UK_Bleu_C1_F01-04.indd 1 09/07/12 13:39 14 th December 1799, soldier, then as president, to forge this nation, My death has not yet quite arrived, but it is near to make it strong. And strong it has become, and as inevitable as night follows day. I have felt so strong that no force exists that could make myself decline for a long time now, but it disappear. Even on the brink of death, I feel I fear not death. This is what I told Doctor Craik pride in this. when leaving him instructions to stop the vain attempts that can only delay the inevitable. With the little strength I have left, I am adding Soon, I shall join my dearest Martha these few words to the notebook I have kept all my life. It tells of events known by all, and others that The events of my life have swept me towards a have remained secret. Who will read these words? destiny I could never have expected as a young I especially think of Connor, the mysterious man man, when I was simply trying to provide for my who played such a surprising role in my destiny, family following the death of our father. I have and that of the nation… had the honour of doing what few men have done Who will read my strange story? - give birth to a nation. I have fought, first as a 2 3 UK_Bleu_C1_F01-04.indd 2 09/07/12 13:39 UK_Bleu_C1_F01-04.indd 3 09/07/12 13:39 The map of the thirteen American 20 th March 1748 states, neatly arranged along the east coast… I am fascinated by I enjoyed school, but had to leave this autumn, just the immensity of the countryside before turning sixteen. Since the death of my father remaining to be explored on our four years ago, our lives have become difficult, and continent… NNeeww HHaammppsshhiirree I must help my family. NNeeww YYoorrkk These last two years, I have studied geometry, MMaassssaacchhuusseettttss trigonometry, logarithms. I am drawn to the precision Boston PPeennnnssyyllvvaanniiaa of numbers, the power they give us to find the best MMaarryyllaanndd PPhhiillaaddeellpphhiiaa NNNeeewww YYYooorrrkkk RRhhooddee IIssllaanndd solution to any problem. CCoonnnneeccttiiccuutt VViirrggiinniiaa BBBaaallltttiiimmmooorrreee NNeeww JJeerrsseeyy I was introduced to Lord Fairfax by my dear brother North Carolina DDeellaawwaarree Lawrence. Lord Fairfax is an extraordinary man, one of the most powerful landowners in all of Virginia. SSoouutthh CCaarroolliinnaa It seems he took a liking to me, offering me work as Georgia a surveyor on his land. He told me that my riding Charleston skills and love of mathematics mean I am perfectly able to do this sort of task. The offer is a good opportunity for me. I am soon to leave for the northern frontier of Virginia, in the valleys of the Allegheny Mountains. Lord Fairfax owns an enormous amount of land there, much of it still unexploited. My work will to be map the region and define lots so that new plantations can be set up. My Virginian compatriots. Brave, The trip will be rough - I must cross the Alleghany simple folk - farmers, Mountains and a desert before arriving in this woodcutters. I admire their tenacity. savage land, thick with Indians whose hospitality is uncertain. This time, mother has agreed to let me leave. 4 5 UK_Bleu_C1_F01-04.indd 4 09/07/12 13:39 UK_Bleu_C2_F05-08.indd 1 09/07/12 16:54 15 th August 1752 There are times when a man can but watch, stupefied, My militia may be ill-equipped, but once armed they bravely as the happiness and misery of his destiny closely defend that which they hold most intertwine. I am only twenty years of age, but in the dear: their land. We call them the space of four years my reputation as a surveyor has ‘minutemen’, because they are capable of seizing their rifles grown, and I have earned a comfortable amount to and meeting up with their provide for my family. This reputation has inspired the regiment in less than government of Virginia, which knows my taste for action a minute. and military affairs, to name me adjutant general. It is an immense honour that I also partly owe to the support of Lord Fairfax. It is currently my duty to assemble and train the militia who will defend the frontiers of our district against both the encroachment of the French and the ravages caused by the Indians. However, the success I have in this domain is overshadowed by sorrow - my brother Lawrence has just died. I loved and admired him so much. He was the most affectionate, upstanding and dignified brother that anyone could have asked for. He was only 37, and has left me his estate on Mount Vernon. Now I must face managing Mount Vernon in addition to my military duties. And so I ready myself for Lawrence had this beautiful the combat that awaits, plunging myself into books of engraving of military strategy, training in fencing, and above all Mount Vernon listening to the Virginian officers that make up my made. militia, men of experience who have known war. 6 7 UK_Bleu_C2_F05-08.indd 2 09/07/12 16:54 UK_Bleu_C2_F05-08.indd 3 09/07/12 16:54 27 th June 1754, 15 th July 1755, My war has started, and each day I understand a little Since the month of May, I have been General Braddock’s better what a complex art it is. For my first mission, aM yf eswo lIdniedrisa:n trsa…ppe rAs, mfaromtleeyr s, aide-de-camp. This English soldier arrived in America I was sent into the Ohio Valley with orders to give a collection of Virginians who at the beginning of the year to participate in the message to the French. The message ordered them to share a common hatred for the offensive against the French. I was hoping to learn French. pull out of our territory. I was courteously received by the from this experienced officer how to lead an army to French commander of Fort Leboeuf, a certain Monsieur victory… Instead, he helped me lead our men into the Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre. worst possible disaster. Unfortunately, his good manners were matched by a We were surprised by the French and their Indian allies categorical refusal to abide by our demands. while crossing the Monongahela River, and the British The situation degenerated further in February 1754 when strategy was completely useless in such wooded terrain. the Canadians seized Prince George, the fort that we had The French massacred us. When the general was seriously built to reinforce our position in the valley. wounded, I was forced to organise our troops’ retreat. In May, at Great Meadows, I was finally able to lead a real Afterwards, we counted our losses: out of 1,600 men, battle against these Canadian devils. The screaming 456 had been killed. I don’t know why I survived: I whistle of bullets flying past me had something strangely found four bullets lodged in my coat, and two horses captivating to it… We won, but unfortunately the died under me during the battle. Indian chief Half King accompanying us killed the French commanding officer of the opposing detachment with a throw of his tomahawk. I am told that the French consider me responsible for the death of their officer, claiming he was one of their emissaries, and that they have sent a detachment of 500 men to find me... It seems once again I will soon have the pleasure of hearing the whistle of their bullets! 812 9 14 UUKK__BOlreaun_gCe2__CF30_5F-0098-.1in4d.din d d4 1 09/07/12 16:54 09/07/12 13:49 1100 t hth D Deecceemmbbeerr 1 1775544,, dd hehenn WWhhiliele v visisititiningg m myy M Maassoonnicic L Looddggee i nin F rFreeddeerricickkssbbuurrgg, , , t, t, a, a ....ddgg ssoommee m miliiltitiaia o offfficiceerrss i ninttrroodduucceedd m mee t too a a B Brrititisishh m maann masmasmasmasdriedrieokinokins.s. wwhhoo p prroocclalaimimss h himimsseelflf a a s sppeecciaialilsistt i nin i nintteelllilgigeennccee.. stig stig stig stigmas mas n con coationation TiliTnilhsinhstefteef oedn ordnrmi mfit fftoafio acitt ctithuoihuoilntsilntys y m f mfoI orI ara anoa mnoum.u r.F r oFh e ohrexar xape vpexveixaenidandmimgtig tipi oipnionlnenl e,sg ,stg athh athhthiahsiases s ers c rispconipoynnyn gh gv htv iathniahsnes ce t cne taneaduedu egcm gchemhestsest e sam t amrtoryo ey e hree elongatedhree elongatedhree elongatedhree elongated and the stig and the stigedom of use iedom of use idicinal prepardicinal prepar > >>>>>441144, ,1 144, ,5 56,6 1, 1 apoapor lrm dalmdacecereireni ttn thtohgoo g om da mda m f amfoakorkaer aes c ts ckothko nho neove vvr veereereyear yiaa lnia ln m s gmseg ees eesmeesmecsscsrairaenigetnget ge m gal myalpy pei pesnipssenseaanaangrogre.oce.scs u- uo- oui utist s r l reeleqetuqttuteierrirr ei esnis n nt.nt.uickly sprouts tuickly sprouts tuickly sprouts tuickly sprouts t been separated been separateds for much fres for much fremployed in memployed in me 142 .,5142 .8,5 8, 3,31144 ,7,711 ,0,01133 , 0, 01 14 4, ,773 ,3 1,61,1 2651 ,,1 302,2 5 ,130,2 AwrAwrerecnricnitipit tep teieevneivneen ennu ntu st s os isoanifanff tf gethge rhr r erem e emfl feeleeertetrttethteenhernor codh cedh e ai t asivtesv eexc e xtcio t niodt ndthe het a -th at-h t et b eithborihotre thpe hpc ocot osothdsshdseeeeeesd ssd s sesim .sse rsar aa gagnene i dsid s a plant taken from the Oriea plant taken from the Orieand produces a flower that qand produces a flower that qand produces a flower that qand produces a flower that q by hand. Once the root has by hand. Once the root haswder of great value. It allowwder of great value. It allowpice or colorant that can be epice or colorant that can be e ththFioFsiors r t e etexexxaxta tma mabpbopouleulte, t, ffron is ffron is n June n June n June n June arvestedarvestednto a ponto a pod as a sd as a s scsacoafodftfdotfero erdotd hdotn dhnem e ecme i cyn sieynps esepe shsexenhsaxtnea gtoerp geour pe tu agoh tagghonhgeehn ee. . ocus Sativus saocus Sativus sahis bulb grows ihis bulb grows ihis bulb grows ihis bulb grows ihe flowers are hhe flowers are hter are turned iter are turned imuch in demanmuch in deman CrCrTTTTTTatats s llii 1313 1010 1111 UUK_KO_Orarnagneg_eC_C3_3F_0F90-91-41.4in.idndd d 2 2 090/90/70/71/21 2 1 31:34:949 U K _ O ra n g e _ C 3 _ F 0 9 -1 4 .in d d 2 5 , 412. 8 3, 1 4 7, 1 0, >> 1 > 3 4 1 4 ,0 , 1 1 4 4 , 5 , 73 ,112 ,32 ,01 5 ,61 ,6 1 3 10 the next page.coded message on to decypher the saffron is enough this text about For example, recipient of the letter have in their possession. written using reference text that both the sender and An even safer method is code - the coded message is order to make the real message appear.placing a mask over a seemingly innocuous letter in a method for conveying secret messages - it requires listen to this man. For example, this spy has taught me information for our expeditions has convinced me to The difficulty I am having in gathering the necessary who proclaims himself a specialist in intelligence.some militia officers introduced me to a British man While visiting my Masonic Lodge in Fredericksburg, 10 December 1754, th Crocus Sativus saffron is a plant taken from the Orient. TThhiiss bbuullbb ggrroowwss iinn JJuunnee aanndd pprroodduucceess aa fflloowweerr tthhaatt qquuiicckkllyy sspprroouuttss tthhrreeee eelloonnggaatteedd ssttiiggmmaass.. The flowers are harvested by hand. Once the root has been separated and the stigmas dried, the latter are turned into a powder of great value. It allows for much freedom of use in cooking, and is much in demand as a spice or colorant that can be employed in medicinal preparations. 0 9 /0 7 /12 11 1 3 :4 9 U K _ O ran 12 g e _ C 3 _ F 0 9 -1 4 .in d d 1 cnerFerahscellocwef aos yM .hmmoc a V fo noitsnaidnI rt :sreidl nogri…pa h ni ep of dertahw snaieltom Amraf ,sr roye t sr h , e 9 09/07/1 14 died under me during the battle.found four bullets lodged in my coat, and two horses 456 had been killed. I don’t know why I survived: I Afterwards, we counted our losses: out of 1,600 men, wounded, I was forced to organise our troops’ retreat. The French massacred us. When the general was seriously strategy was completely useless in such wooded terrain. while crossing the Monongahela River, and the British We were surprised by the French and their Indian allies worst possible disaster.victory… Instead, he helped me lead our men into the from this experienced officer how to lead an army to offensive against the French. I was hoping to learn at the beginning of the year to participate in the aide-de-camp. This English soldier arrived in America Since the month of May, I have been General Braddock’s 15 July 1755, th 2 1 3 :4 9 U K _ O ra n g e _ C 3 _ F 0 9 -1 4 .in d d 2 5 , 412. 8 3, 1 4 7, 1 0, >> 1 > 3 4 1 4 ,0 , 1 1 4 4 , 5 , 73 ,112 ,32 ,01 5 ,61 ,6 1 3 10 the next page.coded message on to decypher the saffron is enough this text about For example, recipient of the letter have in their possession. written using reference text that both the sender and An even safer method is code - the coded message is order to make the real message appear.placing a mask over a seemingly innocuous letter in a method for conveying secret messages - it requires listen to this man. For example, this spy has taught me information for our expeditions has convinced me to The difficulty I am having in gathering the necessary who proclaims himself a specialist in intelligence.some militia officers introduced me to a British man While visiting my Masonic Lodge in Fredericksburg, 10 December 1754, th Crocus Sativus saffron is a plant taken from the Orient. TThhiiss bbuullbb ggrroowwss iinn JJuunnee aanndd pprroodduucceess aa fflloowweerr tthhaatt qquuiicckkllyy sspprroouuttss tthhrreeee eelloonnggaatteedd ssttiiggmmaass.. The flowers are harvested by hand. Once the root has been separated and the stigmas dried, the latter are turned into a powder of great value. It allows for much freedom of use in cooking, and is much in demand as a spice or colorant that can be employed in medicinal preparations. 0 9 /0 7 /12 11 1 3 :4 9