JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 &2007ISCBFMAllrightsreserved0271-678X/07$30.00 Automated three-dimensional analysis of histological and autoradiographic rat brain sections: application to an activation study Albertine Dubois1, Julien Dauguet1,2, Anne-Sophie Herard3,4, Laurent Besret3, Edouard Duchesnay1, Vincent Frouin1, Philippe Hantraye3,4, Gilles Bonvento3,4 and Thierry Delzescaux1,4 1UIIBP, Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot, CEA, Orsay, France; 2Computational Radiology Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 3Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot, CEA CNRS URA 2210, Service Hospitalier Frederic Joliot, Orsay, France; 4MIRCen Program, Fontenay-Aux-Roses, France Besides the newly developed positron emission tomography scanners (microPET) dedicated to the in vivo functional study of small animals, autoradiography remains the reference technique widely used for functional brain imaging and the gold standard for the validation of in vivo results. The analysisofautoradiographicdataisclassicallyachievedintwodimensions(2D)usingasection-by- sectionapproach,isoftenlimitedtofewsectionsandthedelineationoftheregionsofinteresttobe analysedisdirectlyperformedonautoradiographicsections.Inaddition,suchapproachofanalysis does not accommodate the possible anatomical shifts linked to dissymmetry associated with the sectioningprocess.Thisclassicanalysisistime-consuming,operator-dependentandcantherefore leadtonon-objective andnon-reproducibleresults.Inthispaper,wehavedevelopedan automated and generic toolbox for processing of autoradiographic and corresponding histological rat brain sections based on a three-step approach, which involves: (1) an optimized digitization dealing with hundredsofautoradiographicandhistologicalsections;(2)arobustreconstructionofthevolumes basedonareliableregistrationmethod;and(3)anoriginal3D-geometry-basedapproachtoanalysis of anatomical and functional post-mortem data. The integration of the toolbox under a unified environment (in-house software BrainVISA, with a graphic interface enabled a robust and operator-independent exploitation of the overall anatomical and functional information. We illustrated the substantial qualitative and quantitative benefits obtained by applying our methodology to an activation study (rats, n=5, under unilateral visual stimulation). Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2007) 27, 1742–1755; doi:10.1038/sj.jcbfm.9600470; published online 21March2007 Keywords: activation; autoradiography; functional data analysis; rodents; 3D reconstruction Introduction investigation of the neurotransmission processes (Araujo etal, 2000; Aznavour et al,2006).However, The recent development of dedicated small animal these systems still suffer technical limitations positron emission tomography scanners (microPET) includingalimitedsensitivityandareducedspatial has opened up the possibility of performing resolution (B2–3mm) compared with autoradio- repeated functional in vivo studies in the same graphy (B100–200mm). Therefore, the resolution of animal: longitudinal follow-up of cerebral glucose PET scanning relatively to the size of rodent brain metabolism and cerebral blood flow; studies on structuresisnotsufficienttoavoidincludingtissues protein synthesis under different conditions; and with different rates of blood flow and metabolism within a single voxel or region of interest. Conven- tional autoradiography images are therefore gener- Correspondence: Dr T Delzescaux, Service Hospitalier Fre´de´ric ally required to compare and validate in vivo Joliot,4,placeduGe´ne´ralLeclerc,91401OrsayCedex,France. functional results obtained with small-animal PET E-mail:[email protected] imaging and microPET technology (Thanos et al, This project was supported by the Commissariat a` l’Energie 2002;Toyamaetal,2004;SchmidtandSmith,2005). Atomique (CEA), France and the ‘Programme Interdisciplinaire Additionally,thecostofaPETsystempermitsonlya ImagerieduPetitAnimal’. few laboratories to be equipped with them. Hence, Received 21 September 2006; revised and accepted 12 January 2007;publishedonline21March2007 autoradiography remains the reference and widely Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1743 usedtechniqueforfunctionalbrainimaginginsmall 1998; NIH-Image, National Institutes of Health, animal research. USA; MacPhase, Otter Solution, Whitesboro, NY, Themajordisadvantageofautoradiographyisthat USA; VoxelView, Vital Images, Fairfield, IA, USA; an animal can only be studied once. Longitudinal 3D-BrainStation, Loats Associates, Westminster, studies require the use of multiple animals, adding MD, USA; and SURFdriver, Kailua, HI, USA), inter-animal variability to other sources of variabi- genericandreliablealgorithmsarestillneededboth lity. Another significant disadvantage is that for digitization of large numbers of sections and autoradiography requires brain tissue sectioning, also for automated analysis taking advantage of 3D entailing the production of up to several hundreds anatomo-functional reconstruction and allowing for of serial sections and the inherent loss of the three- dissymmetry correction in the sections. dimensional (3D) spatial consistency. Autoradio- In this paper, we have developed an automated graphic data are traditionally analyzed in two and generic toolbox for processing of auto- dimensions (2D) using a limited number of sections radiographic and histological rat brain sections. and a part of the functional information is therefore This toolbox is based on a three-step approach not exploited. In addition, depending on the whose strengths are: (1) an optimized data acquisi- orientation of the cutting plane relative to the tion from large numbers of serial histological and anteroposteriorandmediolateralaxes,thesymmetry autoradiographic sections (several thousands of in the brain could have been lost during sectioning, sections obtained from several brains); (2) a reliable as could section-by-section anatomical correspon- 3D reconstruction of the volumes using an adapted dence between the right and left hemispheres. This registration method. This method is based on an is of great importance when the analysis involves a original strategy involving accurate reconstruction comparison betweenboth hemispheres,because the of both the anatomical volume and the functional 2D section-by-section approach can result in bias if volume by co-registration of each autoradiographic the user does not take the possible dissymmetry in section to the corresponding registered histological the sections into account, especially with small section; and (3) a novel approach for the analysis of regions of interest. Finally, although the users have functional post-mortem data exploiting the overall the corresponding post-mortem histological stained restored 3D geometry. We specifically applied the sections available to consider anatomical informa- overall methodology for the characterization of tion, the delineation of the regions of interest to be the metabolic changes throughout the visual system analyzed is usually directly performed on the (visual cortex (VC), superior colliculus (SC), autoradiographicsections,whichisoperator-depen- and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)) in lightly dent and may not be accurate. restrained awake rats during unilateral stimula- To extract maximum functional information from tion. Since the rat’s chiasm is approximately 90% the overall autoradiographic brain sections in their crossed (Jeffery, 1984), this allowed comparison of 3D geometrically consistent alignment, a reliable stimulatedversusunstimulatedvisualsysteminthe 3D reconstruction of the data is essential. Many same animal. methods have been proposed to align 2D histologi- cal or autoradiographic sections into a 3D volume. Materials and methods They include fiducialmarker or artificial landmark- based methods (Toga and Arnicar, 1985; Goldszal Visual Stimulation and Measurement of Local et al, 1995; Hess et al, 1998); principal axes Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Glucose alignment (Hibbard and Hawkins, 1988; Hess et al, 1998); feature-based methods, using contours, crest Autoradiographic and histological data sets used in this lines, or characteristic points extracted from the work were obtained during a previously described images (Hibbard and Hawkins, 1988; Zhao et al, activationstudy(Herardetal,2005).Thispreviousstudy 1995; Rangarajan et al, 1997); and gray level-based aimedatmeasuringthecerebralmetabolicrateofglucose registration techniques using the intensities of the (CMRGlu) using the [14C]-2-deoxyglucose autoradio- whole image, through similarity or correlation graphic method (Sokoloff, 1977) in the SC of adult rats functions (Andreasen et al, 1992; Zhao et al, 1995; under a complex visual stimulation (n=5) in which the Kim et al, 1997; Hess et al, 1998; Ourselin et al, lefteyewasleftopened(stimulated)andtherighteyewas 2001).Toberelevant,thefunctionalinformationhas closed with an opaque adhesive tape (unstimulated). In to be compared and correlated to the corresponding the present work, we have gone further into the analysis anatomical information, as in human brain studies. oftheSCdataandthevisualsystembyincludinganalysis However, few of these works have specifically of the metabolic responses within the VC and the LGN. addressed the co-registration of biologic images A complete and detailed description of the experimental obtained from different techniques, for example protocolispresentedinHerardetal(2005).Coronalbrain histology and autoradiography (Humm et al, 2003). sections (approximately 150 per animal, 20-mm thick) Lastly, despite the fact that automated 3D recon- werecutwithacryostatat(cid:1)201C,mountedonSuperFrost struction tools based on some of these registration glassslides,rapidlyheatdried,andexposedfor5daysto methods become more widely available (Diaspro anautoradiographicfilm(KodakBioMaxMR,PerkinElmer, et al, 1990; Lohmann et al, 1998; Thevenaz et al, Massy, France) along with radioactive [14C] standards JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1744 (146C,American RadiochemicalCompany,St Louis,MO, tion resolution needed to be sufficiently high to reveal USA). The same brain sections were then stained with the main structures of interest in the brain: we chose a cresyl violet (Nissl stain) to provide complementary 600dpi resolution (pixel size 42(cid:2)42mm2), in view of the anatomicalinformation. sizeoftheratbrain.Theautoradiographicandhistological sectionswereacquiredandstoredundertheformofglass slidecolumnimagescalled‘overallscans’andwhosesize wasgivenbythescanner’sfieldofview(Figure1A).Thus, Optimized Data Acquisition: Digitization and for a data set including approximately 150 sections, Extraction of Sections from Scans only five or six columns were needed for each of the The autoradiographs, the corresponding histological two post-mortem imaging techniques (autoradiography sectionsetsand the [14C]standards weredigitizedas8-bit and histology). The calibration scale available with the gray-scale images with a flatbed scanner (ImageScanner, scannergavetherelationbetweenopticaldensityandgray GE Healthcare Europe, Orsay, France). In-plane digitiza- levelvalues in theautoradiographic images. Figure1 Proceduresfortheextractionofsectionsfromoverallscans.(A)Overall2Dscansofhistologicalsections(threeglassslides arranged in a column, 600dpi). (B) Corresponding histogram (three modes: black border, sections, and background). (C) Binary image,resultofthesectionextractionusingathresholdmethod.(D)Iterativemorphologicerosiononbinaryimage.(E)Separationof thehorizontallyoverlappingsections.(F)Extractionoftheconnectedcomponents.Theactualsectionnumbercorrespondingtothe orderinwhichtheyweresectioned,andhencefromwhichtheywereinthebrain,isautomaticallyassignedtoeachcomponentand depictedby a differentcolor. (G) Theextracted coronalsections tobereconstructed in3D. JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1745 Theautomatedprocedureforextractionofsectionsfrom autoradiographic sections with the corresponding anato- overall scans was based on thresholding and labeling, mical and functional volumes. However, an accurate using techniques of robust histogram analysis and math- section-to-section registration was necessary to make the ematical morphology. Histogram analysis was required to volumes spatially consistent in 3D. We used the block- detect the main modes corresponding to the different matching method (Ourselin et al, 2001) in a propagative classespresentinthescans(mainlysections,background scheme. This registration technique is especially well and possible artifacts such as hand-written or manufac- adapted for the 3D reconstruction of biologic volumes turedinscriptionsontheslides;Figure1B).Thehistogram arising from histological or autoradiographic sections was iteratively smoothed by a Gaussian filter and the (Malandain et al, 2004; Dauguet et al, 2005a,b). Avector positionofeachmodewasfollowedalongthescalespace field is computed between the two sections to be (Mangin et al, 1998). The two modes that remained the registered using the correlation coefficient as similarity longest were the background and the sections. A region- criterion between blocks and a rigid transformation is growing method was applied in the histogram from the robustly estimated from this field. A multiresolution positionscorrespondingtothemaximalvaluesretainedto approach ensures a coarse to fine estimation of the determine the lower and upper boundaries for the gray optimal transformation. The anatomical volume was levelsforeachmode,allowingtheautomatedcomputation reconstructed first by registering each anatomical section of the threshold to be used to derive a binarized image withthefollowingoneinthestack.Then,bycomposition of the sections (Figure 1C). An a priori knowledge of of the previously assessed transformations, each section section number and surface was used to perform was aligned to a reference section (chosen because it iterative erosions, and thereby identify and extract the carriesfewartifactssuchasfoldsortearsandislocatedin main connected components (Figure 1D). In addition, an themiddleofthevolumetolimiterrorpropagation)soas automated analysis of width and height parameters for to obtain a consistent 3D anatomical volume (Figures 2B eachconnectedcomponentextractedaccordingtomedian and 2F). In a second step, this anatomical volume was valuesallowedustodetectandtocorrectforverticaland usedasareferenceforthereconstructionofthefunctional horizontaloverlapsbetweentwosections(Figure1E).This data. Each 2D autoradiographic section was directly co- issueneededtobeautomaticallysolvedsinceevenavery registered with its corresponding registered histological small overlap, and hence difficult to visually detect, is a section from the anatomical volume using the same problem for the distinction between two overlapping block-matching method (Figures 2C and 2G). After the sections, and hence for the individualization of sections 3Dreconstructionofthefunctionalvolume,thegraylevel as independent connected components. On the basis intensities determined from the autoradiographic images of X, Y coordinates of the gravity centers of the extracted were calibrated using the coexposed [14C] standard scale sections, a positioning score was computed and used to and then converted to activity values (nCi/g of tissue) sortandautomaticallyassigntheactualsectionnumberto usingapolynomialfourthdegreefitmethod,identifiedby eachconnectedcomponentinthecolumn,corresponding the radioactive [14C] standard curve. The blood samples to the order in which they were sectioned (vertical top- taken from the animals during the experiment were used down, horizontal left–right; Figure 1F), and hence from to compute the parameters of the modified operational which they were in the brain. The computation of a equationofSokoloff(1979)andtoconvertactivityvalues rectangular bounding box around each connected and to CMRGlu values (mmol/100g/min; Figures 2D and 2H). labeled component was based on the following: (1) the The3Dreconstructedanatomicalandfunctionalinforma- horizontal and vertical dimensions of the biggest section tion, respectively, presented both an intra- and inter- with security margins of 10%; and (2) the gravity center volumeconsistentgeometry(Figures 2I and2J). information. Finally, the information relative to each section was extracted from the initial overall scans and producedindividualizedsectionsarrangedinthesection- 3D-Geometry-Based Analysis ingprocessorder(Figure1G).Consideringtheoverlapping sections, the computed bounding boxes included all the The analysis of autoradiographic data was performed the informationrelativetoonesectionandasmallpartofthe same way through each visual structure. To avoid any neighboringsection. redundancies, our 3D-geometry-based analysis will be presentedandillustratedonlyintheSCwherethegreatest metabolic change occurred during the visual stimulation. Thein-housesoftwareAnatomist(Rivie`reetal,2003)was 3D Reconstruction of Anatomical and Functional used for manual segmentation of the right and left SC Volumes (RSC and LSC, respectively) on each section of the 3D Sectiondigitizationandextractionconstitutedaprelimin- rigidlyregisteredanatomicalvolume(Figure3A)yielding ary step, which was the prerequisite before the 3D two volumes of interest (VOIs) and allowing assessment reconstruction.Initialvolumeswereobtainedbystacking of their 3D shape (Figures 3B-3D; RSC in red, LSC in the individualized coronal sections in the Z direction. green). As the anatomical and functional volumes were The gravity center of each section was aligned with the co-registered, these VOIs were directly mapped on the centeroftheboundingboxtoperformacoarsealignment functional volume (Figures 3E-G). The segmented VOIs of the stack (Figures 2A and2E). Thus, the gravity center and the 3D reconstructed functional volume were then parameters linked the individualized histological and usedtocreateanimageoftheprojectionofmeanCMRGlu JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1746 Figure2 3Dreconstructionsofoneratbraindataset(histologicalandcorrespondingautoradiographicsections)inaxialandsagittal views,respectively.Anatomicalreconstructionbefore(AandE)andafterregistration(BandF).Functionalreconstructionafterco- registration(CandG)andconversiontoCMRGluvalues(DandH).Surfacerenderingsofthe3Dreconstructedanatomical(I)and functional(J) volumes.Signal intensitiesare color-coded accordingto the quantitativeCMRGlu scale(bottom). values in axial incidence. This revealed the existence the subregions of contiguous activated voxels and reject of a maximally activated CMRGlu subregion in the RSC, the smallest subregions corresponding to noise. The corresponding to the metabolic response induced by the difference between the CMRGlu values in the activated visual stimulation (Figure 3H). To compare activated RSC and the non-activated LSC is a measure of the versusnon-activatedSCinthesameanimal,theactivated metabolicresponse inducedbythevisualstimulation. To subregion within the RSC (activated SC, corresponding calculate this difference, the 3D subregion of metabolic to the left-opened eye) and the symmetrized subregion activation, automatically outlined in the RSC had to be within the LSC (non-activated SC, corresponding to the symmetrized in the LSC. To allow for the possible closed eye) were automatically delineated. First, mean dissymmetryissueassociatedwiththesectioningprocess, CMRGlu (m) and standard deviation (s.d.) values we first applied the symmetrization scheme to the entire werecalculatedfortheLSC(Figure4A).Theyrepresented SC (Figure 4C).A flip over of the RSC around the vertical the basal reference CMRGlu values. Voxels presenting a central axis of the volume was realized (Figure 4D). From GMRGlu value more than T=m+2s.d. (significantly thisposition,theflippedRSCwasthenrigidlyregisteredin higher than the mean CMRGlu value in the LSC) were 3D to the LSC using the block-matching registration automatically outlined in the RSC, identifying the technique described above (Figure 4E). The activated metabolic activation induced in the RSC by the visual subregionwasalsoflippedoveraroundtheverticalcentral stimulation(Figure4B).Median-filtersmoothingandsize axis,andtherigid-bodytransformationestimatedfromthe thresholding were then applied to respectively regularize entire SC was applied to the flipped activated subregion JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1747 Figure3 (A)ManualsegmentationofLSCandRSConeachregisteredsectionoftheanatomicalvolume(whiteareasinA).Three- dimensionalsurfacerenderingsoftheLSCandRSC:locationinthecorrespondingregisteredanatomicalbrainpart(B)anddepiction incoronalandaxialviews(CandD).MappingofmanuallysegmentedLSCandRSConeachcorrespondingandco-registeredsection ofthefunctionalvolume:coronal,axial,andsagittalviews(E–G).AxialprojectionofmeanCMRGluvalueswithinthesegmentedLSC andRSC(H). Signalintensities arecolor-codedaccording to thequantitativeCMRGlu scale (bottom). (Figures 4F-4H) to delineate a non-activated subregion within animals. P-values less than 0.05 were considered (dark green) in the LSC corresponding to the symmetric significant. form of the activated subregion in the RSC (dark red) All computerized treatments and procedures presented (Figure 4I). To ensure that only voxels mapping SC tissue in this paper (section extraction, 3D reconstruction of wereincludedintheanalysis,thevoxelsofeachsubregion anatomical and functional volumes, conversion of func- lyingoutsideofthecorrespondingSCweremaskedout. tional data values to CMRGlu and 3D-geometry-based Morphometric parameters relative to the shape and the analysis)werewritteninC++.Theywerealsointegrated volumeofvariousbrainregionsofinterestwereassessed: within-house software BrainVISA (Cointepas etal, 2001; (1) the entire RSC (activated) and LSC (non-activated) obtained after manual segmentation; (2) the activated dedicated to the processing of rat brain histological and subregionautomaticallyextracted in theRSC;and(3) the autoradiographicsections.Althoughtheyweredeveloped correspondingflippedandsymmetrizedsubregionsinthe and implemented under BrainVISA environment on a LSC. Mean CMRGlu values in activated (CMRGlu ) Linuxworkstation,thetreatmentsareabletorunonmost activated and non-activated (CMRGlu ) regions were mea- operating systems (Macintosh or Windows) and can be non-activated sured and used to compute corresponding relative meta- usedonapersonalcomputer,whichfacilitatestheirdaily bolic rate changes (MRC, expressed as percentages) using use anddatahandling. the followingformula: CMRGlu (cid:1)CMRGlu relativeMRC ¼100(cid:2) activated non(cid:1)activated CMRGlu non(cid:1)activated Results For2D/3Dcomparativeanalyses,meanCMRGluvaluesin each segmented section of the RSC and LSC were also To validate the overall methodology, the processing measured. All results are expressed as means7s.d. stages(fromsectiondigitizationto3D-geometry-based Student’spairedt-testwasusedtocomparemeanCMRGlu analysis) were applied to five rats with the left eye JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1748 Figure 4 Procedures for the 3D-geometry-based analysis of functional information illustrated with rat 2 whose brain was cut in a slightlydissymmetricalway.Firststep:(A)computationofmean,m,andstandarddeviation,s.d.,CMRGluvaluesintheLSC(non- activated)and(B)automaticextractionofthemaximallyactivatedCMRGlusubregion(darkred)intheRSC(activated)usingm+ 2s.d.threshold.Theresultisrepresentedwith3Dsurfacerenderingsincoronalandaxialviews.Secondstep:(C)three-dimensional surface renderings of segmented left (light green) and right (light red) SC in axial and coronal views. (D) Flip over around vertical central axis of the RSC. (E) Rigid registration between LSC and flipped RSC. Third step: (F) Activated subregion in the RSC, previouslyextractedin(B).(G)Flipoveraroundverticalcentralaxisoftheactivatedsubregion(darkgreen).(H)Applicationofthe transformation parameters computed with the entire SC to the flipped over activated subregion. Final result: (I) The automated extractionoftheactivatedsubregionintheRSCisrepresentedindarkredandthesymmetricsubregioninthenon-activatedLSCin dark green. open (stimulated) and the right eye closed with sections and autoradiographs, encompassing VC, opaque adhesive tape (unstimulated). Histological SC,andLGN(approximately300imagesintotalper andautoradiographicdatasetswereeachcomposed animal),wasacquiredandstoredbyoperatorinless of approximately 150 sections, divided up as than 10mins. Then, the images were automatically follows: five columns of five glass slides bearing and successfully extracted from the overall scans in six sections. Thus, there were approximately 1500 less than 15mins. sectionsintotal,whichweresuccessfullyprocessed After the 3D reconstruction (one and a half hours using the above-described methodology. of computing time per data set to be reconstructed Using our optimized digitization procedure that we generally get working during the night), we (Figure 1), each series of stained histological obtainedbothconsistentandco-registeredanatomical JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1749 and functional volumes. Quality of the registration and 3D reconstruction process was assessed by visual inspection of internal structures viewed in different orthogonal incidences (Figures 2B, 2C, 2F, and 2G) as well as by visual inspection of the 3D surface renderings of the corresponding anato- mical and functional volumes (Figure 2I and 2J, respectively). The 3D functional surface rendering was sectioned with four different axial cutting planes moving along the dorso-ventral direction (Figure 5). Each of them displays the differentially activated regions obtained in response to the visual stimu- lation in each visual structure, namely the areas 17 (OC1) and 18a (OC2l) of the VC, the SC, and the LGN (Figures 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D, respectively). An increasedCMRGluareaisvisibleineachrightvisual structurecomparedwiththeleftcorrespondingone. Using our newly developed procedure for the 3D-geometry-based analysis of functional informa- tion(Figures3and4),wewereabletoautomatically delineate the maximally activated subregion(s) and the symmetrized subregion(s) in each right and left visual structure and therefore to assess their shape, their location within the structure and their spatial extent. In Figure 5E, these subregions are depicted in their corresponding visual structure and reposi- tioned within the 3D reconstructed anatomical volume. Tables 1-3 summarize all the anatomical and functional information including the relative MRC obtained for the five animals in each visual structure (VC, SC, and LGN, respectively). The volume of each visual structure was very similar between the left and right hemispheres in the same animal as well as between animals. The automated extraction of the activated subregion(s) identified anatomically restricted volumes that respectively encompassed 3, 10, and 16% of the volume and 65, 42, and 56% of the sections covering each corre- spondingrightvisualstructure(rightVC(RVC),RSC, and right LGN (RLGN), respectively; Figure 5E). The volumeoftheflippedsubregion(s)ineachleftvisual structure was lower than the one measured for the activated subregion(s). They showed an important variability because only few animals presented a perfectly symmetric flipped subregion. After the application of our symmetrization procedure in all fiverats,thevolumeofthesymmetrizedsubregion(s) was similar to the one measured for the activated subregion(s).CMRGluintheentireactivatedRVCand Figure 5 Four 3D surface renderings of the functional volume RLGNwassignificantlyincreasedcomparedwiththe indicating the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral location as non-activated left VC (LVC) and left LGN (LLGN) well as the spatial extent of the metabolic activation in each (**P<0.01 and *P<0.05, respectively; Figure 6), visual structure (areas 17 and 18a of VC, SC, and LGN; (A), whereas we did not observe any increase in the (B),(C),(D),respectively)duringvisualstimulationinaratwith entire activated RSC (P>0.05; Figure 6). For all the one eye closed and one eye open. Signal intensities are color- three visual structures, CMRGlu in the activated coded according to the quantitative CMRGlu scales (right). (E) Three-dimensional surface rendering of the activated and subregions(s) was significantly higher than in the symmetrizedsubregionsautomaticallydelineatedineachvisual symmetrized subregions(s) (***P<0.001; Figure 6). structureofthisanimalandrepositionedwithinthecorrespond- The relative MRCs determined within these sub- ing3D reconstructed anatomicalvolume. regions were +20, +23, and +17% for the VC, SC, and LGN, respectively. JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1750 Table 1 Results of analysis in VC (n=5, left eye open, right eye closed, under visual stimulation): anatomic and functional informationandrelative MRC computation Anatomicalinformation:volumes(mm3and%) Animal Entire Entire Activated %ofRVCvolumetakenup %ofsectionsofRVCtakenup Flipped Symmetrized RVC LVC subregion bytheactivatedsubregion bytheactivatedsubregion subregion subregion Rat1 10.30 10.30 0.30 3 64 0.23 0.25 Rat2 11.04 10.86 0.14 1 46 0.00 0.05 Rat3 12.20 12.20 0.27 2 83 0.19 0.25 Rat4 10.30 10.60 0.48 5 71 0.47 0.44 Rat5 12.50 12.00 0.40 3 61 0.35 0.35 Mean 11.27 11.19 0.32 3 65 0.25 0.27 s.d. 1.04 0.86 0.13 1 14 0.18 0.15 Functionalinformation:CMRGluvalues(mmol/100gmin) RelativeMRC(%) Animal Entire Entire Activated Symmetrizedsubregion Between Betweenright RVC LVC subregion entireVCs andleft subregions Rat1 150.2 141.2 182.0 160.8 6.4 13.2 Rat2 142.7 137.9 171.3 138.0 Rat3 139.0 136.2 175.4 147.1 2.1 19.2 Rat4 132.9 124.4 172.8 145.0 6.8 19.2 Rat5 163.9 152.9 200.3 160.2 7.2 25.0 Mean 145.7** 138.5 180.4*** 150.2 5.6 19.2 s.d. 11.9 10.2 11.9 10.0 2.4 3.4 **P<0.01comparedwiththemeanCMRGluvalueintheentireleftVC(Student’spairedt-test);***P<0.001comparedwiththemeanCMRGluvalueinthe symmetrizedsubregion(Student’spairedt-test). Discussion written slide number or slide border and of the possible section overlaps). In addition, the section The aim of this paper was to develop a dedicated, extractionprocedureisgeneric:histologicalsections generic, and automated methodology for 3D-geo- are handled in exactly the same way as autoradio- metry-based morphometric and functional analysis graphic images. and to illustrate its substantial qualitative and quantitative benefits by applying it to an activation study in the rat. Three-dimensional Reconstruction Strategy for Anatomical and Functional Volumes Sections were first stacked in the Z axis using Overall Section Digitization and Extraction gravity center parameters for each section. The Rather than digitizing sections one by one as it is intermediate volumes thereby already presented usually the case with a CCD camera and a lighting a good quality of stacking (Figures 2A and 2E). table,our procedureinvolves amultiple acquisition However, this initial step only provided a coarse undertheformofglassslidecolumns(overallscans) registration of histological or autoradiographic using a flatbed scanner. This digitization procedure sections (inner brain structures were not properly significantly reduces the acquisition time (300 registered). sections digitized in less than 10mins whereas it A Rigid Pairwise Registration: Three-dimensional takes 1h with a CCD camera). Unlike other pre- reconstruction generally involves the sequential viously reported algorithms designed for the same registration of each section to its adjacent section purpose (Goldszal et al, 1995; Nikou et al, 2003; using linear or non-linear image registration techni- Nguyen et al, 2004; Lee et al, 2005), we made ques (Hibbard and Hawkins, 1988; Goldszal et al, extraction of sections from overall scans entirely 1995;Zhao etal,1995). Here, weusedaregistration automated, reproducible (number assignment and technique based on a rigid body transformation rectangularboundingboxesaroundeachsectionare betweenadjacentcoronalsections.Thistypeofregi- automatically computed) and robust (consideration strationisstandard,robust,andwelladaptedforbrain of the troublemaker modes resulting from various sections obtained with a cryostat because a rigid artifacts appearing in the scans, such as hand body transformation is sufficient to superimpose JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755 Automated3D-geometry-basedanalysisofbrainsections ADuboisetal 1751 Table 2 Results of analysis in SC (n=5, left eye open, right eye closed, under visual stimulation): anatomical and functional informationandrelative MRC computation Anatomicalinformation:volumes(mm3and%) Animal Entire Entire Activated %ofRSCvolumetakenupby %ofsectionsofRSCtakenup Flipped Symmetrized RSC LSC subregion theactivatedsubregion bytheactivatedsubregion subregion subregion Rat1 3.87 3.65 0.21 5 37 0.07 0.19 Rat2 4.15 4.19 0.52 13 43 0.01 0.49 Rat3 3.71 3.39 0.37 10 39 0.31 0.32 Rat4 3.47 3.54 0.55 16 47 0.54 0.54 Rat5 3.30 3.29 0.28 9 44 0.14 0.21 Mean 3.70 3.61 0.39 10 42 0.21 0.35 s.d. 0.33 0.35 0.15 4 4 0.21 0.16 Functionalinformation:CMRGluvalues(mmol/100gmin) RelativeMRC(%) Animal Entire Entire Activated Symmetrizedsubregion Between Betweenrightand RSC LSC subregion entireSCs leftsubregions Rat1 117.6 117.5 162.6 134.9 0.2 20.5 Rat2 120.2 120.9 163.4 125.5 (cid:1)0.6 30.2 Rat3 106.9 114.1 157.5 129.6 (cid:1)6.3 21.5 Rat4 109.7 105.4 151.2 115.5 4.0 31.0 Rat5 134.8 133.7 174.5 153.1 0.8 14.0 Mean 117.9 118.3 161.9*** 131.7 (cid:1)0.4 23.4 s.d. 10.9 10.4 8.6 13.9 3.7 7.1 ***P<0.001comparedwiththemeanCMRGluvalueinthesymmetrizedsubregion(Student’spairedt-test). one section on the next one. Although the data can tion method is very low owing to the thinness in some cases exhibit deformation artifacts as a and good quality of the post-mortem data sets; result of sectioning and tissue shrinkage (Kim et al, and (2) the block-matching technique is robust to 1997), non-rigid deformations between the adjacent dissimilarities between sections, missing data, and sections can distort the brain structures. Therefore, outlying measurements (Ourselin et al, 2001). it appears better to preserve the shape of each Anatomy as Reference: The block-matching regis- section without compensating for the deformation tration technique is based on both the section edges than to take the risk of distorting the overall and and the whole image, so the result of the 3D regional image information during the registra- reconstruction will depend on the type of data tion process (Lee et al, 2005). We used the classic (histological or autoradiographic) to be processed, scheme, consisting in serially propagating the that is to say, on the information available in the transformations estimated between consecutive sections. Even if we chose the same reference sections relative to a reference section in the series. section and despite the fact these were the same This approach has been criticized because it can physical sections, independently registering histo- leadtodifferenttypesofmisregistrations.According logical and autoradiographic sections would not to Nikou et al (2003), if an error occurs in the give the same result and would not allow a perfect registration of a section about the previous section, superposition of each section, which is a prerequi- this error will be propagated through the entire site for the delineation of ROIs. It is not either volume. Thus, if the number of sections to be possible to reuse the transformations computed registered is large, an overall offset of the volume, during histological section registration to recon- because of error accumulation, is entirely plausible. structthefunctionalvolumeandviceversa.Indeed, However, these issues are more pronounced when histological and autoradiographic sections were distant sections are involved in the registration, extracted separately and consequently, they do not which is not our case (20-mm-thick adjacent serial have the same configuration (dimensions of bound- sections). Consequently, we believe that our ap- ing boxes, computation of gravity centers). In this proach of section-to-section registration (Malandain work, one of our objectives was to propose a joint et al, 2004; Pitiot et al, 2005), in the absence of any 3D-geometry-based anatomo-functional exploitation 3D geometrical reference (such as magnetic reso- of post-mortem data. Thus, the variability between nance imaging scans or images of the blockface thetypes ofdatapresented problem.Hence,wehad captured before each section), is the most efficient to develop a 3D reconstruction strategy providing because: (1) the percentage of errors of this registra- an optimal anatomo-functional section-by-section JournalofCerebralBloodFlow&Metabolism(2007)27,1742–1755