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Aspects Of Irrigation With Windmills 1981 PDF

113 Pages·1981·3.87 MB·English
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MICRQFICHE REFERENCE LIBRARY A project of Volunteers in Asia Aspects of Irrigation with Windmills by A. van Vilsteren Published by: Stichting TOOL Entrepotdok 68A/69A 1012 AD Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Avai lable from: same as above Reproduced by permission. Reproduction of this microfiche document in any form is subject to the same restrictions as those of the original document. PUBLICATION 8WD 81-4 This p&Iii was rdmd undu the ruspices of tha Smring Committee Wind Energy lkvllloping bunuias SWD in -don with Tachniil Dmlopnwnt Dowloping CounbhTDOL The S.W.D. is finnerd by tha Netherlrnds Ministry for Davolopmmt Coopedon l l is stDffsdby: the Eidhoven Uniwrsity of Tlchnd~, UwTmntm Unii~ of Tachndow, and DHV. Condting Engimars, Amwsfoort The S.W.D. tries tn !i&z govemments, instia;t8s arid privGt8 paths in tlw Third Woiid, with theiroffatrtDurwindsnrrgymdingM#rltopromqte~in~fawindanrrOyin Third Wald Camtrk CWYRIGHTO 1Wl OOWRIGHTO 1Wl BY YlNlSTRY OF DEVELOPMENT CODPERATION BY YlNlSTRY OF DEVELOPMENT CODPERATION Allri#mmsumd,~thoriphbtormproduathisbookorpartionthwrofinmy Allri#mmsumd,~thoriphbtormproduathisbookorpartionthwrofinmy fam.FOTicrlmntionddnr: fam.FOTicrlmntionddnr: SWodoDwcaldthgE~Rv.,P.O.~BB,3800ABAmrnfoart

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