Atomic spin decoherence near conducting and superconducting films ∗ S. Scheel, P.K. Rekdal, P.L. Knight, and E.A. Hinds Quantum Optics and Laser Science, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BW, United Kingdom (Dated: February 1, 2008) Wederivescalinglawsforthespindecoherenceofneutralatomstrappednearconductingandsu- perconductingplanesurfaces. AnewresultforthinfilmsshedslightonthemeasurementofY.J.Lin, I. Teper, C. Chin, and V. Vuleti´c [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 050404 (2004)]. Our calculation is based onaquantum-theoreticaltreatmentofelectromagneticradiationnearmetallicbodies[P.K.Rekdal, S.Scheel, P.L.Knight, and E.A.Hinds, Phys. Rev. A 70, 013811 (2004)]. Weshow that thereis a criticalatom-surfacedistancethatmaximizesthespinrelaxationrateandweshowhowthisdepends ontheskindepthandthicknessofthemetalsurface. Inthelightofthisimpedance-matchingeffect 5 we discuss thespin relaxation tobe expected above a thin superconductingniobium layer. 0 0 PACSnumbers: 42.50.Ct,34.50.Dy,03.75.Be 2 n Trapped neutral atoms have intrinsically long coher- sistivity of the surface material is always accompanied a J encetimes, makingthemsuitablefor manyproposedap- by field fluctuations as a consequence of the fluctuation- 5 plications based on quantum state manipulation. These dissipation theorem. Several experimental studies have 2 include interferometry [1], low-dimensional quantum gas recently shown that rf spin flip transitions occur when studies[2],andquantuminformationprocessing[3,4,5]. atoms are held close to thick metallic or dielectric sur- 1 The trapping structures required for these applications faces [13, 14, 15]. Comparison with theory [16, 17] has v typically have feature sizes on the micron or sub-micron shown that this spin relaxationis indeed due to thermal 9 scale, sizes that are comparable with the atomic de fluctuations of the surface modes. 4 1 Broglie wavelength. The required trap frequencies are In this article, we explore the possibilities for reduc- 1 typically in the 1kHz to 1MHz range, this being ener- ing the spin decoherence due to surface fields by making 0 geticenoughtocompetewiththetemperatureandchem- metallicsurfacesthinandbythepossibleuseofsupercon- 5 icalpotentialandtoallowadiabaticmanipulationonthe ducting materials. Previous studies have found valuable 0 sub-mstimescale. Onewaytoachievetheserequirements scalinglaws for the lifetime nearthick metallic slabs [17] / h is with intensity gradients of light, which make neutral andmulti-layerwires[16]. Thenewresultswederivehere p atom traps by virtue of the optical dipole force. Major are of interest because they describe the current genera- - t progress has been made with this approach [6, 7, 8, 9], tion of atom chips using thin films and can guide future n but still, the light is not arbitrarily configurable and designs to achieve long qubit coherence times. a u it is difficult to address specific sites of an optical lat- Consider a ground-state alkaliatomin hyperfine mag- q tice. Structures microfabricated on a surface, known as netic state i and trappedat position r near a surface. A : | i v atomchips,areemergingasaverypromisingalternative The rate of the magnetic spin flip transition to state f i [10, 11]. These can be patterned in complex arrays on has been derived by Rekdal et al. [16] as | i X micrometer lengthscales. The locally-addressedelectric, 2(µ g )2 ar magnetic and optical fields on a chip provide great flexi- Γ=µ0 B S f Sˆj i iSˆk f ¯h h | | ih | | i bility for manipulating and addressing the atoms. Mag- netictrapsonatomchipsarecommonlygeneratedeither Im[∇×∇×G(rA,rA,ω)]jk(n¯th+1). (1) bymicrofabricatedcurrent-carryingwires[11]orbypoled Hereµ istheBohrmagneton,g 2istheelectronspin B S ferromagneticfilms[10,12]attachedtosomedielectricor g-factorand f Sˆ i isthematrix≈elementoftheelectron j h | | i metallicsubstrate. Theseareusedtocreatelocalminima spin operator corresponding to the transition i f . | i 7→ | i of the magnetic field strength in which low-field-seeking Thermal excitations of the electromagnetic field modes alkali atoms are trapped by the Zeeman effect. are accounted for by the factor (n¯th+1), where 1 In order to utilize atom chip structures of small scale, n¯th = eh¯ω/kBT 1 (2) the atoms must be held close to the surface. However, − this same proximity threatens to decohere the quantum is the mean number of thermal photons per mode at state of the atoms through electromagnetic field fluctu- the frequency ω of the spin flip. The dyadic Green ten- ations that occur in the vicinity of a surface. The free sor G(rA,rA,ω) is the unique solution to the Helmholtz photon field does not perturb ground state alkali atoms equation appreciably, but the evanescent field modes associated ω2 ∇ ∇ G(r,r′,ω) ε(r,ω)G(r,r′,ω)=δ(r r′)U, with surface currents can be dense enough to generate × × − c2 − significant rf noise. This effect arises because the re- (3) 2 U being the unit dyad. This tensor contains all rele- 10 vant information about the geometry of the set-up and also, through the dielectric permittivity ε(r,ω), about the electric properties of the surface. Equation (1) fol- lowsfromaconsistentquantum-mechanicaltreatmentof s)(cid:13) electromagnetic radiation in the presence of absorbing e ( 1 m bodies (for a review, see [18]). It is obtained by by con- eti f sidering the Heisenberg equations of motion for a quan- p li taipzpedroxmimaganteiotincs.diTphoeleriensutlhteisrositmatiilnarg-twoacvaelcaunldatiMonasrkuosv- n fli 0.1 pi ing Fermi’s Golden Rule [17], where the local density of S states plays the rˆole of the imaginary part of G. 0.01 z 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 d x,y Distance from surface (m m) h FIG. 2: Lifetime τ as a function of atom-surface distance d. Points: data given in ref.[14]. Line: Calculated lifetime using a skin depth of 103µm, a temperature of 400K, and a frequency of 400kHz to coincide with the parameters of FIG. 1: Schematic geometrical set-up. Aplane metallic film ref.[14]. Wealsoincludeafactorof5/3asdiscussedinref.[14] of thickness h lies parallel to the (x,z)-plane above a thick to account for the two steps involved in spin-flip loss and we non-metallic substrate. The atom is located in vacuum at a includethe loss duetobackground gas collisions. distance d from thesurface. ThegeometryweareconsideringisillustratedinFig.1. ground gas. At shorter distances, the lifetime is reduced We assume that a metallic slab of thickness h extends bythermally-inducedspinrelaxation. Seekingacompar- to infinity in the x and z directions (this is solely for ison with theory, the authors interpolated scaling laws the computational simplicity that follows from transla- given in [17] and found agreement between theory and tional invariance in two directions). There is a thick experiment for distances down to 3.4µm. Below that, non-metallicsubstratebelowandavacuumabove,where there seemed to be a discrepancy,with the observedlife- the atom is located at a distance d from the surface of times being substantially shorter than expected. It was the metal. Our choice of z-axis corresponds to having a surmised that this discrepancy might be due to patch bias magnetic field parallelto the surface, as is normally potentials on the surface. the case for a Ioffe-Pritchard trap above an atom chip. In the hope of resolving the discrepancy, we have cal- The Green function for this 3-layer structure, which is culated the lifetimes from Eq. (1). This was done nu- needed in order to use Eq. (1), is commonly expressed merically,usingtheGreen’sfunctiontechniquediscussed in terms of a series of cylindrical vector wave functions above. OurresultisshownasthesolidlineinFig.2. For withappropriatelychosengeneralized(Fresnel)reflection the permittivity of the substrate, we ignored the silicon coefficients[19]. Therearestraightforwardnumericalrou- nitride and took ǫ = 11.7 corresponding to the silicon, tines that compute the required elements of the Green but the result is not appreciably different even for ǫ=1 tensor. because the permittivity of the metal layer ( 1012i) is ∼ Recent experiments measuring spin flip relaxation so high that the Fresnel coefficients are not sensitive to rates of atoms trapped near thick surfaces have demon- such detail. At the greatestdistances d in Fig. 2 there is strated the importance of thermal field fluctuations just the residual gas lifetime given by the authors of the [13, 14, 15]. This has promoted great interest in thin experiment. Below10µm,ourcalculationgivesaslightly surfacesbecausetheyshouldgeneratelessthermalnoise, low lifetime because the metal surface in the experiment a conjecture that we confirm here. A recent publication wasonly10µmwide, ratherthanbeing infinitelywide as [14] gives experimental values for the loss rate of 87Rb ourcalculationsupposes. Atlowerheightsstill,wherein- atoms in the 5S1/2,F = 2,mF = 2 state, magnetically finitewidthisagoodapproximation,weagainseeagree- | i trappednearathinsurface. Thesurfacewasa2µm-thick mentwiththeexperiment. Thisresultindicatesthatthe copperlayeronasubstrateofnitride-coatedsilicon. The measurementsinref.[14]werecorrectandthereisnoneed data points shown in Fig. 2 reproduce the lifetimes for to invoke a possible contamination of the surface. loss of atoms from the trap in [14]. At distances greater The spin flip lifetime for the transition (F,m ) = F than about 7 µm from the surface, the loss rate is es- (2,2) (2,1) depends on three independent length → sentially constant and is due to collisions with the back- scales: the substrate thickness h, the atom-surface dis- 3 tance d, and the skin depth δ of the substrate material, τ δ2, as can be seen on the right side of Fig. 3, with defined via the Drude relation ε(ω) 2i( c )2 [20]. For th∝e importantdifference thatthe thinfilm givesalonger ≈ ωδ certain regimes of these parameters it is possible to ap- lifetime by a factor of d/h. proximate the integrals involved to obtain analytical re- Between the large and small extremes of skin depth sults for the lifetime τ =1/Γ. Our results are thelifetimeexhibitsaminimum(seealso[16]). Forthick films, we find the minimum at δmin d, whereas for τ 8 2 τ0 ω 3 dδ32δ4d δδ,≪h d,hd . (4) rthepinrefiselmntssiat icsonatdiδtmioinn ≃for√chodu.plEinvgidtehn≃etleyxtchiteatmioinnimmuomst ≈(cid:18)3(cid:19) n¯th+1(cid:16)c(cid:17) δ22d2 δ ≫d h efficiently out of the atom and into surface excitations - 2h ≫ ≫ a kind of impedance matching. One consequence of the Here,τ0 is the lifetime infree spaceatzerotemperature, minimum is that for any fixed atom-surface distance d, given by 3π¯hc3/µ0ω3 f gsµBSˆj i 2. At a transition there are two possible choices for the skin depth of the frequencyofω/2π=4P00|khH|zthisha|sit|hevalue3 1025s. metallic film to produce a given lifetime. For example, × At a temperature of 400K, the factor (n¯th +1) reduces with the atom placed 50µm above a thick slab, Fig. 3 the free-space lifetime to 4 1018s, but this is still very showsthatskindepthsof1µmand100µmbothleadtoa × long, being approximately the age of the universe. The 10slifetime. Atthe560kHzfrequencyusedforthisfigure, remaining factors take into account the effect of the sur- the largerskindepthcorrespondsto aslabofmetalsuch faceandtheseleadto muchmoredramaticreductionsin as Cu (δ = 85µm) or Al (δ = 110µm), both excellent lifetime. ThefirsttworesultsinEq.(4)describethecase conductors. ofathickslabandarealreadyknownfromref. [17]. The There are of course no normal metals with a skin third result is new and describes the case of a thin film, depth at 560kHz as small as 1µm (a resistivity of 2 which is the case for most atom chips in use today. 10−12Ωm),butsuperconductorsarepossiblecandidate×s. In order to illustrate some aspects of these results, In a material with superconducting gap ∆(T) at tem- Fig. 3 shows the spin-flip lifetime versus the skin depth perature T, the usual Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of the metal film for the same Rb transition in an atom exp( 2∆(T)/k T) determines the fraction of Cooper B − placed50µmawayfromthe surface. The twocurvescor- pairs that are thermally broken to form a gas of nor- respond to an infinitely thick film (solid line) and to a mally conducting electrons [21]. Typically ∆(0) k T , B c ≃ 1µm-thick film (dotted). Where the skin depth is less whereT isthetransitiontemperature. Thus,attemper- c aturesthataremoderatelybelowT thereisasignificant c 100 fraction of normally-conducting electrons. On the other hand, when T T , this fraction becomes vanishingly c ≪ small. Oneparticularlyrelevantsuperconductingmaterialfor possible use in atom chips is niobium, because it has a τ(s) 10 high transitiontemperature. In bulk materialTc =9.3K [22], while T = 8.3K has been measured for films with c 15nm thickness [23]. The superconducting energy gap is estimated to be ∆(0) 2.1k T [23]. Measurements B c ≈ of the complex magnetic susceptibility of ultra-pure nio- bium (residual resistivity ratio RRR = 300) have re- 1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 cently been published in [24]. These are of particular δ(µm) interestherebecausethey provideexplicitfiguresforthe FIG. 3: Lifetime τ as a function of skin depth δ with the realpartofthecomplexconductivityσ(ω)atfrequencies atom-surface distance fixed at 50µm. Solid line: Infinitely thicksurface. Dottedline: 1µmthicksurface. Wehavetaken 1MHz. Justabovethesuperconductingtransitiontem- a spin-flip frequency of 560kHz and a temperatureof 300K. ≤perature the conductivity is 2 109(Ωm)−1 [24], which, 2 × throughtherelationδ =2/(µ0ωσ),givesaskindepthin than1µm,thetwocasesareeffectivelythe samebecause thenormalstateat560kHzofδN 15µm. Themagnetic ≃ thesourceofthenoiselieswithinapproximatelyoneskin susceptibility measurements of [24] show a hundredfold depth of the surface. Here the lifetime scales as δ−1 in increase in conductivity when the temperature drops to accordance with the first line of Eq. (4). As the skin T 4K, corresponding to a skin depth of 1–2µm. 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