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Index of Technical and Symposium Papers Vol. 105, Part 1 B TITLES Borehole GroutingField Studies and Thermal Per- formance Testing, MARVIN D. SMITH, RAN- A DOLF PERRY Borehole Thermal ResistanceLaboratory and Field Studies, CHARLES P. REMUND Airflow Reduction to Improve Building Comfort and Building HVAC System in Control Engineering--A Reduce Building Energy Consumption—A Modeling Approach in a Widespread Graphi- Case Study, MINGSHENG LIU, YEQIAO ZHU, cal Environment, The, AHMAD Mil. B.Y. PARK, DAVID E. CLARIDGE, DENIS K. HUSAUNNDEE, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VISIER .. Analysis of System Performance Losses Due to the Reversing Valve for a Heat Pump Using R- Cc 458a, WEI FANG, DARIN W. NUTTER Analysis of Transfer Pumping Interfaces for Strati- CFD Analysis of Station Fire Conditions in the Bue- fied Chilled Water Thermal Storage Systems nos Aires Metro Subway System, A, SILAS K.L. Part 1: Model Development, WILLIAM P. BAH- LI, WILLIAM D. KENNEDY NFLETH, CHRISTOPHER G. KIRCHNER CFD Simulations of the Effects of HVAC-Induced Flows on Smoke Detector Response, JOHN H. Analysis of Transfer Pumping Interfaces for Strati- fied Chilled Water Thermal Storage Systems CFD Study for Cold Air Distribution Systems, A, Part 2: Parametric Study, WILLIAM P. BAHN- SHIH-CHENG HU, JOHN MICHAEL BARBER, FLETH, CHRISTOPHER G. KIRCHNER YEW KHOY CHUAH Analytical Algorithm for Hydronic Circuit Analysis Classification Techniques for Fault Detection and and Assessment of Equipment Performance, Diagnosis of an Air-Handling Unit, JOHN M. An, BIROL |. KILKIS HOUSE, WON YONG LEE, DONG RYUL SHIN. . Combining Thermal Comfort Models, ABDULVA- Application of Three Different Evaporative Cooling HAP YIGIT Strategies to a Quick Service Restaurant, The, Commercial-Scale University HVAC Laboratory, A, STUART S. WATERBURY, TOR E. ALLEN, JAN F. KREIDER, PETER S. CURTISS, DAR- RICHARD YOUNG RELL MASSIE, ERIK JEANNETTE Applying Classical Control Theory for Validating Common Faults and Their Impacts for Rooftop Air Conditioners, MARK S. BREUKER, JAMES E. and Simplifying a Dynamic Mathematical Mod- el of an Air-Conditioning Plant, SHI-MING DENG, JOHN F. MISSENDEN Compact Sieve-Tray Distillation Column for Ammo- nia-Water Absorption Heat Pump: Part I-- Architecture for Intelligent Thermostats That Learn Design Methodology, G. ANAND, DONALD C. from Occupants’ Behavior, ALEX BOISVERT, ERICKSON RUBEN GONZALEZ RUBIO Comparison of Residential Air Infiltration Rates Pre- dicted by Single-Zone and Multizone Models, Are There Opiimum Temperature and Humidity Set AMY MUSSER, GRENVILLE K. YUILL Points ior Supermarkets?, MATTHIEU Comparison of TEWI for Fluorocarbon Alternative ORPHELIN, DOMINIQUE MARCHIO, SHAIN- Refrigerants and Technologies in Residential TAL. D’ALANZO Heat Pumps and Air-Conditioners, JAMES R. Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics for SAND, STEVEN K. FISCHER, VAN D. BAXTER Outdoor-Air Ventilation Systems and Econo- Comparison of Various Methods to Distribute Sup- mizersMethodology and Results from Field ply Air in Industria! Facilities, ALLAN T. KIRK- Testing, SRINIVAS KATIPAMULA, ROBERT G. PATRICK, KURT STROBEL PRATT, DAVID P. CHASSIN, Z. TODD TAY- Composition Changes in Refrigerant Blends for LOR, KRISHNAN GOWRI, MICHAEL R. BRAM- Automotive Air Conditioning, JAMES J. JET- TER, FRANCIS R. DELAFIELD, ANGELITA S. NG, KRICH RATANAPHRUKS, MICHAEL W. dation, CAREY J. SIMONSON, DUSTIN L. CIEPLISKI, ROBERT W. BESANT Conclusions from Ten Years of Canadian Attic Development of a Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic Control- Research, DON W. FUGLER ler, SHOU-HENG HUANG, RON M. NELSON. . Containment Testing for Occupied and Unoccu- Dilution Calculations for Determining Laboratory pied Laboratory Chemical Hoods, PAMELA L. Exhaust Stack Heights, MICHAEL A. RATC- GREENLEY, LOUIS J. DIBERARDINIS, FRED- LIFF, EMIL SANDRU ERICK A. LORCH Direct-Coupled Microcomputer-Based Building Control of Household Refrigerators Part |: Model- Emulator for Building Energy Management ing Temperature Control Performance, KEN- and Control Systems, HONG NAM LAM TON J. GRAVISS, ROBERT L. COLLINS Distribution System Leakage Impacts on Apart- ment Building Ventilation Rates, IAIN S. WALK- Control of Household Refrigerators Part Il: Alter- nate Control Approaches for Improving Tem- perature Performance and Reducing Energy District Steam and the St. Louis Steam Loop, TIM Use, KENTON J. GRAVISS, ROBERT L. COL- M. TIERNEY, HARRY J. SAUER, JR. Control Strategies for Domestic Hot Water Recircu- 3 lation Systems, FREDRIC S. GOLDNER Converting Dual-Duct Constant-Volume Systems Effect of a Radiant Barrier on the Cooling Load of a to Variable-Volume Systems Without Retrofit- Residential Application in a Hot and Arid ting the Terminal Boxes, MINGSHENG LIU, RegionAttic Duct Effect, SAMIR F. MOUJAES, DAVID E. CLARIDGE RICHARD A. BRICKMAN Cooling Loads in Laboratories, CHRISTOPHER K. Effects of Low-E Shields on the Performance and WILKINS, MICHAEL R. COOK Power Use of a Refrigerated Display Case, Correct and Proper Medical Gas Testing and Cer- RAMIN T. FARAMARZI, MICHELE L. WOOD- tification, GERHARD GSCHWANDTNER, WORTH-SZLEPER KALAN D. SMITH Effects of Oil on Boiling R-123 and R-134a Flowing Corrosion Inhibition in Lithium Bromide Absorption Normal to an Integral-Finned Tube Bundle, Fluid for Advanced and Current Absorption ROBERT A. TATARA, PARVIZ PAYVAR Cycle Machines, SHYAM K. VERMA, MANUEL Electrohydrodynamic Effects on Flow Redistribu- S. MEKHJIAN, GEORGE R. SANDOR, NORI- tion and Convective Boiling in Horizontal Con- KO NAKADA centric Tubes under High Inlet Quality Conditions, CHRIS E. NORRIS, JAMES S. COTTON, MAMDOUH SHOUKRI, JEN-SHIH CHANG, TRACEY SMITH-POLLARD Engineering and Specifications for HVAC Systems Design Considerations of a Large Central Labora- Relating to Testing and Balancing, RICHARD tory Exhaust, ADOLPH J. RYDZEWSKI Design Guidelines for Laboratory Exhaust Fans Engineering Approach to Tenability Systems for and Stacks, KENNETH D’CRUZ Atrium Smoke Management, An, JOHN H. Designing an Energy-Efficient Quick Service Res- taurant, RICHARD YOUNG, ANTHONY J. SPA- Estimating the Energy-Saving Benefit of Reduced- TA, PETER TURNBULL, TOR E. ALLEN Flow and/or Multi-Speed Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems, DONALD FISHER, FER- Designing for Combustion Turbine Inlet Air Cool- DINAND SCHMID, ANTHONY J. SPATA ing, WILLIAM E. STEWART Evaluating the Performance of a Fault Detection Detecting Whole Building Energy Problems, ROB- and Diagnostic System for Vapor Compres- ERT H. DODIER, JAN F. KREIDER sion Equipment, MARK S. BREUKER, JAMES Determining Effective Soil Formation Thermal E. BRAUN Properties from Field Data Using a Parameter Evaluation of Performance and Composition Shift Estimation Technique, JOHN A. SHONDER, of Zeotropic Mixtures in a Lorenz-Meutzner JAMES V. BECK Refrigerator/Freezer, EVELYN BASKIN, N. Determining the Performance of Energy Wheels DEAN SMITH, FRANCIS R. DELAFIELD, Part |--Experimental and Numerical Methods, MICHAEL W. TUFTS CAREY J. SIMONSON, DUSTIN L. CIEPLISKI, Evaluation of Service Hot Water Distribution Sys- ROBERT W. BESANT tem Losses in Residential and Commercial Determining the Performance of Energy Wheels Installations: Part 1--Field / Laboratory Experi- Part Il--Experimental Data and Numerical Vali- ments and Simulation Model, WILLIAM E. STEWART, JR., CHARLES K. SAUNDERS, Historical Look at Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerants, CREOLE Gy BINGE vob ins vos wee hace e nas 237 A, MOHINDER S. BHATTI Evaluation of Service Hot Water Distribution Sys- Hot Water Use at Coin Laundries, ANDREW tem Losses in Residential and Commercial LOWENSTEIN, CARL C. HILLER Installations: Part 2--Simulations and Design Practices, WILLIAM E. STEWART, JR., CHARLES K. SAUNDERS, CAROL L.G. DONA . Experimental Investigation of the CO2 Refrigera- tion Cycle, YUNHO HWANG, REINHARD RAD- Impact of HVAC Control Improvements on Super- ERMACHER market Humidity Levels, MUKESH KHATTAR, HUGE EL HENDERSON UF ie. co. cocaen ce 521 ndoor Air Quality Standards of Performance Appii- cations Guide, ROBERT J. LINDER, CHAD B. DORGAN, CHARLES E. DORGAN Fault Detection and Diagnosis of HVAC Systems, filtration Load in Cold Rooms, MOUSTAFA M. CHIA Y. HAN, YUNFENG XIAO, CARL J. ELSAYED RUTHER Influence of Architectural Screens on Roof-top Fault Detection Tool for Schoo! Buildings, A, JEAN Concentrations Due to Effluent From Short C. VISER, HOSSEIN VAEZI-NEJAD, PATRICK Stacks, RONALD L. PETERSEN, JOHN J. CORRALES CARTER, MICHAEL A. RATCLIFF Full-Scale Thermal Performance Tests of Alterna- Influence of Supermarket Environmental Parame- tive Diffusers When Operating with Cold Air, ters on the Frosting and Defrosting of Vertical SHIH CHENG HU, JOHN MICHAEL BARBER, Multideck Display Cadinets, SAVVAS A. TAS- HSUCHENG CHIANG SOU, DEBRA DATTA Integration of an Equation-Solving Program into an Energy Systems Laboratory Course, SAN- FORD A. KLEIN Tube Flow Boiling of R-407C and R-407C/Oil GAX Absorption Cycle Design Process, DOUGLAS K. PRIEDEMAN, RICHARD N. CHRISTENSEN . Mixtures—Part I: Microfin Tube, OLIVIER ZURCHER, JOHN R. THOME, DANIEL Guidelines for the Application of Upper-Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for Prevent- ing Transmission of Airborne Contagion—Part Tube Flow Boiling of R-407C and R-407C/Oil | Basic Principles, MELVIN W. FIRST, Mixtures—Part Il: Plain Tube Results and Pre- EDWARD A. NARDELL, WILLIAM CHAISSON, dictions, OLIVIER ZURCHER, JOHN R. RICHARD RILEY THOME, DANIEL FAVRAT Guidelines for the Application of Upper-Room ssues Related to Venting of Attics and Cathedral Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for Prevent- Ceilings, ANTON TENWOLDE, WILLIAM B. ing Transmission of Airborne Contagion—Part Il Design and Operation Guidance, MELVIN W. FIRST, EDWARD A. NARDELL, WILLIAM CHAISSON, RICHARD RILEY Justification for Energy Managers, A, JOHN M. H Heat and Moisture Response of Vented and Com- pact Cathedral CeilingsA Test House Evalua- tion, HUGO HENS, ARNOLD JANSSENS Heat Transfer Analysis of Air-to-Carbon Dioxide Large Eddy Simulations of Smoke Movement, Two-Phase Heat Absorption and Supercritical KEVIN B. MCGRATTAN, HOWARD R. BAUM Heat Rejection, DOUGLAS M. ROBINSON, RONALD G. REHM ECKHARD A. GROLL Large-Scale Physical Model Studies for an Atrium Heat Transfer from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Smoke Exhaust System, GARY OD. Tube FlowA Critical Review, SRINIVAS S. PIT- LOUGHEED, GEORGE V. HADJISOPHOCLE- LA, DOUGLAS M. ROBINSON, ECKHARD A. OUS, CAMERON MCCARTNEY, BRUCE C. GROLL, SATISH RAMADHYANI M P Measured Impacts of Supermarket Humidity Level Performance Comparison of Various Absorption on Defrost Performance and Refrigerating Heat Transformers by Using Nitrate-Based System Energy Use, HUGH |. HENDERSON, Absorbent Systems, Shigeki lyoki, Yohei Jr., MUKESH KHATTAR Inoue, Tadashi Uemura Measurements and Computations of Room Airflow Performance Evaluation and Design Guidelines for with Displacement Ventilation, XIAOXIONG Displacement Ventilation, XIAOXIONG YUAN, YUAN, QINGYAN CHEN, LEON R. GLICKS- QINGYAN CHEN, LEON R. GLICKSMAN MAN, YONGQING HU, XUDONG YANG Performance Factors as a Basis of Practical Fault Detection and Diagnostic Methods for Air- Measurements of Absorption Rates of HFC Single Handling Units, SATU H. KARKI, SAMI J. KAR- and Blended Refrigerants in POE Oils, M. JALAINEN LEUNG, C.K. JOTSHI, D.Y. GOSWAMI, D.O. SHAH, A. GREGORY Performance of a Two-Cycle Refrigerator/Freezer Using HFC Refrigerants, EVELYN BASKIN, Measurements of Volatile Organic Compound FRANCIS R. DELAFIEL (VOC) Emissions from Wood Stains Using an Electronic Balance, JIANSHUN S. ZHANG, Placement of Ventilation Air Intakes for Improved GANG NONG, CHIA-YU SHAW, JIEMING IAQ, BRIAN A. ROCK, KELLY A. MOYLAN Predicting the Position of the Smoke Layer Inter- face Height Using NFPA 92B Calculation Milton Ward Garland, Refrigeration Engineer, anda Methods and a Computational Fluid Dynamics Case History of Manufactured Ice, HARRY M. (CFD) Fire Model, WILLIAM N. BROOKS Preliminary Experimental Assessment of the Com- Mixing Effectiveness of AHU Combination Mixing/ parative Thermal Performance of Attics and Filter Box with and without Filters, KEITH D. Cathedral Ceilings in a Cold Climate, A, LOUIS ROBINSON F. GOLDBERG, PATRICK H. HUELMAN, BAR- Models for Prediction of Temperature Difference RY B. BRIDGES and Ventilation Effectiveness with Displace- ment Ventilation, XAAOXIONG YUAN, QINGY- AN CHEN, LEON R. GLICKSMAN Multivariable Control of Vapor Compression Sys- tems, XIANG-DONG HE, SHENG LIU, HARRY H. ASADA, HIROYUKI ITOH Resource Conservation Management, WILL MILL- Multizone Airflow and Contaminant ModelingPer- formance of Two Common Ventilation Sys- Review of Snow Melting System Design, A, WILL- tems in Swedish Apartment Buildings, IAM P. CHAPMAN MAGNUS K. HERRLIN ... . Robust Model-Based Approach to Diagnosing Faults in Air-Handling Units, A,D ARIUS NGO, ARTHUR L. DEXTER N Neural Network Approach with Self-Organized Principai Component Analysis for Identifica- tion of Dehumidifying Coils, A, TUNCAY Savings Impact of a Corporate Energy Manager, TANYOLU BRIAN D. SIKORSKI, BRIAN A. O'DONNELL . . New Technique for Measuring Air Change Rates in Second Law Study of HVAC Distribution System a Test House Using Video Imaging, A, Performance, ELLEN M. FRANCONI, MICHA- MASAAKI! OHBA, KENJI IRIE EL J. BRANDEMUEHL Numerical Analysis of Ventilation System Perfor- Secondary Properties of Aqueous Lithium Bromide mance by COMIS Model, HIROSHI YOSHINO, Solutions, EVERETT W. HEINONEN, ROBERT JING LIU, HELMUT E. FEUSTEL, JEAN-ROB- E. TAPSCOTT ERT MILLET, LARS-GORAN MANSSON Second-Law Analysis of Multi-Effect Lithium Bro- Numerical Study of the Effectiveness of Atrium mide/Water Absorption Chillers, SHUN-FU Smoke Exhaust Systems, GEORGE V. HAD- LEE, S. A. SHERIF JISOPHOCLEOUS, GARY D. LOUGHEED, Second-Law Analysis of Refrigeration Cyclic Open SHU CAO Systems, FRANCIS MEUNIER Simple Absorption Heat Pump Modules for System Theoretical Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Refriger- Simulation Programs, HANS-MARTIN HELL- ation Cycle, YUNHO HWANG, REINHARD MANN, FELIX F. ZIEGLER RADERMACHER Simple Software Program for Evaluating Energy Thermoeconomics Applied to HVAC Systems, Consumption and Operating Costs for Water ROBERT TOZER, ANTONIO’ VALERO, Heaters, A, DONALD W. ABRAMS, CARL C. MIGUEL A. LOZANO HILLER Total Equivalent Warming Impact of R-22 Alterna- Skin Load Control for Building Perimeter Zone Air tives in Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Appili- Conditioning, XIANGYANG CHEN, KAZUYUKI cations, SIVA GOPALNARAYANAN, KAMIMURA, TOSHIYUKI WATANABE GUSTAVO D. ROLOTTI Smoke Movement and Detector Activation in High Bay Spaces, WILLIAM D. DAVIS U Some Observations of Foaming Characteristics in the Nucleate Boiling Performance of Refriger- ant-Oil Mixtures, CHI-CHUAN WANG, YUR- Underfloor Air Distribution Solutions for Open TSAI LIN, HONG-DAO CHUNG, Y.Z. ROBERT Office Applications, KENNETH J. LOUDER- Updated Design Guidelines for Snow Melting Sys- Specification and Performance of Testing and Bal- tems, JAMES W. RAMSEY, MARTHA J. ancing in Biologics Facilities, J. THOMAS HEWETT, THOMAS H. KUEHN, SEAN D. BURNS, WILLIAM F. MILBURN PETERSEN Steam Conservation and Boiler Plant Efficiency Use of Multipoint Monitoring as a Tool for Commis- Advancements, DONALD P. FIORINO sioning Buildings for IAQ, The, DAVID W. Survey of In-Tube Evaporation of Ammonia Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Investigations, A, JOHN E. KELLY, STEVE J. ECKELS, DONALD F. FENTON, QUINTON S. LIES System Losses in Residential and Commercial Installations: Part 2—Simulations and Design Virtual vs. Real: Modeling the Energy Performance Practices, WILLIAM E. STEWART, JR., of a Quick Service Restaurant, VERNON A. CHARLES K. SAUNDERS, CAROLL.G. DONA . SMITH, RICHARD YOUNG, ANTHONY J. SPA- TA, DONALD FISHER Tt Teaching Students About Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer Effects in Buildings, Building Compo- WHAM: Simplified Tool for Calculating Water Heat- nents, Equipment, and Appliances Using er Energy Use, JAMES D. LUTZ, CAMILLA THERM 2.0, CHARLIE HUIZENGA, DARIUSH DUNHAM WHITEHEAD, ALEX B. LEKOV, K. ARASTEH, ELIZABETH FINLAYSON, ROB- GREGORY J. ROSENQUIST, DAVID W. WIN- IN MITCHELL, BRENT GRIFFITH, DRAGAN CURCIJA Teaching the Design of Thermal Systems Using Equation Solvers, SRINIVAS GARIMELLA .... AUTHORS Temperature Controller for VAV Air-Handling Units Based on Simplified Physical Models, A, T.I. SALSBURY A Test and Evaluation of the Attic Temperature Reduction Potential of Plastic Roof Shakes, ABRAMS, DONALD W., CARL C. HILLER, Simple JOHN K. HOLTON, TIMOTHY R. BEGGS Software Program for Evaluating Energy Con- Test Resuits for an Absorption Heat Pump with sumption and Operating Costs for Water Heat- Adjustable Composition, PETER TREFFIN- GER, THOMAS PETER ALLAN, MARITA L., STEPHEN P. KAVANAUGH, Testing of Thermally Enhanced Cement Ground Testing of Thermally Enhanced Cement Heat Exchanger Grouts, STEPHEN P. Ground Heat Exchanger Grouts KAVANAUGH, MARITA L. ALLAN ALLEN, TOR E., RICHARD YOUNG, ANTHONY J. Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Cooling SPATA, PETER TURNBULL, Designing an Towers, M. SAIT SOYLEMEZ Energy-Efficient Quick Service Restaurant ...1111 ALLEN, TOR E., STUART S. WATERBURY, RICH- ties from Field Data Using a Parameter ARD YOUNG, The Application of Three Differ- Estimation Technique ent Evaporative Cooling Strategies to a Quick BEGGS, TIMOTHY R., JOHN K. HOLTON, Test and Service Restaurant Evaluation of the Attic Temperature Reduction ANAND, G., DONALD C. ERICKSON, Compact Potential of Plastic Roof Shakes Sieve-Tray Distillation Column for Ammonia- BESANT, ROBERT W., CAREY J. SIMONSON, Water Absorption Heat Pump: Part |—Design DUSTIN L. CIEPLISKI, Determining the Perfor- Methodology mance of Energy Wheels: Part |I—Experimen- ARASTEH, DARIUSH K., CHARLIE HUIZENGA, tal and Numerical Methods ELIZABETH FINLAYSON, ROBIN MITCHELL, BESANT, ROBERT W., CAREY J. SIMONSON, BRENT GRIFFITH, DRAGAN CURCIJA, DUSTIN L. CIEPLISKI, Determining the Perfor- Teaching Students About Two-Dimensional mance of Energy Wheels: Part II—Experimen- Heat Transfer Effects in Buildings, Building tal Data and Numerical Validation Components, Equipment, and Appliances BHATTI, MOHINDER S., A Historical Look at Chlo- Using THERM 2.0 rofluorocarbon Refrigerants ASADA, HARRY H., XIANG-DONG HE, SHENG BOISVERT, ALEX, RUBEN GONZALEZ RUBIO, LIU, HIROYUKI! ITOH, Multivariable Control of Architecture for Intelligent Thermostats That Vapor Compression Systems Learn from Occupants’ Behavior BRAMBLEY, MICHAEL R., SRINIVAS KATIPAMU- LA, ROBERT G. PRATT, DAVID P. CHASSIN, Z. TODD TAYLOR, KRISHNAN GOWARI, Auto- mated Fault Detection and Diagnostics for BAHNFLETH, WILLIAM P., CHRISTOPHER G. Outdoor-Air Ventilation Systems and Econo- KIRCHNER, Analysis of Transfer Pumping mizersMethodology and Results from Field Interfaces for Stratified Chilled Water Thermal Testing Storage Systems—Part1 : Model Develop- BRANDEMUEHL, MICHAEL J., ELLEN M. FRAN- CONI, Second Law Study of HVAC Distribution BAHNFLETH, WILLIAM P., CHRISTOPHER G. System Performance KIRCHNER, Analysis of Transfer Pumping Interfaces for Stratified Chilled Water Thermal BRAUN, JAMES E., MARK S. BREUKER, Common Storage Systems—Part 2: Parametric Study ... Faults and Their Impacts for Rooftop Air Con- ditioners BARBER, JOHN MICHAEL, SHIH CHENG,HSUCHENG CHIANG, Full-Scale BRAUN, JAMES E., MARK S. BREUKER, Evaluat- Thermal Performance Tests of Alternative Dif- ing the Performance of a Fault Detection and fusers When Operating with Cold Air Diagnostic System for Vapor Compression BARBER, JOHN MICHAEL, SHIH-CHENG HU, Equipment YEW KHOY CHUAH, CFD Study for Cold Air BREUKER, MARK S., JAMES E. BRAUN, Common Distribution Systems, A Faults and Their Impacts for Rooftop Air Con- BASKIN, EVELYN, FRANCIS R. DELAFIELD, Per- ditioners formance of a Two-Cycle Refrigerator/Freezer BREUKER, MARK S., JAMES E. BRAUN, Evaluat- Using HFC Refrigerants ing the Performance of a Fault Detection and BASKIN, EVELYN, N. DEAN SMITH, FRANCIS R. Diagnostic System for Vapor Compression DELAFIELD, MICHAEL W. TUFTS, Evaluation Equipment of Performance and Composition Shift of Zeo- BRICKMAN, RICHARD A., SAMIR F. MOUJAES, tropic Mixtures in a Lorenz-Meutzner Refriger- Effect of a Radiant Barrier on the Cooling Load ator/Freezer of a Residential Application in a Hot and Arid BAUM, HOWARD R., KEVIN B. MCGRATTAN, Region Attic Duct Effect RONALD G. REHM, Large Eddy Simulations of BRIDGES, BARRY B., LOUIS F. GOLDBERG, Smoke Movement PATRICK H. HUELMAN, A Preliminary Experi- BAXTER, VAN D., JAMES R. SAND, STEVEN K. mental Assessment of the Comparative Ther- FISCHER, Comparison of TEWI for Fluorocar- mal Performance of Attics and Cathedral bon Alternative Refrigerants and Technologies Ceilings in a Cold Climate in Residential Heat Pumps and Air-Condition- BROOKS, WILLIAM N., Predicting the Position of the Smoke Layer Interface Height Using NFPA BEARG, DAVID W., Use of Multipoint Monitoring as 92B Calculation Methods and a Computation- a Tool for Commissioning Buildings for IAQ, al Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Fire Model BURNS, J. THOMAS, WILLIAM F. MILBURN, Spec- BECK, JAMES V., JOHN A. SHONDER, Determin- ification and Performance of Testing and Bal- ing Effective Soil Formation Thermal Proper- ancing in Biologics Facilities C tions of Foaming Characteristics in the Nucle- ate Boiling Performance of Refrigerant-Oil Mixtures CAO, SHU, GEORGE V. HADJISOPHOCLEOUS, CIEPLISKI, DUSTIN L., CAREY J. SIMONSON, GARY D. LOUGHEED, Numerical Study of the ROBERT W. BESANT, Determining the Perfor- Effectiveness of Atrium Smoke Exhaust Sys- mance of Energy Wheels: Part I—Experimen- tal and Numerical Methods CARTER, JOHN J., RONALD L. PETERSEN, CIEPLISKI, DUSTIN L., CAREY J. SIMONSON, MICHAEL A. RATCLIFF, Influence of Architec- ROBERT W. BESANT, Determining the Perfor- tural Screens on Roof-top Concentrations Due mance of Energy Wheels: Part II—Experimen- to Effluent From Short Stacks tal Data and Numerical Validation CHAISSON, WILLIAM, MELVIN W. FIRST, CLARIDGE, DAVID E., MINGSHENG LIU, Convert- EDWARD A. NARDELL, RICHARD RILEY, ng Dual-Duct Constant-Volume Systems to Guidelines for the Application of Upper-Room Variable-Volume Systems Without Retrofitting Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for Prevent- the Terminal Boxes ing Transmission of Airborne Contagion—Part CLARIDGE, DAVID E., MINGSHENG LIU, YEQIAO ll: Design and Operation Guidance ZHU, B. Y. PARK, DENIS K. FEARY, Airflow CHANG, JEN-SHIH, CHRIS E. NORRIS, JAMES S. Reduction to Improve Building Comfort and COTTON, MAMDOUH SHOUKR, TRACEY Reduce Building Energy Consumption—A SMITH-POLLARD, Electrohydrodynamic Case Study Effects on Flow Redistribution and Convective COLLINS, ROBERT L., KENTON J. GRAVISS, Con- Boiling in Horizontal Concentric Tubes under trol of Household Refrigerators—Part |: Mod- High Inlet Quality Conditions eling Temperature Control Performance . CHAPMAN, WILLIAM P., Review of Snow Melting COLLINS,ROBERT L., KENTON J. GRAVISS, Con- System Design, A trol of Household Refrigerators—Part Il: Alter- CHASSIN, DAVID P., SRINIVAS KATIPAMULA, nate Control Approaches for Improving Tem- ROBERT G. PRATT, Z. TODD TAYLOR, perature Performance and Reducing Energy KRISHNAN GOWRI, MICHAEL R. BRAMBLEY, UI a, eats S craarertl a ota ee eae ea ohe ee ehctlabea at 164 Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics COOK, MICHAEL R., CHRISTOPHER K. WILKINS, for Outdoor-Air Ventilation Systems and Econ- Cooling Loads in Laboratories omizersMethodology and Results from Field CORRALES, PATRICK, JEAN C. VISIER, HOSSEIN Testing VAEZI-NEJAD, Fault Detection Tool for School CHEN, QINGYAN, XIAOXIONG YUAN, LEON R. Buildings, A GLICKSMAN, Models for Prediction of Tem- COTTON, JAMES S., CHRIS E. NORRIS, MAM- perature Difference and Ventilation Effective- DOUH SHOUKRI, JEN-SHIH CHANG, ness with Displacement Ventilation TRACEY SMITH-POLLARD, Electrohydrody- CHEN, QINGYAN, XIAOXIONG YUAN, LEON R. namic Effects on Flow Redistribution and Con- GLICKSMAN, Performance Evaluation and vective Boiling in Horizontal Concentric Tubes Design Guidelines for Displacement Ventila- under High Inlet Quality Conditions CURCIJA, DRAGAN, CHARLIE HUIZENGA, DARI- CHEN, QINGYAN, XIAOXIONG YUAN, LEON R. USH K. ARASTEH, ELIZABETH FINLAYSON, GLICKSMAN, YONGQING HU, XUDONG ROBIN MITCHELL, BRENT GRIFFITH, Teach- YANG, Measurements and Computations of ing Students About Two-Dimensional Heat Room Airflow with Displacement Ventilation Transfer Effects in Buildings, Building Compo- CHEN, XIANGYANG, KAZUYUKI KAMIMURA, nents, Equipment, and Appliances Using TOSHIYUKI WATANABE, Skin Load Control VERS ere ets cacy ah Reelin a/acis a,a is 912 for Building Perimeter Zone Air Conditioning ... CURTISS, PETER S., JAN F. KREIDER, DARRELL CHIANG, HSUCHENG, SHIH CHENG HU, JOHN MASSIE, ERIK JEANNETTE, A Commercial- MICHAEL BARBER, Full-Scale Thermal Perfor- Scale University HVAC Laboratory mance Tests of Alternative Diffusers When Operating with Cold Air D CHRISTENSEN, RICHARD N., DOUGLAS K. PRIEDEMAN, GAX Absorption Cycle Design Process D’'ALANZO, SHAINTA L., MATTHIEU ORPHELIN, CHUAH, YEW KHOY, SHIH-CHENG HU, JOHN DOMINIQUE MARCHIO, Are There Optimum MICHAEL BARBER, CFD Study for Cold Air Temperature and Humidity Set Points for Distribution Systems, A SEER ICRC across Se Sela a afar aid cecil wie 497 CHUNG, HONG-DAO, CHI-CHUAN WANG, YUR- DATTA, DEBRA, SAVVAS A. TASSOU, Influence of TSAI LIN, Y.Z. ROBERT HU, Some Observa- Supermarket Environmental Parameters on the Frosting and Defrosting of Vertical Mul- ERICKSON, DONALD C., G. ANAND, Compact tideck Display Cabinets Sieve-Tray Distillation Column for Ammonia- DAVIS, WILLIAM D., Smoke Movement and Detec- Water Absorption Heat Pump: Part |[—Design tor Activation in High Bay Spaces Methodology DELAFIELD, FRANCIS R., EVELYN BASKIN, N. DEAN SMITH, MICHAEL W. TUFTS, Evalua- tion of Performance and Composition Shift of Zeotropic Mixtures in a Lorenz-Meutzner Refrigerator/Freezer FANG, WEI, DARIN W. NUTTER, Analysis of Sys- DELAFIELD, FRANCIS R., EVELYN BASKIN, Per- tem Performance Losses Due to the Reversing formance of a Two-Cycle Refrigerator/Freezer Valve for a Heat Pump Using R-458a Using HFC Refrigerants FARAMARZI, RAMIN T., MICHELE L. WOOD- DELAFIELD, FRANCIS R., JAMES J. JETTER, WORTH-SZLEPER, Effects of Low-E Shields ANGELITA S. NG, KRICH RATANAPHRUKS, on the Performance and Power Use of a MICHAEL W. TUFTS, Composition Changes in Refrigerated Display Case Refrigerant Blends for Automotive Air Condi- FAVRAT, DANIEL, OLIVIER ZURCHER, JOHN R. tioning THOME, In-Tube Flow Boiling of R-407C and DENG, SHI-MING, JOHN F. MISSENDEN, Apply- R-407C/Oil Mixtures Part IMicrofin Tube ing Classical Control Theory for Validating and FAVRAT, DANIEL, OLIVIER ZURCHER, JOHN R. Simplifying a Dynamic Mathematical Model of THOME, In-Tube Flow Boiling of R-407C and an Air-Conditioning Plant R-407C/Oil Mixtures: Part II—Plain Tube DEXTER, ARTHUR L., DARIUS NGO, Robust Mod- Results and Predictions el-Based Approach to Liagnosing Faults in FEARY, DENIS K., MINGSHENG LIU, YEQIAO Air-Handling Units, A ZHU, B. Y. PARK, DAVID E. CLARIDGE, Airflow DIBERARDINIS, LOUIS J., PAMELA L. GREENLEY, Reduction to Improve Building Comfort and FREDERICK A. LORCH, Containment Testing Reduce Building Energy Consumption—A for Occupied and Unoccupied Laboratory Case Study Chemical Hoods FENTON, DONALD F., JOHN E. KELLY, STEVE J. DODIER, ROBERT H., JAN F. KREIDER, Detecting ECKELS, QUINTON S. LIES, A Survey of In- Whole Building Energy Problems Tube Evaporation of Ammonia Heat Transfer DONA, CAROL L.G., WILLIAM E. STEWART, JR., and Pressure Drop Investigations CHARLES K. SAUNDERS, Evaluation of Ser- FEUSTEL, HELMUT E., HIROSHI YOSHINO, JING vice Hot Water Distribution System Losses in LIU, JEAN-ROBERT MILLET, LARS-GORAN Residential and Commercial InstallationPsa:rt MANSSON, Numerical Analysis of Ventilation 1--Field / Laboratory Experiments and Simula- System Performance by COMIS Model tion Model FINLAYSON, ELIZABETH, CHARLIE HUIZENGA, DONA, CAROL L.G., WILLIAM E. STEWART, JR., DARIUSH K. ARASTEH, ROBIN MITCHELL, CHARLES K. SAUNDERS, System Losses in BRENT GRIFFITH, DRAGAN CURCIJA, Residential and Commercial Installations:Part Teaching Students About Two-Dimensional 2—Simulations and Design Practices Heat Transfer Effects in Buildings, Building DORGAN, CHAD B., ROBERT J. LINDER, Components, Equipment, and Appliances CHARLES E. DORGAN, Indoor Air Quality Using THERM 2.0 Standards of Performance Applications Guide . FIORINO, DONALD P., Steam Conservation and DORGAN, CHARLES E., ROBERT J. LINDER, Boiler Plant Efficiency Advancements CHAD B. DORGAN, Indoor Air Quality Stan- FIRST, MELVIN W., EDWARD A. NARDELL, WILL- dards of Performance Applications Guide IAM CHAISSON, RICHARD RILEY, Guidelines DUFF, JOHN M., A Justification for Energy Manag- for the Application of Upper-Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for Preventing Trans- mission of Airborne Contagion—Part Il: Design and Operation Guidance FISCHER, STEVEN K., JAMES R. SAND, VAN D. BAXTER, Comparison of TEWI for Fluorocar- ECKELS, STEVE J., JOHN E. KELLY, DONALD F. bon Alternative Refrigerants and Technologies FENTON, QUINTON S. LIES, A Survey of In- in Residential Heat Pumps and Air-Condition- Tube Evaporation of Ammonia Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Investigations FISHER, DONALD, FERDINAND SCHMID, ELSAYED, MOUSTAFA M., Infiltration Load in Cold ANTHONY J. SPATA, Estimating the Energy- Saving Benefit of Reduced-Flow and/or Multi- Speed Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Sys- GRAVISS, KENTON J., ROBERT L. COLLINS, Con- trol of Household Refrigerators: Part II—Alter- FISHER, DONALD, VERNON A. SMITH, RICHARD nate Control Approaches for Improving Tem- YOUNG, ANTHONY J. SPATA, Virtual vs. perature Performance and Reducing Energy Real:Modeling the Energy Performance of a Use Quick Service Restaurant aREENLEY, PAMELA L., LOUIS J. DIBERARDINIS, FRANCONI, ELLEN M., MICHAEL J. BRANDE- FREDERICK A. LORCH, Containment Testing MUEHL, Second Law Study of HVAC Distribu- for Occupied and Unoccupied Laboratory tion System Performance Chemical Hoods GORY, A., M. LEUNG, C.K. JOTSHI, D.Y. FUGLER, DON W., Conclusions from Ten Years of GOSWAMI, D.O. SHAH, Measurements of Canadian Attic Research ......... Absorption Rates of HFC Single and Blended Refrigerants in POE Oils G GRIFFITH, BRENT, CHARLIE HUIZENGA, DARI- USH K. ARASTEH, ELIZABETH FINLAYSON, ROBIN MITCHELL, DRAGAN CURCIJA, GARIMELLA, SRINIVAS, Teaching the Design of Teaching Students About Two-Dimensional Thermal Systems Using Equation Solvers .... Heat Transfer Effects in Buildings, Building GLICKSMAN, LEON R, XIAOXIONG YUAN, QINGY- Components, Equipment, and Appliances AN CHEN, Models for Prediction of Tempera- Using THERM 2.0 ture Difference and Ventilation Effectiveness GROLL, ECKHARD A., DOUGLAS M. ROBINSON, with Displacement Ventilation , Heat Transfer Analysis of Air-to-Carbon Diox- GLICKSMAN, LEON R., XIAOXIONG YUAN, de Two-Phase Heat Absorption and Supercrit- QINGYAN CHEN, Performance Evaluation cal Heat Rejection and Design Guidelines for Displacement Ven- GROLL, ECKHARD A., SRINIVAS S. PITLA, DOU- tilation GLAS M. ROBINSON, SATISH RAMADHYANI, GLICKSMAN, LEON R., XIAOXIONG YUAN, Heat Transfer from Supercritical Carbon Diox- QINGYAN CHEN, YONGQING HU, XUDONG de in Tube FlowA Critical Review YANG, Measurements and Computations of SSCHWANDTNER, GERHARD, KALAN D. SMITH, Room Airflow with Displacement Ventilation Correct and Proper Medical Gas Testing and GOLDBERG, LOUIS F., PATRICK H. HUELMAN, Certification BARRY B. BRIDGES, A Preliminary Experi- mental Assessment of the Comparative Ther- mal Performance of Attics and Cathedral Ceilings in a Cold Climate GOLDNER, FREDRIC S., Control Strategies for HADJISOPHOCLEOUS, GEORGE V., GARY D. Domestic Hot Water Recirculation Systems . . LOUGHEED, CAMERON MCCARTNEY, GONZALEZ RUBIO, RUBEN, ALEX BOISVERT, BRUCE C. TABER, Large-Scale Physical Mod- Architecture for Intelligent Thermostats That el Studies for an Atrium Smoke Exhaust Sys- Learn from Occupants’ Behavior GOPALNARAYANAN, SIVA, GUSTAVO D. ROLOT- HADJISOPHOCLEOUS, GEORGE V., GARY D. Tl, Total Equivalent Warming Impact of R-22 LOUGHEED, SHU CAO, Numerical Study of Alternatives in Air-Conditioning and Heat the Effectiveness of Atrium Smoke Exhaust Pump Applications Systems HAN, CHIA Y., YUNFENG XIAO, CARL J. RUTHER, GOSWAMI, D.Y., M. LEUNG, C.K. JOTSHI, D.O. SHAH, A. GREGORY, Measurements of Fault Detection and Diagnosis of HVAC Sys- Absorption Rates of HFC Single and Blended Refrigerants in POE Oils HE, XIANG-DONG, SHENG LIU, HARRY H. ASA- DA, HIROYUKI ITOH, Multivariable Control of GOWRI, KRISHNAN, SRINIVAS KATIPAMULA, Vapor Compression Systems ROBERT G. PRATT, DAVID P. CHASSIN, Z. TODD TAYLOR, MICHAEL R. BRAMBLEY, HEINONEN, EVERETT W., ROBERT E. TAP- Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics SCOTT, Secondary Properties of Aqueous for Outdoor-Air Ventilation Systems and Econ- Lithium Bromide Solutions omizersMethodology and Results from Field HELLMANN, HANS-MARTIN, FELIX F. ZIEGLER, Testing Simple Absorption Heat Pump Modules for GRAVISS, KENTON J., ROBERT L. COLLINS, Con- System Simulation Programs trol of Household Refrigerators: Part I—Mod- HENDERSON, HUGH I., MUKESH KHATTAR, Mea- eling Temperature Control Performance sured Impacts of Supermarket Humidity Level on Defrost Performance and Refrigerating Sys- HUSAUNNDEE, AHMAD M.I., JEAN-CHRISTOPHE tem Energy Use VISIER, The Building HVAC System in Control HENDERSON, JR., HUGH I., MUKESH KHATTAR, Engineering—A Modeling Approach in a Wide- Impact of HVAC Control Improvements on spread Graphical Environment Supermarket Humidity Levels HWANG, YUNHO, REINHARD RADERMACHER, HENS, HUGO, ARNOLD JANSSENS, Heat and Experimental Investigation of the CO2 Refriger- Moisture Response of Vented and Compact ation Cycle Cathedral Ceilings: A Test House Evaluation . . HWANG, YUNHO, REINHARD RADERMACHER, HERRLIN, MAGNUS K., Multizone Airflow and Con- Theoretical Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide taminant ModelingPerformance of Two Com- Refrigeration Cycle mon Ventilation Systems in Swedish Apartment Buildings HEWETT, MARTHA J., JAMES W. RAMSEY, THO- MAS H. KUEHN, SEAN D. PETERSEN, Updat- ed Design Guidelines for Snow Melting INOUE, YOHE!I, SHIGEKI lYOKI, TADASHI UEMU- Systems RA, Performance Comparison of Various HILLER, CARL C., ANDREW LOWENSTEIN, Hot Absorption Heat Transformers by Using Water Use at Coin Laundries Nitrate-Based Absorbent Systems HILLER, CARL C., DONALD W. ABRAMS, Simple IRIE, KENJI, MASAAKI OHBA, A New Technique for Software Program for Evaluating Energy Con- Measuring Air Change Rates in a Test House sumption and Operating Costs for Water Heat- Using Video Imaging ITOH, HIROYUKI, XIANG-DONG HE, SHENG LIU, HOLTON, JOHN K., TIMOTHY R. BEGGS, Test and HARRY H. ASADA, Multivariable Control of Evaluation of the Attic Temperature Reduction Vapor Compression Systems Potential of Plastic Roof Shakes lYOK!I, SHIGEKI, YOHE! INOUE, TADASHI UEMU- HOUSE, JOHN M., WON YONG LEE, DONG RYUL RA, Performance Comparison of Various SHIN, Classification Techniques for Fault Absorption Heat Transformers by Using Detection and Diagnosis of an Air-Handling Nitrate-Based Absorbent Systems HU, SHIH CHENG, JOHN MICHAEL BARBER, J HSUCHENG CHIANG, Full-Scale Thermal Per- formance Tests of Alternative Diffusers When Operating with Cold Air JANSSENS, ARNOLD, HUGO HENS, Heat and HU, SHIH-CHENG, JOHN MICHAEL BARBER, YEW Moisture Response of Vented and Compact KHOY CHUAH, CFD Study for Cold Air Distribu- Cathedral Ceilings: A Test House Evaluation . . tion Systems, A JEANNETTE, ERIK, JAN F. KREIDER, PETER S. HU, Y.Z. ROBERT, CHI-CHUAN WANG, YUR-TSAI CURTISS, DARRELL MASSIE, A Commercial- LIN, HONG-DAO CHUNG, Some Observations Scale University HVAC Laboratory of Foaming Characteristics in the Nucleate JETTER, JAMES J., FRANCIS R. DELAFIELD, Boiling Performance of Refrigerant-Oil Mixtures ANGELITA S. NG, KRICH RATANAPHRUKS, , YONGQING, XIAOXIONG YUAN, QINGYAN MICHAEL.W. TUFTS, Composition Changes in CHEN, LEON R. GLICKSMAN, XUDONG Refrigerant Blends for Automotive Air Condi- YANG, Measurements and Computations of tioning Room Airflow with Displacement Ventilation .. JOTSHI, C.K., M. LEUNG, D.Y. GOSWAMI, D.O. HUANG, SHOU-HENG, RON M. NELSON, Develop- SHAH, A. GREGORY, Measurements of ment of a Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic Controller . . Absorption Rates of HFC Single and Blended HUELMAN, PATRICK H., LOUIS F. GOLDBERG, Refrigerants in POE Oils BARRY B. BRIDGES, A Preliminary Experimen- tal Assessment of the Comparative Thermal K Performance of Attics and Cathedral Ceilings in a Cold Climate HUIZENGA, CHARLIE, DARIUSH K. ARASTEH, KAMIMURA, KAZUYUKI, XIANGYANG CHEN, ELIZABETH FINLAYSON, ROBIN MITCHELL, TOSHIYUKI WATANABE, Skin Load Control for BRENT GRIFFITH, DRAGAN CURCIJA, Teach- Building Perimeter Zone Air Conditioning ing Students About Two-Dimensional Heat KARJALAINEN, SAMI J., SATU H. KARKI, Perfor- Transfer Effects in Buildings, Building Compo- mance Factors as a Basis of Practical Fault nents, Equipment, and Appliances Using Detection and Diagnostic Methods for Air-Han- THERM 2.0 dling Units

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