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Atomic Transition Probabilities - Volume II: Sodium Through Calcium PDF

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Preview Atomic Transition Probabilities - Volume II: Sodium Through Calcium

ALLLDL “WEBES “ * lMWWWIIMIHINHInIoIsIula\cmMal? , ' V ., . ‘;“ g .,‘1 I. . A11101972 08-NB $5100usvav22;2;1969c1 NBS-PUB-C196 ”WHERE ”'U'u'film“ Mamie ‘TmnSitian PmbabWfi-Etes Smfiifiam Ehmasghvcaicium I-m—I~llmmnmlummnm-Im_m—_W gnum-numnanhwy—um”rmml—um-nnm—w m.u-nmn—nmu—nmmmm-mmmm—mm Wanna—mum:;numumfiuuum—u-I‘m-W .nnuu-mmu-mm—munWan-WWW u:owlmmmmWn-“mm—W l'v'm‘umnlfiuu-nmuuunu—ummuummm—fi—u-W IvMIMI—"um...“mmflumu— mWWWmmrmmmmnnn u.s.~nEmRTMEmT “3F", mmkcs mm mm m ' smnméns. “Wu-II-lwmlwnM-WW lmmwm‘lmmncq UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE o Maurice H. Stans, Secretary C‘- b , NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS 0 Lewis M. Branscomb, Dirtctor Atomic Transition Probabilities Volume II Sodium Through Calcium A Critical Data Compilation W. L. Wiese, M. W. Smith, and B. M. Miles Institute for Basic Standards National Bureau of Standards Washington, DC. NSRDS—NBS 22 National Stand. Ref. Data Sen, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 22, 306 pages (Oct. 1969) CODEN: NSRDA Issued October 1969 ForsalebytheSuperintendentofDocuments,U.S.Government PrintingOffice Washington, D.C.20402-Price$4.50 NAHUNAL BUHtAU Ul- SIANDARDS JAN 1 2 1970 1%210 / 1’ I" 1 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 65—60078 FOREWORD The National Standard Reference Data System provides effective access to the quantitative dataofphisical science. critically evaluated and compiled for convenience. and readily accessible through a variety ofdistribution channels. The System was established in 1963 by action of the President’s Oflice ofScience andTechnologyand theFederal Councilfor Science and Technology. with responsibility to administerit assignedto the NationalBureau ofStandards. TheSystemnow comprises a complexofdatacenters andotheractivities.carriedoninacademicinstitutionsandother laboratories both inandout ofgovernment.Theindependentoperationalstatusofexistingcriticaldataprojectsismaintained and encouraged. Datacenters that arecomponentsoftheNSRDS produce compilationsofcritically evaluated data.critical reviewsofthestateofquantitative knowledgein specialized areas.andcomputationsofusefulfunctionsderivedfrontstand— ard reference data. In addition, the centers and projects establish criteriaforevaluation and compilation ofdata and make recommendations on needed improvements in experimental techniques. They are normally closely associated with active research in the relevant field. The technical scope of the NSRDS is indicated by the principal categories ofdata compilation projects now active or being planned: nuclear properties. atomic and molecular properties. solid state properties. thermodynamic and transport properties. chemical kinetics. and colloid and surface properties. The NSRDS receives advice and planning assistance from the National Research Councilofthe NationalAcademyof Sciences-National Academy of Engineering. An overall Review Committee considers the program as a whole and makes recommendations on policy. long-term planning. and international collaboration. Advisory Panels. each concerned with a single technical area. meet regularly to examine major portions of the program. assign relative priorities. and identify specific key problems in need of further attention. For selected specific topics. the Advisory Panels sponsor subpanels which make detailed studies of users" needs. the present state of knowledge. and existing data resources as a basis for recommendingoneormoredatacompilationactivities.Thisassemblyofadvisoryservicescontributesgreatly to theguidance ofNSRDS activities. The NSRDS—NBS series of publications is intended primarily toinclude evaluated reference data and critical reviews oflong-term interest to the scientific and technical community. Lewis M. Branscomb.Direct.or CONTENTS General Introduction I’ll/1F A. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS....................................................................................................... i B. SCOPE OF THE TABLES............................................................................................................ i C. CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE DATA SOURCES AND METHOD OF EVALUATION.................... i 1. General Review of the Problem........................................................................................................ i 2. The Critical Factors for DelermnlinlurTransition Probabilities................................................................. ii a. Critieal Factors in the Experimental Methods................................................................................ ii 01. Measurements in Emission.................................................................................................. ii [3. Measurements ofAnomalous Dispersion................................................................................ iii ‘y. Lifetime Measurements...................................................................................................... iii 1). Critical Factors in the Theoretical Methods.................................................................................. iii a. Calculations Based on Self-Consistent Field (SCI-1) Wave Functions............................................ iii B. The Nuclear Charge-Expansion Method................................................................................. iii 3/. The Coulomb Approximation.............................................................................................. v 5. LS-eoupling...................................................................................................................... Vii e. Critical Factors for Forbidden Lines............................................................................................ viii 3. Exploitation ofSystematic Trends..................................................................................................... x :1. Dependence off-values on Nuclear ChargeZ................................................................................ x b. Systematic Trends off-values Within Spectral S eries................. ......................... x e. Homologous Atoms.. .......................................................... x d. FixaIIIples....................................................................... x 4-. Classification ofUncertainties..................................................................... xiv D. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE TABLE. ......................................,.. xv E. FUTURE PLANS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ................... xv REFERENCES.......................................... .. ..................... ............................ xv KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS USED IN THE TABLES.................................. xvi USEFUL RELATIONS.............................................................................................. XV; CONVERSION FACTORS.............................................. xvi] List ofTables Spectrum Page Speelram I'qu' Sodium Nat.............................................. 1 Silieon 71 NaII................................ .. 8 76 NaIII.................................. .. 9 81 NaIv............................................ 12 87 Na v............................................. 14 91 NaVI............................................ 16 92 NaVII........................................... 19 93 NaVIII.......................................... 21 94 NaIX............................................ 23 96 Magnesium Mgl.............................................. 25 98 MgII............................................. 29 101 MgIII..................................... 31 103 MgIv..................................... .. 32 Phosphorus 105 Mgv............................................. 34 110 MgVI............................................ 35 114 MgVII........................................... 37 116 31;:VIII.......................................... 40 120 MgIx............................................ 42 121 My.x............................................. 44 122 My;XI............................................ ‘16 123 Aluminum All............................................... 47 124 AlII.............................................. 51 127 AlIII............................................. 56 128 AlIV............................................. 58 130 AlV.............................................. 59 131 AlVI............................................. ()0 Sulfur 133 A1VII............................................ ()1 138 AlVIII........................................... 63 145 AlIx............................................. 65 148 Alx.............................................. ()7 150 AIXI............................................. ()9 152 AlXII............................................ 70 13-1 List ofTables—Continued Sperlrum I‘an Spprlrum Page Sulfur—Continued Sv111. 154- Pulassium KI................................................ 225 51x... 155 K111.............................................. 233 Sx.... 156 K1v.............................................. 2311- Sx11.. 157 Kv............................................... 236 Chlorine C11............................................... 158 Kv1.............................................. 237 Cl11... 162 Kv11............................................. 239 (21111.. 171 Kv111............................................ 24-0 (211v.. 177 K1x.............................................. 24-1 Cl v... 179 Kx................................................ 2-1-2 (11v1.. 180 Kx1.............................................. 2-1-3 Clv11. 182 Kx1v............................................ 244- Clv111 1811- Calcium C111.............................................. 24-5 (Il1x.. 184- (51111............................................. 250 Cl)1... 185 CaIV............................................. 255 Argon ArI.... 187 CaV.............................................. 256 Ar11... 201 CuVI............................................. 257 Ar111.. 211 (:11VII..... 259 Ar1v.. 211- CaVIII........................................... 260 ArV... 216 Ca1X............................................ 261 Ar\’1.. 218 CuX............................................. 263 Arv11. 219 Cax1................................... 2641- Arv111 220 Cax11....... 265 Arlx.. 222 Cax111...... 266 ArX... 222 CuXV..... 266 Arx1.. 223 List ofRecenl Additional Material....................... 268 Arx111........................................... 223 Arx1v 224- ATOMIC TRANSITION PROBABILITIES* (A critical data compilation) Volume 11 Elements Sodium through Calcium W. 1.. Wiese, M. W. Smith, and B. M. Miles Atomic transition probabilities forabout5.000spectral lines ofthe secondtenelements.basedonallavailableliterature sources. are, critically compiled. The data are presented in separate tables for each element and stage of ionization. For each ion the transitions are arranged according to multiplets. superlnultiplets. transition arrays. and increasing quantum numbers. Allowed and forbidden transitions are listed separately. For each line the transition probability for spontaneous emission. the absorption oscillator strength. and the line strength are given along with the spectroscopic designation. the wavelength. the statistical weights.and the energy levels ofthe upperand lowerstates. In addition. the estimated accuracy and the source are indicated. In short introductions. which precede the tables for each ion, the main justifications for thc choice of the adopted data and for the accuracyratingare discussed. A general introduction contains a detailed discussion of the critical factors entering into each major experimental and theoretical method. It also includes a general critical assessment of the widely used Coulomb approximation. and a number ofillustrative examples for the exploitation ofregu- lari ms or systematic trends among oscillator strengths. Key Words: Allowed and forbidden transitions: oscillator strengths: transition probabilities: sodium: magnesium: aluminum: silicon; phosphorus: sulfur; chlorine: argon: potassium: calcium. A. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS B. SCOPE OF THE TABLES This is the second part of a continuing effort to critically In our present compilation we maintain the scope and evaluate and compile atomic transition probabilities. After format of our earlier Volume I [I]. i.c.. we present critically completion of the first part which contained the available evaluated transition probabilities of allowed and forbidden data for the elements hydrogen tlirotigli neon [I], we scanned discrete transitions of elements Z=11 through 20 including through thef-value** literature [2] for the heavier elements all stages of ionization for which we have data. As source and found somewhat to our surprise that the numerical material all the literature refcrcnt'ais contained in [2] plus material on the elements with atomic numbers 11 through20. some more recent papers have been used. i.e.. up to the first element of the iron group, was rather We have aimed again at presenting fairly reliablef-values extensive and appeared to be fairly well distributed through- for at least all the strong characteristic lines of the. various out these spectra, including the higher stages of ionization. atoms and ions in order to present. a table ofgeneral useful- We therefore decided to systematically evaluate the data ness. Specifically. we have tried to include at least the first for these elements of the third period ofthe periodic system half of the multiplets listed for each spectrum either in the and in addition K and Ca. In the course of our preliminary “Revised Mulliplet Table” [5]. in the “Ultraviolet Multiplet survey we. found several serious gaps and discrepancies in Table” [6] or in the recent “Selected Tables of Atomic the data. Several research teams, in particular our own Spectra” [7]. Plasma Spectroscopy Section at NBS. undertook the task Aside from this objective of listing the stronger lines. we to improve the situation for these spectra. Thanks to these have included all additional available material with uncer- efforts and to the availability of the Coulomb approximation tainties not exceeding 50 percent. Most of the final tabula- by Bates and Damgaard [3], as well as to the exploitation tions were undertaken during 1967 and the first half of 1968. of many evident regularities among atomicf-values [4-], we Thus, essentially all literature through 1967 and in sortie are now able to present a fairly complete body of material cases even later work Could be taken into account. of moderate accuracy. However. need for further improve- ment is quite evident on close inspection of the tables, C. CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE DATA especially for the important spectra of Si], PI and P11. The still rather unsatisfactory status of the numerical data SOURCES AND METHOD OF with regard to accuracy is probably best indicated by the EVALUATION fact that this extensive compilation contains onlytwo allowed transitions classified as having an uncertainty of less than 1. General Review of the Problem 3 percent. namely the Na-D lines. The present status of our knowledge of atomic transition probabilities must still be. Considered as being far from ideal. “‘llvrcaltcr. we shall use the equivalent terms "tra nsition probability. oscillJlnt s'trl‘llglll or ’Suppurtt-il hy the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Den—use. under f-valnc.and linestrength"onall interchangeablebasis. henumericalrelationshipslll‘l\\(‘\'l|these Project DEFENDER. quantities areglven iii the(tlll\'9rsttlll tableat theendofthistieneml Introduction but some good progress has been made during the last few comparison tables will be given later in some other connec- years. In particular, the increased availability and use of tion (see table 7). computers have made feasible much more refined theoretical approaches than would have been thought possible just a few years ago. Among the recent theoretical advances the 2. The Critical Factors for Determining multiconfigurational approach. also called the method of Transition Probabilities "superposition of configurations“ (SOC), developed by Weiss [8.9, 10] andothers [11. 12. 13. 14-] should be especially singled out. Another significant recent development has been A detailed discussion is now in order on points 111 and IV. the application of the nuclear charge-expansion method to Since the success of an experiment or a calculation is the calculation off-values by Dalgarno and his co-workers mainly a question ofhow wellthe critical factors encountered [15. 16. 17]. On the experimental side. the Ilanle effect in the particular method have been coped with. we have method of measuring accurate atomic lifetimes must be sorted out and collected below the major factors which need especially mentioned as a method brought into recent to be considered for the application of each of the major prominence by the productive work of several groups. not- experimental and theoretical methods. This list should ably by Lurio andothers [18. 19]. Manyother proven methods reflect the current state of our knowledge about the major have progressed quite a bit by the introduction of modern problem areas in the various methods. In each available data processing techniques. which have made the data much experiment or calculation. all these critical factors should more amenable to statistical error treatments. Finally, the have been considered. e.g.. all the assumptions and approxi- detection of many systematic trends and regularities among mations going into the method should have been examined f-values (see also C.3) ties many independently determined for validity. Thus we may use these factors as a set of cri- data together for the first time and has thus established a teria by which to judge each paper: If they are properly reliable framework of values. treated or accounted for. a paper should pass: otherwise it should be rejected from this compilation. However. we found In Volume I We have already given a short description of that at the present time we cannot judge the literature with the major experimental and theoretical methods from which such a rigid procedure. since we would then lose manyofthe the bulk of the data are obtained; thus we do not have to available papers because. for example. it was sometimes not repeat this here. For detailed descriptions of the various feasible to consider all critical factors. We have therefore approaches we would also like to refer to two recent review relaxed our requirements and have often included slightly articles. namely a review of the theoretical approaches by defective papers. where. for example. the authors have not Layzer and Carstang [20] including those for forbidden lines properly accounted for all presently known sources ofsyste- and a general discussion of the various experimental matic errors but for most of them. In these cases we have methods by one of us [21]. of course adjusted the estimated errors or we have discarded The central problem of this compilation is the evaluation the absolute scale of an experiment. if only this was defec- of the reliability and accuracy of the available data. Since tive. but have used the relative values. this aspect is so crucial, we want to discuss it in detail again and thus complement and add to the remarks we have al- a. Critical Factors in the Experimental Methods ready made in our earlier published volume. First the principal four guide-posts should be stated by (1. Illeasurements in Emission—The largest number of which we have evaluated the accuracyofthe data. These are: experimental f-values have been obtained from measure- ments of the intensities of spectral lines which are emitted 1. The author’s evaluation of his uncertainties. from plasmas under known conditions. With arc sources II. The degree of agreement between the results and the spectra ofMg 1, Si 1 and II,S [and II, Cl I and I].Art and other reliable material. II and Cal. with shock tubes the spectra of St and II. 111. The author’s consideration of all major critical C11 and II and Ar] and with a flame source the spectrum of assumptions and factors entering into the results. KI have been studied. 111 evaluating these experiments we IV. The degree of fit ofthe data into established regulari- have especially investigated if the following critical assump- ties and systematic trendsorconsiderationofpossible tions and factors are satisfactorily taken into account by reasons for deviations. the authors: Only a few general comments may be made about points (3) Existence of local thermodynamic equilibrium tI.TE) 1 and II. All furtherremarks on these points depend so much or. for relative f-value measurements. existence of on the particular available material that they have to be partial LTE. relegated to the individual introductions for each spectrum. (b) Absence of self-absorption. Our principal comment on the authors‘ estimates of their (c) Consideration of demixing effects in arcs. uncertainties is that we li—ave sometimes found experi- ((1) Consideration of the effects of boundary layers in mentalists to give only estiluates of their statistical errors, shock tubes. and the effects of inhomogeneous zones but no allowance for any suspected systematic errors. On in sources assumed to be homogeneous. such occasions we have been more conservative with our (e) High density corrections in plasma sources. estimates than the original authors. In many other instances ( Consideration of the intensity contributions in the line authors have been simply too optimistic in their error esti- wings and for the background below the lines. mates. as is borne out by the discrepancies of their results (:1) Adjustments for inherent uncertainties in the diagnos- with other reliable material much outside the mutually tic methods (for example. for uncertainties in plasma estimated error limits. or by discrepancies with well-estab- line-broadening theory). lished systematic trends. The largest uncertainties in the f-values result if the Point 11. i.e.. specific comparisons with other data. does requirements (a). (b). and (c) are not fulfilled. Ilowevcr. in not warrant any further general comment. Matty of the the case of self-absorption. i.e.. for deviations front require- introductions on the individual spectra contain special ment (b). strong lilies are affected much more than the comments on this subject. An illustrative example of our weaker ones. If the points ((1) through (g) are not properly ii treated, then the effects on the transition probabilities arc\ b. Critical Factors in the 'l‘hcorctical Methods normally much smaller and hardly ever give rise to unccr- tainties above 50 percent. Theoretical treatments have provided the large majority of the data for this compilation. They contribute greatly to Absorption experiments, which in this compilation are all first and second spectra (with the exception of Art and only encountered for the cases of Mgl and Cal, are quite Cal) and are the exclusive source on all higher spectra. similar in their critical requirements to the above-discussed For the theoretical approaches the situation differs from emission experiments and will therefore not be discussed the experiments insofar as they cannot be subjected to a further. At this point seine comments are in order on the systematic error analysis, since there is no simple quantita- extensive transition probability tables by Corliss and tive measure available for estimating the size of the uncer- Bozman [22]. The transition probabilities obtained by these tainties introduced by the various approximations in the authors are derived front the spectral line intensity measure- ments of Meggers et al. [23]. Since the primary objective of theoretical models. However, comparisons with accurate experimental results, as well as analysis of the data in the this work has been the measurement of line intensities on light of apparent regularities and sum rules, and, finally, a uniform scale, but not the measurementoftransition proba— general consistency checks (for example, between the dipole bilities, several of the critical factors and assumptions listed length and velocity approximations ofthe transition integral) above were not taken satisfactorily into account. Especially the nonconsideration of our points (d), (a), and (c), in that have accomplished a great deal towards exposingthe critical order, is probably responsible for many strong discrepancies factors and finding general criteria which must be met for observed between their material and other data, ranging in obtaining reasonably reliable theoretical f—values. The two main criteria may be stated as follows: size up to factors of 20. Since we have other material, from fairly reliable sources. for practically all the lines treated by (a) For transitions with equivalent electrons present in Corliss and Bozman, we have refrained from using any data the upper or lower state the calculations should include the from their tabulation. effects of configuration interaction, since in this case one cannot reasonably apply the independent-particle model to ,8. Measurements of Anomalous Dispersion—We have the jumping electron, but has to take into account correla- employed the data from several anomalous dispersion meas- tion effects between the electrons. urements, performed with the book method, for the spectra (b) For tranSitions where thejumping electron is in a shell ofNa1, Mg1, A11, Si 1, K1 and Ca 1. The most criticalfactors by itself, the initial and final levels should be checked for ofthis method are the assumptions goinginto the determina- possible neighboring perturbing terms, in which case a tion of the populations of the atomic energy levels from configuration interaction treatment may become necessary. which the absorption of radiation takes place. We have But, unless such a special situation is encountered, the however in all cases circumvented this potentially large standard one-electron approximations should be adequate, source of systematic uncertainty by employing the results provided the transition integral is not subject to strong only on a relative scale, that is, by renormalizing the meas- cancellation effects. The spectroscopic data should also be ured f-values to a scale different from the originally deter- examined for indications of spin-orbit interaction before a mined one. particular coupling scheme is adopted. y. Lifetime Measurements—Lifetime measurements with a. CalculationsBasedonSelf—ConsistentField(SCF) Wave the delayed coincidence and phase shift techniques as well Functions. The often-employed SCF calculations have been as with the Hanle effect have been carried out for Nal, used in various levels ofrefinement. which may be arranged Mg] and 11, A11, 811 and 11, P1 and 11, SI and 11, C11, in a hierarchy of approximations such as presented in Art and 11, K1 and Ca] and 11. The derived transition proba- figure 1. Many comparisons with experiments have shown bilities, even though there are only very few per spectrum, the following: First, for transitions between moderately or are among the most accurate ones available to date. The highly excited states, i.e.,with thejumpingelectron in ashell major critical factors of lifetime experiments are: by itself, the Hartree-Fock or the simplified Hartree-Fock- Slater approximations usually give adequate results, pro- (a) Radiative cascading. vided no cancellation in the transition integral and no (b) Radiation trapping or imprisonment. perturbing terms are present. Secondly, for transitions (c) Cellisional depopulalion of a level. involving orbits which strongly penetrate the core, polariza- (d) Self-absorption in the spectral lines emitted by the tion or relaxation of the core should also be taken into light sources used for the excitation. . account. Thirdly, if in the case of shell-equivalent electrons (e) Insufficient spectral resolution for the detection ofthe radiation. (i.e., electrons with the same principal quantum number) the interaction with other electrons is very strong, i.e., if the Points (3) and (e) can become potential sources of syste- independent-particle model breaks down, then the SCF matic errors only if nonmonoenergetic electron beams are approach should be used in conjunction with an extensive used with energies sufficiently above the threshold energy multi-configurational treatment (e.g.. the superposition-of- of the level to be observed, because in this case one has no configurations approach), or some equivalent procedure way ofselective excitation of the atomic energylevels. Thus. which adequately represents the detailed effects of electron if lines emitted from other levels have accidentally the correlations. same or nearly the same wavelength as the transition to be B. The Nuclear (flange-Expansion Method. This method investigated, they would also be admitted to the detector if has been recently applied to a number of transitions in the spectral resolution of the system is insuflicient. Self- simpler atomic systems. Manycomparisonswithexperiments absorption in the ligltt source used for the excitation (point and other theoretical methods indicate that it produces nor- (_d)) may be criticalin Hanle effect experiments, since it leads mally rather accuratef-values for high values of the nuclear to a distortion in the measured shape of the output signal. charge. i.e.. for the highly charged ions in each sequence. Cascading and radiation trapping, (a) and (b), normally tend This statement applies primarily to the multiplct f-values. to lengthen the measured lifetime, while collisional depopu- while the individual lincf-value may be affected by tit-xiii- lation (c) shortens it. tions from LS-coupling which generally increase for the SCF with exchange and mul ti-configuration treatment (Superposition of configurations) SCI" with exchange and polarization SCF with exchange (Hartree-Fock) SCF with approx. exchange potential (Hartree-Fock-Slater) Self-consistent field (SCI") (Hartree) FIGURE 1. Hierarchy ofselfconsistentfield (SCF) approximations.

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