical periodontitis many as 40-100 sheets of peptidoglycan, comprising up lesions had strong reactions to Porphyromonas gingivalis to 50% of cell wall material. In Gram-negative bacteria, cell components, especially RagB, which is a major there appears to be only one or two sheets, comprising outer membrane protein of this species (50). It was 5-10% of the cell wall material. Peptidoglycan may suggested that outer membrane proteins can be a induce diverse biological effects (45), which may play possible virulence factor in apical periodontitis lesions. a role in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis lesions. These effects include activation of macrophages/ Outer Membrane Vesicles monocytes with consequent release of pro-inflamma- tory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, granulo- The release of membranous material from the cyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), outer surface of Gram-negative bacteria has been re- and G-CSF, and activation of the complement system ported for a number of pathogenic species. This mate- via the alternative pathway (10,45,46). Signalling of rial has been referred to as vesicles or blebs. Vesicles are peptidoglycan is mediated mainly through TLR-2 (47). thought to be formed by extrusion of the outer mem- brane, arising from an imbalance between the growth of Lipoteichoic acid the outer membrane and other underlying cellular struc- tures. In addition to containing LPS, outer membrane Anionic polymers, such as the lipoteichoic acid vesicles have a capacity to entrap contents of the (LTA), are major components of the cell wall of Gram- periplasmic space, particularly lytic enzymes that break positive bacteria, accounting for up to 50% of its dry down large and impermeable molecules favoring their weight. LTA is a polymer of glycerol phosphate co- uptake as well as enzymes that confer resistance to valently attached to a glycolipid in the cytoplasmic antibiotics. Therefore, vesicles may afford bacteria a membrane and protruding through the peptidoglycan formidable virulence potential. layer. LTA can activate macrophages/monocytes and induce the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such Lipoproteins as IL-1β, IL-6, CXCL8 and TNF-α (10,46). LTA exerts its effects by signaling via TLR-2 (47). LTA may Lipoproteins are usually present in the cell wall of Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 Bacterial pathogenesis of apical periodontitis 273 Gram-negative bacteria and are responsible for anchor- Flagella ing the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan layer. Lipoproteins have been demonstrated to stimulate the Bacterial flagella are relatively long projections release of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, and TNF-α by macroph- extending outward from the cytoplasmic membrane ages (9). that confer motility to bacteria. The flagellum can rotate at speeds of up to 1200 rpm, thus enabling bacterial cells Fimbriae to move at speeds of 100 µm/s (54). In some bacteria, the flagella originate from the end of the cell – polar Fimbriae are rod-shaped proteic structures origi- flagella, while peritrichous flagella are those that surround nating in the cytoplasmic membrane and are composed the cell. Although the basic structure of the bacterial of a single protein subunit termed fimbrillin. Distribution flagellum appears to be similar for all bacteria, there are and numbers of fimbriae vary significantly, with some some structural variations that reflect bacterial diversity. species showing 10 fimbriae per cell and others show- For instance, the flagella of spirochetes do not extend ing up to 1000 (51). Fimbriae are evenly distributed over from the cell but rather are inserted subterminally at the surface of the bacteria, but in some cases they are each pole of the cell, wrap around the protoplasmic located preferentially on one part of the bacterial sur- cylinder, and usually are long enough to overlap near the face. Fimbriae are found mainly on Gram-negative middle of the cell body. They are termed periplasmic bacteria, albeit they can also be present on certain flagella and are located between the protoplasmic cylin- streptococci and actinomycetes. The tip of the fimbriae der and the outer sheath. Rotation of the periplasmic mediates bacterial adherence to host tissue surfaces or axial filament propels the cell by propagating a helical other microorganisms, by attaching to specific recep- wave along the cell length so that it moves with a tors, usually in a lectin-like interaction. In addition to corkscrew motion. The periplasmic flagella of oral promoting adhesion, fimbriae have been demonstrated treponemes, in addition to being required for motility, to elicit the release of cytokines by macrophages, have strong influences on cell helical morphology. including IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, CXCL8 and TNF-α (52). Main examples of oral bacteria that possess flagella and have motility include treponemes (periplasmic Exopolysaccharides flagella), Campylobacter rectus and some other Campylobacter species (single polar flagellum), Production of exopolysaccharides is a common Selenomonas species (up to 16 lateral flagella forming a characteristic of bacterial cells growing in their natural tuft), Centipeda periodontii (peritrichous flagella), some environment. Exopolysaccharides form highly hydrated, Eubacterium species (like E. yurii, which has a single water insoluble gels. They may be formed by either polar flagellum), and species of the genera Bacillus and homo- or heteropolysaccharides. Exopolysaccharides Clostridium (most having peritrichous flagella). Motility may have some important roles when it comes to can be an important pathogenic trait of some species bacterial pathogenicity. They may allow bacterial adhe- because it enables the bacteria to evade phagocytosis sion to host surfaces and may also serve as metabolic and invade the tissue. Furthermore, flagella may also substrate in periods of starvation. In addition, induce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines exopolysaccharides (capsule) can play a crucial role in through a process involving recognition of flagellin by bacterial virulence by hindering phagocytosis or inhib- TLR5 (55). iting complement activation and complement-mediated killing. Several bacterial species produce a capsule with Bacterial DNA a chemical structure that mimics host tissue, camou- flaging the microorganism from the immune system. Bacterial DNA differs from mammalian DNA Exopolysaccharides can also stimulate cytokine synthe- because of the presence of DNA motifs containing a sis by macrophages, including IL-1β, IL-6, CXCL8, central unmethylated CG dinucleotide (CpG). While and TNF-α (9), thus contributing to the damage to host CpG motifs are unmethylated and usually fairly abun- tissues. Encapsulated bacteria have an increased ability dant in bacterial DNA, they are methylated and highly to cause abscesses (53). suppressed in mammalian DNA. Moreover, the base Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 274 J. F. Siqueira Jr and I. N. Rôças context of CpG nucleotides in the human genome is not sis of hyaluronic acid, a constituent of the ground random, with CpGs being most frequently preceded by substance of the connective tissue. This enzyme can a C or followed by a G, which is unfavorable for immune also be important for bacterial spread through tissues. stimulation (56). Because of this, cells of the innate Hashioka et al. (63) observed that bacteria with hyalu- immune system can sense bacterial DNA and interpret ronidase activity were isolated from root canals with its presence as infectious danger (57). Macrophages acute clinical symptoms. Chondroitin sulfatase and and dendritic cells can be directly stimulated by bacterial acid phosphatase are other enzymes that can be in- DNA to produce a variety of cytokines, such as IL-1β, volved in degradation of components of the extracellular TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1ra, IL-18, monocyte chemoattractant matrix of the connective tissue. DNases reduce the protein-1 and IFN-γ. Also, bacterial DNA has been viscosity of debris from dead host cells (like in ab- demonstrated to be a potent B-cell mitogen (56). TLR- scesses) and may thus allow the spread of bacteria 9 is involved in initiation of cellular activation by CpG within an area where extensive damage to host tissue DNA (58). Similar to LPS, CpG DNA modulates has occurred. Fibrinolysin is produced by many osteoclastogenesis in bone marrow cell/osteoblast co- hemolytic streptococci and activates a proteolytic en- cultures. Upon TLR-9 ligation, CpG DNA interacts with zyme of plasma, which is then able to dissolve coagu- osteoblastic TLR-9 and elicits intracellular events lead- lated plasma and probably is involved in the spread of the ing to the increased expression of molecules regulating infection through tissues. Phospholipases can be asso- osteoclastogenesis (59). ciated with membrane damage of the host cells caused by cleavage of phospholipids, which destabilizes the Secreted Products membrane and results in cell lysis. Enzymes Exotoxins Several enzymes produced and released by bac- Exotoxins are heat-labile polypeptides excreted teria may play a role in pathogenicity. Proteinases (or by living bacteria and are highly antigenic and usually proteases) are enzymes either secreted extracellularly or highly toxic. Leukotoxin is the most documented exo- expressed on the bacterial cell surface that are capable toxin known to play a role in the pathogenesis of of hydrolyzing peptide bonds of proteins. They are periodontal diseases. Leukotoxin is cell-specific and candidates for contribution to the pathogenesis of apical binds to neutrophils, monocytes and a subset of lym- periodontitis lesions through several mechanisms, in- phocytes, forming pores in the plasmatic membranes of cluding direct damage by degrading components of the these target cells. As a result of pore formation induced extracellular matrix of the connective tissue; indirect by the toxin, the cell loses the ability to sustain osmotic damage by activating host matrix metalloproteinases; homeostasis and dies. Few oral bacteria, including and subversion of the host defense mechanisms by Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans, inactivation of proteins such as immunoglobulins and Fusobacterium necrophorum, and Campylobacter rectus, complement components (60-62). For instance, bacte- are recognized to produce exotoxins (67,68). Of these, ria with collagenase activity have been found more only the latter has been frequently observed in endodon- frequently in cases of large apical periodontitis lesions, tic infections (69). which suggests that such enzyme activity may be contributory to the enlargement of the lesion (63). In Bacterial Peptide N-Formyl-Methionyl-Leucyl- addition to having direct and indirect harmful effects as Phenylalanine (fMLP) well as protective activities against host defenses, bac- terial proteinases can play a pivotal ecologic role in the fMLP peptides are derived from the N-terminal habitat by acquiring nutrients in the form of peptides and end of newly synthesized bacterial proteins. For some amino acids that can be used by other species in the proteins, particularly those occurring in the cytoplasm, mixed bacterial consortium (64). the fMLP peptides are cleaved posttranslationally and Several other enzymes can play a role in bacterial are not present in the mature protein. For membrane or pathogenicity. Hyaluronidase is involved in the hydroly- secretory proteins, these N-terminal signal peptide ex- Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 Bacterial pathogenesis of apical periodontitis 275 tensions are cleaved by a peptidase following polypep- cell-cell signaling properties and are able to modulate the tide transport across the membrane and, therefore, are activity of host cells. The actions of bacterial HSPs on released into the extracellular space. The signal peptide host cells include inducing the synthesis of pro-inflam- is incorporated in the protein in the form of a short-lived matory cytokines (74,75). HSPs have also been re- sequence extension and is believed to direct the trans- ported to promote apoptosis and this effect is likely to port of newly synthesized polypeptides across the inhibit host antibacterial responses (73). The cytotoxic- membrane following their synthesis. fMLP is one such ity of some bacterial HSPs may also contribute to tissue bacterial peptide and is mainly considered a strong destruction, whereas the presence of common epitopes chemoattractant and a powerful activator of polymor- in host proteins and microbial HSPs may lead to patho- phonuclear leukocytes and macrophages (61,70,71). logical autoimmune responses (72). Heat-Shock Proteins Metabolic End-Products Environmental stresses (e.g., nutrient availabil- Several end-products of bacterial metabolism are ity, temperature, pH, redox potential, etc.) may affect released to the extracellular environment and may be the survival of oral bacteria and induce the accumulation toxic to host cells, cause degradation of constituents of of damaged or denatured proteins. Prokaryotic and the extracellular matrix of the connective tissue, and eukaryotic cells respond to these conditions by inducing interfere with the host defense processes (76-78). or accelerating the synthesis of specific proteins known Among diverse bacterial end-products, volatile sulfur as stress proteins, including heat-shock proteins (HSPs). compounds, short-chain fatty acids, polyamines, indole HSPs are families of highly conserved proteins whose and ammonia have been regarded as putative virulence main role is to allow microorganisms to survive under factors. stress conditions. They act as molecular chaperones in Volatile sulfur compounds are formed as a result the assembly and folding of proteins, and as proteases of desulfuration of amino acids containing sulfhydryl when damaged or toxic proteins have to be degraded. groups. For instance, hydrogen sulfide is derived from Many HSPs are expressed constitutively under normal desulfuration of cysteine and methyl mercaptan from conditions but are rapidly up-regulated under stressful desulfuration of methionine. It has been demonstrated conditions. that innumerous oral bacterial species, including candi- HSPs are not exclusively intracellular proteins, date endodontic pathogens, are able to form volatile but may also be located on the cell surface and on outer sulfur compounds (79,80). Examples include: Tre- membrane vesicles released by bacteria (72). They are ponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia, Porphyromonas commonly grouped into families based on molecular endodontalis, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella weight: small HSPs, GroES-homologue proteins or intermedia, Prevotella nigrescens, Fusobacterium HSP10 (~10 kDa), DnaJ-homologue proteins or HSP40 nucleatum, Parvimonas micra (formerly (~40 kDa), GroEL-homologue proteins or HSP60 (~60 Peptostreptococcus/Micromonas micros), Actinomyces kDa), DnaK-homologue proteins or HSP70 (~70 kDa), species, and Eubacterium species (79). Volatile sulfur HptG-homologue proteins or HSP90 (~90 kDa), and compounds are expected to be formed by endodontic Clp ATP-dependent proteases (HSP100) (72). Many bacteria from the free sulfur amino acids present in HSPs of candidate endodontic pathogens, including tissue fluids or exudate that penetrate in the root canal. Tannerella forsythia, Campylobacter rectus, Candida Proteolytic activity of some bacterial species in the root albicans, Prevotella intermedia, Prevotella nigrescens, canal can also supply other bacteria with suitable sub- Prevotella buccae, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fuso- strates for production of volatile sulfur compounds. bacterium nucleatum and Treponema denticola, have These substances can be highly toxic to host cells (81). been identified. Although no study seems to exist as to the production HSPs may play different roles as a virulence of volatile sulfur compounds in infected root canals, it factor. A number of bacteria appear to use some is entirely possible that these compounds may accumu- specific HSPs as adhesins (73). In addition to participat- late in necrotic root canals and reach toxic levels to the ing in bacterial adhesion, HSPs have been shown to have periradicular tissues. Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007 276 J. F. Siqueira Jr and I. N. Rôças Short-chain fatty acids [CH -(CH ) -COOH, x<3 The composition of the bacterial consortium 3 2 x thus C<5] released by endodontic bacteria into the within infected root canals will certainly dictate the type environment include volatile acids (propionic, butyric, of end-products present as well as their concentration. isobutyric, valeric, isovaleric, acetic, and formic acids) On the one hand, some compounds may be consumed and non-volatile acids (lactic and succinic acids) (82). by other species and be further degraded. On the other Short-chain fatty acids may have a broad range of hand, metabolites can be left to accumulate and reach biological effects. Butyric, propionic and valeric acids toxic levels to the periradicular tissues. Accumulation of have been demonstrated to exhibit cytotoxic effects on bacterial metabolic end-products in the infected root Vero cells (76). Short-chain fatty acids, and butyric acid canal may thus represent an additional pathogenic mecha- in particular, can cause inhibition of T-cell proliferation nism of the root canal microbiota. Many of these end- and induce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines products, such as short-chain fatty acids, polyamines by monocytes (78). Butyric acid may also induce and particularly volatile sulfur compounds, are respon- apoptosis in splenic T- and B-cells (83-85). Succinic sible for the foul smell typical of endodontic anaerobic acid at concentrations commonly found in clinical infections. abscesses has been shown to impair the antimicrobial activity of neutrophils (86,87). CONCLUDING REMARKS Polyamines are produced by microorganisms as a result of amino acid decarboxylation by decarboxy- Apical periodontitis is a multifactorial disease that lases. Examples of polyamines include putrescine, is resultant of the interplay of many host and bacterial spermidine, spermine and cadaverine. Putrescine [NH factors. Although LPS is undoubtedly the most studied 2 (CH ) NH ] is synthesized directly from ornithine by and quoted virulence factor, it sounds simplistic to 2 4 2 ornithine decarboxylase and indirectly from arginine by ascribe to this molecule all responsibility for apical arginine decarboxylase and 2 aminopropyltransferases. periodontitis causation. This statement is further rein- Spermidine [NH (CH ) NH (CH ) NH ] and spermine forced by the fact that some cases of primary infections 2 2 3 2 4 2 [NH (CH ) NH (CH ) NH (CH ) NH ] are formed by and many cases of secondary/persistent infections harbor 2 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 the subsequent addition of an aminopropyl moiety to exclusively Gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, the in- putrescine and spermidine, respectively. The diamine volvement of other factors must not be overlooked. In cadaverine [NH (CH ) NH ] can be formed from lysine fact, the pathogenesis of different types of apical 2 2 5 2 either via the action of ornithine decarboxylase or as a periodontitis and even the same type in different indi- result of lysin and decarboxylase activity. These enzymes viduals is unlikely to follow a stereotyped fashion with are present in several bacteria, including species of the regard to the involved bacterial mediators. Here were genera Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus, Es- presented several factors that can act together to cause cherichia, and Staphylococcus. Polyamines may be the diverse stages of the disease process, with conse- involved in the maintenance of cell viability, stimulation quent signs and symptoms. No single species possesses of cell proliferation, and modulation of inflammatory or expresses all the factors mentioned here and Table 3 processes (88,89). Polyamines can dysregulate apoptosis lists the main virulence factors of some important candi- of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and lead to premature date endodontic pathogens. Thus, which factors are cell death (90). A study has identified and quantified involved in each specific case will depend on the compo- polyamines in infected root canals and demonstrated sition of the microbiota, i.e., the bacterial species present that greater amounts were detected in teeth with spon- in the necrotic root canal. It is still worth pointing out that taneous pain, swelling and foul odor when compared to the potency of biological effects of the same virulence asymptomatic teeth (88). The authors suggested that factor (e.g., LPS) can significantly vary from species to intracanal polyamines, especially putrescine, might leak species (92,93). Thus, given the nonspecific nature of out through the apical foramen and be involved in the primary endodontic infections, different combinations of development of pain. virulence factors will cause disease in different subjects. Other end-products released by bacteria, such as Knowledge of the main factors involved in the pathogen- indole (C H N) and ammonia (NH ), can also be toxic esis of apical periodontitis may help establish proper 8 7 3 to host cells (77,91). therapeutic measures to inactivate this bacterial “artillery”. Braz Dent J 18(4) 2007

Knowledge of the bacterial factors involved in the pathogenesis of apical proper therapeutic measures to inactivate this bacterial “artillery”.
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