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By Authority Of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Legally Binding Document By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code § 552(a) and Part 1 of the Code of Regulations § 51 the attached document has been duly INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance. e Document Name: CFR Section(s): Standards Body: Official Incorporator: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER WASHINGTON, D.C. ASHRAE 15 94 .. 0759650 0507529 62T .. ANSI/ASHRAE 15-1994 Supersedes ANSIIASHRAE 15-1992 ® ASHRAE Logo Removed lARD AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration Approved bV the ASHRAE Standards Committee June 29, 1994; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors June 30, 1994; and by the American National Standards Institute August 23, 1994. ASH RAE Standards are updated on a five-year cycle; the date following the Standard number is the year of ASH RAE Board of Directors approval. The latest copies may be purchased from ASH RAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329. ©1994 American SOCIety of Heating. Refrigerating and Air-Cond~ionong Engineers. ISSN 1041-2336 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC. 1791 Tullie Circle, NE • Atlanta, GA 30329 Sold to:PUBlIC.RESQURCE.ORG, W1269038 ?n1?/.!!I? 1R·<:;Q-<:;n (::MT A~HKA~ ~~ ~y .. 0759b50 0507530 341 .. ANSVASHRAE STANDARD PROJECT COMMITTEE 15 Cognizant TCs: TC 10.1, Custom Engineered Refrigeration Systems, and TC 9.1, Large Building Air-Conditioning Systems Project Committee Liaison: Allen J. Hanley Thomas E. Watson, Chair Richard Krause Donald P Grob, Secretary Leonard V. Micek George C. Briley Thomas K. O'Donnell Lee W. Burgett Norman W. Panabaker James M. Calm Joseph W. Pillis Gordon F. Clyde William V. Richards Dennis R. Dorman Philip R. Schaefer Milton W. Garland Kenneth M. Schoonover Jay Kohler Philip A. Squair William L. Kopko Rudolph Stegmann Daniel E. Kramer Michael H. Tavares ASHRAE STANDARDS COMMrrTEE 1993-94 Lee W. Burgett, Chair Daniel E. Kramer Harry J. Sauer, Jr., Vice-Chair James A. Ranfone M. Kent Anderson John M. Talbott Herman F. Behls Michael W. Woodford Larry O. Degelman James E. Woods Allen J. Hanley Thomas P. Wutka John K. Hodge George S. Yamamoto Peter J. Hoey Grenville K. Yuill Sally A. Hooks John S. Blossom, CO Ronald H. Howell Michael E. Dillon. ExO. Jim L. Heldenbrand, Manager of Standards SPECIAL NOTE This National Voluntary Consensus Standard was developed under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASH RAE). Consensus is defined as ·substantial agreement reached by concemed interests according to the judgment of a duly appointed authority, after a concerted attempt at resolving objections. Consensus implies much more than the concept of a single majority but not necessarily unanimity." This definition is according to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) of which ASH RAE is a member. ASH RAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and intemational members, associated societies, and public review. ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The Project Committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members mayor may not be ASHRAE members, all must be technically qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests on all Project Committees. The Manager of Standards of ASH RAE should be contacted for. a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard, b. participation in the next review of the Standard, c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, d. permiSSion to reprint portions of the Standard. ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDS ASH RAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating purposes, by suggesting safe practices in deSigning and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providing other information that may serve to guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them, and conformance to them is completely VOluntary. In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied, that the product has been approved by ASHRAE. DISCLAIMER ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information and accepted industry practices. However, ASH RAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components, or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASH RAE's Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk. Copyright ASH RAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Sold to:PUBLlC.RESOURCE.ORG, W1269038 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 2012/4/218:59:50 GMT ASHRAE 15 94 II 0759650 0507531 288 .. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2. Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2 4. Occupancy Classification .................................................................................................................................................... 4 5. Refrigerating System Classification .................................................................................................................................... 5 6. Refrigerant Classification .................................................................................................................................................... 7 7. Restrictions on Refrigerant Use .......................................................................................................................................... 7 8. Installation Restrictions ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 9. Design and Construction of Equipment and Systems ....................................................................................................... 11 10. Operation and Testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 11. General Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Appendix C ................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Appendix D ................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Appendix E ................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix F ................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Appendix G ................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Copyright ASHRAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Sold to:PUBLlC.RESOURCE.ORG, W1269038 No reproduction or networkin~ permitted without license from IHS ?n1 ?1111? 1 s::l->;Q-'in r.:.~AT ASHRAE 15 94 .. 0759650 0507532 114 .. (This foreword is not part of this standard but is included The principal changes in this version are: for information purposes only.) Section 2-Revisions to the Scope for refrigerant changes after adoption and for parts replacement FOREWORD after adoption. A new version of one ofA SHRAE's oldest standards, "Safety Section 4-wrge Mercantile Occupancy added. Code for Mechanical Refrigeration, " has been issued in the Section 5-Clarification of indirect open spray system. Society's Centennial year. Rapid introduction of alternative Section 7-Rules rewritten for clarity and for applica- refrigerants is necessary to make a timely response to envi tions of 100 horsepower or less. ronmental issues that challenge the air-conditioning and Section 8-Air ducts through machinery rooms added refrigeration industry. This edition of the "Safety Code for and leak detector requirements revised. Mechanical Refrigeration" is written in code (nonpermis Section 9-Added ASME code stamping, revised pres sive) language to reduce the time for its implementation. sure test factor, added pilot-operated relief valves, ANSIIASHRAE 15-J992 was used as the starting point for added note for other heat sources to pressure-relief this edition. formula, added exception for hydrostatic relief This standard is directed toward the safety of persons valves, reworded section on ammonia discharge, and property on or near the premises where refrigeration revised rules for positive displacement compressor facilities are located. It includes specifications for fabrica relief, and eliminated rule for mounting of stop tion oft ight systems but does not address the effects of refrig valves under O.875-inch diameter. erant emissions on the environment. For information on the Section ll-Added lubrication identity and amount and environmental effects of refrigerant emissions see ASHRAE revised requirements for storage of refrigerants in Guideline 3-1990 and Addendum 3a-J992, "Reducing Emis machinery rooms. sion of Fully Halogenated Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Table 1-Revised the quantities and footnotes. Refrigerants in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Equip Table 2-Removed rules 6 and 8 from Industrial Occu ment and Applications. " pancy; revised use of rules 1 and 2 for high-proba An additional objective of the committee was to make bility systems. the document easier to use by grouping topics to assist the A table with a paragraph number comparison of ASHRAE reader: The numbered paragraphs are separated into the fol lowing major topics: 15-1992 with this edition is in an informative appendix at the end of this document. General Restrictions The hazards of refrigerants are related to their physical Design and Construction and chemical characteristics as well as to the pressures and Operation and Testing temperatures occurring in refrigerating and air-conditioning systems. Personal injury and property damage from inade While the user must be familiar with the entire docu quate precautions may occur from: ment, this major topic grouping allows quicker location of information. The subtopics included in these major group Rupture of a part or an explosion with risk from flying ings are: debris or from structural collapse. GENERAL: Purpose, Scope, Definitions, Occupancy Release of refrigerant from a fracture, due to a leaking Classification, Refrigerating System Classification, seal, or from incorrect operation. Refrigerant Classification. Fire resulting from or intensified by burning or defla RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions on Refrigerant Use, In gratton of escaping lubricant or refrigerant. stallation Restrictions. Personal injury from accidental release of refrigerants DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: Materials; System may also occur from: Design Pressure; Refrigerant-Containing Pressure Vessels; Pressure-Relief Protection; Setting of Pres Suffocation from heavier-than-air refrigerants in inade sure-Relief Devices; Marking of Relief Devices and quately ventilated spaces. Fusible Plugs; Pressure Vessel Protection; Positive Narcotic and cardiac sensitization effects. Displacement Compressor Protection; Pressure Toxic effects of vapor or the decomposition products due Limiting Devices; Refrigerant Piping, Valves, Fit to vapor contact with flames or hot surfaces. tings, and Related Parts; Components Other than Corrosive attack on the eyes, skin, or other tissue. Pressure Vessels and Piping; Service Provisions; Freezing of tissue by contact with liquid. Fabrication; Factory Tests; and Nameplate. Table 1 shows the amount of refrigerant in a given space OPERATION AND TESTING: Field Tests, General that, when exceeded, requires a machinery room. When a Requirements. refrigerant is not classified in ASHRAE 34-1992 or addenda In the text of the standard, superscripts indicate the refer or shown in Table 1, it is the responsibility of the owner of a ences included in Appendices D and E. Also, the notes refrigerating system to make this judgment. For blends, included in the body of the standard are informative in Appendix A is offered to aid in determining allowable con nature and are not mandatory. centrations. Copyright ASHRAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE.1994 Sold to:PUBUC.RESOURCE.ORG, W1269038 No reproduction or networkjn~ permitted without license from IHS ?n1?/J.1? 1R"&:;Q·c;n ~MT .II!:J '1'" _ U I'!:J'1b!:JU U!:JU·I'!:J.::t.::t U!:JU _ A~HKAt. Care should be taken to avoid stagnant pockets of 2.3 This code does not apply where water is the primary refrigerant vapors by proper location of ventilation inlet and refrigerant. exhaust openings (all commonly used refrigerants except 2.4 Equipment listed by an approved, nationally recog ammonia [R-717] are heavier than air). All machinery nized testing laboratory is deemed to meet the design, manu rooms are now required to have detectors that will activate facture, and factory test requirements section of this code for an alarm and mechanical ventilation at a value not greater the refrigerant or refrigerants for which the equipment was than the corresponding TLV-TWA (or toxicity measure con designed. sistent therewith). During public review of this standard, extensive com 2.5 The authority having jurisdiction has the authority to ments were received from those interested in the use of grant exceptions from the requirements of this code or allow, ammonia as a refrigerant. The Society has established an for local jurisdictional purposes, the use of other devices, ASHRAE Position Statement, "Ammonia as a Refrigerant, " materials, or methods when evidence is provided to demon to which the reader is referred for positions in this regard. strate equivalent protection and performance. For more information on equipment, design, and installation of ammonia refrigerant systems, see ANS/lllAR-2, published 3. DEFINITIONS by the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration, accessible: easy to approach for service or use (also see Washington, DC 20036. readily accessible). A short publishing history of this code traces the origins of these safety provisions. In 19/9, the American Society of approved: acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) proposed a Tentative Code approved, nationally recognized laboratory: one that is for the Regulation of Refrigerating Machines and Refriger acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction, which pro ants. Over the next 11 years, representatives from the Ameri vides uniform testing and examination procedures and stan can Gas Association, American Institute of Electrical dards for meeting design, manufacturing, and factory testing Engineers, American Institute of Refrigeration, American requirements of this code; is organized, equipped, and quali Chemical Society, American Society of Heating and Ventilat fied for testing; and has a follow-up inspection service of the ing Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, current production of the listed products. National Electrical Refrigerator Manufacturers Association, National Fire Protection Association, and ASRE met to blends: refrigerants consisting of mixtures of two or more expand the code to address all of the issues raised on the use different chemical compounds, often used individually as of refrigeration equipment. The first Safety Code for refrigerants for other applications. Mechanical Refrigeration, recognized as American Standard brazed joint: a gas-tight joint obtained by the joining of 89 in October 1930, appeared in the first edition, 1932- metal parts with metallic mixtures or alloys that melt at tem 1933, of the ASRE Refrigerating Handbook and Catalog. peratures above lOOO°F (537.7°C) but less than the melting ASRE revisions designated ASA 89 appeared in 1933 and temperatures of the joined parts. 1939. ASRE revisions designated ASA 89.1 appeared in companion or block valves: pairs of mating stop valves that 1950, 1953, and 1958. After the formation of ASHRAE, edi allow sections of a system to be joined before opening these tions appeared as ASA 89.1-1964, ANSI 89.1-1971, ANSll valves or separated after closing them. ASHRAE 15-1978, ANSIIASHRAE 15-1989, and ANSII ASHRAE 15-1992. compressor: a machine used to compress refrigerant vapor. compressor unit: a compressor with its prime mover and 1. PURPOSE accessories. The purpose of this standard is to specify safe design, con condenser: that part of the refrigerating system where refrig struction, installation, and operation of refrigerating systems. erant is liquefied by the removal of heat. condenser coil: a condenser constructed of pipe or tubing, 2. SCOPE not enclosed in a pressure vessel. 2.1 This code establishes safeguards for life, limb, health, condensing unit: a combination of one or more power and property, and prescribes safety standards. driven compressors, condensers, liquid receivers (when 2.2 This code applies required), and regularly furnished accessories. (a) to mechanical refrigerating systems and heat pumps containers, refrigerant: a cylinder for the transportation of used in the occupancies defined in Section 4 and refrigerant. installed subsequently to adoption of this code; and corridor: an enclosed passageway that limits travel to a sin (b) to parts or components added after adoption of this gle path. code, or a change to a refrigerant of a different number designation (per ANSIIASHRAE Standard 34-19924) critical pressure, critical temperature, and critical volume: after adoption of this code; and a point on the saturation curve where the refrigerant liquid (c) to parts or components replaced after adoption of this and vapor have identical volume, density, and enthalpy, and code only if they are not identical in function. there is no latent heat. Copyright ASHRAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Sold lo:PUBLlC.RESOURCE.ORG, W1269038 ANSI/ASBRAE 15-1994 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 2012/4/218:59:50 GMT ASHRAE 15 94 .. 0759650 0507534 T97 .. d."lln pr."ur.: the maximum pressure for which a specific lower flammability limit (LFL): the minimum concentration part of a refrigerating system is designed. of the refrigerant that propagates a flame through a homoge neous mixture of refrigerant and air. dual pressure-relief device: two pressure-relief devices mounted on a three-way valve that allows one device to lowside: the portion of a refrigerating system that is sub remain active while the other is isolated. jected to approximate evaporator pressure. duct: a tube or conduit used to conveyor encase: (a) air duct machinery: the refrigerating equipment forming a part of the is a tube or conduit used to convey air (air passages in self refrigerating system including, but not limited to, any or all contained systems are not air ducts); (b) pipe duct is a tube or of the following: compressor, condenser, liquid receiver, conduit used to encase pipe or tubing. evaporator, and connecting piping. evaporator: that part of the refrigerating system designed to machinery room: a space, meeting the requirements of 8.13 vaporize liquid refrigerant to produce refrigeration. or 8.14, that is designed to house compressors and pressure vessels. evaporator coil: an evaporator constructed of pipe or tubing, not enclosed in a pressure vessel. manufacturer: the company or organization that evidences its responsibility by affixing its name, trademark, or trade fusible plug: a plug containing an alloy that will melt at a name to refrigerating equipment. specified temperature and relieve pressure. means of egress: a continuous and unobstructed path of header: a pipe or tube (extruded, cast, or fabricated) to travel from any point in a building or structure to a public which other pipes or tubes are connected. way. heat pump: a refrigerating system used to transfer heat into a mechanical joint: a gas-tight joint obtained by joining metal space or substance. parts with a positive-holding mechanical construction such highside: those portions of the refrigerating system that are as flanged, screwed, or flared joints or compression fittings. subject to approximate condensing pressure. nonpositive dispkzcement compressor: a compressor in horsepower: the power delivered from the prime mover to which the increase in vapor pressure is attained without the compression device of a refrigerating system. changing the internal volume of the compression chamber. IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health): the maxi normative appendix: integral parts of the mandatory mum concentration from which unprotected persons are able requirements of the standard, which, for reasons of conve to escape within 30 minutes without escape-impairing symp nience, are placed after all other normative elements. toms or irreversible health effects. I occupancy: for class of occupancy see Section 4. informative appendix: appendix that is not part of the stan dard but is included for information purposes only. occupied space: that portion of the premises accessible to or occupied by people, excluding machinery rooms. inside dimension: inside diameter, width, height, or cross sectional diagonal. piping: the pipe or tuhe used to interconnect various parts of a refrigerating system. Piping includes pipe, flanges, bolting, internal gross volume: the volume as determined from inter gaskets, valves, fittings, pipe-supporting fixtures, structural nal dimensions of the container with no allowance for the attachments, and the pressure-containing parts of other com volume of internal parts. ponents, such as expansion joints, strainers, filters, and limited charge system: a system in which, with the compres devices that serve such purposes as mixing, separating, muf sor idle, the design pressure will not be exceeded when the fling, snubbing, distributing, metering, or controlling flow. refrigerant charge has completely evaporated. positive dispkzcement compressor: a compressor in which liquid receiver: a vessel, permanently connected to a refrig the increase in pressure is attained by changing the internal erating system by inlet and outlet pipes, for storage of liquid volume of the compression chamber. refrigerant. premises: a tract of land and the buildings thereon. listed: equipment or materials included in a list published pressure-imposing element: any device or portion of the by an approved, nationally recognized testing laboratory, equipment used to increase refrigerant pressure. inspection agency, or other organization concerned with product evaluation that maintains periodic inspection of pro pressure-limiting device: a pressure-responsive electronic or duction of listed equipment or materials and whose listing mechanical control designed to automatically stop the opera states either that the equipment or material meets nationally tion of the pressure-imposing element at a predetermined recognized standards or has been tested and found suitable pressure. for use in a specified manner. pressure-relief device: a pressure-, not temperature-, actu lobby: a waiting room or large hallway serving as a waiting ated valve or rupture member designed to automatically room. relieve pressure in excess of its setting. Copyright ASHRAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE I 00. ... Sold to:PUBLICRESQURCE.ORG, W1269038 No reproduction or networkinq permiUed without license from IHS 7n17/417 1R·t:;q·sn (.;IIIIT AXHRAE 15 94 .. 0759650 0507535 923 .. pressure-relief valve: a pressure-actuated valve held closed tenant: a person or organization having the legal right to by a spring or other means and designed to automatically occupy a premises. relieve pressure in excess of its setting. three-way valve: a service valve for dual pressure-relief pressure vessel: any refrigerant-containing receptacle in a devices that allows using one device while isolating the other refrigerating system. This does not include evaporators from the system, maintaining one valve in operation at all where. each separate evaporator section does not exceed 0.5 times. 3 ft3 (0.014 m ) of refrigerant-containing volume regardless of TLV-TWA (threshold limit value-time weighted average): the maximum inside dimension. This also does not include the refrigerant concentration in air for a normal 8-hour work evaporator coils, compressors, condenser coils, controls, day and a 40-hour workweek to which repeated exposure, headers, pumps, and piping. day after day, will not cause an adverse effect in most per pumpdown charge: the quantity of refrigerant stored at sons.3 some point in the refrigeration system for operational, ser ultimate strength: the stress at which rupture occurs. vice, or standby purposes. unit system: (see self-contained system). readily accessible: capable of being reached safely and quickly for operation, repair, and inspection without requir unprotected tubing: tubing that is unenclosed and therefore ing those to whom ready access is required to climb over or exposed to crushing, abrasion, puncture, or similar damage remove obstacles or to resort to the use of portable access after installation. equipment. zeotropic: refers to blends comprising multiple components refrigerant: the fluid used for heat transfer in a refrigerating of different volatility that, when used in refrigeration cycles, system; the refrigerant absorbs heat and transfers it at a change volumetric composition and saturation temperatures higher temperature and a higher pressure, usually with a as they evaporate (boil) or condense at constant pressure. change of state. The word is derived from the Greek words zein (to boil) and tropos (to change). refrigerating system: a combination of interconnected parts forming a closed circuit in which refrigerant is circulated for 4. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION the purpose of extracting, then rejecting, heat. (See Section 5 for classification of refrigerating systems by type.) 4.1 Locations of refrigerating systems are described by occupancy classifications that consider the ability of people refrigerating system, direct: (see 5.1.1). to respond to potential exposure to refrigerant as follows: refrigerating system, indirect: (see 5.1.2). 4.1.1 Institutional occupancy is a premise or that portion rupture member: a device that will rupture and release of a premise from which, because they are disabled, debili refrigerant to relieve pressure. tated, or confined, occupants cannot readily leave without the assistance of others. Institutional occupancies include, saturation pressure: the pressure at which vapor and liquid among others, hospitals. nursing homes. asylums. and spaces exist in equilibrium at a given temperature. containing locked cells. sealed absorption system: an absorption system in which all 4.1.2 Public assembly occupancy is a premise or that refrigerant-containing parts are made permanently tight by portion of a premise where large numbers of people con welding or brazing. gregate and from which occupants cannot quickly vacate the secondary coolant: any liquid used for the transmission of space. Public assembly occupancies include, among others, heat. without a change of state. and having no flash point or a auditoriums, ballrooms, classrooms, passenger depots, res flash point above lS00P (6SSC) as determined by ASTM taurants, and theaters. D93.2 4.1.3 Residential occupancy is a premise or that portion self-contained system: a complete, factory-assembled and of a premise that provides the occupants with complete inde factory-tested system that is shipped in one or more sections pendent living facilities including permanent provisions for and has no refrigerant-containing parts that are joined in the living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. Residential field by other than companion or block valves. occupancies include, among others, dormitories. hotels. set pressure: the pressure at which a pressure-relief device multi-unit apartments, and private residences. or pressure control is set to operate. 4.1.4 Commercial occupancy is a premise or that portion shan (shall not): used when a provision is mandatory. of a premise where people transact business, receive personal service, or purchase food and other goods. Commercial occu soldered joint: a gas-tight joint formed by joining metal pancies include, among others, office and professional parts with alloys that melt at temperatures not exceeding buildings, markets (but not large mercantile occupancies), 8000P (426.5°C) and above 4000P (204.5"C). and work or storage areas that do not qualify as industrial specified: explicitly stated in detail. Specified limits or pre occupancies. scriptions are mandatory. 4.1.5 Large mercantile occupancy is a premise or that stop valve: a device used to shut off the flow of refrigerant. portion of a premise where more than 100 persons congre- Copyright ASHRAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Sold to:PUBLlC.RESOURCE.ORG, W1269038 ANSI/ASHRAE 15-1994 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 2012/4/218:59:50 GMT

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