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1. xsáv7H, xalßat... xalaß il•arb, œabil •arb b-sint... sint œalf w tsa($)miyya w œarba$†åç, kånu nås lli kån $andon paspórtH fransåwi. 2. w lamma bidyat ... b nßul lfransåwi fi Ber¨t, w ba$at makatˆb w ba$at kull wå•ad œilli fatH... fransåwi, yˆ¤i la-Ber¨t. 3. na•nu... œi•na mnaxúdkon la-ma , œi•na ndˆr bålna $ala... $ala S Aharon Geva Kleinberger V safar w kunna... œi•na kunna m o kullna fransawiyye. 4. såfar 4 $ammi håda ravH Toledáno, rav Toledáno ma$a $ålto8, såfar la- 6 Ber¨t, œaxíH, œaxív w œaxí... œax¨ dáno, œab¨ la-Çmuœél Toledáno œaxad wlådo w såfaru la-Ber¨t. 5 Autochthonous Texts wå•de såfarat, wå•de... ‹all´na G e œi•na la-•alna fi ðabariyya. 6. œ biH (Y)húda Toledáno, kån Hœåv v a K bet-dínH, œallo l-œab¨y, œallo: yå in the Arabic Dialect fru œintu kˆf n‹allna9 œi•na la- le in •ålna, œimmi ma®a kbˆre w œana œab¨y œallo... œab¨y kån $umro b of the Jews in Tiberias e œarba$ w $içrˆn, tlåta w $iç®in, ha amma: œiza ba‹allni bixd¨ni $a- r g e l¤´ç itTurkíH! 8. œallo: ma-txáfiç awwˆ... 9. rå• $a-... ¤iddi, kån r · A $ando... hinni bi$irf¨ ta... œilla... maqåm ba$rifç ç¨ œusmo hadåk, u to dåfa$ må-çu dafá$10, œan†¨lo warœ a-bisawwˆç, ma-byaxd¨ç $a-l¤´ç c hth itturkíH w bi‹allo... 10. ‹all´na b b¨y w œimmi, œax¨y likbˆr, œuxti o no w œ a n a w s k i n n a 1 2 b - b « t (cid:219) i d d i . ˇ i l †ra• ilyøm malónH Plåza, hunåk u s kån b « t (cid:219) i d d i , $ a - l ˇ a r (cid:220) t a b a $ m a ikbˆr w hadåk kån ¤iddi, $idna T ex kull i l ¥ a r b . 1 1 . ˇ a x (cid:141) (cid:135) v H , ˇ i ¥ n a ... Hœex œomrím raœáv14? H (AGK: ts in ¤¨$ ) ˇ a h l (cid:219) ‹ $ ! m a - $ a r i f n (cid:140) (cid:141) i l (cid:219) ‹ $ , n ytå¤ir fi œahwe w sukkar min th Ber ‹ t , k (cid:140) n y s (cid:140) f i r l a - (cid:141) (cid:130) (cid:140) m w y (cid:219) (cid:246) b ˆn bisma($) $an dóktor… ¤¨$... e A $an n a ... l $ a n n a , k (cid:140) n $ a n n a f .. ma-$arifnåç il¤¨$, œamma œahl r a b ðab a r i y y a l i l « a y (cid:146) (cid:219) a $ u k t (cid:246) r .1 2 . ßåfar, hadøle wißlu la-Ber¨t ic D œax d ‹ h o n l a - K (cid:151) r s i k a , $ a m m i , ¥ oledáno kån b-Kórsika œarba$ iale snˆn ; c t o •ax (cid:140) m B a r (cid:156) x ˇ a x a d ‹ h o n l a - (cid:238) na fi ðabariyya. 13. lamma f th nxa l§ a t 1 5 ... x i l a § i l ¥ a r b m a - $ a r i f n na fi lb´t œakil, kån kull çi.14. e Je lam m a b - ˇ o k t ... b - H ¥ o l h a - m o ˇ (cid:142) d )miyya w tman†å($)ç xilaß il•arb w s w œ (cid:140) l u ˇ i n n o i l ˇ i n g l (cid:246) z ˇ a $ d (cid:246) n $ a - l (cid:219) yya. 15. wißlu la-Íamax, Íamax in T kån b a l a d z ' (cid:246) r e ˇ u d d d (cid:140) m D g (cid:135) n y a w min Samax biddon yinzalu la- ibe ðab a r i y y a . 1 6 . ˛ a m m a T u r k (cid:146) m H Hroç ha-œiriyáH kullon, taraku r ia ðab a r i y y a w r (cid:140) h u l a - (cid:141) (cid:130) (cid:140) m , (cid:160) i l $ u ç Pína w min h(u)nåk la-çÇåm. s 17. ! a b a r i y y a k (cid:140) n a t f (cid:140) r ' a , m a - k (cid:140) áœad ha-khilá... váœad ha-khiláH taba $ l y i h ‹ d w k (cid:140) n ˇ a k (cid:135) m H (cid:141) (cid:142) x i m w †¨l... w smi$na b¨m-b¨m-b¨m H ar tota ¥ (cid:146) m H ˇ a h ! ˇ (cid:140) l u ˇ i (cid:219) a ˇ a $ d (cid:246) n $ a kull... kull by¨(t) lli fi œissa $a- r as ¤bå l ! a b a r i y y a , k (cid:140) n k u l l o s (cid:140) ¥ y e 1 ufna, kunna nç¨f l... kån $umri s o w xam s s n (cid:246) n . 2 0 . s (cid:140) $ a , s (cid:140) $ a t n « n - t l smi$na °uk-°uk-°uk-°uk-°uk h´k itz il•ß (cid:140) n m (cid:140) (cid:141) y (cid:246) n , w i l ˇ a r (cid:220) k (cid:140) n a t k u Harrassowitz Verlag r. 21. mirœu min hunåk œuddåm b´t (cid:219) i d d i t a m (cid:140) m , ˇ u d d (cid:140) m b « t (cid:219) i d d å•u la-na•ˆt iççamål, •itta wißlu la-l b a l a d i y y e . 2 2 . b a l a d i y y e 1 8 k (cid:140) a... fˆha... fi hallᜠHœaxsanyát nóœ a r H h u n (cid:140) k a . 2 3 . ˇ a m m a , l a m m a-lœaskar, •ná kunna wlåd z©år, kun n a b i - (cid:141) (cid:141) (cid:140) r i $ , ˇ o s t r (cid:135) l i m H , $ a - l ha-lburn´†a lkbˆre hådi taba$ lœos t r (cid:135) l i m H h n ‹ d ( A G K : w h n ‹ d , AGK: min ilhind?) œostrálimH, This content downAlolald uesde fsruobmje 1c2t 8to.1 h2t2tp.1s4:/9/a.9b oount .Mjstoonrœ.,o u2r6gd / t(cid:140) m o n i l h (cid:146) n d i m H m a $ a h u m 1 9 , œasmar w illaffe lb´‹a, œamma xufna minnon, kunna nxåf minn... H, çåfu wlåd z©år, waœœaf¨, †ålu, Hdá$at20-maH, min ¤´bon biskvítim d, kull wå•ad œaxad, œaxad. 25. œi¤at œimmi, çafátni min føœ, œát xdˆç, håda miç kaçérH! 26. œa, ra¤za$to kullo, kull œaxadt ra¤¤a$ kaçérH, banåt œáxadu. 27. hinni 117777662244--UUeebbeerrzzuugg..iinndddd 11 2233..0077..22000099 88::1188::2299 UUhhrr Aharon Geva Kleinberger Autochthonous Texts in the Arabic Dialect of the Jews of Tiberias ©© 22001144,, OOttttoo HHaarrrraassssoowwiittzz GGmmbbHH && CCoo.. KKGG,, WWiieessbbaaddeenn IISSBBNN PPrriinntt:: 997788--33--444477--0055993344--33 IISSBBNN EE--BBooookk:: 997788--33--444477--1199119824--05 GGeevvaa--KKlleeiinnbbeerrggeerr AAuuttoocchhtthhoonnoouuss..iinndddd AAbbss1111 2244..0033..22000099 0099::4455::1177 Semitica Viva Herausgegeben von Otto Jastrow Band 46 2009 Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden ©© 22001144,, OOttttoo HHaarrrraassssoowwiittzz GGmmbbHH && CCoo.. KKGG,, WWiieessbbaaddeenn IISSBBNN PPrriinntt:: 997788--33--444477--0055993344--33 IISSBBNN EE--BBooookk:: 997788--33--444477--1199118942--50 GGeevvaa--KKlleeiinnbbeerrggeerr AAuuttoocchhtthhoonnoouuss..iinndddd AAbbss1122 2244..0033..22000099 0099::4455::2266 Aharon Geva Kleinberger Autochthonous Texts in the Arabic Dialect of the Jews of Tiberias 2009 Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden ©© 22001144,, OOttttoo HHaarrrraassssoowwiittzz GGmmbbHH && CCoo.. KKGG,, WWiieessbbaaddeenn IISSBBNN PPrriinntt:: 997788--33--444477--0055993344--33 IISSBBNN EE--BBooookk:: 997788--33--444477--1199119824--05 GGeevvaa--KKlleeiinnbbeerrggeerr AAuuttoocchhtthhoonnoouuss..iinndddd AAbbss1133 2244..0033..22000099 0099::4455::2266 Bibliografi sche Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografi e; detaillierte bibliografi sche Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografi e; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de. For further information about our publishing program consult our website http://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de © Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden 2009 This work, including all of its parts, is protected by copyright. Any use beyond the limits of copyright law without the permission of the publisher is forbidden and subject to penalty. This applies particularly to reproductions, translations, microfilms and storage and processing in electronic systems. Printed on permanent/durable paper. Printing and binding: Memminger MedienCentrum AG Printed in Germany I S S N 0 9 3 1 - 2 8 1 1 I S B N 9 7 8 - 3 - 4 4 7 - 0 5 9 3 4 - 3 e - I S B N P D F 9 7 8 - 3 - 4 4 7 - 1 9 1 9 2 - 0 ©© 22001144,, OOttttoo HHaarrrraassssoowwiittzz GGmmbbHH && CCoo.. KKGG,, WWiieessbbaaddeenn IISSBBNN PPrriinntt:: 997788--33--444477--0055993344--33 IISSBBNN EE--BBooookk:: 997788--33--444477--1199118942--50 GGeevvaa--KKlleeiinnbbeerrggeerr AAuuttoocchhtthhoonnoouuss..iinndddd AAbbss1144 2244..0033..22000099 0099::4455::2266 For my beloved wife Yvonne Geva Kleinberger ©© 22001144,, OOttttoo HHaarrrraassssoowwiittzz GGmmbbHH && CCoo.. KKGG,, WWiieessbbaaddeenn IISSBBNN PPrriinntt:: 997788--33--444477--0055993344--33 IISSBBNN EE--BBooookk:: 997788--33--444477--1199119824--05 ©© 22001144,, OOttttoo HHaarrrraassssoowwiittzz GGmmbbHH && CCoo.. KKGG,, WWiieessbbaaddeenn IISSBBNN PPrriinntt:: 997788--33--444477--0055993344--33 IISSBBNN EE--BBooookk:: 997788--33--444477--1199118942--50 CONTENTS Acknowledgements .................................................... XI Abbreviations and signs................................................ XIII Remarks............................................................... XIII 1. Introduction......................................................... 1 1.1Generalfeatures.................................................... 1 1.2 The dialect......................................................... 8 1.2.1 General .......................................................... 8 1.2.2 Prominent phonological features................................... 9 1.2.3Someprominentmorphologicalremarks........................... 10 Personal pronouns .............................................. 11 Demonstrative pronouns ........................................ 11 Fillers.......................................................... 11 Adverbs........................................................ 11 Prepositions .................................................... 11 Verbs .......................................................... 12 1.2.4 Syntax ........................................................... 13 1.2.5 Lexicon.......................................................... 14 Arabic lexicon.................................................. 14 15 15, fishing and lacustrinelife............................................... 16 Obsolete vocabulary........................................... 17 17 Transparent vocabulary...................................... 17 Old fashioned vocabulary.................................... 17 Expressions and slang....................................... 18 Autochthonous proverbs..................................... 21 Hebrew lexicon................................................. 22 General....................................................... 22 22 Obsolete Hebrew loanwords................................... 24 ........................... 25 English loanwords.............................................. 25 French loanwords............................................... 26 Ladino loanwords............................................... 27 Italian loanwords ............................................... 28 ©© 22001144,, OOttttoo HHaarrrraassssoowwiittzz GGmmbbHH && CCoo.. KKGG,, WWiieessbbaaddeenn IISSBBNN PPrriinntt:: 997788--33--444477--0055993344--33 IISSBBNN EE--BBooookk:: 997788--33--444477--1199118942--50 VIII Contents Osmanlı/Turkish loanwords..................................... 28 Other loanwords................................................ 29 2. Maps................................................................ 30 2.1 Map I: Environs of Tiberias......................................... . 30 2.2MapII:SitesinOldTiberias........................................ 31 3. Transcribed textsand translation...................................... 32 3.1 AM 1 – The Cholera Epidemic...................................... 32 3.2 AM 2 – The British Army enters Tiberias............................ 34 3.3 AM 3 – The Lunatic................................................ 38 3.4 AM 4 – Ceremonial Reception of Sir Herbert Samuel ................ 40 3.5 AM 5 – Scarlet Fever............................................... 42 3.6AM6–TraveltoJerusalem......................................... 44 3.7AM7–BathingintheSeaofGalilee................................ 50 3.8 AM 8 – The Flood of May 1934 (1) ................................. 52 3.9 AM 9 – The Earthquake of 1927 (1)................................. 56 3.10 AM 10 – Memories of the Sea of Galilee........................... 58 3.11 AM 11 – Fish (1).................................................. 66 3.12 AM 12 – Culinary................................................. 68 3.13AM13–TiberiansandSafedis(1)................................. 76 3.14 AM 14 – The Christians of Tiberias................................ 82 3.15 AM 15 – A Slip of the tongue...................................... 86 3.16 AM 16 – Maltreatment ............................................ 88 3.17AM17–NahumHorowitzandtheShomerOrganization............ 92 3.18 AM 18 – The Mimuna (1).......................................... 94 3.19 AM 19 – The Baron de Rothschild................................. 96 3.20 AM 20 – My Father............................................... 98 3.21 PH 21 – The Flood of May 1934 (2)................................ 100 3.22 PH 22 – The Earthquake of 1927 (2) ............................... 102 3.23 ST 23 – My Family................................................ 104 3.24 ADK 24 – Fishing from the House Window........................ 104 3.25 ADK 25 – Years of Drought....................................... 106 3.26 DBY 26- School Picture........................................... 106 3.27DBY27–WorkinginthePalestine Engineering Association........ 112 3.28DBY28–TheArabStrikein1936................................. 116 3.29 DBY 29 –The Bloody Night of 1938............................... 118 3.30 DBY 30 – Mino Goldzweig........................................ 124 3.31 DBY 31 – The Torans Hospital .................................... 128 3.32 DBY 32 – The Flood of May 1934 (3).............................. 132 3.33 DBY 33 – Tiberians and Safedis (2)................................ 136 3.34 DBY 34 – Prominent Families in Tiberias.......................... 138 3.35 DBY 35 – Seamen ................................................ 140 3.36 DBY 36 – TheMimuna (2) ........................................ 142 ©© 22001144,, OOttttoo HHaarrrraassssoowwiittzz GGmmbbHH && CCoo.. KKGG,, WWiieessbbaaddeenn IISSBBNN PPrriinntt:: 997788--33--444477--0055993344--33 IISSBBNN EE--BBooookk:: 997788--33--444477--1199119824--05 Contents IX 3.37 DBY 37 – Autochthonous Insane People ........................... 144 3.38DBY38–MobilizationintheOttomanArmy ...................... 146 3.39 DBY 39 – Retirement from the British Army....................... 148 3.40 MBY 40 – The Riots of 1929...................................... 150 3.41 MBY 41 – The Riots of 1938 (1)................................... 152 3.42 MBY 42 – The Riots of 1938 (2)................................... 154 3.43 MBY 43 – The Informer........................................... 160 3.44 MBY 44 – The Arab Attack........................................ 160 3.45 MBY 45 – Fish (2)................................................ 164 3.46 MBY 46 – The Catfish ............................................ 166 3.47 MBY 47 – A Local Proverb........................................ 168 3.48 MBY 48 – Miscellanea............................................ 170 3.49 MBY 49 – Eavesdropping......................................... 180 3.50 MBY 50 – Other Autochthonous Proverbs.......................... 184 3.51 MBY 51 – Jewish Holidays........................................ 186 3.52 MBY 52 – Sea Life................................................ 190 3.53 MBY 53 – Memories of the Sea of Galilee (2) and more ............ 192 4.EpilogueandEpitaph................................................ 199 5. Appendices.......................................................... 201 5.1 Autochthonous Arabic vocabulary of the Jews of Tiberias............ 201 5.2 Index of People..................................................... 213 5.3 Index of Geographical Sites......................................... 216 6. Bibliography ........................................................ 220 © 2014, Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden ISBN Print: 978-3-447-05934-3 ISBN E-Book: 978-3-447-19192-0 © 2014, Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden ISBN Print: 978-3-447-05934-3 ISBN E-Book: 978-3-447-19184-5

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