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Atomistic Modeling of Pd Site Preference in NiTi Guillermo Bozzolo“”, Ronald D. Noche? and Huge ©, Mosca “kn Aras, 260 Ces Pot Ba, Clan F142. (8 Ey Glee esa Cote Cts, OS 49188. 14 "Goin Scial d Enegta ind, OAM A Gc Pre 149, ASORBD) See are ‘ie A Agen Abstract ‘an analysis oF the site aubstiondon behavior of Pa in NiLi way performedt using the EIS ‘method foralays. Through a conibiation of Maute Catto siumalations and dette auom-hy-atom ccuorgeti¢ analyves of various computational cells, repeescating compositions of NATH with up 10 ‘10 ais Pd, a detailed underscandiag of the site occupancy of Pd in NITi wns revealed. Pa substi- tated al the expense of Ni in a NIT alloy will preter the Ni-sites. Pa subsblated atthe expense of Ti shows a vety weak preference for TI-sites that diminishes asthe amount of Pa jn the alloy Snoreases and as the temperature ineteases. Keywords: Computer Simulations; Nickel; Titanium; P empirical methods; NTL lution; Shape Memory alloy; Ser A. Latroduetion Binary NiTI alloys are cechnologicaly sigificint nnd erramecially ipatanlsaevials wie lived for thelr shape memory and superelastic properues for numerous applications around coon (eanperature [1]. Whoa alloyed With Pd Pt, Au, Hf or Zs, NET uw forms a folly of alloys with reat potendal tor use as high ronaperatuo sbape memory waters [2]. Detaled knowledge of ce site substintion behavior of these und olheralloving additions is sritical lo the design of shape memory alloys with appropriate transfornalion temperuiures ani ‘opeties for speciic applications. ‘This information vould also hse subslanial inypact oa au undesstaading ofthe martensitic transformation process in mullivoraponent alloys In spite ofthe relevance of this topic. tclatively few experimental or thenrelival stnies have been performed co * Conaoults abe NASA on Asc acb SEEM, 82, Clee OT 815, 245809, Glee erage ctrmine the sie prefeence behavior of temary addltions to Ni Hoseda etal. [3] determined the general site preference of temary atdtions in NETH using snrdo-ground stale analysis hased on dhe neatest-neighbor pair approximaion, The dete msina- tion wns made hased on the mapaitide of the enerpy of foroation, establishing three z0n2s in a oading to absolute preforonce For Ni or Ti sites, repuless of alloy ‘eoncenimatiom, and an ‘either-ste’ zone for elements dat accupy silible sits. Absolute ste Flys we ATF ug plot co preference for Ni sites was found for Pi, Ti spite of is basic similarity to the approach of Hosedsa ot al, a different behavior was found fy Sheng et a, [4}, Based on elecwonis strcure calculations wing the discrete variational-Xy, luster method, the bond onder By between apoms & anu (wan vompuled in uluster centered on atom X, dhe alloying addition, and twe layers of neighboring stem. The bund order is supposed lw indica the increase i election density borwoon the tym due to bunding fev, dhus giving a ‘measure ofthe suength ofthe bond. Ifsn alloying atom has a Jurger bond onder with surrounding aso ome latice site, t forms stinger chemical honds, thus lowering the ital euergy of the clues, whichis assumacd f be an indicatum nf ste preference. A Bags». By pul (between X ad (be sounding atoms when X occupies Nt and Ti sites, respectively etsemines taree regions by -menas of ‘Ni-spbline’ snd ¢ “Tisaine! passing ubrough the points of'Ni and respectively ). Wfthe point is above the Ne-wubline. the X aun forms a suonges bood with the surrounding ‘atoms, making the cluster more sable, imespectve af the Nici ratio, Silay, below the Ti-sut- line, X exclusively profers Ti sites. The site preference in tke inletmediae region depends on ste- Jckiomeny. For example, their regults show Pd and Pin the inte mediawe region, close to the Ni subline, indicating that a x staichiometric compound. Pd ond Pt will prefer Ni sites. in a non-sto- ichiometiic compound, Pal and Pt will tke the sites fhe insiiciear element first, and then he Aisctuted according 6 which ling fs nese. ‘hese results can he compared with ALCHEMI experineats [5] showing that the fraction of Pa atoms in Ni sos {fer alloys with $ mS Pa) is approximately 90%, regardless of whether Pa ‘was nded atthe expense of Ni, Ti, or exuully for oul conatitusrs. This would indicate a strong prafarence foc Ni sits, regardless uf the eoraposiioa for date TERA alleys, consistent with the rests of Hosods otal. [37 However, given thal even the slightest deviations in stoichiometry for (NEPA) ggTigg acsolisin precipuation of second phases [6], iis uot clear what die actual composi- tion of the aera matrix mat ial analyzed hy Tudaki oa {5] would have been in their sty of site occupancy im NUP alloys. TLix doubtful that i was the same ax thei aim compositions. “The accuracy of analyical appronthes can oy be determined by confronting the theoretical _redievions with experimental evidence, which in the parionlar axe uf ITI s extremely Limited nd open to interpretation dup tw the somplenicy of the microetructures.ILis easoaable to expect that sound theoretical meulels enuld provide apcucate aud reliable information in most cascs. But it in important to investsgate the modeling efforts further, inorder Lo fully understand the rami tim of the assuunptions rude within dhe idealized calculaional schemes when compating the ‘terdoled results with he realy of experiment, where sich idealizatum i ately achievable, a thie article we concentrate on the bebivior of Pt adkiions uv NITI, im significantly more ‘detail ean proviewsly performed, by nzuns of a modeling efTur using the BES method for alloys [7]. a quanrum approsinaate method with a good tack reson of success in describing the fale sbeotal energetics of mullicomponent systems [8-10], Whole vero cemperarure calculations sre peformed in order to undexctand the detailed energotivs of Pa additions to NiVi over & had range of cencenatiom. enperalue dependent effects are introluzed through Mome Carlo simue lations, 2."The BFS method for alloys ‘The BPS method for alloys Lis based onthe comepl hat the enetgy of formanen of a given toric configuration is the sum of che inclividual aluric coauibutions, AH = © &,, Furthermore, each conmbulioa by atom & an he al Ite as dhe sum of tO Ks & strain enerny, 6%, computed in the actual Tatoe a if every nsighbor of the atom ware ofthe same uiomic species i. and a chemial energy. 6°. computes a5 if every neighbor of the atom { were in un equilibriuin lige site of « caysal of spaces i,t retaining its, ol cheical idcntiy. ‘The campulation of, using hapivalent Crystal Theory (C1) [11], imvalves thoes pure ele ‘ment properties fas aloms of species & cohesive energy. lattice pauamoter and hulk mods, These tee parameters for ench of the consent elements are necded inthe: genesal devivaline stmvetare ws Uke final alley. Consequently, when swdying Dee-hased aflays such as tbe B2- sructured NT. he elements would ues! fo be parameterized as if they were A2 (hee). he chemical eaerey. ef, acccunte for the cortesponding change in compowition. vamnidered as. defect in an heesise pure crystal. The chemical ‘dalect’ deals with pure und mixed bonds, Uberefure, we additional permmbative parameters (Any ond dpa where A, B= Ni, Ti, Pu) are needed ta describe dese interactions, A reference euemival exergy, 23%, is also included wa insore a complete decoupling of stmctural und cfssical Teatmes, All the needed HES parame ure lolermined ‘with the Lincarizod- Augmented Plane Wave metuod (LAPW? [12]. Finally the strain and chewicad energies ae finkes! wih usupling funtion gy which onswes the comect volume dependence of the HES chomteal energy cuntibullon, Therefore, the contribution af aun £0 The energy of formation ofthe ayster is given by Sade o ‘Table | sts the nceosary parameters fr applying the BFS method to the Ni-Ti-Pd system. AS ith auy other quantun: apyroximale method celying on first-principles pursmeuetcation, oll LAP Wageaztated parameters are the resull of zea tempecarure calculations. Finite wsnperulune centers the current formalism only viu Vote Carle simulations, Additional analytical ealeolations forthe determination of the absulule site plefeteace are performed extfusively at era renupect- tue, In spite of the Timitaion uf using parameters chat do cot depen on leraperaiure, Galte-tem- perature properties can he uzcuruly .eproduoed as sbown, for example, in recent caleulations ising BES and Monte Carlo sinulations forthe determination a the cueffcient of lattice expan- sion of multi-component superalloys [13] and the order-disorer manvitions in Cu-PA alloys [14]. ‘We refer the reader uo Ref. 7 fr detailed discussions of the BTS method, its definitions, opers- tioual equations and thir implementation, 3.Rewhw Ti this soedon we exumine the ste substinrtion behavior fram two dilleceat perspectives. ist, ‘we porform an energy analysis of the possible substitrional schemes with varyiog Pd concent: tion, supplemented wilh an atom-by-atom analysis of the energelies in eat case. In dolue so, we can determine abwoluuesle peeleteace, as has been performed in u number of previous applica: tions of BES {8-10]. This pant approach, however, is incomplete, as itis hased on a number of sesompti thal ate soc hecessaily valid when snalyzing for site socupaney under expetimencal couciions, On the other bund, aad i spite of ts potential imitations, mudsling can provide infor mation thal Would oiherwne be impussible (o extract from one single experimental case ‘We perfurra this type of analysis ix several steps. Fit, we consider the case of a single Pd stom inn (N,PANTi on a NiCTRPA) allo. thom which zon temperature sbsolue site preference can bbe dbtermined, Second, we extend this analysis tn the cuse uf addidonal Pad atoms, idomtifying memsctions tht ase not Immediorely apparent from the limited cuse of a single solute atom, To verify Uneve uemds and in oe fe visualize ther effect im situations dha beter esomble experi- mental comliions incuding finite temperate, the second part of this section deals with the anal- ‘iy of lage scale Moute Carl simulations, By combining Ubese two anethods we cau provide 4 re complete picture of che bubtvior ef Pl in NITI. Corcelation ofthe zero temperate “stad energy caleulations, with Monte Carlo simplatiens, indicates how prefenred bebaviors manifest theruselves uader more realistic conditions and therefore, caote To line with experimental expectae ous. Large scale simulations of ie annealing of different NVTIPA alloys, using wactitional Monte Curle - Metropolis exchaoge al ger dhms (MCAS) [9] provide information regarding the therm <dynanuical grou state ofthe system, However, experimental zestls sl vsvally for from such ‘deal states, Ln hs pape. we also implementa variant! af We ditional Monre Carlo - Metropolis Algocithm which, although approcimale ia acu, provides a beter modstingramewurk for d= {sion processes, thos luting to Gna states hak ace mote appropriate For comparison with expet- iment, Known as the BANN alyavithm {5}, atoms of ditferont species ae allowed tu exchange ‘with only nearest-neighbor (NN) sites until ap equlltvinm stare is reached aL euch wsmperature ‘The exchanges are aovepted cr rejetod in texms of a probabilistic taotor which depends ox the ‘vallabe thermal energy {]. To this way, iLis possible for atoms to “lock theme] ven into aneta- sable configurations thal muy he slghlly higher in enevgy ehaa thal Tound uximg dhe MCAS method, which allows slurs to swap any ¢Wo positions i the computational cell until the Lowest ceacegy configuration iy found. In either lechnique, the initial state consits of Ni, Ti nd Pd atoms ‘randomly situate an he computational cell. Ache simutatons inthis paper used 1024 akan cells td i alt ease Ue ital nate drepeesenting the high feraperatre disordered state} coasists of a raustou distribution of the appropriate numer of Ni, Ti and Pel atoms. The temperuture oycle in 1K. Ue vel is alowed to equilibrate (cna Yuriher changes in he eneegy both MCAS and BANN simulations is a monotonous decroase in temperature, eating at T At exch temperature of formation after a sufficiently laye number of exchanges) Irshould he ried that the simulations ae pertormed in rigid bce futives, only allowed to Iso. ‘topically expend nr contruc in onder 1 optimize the value of the Ince puraoneter af each tea erate, The low temperature MCAS reculls assunpe tbat the system il rors # ee: symmetry and non undergo a mavteusitie nansformetion. Buse um experimental data (11, this is clearly not ‘nsceet, bu due to the charactor ofthese fusions lransfortuations, no changes in ste prefer- ‘ence behavior Would be expected. "The mantensile phase would retain he basic once ofthe parent 2 phase, Thecotote, we have included thene results primarily €@ shaw the ondaring tendencies of he B2 phase as a fnction of temperaume. Te Uwe BANN case, however, oquilibriarm is reached at sather high temperataes, mmking st unnecessary distinguish between high and low temperaure exis, ‘Throughout this work, we introduce a notation hal Is equally comenient for simple or cout. plex contiguratims. 1 A and 1 represeal the two simple cvbic sublatices af the B2 compound, XA} denotes a Pd atom yuhatitaking for analog A on the A sublattice. I the displaved 4 atom 065 on to occupy 4 sien dhe shlace (AGB) he two defects can be connected hy denoting Ahern 5 PeKADAC),. To his ease, the subindes cf distinguishes berween the pie of defects (PALA) and A(B)) boing rearestneighbure (@ . next-nearest naighbors (NNN) (@ = 2, or the pair being soparaed hy distances eaten than tat (ether no subindex or d= 9 ‘The dstermination of Ue site preference of Pd in NIT favnlves king the following questions, ‘The frst, basic question, xfer tothe absolute ste prsference. Consider, for example, a (Midd) lloy and a site wvuiluie inthe Si sublattice. Docs Pd ascesewrly prefer thal ste (PAN) or does igo toa stein he T sublaice. PACT), creating an ancismienire TH moa, THN), in the process? ‘o answer this, we eornpace the energy of formation ofthe uilferenl vonlipueations possible tor a 1 atom in a NIT vel. shaven ia Fig, 1. Fara Nisa itp alloy Pigs. Lac show the Pe atom ay ‘coupyimg a T-site, PACT, by dlaplacing & Ni atom toa Teste at NN distance, PaCNDNICTD oF oH fanher away. POCNDNI(Tig Fora CULPA) gp allay: Figs. LubCshow the Pd arom d) occupy ing a Ni-ste. PUEN), ©) uisplacing aT atom 10 a Ni-sve at NN distance, PACTIVTICNY) o£) fas- tier away, PUTTICN, These results indicate preference: for the avalable sites: PAC) in Diag THPaygy und PACS saergy ste and he neal energy state is nosiconbly different in euch case. Thete is oaly 0001 oY in (NLPAigg Tigo, The zero temperature energy pap between the Lowest gap between PATI) and PAQNDNIAT) in Nigg( TPA) alloys wndu 0.098 eV gap between PaNi> and PAK TIYTHND in (NiP)spTisy alloys, This could be wiowed as a definite preference for Ni sites in CHPAOT alloys a a less defined proforence for Ti ster in NICTUPID alloys. However, the small energy gup in NUT) alloys snises the question of whether composiion, temperature, or Ieinetos could alte the pveferred sire pefegonce sehsme inthe alloys where Pd substiites for‘, eveaiaally fivoriny Ni sites, a3 would be supported by the argument that the strong binding energy of THPU alloys [1] would favor Pe arom in Ni sites in spi of theicabsolune preterenee fin sites [Bexides the absolue site preference (as determined by the ener gap betwen direct substi- lulians. PUCK}, agaiast the creation af anise defects, RACY)YIX), a related question must be simuluineously oddressed: what are the energstios of Pa in cither sile regardless of the existence set “upped ia uafavorsble sites, and wither they cla ani could he a consequence of the interplay uuxdor location of an aatistmcrue stom)? This is important because atoms could eventwath ‘of te alloying addition, in this ens Pa, with its neal envicomment. Therefore, we comsentrate on Uh alun-by-atem eneegctics of the Focal environment suravumding diteet PACT) and PACTS) sub- tations (Le, the Pa atom and its shtte n? NNT ane NN). Opposite belaviors describe exch sie ‘ation, Table 2 shows the HFS contributions ta the wisk energy of formation for a 15 atm vlusier (embedded in a NATE os) withthe Pal atom at the center of the chiste its 8 NV ane 6 NNN. To understand the citecr of replacing ether a Ti or a NI atom with Pa, the valves wf Ectenal) in Table 2 should be compared to the “original” values thal a Tl or @ Ni atom would contrihute ia a puce NATL B2 ocll; 42.7153 eV for Ni. und -2.4176 eV far Ti, The lst column in Tule: 2 displays the net changes in evergy forthe Pu lew, its eight NNS, and sit NISNs, as wel ns the overall eweigy atin (ower energy of formation} or ls (higher enetay of Formarion) relative toa pure NiTi clns- tet, "These rests indicate thal replacing Ti aloe sith a Pd arom lowers che energy of Coxmation ‘of te sister by D.SSS6 eV. This configura is favorable far the surrounding Ni NNs and Ti NNNs oreated, offeeting un energy Joss by PALTI). This oowld be understonl ay if the PACTS) atom, is enoegrticlly lncked int place hy its surrounding Ni and TL roms. Conversely, Table 2 shows tat the PANT stom ste ccmforiahly in the te in spite ofthe untavoratie effeut on the sul rounding i NNs. Figuralively. im tens of BFS langage, one can took al this as if the PAN) traets the $15 NN around i, whereas PAT) is locked ino a unfavorshle sce by the suncundiag NNN. Aciconal detuil on dhe evolution of the energetics of these substimamal defects cap be ‘bvained by adding another Pd uum in the curaputaional eels ‘This was done by ereuting “cala- Jags” oF xtonvis eamfiguratons dealing ih all ehe possible combinations pf ew Pd ats in an otherwise equilibrium NITY vell (4 = 3.0150 A). The dee main substitussnal scbexes ane: 2) iggTigc Pt, alloys: Pd can coenpy an available T sive [PACT] oF go 10 a Mi site displacing the ‘Si azoem to ache available i site IRdCND)Ni(T)}. The twa possible locations of the displaced Ni ror should be considered: when Ni(Ti) remains close to PACH) PACNDNACT) | and when iL angeates somewhere oc i ths lapsce [PAINI)Ni(TOF.b) Nisp Tigo PA alloys: Pd ean oceupy an available Ni site UAKCNM] cr gg a Ti ste displacing the TL stom co the available Wi [PaLANIENDL “Two possiubies shoul be eonsidered: when THM) remains clone to PATH) TPACEyTIOND) | and vehom it migrates somewhere eat in he laitice [PECLIVLH(NIDA. ©) Nigga Mg ead alloys: 4 combination uf Ue previnun bwo cases. Table & shows the energies of formnatinn of vid oes in all these possible enafigurations: Ta cach substiuntion scheme, lower energies of Laeaation are obtained with dnoet substitutions (ie, tuo antisre atoms). Far NICT-Pa) ally the energy spread between the Lowest energy stale (kw Ssolaned P17) alma) and the highest (a Upbt cluster of PACNI)NITH) suhstitarions) is lesn than 3 indigating that ul (ype of substation schemes ate alauost equally posible. The xpread widens for cquiavomie (NiPUNTLPU) alloys. and geows to nearly 20 o¥ for (NYRANTE alley, hun Cuvor- ‘ng sirest P&L substitutions by a wide uiargin Fig, 2 shows the three energy level spectra or the ewes displayed in Table 3 instudiag intermediate sates chat ff in he distance between the various defecis (note Ibe expanded scale borwoen she tree ease). To study the auom-by-atom eaesey contributions for the nwa Pa ams case, a specific contig- rion, chowen to exanvie the eect of prexienity berwosn the Pal atime wax cummpared to a NiTL cell, The result Hated in Table 4, Tho exc of eve PATH) atoms in NNN sites lower the energy of formation of the cell by 0.9308 eV, This isa resnction, per PUT) au, [ron 0.5556 eV tn the single Paton case m0 0.4654 eV), Converse, two PAN) aloms in NNN sites raise the energy of Cocraaion hy 1.1808 eV, This is reduction, per PHONY atom, from 0.6688 eV’ io the slagle Pd suns case ly 0.5904 eV, Overall. the PA(TH substitorions hecome less Favorable and the Pani) suhstlutiom, become mote favorable, suggesting thet increasing Pd woncentraton could Yead to a reversal af site peleveace in experince siceations. “The vase of one and two Pa atoms suggest tht the shove mentioned ‘ceversal” might comtinuc ‘wih subsequeer Pa additions, Te case with four Pel atoms continues this wend. The comparison ‘of u squine PATH patch swith a similar Pati) cas, results in Forher reductions of gains auc losses (per alam) in each case: 0.3597 eV for Pali and O487R e¥” foe PACD. The atoun-bycatom anulysis af Unese canes ace showa in Table S. While the shsalute site preference scbeme does not uaige 9 sill prefers T ites in NiCTiPd) alloys and Ne yitos in (N,PAVTL alloys), the tend en ‘with increasing Pilexmcentraion indicates thatthe alicady small energy gup Lavoxing PACIN) sub- stitutions beset lens eleva thas increasing the chances of Bning PA(NDINSTI)defsets (PU in NI sites with Ni antisucture atoms in T sites), “The sight Pa atom cise provides addtional evidonve on hae the substUtioual provess taken place, indenting the relevant sole of a possible‘TiPd environment within the NITi marx. Table 6 shows the energy level spectra ofa calalog af unsncrons 8Pd configurations in a) NACTUPd) and hi) O.PAIH alleys, displayed in Fig. 3. Two opposite enc exnerge: PUCNI) atoms tend eo coalesce forming nB2 TSP "hubble’ hile PACT} atoms balance repulsion aad atwacton res: ‘ordered patter [13] ing in a 2a2 4, BANN and MICAS simulations, Av moled inthe previous section, che slight absolute preference of Pd tor Vt sites im Ni(T Pa loys is luther divtinished with wereaxing Pa vanventioa, As seen above. the enetey gap Tenveen PuTs) and Pa) substiutions decreases, due to the formadon of TIPU bunds when Pd ‘oes to otherwise unfavorable Ni sie. appears then iat when and if Pd atom subsite for Ni sites, ey have a strong Lkelihood th remain in hose sites, To show this, tbe Tollesving describes the resus BAND aud MCAS fong simulations of 1024 stom cells with devrewsing remperde ‘ares, At each temperamre the ells alloweal lo equilbrate Gc. o changes im the energy’ of for- sation} Nigg(Th.Pd}g alloys: these alleys should be characterized by dinoet Pa(T) substitutions, Hew- ‘ever, his is uot generally the ease: 0) NigyTiggh'dy: BAN (Fig. 49 ulimuely evolves towards a table BO siructure where 705 of ths PA toms go v0 Ni owes in spite of Uneir weak absolnie profeence for Ti sites, eating INi(Ti} andiseuetore aroms, ‘The remuining 30% pestoum ducer substivons for Ty sites. During [MCAS simulations (hig. 5.a) with a similar temperature cyele, the Nii murix anders at high tom- perature (HT) with 80% of che Pd atoms in Ni sites, At Low cemporatires (LT) the system stabs. lizes ith all ae Pa comms in sites. There isan alditioual change at extremely ln (emperatnres (herween 1 auc UI), whore the PAT atoms establish ap ordered pauer. Tis rensarkable that lhe eneages ofthe raudom distibunen of PACT) aloms andthe ordered T = | K state ditfer only by f.1 eV. As mneacioued before, however, the formation of this urdered saatemue a¢ LT is somes vb amreaistc, given Una the system is expected to undergo a martensitic wansformation betore reaching this lempesature range, These results, however, iivas that chee 1s @ Toten wend for ‘ordering which can not be readily extracted from cxpsrimental cesulls at room teunperatnre oF hove, 1b) NiggTysPs: BANN sinvlations (Fig. 4b} show similar eames as the previous case, ‘where the system equilibraes with 25% Pa(NDNiCT) and 25% PATH) atoms. MCAS simulations Fig, Sh) behave sinllaly, After a HV sine vith an almost eyual number of randomly located PACSDNIITI) and PACT acoms, all Pel atoms subsite fexTi shes as the temperature decreases, Oboe again, dere is further ordering at extremely low fempeeatunes, where the BACVY) atoms order ja 2x2 pattern (PACT) stoms are sepavoted hy Ti alums along dhe [001] and {010 dections), Tt should be moted that the 242 pattern may not nevessrily representa real precipitate phase, Within the contest of the present mdel ealouatom, where interactions between atoms up to NNN de lance are cousidered, '} stor harely “connect” otherwise noninteracting PA Ii) avons ths lend ing to this long-range order scheme T could be possible that longer range imteratioms might eal te other alternative arangements which sight ullimaosy lead to otder oF Pl atoms in solution ia ‘he i sublntnce. This clear (rome the calculations, which pkodict an exteenely wmall diferenes In energy of formation (0.7 eV) hetween the 2X2 and PACT dlsordered sta. ©) NiggTigg Pep: BANN (Fig 4-0) displays an alaaost continuous drop down te 1000 K where an initial, almost even, dishibutiom of PUINDNICT and P&C) stoms, evalves inlo u 10% Pa(NiC) sine, MCAS (Tig, 5.) results again display @ HT ractastable site charauwsi ed by sn oven nimber of PUCN)NICT) and PATE) atoms, and a low temperature slate stabil ing ia what ppeats to en mixture w(L2; und 242 weenary ghases, Ouoe again, the lowest eneray slate for T= 1K 52:2 orcereal phase, (NPAT! alloys aulonmdcally favor Pd(NIP substitudons. However, additional features cemcrge fom BANN und MCAS simulations 2) NiggTigg Pe: BANNY (Fig, 6.2) results display a steady drop of en 4 std state with 80%6 of PUN) substitutions aud 20% PACHHTH(N). The MCAS sicmulation (Gig, 7.8) stables in x HTT sue characlerized by 2 random distribution of PAQNF) atoms, and a yf frmution towards LV state where afer a sal seduction in energy of formation, of only 3 eN, yields» B2 THPd pre- cipitate

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