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Automated Electrocardiography and Arrhythmia Monitoring Janice M. Jenkins C OMPUTER PROCESSING of the electro- undergoing further development will be dis- cardiographic signal (ECG) began over cussed. A historical review of the evolutionary two decades ago when Dr. Hubert V. Pipberger stages of computerized electrocardiography will undertook a project for the Veterans Administra- be presented leading to a discussion of the pres- tion in which he employed a digital computer for ent state of the art and future trends. the automated detection of ECG waveforms. The Rhythm analysis represents a particularly dif- original attempt at automation merely delin- ficult aspect of computer interpretation. Because eated and measured the P, QRS, and T waves, the QRS complex is the most easily detected detecting the onset and termination of each waveform of the ECG, QRS morphology and RR wave, and measured intervals between waves. interval measurements constitute the major fea- Contour analysis of the waveforms followed and, tures for rhythm determination in both the com- as this technique became more highly developed, puter-assisted diagnostic ECG and computerized Pipberger and others began to apply decision tree arrhythmia monitoring. Logic exists in most sys- logic to the results in order to arrive at a specific tems for P-wave information to be incorporated diagnostic interpretation. At a later stage, second into the rhythm decision, but the frequent failure generation programs were designed that em- of P-wave detection represents a serious flaw in ployed statistical methods for diagnosis. Clinical the accuracy of rhythm interpretation. New implementation of computerized elcctrocardio- techniques for reliable P-wave measurements graphy occurred in the early 1970s and has such as more optimally located electrodes. par- continued to develop at a rapid rate. ticularly those which hold promise for improved Computerized electrocardiography falls into arrhythmia classification, will be presented. two broad categories: computer-assisted inter- The problem of testing and evaluation of exist- pretation of the diagnostic ECG and computer ing ECG systems continues to present difficulties monitoring of cardiac arrhythmias. In the first and will be examined in light of recommenda- category, pattern recognition techniques are tions that have been advanced. A library of tape applied to an ECG signal that has been pre- recorded arrhythmias has been collected. diag- viously acquired and stored in a digital computer nosed, and annotated by experts to serve as an for examination at length. In arrhythmia moni- instrument for the assessment of rhythm moni- toring the dynamic ECG signal is analyzed on- toring systems, but, to date, no such data exist for line such as in coronary intensive care monitor- testing diagnostic systems. ing, or long-term recordings are processed at speeds faster than real-time, as in Holter analy- COMPUTER INTERPRETATION OF THE sis. In both categories, a feature extraction stage DIAGNOSTIC ECG detects waveforms, determines boundaries, ex- amines morphology, computes amplitudes and The heart beat is an electrical process; that is, duration, and measures interwave intervals. A currents flowing within the heart are the cause of contour-analysis stage applies clinical criteria to the beat itself.’ This electrical impulse is ini- these measurements to arrive at a diagnostic tiated in the sinoatrial (S-A) node. spreads classification. and a contextual string is then through the atria, and coincidentally produces an examined for rhythm analysis. atrial contraction. The impulse after traversing This paper will describe the data acquisition and signal processing techniques that have been applied to computer-assisted electrocardiogra- From the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- phy since its advent in 1957. Methods for contour neering. the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor. analysis and interval measurement will be Reprint requests should be addressed to Janice M. Jen- kins. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, described, and the application of diagnostic crite- The Universiry oj’Michigan. Ann Arbor. MI 48109 ria to these results will be examined. Rhythm 0 1982 by Prune & Stratton. Inc. analysis and serial comparison. which are oo33-on2~1,/83/25os-o002 %05.00/0 Progress ,n Cardmmcdar Dsease, Vol. XXV, No. 5 (March/April). 1963 367 368 JANICE M JENKINS the atria1 chambers reaches the atrioventricular strated a significant improvement of perfor- (A-V) node, which constitutes a pathway mance over the other. The orthogonal system, between the electrically insulated upper and given that it contains the same information as the lower chambers. The A-V node temporarily 12-lead system, offers an advantage for com- inhibits the impulse after which it is rapidly puter analysis in that it effects data reduction by transmitted via the His-Purkinje network to all a factor of 4: I .4 Nevertheless. at present. systems regions of the ventricles. The global depolariza- that employ 12 leads constitute 95%) of all com- tion of the ventricles causes a synchronous mus- puter-assisted ECGs, while 3-lead systems com- cular contraction that propels blood into the prise less than 4%,.‘” This is probably due to the arteries of the body. These macroscopic events familiarity most physicians have with the I2-lead result from ionic currents operating microscopi- set. cally at the cellular level.’ The electrocardiogram is a recording or Signal Processing graphical representation of the electrical activity The standard direct-wiring electrocardiograph of the heart. The electric current distributions is the primary and most widely used instrument within the human body that result from the in electrocardiography. The device consists of spontaneous depolarization of the heart can be multiple electrode connections to an amplifier detected by sensors located at various positions that provides a signal to drive a strip chart on or within the body. Electrocardiography had recorder or hot stylus recorder. Electrocardio- its birth in 1903 when Einthoven, a Dutch physi- graphs are generally one channel or three chan- ologist, developed a special string galvanometer nel with switching mechanisms for selecting a for recording minute variations of current or particular lead or lead set. To comply with electric potential.’ He employed three leads in American Heart Association recommenda- his electrocardiographic investigations, and re- tions,” an electrocardiograph must have a fre- quired that the galvanometer be connected such quency response of 0.05 Hz to 100 Hz (3 db that the string be deflected upwards when the down) in order to insure accurate reproduction of “base of the heart was negative with respect to clinically used measurements such as wave the apex.” amplitudes and durations. Data acquisition There are two fundamental lead systems methods for computer processed ECGs include employed for conventional electrocardiography the electrocardiographic instrument as a first as well as for computer processing: ( I ) the stan- stage. The analog signal is detected and ampli- dard i2-lead configuration consisting of the Ein- fied, generally with a gain factor of 1000. This thoven limb leads (I, II and Ill), the augmented transforms the electrocardiographic signal, leads (aVR, aVL and aVF), and the precordial which falls in the I to 10 mV range. into a I- IO V leads (Vl through V6); and (2) The 3-lead range for further processing. orthogonal sets such as Frank leads (X, Y, and A variety of storage media have appeared Z) or corrected sets (McFee or Schmitt).J,’ throughout the years for automated electrocar- The classical electrocardiogram is plotted diography. Early methods included manually sequentially with vertical deflections repre- determined measurementsk eypunched into com- senting the potential difference between elec- puter cards, storage of the entire ECG in analog trodes, and a horizontal axis that represents time. form on magnetic tape or on magnetic strips The deflections that are registered on the electro- bonded to computer cards, microfilm storage on cardiogram are each associated with a particular computer aperture cards, and the most common electrical event in the heart and the overall method in present use, storage in digital form on tracing provides a wealth of diagnostic clues to magnetic disks. The availability of disk packs cardiac structural and functional abnormalities. that contain three million bytes of storage with During the two decades of computer-assisted access times of nanosecondsh as made instant electrocardiography, numerous investigators retrieval and serial comparison of multiple ECGs have studied the accuracy of the 12-lead versus a reasonablet ask. the 3-lead sets.” ’ In general it was concluded Since it is not feasible to have all electrocar- that neither the 12-lead nor 3-lead set demon- diograms recorded in a location that is adjacent AUTOMATED ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY 369 to the computer facility, the second stage of the ers range from g-bit to l2-bit precision. If the system generally consists of magnetic tape dynamic range of the input signal is IO mV, an recording of the data or telephone transmission g-bit A/D converter would have a precision (or to a central computer. The analog signal is maximum quantization error) of 80 PV with frequency modulated and, in the case of tele- respect to electrode potential. A I O-bit converter phone transmission, three channels of data are provides a precision of 20 FV, and a I?--bit multiplexed onto the standardized carrier fre- converter, a precision of 5 pV. quencies of 1075, 1935, and 2365 Hz. This While the major information content of the analog transmission over voice-grade lines can be signal falls within a O-100 Hz bandwidth, high plagued by noise that badly distorts the original frequency components are sometimes present. signal. (The signal to noise level is about 40 db.) Sampling rates in all of the current computerized Even in optimal FM transmission the bandwidth ECG systems range from 100 Hz to 1000 Hz. of the transmitted signal is limited to 100 Hz due Although a 250-Hz sampling rate may be ade- to the frequency response of the electrocardio- quate for an electrocardiographic signal that has graphic recording device. already been bandlimited by the electrocardio- Digital transmission has frequently been graph or the limitations of telephone transmis- advanced as an alternative to analog transmis- sion, the Nyquist sampling theorem holds that a sion. While this provides an improved signal- sampling rate that is at least twice the highest to-noise ratio (about 52 db). bandwidth limita- frequency content in the signal is necessary for tions of voice-grade lines have made widespread accurate reproduction. The American Heart use of digital transmission of electrocardiograms Association recommendations” for digitally unfeasible at present. At 12-bit conversion preci- sampled data are as follows: “As a minimum sion and typical 500-Hz sampling rates, each requirement, reconstruction of the original elec- I-set segment of 3-channel ECG data would trocardiographic waveform with a fidelity com- constitute 18,000 bits of data. At baud rates of parable to that of a direct writer can be accom- 2400, which are common, a I -set segment would plished with equal interval sampling of 500 per require over 7.5 set to transmit. At 9600 baud second. digitized with a precision of 10 micro- this would be reduced to less than 2 set but still volts, referred to electrode potential.” Thus an cannot be achieved in real time. New techniques I l-bit A/D converter and a 500 Hz sample rate are emerging that hold promise for rapid devel- should be provided as a minimal configuration opment in the direction of improved digital trans- for accurate computer processing of the electro- mission. These include schemes for data com- cardiogram. pression before transmission and dedicated transmission lines and transmission links with broader bandwidth capabilities. The beginning and end of a signihcant wave- Prior to any computer processing or analysis, form of the electrocardiogram (P. QRS, T) can the analog signal must be converted to a digital be defined numerically by the rate of voltage representation by an analog-to-digital converter. change. This rate of voltage change can be Techniques for direct digital data acquisition are expressed by tirst differences between consecu- being developed,” but at present the analog tive ECG data points.” If, for instance, input signal is presented via magnetic tape or tele- data is sampled at 500 points per second (a phone transmission to the remote computer site. temporal resolution of 2 msec), then the rate of The electrocardiographic signal (a voltage vary- voltage change can be expressed in terms of ing as a function of time) is converted at uniform, ditigal conversion units. Suppose an analog-to- preselected time intervals into discrete numerical digital converter has a I2-bit precision with an values representing the magnitude of the signal input range of IO mV. In this case the electrocar- at each sampling point. There are two compo- diogram can span 4096 conversion units with a nents that determine whether the original signal resultant resolution of 5 pV. Requiring a voltage can be accurately represented and reconstructed: change that exceeds a preset threshold (specified the sampling rate and number of quantizing in conversion units) is a method commonly levels. Typical analog-to-digital (A/D) convert- employed for locating waveforms within the 370 JANICE M JENKINS *y t+at-Yt ..4 the ECG into normal or various disease or :~r- SLOPE OF THE CURVE rhythmia states.” There arc two general approaches to pattern recognition of the ECG At waveforms.” In the first, a cardiologist or group of cardiologists determines the desired pattern of amplitudes and durations that represent normal and abnormal states, and then associates specitic combinations of these measurements with cer- tain diagnostic statements. In the second approach, pattern matching is established by Fig. 1. Geometrical representation of the first differ- mathematical techniques such as cross correla- ence. (Reproduced by permission from Charles C. Thomas tion, or by fitting a mathematical expression Publishers.‘3) such as a Fourier series to the ECG waveform. ECG. Obviously the threshold in conversion Diagnostic Interpretation units is directly related to sampling rate and After the initial waveform detection, pattern A/D precision. The QRS complex is relatively recognition. and measurement algorithms have simple to detect by this method, while P and T been applied, the diagnostic stage is entered. waves because of their lower amplitude and There arc two major strategies employed to slower rate of change are more difficult to recog- arrive at the diagnostic interpretation: decision nize. Figure I shows a geometrical representa- tree logic (a deterministic approach), or maxi- tion of a first difference, and Fig. 2 demonstrates mum-likelihood (a statistical approach). In the the type of measurements that can be obtained first scheme, measurements fall within or with- through the application of digital differentiation out certain ranges, and Boolean combinations of to the electrocardiographic signal. each of these results determine whether the Pattern Recognition criteria for a certain diagnostic state are met. As All computer programs for diagnosis of elec- an example, a QRS deflection exceeding a cer- trocardiograms contain two major stages: a wave- tain value in a V lead might elicit a diagnosis o! form recognition section which, after detection left ventricular hypertrophy. In the second mcth- of significant waves, measures the amplitudes od, Baycsian statistical techniques are applied, and duration of complexes and durations of and the outcome, or diagnostic statement. has a intervals; and a diagnostic section that classifies probability associated with it. The diagnosis with 0 POINT OF STEEPEST POSlTlVE SLOPE POINT OF STEEPEST NEGATIVE SLOPE MAXIMUM MINIMUM CORNER ZERO CROSSING A Fig. 2. Examples of points that can be detected on the electrocardiographic signal through the application of digital differentiation. ffleproduced by permission from Charles C. Thomas Publishers.‘3) AUTOMATED ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY 371 the highest probability is selected, and this is electrocardiograms in 1959 at the Medical Sys- not only by the indices of the electro- tems Development Laboratory in Washington, cardiographic measurements, but by the prior D.C. The intention was to demonstrate the feasi- probability of the condition existing within the bility of a computer program to extract clinically population under observation. The results are useful measurements of electrocardiographic highly dependent upon a priori probabilities, thus parameters. The selection of the ECG for com- a large population that accurately represents the puter analysis was based on the availability of a incidence of disease states is required in order for backlog of electrocardiographic data on subjects a priori probabilities to be determined. The known to be normal or abnormal, thus providing Bayesian approach is sometimes combined with the capability of statistical analysis of results. decision tree logic for final classification. The initial system utilized tape recorded data that was analog-to-digital (A/D) converted at Historical Review 625 Hz. The data were converted to punched In 1957 the electrocardiogram was chosen for cards for input to the computer. Thirty-six leads a pilot study in automatic processing of medical were analyzed and each lead took 64 min of data because of its widespread use as a diagnostic computer time to process. Parameters selected aid.’ A system developed by Pipberger at the for measurement were P, Q, R, S, T. and U Veterans Administration Hospital, Washington, waves and the PQ, ST, QT, and RR intervals. D.C., was capable of automatic recognition of Three characteristics were determined: ampli- electrocardiographic waves by digital computer. tude, duration, and slope. The system was later The original system for sampling and converting rewritten in numerousl anguagesa nd modified to ECG data into digital form for entry into a run on a variety of computers. The version even- computer was developed specifically for this pro- tually distributed by the U.S. Public Health jfxct,“.lh The computer program was capable of Service was known as ECAN (ECg ANalysis accurate determination of beginning and end of Program) and employed the 12 classical leads. P waves, QRS complexes, and end of T waves. These two early attempts at computer mea- The Frank orthogonal lead system was employed surement of electrocardiographic waveforms for the majority of the ECGs and the Schmitt provided the basis for a second stage in which SVEC I I I lead system for the remainder. Techni- pattern recognition techniques were applied to cally poor records were selected for processing the results of the waveform detection; these from a tape recorded electrocardiogram library pattern recognition techniques were combined containing 2500 casesb ecausei t was felt that an with the employment of diagnostic criteria in automatic wave recognition program should be order to arrive at an electrocardiographic inter- tested with tracings such as might be encoun- pretation. The first successful program to inter- tered under unfavorable clinical conditions. A pret an ECG diagnostically was an outgrowth of total of 395 electrocardiograms were analyzed by the early Pipberger work.” digitizing the signal at 1000 Hz, applying a In 1966 another computer program was digital filter with a high frequency cutoff of 60 reported that was capable of diagnosing the Hz, and computing the spatial velocity. It was electrocardiogram.‘9 Decision tree logic applied found that spatial velocities exceeding 3 PV per to measurements of waveform amplitude and msec were found only in the significant wave- duration produced reports of right and left ven- forms: P. QRS, and T. Computation time for the tricular hypertrophy, bundle branch block, intra- entire wave recognition program averaged I5 set ventricular conduction disturbance, and poste- per record. The beginning and end of each elec- rior and anterior myocardial infarction. Unlike trocardiographic wave was identified and dura- the Pipberger and Caceres programs, the ECG tions of waves and intervals were determined. measurements were done manually by techni- Failures in measurement were encountered only cians and keypunched onto IBM cards (four in casesw ith cardiac arrhythmias. The program cards per ECG) for computer input. The 3-yr represented a major advance in computer tech- project to write a workable program, test its nology and served as a model for many programs validity, and establish its usefulnessi n a private which followed. nonuniversity hospital was undertaken to demon- Caceres” began work on computer analysis of strate that computer-assisted interpretation 372 JANICE M JENKINS could be valuable especially to the noncardiolo- sis, Klingeman and Pipberger turned to statisti- gist physician. In a total of 4469 electrocardio- cal classification techniques for the assignment grams processed by the system, all but I9 were in of electrocardiograms into various diagnostic agreement with the cardiologist who overread categories.” An initial study in which ECGs them. were classified into normal and left ventricular At the same time, a hybrid computer system hyperptrophy (LVH) types was reported in 1967. for both measurement and interpretation of elec- Four statistical methods were applied to mea- trocardiograms appeared.” Threshold detectors surements taken from orthogonal electrocardio- were employed by an analog editor to detect P, graphic record samples. Amplitude measure- QRS, and T waves. A template representing a ments of various selected points were summed, typical heart cycle was generated to serve as a and vector differences in three-dimensional standard with which to compare successive heart space were calculated both with and without cycles. For each heart cycle, a binary word weight factors. A class-separating transforma- (match word) was produced, which described tion was tested as well. These 4 statistical tech- how well the heart cycle matched the template. niques were applied to 3 sample groups contain- Figure 3 shows a schematized version of an ing 100 ECGs from normal subjects and 100 electrocardiographic passage and the associated from patients with clinically documented left template. The numbered points in the represen- ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Best results tation of the template are the significant points of were obtained with weighted vector differences the waveform that are recognized and flagged by based on 8 amplitude measurements (84% cor- the analog circuit. The program was divided into rect classification). The class-separating proce- two parts: contour and arrhythmia. The contour dure produced an 80% result. while the method interpretations were “electrical” rather than of summed amplitudes led to 67% separation. clinical in nature, and rhythm analysis posed Table I shows results of separating normal (N) problems because of inaccuracy of waveform from left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) for measurements, particularly P waves. But the each of the four procedures tested. These early system advanced computerized electrocardiogra- results demonstrated the practicality of utilizing phy dramatically and served as a predictor of the computer for the automatic measurement of things to come. numerous ECG amplitudes and the application During this early period while numerous sys- of complex statistical procedures for data anaiy- tems emerged using decision tree logic for analy- sis. Table 2 summarizes the systems that were in E Template Fig. 3. Schematized version of an electrocardiographic passage and the associated template of a normal beat. The numbered points on the template are the significant points of the waveform which are recognized and flagged by an analog circuit. (Reproduced by permission from the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 29 ) AUTOMATED ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY 373 Table 1. Classification of ECG Records Based Table 2. A Summary of the Characteristics of the Early on Record Samples Systems for Computer Detection end Analysis of Electrocardiograms COUeCtly Classlfled Estimate of Plpberger Equal Error 1%) Analog data recorded on FM tape Classlficatlon Procedure. N LVH (%I Analog-to-digltal conversion at 1000 Hz 15 set ECG. XYZ leads Experiment 1 IBM 704 computer (100 N and 100 LVH records) Spatial velocity to detect waveforms 74 75 74.5 Caceres 2 85 76 80.5 Analog data recorded on FM tape IJI 93 78 85.5 Analog-to-dlgital conversIon at 625 Hz 4 83 78 82 Data stored on punched cards Experiment 2 Control Data 160A computer and DEC PDP8 (new samples of 100 N and 100 64 mln to process one lead LVH records) Staples 69 59 64 Human measurements of waveforms 2 86 69 77.5 Decision logic for RVH, LVH, BBB. ICD, IRBBB. 3 90 73 81.5 CRBBB, CIB88, PMI, AMI, T-wave changes 4 89 69 79 IBM 1441 computer Experiment 3 4469 ECGs processed (new sample of 100 N records, Wortzman LVH sample of experiment 2 re- Analog data recorded on FM tape tanned) Sampled only at points of significant changes In ECG 89 59 74 IBM 1401 computer 88 69 78.5 Low pass filtering at 60 Hz 95 73 84 86 69 77.5 Average recogmtion rates derived features and flagged points of exceptional inter- from experiments 1 to 3 est. Digital filtering was applied to each flagged 1 77.3 64.3 70.8 point using 20 adjacent points before and after 2 86.3 71.3 78.8 the point of interest. The filtered value of the 3 92.7 74.7 83.6 4 87 72 79.5 flagged point was compared to the unfiltered Evaluation of four stattstical methods applied to measurements amplitude. If it fell within ,025 mV of the taken from orthogonal electrocardiograms for the purpose of original point it was retained; if not, the original separating normal subjects from those with left ventricular value was retained. The rationale was that any hypertrophy. point that was not greatly affected by filtering *Procedure 1 = sum of amplitude measurements; procedure was assumed to be in a region of low frequency. 2 _ vector differences; procedure 3 = welghted vector differ- ences; procedure 4 = class-separating transformations. The If there was a large discrepancy between the weight factors for the vector differences were determined on the filtered and unfiltered value, it was assumed that basis of all records. The matrices for procedure 4 were obtalned the point fell within a region of high frequency, from the samples of experiment 1. For further details see text. i.e., QRS, and filtering was not justified. Adapted and reproduced by permIssIon from Computers and The waveform was divided into a series of Bnmedrcal Research. ‘I overlapping segments which were defined as use in the late 1960s and some of the characteris- starting or ending whenever the slope-difference tics of each. changed sign. The high slope parts of the wave- Two separate groups of investigators, each form were taken to be reliable indicators for collaborating with International Business Ma- identification of the QRS complex. The fre- chines (IBM), began serious development of quency distribution for segment slope-difference computerized electrocardiography in the late for each lead was found and a threshold applied 1960s. Bonner and Schwetman from Advanced to produce a slope constant (8 converter units per Systems Developmental Division at IBM worked millisecond). 4 segment with a slope-difference with Pordy at Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York greater than this was considered to represent a City, on the development of a 12-lead computer QRS complex. Since the highest slope on aber- system.” 25 The ECG signal was sampled at 400 rant QRS complexes might be markedly lower Hz by an A/D converter with IO-bit resolution. than predominant QRSs, bizarre beats were An analog preprocessor employed noise rejection often overlooked. Additional logic to avoid this 374 JANICE M JENKINS was employed which lowered the threshold to buried in T or QRS complexes. If no dominant include aberrant beats. This threshold caused interval could be found, it was judged that there peaked T waves to be detected as well; therefore, was no discernible P train. Each interval llanked logic was included that detected the proximity of by two adjacent QRS complexes was considered a new waveform to the preceding wave and to be a unit, and was classified by the left- permitted rejection of T waves. The widths of hand-side and right-hand-side QRS types (first QRS complexes were determined by a compli- QRS type (Ql). second QRS type (QZ), etc.] cated logic, after which all beats were compared. and interval between. Units which contained For each beat found to match a certain type, only the dominant QRS type were used to deter- points were added to that type’s rating and the mine the dominant rhythm. type with the highest rating was considered to Each lead was examined separately for represent the dominant rhythm. All QRS com- rhythm. Two kinds of basic rhythms were pre- plexes not identical to the dominant type were sumed possible: type A. which one would expect remeasured to correct possible measurement to find exhibited in many leads (such as a sinus errors. This procedure was important so that rhythm); and type B, which could be expected to arrhythmia analysis would not be in error. appear in only a few leads (such as Wenckebach Each segment in the interval between a pair of phenomenon or atrial flutter). A sum was accu- QRS complexes was given a P or T rating mulated for each lead in which a Type A diagno- depending upon weighting factors applied to sis was seen, with an additional four points added slope, amplitude, and duration. The segments for a diagnosis derived from the rhythm strip. with the largest P and T ratings were candidates The rhythm with the largest total, provided it for P and T waves. If these segments coincided. exceeded six. was selected. If a type B rhythm the P rating was compared to T rating and the was found in more than two leads. that diagnosis larger value was the determinant. In all. a total of would supersede the type A diagnosis unless the 288 measurements were extracted from the I2 type A diagnosis accumulated IO or more points. leads and stored in a measurement matrix for Table 3 shows the rhythms that comprise type A further analysis. and type B diagnoses. The special statements The arrhythmia analysis program” examined reflect arrhythmias that are difficult to distin- the information from the measurement matrix, guish, therefore a composite list of possibilities i.e., a table of the time of onset and termination was provided for a cardiologist to review. of each complex and its type. For arrhythmia Results of rhythm analysis from this system analysis, the information was organized as shown were reasonably successful for commonly seen in Fig. 4. The widths, positions in time, and types rhythms (sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia, sinus of all the waves were known in addition to their bradycardia). but not so promising in other ar- measurements. As the first step in the determina- rhythmias. The diagnostic errors were seen to tion of rhythm, a P-train test was performed in arise from the inability of the measurement which a search was made for a series of regularly program to find P waves superimposed on T spaced P waves. The representative interval of a waves, or in discriminating against noise that group of P waves was used as the hypothetical P might mimic a P wave. Initial testing” on 2060 spacing in order to search for possible P waves electrocardiograms that were processed over a PI P2 QI 11 P2 PI P3 01 11 02 12 PI 01 P3 13 P3 PI Ql Fig. 4. Passage of an electrocardiogram that has been coded for arrhythmia analysis. Each QRS type is designated 01, CU. and so on where 01 represents the dominant beat and Cl2 an ectopic beat. P and T waves of different morphologies ara similarly coded. This example shows atrial fibrillation with a ventricular ectopic beat. (Reproduced by permission from Computers and Biomedical Research.“) AUTOMATED ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY 375 Table 3. Rhythm Statements from the Bonner Program basic rhythm (i.e., ectopic beats), 505% were missed completely. As a screening device to Type A rhythms’ Normal sinus rhythm separate normal from abnormal electrocardio- Sinus tachycardta grams, the system performance was found to be Sinus bradycardla 9 I % accurate using both contour and rhythm. Atrial fibrillation wth A-V block At this same period in the late 1960s. Smith Atrial fibrillation and Hyde’h at Mayo Clinic collaborated with AtrIal filbnllatlon with A-V dlssociatlon Nodal tachycardia IBM in the development of a computerized ECG Supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardla system that processed data acquired from three Nodal rhythm simultaneously recorded orthogonal leads. The Nodal paroxysmal tachycardia lead set used was a modified Frank set in which Nodal paroxysmal tachycardia with I-V block (I) a neck electrode was used instead of the Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia Ventricular tachycardla Frank head electrode, (2) V4 and Vh were used Ventrwlar rhythm instead of the C and A electrodes specified by Normal stnus rhythm with the Frank, and (3) the patient was supine instead of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome sitting. The leads were recorded for 8 set on FM Type 6 rhythms magnetic tape and transmitted by telephone to Atnal flutter Atrlal flutter wth 2-l response the central computer (IBM 7040). A/D sam- AtrIal flutter with 4- 1 response pling at a rate of 350 Hz was performed at Anal flutter wth Z- 1 to 4- 1 response one-eighth the recording speed and digital hlter- Anal flutter wth A-V block ing applied. A time difference function was Wandering pacemaker between the derived and a fiducial mark established when the SA and A-V node Third-degree or complete A-V block function exceeded a preset threshold for I5 msec. lsorhythmlc A-V dlssoclation Data from 250 msec following the fiducial mark Second-degree A-V block uere considered to contain the onset, peak. and Special statements offset of R, and were stored for further analysis. “This tracng could reflect any of the following: The region after the R wave was searched for a T ventrwlar paroxysmal tachycardia supraventricular tachycardia with I-V block wave, and the region from the R back to the or aberrant ventricular conduction previous T wave was examined for P waves and amal flbrillatlon with WPW. other indications of atria1 activity. Deciding between these alternatives IS Regular rhythm was defined as that having Important but difficult. intervals within a 10%’ tolerance of normal, and A cardiologist should be consulted.” “Supraventncular tachycardla. the following rhythms were reportedly recog- The tachycardia could be due to: nized: sinus, ventricular, nodal, artifcal pace- paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardla maker, and second or third degree block. Irregu- atria1 flutter with regular 2: 1 A-V conduction lar rhythms diagnosed by the system were atrial sws tachycardla. or ventricular premature complexes, sinus ar- Consult a cardiologist.” rhythmia, and atrial fibrillation. The system ‘Two types of rhythms which were recognized by the early reported an overall agreement with cardiologists Banner program. See text for details. Reproduced by pernws~on from Computers and Biomedical in 85?% of the tracings, with a 98% agreement in Research.‘4 normals, and a 14%’ variation in descriptions of abnormals. period of I yr showed a 91% success rate in At this stage there was serious deliberation contour analysis. Of the contour statements that about the need for objective analysis of the newly were in error. 48% were due to measurement emerging systems for ECCi analysis. Caceres” logic, and the remainder due to logic following had proposed a central pooling of all data in the measurement program. Computer analysis of order to establish a uniform national criteria. rhythm resulted in an 8% false positive rate ( 124 Pordy” discussed the 12-lead system versus the of 1731 normals were misclassified as abnor- Frank orthogonal system, and concluded that the mal), and a 9% false negative rate (26 of 329 l2-lead was probably preferable but suggested abnormal rhythms were classified normal). In simultaneous utilization of both. Standards were the case of rhythm abnormalities other than simply nonexistent and evaluation of available 376 JANICE M. JENKINS systems not possible since there existed no library logic for P-wave determination and arrhythml;i of ECG records with a suitable variety of cardiac diagnosis. abnormalities, and no method for testing existing By 1969 computer recognition of complex systems against diagnoses established by non- waveform patterns such as those seen in electro- ECG sources. cardiography was considered routine. It was rcc- Another program for automatic interpretation ognized that the tnajor task facing further clini- of electrocardiograms utilizing the Frank ortho- cal application lay in the area of establishing gonal leads” was developed and implemented at uniform diagnostic criteria. The dificult pattern Latter-Day Saints Hospital, Salt Lake City, recognition problem of arrhythmia diagnosis was Utah, and was run routinely on all elective as yet unsolved. During this year the Medical admissions by 1969. Interpretive statements Systems Development Laboratory (MSDL) was were made concerning only the QRS and ST-T absorbed into the newly formed National Center waves and consisted of I I QRS categories and for Health Services and Development. The ECG five ST categories. The diagnoses that were analysis system developed during the previous IO possible are shown in Table 4. The system sam- yr by MSDL under the auspices of the U.S. pied X, Y, and Z leads at 200 Hz and used Public Health Services (Caceres Program) was decision logic to arrive at a classification. Prelim- translated by the National Center into computer inary results on 287 ECGs produced a 1% false languages with more universal application and positive rate (2 out of 195) and a 9%’ false released publicly as ECAN Version D in October negative rate (8 out of 92) in the QRS analysis. In the ST analysis the false positives ranked 4%’ Table 5. Listing of Certified Programs: Health Care (7 of 197) and false negatives 16%) (I4 of X9). Technology Division, EKG Data Pool, EKG Analysis The underdiagnosis tendency was the result of a Programs (Version “D”1. Certified by the Health Care Technology Division deliberate emphasis imposed by the desire of the cardiologists using the program. The criteria Date applied for the diagnostic logic was admittedly CDC 160-A Medtcal Systems De- 10/l/69 simplistic. Additional development of more velopment Labora- sophisticated and appropriate criteria was tory planned, as was the proposed development of CDC 8090 MedIcal Systems De- 10/l/69 velopment Labora- tory Table 4. Diagnostic Statements Made CDC 1700 Control Data Corpora- 11121169 by the Pryor Program’ non ORS diagnosis Unwersal FORTRAN Data Pool Task Force 12/18/69 Normal IV (minus Cl/O) Left bundle branch block Sigma 51617 FOR- Xerox Data Systems 1 I9170 Filght bundle branch block TRAN IV-H lntraventrular conductlon defect IBM 360 (Model 40 Beckman Instruments 8/l l/70 Left ventricular hypertrophy and larger1 Right ventricular hypertrophy SIGMA Z/3 FORTRAN Xerox Data Systems 10/l/70 Antenor myocardial infatctlon IV’ lnferlor myocardial infarctnon DEC PDP 8 (pseudo Berkeley Sclenttfvz La- 1113170 Lateral wall myocardlal lnfarctlon assembly lan- boratorles Left axls dewation guage)’ Right axts dewat&on DEC PDP 9’ MEDAC 4/14/7 ST diagnosis DEC PDP 8 Searle Medldata 511417 Normal DEC PDP 8” Phone-A-Gram Sys- 101517 ln~ury pattern terns Subendocardial injury pattern IBM 360/50 (DOS) Touro lnfwnary 1 l/l/7 lschemla pattern IBM 360/30 (DOS) Space Age Computer 415172 DigItaIrs effect pattern Systems *The Pryor program analyzed electrocardiograms from Adaptations of the ECAN Version D program which were patients admitted electively at the Latter-Day Samts Hospital, Salt certified by July 1972. Certification verified that the modified Lake City, 1979. versions functioned identically to the original program. Reproduced by pernws~on from Computers and Bnmedical *Segmented programs. Research. 2’ Reproduced by permisslon from Academic Press.”

waveform of the ECG, QRS morphology and RR .. a cardiologist.” 'Two types of rhythms which were recognized by the early. Banner program. See text for
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