Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 doi:10.5194/nhess-17-449-2017 ©Author(s)2017.CCAttribution3.0License. Assessment of island beach erosion due to sea level rise: the case of the Aegean archipelago (Eastern Mediterranean) IsavelaN.Monioudi1,AdonisF.Velegrakis1,AntonisE.Chatzipavlis1,AnastasiosRigos1,2,TheophanisKarambas3, MichalisI.Vousdoukas4,1,ThomasHasiotis1,NikolettaKoukourouvli5,PascalPeduzzi6,EvaManoutsoglou1, SerafimE.Poulos7,andMichaelB.Collins8 1DepartmentofMarineSciences,UniversityoftheAegean,UniversityHill,81100Mytilene,Greece 2DepartmentofCulturalTechnologyandCommunication,UniversityoftheAegean,UniversityHill, Mytilene81100,Greece 3SchoolofCivilEngineering,AristotleUniversityofThessaloniki,UniversityCampus, 54124Thessaloniki,Greece 4EuropeanCommission,JointResearchCentre(JRC),DirectorateforSpace,SecurityandMigration DisasterRiskManagementUnit,ViaE.Fermi2749,21027Ispra(VA),Italy 5DepartmentofGeography,UniversityoftheAegean,UniversityHill,81100Mytilene,Greece 6UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva,InternationalEnvironmentHouse,11ChemindesAnémones, 1219Châtelaine,Switzerland 7FacultyofGeologyandGeoenvironment,NationalandKapodistrianUniversityofAthens, PanepistimioupoliZografou,15784Athens,Greece 8PlentziakoItsasEstazioa,UniversityoftheBasqueCountry,Areatzaz/g,48620Plentzia-Bizkaia,Spain Correspondenceto:MichalisI.Vousdoukas([email protected]) Received:17October2016–Discussionstarted:7November2016 Revised:17January2017–Accepted:4February2017–Published:21March2017 Abstract.Thepresentcontributionconstitutesthefirstcom- vulnerabletomeansealevelrise(MSLR)andepisodicSLRs prehensive attempt to (a) record the spatial characteristics due to (i) their narrow widths (about 59% of the beaches of the beaches of the Aegean archipelago (Greece), a crit- have maximum widths <20m), (ii) their limited terrestrial ical resource for both the local and national economy, and sediment supply, (iii) the substantial coastal development (b) provide a rapid assessment of the impacts of the long- and(iv)thelimitedexistingcoastalprotection.Modelingre- termandepisodicsealevelrise(SLR)underdifferentscenar- sultsindeedprojectsevereimpactsundermeanandepisodic ios.Spatialinformationandotherattributes(e.g.,presenceof SLRs, which by 2100 could be devastating. For example, coastalprotectionworksandbackshoredevelopment)ofthe under MSLR of 0.5m – representative concentration path- beachesofthe58largestislandsofthearchipelagowereob- way (RCP) 4.5 of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of tainedonthebasisofremote-sensedimagesavailableonthe the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) – a web. Ranges of SLR-induced beach retreats under different storm-induced sea level rise of 0.6m is projected to result morphological,sedimentologicalandhydrodynamicforcing, inacompleteerosionofbetween31and88%ofallbeaches andSLRscenarioswereestimatedusingsuitableensembles (29–87%ofbeachesarecurrentlyfrontingcoastalinfrastruc- ofcross-shore(1-D)morphodynamicmodels.Theseranges, ture and assets), at least temporarily. Our results suggest a combinedwithempiricallyderivedestimationsofwaverun- very considerable risk which will require significant effort, upinducedflooding,werethencomparedwiththerecorded financial resources and policies/regulation in order to pro- maximumbeachwidthstoproviderangesofretreat/erosion tect/maintain the critical economic resource of the Aegean andfloodingatthearchipelagoscale.Thespatialinformation archipelago. showsthattheAegean“pocket”beachesmaybeparticularly PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 450 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise 1 Introduction coastal infrastructure and assets and/or as significant envi- ronments of leisure (e.g., Paula et al., 2013). Therefore, as- Beaches are critical components of the coastal zone; not sessmentsofthebeachmorphologicalevolutionatdifferent only are they significant habitats in their own right (e.g., spatiotemporal scales are required based on advanced nu- Defeo and McLachlan, 2013), but they also provide protec- merical,analyticaland/orempiricalmodelsconstructedand tion from marine flooding to other transitional ecosystems appliedbyexperiencedoperatorsandsetup/validatedusing andthecoastalassets,infrastructureandactivitiestheyfront appropriate field data and backed by expert analysis (e.g., (e.g., Neumann et al., 2015). At the same time, tourism has Roelvink et al., 2009; Bosom and Jiménez, 2010; Ding et been increasingly associated with beach recreational activ- al., 2013). However, such efforts are usually hampered by ities according to the dominant “Sun, Sea and Sand - 3S the(a)scarcityofrelevantinformationinmanycoastalareas tourism” model (Phillips and Jones, 2006). Consequently, and(b)dearthinthenecessaryhumanandfinancialresources beaches have become very important economic resources (e.g., Parker et al., 2013); this is particularly true when as- (Ghermandi and Nunes, 2013) formingone of the pillars of sessmentsofbeacherosionarecarriedoutoverlargerspatial tourism, an economic sector that contributes an estimated scales.Nevertheless,itisnecessarytoassessfuturebeachre- 5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and about 6–7% treat/erosionandfloodriskatlargespatialscalesinorderto of global employment (directly and indirectly) (Hall et al., identify“hotspots”andplanforeffectiveadaptationpolicies 2013). andefficientallocationofresources. Beaches are also very dynamic environments, controlled Againstthisbackground,theobjectiveofthepresentstudy by complex forcing-response processes that operate at var- istoassesstheerosionandtemporaryinundation/floodrisks ious spatiotemporal scales (Short and Jackson, 2013). They of the beaches of the Aegean archipelago islands (Greece) are generally under erosion (Eurosion, 2004; IPCC SREX, under different scenarios of sea level rise (SLR). Towards 2012;IPCC,2013),whichcanbedifferentiatedinto(a)long- thisobjective,spatialcharacteristicssuchasthearea,length, termerosion,i.e.,irreversibleretreatoftheshoreline,dueto maximumwidth,orientation,sedimentsandthepresenceof meansealevelrise(MSLR)and/ornegativecoastalsedimen- coastal works and backshore development of the Aegean tary budgets that force either beach landward migration or beaches were recorded. This information was then used in drowning(NichollsandCazenave,2010),and(b)short-term conjunctionwithprojectionsfromensemblesofcross-shore erosion caused by storm surges and waves which, may or morphodynamicmodelstoobtainestimatesoftherangesof may not, result in permanent shoreline retreats but can be potential beach retreat/erosion and flooding under different nevertheless devastating (e.g., Smith and Katz, 2012; UN- MSLRsandstormconditions. ECE,2013).TheacceleratingMSLRcoupledwithepisodic stormeventswillaggravatethealreadysignificantbeachero- sion with severe impacts on coastal activities, infrastructure 2 Aegeanarchipelagobeaches:significance, and assets (e.g., Jiménez et al., 2012), and the beach carry- environmentalsettingandsealevelrise ingcapacityforrecreation/tourism(ValdemoroandJiménez, 2006;McArthur,2015). 2.1 SignificanceoftheAegeanarchipelagobeaches Beach erosion appears to be particularly alarming in is- lands. Island beaches are increasingly vulnerable to erosion TheAegeanarchipelago(Fig.1)consistsofseveralthousand due to their (generally) limited dimensions and diminish- islands and rock islets with a combined area of 17550km2 ing sediment supply (e.g., Velegrakis et al., 2008; Peduzzi and a total coastline length of about 5880km (Eurosion, et al., 2013). At the same time, island beaches are amongst 2004). Few of these islands and islets are populated; less themostsignificant3Stourismdestinations.Forexample,3S than 70 islands have more than 100 permanent inhabitants tourismaccountsformorethan23%oftheGrossDomestic and 45 have more than 1000 ( Product in many Caribbean Small Island Developing States interactive-map). Yet Aegean islands form very significant andinsomecases,e.g.,AntiguaandBarbuda,formorethan touristdestinations.About50%ofallGreekhotelbeds(and 75%(ECLAC,2011).Mediterraneanislandsarealsomajor >60% of all 5 star hotel beds) are located in the Aegean tourism destinations; in Greece, most of the hotel capacity archipelago, with 43% of the foreign arrivals to Greece in andforeigntouristarrivalsandearningsareassociatedwith 2015(7.4outofatotalof17.1million)arrivingatits11in- theGreekislands(SETE,2016). ternationalairports(SETE,2016). Underavariableandchangingclimate,projectionsonthe In recent years, tourism has become a most signif- futureevolutionofbeachmorphologyarenoteasyduetoun- icant economic activity in Greece. In 2013, foreign certainties regarding both forcing and beach response (e.g., earnings of the Greek tourist industry were about Short and Jackson, 2013). Nevertheless, beach erosion is EUR15.5billion ( amongst the first issues to consider when planning for the Statistics/externalsector/balance/travelling.aspx). As recent sustainable development of the coastal zone, particularly in studies suggest that for each EUR1 generated by tourism areaswherebeachesfunctionasnatural“armor”tovaluable in Greece an additional EUR1.2–1.65 is created by related Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise 451 economic activity (a multiplier of, at least, 2.2; see IOBE, tan Arc straits (Fig. 1) as the most energetic areas of the 2012), it follows that direct and indirect earnings from Aegeanarchipelago;forexample,maximumwaveheightsof tourism may account for up to about 20% of the country’s about11m(T of13.3sanddirectionof345◦N)havebeen p GDP(and30%oftheprivatesectoremployment).Tourism reported for the Mykonos–Ikaria strait (22 January 2004). isevenmoreimportantfortheisland(local)economies.For AnAnalysisofERA-Interimwaveinformation(1979–2013) example, in 2012 tourism accounted for about 48% of the fromdifferentrepresentativeareasoftheAegeanarchipelago GDP of Crete and 60% of the GDP of the Cyclades and carried out as part of the present study shows (a) mean sig- Dodecaneseislandcomplexes(SETE,2016). nificant wave heights (H ) of about 1m in all areas, apart s In the Aegean archipelago, 3S tourism is the dominant from an area to the northeast of eastern Cretan Arc straits model. A most critical component of 3S tourism is the (meanH ofabout0.8m);(b)meanmaximumwaveheights s availability of beaches that are environmentally and aes- ofabout2.4m;and(c)significantinterannualvariability. theticallysoundandretain adequatecarryingcapacity(e.g., Recent studies on the future wave climate of the Aegean McArthur, 2015; Cisneros et al., 2016). Therefore, the as- archipelagoprojectsmallchangesinsignificantwaveheights sessment/management of beach erosion which could con- for the 21st century. For the period 2001–2049, significant stitute a major risk for the sustainable development of the wave heights in the N. Aegean are projected to slightly in- Aegean islands beaches should be prioritized; a decade-old crease for the SW waves relative to the 1950–2000 refer- approximation had suggested that about 25% of the total enceperiod;whereasfortheendofthecentury(2050–2099), coastline of the Aegean islands was already under erosion waveoccurrenceandheightsareprojectedtoshowhighspa- (Eurosion,2004). tiotemporal variability (e.g., Prinos, 2014; Tsoukala et al., 2016). 2.2 Environmentalsetting 2.3 Meanandextremesealevels The Aegean archipelago is located in the Aegean Sea, a peripheral sea of the Eastern Mediterranean that covers an area of some 160×103km2, drains high relief basins with Mediterranean MSLR rates were 1.1–1.3mmyr−1 for most a total area of 200×103km2 and is connected to Black of the 20th century. Since the late 1990s, however, much Sea through the Dardanelles straits and to Eastern Mediter- higher rates (2.4–3.8mmyr−1) have been recorded, an in- raneanthroughtheCretanArcstraits.TheAegeanSeahasa crease attributed mainly to additional water mass inputs highreliefduetocomplexregionaltectonicsandcomprises rather than to steric contributions; these changes have been different geomorphological units (Poulos, 2009), including also related to North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) modula- an extensive shelf (N. Aegean shelf), a tectonic trough (N. tions (Tsimplis et al., 2013). For the Aegean archipelago in AegeanTrough),acentralplatform(Cycladesplateau)with particular, satellite altimetry suggests recent MSLR rates of alargeconcentrationofislandsanddeepbasins(Fig.1).The 4.3–4.6mmyr−1 (Mamoutos et al., 2014), with some peri- Aegean Sea shows complex hydrographic patterns and cir- odscharacterizedbyevenhigherrates(e.g.,Tsimplisetal., culation(e.g.,Theocharisetal.,1993)whicharemainlycon- 2009). In terms of future projections, recent studies project trolled by the cold and low salinity water inputs from the decreasesintheMSLRratesinthe21stcentury,althoughthis Black Sea through the Dardanelles strait and the warm and mightbeanunderestimationduetotheuncertaintiesregard- salinewaterinputsfromtheLevantineSeathroughtheeast- ing the mass exchanges particularly between the Black and ern Cretan Arc straits (Skliris et al., 2011). Under certain Aegean Seas (Mamoutos et al., 2014). Hinkel et al. (2014), conditions(theEasternMediterraneantransient),theAegean using an approach accounting for changes in ice mass and basinscanbeimportantlocationsofdeepwaterformationin oceancirculation,projectedthefollowingMSLRsforthere- the Eastern Mediterranean (e.g., Zervakis et al., 2000; An- gionoftheAegeanarchipelago(33.5–40◦N,18.5–28.5◦E). droulidakisetal.,2012). In2050,MSLwasprojectedtobe0.13–0.15and0.14–16m The complex physiography of the Aegean archipelago higher than that of the 1985–2005 reference period for a controls its wind and wave climate, which is generally rel- medium land ice scenario and RCPs of 4.5 and 8.5, respec- ativelymildduetotheshortfetchesanddurations.Northerly tively; in 2100, under the same scenarios, MSL was pro- winds (44% frequency of occurrence, Androulidakis et al., jected to be 0.46–0.48 and 0.66–0.72m higher than that of 2015) and waves (Soukissian et al., 2007, 2008) appear to the1985–2005referenceperiod,respectively. prevail.Althoughwavesaregenerallymoreenergeticinwin- In addition to MSLR, changes in the intensity, frequency ter,therearealsoenergeticeventsinsummer,forcedbyN– and/or patterns of extreme storm surges and waves can, at NE winds (“the etesians”). Highly energetic wave events of least temporarily, induce beach erosion and flooding, par- relatively short duration may also occur, particularly along ticularly when combined with increasing mean sea lev- islandstraits.Soukissianetal.(2008)suggested(i)thearea els (MSLs)(e.g., Xu and Huang, 2013). Extreme sea levels to the N–NE of the Cyclades platform (particularly the (ESLs) in the Mediterranean have a seasonal footprint with Mykonos–Ikariastrait)and(ii)thewesternandeasternCre- extremepositivesoccurringmostlyinwinterandundercer- Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 452 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise Figure1.TheAegeanarchipelago. tain North Atlantic Oscillation modulations (Tsimplis and 3 MaterialsandMethods Shaw,2010). Future ESLs are projected to show high spatial variabil- 3.1 GeospatialcharacteristicsoftheAegean ity, being sensitive to the evolution of the thermohaline cir- archipelagobeaches culation and the Black Sea buoyant inputs (e.g., Mamoutos ThegeospatialcharacteristicsofAegeanarchipelago(“dry”) et al., 2014). Generally, extreme levels due to storm surges beaches have been recorded on the basis of the imagery and waves are projected to decrease in terms of magnitude andotherrelatedopticalinformationavailableintheGoogle overtheMediterraneanbasintowardstheendofthe21stcen- EarthProapplication.Inthisstudy,drybeachesweredefined tury(e.g.,ConteandLionello,2013),althoughmodelchoice asthelow-lyingcoastalsedimentarybodiesboundedontheir andresolutionandthequality/resolutionofthecoastalobser- landwardsidebyeithernaturalboundaries(vegetateddunes vations available for model validation may have influenced and/or cliffs) or permanent artificial structures (e.g., coastal these projections (e.g., Calafat et al., 2014). For example, a embankments, sea walls, roads, and buildings) and on their recentstudy hassuggestedsubstantial changesin thereturn seaward side by the shoreline, i.e., the median line of the periodsofESLsfortheE.Mediterraneanfortheendofthe foaming swash zone shown on the imagery. Regarding the 21st century, with the current 1000-year event projected to lateralextentofindividualbeaches,theseweredelimitedby occureveryfiveyears(Vousdoukasetal.,2017).Regarding naturalbarrierssuchasrockpromontories.Tinybeaches(ar- the storm surges in the Aegean archipelago, these are rel- easlessthanabout20m2)wereignoredandnotincludedin atively small (heights of up to about 0.5m, Krestenitis et the data set. Digitization of the remote-sensed imagery was al.,2011)andprojectedtoshow(generally)smallheightin- carriedoutbyfew(four)analystswhoconsistentlyfollowed creasesuntil2050aswellaschangesintheirtemporaldistri- the above beach delimitation rules. To assess inconsisten- bution(e.g.,Marcosetal.,2011;Androulidakisetal.,2015; cies, 400 beaches from different islands (about 12% of the Vousdoukasetal.,2016a). recordedbeaches)wereprocessedbyallfouranalystsandthe standard deviation of the extracted shoreline positions was estimatedatlessthan0.3m;thiswasconsideredacceptable forthescopeofthestudy. Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise 453 However,itshouldbenotedthattheprimaryinformation (Leont’yev, 1996), XBeach (Roelvink et al., 2010) and used,i.e.,satelliteimagerysnapshots,cannotprovidesynop- the Boussinesq model, whose hydrodynamic component ticinformationattheAegeanarchipelagoscale,astheavail- involves high-order Boussinesq equations (Karambas and ableimageshavebeencollectedindifferentperiodsandun- Koutitas, 2002). The Bruun model is a widely-used (e.g., der variable hydrodynamic conditions. Regarding the beach Hinkeletal.,2010;Ranasingheetal.,2013)analyticalmor- width estimations, although astronomical tidal effects are phodynamic model that estimates long-term coastal retreat smallduetothemicrotidalregimeoftheAegeanarchipelago (S) under a SLR (α) on the basis of the equilibrium pro- (tidal ranges in most areas less than about 0.15m) and the file concept; its results are controlled by the height of the generally increased beach slopes, there are still uncertain- beach face and the cross-shore distance between the beach ties as the estimations were based on “snapshots” of the closure depth and the shoreline. The Edelman model esti- shorelinepositionswhichareverydynamiccoastalfeatures mates beach erosion/retreat using the initial height of the controlled, amongst others, by the spatiotemporal variabil- beach face, the water depth at wave breaking and the surf ity of the nearshore waves and currents (e.g., Velegrakis et zone width, whereas the Dean model estimates retreats on al.,2016).Satelliteimagery,aswellasother“one-off”land- thebasisofthewaveheight,thewaterdepthatwavebreak- based, airborne or lidar surveys, provides only snapshots of ing and the surf zone width. It should be noted that due to beach widths which may not represent “mean” conditions; lackofaccuratebathymetrydata,thenecessaryinputvalues nevertheless, this cannot be avoided when working at large of the analytical models, i.e., the distance of the shoreline spatialscales(e.g.,Allenbachetal.,2015;Vousdoukasetal., fromtheclosuredepthandthewidthofthesurfzone,were 2016a). estimatedonthebasisofthebeachslope. Beaches were digitized as polygons and exported to Ar- The SBEACH model (Larson and Kraus, 1989) is a nu- cGIS for further analysis. There has been no georectifica- mericalmorphodynamicmodelconsistingofthreemodules: tion, as the aim of the exercise has not been to provide a hydrodynamic, a sediment transport and a morphologi- definitive locations and elevations of beach features, but to cal evolution module. It can describe wave transformation extract/record(horizontal)geospatialcharacteristics.Tothis in shoaling waters, with the coastal sediment transport con- end, a custom made AML (ARC Macro Language, propri- trolledbythecoastalwaveenergyfluxes;thesedimentconti- etary language for ArcInfo applications in Esri software) nuityequationinafinite-differenceschemeanda“stair-step” script was used to estimate beach areas, lengths, maximum beachprofilediscretizationisusedinitsmorphologicalmod- widthsandorientations(Allenbachetal.,2015). ule. The numerical model based on Leont’yev (1996) uses In addition to beach dimensions, other relevant infor- the energetic approach, with the cross-shore wave energy mation was recorded and codified, including the presence balance controlled by wave propagation angle and dissipa- of (a) natural features, such as river mouths, back-barrier tion;sedimenttransportratesareestimatedseparatelyforthe lagoons and cliffs, and beachrock outcrops; and (b) artifi- surf and swash zones. The XBeach model (Roelvink et al., cial features such as coastal protection schemes and back- 2010)isanopen-source,widelyusednumericalmodelofthe shore infrastructure/assets. Classification of the beach sed- nearshoreprocessesintendedtoestimatetheeffectsoftime- iments of the Aegean island beaches in terms of sediment varyingstormconditions;itcontainsatime-dependentwave textureclasses(e.g.,sandorgravel)wasalsocarriedouton action balance solver and allows for variations in the wave the basis of all available information from the scientific lit- action over time and over the directional space. Finally, the erature/reports (e.g., Monioudi et al., 2016) as well as web- Boussinesq model used computes nonlinear wave transfor- basedphotographicmaterial. mation in the surf and swash zone based on a wave prop- agation module involving high-order Boussinesq equations 3.2 Beachretreatpredictionsduetosealevelrise (KarambasandKoutitas,2002);itssedimenttransportmod- ule can estimate sheet flow as well as bed and suspended Sea level rise represents a most significant hazard for load over uneven sea beds (e.g., Karambas, 2006). Detailed beaches, forcing their retreat/erosion; a sea level rise α will descriptionsofthemodelsusedcanbefoundelsewhere(e.g., result in a shoreline retreat S due to erosion of the beach Vousdoukasetal.,2009a;Monioudietal.,2016). face, the sediments of which are transported/deposited off- In the present contribution, all models were used in a shore, with the extent/rates of the cross-shore retreat con- stationary mode. Validation of model results was provided trolled(amongstothers)bybedslope,thetextureandsupply throughcomparisonswiththeresultsofphysicalexperiments of beach sediments, and the hydrodynamic conditions (e.g., that took placein the large wave flume(GWK) in Hanover, Dean,2002). Germany (Sect. 4.2.1). The models were used in an ensem- In the present study, seven cross-shore (1-D) morpho- blemodeinordertoassesstherangeoflong-andshort-term dynamic models were used to project beach response to beach retreats/erosion for different beach slopes, sediment SLR: the Bruun (Bruun, 1988), Edelman (Edelman, 1972) grain sizes and wave conditions, and under different sce- and Dean (Dean, 1991) analytical models and the numeri- narios of MSL changes and/or storm sea levels. Two model cal models SBEACH (Larson and Kraus, 1989), Leont’yev ensembleswerecreated:a“long-term”ensembleconsisting Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 454 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise of the Bruun, Dean and Edelman analytical models; and a R = (1) 2% “short-term”ensemblecomprisingthenumericalSBEACH, (cid:2)H L (cid:0)0.563β2+0.004(cid:1)(cid:3)1/2! Leont’yev, XBeach and Boussinesq models. The former is 1.1 0.35β(H /L )1/2+ o o , o o used to assess beach retreat/erosion under MSLR and the 2 latter to assess retreat due to temporary SLR (i.e., due to foralldata,and storm surges and waves). The adopted approach was based onthepropositionthatasmodelshavedifferentialsensitivity to the controlling environmental factors, ensemble applica- R2%=0.043(Ho/Lo)1/2R2%=0.043(Ho/Lo)1/2, tions may provide “tighter” prediction ranges than the indi- fordissipativebeaches(ξ<0.3), (2) vidualmodels(Sect.4.2.1). where R , the 2% exceedance of the peak run-up height, Experimentswerecarriedoutusingvariousplausibleener- 2% H andL arethedeepwaterwaveheightandlength,β the geticwaveconditionsintheAegeanarchipelago(Sect.2.2), o o beachslopeandξ theIribarrennumber(ξ =β/(H /L )1/2). i.e.,waveswithoffshoreheights(H )of1,1.5,2,3and4m o o s Wave run-up excursions were then calculated from the and periods (T) of 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8s. Likewise, in order to wave run-up heights (R ) for all tested bed slopes and addressthesedimenttexturevariabilityoverthearchipelago 2% waveconditionsandaddedtothebeacherosion/retreatpro- beaches,experimentswerecarriedoutforsevendifferentme- jectionsoftheseven1-Dcross-shoremorphodynamicmod- dian (d ) grain sizes (d of 0.2, 0.33, 0.50, 0.80, 1, 2 and 50 50 elstoprojectfinalfloodingexcursions(S(i)).Thebestfitsof 5mm);notethattheresultsoftheanalyticalmodelsarenot thelowerandupperlimitsofthefinalprojectionsofflooding controlled by beach sediment size. Five (5) different linear byallmodelswerethenestimated. profile slopes (bed slopes of 1/10, 1/15, 1/20, 1/25 and 1/30) and 11 SLR scenarios (0.05, 0.15, 0.22, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.50 and 2m) were examined. Experi- 4 Results mentswerecarriedoutforallcombinations(about5500ex- periments),andthemeans(bestfits)ofthelowestandhigh- 4.1 CharacteristicsofthebeachesoftheAegean estprojectionsbyallmodelsofthetwoensembleswerees- archipelago timated. With regard to combined SLRs, i.e., coastal ESLs due to storm surges and wave set-ups superimposed on the Atotalof3234beacheswererecordedalongthecoastsofthe MSLRs (e.g., Vousdoukas et al., 2016b), the long-term and 58 larger islands of the Aegean archipelago. These beaches short-termensembleswereusedconsecutively. were found to be “pocket” beaches, having a total area of Recent MSLR projections for the area that take into ac- about 21.35km2; this indicates that the total carrying ca- count contributions of ice mass were used (Hinkel et al., pacity of the Aegean archipelago beaches (i.e., the num- 2014):(i)0.15m,averageoftheRCP4.5andRCP8.5sce- ber of visitors that can be simultaneously hosted) is about narios in 2040; and (ii) 0.5 and 0.7m under RCP 4.5 and 2.135 million according to the Rajan et al. (2013) criterion RCP8.5(2100).Withregardtoshort-termSLR,recenttrends (10m2foreachbeachuser).Aroughestimationonthebasis forextremesealevelsintheAegeanarchipelago(upto0.5– oftheaveragenumberoftouristdaysspentintheAegeanis- 0.6mhigh)(TsimplisandShaw,2010)areused;ESLsinthe landssuggeststhat,withtheexceptionofthebusiestmonths region are projected to only slightly increase in the future (JulyandAugust)duringwhichabout7milliontouristdays according to recent projections regarding their storm surge permontharerecorded(SETE,2016)andmanybeachesop- component (Androulidakis et al., 2015; Vousdoukas et al., erate close to their full carrying capacity, the archipelago 2016a). beaches in their present condition still have (as a total) po- The above approach is designed to project beach re- tentialfordevelopmentasenvironmentsofleisure. treat/erosion, but not temporary inundation/flooding due to MostoftheAegeanbeachesarenarrow,withabout59% wave run-up. Although the wave run-up is dealt within the of them having recorded maximum widths of less than numericalmodelsoftheensemble,itseffectsaremanifested 20m (Fig. 2). Regarding beach sediment type, three dif- intheresultsonlyifitinducessedimenttransportthatforces ferent classes were recorded: (i) sandy beaches (36.4%), morphological changes (e.g., Leont’yev, 1996). However, (ii) gravel/pebbled beaches (44.4%), and (iii) cobble/rocky waverun-upinducedtemporaryfloodingthatdoesnotresult beaches (about 2%). For the remainder of the beaches, no in beach retreats might also be a significant beach manage- sedimenttypecouldbeassignedonthebasisoftheavailable ment issue (e.g., Jiménez et al., 2012; Hoeke et al., 2013). information(Fig.2). Therefore,estimationsofwaverun-upexcursion/inundation Beachorientationwasexaminedby(i)takingintoconsid- were also undertaken on the basis of run-up heights; these eration the eight main compass directions and (ii) consider- were estimated for all tested conditions, using the expres- ing the eight main compass directions for each of the eight sions of Stockdon et al. (2006) which have been validated island complexes of the Aegean Sea – N. Aegean, Dode- for the beaches of the Aegean archipelago (Vousdoukas et canese,Cyclades,Crete,SWAegean,Argo-Saronic,Euboea al.,2009b): (Evia), and Sporades, Fig. 1. In the first case, occurrence Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise 455 Figure2.StatisticsoftheAegeanarchipelagobeaches.(a)Piediagramsofmajorcharacteristics;(b)relationshipbetweenthebeachmaxi- mumwidthandthepresenceofrivermouths;and (c)boxplotsshowingrelationshipsbetweenbeachwidthsandsedimenttypes. of beaches with S, SE and SW orientations appears more asignificantcontrolforbothbeachwidthandsedimenttype; prevalent (16.1, 13.9 and 12.5% respectively) than that of beaches with river mouths are more likely to be wider and beachesfacingtowardstheotherfivecompassdirections;this builtonfinersediments(sands)(Fig.2andTable1). wasfoundtobestatisticallysignificant(Table1).Prevailing Another interesting finding is that perched beaches (Gal- beach orientations were also found to differ over the differ- lop et al., 2012) form a significant fraction of the Aegean ent island complexes. For example, the prevailing (statisti- archipelago beaches; beachrock outcrops (e.g., Vousdoukas callysignificant)beachorientationswerefoundtobetowards etal.,2009a)wererecordedonthebeachfaceof23%ofall the SE (18%) in the Dodecanese islands and towards the S beaches.Intermsoforientation,althoughthereappearsthat (22%)inCrete.Thereisalsosignificantcorrelationbetween beacheswithbeachrocksare moreprevalentatthesouthern beach orientation and recorded maximum width. Statistical coasts of islands (192 out of 744 total occurrences), statis- tests (Table 1) showed that W and SW facing beaches are tical testing did not show any significant trends (Table 1). associated with greater maximum widths (24.5 and 24.0m, Sincetherecouldbeasignificantnumberofbeacheswhich respectively). may contain buried beachrocks (i.e., not outcropping at the Theaboveresultsindicatesomehydrodynamiccontrolin time of the analyzed imagery), it seems that beachrocks are the development and maintenance of the Aegean beaches: quitewidespreadalongtheAegeanislandbeaches. therearemoreandwiderbeachesalongtheislandcoaststhat Coastal protection schemes have been recorded at about are(atleast)partiallyprotectedfromtheprevailingnortherly 15% of the Aegean island beaches (Fig. 2a). In compari- wind/waves (Soukissian et al., 2007, 2008). However, the son,manybeachesareassociatedwithcoastaldevelopment: correlation is weak (Table 1) due to other important factors 80.8%ofallbeachesfrontpublicandprivateassetssuchas controlling island beach development/maintenance, such as coastalroads,housingandtouristinfrastructure.Thedensity theantecedenttopographyandgeologicalhistory,theterres- of these assets is variable, ranging from a coastal road and trialsedimentsupplyandthehumandevelopmentateachin- afewhousesfoundinremoteislandbeachestotheplethora dividualbeach. ofvaluablepublicandprivateassetsfoundbehindtheurban In terms of the terrestrial sediment supply, few beaches beaches of, e.g., Heraklion (Crete) and Rhodes. Generally, (about 18%) were found to be associated with intermittent about32.7%oftheAegeanbeachesfrontcoastalinfrastruc- (very rarely permanent) flow river mouths; most of those tureandassetswithmoderatetohighdensity.Theconsider- were found in the large islands of the North Aegean (314 ablecoastaldevelopment,coupledwiththenarrowwidthsof outofatotalof728beaches).Riverinesupplyappearstobe Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 456 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise Table1.StatisticalanalysisofthecharacteristicsoftheAegeanarchipelagobeaches. Comparison NullHypothesis(H0) Statisticaltestresults Observations Beach orientation and H0:thedataareuniformlydis- Rayleigh’s test: H0 rejected Prevailingbeachorientationto- occurrence tributed around the compass (p<0.001). Beach orientation not wardsthesouth(S)(occurrence rose uniformlydistributedoverthecompass 16.1%) rose. Beachorientationand H0:theeightcompassorienta- Kruskal–Wallis (Analysis of variance WandSWfacingbeacheshave maximumwidth tions have equal mean values byranks):H0rejected(p<0.001). greatermaximumwidths(mean regardingmaximumwidth Mean beach maximum widths differ maximum widths of 24.5 and (µ1=µ2=...µ8) withorientation. 24m) H0: ρM=0, no correla- Mardia’s correlation coefficient (Zar, tioninthedatapopulation 2010):H0rejected(p<0.01). Significantcorrelationbetweenorienta- tionandmaximumwidth. Beach orientation and H0:thetwovariablesareinde- χ2 testsfor(i)fourand(ii)maincom- Nosignificanttrend beachrockoccurrence pendent passorientations: H0rejected(p<0.001).Smallassocia- tion power, Cramer’s (i) V =0.13 and (ii)V =0.17. Sediment type and H0: beach sediment type inde- χ2test:H0rejected(p<0.05).Signifi- Sand-sized beach sediments presenceofrivermouth pendentoftherivermouthpres- cantcorrelation,butsmallpowerofas- are more associated with river ence sociation(Cramer’sV =0.064). mouths Beachmaximumwidth H0: the sets are independent Student’sttest(two-tailedtest): Beaches with large maximum and presence of river (meanvalues H0rejected(p<0.001). widthsareassociatedwithriver mouth µ1=µ2) mouths(Fig.2b) Beach sediment type H0: mean values of the three ANOVA,aftersplittingthedatasetinto Beacheswithcoarsesediments andmaximumwidth categoriesareequal thethreesedimenttypes: are associated with smaller µ1=µ2=µ3 H0rejected(p<0.001). maximumwidths(Fig.2c) theAegeanislandbeachesincreaseexposureunderavariable pendent of the beach sediment texture. Generally, models andchangingclimate. showeddifferentialsensitivitytoinitialconditionsandforc- ing,whichjustifiestheircollectiveuseinensembles. 4.2 Predictionsoferosion/retreatandfloodingforthe Modelresultshavebeencomparedwiththosebyphysical Aegeanislandbeaches experimentsconductedatthelargewaveflumeinearly2013 (details in Vousdoukas et al. 2014). In these experiments, the initial slope of the beach was set to about 1/15, tested 4.2.1 Modelsensitivityandvalidation waveshadanoffshoreheight(H)of1mandaperiod(T)of 5s, and the seabed consisted of well-sorted sand of median Model sensitivity tests undertaken within the present study grainsize(d )equalto0.3mm.ThreeSLRscenarioswere haveshownthatbeachretreatsarecontrolledbybeachtypol- 50 tested(risesof0.2,0.4and0.6m),withtheinitialprofilesof ogy. All models show higher retreats with decreasing Irib- theseexperimentscontrolledbythefinalprofile(waveforc- arren numbers – i.e., for beaches with milder beach slopes ing only) of the first experiment (i.e., the test without level (β)and/oroffshorewavesofincreasedsteepness(H /L )– o o rise).Simulationtimesweresetto3000s. withtheexceptionoftheBruunmodelwhoseresultsarein- In Fig. 3, profiles by the numerical models Leont’yev, dependentofξ forlinearprofiles.Themostsensitivemodels SBEACH, XBeach and Boussinesq under the baseline level to beach slope are the Edelman and SBEACH models, and aswellasthreeincreasedsealevels(+0.2,+0.4and+0.6m) the least sensitive is the XBeach model; with regard to the are compared against those that resulted from the physical offshorewaveclimate,XBeachappearstobethemostsensi- experiments. It appears that there are some discrepancies, tive, while Leont’yev and Boussinesq appear to be the least particularly with regard to the dynamics of the offshore bar sensitivemodels.Theeffectofsedimenttextureisnotalways andtrough.TheLeonty’evandXBeachmodelsseemtocon- clear,althoughaweaknegativecorrelationbetweenbeachre- siderably“smooth”thesefeatures,whereastheSBEACHand treatandthemediansedimentsize(d )mightbediscerned 50 Boussinesqresultstendtobetterrepresenttheresultsofthe in the numerical models; analytical model results are inde- Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise 457 physical experiments; the best performance was that of the the lowest projections from the four numerical models) is Boussinesqmodel(Fig.3).Nonetheless,thereappearstobea given by S=0.1α2+9.7α+0.4 and the “high” mean by goodagreementbetweenthebeachretreatsestimatedbythe S=0.7α2+28.5α+4.8(Fig.5a),whereSisthebeachretreat models and those recorded during the physical experiments andαistheSLR.Also,thelowprojectionmeanofthelong- (Fig. 3 and Table 2). The Leont’yev, SBEACH and Boussi- termensembleisgivenbyS=0.1α2+10α+0.3andthehigh nesqmodelsappeartoslightlyunderestimatebeachretreats, projectionmeanbyS=1.6α2+29.8α+2.3(Fig.5b).Ranges and XBeach appears to overestimate them. The Bruun and in beach temporary inundation/flooding due to wave run- Edelmanmodelsappeartooverestimatebeachretreatsunder up combined with (α) episodic (short-term) SLRs (Fig. 5c) higherSLRs,whereastheDeanmodelappeartooverestimate were estimated as S(i)=0.1α2+9.7α+4 (minimum) and themunderallSLRstested. S(i)=−0.7α2+31.2α+27.2 (maximum) and with long- Whenthemodelsareusedinanensemblemode,thecom- term SLRs (Fig. 5d) as S(i)=0.4α2+10.1α+3.7 (mini- parisonbetweentheretreatsprojectedbythenumericalmod- mum)andS(i)=0.4α2+30α+28.1(maximum). els(short-termretreat)andthoserecordedinthephysicalex- Ranges of decreases in dry beach widths were projected perimentsimproves(Table2).Conversely,analyticalmodels through the comparison between the ranges of beach re- tend to overestimate beach retreats by up to 20%. Interest- treat/erosion (S) and the recorded maximum widths of the ingly, when the results of all (7) analytical and numerical 3234 pocket beaches. Ranges in beach temporary inunda- modelsarecombinedinaunifiedensemble,thenretreatover- tion/floodingwereestimatedbythecomparisonbetweenthe estimationsdecreasetolessthan10%forthetestedSLRs. ranges of combined beach retreat and wave run-up excur- The above results refer to natural profiles. In order to re- sions(S(i))andthebeachmaximumwidths.InTable4,es- latethevalidationtothelinearprofilesusedhere,furthertests timationsarepresentedfornineSLRscenarios:(i)0.15,0.5 wereundertaken.Inthesetests,themodelswererunusingan and0.7mMSLRsaccordingtorecentprojectionsforthearea “equivalent”linearprofilehavingaslopeof1/15tocompare (Hinkeletal.,2014)usingthelong-termensemble;(ii)short- withtheresultsofthephysicalexperiments.Theequivalent term SLRs due to storm surges and waves of 0.2, 0.4 and profile was estimated using the best linear fit to the natu- 0.6m using the short-term ensemble; and (iii) combined ral profiles used in the physical experiment (between water MSLRs and short-term SLRs of 0.55, 1.1 and 1.3m using depthsof3.5andelevationsof1.5m). thelong-andshort-termensemblesconsecutively. The results of this exercise are shown in Table 3. Gener- According to the projections of the long-term ensem- ally, the comparison showed that, at least for the conditions ble, MSLRs of 0.15, 0.5 and 0.7m will result to beach re- tested,theresultsofthemodelssetwiththeequivalentlinear treats/erosion of about 1.8–6.8, 5.3–17.6 and 7.3–24m, re- profilewerereasonablyclosetothoseofthephysicalexper- spectively,whereasshort-termensembleestimatesshowthat iments,withthecomparisonworseningwithincreasingwa- storm-induced levels of +0.2, +0.4, +0.6m could result in terlevels.Whenthenumericalmodelsareusedasan(short- rangesofbeachretreat/erosionofabout2.3–10.6,4.3–16.3, term)ensemble,beachretreatforcedbywavesisonlyoveres- 5.3–19.3and6.2–22.2m,respectively(Table4).Forthecon- timated;underSLR,however,ensembleprojectionsimprove sidered SLR scenarios, there will be significant impacts on (overestimations of up to 19%, Table 3). Regarding the an- theAegeanarchipelagobeachesasshownbythepercentages alyticalmodels,thelong-termensemblegaveimprovedpro- ofbeachesthatareprojectedtobeeroded/shiftedlandwardto jections, with differences between models and experiments adistanceequaltobetween50and100%oftheirmaximum rangingfromabout3to11%. width(Table4). Even under an MSLR of 0.15m (RCPs 4.5 and 8.5 in 4.2.2 Beacherosionandinundation/flooding 2040),therecouldbesubstantialimpactsonthebasisofthe projections mean minimum and maximum projections of the long-term ensemble(Table4).Temporaryinundation(S(i))couldover- Modelingresultsshowthatsealevelrisewillcauseshoreline whelmbetween4.9and81%ofthebeaches,flooding(occa- retreatsaswellassignificantmorphologicalchanges(Fig.4). sionally) 4.6–80% of the beaches fronting currently exist- Numerical models showed differential profile changes in ing coastal infrastructure/assets. Under an MSLR of 0.5m both breaker and surf zones, supporting their use in an en- (RCP 4.5, 2100), projected impacts will be severe. From 5 semblemode. to 54% of all Aegean beaches will be completely eroded Models displayed differential behavior for almost all in the absence of appropriate coastal defences, whereas be- tested conditions, showing, as expected, significant ranges tween about 18 and 90% of all beaches are projected to be of results (Fig. 5) due to the varying initial conditions and occasionallyoverwhelmedbyflooding.For2100,underthe forcingused,i.e.,differentbedslopes,sedimentsizes,wave highemissionscenario(RCP8.5,MSLRof0.7m),impacts conditions and SLRs. The means (best fits) of the lowest couldbecatastrophic(Table4andFig.6):12.4–68and28– and highest projections of all models were calculated. It 93% of Aegean island beaches will be completely eroded was found that the “low” mean of the beach retreat pro- andoccasionallyoverwhelmedbyflooding,respectively.As- jections by the short-term ensemble (i.e., the best fit of sociatedinfrastructure/assetsarealsoprojectedtobegreatly Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017 458 I.N.Monioudietal.:Assessmentofislandbeacherosionduetosealevelrise Figure3.Profilesbynumericalmodelsplottedagainstresultsfromphysicalexperimentsatthelargewaveflume(GWK,Hanover):(a)ini- tial/present water level; (b) water level rise of 0.2m; (c) water level rise of 0.4m; and (d) water level rise of 0.6m. Both numerical and physicalexperimentsweresetupforthesameinitial(nonlinear)profile.Simulationtimesforthenumericalexperimentssetto3000sto matchthoseofthephysicalexperiment. Table 2. Comparison of results from models and physical experiments. Negative values represent erosion. Key: SLR, sea level rise; Ex- per,physicalexperiment;Leo,Leont’yevmodel;SB,SBEACHmodel;Xb,XBeachmodel;Bous,Boussinesqmodel;STEns,Short-term ensemble;Br,Bruunmodel;Edel,Edelmanmodel;Dean,Deanmodel;andLTEns,Long-termensemble. SLR(m) Shorelineretreat/erosionoradvance/accretion(m) Exper Leo SB Xb Bous STEns Br Edel Dean LTEns 0 −0.35 −0.01 0.02 −2.32 −0.06 −0.59 – – – – 0.2 −3.57 −3.2 −3.04 −5.63 −3.0 −3.72 −3.01 −3.09 −6.7 −4.27 0.4 −6.23 −5.94 −5.83 −8.35 −5.6 −6.43 −6.13 −6.43 −8.82 7.13 0.6 −8.66 −8.22 −8.02 −10.27 −7.9 −8.60 −9.25 −9.97 −11.5 −10.24 impacted, with 12–66 and 26–92% of all beaches fronting backofthebeach.About27and51%ofallAegeanbeaches currentlyexistingassetsprojectedtobelosttobeacherosion will retreat by more than their maximum width and 82 and andoccasionallyoverwhelmedbyflooding,respectively. 87%willbecompletelyoverwhelmedbytemporaryflooding According to the mean low projections of the short-term under short-term SLRs of 0.2 and 0.4m, respectively (Ta- ensemble,stormcoastalsealevelsof+0.2and+0.4mwill ble4). result in moderate (temporary) beach retreats (0.1–2.3% of Inthecaseofa0.4mshort-termSLR,upto50and86% allbeacheswillretreatmorethantheirmaximumwidth)and of all beaches fronting assets will be affected by beach re- temporary flooding (5–12.7% of the beaches will be occa- treat/erosion and temporary flooding, respectively (Fig. 6), sionallycompletelyflooded).Onthebasisofthemeanhigh whereasimpactswillbemoresevereunderhighercoastalsea projections(forcedbythehighwaveconditionsexpectedin levels(+0.6m,Table4).Thepicturedoesnotchangemuch, storms, see also Tsoukala et al., 2016), beach retreats and evenwhenprojectionsareadjustedforthemaximumoveres- flooding will be substantial with severe reductions in dry timationobservedintheresultsofthenumericalmodels(by beach widths and potential damage to assets located at the 19%)whenlinearprofileswereused(Sect.4.2.1);forexam- Nat.HazardsEarthSyst.Sci.,17,449–466,2017