ASSESSMENT OF ADAPTATION MECHANISMS OF AGRO-PASTORALISTS TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN OROMIA REGION. ETHIOPIA: THE CASE OF KOFELE AND KORE DISTRICTS A THESIS Submitted to Indira Gandhi National Open University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Master of Arts Degree in Rural Development. by ABEBE LEMMA GEBREWOLD Tel; 251-911-124531 Email [email protected] Enrolment No. 089132892 May 2013 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ASSESSMENT OF ADAPTATION MECHANISMS OF AGRO-PASTORALISTS TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN OROMIA REGION. ETHIOPIA: THE CASE OF KOFELE AND KORE DISTRICTS A THESIS Submitted to Indira Gandhi National Open University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Master of Arts Degree in Rural Development. by ABEBE LEMMA GEBREWOLD Tel; 251-911-124531 Email [email protected] Enrolment No. 089132892 May 2013 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia DECLARATION I hereby declare that the Dissertation entitled “ASSESSMENT OF ADAPTATION MECHANISMS OF AGRO-PASTORALISTS TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN OROMIA, THE CASE OF KOFELE AND KORE DISTRICTS” submitted by me for the partial fulfillment of the M.A. in Rural Development to Indira Gandhi National Open University, (IGNOU) New Delhi is my own original work and has not been submitted earlier either to IGNOU or to any other institution for the fulfillment of the requirement for any course of study. I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part is lifted and incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by me or others. Place: Addis Ababa Signature Date: Enrolment No. 089132892 Name: Abebe Lemma Gebrewold Address: P.O.Box 7715 Mobile Phone: +251 911 124531 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Abebe Lemma Gebrewold student of M.A. (RD) from Indira Gandhi National Open University; New Delhi was working under my supervision and guidance for his Project Work for the Course MRDP-001. His Project Work entitled “ASSESSMENT OF ADAPTATION MECHANISMS OF AGRO-PASTORALISTS TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN OROMIA REGION; THE CASE OF KOFELE AND KORE DISTRICTS” which he is submitting, is his genuine and original work. Place: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Signature: _________________________ Date: _________________ Name: Dr. Mengistu Hulluka Address of the supervisor: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 251-912-29-40-41 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ACKNOWLEDGMENT It is great to have an opportunity to express my indebtedness for those who devotedly support me to complete my research work and bring this dissertation to real achievement. First of all, I would like to sincerely thank my advisor, Dr. Mengistu Hulluka and deserves immeasurable appreciation with every respect. Without his patience, unreserved constructive comments and timely feedback this research would have not been possible. His wholehearted advice was immense in constantly reading and vigorously correcting this research paper starting from its draft phase. I am also highly indebted to Dr. Bewket W. Amlak for sharing me very helpful and relevant reading materials to enhance the quality of my research. Fisseha Werede and Girma Nigussie, my friends, have made unreserved efforts during my problems and supports in analysis process of the survey data beside valuable advises and important information provided to make this research work successful, for which I have to thank them from the bottom of my heart. I have also a high regard for my mother and father, my brothers and sisters, who were always beside me, whose love, financial assistance and encouragements have been a kernel to my achievement, not merely to this study work but in every walks of my life. My sincere gratefulness also goes to my wife meaza Aklile and my son Nahom Abebe, for their earnest support and encouragement. I appreciate their great tolerance, understanding and assistance during my field and paper works. I do not have sufficient satisfying words to thank all of my families for their huge contribution to the success of my study. I am also highly grateful to all interviewees, field staff of ROBA and other participants in the study sites for giving me valuable information and insights, for their good facilitation and encouragements. i TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title Page Acknowledgment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii List of Tables --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v List of Figures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi List of Acronyms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x Chapter I. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2. Statement of the Problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 1.3. Rationale of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 1.4. Important Terms used in the Study Title------------------------------------------------------- 7 1.5. Objectives of the Study---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 1.6. Research Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 1.7. Significance of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 1.8. Scope of the Study------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 1.9. Limitations of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 ii Chapter II. Review of Literature--------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 2.1. Conceptual Understanding --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 2.2. Key concepts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 2.3. Conceptual Framework ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 2.4. Global Climate Change Trends and Effects ------------------------------------------------- 21 2.4.1. Global Climate Change Trends --------------------------------------------------- 21 2.4.2. Causes and Effects of Climate Change ----------------------------------------- 24 2.5. Adaptation to Climate Change ----------------------------------------------------------------- 26 2.6. Responses to Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation -------------------------------- 28 2.6.1. Climate Change Adaptation ----------------------------------------------------- 28 2.6.2. Climate Change Mitigation ------------------------------------------------------ 29 2.7. Climate Change and Adaptation to Climate Change in Ethiopia -------------------------- 30 2.7.1. Effects of Climate Change in Ethiopia ----------------------------------------- 30 2.7.2. Responses to Climate Change in Ethiopia ------------------------------------ 32 Chapter III. Research Design and Methodology ------------------------------------------------- 37 3.1. Description of the Study Areas ------------------------------------------------------------------ 37 3.1.1. Oromia National Regional State ---------------------------------------------- 37 3.1.2. The Study Districts ------------------------------------------------------------- 39 3.2. Sampling Method --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 3.3. Data Collection and Analysis ---------------------------------------------------------- 50 3.3.1.Tools and Methods of Data Collection ------------------------------------------------- 50 iii 3.3.2. Data Processing and Analysis Methods --------------------------------------------- 52 Chapter IV. Results Analysis and Discussion --------------------------------------------------- 53 4.1. Socio-economic Characteristics of Sample Households--------------------------------- 53 4.2. Landholding ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57 4.3. Means of Livelihood -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 4.4. Agro-pastoralists Perception on Local Climate Change --------------------------------- 62 4.5. Analysis of Meteorological Information on Rainfall and Temperature ---------------- 68 4.5.1.Rainfall Data Analysis of Kofele District --------------------------------------------------- 68 4.5.2. Temperature Data Analysis of Kofele District ---------------------------------------------- 73 4.6. Adaptation to Climate Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78 4.6.1.Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Options and Factors ---------------------------- 78 4.6.2. Adaptation Mechanisms to Climate Change ------------------------------------------------ 82 4.7. Vulnerable Groups ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 4.8. Implications ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 Chapter V. Conclusions and Recommendations -------------------------------------------------- 98 5.1. Conclusions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 5.2. Recommendations-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 Bibliography --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104 Appendices ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107 A. Interview Schedule for Survey Households ------------------------------------------------ 107 iv B. Interview Schedule for Focus Group Discussions------------------------------------------- 109 C. Interview Schedule for Key Informants ------------------------------------------------------ 110 D. Participants of FGD and KIs ------------------------------------------------------------------ 111 E. Details of Different Data of Surveyed Kebeles----------------------------------------------- 112 List of tables Table Title Page 1. Agricultural Cropping Calendar of Study Districts------------------------------- 41 2. Crop Production Trend in Kofele --------------------------------------------------- 45 3. Crop Production Trend in Kore------------------------------------------------------ 46 4. The Study’s Sample Districts, Kebeles and Number of Respondents ---------- 49 5. Number of Population in the Study Kebeles --------------------------------------- 49 6. Number of Sample HHs and Total population of the Study Kebeles ----------- 54 7. Number of Family members of Respondents -------------------------------------- 54 8. Number of Respondents by Sex and Age ------------------------------------------- 55 9. Number of Years Lived by Respondents in Surveyed Kebeles ------------------ 56 10. Marital Status of Respondents -------------------------------------------------------- 56 11. Educational Level of Respondents by Sex ------------------------------------------ 57 12. Size of Farmland Holding of Respondents ------------------------------------------ 59 v 13. Respondents’ Source of Information on Climate Change ------------------------- 65 14. Monthly Rainfall Data for the Years 1985 – 2010 --------------------------------- 70 15. Monthly Maximum Temperature Data for the Years 1985 – 2010 -------------- 74 16. Monthly Minimum Temperature Data for the Years 1985 – 2010 --------------- 75 17. Agreed or Disagreed Options to Respond to Climate Change by HHs ---------- 80 18. Other Mechanisms Considered by HHs to Respond to Climate Change -------- 81 19. Responses on Factors that Necessitate Adaptation to Climate Change ---------- 82 20. Responses on Adaptation Strategies Practiced to Long term Climate Changes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 21. Responses on Major Barriers to Adapt to Climate Change ----------------------- 87 22. Constraints for Households’ Inability to Adapt to Climate Change ------------- 88 23. Actions Suggested to Enhance Adaptation Mechanisms -------------------------- 92 List of figures Figure Title 1. Location Map of Study Districts ------------------------------------------------------ 43 2. Level of Crop Production of Study Districts ---------------------------------------- 61 3. Approximate Level of Annual Income of Respondents from Crop and Livestock Production ----------------------------------------------------------------- 61 4. Perception of HHs on Long term Changes in Temperature ----------------------- 63 vi