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Ba Gua Nei Gong. Volume 6: Marrow Washing Nei Gong PDF

111 Pages·2015·7.359 MB·English
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Preview Ba Gua Nei Gong. Volume 6: Marrow Washing Nei Gong

Ba Gua Nei Gong arrow Washing Nei Gng TOM BISIO GG NN GGoo VVooll.. 66 MMooww WWss NNGGoo by om Bso k    C The opnons expresse d n s manuscrp are solel y the opnons of he auhor and do no represen he opnons or oughs of he publsher. Te auhor as represened and warraned full ownershp and Ior legal righ o publsh all he maeris n his book Ba Gua Nei Gong Vo 6 Marrow Washing Nei Gong All Rig Reserved. Copyrigh © 205 by Tom Bisio V 0 This book may no be reprod ced ransmed or sored in whole or in ar by any means, nc ludng grahc, elecronc or mechanical whou he express wren consen of he publisher excep in he case of b ref quoaons emodied n crca l arcles and revews Ousirs Press Inc h:/ /wwwouskrspresscom ISBN: 98480222 Ouskirs Press and he OP logo are radearks belonging o Ouskrs Pres Inc PNTED IN TE UNITED STA TES OF AMERICA s The author nd publisher of hs book  ss    r y juy or less whch m resul om llowng e srcos or perrmg he exercses coaed wih he book. The acives escrbed  hs oo, physc or oherise may be oo srnuous or dgeros r a gve idvdual. Bere embarkig o  o e physc cvies descrbed  hs oo he reaer shou cos his or her phscan r advce regardig her idvul suiy r errmig such acvity. Ay heh bees arbted o these movemets a exercses, whether eoned or infered are o advocaed or promsed b he autor or pusher.  healh benes whether meioed or rre are hose pcally arbed to these oveens ad exercses  tradiioal Chnese cutre We ether endorse or advocae thse benes ad opios nor do we vouch r her verac. Te re presee r edcaonal rposes onl. kkwwlleeddggeemmeennttss Endless hanks o my wife V alerie Ghen for being my parner in life eaching and le arning She has come wih me on mos of he many rips o China and her es for life charm and enhusiasm open doors and keep my spiri from falering Valeries ongoing collabora ion wih me on books phoos videos and aricles abou Ba Gua Zhang Xing Yi Quan Nei Gong and Daois pracces is invaluable. She assised me in proofreading and wih counless small deails Valerie hank you for your love and suppor. A big hank you o Sco Gillis for his drawing s which enhance he book. Thanks o all he sudens a New York Inernal Ars (NYIA) who have painsakingly engaged wih he maerial augh by myself and he oher NYIA insrucors. Their feedback and dedicaion has influenced he presenaion and conen of his book and he oh er books in he Ba ua N ei Gong series To uang Guo Q for being a wonderful friend and for ranslang and guiding me hrough so many rips  o China over he las 20 years  uangs anslaons of documens and s abiliy o research and fin d he answers o arcane quesions on N ei Gong and he  j have helped make his book and mos of my previous books possib le Thank you uang for always being here and for you indefa gable spiri . Many hanks o Finbar McGra h Adam Wasserman Thad Wong Michael Mulligan Marcus DeGraia Wes Tasker and oward Morhaim for helping o make hese books a realiy. All of hese genlemen eiher proofread d rafs gave feedback or conibued in some way o he presenaon of his book and he ohers in e Ba Gua Nei Gong ser ies. Wihou hem he publicaion of h e Ba Gua Nei Gong series would have been exremely di fficul. My hanks also o Mohammed S aah for his help wih building and managing he Inernal Ar Inernaional (IAI) websie where some of hese wrings were firs presened in aricle forma. Ongoing managemen of a websie is a difficul and ofen hankless ob bu Mohammed has proved o be a saunch and loyal frend in his and so many oher ways. Also my hearfel hanks o Yuko Uchikawa for being here o consul  on design answering my many quesions and for her grea cover design s for boh he Ba ua Nei Gong book series and her cover design for Dcog  Do N Lssos   Dos Mo  CCtteettss ntroducton  About Bone Breathn an d Marrow Wahn Ne G on 2 BBoonnee BBeeaatthhnngg 5 What i Bone Breathn? 6 Poture or Bone Breathin Practce 6 Bone Breathin: Detaled  ntruction 7 Funcon o Bone Breathing 3 Whole Bod  Bone Breathin 4 BBaa GGuuaa MMaaooww WWaasshhnngg NNee GGoonngg 5 What  Marrow Wahn Ne Gon? 6 Beneit o Marrow Wahin N e Gon 17 Intenton No ntention Y B Y 8 MMaaooww WWaasshhnngg NNee GGoonngg DDeettaalleedd IInnssttuuccttoonnss 21 Openin  Part : Wu J 2 Part 2: Wu J Gve Brth to a J 2 Part 3: he ai Ji Gve Bi rth to Yin and Yan 22 Part 4: he Arm Eht Pae 23 Part 5: he Le E ht Pae 29 Part 6 : he Spne E ht Pae 35 Part 7: hree Power 38 Part 8: ranormn Saliva o Eence g) 44 Part 9: rnormin Eence g to Q 46 Part 10: Conoldatn the Spirt hree Embrace 48   Bod Wan A Mo Conolidate the Exercie 50 Strolln 58 Marrow Wahn Ne Gon : mportan onsidraton 58 Marrow Wahn Ne Gon: Summar 60 DDeettaalleedd EExxppaaaaii  MMaaooww WWaasshhiigg NNee GG oonngg 63 Undertndng rrow Wng Ne Gong 64 Part  Wu J 64 Part 2 Wu J Gve Brth to Ta J 65 Part 3: T   Gve Br th to Yn nd Yang 67 Prt 4-6 Lng Y Generate Ba Gua (The Eght Pae 70 Part 7 The Three Power 75 Part 8 Tranformng Sava To Eence g 77 Part 9 Tranformng Eence g to Q 78 Prt 0 Conodtng the Sp rt -Three mbrace 80 Summar 83 GGlloossssaayy ff BBaa GGuuaa NNee GGoonngg & BBaa GGuuaa ZZhhaann gg 84 IIttrrdduuttii Thi book  one o  ere o book on B Gu Ne Gong Embedded wthn B Gu Zhng, the mr rt,   compete ytem o ntern exerce tht promote ef-heng nd ongevty nd trnorm concoune . Th ytem cont of nne poweru nd proound method o ntern exerc e nd ecuvtion or Ne Gong Athough th book  ment to be ued n conjuncton wth nuction n B Gu Zhng or w n onne ernng progrm, t cn o be ued nd employed    tnd one nuct on mnu . The nne B Gu Ne Gong method cul mnte n the Dot medton prctce whch underle the en re yem . There  ome overp between the dferent method For exmpe, Dot med tton technque orm prt o the Q Cutvtion Ne Gong, nd vou method o Zza Zag (pot tndng re empoyed n ever of the nne method. Yet ech method lo h t own dnct quty or fvor, nd focue on deveopn g derent ntern b e nd qu e The nne B Gu Ne Gong meod re . B Gu Yn Yng Pttng Ne Gong 2. B Gu Do Yn Ledng Gudng Ne Gong 3 B Gu Q Culvtion Ne Gong 4. B Gu 2 Poture Stnd ng Ne Gong 5. B Gua J Ben Ne Gong 6. B Gu Crce Wlking Merd n Openng N e Gong 7 B Gu Tan G n (Heveny Stem Ne Gong 8. B Gu Mrrow Whng Ne Gong 9 B Gu Golden Flu d Returnng to Dnn Ne Gong nd Do Medtton Although deal e ould go through thee nne method n order, a a ere o tage,  practce, the teacher oten elect the order o practce that  approprate or each ndvdual. Even when the progreon  ollowed, e duraon pent at each tage wll var accordng to the ndvdual. And to be uthul, opportunt and crcumtance oten pla a role n where one begn. Oten one  practcng everal o the Ne Gong meod at the ame tme or even n a ned ahon. Thee nne method can be practice d ndependent!  a nternal exerc e n order to promote health and nou h le. However, the are o linked drect to the maral method o Ba Gua Zhang and to Daot nterna alchemcal practce The provde the ke oundatonal underpnng o the martal method at derent phae of anng. For example, the rt x Ne Gong meth od n the lt above actuall compre the o undaona leve o the matal aining method , and the Tan G an (Heave Stem Ne Gong  uuall taught n conjuncton wth Lao Ba Zag (Old Eght Palm", wch orm the het o Ba Gua Zhang' change and technque. The Ne Gong method ao provde baance and couterpont to the mara practice b harmonzng and quetng the bod, remindng the tudent to empo emptne, tllne and nteal connecton rath er than mere aggreve phcal force. AAbbuutt BBnnee BBrreeaatthhiinngg aanndd MMaarrrrww WWaasshhiinngg NN eeii GGnngg Th volume cover both Bone Breathng and Marrow Wahng Ne Gong. Bone Breathng  a prelmnar exercie tha can help ou to correctl perorm Marow Wang Ne Gong. Bone Breathng  oten practced or a perod o time n orde to prepare the bod or Marrow Wahn g Ne Gog t can ao be practced ndependentl a a orm o medcal Ne Gng. Bone Bre athng hep ou o breath e nto the bone and the ma row 

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