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Preview Asymptotics of the ground state energy of heavy molecules and related topics. II

Asymptotics of the ground state energy of heavy molecules and related topics 2 1 0 2 Victor Ivrii t c O October 5, 2012 4 ] h Abstract p - h We consider asymptotics of the ground state energy of heavy t a atoms and molecules in the strong external magnetic field and derive m it including Schwinger and Dirac corrections (if magnetic field is [ not too strong). In the next instalment we extend this paper to 1 consider also related topics: an excessive negative charge, ionization v energy and excessive negative charge when atoms can still bind into 9 molecules. 2 3 1 . 0 Contents 1 2 1 : v Contents 1 i X r 0 Introduction 3 a 0.1 Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0.2 Problems to consider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0.3 Magnetic Thomas-Fermi theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0.4 Main results sketched and plan of the chapter . . . . . . . . 7 1 Magnetic Thomas-Fermi theory 8 1.1 Framework and existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 2 Applying semiclassical methods: M = 𝟣 15 2.1 Heuristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 Smooth approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.3 Rough approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3 Applying semiclassical methods: M β‰₯ 𝟀 41 3.1 Analysis in zone 𝒳 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 𝟀 4 Analysis in the boundary strip 59 4.1 Properties of W𝖳π–₯ as N = Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 B 4.2 Semiclassical analysis in the strip 𝒴 for N β‰₯ Z. . . . . . . . 64 4.3 Analysis in the boundary strip 𝒴. Construction of the poten- tial for N < Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5 Ground state energy 73 5.1 Lower estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.2 Upper estimate: general scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5.3 Upper estimate as M = 𝟣 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5.4 Upper estimate as M β‰₯ 𝟀 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 6 Negatively charged systems (coming) 89 7 Positively charged systems (coming) 89 8 Appendices 89 8.A Electrostatic inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 8.B Very strong magnetic field case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 8.C Riemann sums and integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 2 Bibliography 95 0 Introduction In this paper we repeat analysis of the previous paper [Ivr10]1) but in the case of the constant external magnetic field2). 0.1 Framework Let us consider the following operator (quantum Hamiltonian) βˆ‘οΈ βˆ‘οΈ (0.1.1) 𝖧 = 𝖧 := H + |x βˆ’x |βˆ’πŸ£ N A,V,xj j k πŸ£β‰€j≀N πŸ£β‰€j<k≀N on ⋀︁ (0.1.2) H = H , H = L𝟀(ℝd,β„‚q) πŸ£β‰€n≀N with (οΈ€ )οΈ€πŸ€ (0.1.3) H = (iβˆ‡βˆ’A)·𝝈 βˆ’V(x) V,A describingN sametypeparticlesintheexternalfieldwiththescalarpotential βˆ’V and vector potential A(x), and repulsing one another according to the Coulomb law. Here x ∈ ℝd and (x ,...,x ) ∈ ℝdN, potentials V(x) and A(x) are j 𝟣 N assumed to be real-valued. Except when specifically mentioned we assume that βˆ‘οΈ Z m (0.1.4) V(x) = |x βˆ’π—’ | m πŸ£β‰€k≀M where Z > 𝟒 and 𝗒 are charges and locations of nuclei. Here Οƒ = k k (Οƒ ,Οƒ ,Οƒ ), Οƒ are q Γ—q-Pauli matrices. 𝟣 𝟀 d k So far in comparison with the previous paper [Ivr10] we only changed (24.1.3) of [Ivr11] to (0.1.3) introducing magnetic field. Now spin enters not only in the definition of the space but also into operator through matrices 1) Coinciding with Chapter 24 of of [Ivr11]. 2) Actually we need a magnetic field either sufficiently weak or close to a constant on the very small scale. 3 Οƒ . Since we need d = πŸ₯ Pauli matrices it is sufficient to consider q = 𝟀 but k we will consider more general case as well (but q should be even). Remark 0.1.1. In the case of the the constant magnetic field βˆ‡Γ—A (οΈ€ )οΈ€πŸ€ (0.1.5) H = βˆ’iβˆ‡βˆ’A(x) +𝝈 Β·βˆ‡Γ—Aβˆ’V(x) A,V In the case d = 𝟀 this operator downgrades to (οΈ€ )οΈ€πŸ€ (0.1.6) H = βˆ’iβˆ‡βˆ’A(x) +𝜎 (βˆ‡Γ—A)βˆ’V(x) A,V πŸ₯ Again, let us assume that (0.1.7) Operator 𝖧 is self-adjoint on H. As usual we will never discuss this assumption. 0.2 Problems to consider As in the previous Chapter we are interested in the ground state energy 𝖀 = 𝖀 of our system i.e. in the lowest eigenvalue of the operator 𝖧 = 𝖧 N N on H: (0.2.1) 𝖀 := 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝖲𝗉𝖾𝖼𝖧 on H; more precisely we are interested in the asymptotics of 𝖀 = 𝖀(𝗒;Z;N) as V N is defined by (0.1.4) and N ≍ Z := Z +Z +...+Z β†’ ∞ and we are going 𝟣 𝟀 M to prove that3) 𝖀 is equal to Magnetic Thomas-Fermi energy ℰ𝖳π–₯, possibly B with Scott and Dirac-Schwinger corrections and with appropriate error. We are also interested in the asymptotics for the ionization energy (0.2.2) 𝖨 := βˆ’π–€ +𝖀 N N Nβˆ’πŸ£ and we also would like to estimate maximal excessive negative charge (0.2.3) 𝗆𝖺𝗑 N βˆ’Z. N: 𝖨 >𝟒 N 3) Under reasonable assumption to the minimal distance between nuclei. 4 All these questions so far were considered in the framework of the fixed positions 𝗒 ,...,𝗒 but we can also consider 𝟣 M (0.2.4) 𝖀̂︀ = 𝖀̂︀ = 𝖀̂︀(𝗒;Z;N) = 𝖀+U(𝗒;Z) N with βˆ‘οΈ ZmZmβ€² (0.2.5) |𝗒 βˆ’π—’ | m mβ€² πŸ£β‰€m<m′≀M and (0.2.6) 𝖀̂︀(Z;N) = 𝗂𝗇𝖿 𝖀̂︀(𝗒;Z;N) π—’πŸ£,...,𝗒M and replace 𝖨 by Μ‚οΈ€I = βˆ’π–€Μ‚οΈ€ +𝖀̂︀ and modify all our questions accord- N N N Nβˆ’πŸ£ ingly. We call these frameworks fixed nuclei model and free nuclei model respectively. In the free nuclei model we can consider two other problems: - Estimate from below minimal distance between nuclei i.e. 𝗆𝗂𝗇 |𝗒 βˆ’π—’ | m mβ€² πŸ£β‰€m<m′≀M for which such minimum is achieved; - Estimate maximal excessive positive charge βˆ‘οΈ (0.2.7) 𝗆𝖺𝗑{Z βˆ’N : 𝖀̂︀ < 𝗆𝗂𝗇 𝖀(Z ;N )} m m N N𝟣,...,NM: πŸ£β‰€m≀M N𝟣+...NM=N for which molecule does not disintegrates into atoms. 0.3 Magnetic Thomas-Fermi theory As in the previous Chapter the first approximation is the Hartree-Fock (or Thomas-Fermi) theory. Let us introduce the spacial density of the particle with the state 𝝭 ∈ H: ∫︁ (0.3.1) 𝜌(x) = 𝜌 (x) = N |𝝭(x,x ,...,x )|𝟀dx Β·Β·Β·dx . 𝝭 𝟀 N 𝟀 N 5 Let us write the Hamiltonian, describing the corresponding β€œquantum liq- uid”: ∫︁ ∫︁ 𝟣 (0.3.2) β„° (𝜌) = 𝜏 (𝜌(x))dx βˆ’ V(x)𝜌(x)dx + 𝖣(𝜌,𝜌), B B 𝟀 with ∫︁∫︁ (0.3.3) 𝖣(𝜌,𝜌) = |x βˆ’y|βˆ’πŸ£πœŒ(x)𝜌(y)dxdy where 𝜏 is the energy density of a gas of noninteracting electrons: B (οΈ€ )οΈ€ (0.3.4) 𝜏 (𝜌) = π—Œπ—Žπ—‰ 𝜌w βˆ’P(w) B wβ‰₯𝟒 is the Legendre transform of the pressure P (w) given by the formula B (︁𝟣 d βˆ‘οΈ d)︁ (0.3.5) P (w) = 𝜘 B w𝟀 + (w βˆ’πŸ€jB)𝟀 B 𝟣 𝟀 + + jβ‰₯𝟣 with 𝜘 = (πŸ€πœ‹)βˆ’πŸ£q,(πŸ₯πœ‹πŸ€)βˆ’πŸ£q for d = 𝟀,πŸ₯ respectively. 𝟣 The classical sense of the second and the third terms in the right-hand expression of (0.3.2) is clear and the density of the kinetic energy is given by 𝜏 (𝜌) in the semiclassical approximation (see remark 0.3.1). So, the problem B is (0.3.6) Minimize functional β„° (𝜌) defined by (0.3.2) under restrictions: B ∫︁ (0.3.7) 𝜌 β‰₯ 𝟒, 𝜌dx ≀ N. 𝟣,𝟀 The solution if exists is unique because functional β„° (𝜌) is strictly convex B (see below). The existence and the property of this solution denoted further by πœŒπ–³π–₯ is known in the series of physically important cases. B Remark 0.3.1. If w is the negative potential then (0.3.8) 𝗍𝗋e(x,x,𝟒) β‰ˆ Pβ€² (w) B defines the density of all non-interacting particles with negative energies at point x and ∫︁ 𝟒 ∫︁ (0.3.9) 𝜏 d 𝗍𝗋e(x,x,𝜏)dx β‰ˆ βˆ’ P (w)dx 𝜏 B βˆ’βˆž is the total energy of these particles; here β‰ˆ means β€œin the semiclassical approximation”. 6 We consider in the case of d = πŸ₯ a large (heavy) molecule with potential (24.1.4) of [Ivr11]. It is well-known4) that Proposition 0.3.2. (i) For V(x) given by (0.1.4) minimization problem (0.3.6) has a unique solution 𝜌 = πœŒπ–³π–₯; then denote ℰ𝖳π–₯ := β„° (πœŒπ–³π–₯); B B B B βˆ‘οΈ€ (ii) Equality in (0.3.7) holds if and only if N ≀ Z := Z ; 𝟀 m m (iii) Further, πœŒπ–³π–₯ does not depend on N as N β‰₯ Z; (iv) Thus ∫︁ βˆ‘οΈ (0.3.10) πœŒπ–³π–₯dx = 𝗆𝗂𝗇(N,Z), Z := Z . B m πŸ£β‰€m≀M 0.4 Main results sketched and plan of the chapter In the first half of this Chapter we derive asymptotics for ground state energy and justify Thomas-Fermi theory. As construction of Section 24.2 of [Ivr11] works with minimal modifications (see Section 5) in the magnetic case as well we start immediately from magnetic Thomas-Fermi theory in Section 1. We discover that there are three different cases: a weak magnetic field case B β‰ͺ Z𝟦 when ℰ𝖳π–₯ ≍ Z𝟧 and ℰ𝖳π–₯ = ℰ𝖳π–₯(𝟣+o(𝟣)), a strong magnetic field πŸ₯ B πŸ₯ B 𝟒 case B ≫ Z𝟦 when ℰ𝖳π–₯ ≍ B𝟀Z𝟫 and ℰ𝖳π–₯ = ℰ̄𝖳π–₯(𝟣 + o(𝟣)) where ℰ̄𝖳π–₯ is πŸ₯ B 𝟧 𝟧 B B B Thomas-Fermi potential derived as P (w) = 𝟣𝜘 wd (cf. (0.3.5)), and an B 𝟀 𝟣 𝟀 intermediate case B ∼ Z𝟦. πŸ₯ Then we apply semiclassical methods (like in Section 24.4) of [Ivr11] albeit now analysis is way more complicated due to two factors: semi- classical theory of magnetic SchrΒ¨odinger operator is more difficult than the corresponding theory for non-magnetic SchrΒ¨odinger operator and also Thomas-Fermi potential W𝖳π–₯ is not very smooth in the magnetic case, so we need to approximate it by a smooth one (on a microscale). We discover that both semiclassical methods and Thomas-fermi theory are relevant only as B β‰ͺ ZπŸ₯. Case of the superstrong magnetic field B ≫ ZπŸ₯ was considered in E. H. Lieb, J. P. Solovej and J. Yngvarsson [LSY1] and we hope to cover 𝟣 Pending it in the Chapter 27𝟣 4) Section IV of E. H. Lieb, J. P. Solovej and J. Yngvarsson [LSY2]. 7 First of all, in Section 2 we consider the case M = 𝟣; then Thomas-Fermi potential W𝖳π–₯ is non-degenerate and in this case we derive sharp spectral B asymptotics. Next, in Section 3 we consider the case M β‰₯ 𝟀 but only in the zone {W𝖳π–₯+𝜈 β‰₯ B} where 𝜈 is a chemical potential and B is an intensity of the B magnetic field. A certain weaker non-degeneracy condition is satisfied due to Thomas-Fermi equation and we derive almost sharp spectral asymptotics. Then in Section 4 we consider the case M β‰₯ 𝟀 in the zone {W𝖳π–₯+𝜈 ≀ B} containing the boundary of π—Œπ—Žπ—‰π—‰πœŒπ–³π–₯; this is the most difficult case to analyze B and our remainder estimates are not sharp unless N β‰₯ Z βˆ’CZ𝟀. πŸ₯ Finally, in Section 5 we derive asymptotics of the ground state energy. Their precision (or lack of it) follows from the precision of the corresponding semiclassical results; so our results in the case M = 𝟣 are sharp, but results in the case M β‰₯ 𝟀 (especially if N ≀ Z βˆ’CZ𝟀) are not. πŸ₯ 𝟀 Pending In the second half𝟀 of this Chapter we consider related problems. In Section 6 (cf. Section 24.5) of [Ivr11] we consider negatively charged systems (N β‰₯ Z) and estimate both ionization energy 𝖨 and excessive negative N charge (N βˆ’Z) 5). + In Section 7 (cf. Section 24.6) of [Ivr11] we consider positively charged systems (N ≀ Z) and estimate the remainder |𝖨 +𝜈| in the formula 𝖨 β‰ˆ βˆ’πœˆ; N N as M β‰₯ 𝟀 we also estimate excessive positive charge (Z βˆ’N) when atoms + can be bound into molecule5). We will assume that (0.4.1) cβˆ’πŸ£N ≀ Z ≀ cN βˆ€m = 𝟣,...,M. m 1 Magnetic Thomas-Fermi theory 1.1 Framework and existence TheThomas-Fermitheoryiswelldevelopedinthemagneticcaseaswellalbeit inthelesserdegreethaninthenon-magneticone. Themostimportantsource now is Section IV of E. H. Lieb, J. P. Solovej and J. Yngvarsson [LSY2]. Again as in the previous Paper [Ivr10] to get the best lower estimate for the ground state energy (neglecting semiclassical errors) one needs to 5) In (magnetic) Thomas-Fermi theory both answers are 𝟒. 8 maximize functional 𝝫 (W +𝜈) defined by (24.3.1) of [Ivr11] albeit with B,* the pressure P (w) given for d = 𝟀,πŸ₯ by (0.3.5). Formulae (24.3.2) and B (24.3.3) of [Ivr11] also remain valid. Further, to get the best upper estimate (neglecting semiclassical errors) one needs to minimize functional 𝝫*(πœŒβ€²,𝜈) defined by (24.3.4) of [Ivr11] B where(24.3.4)of[Ivr11]remainsvalidwithP replacedbyP andrespectively B 𝜏(πœŒβ€²) replaced by 𝜏 (πœŒβ€²) which is Legendre transformation of P (see (0.3.4)). B B Since P is given by much more complicated expression (0.3.5) rather B than (24.3.6) of [Ivr11], and respectively 𝟣 (1.1.1) Pβ€² (w) = d𝜘 B(︁𝟣wdπŸ€βˆ’πŸ£ +βˆ‘οΈ(w βˆ’πŸ€jB)dπŸ€βˆ’πŸ£)︁ B 𝟀 𝟣 𝟀 + + jβ‰₯𝟣 (cf. (24.3.6) ) of [Ivr11] there is no explicit expression for 𝜏 similar to 𝟀 B (24.3.7) of [Ivr11]. Remark 1.1.1. (i) B(x) = |βˆ‡Γ—A(x)|; (ii) From now on we will assume that d = πŸ₯; (iii) P is a strictly convex function and therefore 𝜏 is also a strictly convex B B function6); (iv) P (w) β†’ P (w), Pβ€² (w) β†’ Pβ€²(w) and 𝜏 (𝜌) β†’ 𝜏 (𝜌) as B β†’ 𝟒 where B 𝟒 B 𝟒 B 𝟒 (without subscript β€œπŸ’β€) the limit functions have been defined by (24.3.6) and (24.3.7) of [Ivr11] respectively. Remark 1.1.2. (i) Alternatively we minimize β„° (𝜌) = 𝝫*(𝜌,𝟒) under as- B B sumptions ∫︁ (1.1.2) 𝜌 β‰₯ 𝟒, 𝜌dx ≀ N; 𝟣,𝟀 (ii) So far in comparison with the previous paper [Ivr10] we changed only definition of P (w) and 𝜏 (𝜌) respectively. Note that P (w) belongs to C d B B B 𝟀 (as d = 𝟀,πŸ₯) as function of w; this statement will be quantified later; 6) As d =𝟀, P is a convex piecewise linear function and therefore 𝜏 is also a convex B B function. 9 (iii) While not affecting existence (with equality in (1.1.2) iff N ≀ Z) and 𝟣 uniqueness of solution, it affects other properties, especially as B β‰₯ Z𝟦. πŸ₯ Proposition 1.1.3. In our assumptions for any fixed 𝜈 ≀ 𝟒 statements (i)–(vii) of proposition 24.3.1 of [Ivr11] hold. Proof. The proof is the same as of proposition 24.3.1 of [Ivr11]. The proof that threshold 𝜈 = 𝟒 matches to N = Z are theorems 4.9 and 4.10 of Section IV of E. H. Lieb, J. P. Solovej and J. Yngvarsson [LSY2]. Note that (24.3.8)–(24.3.9) and (24.3.10) of [Ivr11] become 𝟣 (1.1.3) 𝜌 = 𝝙(W βˆ’V) = Pβ€² (W +𝜈), πŸ¦πœ‹ B (1.1.4) W = o(𝟣) as |x| β†’ ∞ and ∫︁ (1.1.5) 𝒩(𝜈) = Pβ€² (W +𝜈)dx B respectively. Similarly, proposition 24.3.2 of [Ivr11] remains true: Proposition 1.1.4. For arbitrary W the following estimates hold with ab- solute constants πœ– > 𝟒 and C : 𝟒 𝟒 (1.1.6) πœ– 𝖣(πœŒβˆ’πœŒπ–³π–₯,πœŒβˆ’πœŒπ–³π–₯) ≀ 𝝫 (W𝖳π–₯ +𝜈)βˆ’π« (W +𝜈) ≀ 𝟒 B,* B,* C 𝖣(πœŒβˆ’πœŒβ€²,πœŒβˆ’πœŒβ€²) 𝟒 and (1.1.7) πœ– 𝖣(πœŒβ€² βˆ’πœŒπ–³π–₯,πœŒβ€² βˆ’πœŒπ–³π–₯) ≀ 𝝫*(𝜌,𝜈)βˆ’π«*(πœŒπ–³π–₯,𝜈) ≀ 𝟒 B B C 𝖣(πœŒβˆ’πœŒβ€²,πœŒβˆ’πœŒβ€²) 𝟒 with 𝜌 = 𝟣 𝝙(W βˆ’V), πœŒβ€² = Pβ€² (W +𝜈). πŸ¦πœ‹ B Proof. This proof is rather obvious as well. 10

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