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Assessment of Microbial Diversity nd Iso].aion of lVlicroor ganisms PDF

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Preview Assessment of Microbial Diversity nd Iso].aion of lVlicroor ganisms

I Assessment of Microbial Diversity nd Iso].aion of lVlicroorganisms Assaiatcd wtth Si.1ise-ie in the American I..ostr iiomaias vneri:mis) Mary Jo Kirisits, Ph.D. Northwestern University Joyce M. Sirsoii, Ph.D. Cardatc; Lini.‘ers jIlli,o,.s at L!rbno..-Chainoa: Microbia1 Diversity June July 2000 — Abstract Freshwater and marine decapod crustaceans commonly exhibit exoskeleton degradation which is termed shell disease. The disease is an external infection caused by microorganisms which attack the components of the lobster shell which include chitin, proteins, and lipids. While this disease has been observed for about 170 years in the lobster industry, the most recent and severe occurrences warrant a more extensive investigation. Currently, it is estimated that 80% of lobsters in the Buzzard’s Bay, MA have shell disease. From the summer of 1999 to the spring of2000, every pound system south ofCape Cod has been severely affected by the disease. This infestation has resulted in large-scale loss ofprimary productivity (up to 35% ofthe market value) and large culling from the pounds. Shell-diseased lobsters have been studied for a number of years, but most studies have focused upon the effects on lobster physiology, rather than focusing on the bacteria species causing the infection. The limited literature available concerning isolation and characterization of bacteria associated with the disease suggest that Vibrio, Aeromonas, and Pseudomonas spp. are suspect organisms. However, detailed analysis ofthe microbial populations and communities associated with lobster shell disease had not yet been performed. The current research project focused upon isolation and characterization of bacterial species present in wounds of infected lobsters. Enrichment approaches, which focused on the major components of lobster shell (chitin, protein, and lipid), as well as aerobic and anaerobic isolation techniques were used to culture bacteria which may be participating in the shell degradation. Pure cultures were isolated from each tested substrate. klentification and characterization of the isolates are still under investigation. Additionally, a variety of microscopic examinations were performed on the diseased shells, colonies, and bacterial isolates. Confocal microscopy indicated that the deteriorating shells were covered with biofilms of various types and containing numerous morphologies. Community structure analyses (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and cloning) were attempted to compare the microbial communities found in the different appearances of the disease (“cigarette burn” versus “white spot”) to the microbial communities found in healthy lobster shell and the seawater column. Community analysis has been inconclusive thus far but will be continued. Using a mixture ofthe cultures isolated from lobster wounds, it was attempted to infect a healthy shell. Preliminary evidence suggests that this bacterial mixture caused the appearance of black spots on the shell, but the experiment will continue to be monitored. It is undetermined at this time whether a single isolate can cause shell disease or whether a consortium oforganisms is required. Introduction Freshwater and marine decapod crustaceans commonly exhibit exoskeleton degradation which was termed shell disease by Hess in 1937. This is also referred to as rust disease or brown spot. The disease can take three forms: gross anatomy changes due to carapace degradation (lesions, ulcers and erosion), attachment ofthe outer exoskeleton to the inner soft body (thereby preventing removal ofthe shell during molting), and small soft patches where chitin and calcium are degraded locally, all ofwhich result in an aesthetically displeasing, often weakened, animal. The blackening ofthe damaged exoskeleton is due to melanin production, which is an attempt to contain the damage through clotting (Unestam and Weiss, 1970). Unfortunately, melanization can cause problems during ecdysis (process of molting). Aforementioned, the moltshell may adhere to the new epicuticle, making the lobster unable to completely shed its moltshell. The disease is an external infection caused by microorganisms which attack the components of the lobster shell which include chitin, proteins, and lipids. However, infection and degradation are not found equally on different parts ofthe lobster anatomy. Estrella (1991) noted that shell disease most often occurred on the first pereiopods (claws) followed by the abdomen, carapace, and legs. Estrella (1991) suggested that the high incidence of shell disease on the claws could be due to its propensity for abrasion and its frequent contact with sediments. While this disease has been observed for about 170 years in the lobster industry, the most recent and severe occurrences warrant a more extensive investigation. In 1991, 51% ofBuzzards Bay lobsters had shell disease (Estrella, 1991). Currently, it is estimated that 80% of lobster in the Bay have shell disease (Syslo, 2000). From the summer of 1999 to the spring of2000, every pound system south of Cape Cod has been severely affected by the disease, particularly the difficult molting variety (Enos, 2000). This infestation has resulted in large-scale loss ofprimary productivity (up to 35% ofthe market value) and large culling from the pounds. Shell-diseased lobsters can be sold commercially, but they command a reduced price, and are usually used for canned meat. However, Floreto et at. (2000) determined that the nutritional value ofmeat from a diseased lobster is similarto that from a healthy lobster, in terms ofessential fatty acids. The crustacean cuticle has been described as consisting of four layers (Dennel, 1960). The outer layer, the epicuticle, is a thin layer consisting of proteins and lipids. Beneath the epicuticle are three chitinous layers which are called the exocuticle, calcified endocuticle, and the non-calcified endocuticle. The epicuticle can be damaged through mechanical abrasion or enzymatic attack (proteases or lipases). If the epicuticle is repaired in a timely fashion, the chitinous layers are not subject to attack by chitinoclastic bacteria. Stewart (1980) noted several factors that could prevent or reduce the efficiency ofepicuticle repair such as poor diet, repeated abrasion (dredging, fighting, crowded impoundments), and enzymatic attack. It has been suggested that lipolytic bacteria may degrade the epicuticle, thereby providing an entry for the chitinoclastic bacteria to reach the chitinous layers (Baross and Tester, 1975). There are a number offactors that affect molting frequency and therefore the incidence of shell disease: size, sex, and ovigerous condition of the lobster. Larger lobsters molt less frequently. Non-ovigerous females (those not carrying eggs) molt less frequently than males. Ovigerous females molt less frequently than non-ovigerous females because molting is delayed 2 until after the eggs are hatched. As the time between molts increases, the lobster shells may have longer contact times with the causative agent(s) ofshell disease. Thus, ovigerous female lobsters show the greatest incidence ofshell disease. Shell disease is contagious when lobsters share a seawater habitat and have repeated physical contact (Fisher et al., 1978). Shell disease may be associated with municipal and industrial pollution which cause high organic loading. For instance, Estrella (1991) notes that polychiorinated biphenyls, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons are prevalent in Buzzards Bay where the incidence of shell disease is quite high. Thus, pollutant minimization may help to decrease disease occurrence in the wild. However, more specific measures may be taken to reduce the incidence ofshell disease in lobster impoundments. For example, to treat affected lobster larvae, Fisher et al. (1976) suggest that the larvae be dipped in 20 mg/L malachite green dye solution for eight minutes every other day during the larval period. Getchell (1989) notes that impoundment hygiene may be improved by removing wastes and disinfecting influent water through ultraviolet irradiation. Since chitinoclastic bacteria may reach the chitinous shell layers through a wound, it is also important to reduce wounding. Reducing the number of lobsters per volume, decreasing the impoundment time, and proper diet can decrease lobster wounding (Getchell, 1989). Previous research on shell disease has been mainly limited to observations focused on the lobster physiology (Prince, 1995; Floreto et al., 2000). Fisher et al. (1978) reviewed the six known microbial diseases of cultured lobsters, which include: shell disease, Gaffkemia, microbial epibiont, Lagenidium, Haliphthoros and Fusariu,n diseases. The chitinoclastic microorganisms of shell disease do not penetrate into soft tissues but may provide a portal for secondary invaders. While most investigations have used adult lobsters, death is more frequent in larval stages, presumably due to thinner exoskeletons (Fisher et al., 1976). Microbiological observations have been limited to mainly microscopic examinations using light microscopes, x ray analysis, and scanning electron microscopy (Bayer, 1989). Literature concerning isolation and characterization of chitinoclastic bacteria have suggested that Vibrio, Aeromonas, and Pseudomonas spp. are suspect organisms (Getchell, 1989; Malloy, 1978; Prince, 1997). However, detailed analysis ofthe microbial populations and communities associated with lobster shell disease has not yet been performed. With the advent of molecular techniques enabling more detailed examinations, it is paramount to the lobster industry to investigate not only the causative agents, but also the potential opportunistic colonizers which may exacerbate the disease. Additionally, a more detailed identification ofthe pathogenic organisms involved may lead to new treatments or direct future research in abatement and prevention techniques. . 3 Objectives Since interest in the causative agent(s) of shell disease is growing, the main goal ofthis project was to examine the organisms present in the wounds of lobsters with shell disease. Specific goals were as follows: • Culture organisms from lobster wounds based on their ability to degrade chitin, proteins, or lipids. • Isolate and characterize pure cultures from mixed community obtained from wounds. • Determine ifpure cultures oforganisms isolated from lobster wounds can be used to infect a healthy shell. • Compare microbial communities present in the seawater column and on a healthy lobster shell to the microbial communities present in the “cigarette burn” and “white spot” appearances ofshell disease. • Isolate DNA and use clone libraries to assess the identities oforganisms associated with shell disease wounds. • Visualize the bacterial biofllms that grow on lobster shells. Materials and Methods LOBSTERS Procurement Four female lobsters (I healthy and 3 diseased) were obtained from Mike Syslo of the Lobster Hatchery on Martha’s Vineyard. The healthy lobster was obtained from Vineyard Sound, and the three diseased lobsters were obtained from about eight miles south ofNo Man’s Island. The diseased lobsters had shell disease that affected the pereiopods, carapace, and abdomen; this disease manifested itself in the appearance of cigarette burns. Another diseased female lobster was obtained from Dr. Rainer Voigt of the Marine Biological Laboratory. This lobster had many white patches, especially around the first pereiopods (claws). A summary of lobster information is shown in Table 1. 4 Table 1. Summary ofLobster Information . Lobster ID Source Disease Appearance Approx. age (yrs) A 8 mi. south ofNo Man’s Island Cigarette burns 7 B 8 mi. south ofNo Man’s Island Cigarette burns 7 C 8 mi. south ofNo Man’s Island Cigarette burns 7 D New Bedford, MA pound White patches 8 E Vineyard Sound Healthy control 7 - Housing and Maintenance The lobsters were housed in 54 x 35 x 35 cm tanks. Each lobster was placed in a separate tank, except Lobsters B and C shared a tank. Fresh seawater (22 °C) was continuously pumped through the tanks at a rate 5.3 L/min. The lobsters were fed once or twice a week with fresh or frozen squid tentacles from the Marine Resource Center. SAMPLING FROM THE LOBSTERS Lobsters were removed from the tanks, rinsed thoroughly with sterile seawater, and dried with Kimwipes® prior to sampling. Samples were collected from the lobsters by swabbing and scraping the shell with either a sterile swab or scalpel. . LIQUID ENRICHMENT MEDIA Synthetic Seawater Media Four synthetic seawater media were designed for aerobic liquid enrichments: ball-milled chitin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) as the sole carbon and nitrogen source, Bacto® Peptone (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) as the sole carbon and nitrogen source, Tween® 80 (J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, NJ) as the sole carbon source with ammonium as the nitrogen source, and a medium containing a mixture of chitin, peptone, and Tween® 80. The medium contained (per liter ofmedium): 20 g NaCI, 3 g M2•206gHC,l 0.15 g C222OaHC,1 0.2 g K2P4,OH 0.5 g KC1, 1 mM N2S4,Oa 4 g ofball-milled chitin OR 4 mL Tween® 80 OR 4 g of peptone OR all three, 1 mL l000x trace elements solution, 1 mL 1000x 12-vitamins solution, 1 mL vitamin B12 solution, 5 mM Hepes buffer, and 2 mM N3.aHCO The Tween® 80 medium also contained 0.5 mM N1-I The pH of all media was adjusted to 8 using 10 N NaOH. The trace elements solution consisted of (per liter): 5200 mg EDTA adjusted to pH 6.0 with NaOH, 2100 mg F4’207eSH,O 30 mg H3B3,O 100 mg M242OnHC,I 190 mg C2’2O6oCH,1 24 mg N2•2O6iCH,1 2 mg C2•202uHC,l 144 mg Z472OnHSO, 36 mg N2M4•2O2oHaO, 25 mg sodium vanadate, 6 mg N2S352OeHOa, 8 mg N2W422OHOa. The l000x 12-vitamins solution consisted of (per 100 mL): 100 mL of 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), 10 mg riboflavin, 100 mg thiamine•HC1, 100 ing L-ascorbic acid, 100 mg D-Ca-pantothenate, 100 mg folic acid, 100 mg niacinamide, 100 mg nicotinic acid, 100 mg 4-aminobenzoic acid, 100 mg pyridoxineHCl, 100 rng lipoic acid, 100 mg NAD, and 100 mg thiamine pyrophosphate. The l000x vitamin B12 solution consisted of 100 mL DDW and 100 mg ofcyanocobalamin. The carapace ofLobster B was scraped and a portion ofthe scrapings was placed into 1.0 mL ofeach ofthe four media. Medium (4.5 mLs) was added to sterile 18x150-mm tubes which were capped with sterile Morton closures. Twenty tubes were prepared so that a ten-dilution tube experiment could be run in duplicate. 0.5 mL ofthe stock inoculum was transferred into the first tube, and 1:10 dilutions were made with the remaining nine tubes. The liquid enrichments were incubated aerobically at room temperature on a shaker table. Terminal dilutions still showing activity were used for DNA extractions (Table 2, samples 14-17). SOLID MEDIA Solidified Synthetic Seawater Media for Enrichment Isolations The synthetic seawater media used for the liquid enrichments (chitin, peptone, Tween® 80, and a mixture of chitin, peptone, and Tween® 80) were also used to prepare agar media. Twenty g ofwashed agar was added per liter ofmedium. These plates were inoculated from the liquid enrichments, using the highest dilution that still showed turbidity. 0.1 rnL was taken from the terminal dilution, and 1:10 dilutions were performed into sterile 2 mL eppendorf tubes containing the appropriate liquid medium. 0.1 mLs from the 1:100,000 and 1:1,000,000 tubes were spread onto the agar plates and incubated aerobically at room temperature. Isolated colonies were streaked twice for purity. Aerobic SeawaterMedia to Isolate Chitin-Degraders Basal seawater medium contained I L freshly collected seawater amended with 15 g washed agar and was autoclaved. Plates were poured and allowed to harden before the chitin overlay was added. The chitin layer contained 4.0 g chitin (either ball-milled or unbleached flaked), 20 g washed agar, 0.70 g K2H4,PO 0.50 g M4•207gSH,O 0.30 g K2P4,OH and 1.0 mL trace mineral solution per 500 mL distilled deionized water. This was adjusted to pH 8.0 ± 0.2 at 25 °C. After autoclaving, the medium was cooled to 55°C and poured in a thin layer over the hardened basal media. Plates were allowed to harden and then stored at 5°C until use. Plates aged for at least 24 hours prior to use to allow a gradient to form between the seawater layer and distilled deionized water layer. Fresh swabs from the lobsters were spread in duplicate over the aerobic chitin medium to form a lawn and incubated aerobically at either ambient room temperature or chilled to 9°C. Anaerobic Seawater Media to Isolate Chitin-Degraders Anaerobic media was prepared as described above for the chitin layer of the aerobic media with the following exceptions: 500 mL fresh seawater was substituted for distilled water, 250 jiL resazurin (1 % stock) and 0.25 g cysteine HCI was added to media. The medium was boiled to dissolve the agar and then gassed with a mixture of N2/2C0 to reduce the dissolved 6 oxygen concentration. The medium was dispensed into baich tubes (10 mL) and sealed prior to autoclaving. After cooling to 55°C, the tubes were inoculated under gas with samples from lobsters described below, resealed and gently mixed without introducing bubbles within the medium. The roll tube method was applied to the sealed tubes to produce a thin solid layer of chitin medium to the inner surface of the balch tubes. Chitin degradation should be easily observable via clearing zones within the thin layer formed. The remaining anaerobic media was used in a series ofpour plates which were inoculated with material scraped from the diseased lobsters. The pour plates were permitted to go aerobic on the surface to form an oxygen gradient. The plates were then sealed with parafilm and incubated at room temperature. Characterization ofChitin-Degrading Isolates Media Bacterial isolates obtained from solid media were streaked for purity and transferred twice. After purification, isolates were inoculated into a variety of motility agar stabs. Basal stab media contained 0.35 g K2H4,PO 0.25 g M4•207gSH,O 0.15 g K2P4,OH and 0.5 mL trace mineral solution added to 500 mL of either fresh seawater or distilled deionized water. The medium was split into 250-mL portions, and each portion received 1 g ball-milled chitin. Each 250-mL portion was mixed and split into 125-mL portions and 1.25 mL 1M MOPS buffer (pH 7.0) was added to one each of the final flasks. Total media was (8) 125-mL aliquots of two water types, half containing chitin additions and half containing buffer additions. All were adjusted to pH 8.0 ± 0.2 at 25 °C with 1 M NaOH. Solidifying agent was 0.2 g agarose per flask which was added prior to autoclaving. After the media cooled to 60°C, 10 mL aliquots were dispensed aseptically into test tubes which were then vortexed and placed in an ice bath to harden immediately. DNA EXTRACTION Samples 1-8 (Table 2) were collected from each lobster by scraping the outer shell with a sterile scalpel. Lobsters were removed from each tank, rinsed thoroughly with sterile seawater and dried with Kimwipes® prior to scraping. The scraped material was collected and added to a DNA extraction tube (MoBio Inc., Solana Beach, CA) until visually turbid. The accumulated scum layer from the tank housing lobsters B and C (sample 9) was also used for DNA extraction. A sterile pipet was used to harvest 250 mL of the scum layer directly into a vacuum-filter apparatus containing a 0.22-pm filter. The filterwas cut into squares with a sterile razor blade in a sterile petri dish and then placed in a DNA extraction tube. For DNA from seawater (samples 10-13, Table 2), fresh seawater was filtered through a 125-mm Whatman #1 filter in a Buchner funnel to remove gross particulates. Then one liter ofthe filtrate was vacuum-filtered through a 47-mm nylon 0.22-tm filter (MSI, Inc., Westboro, MA). As described previously, the filter was cut into pieces and placed into a DNA extraction tube. This procedure was performed for four filters, and each filter was placed into a separate DNA extraction vial. DNA was also extracted from the terminal dilution tubes for the liquid enrichments containing chitin, peptone, Tween® 80, and a mixture of the three (samples 14-17, Table 2). One mL from each terminal dilution was pipetted into the DNA extraction vial. DNA was extracted according to manufacture’s 7 directions with the following exception: tubes were placed in the bead beater (BioSpec Products, Akron, OH) for 45 seconds, rather than shaken for 10 minutes on a tabletop vortex. DNA quality was assessed using a 1 % LE agarose gel (lx TBE buffer), run for 35 mm at 150 V, and stained with GeiStar® (BMA, Rockland, ME). Table 2. Sample Identification for Isolations and DNA Extractions Sample Lobste Description DNA PCR ID r ID Extracted Amplification* 1 B Carapace No - 2 A Carapace Yes A,B,T 3 B Carapace Yes A, B, T 4 C Carapace Yes A,B,T 5 C 1st pereiopod Yes A, B, T 6 C Abdomen Yes B 7 D White spot, under lstpereiopod Yes B, T 8 D Tan spot on right 1St pereiopod Yes B 9 Tank Filter with 250 mL scum layer Yes B, T B/C 10 Filter with 1 L seawater Yes T 11 Filter with 1 L seawater Yes T 12 Filter with 1 L seawater Yes T 13 Filter with 1 L seawater Yes 14 B 1:100,000 dilution Yes T (chitin enrichment) 15 B 1:1,000,000 dilution Yes T (peptone enrichment) 16 B 1:1,000,000 dilution Yes T (Tween® 80 enrichment) 17 B 1:100,000 dilution Yes T (chitin, peptone, Tween® 80 enrichment) * A Archaeal primers; B Bacterial primers; T Bacterial primers for T-RFLP = = PCR AMPLIFICATION PCR of 16S rDNA Gene PCR was performed on extracted DNA samples using both bacterial and archaeal specific primers. Bacterial 16S amplification used primers S-D-Bact-0008-F-20 and 19 and archaeal 16S amplification used primers S-D-Arch-2l-F and S-D-Arch-958-R. PCR reactions contained: 5 jiL lOx reaction buffer; 4 iL 25 mM M2;gCl 2 iL 2.5 mM dNTP mix; 2 iL each forward and reverse primer (30 pMol); 2 jiL sample DNA 125 ng); 0.5 jiL (‘.- ArnpliTaq DNA polymerase (5U/jiL) (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA); and sterile distilled 8 deionized water to a total volume of 50 jiL. A 25-cycle PCR program was used: 95°C initial denaturation (5 mm), 95°C denaturation template (30 sec), 55°C annealing temperature (30 sec), 72°C extension (1 mm), and 72°C final extension (7 mm) for both reaction sets. PCR product was assessed on 1% LE agarose gel (lx TBE buffer) for 35 mm at 150 V and stained with GelStar®. Cloning PCR products ( 1400 Kb) that were obtained from DNA extracts of lobster shells were cloned using a TOPO TA cloning kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) following manufacture’s protocols. Samples which had sufficient PCR product were cloned. Clones were plated on LB agar (1 % tryptone, 0.5 % yeast extract, 1 % NaCI, pH 7.0) with 50 jig /mL kanamycin added after autoclaving. X—gal (40 mg /mL) was added (40 jiL) and spread upon surface after plates hardened. Both 50 and 80 jiL aliquots of each cloning reaction were plated to ensure adequate coverage. Clones indicating positive for DNA inserts were selected and tested with PCR amplification using M13 primers specific for the vector insert region. Products were analyzed on a 2% agarose gel in 1X TBE buffer at 130V for 2 h and stained with GeiStar®. Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) PCR was performed on extracted DNA samples with bacterial primers S-D-Bact-0008- - F-20 and The forward primer was labeled with a fluorochrome. PCR reactions contained: 5 jiL lOx reaction buffer, 4 jiL 25 mM M2,gCI 2 jiL 2.5 mM dNTP mix, 2 1iL each forward and reverse primer (-30 pMol), 1 jiL sample DNA, 0.5 jiL AmpliTaq DNA polymerase (5U/jiL), and 33.5 jiL sterile distilled deionized water for a total volume of50 jiL. A 25-cycle PCR program was run which consisted of: 95°C initial denaturation (5 mm), 95°C denaturation template (30 sec), 55°C annealing temperature (30 sec), 72°C extension (1 mm), and 72°C final extension (5 mi. PCR product was assessed on a 1% LE agarose gel (lx TBE buffer) for 35 mm at 150 V and stained with GeiStar®. Only samples that showed PCR product were digested. The digestion reaction consisted ofthe following: 10 jiL PCR product, 2 jiL lOx Buffer A, 2 jiL BSA, 1 4L ofRSA-I, and 5 jiL ofsterile distilled deionized water. The samples were incubated in a water bath at 37 °C for two hours. 10 jiL ofthe digestion was sent for T-RFLP analysis (Accugenix, Newark, DE). INFECTING A HEALTHY SHELL Fresh rnoltshell was obtained and cut into small pieces with a sterile blade. Each piece was sterilized with ethanol and placed into a sterile petri dish. One dish was filled with the medium containing the mixture of chitin, peptone, and Tween® 80, and an X was scratched on the shell with a sterile blade. The four pure cultures were swabbed into the X. The last dish was filled with the medium containing the mixture of chitin, peptone, and Tween® 80, an X was scratched on the shell with a sterile blade, but no microorganisms were inoculated to this dish (control). The shells were monitored for visual appearance of shell disease under the dissecting microscope. 9

and degradation are not found equally on different parts of the lobster . diseased lobsters were obtained from about eight miles south of No Man's peptone OR all three, 1 mL l000x trace elements solution, 1 mL 1000x . PCR products ( 1400 Kb) that were obtained from DNA extracts of lobster ..
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