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Asbel Estates Homeowners' Association, Inc Book of Standards for Community Living PDF

120 Pages·2012·5.07 MB·English
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Preview Asbel Estates Homeowners' Association, Inc Book of Standards for Community Living

Asbel Estates Homeowners’ Association, Inc Book of Standards for Community Living Table of Contents, GLOSSARY THE HO! NEI TATION Introduction Mission of tha Ashel Estates Homeowners’ Assadiation ‘The Governing Documents ‘The Roard af Directors ‘Tha Committers Meetings Budget nd Finances Managing the Assocation Records Request Rights and Responsibilities ARCHITECTURAL GU! [ANDARDS & CRITERIA Introduction Aspects and Objectives of Architectural Reviorr ‘Man Linbilty for Approval of Plans Alteratian application General Taformation Supporting Dacuments/ Materials “The Review Procass Ganeral Information Indtlal Review ‘Submlseton of Plans te the Bullding Department Construction Commencement Final fospaction Express Approval eubt se dete 2000 Change or Modifications Made Without Appraval Reconstruction Sale of Property Administrative Fees and Compensation ‘Anpeals Process SITE IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS ‘Alditions ‘Ak Conditioners ‘Antannae Architectural Character Aemings Barbecues/Smokers/Grills/Fire pits Birdcages, (swimming pool enclosures) ‘Canopies including large umbrellas ar Covers Corrione Lights lothestines Derkts and Cancrate Patios Dog Houses, Kernels and Runs, Invisible Fences Doors Driveways and Entranoes to Garage Elevations (change In Facada) Including reconstruction Elevations (change in Grade) Encroachment and Plantings on Common Graunca Exterior Painting Fanees lage - Federal, State, Mil Firewood Front Entryway Frant Roof Changes Garage ‘Garbage and Trash - Screening of Containers and HVAC Equipment ‘Garden Hoses ‘Gag Tanks (Progane and/or Naturat) Generators ‘Guttars and Solar Collectors Holiday Decorations House Numbers Irrigation Lake Slope Maintenance and Erosion Standards Landscaping Ta General Berma Buffer Landecaplng Betwean Lats aging ar Landscape Borders Islands Landacape Lighting Flood Lights ‘Minimum $22 Requirements ~ Plants and Treas Publish eae TanEI0 Mulch and Racks, Stones Plant Matertal ~ Acceptable Plant Materlal - Unacceptable Ponds and Waterfalls, ‘Trees ~ Planting ‘Trees ~ Relocation ‘Trees — Removal or Destruction ‘Troas — Street Treas ‘Telllzes, Latte and arches \Yepetadle, Harland Cutting Gardens, Compost Bins PASCO COUNTY APPENDEX A APPROVED TREES PASCO COUNTY APPENDIX® WOTAPPROVED TREES Lawn Furnishings. tame Lawn Furnishings. Uighting (ightning Reds and Brushes Mailbox Omaments ‘Sutbulldinge, Shade and Storage Containers Play Structures and Recreational Equipment ‘wm Ganer Play structures Play Structures — plastic and other toys Permanent Basicat Ball Goals ‘Temporary Basketha!! Goals Rain Bareels Reflectors Roofs Root Extensions/Covering Seraen apd Storm Doors ‘Screened Lanais (Patios) sidewalks and Stepping Stance Signs ‘Skylights and solar Panels: ‘Storm Hurricane Shutters Swimming Pools and Spas Water Softeners Windows - Replacement, Tinting and Treatmants. FENCE GUIDELINES APPROVED MAILBOX DESIGN APPROVED "FOR SALE” or "FOR RENT" SIGN. APPROVED PAINT COLORS EXHIDIT POLICIES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APPLICATION FEES abs le 2 ASSESSMENT COLLECTION POLICY ‘GUIDELINES FOR COVENANTS" ENFORCEMENT EMAIL POLICY STANDARDS FOR EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES AND GROUNDS FIRCS, FIREARMS, FIREWORKS, ETC, INSPECTION & COPYING OF ASSOCIATION RECORDS LAWN MAINTENANCE STANDARDS MEMBER PARTUCIPATION AT ASSOCIATION MEETINGS EMER CODE OF CONDUCTIN GENERAL MEDIBERS IN GOOD STANDING PETS RESOLUTION ‘STANDARDS FOR PORTABLE STORAGE MOVING CONTAINERS VEHICLE PARKING AND MAINTENANCE RESOLUTION VOLUNTEER STANDARD OF CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITIES FORMS SWIMMING POOLS ALTERATION ADDENDUM FENCE & LANDSCAPING ALTERATION APPLICATION ADDENDUM ALTERATION APPLICATION Eeltion Mistory First edition, dated April 2008 Nate this Document is proprlatary In nature and may not be: used, duplicated, etc. axoept with the werttten permission of M/% Homes of Tampa, LLC and Premicr Cormmurnlry Cansultarts, Inc Prt dan 74.0010 GLOSSARY Rirdcages - Screeved enclosure usually wer a pool or palio. The enclosure shall be attached to the house. Landscape Bed - Bet! aruund the perimeter of the house ard/or an fland w'thin the aun. Tae becs yolcaly conta'n s-rubs, trees, and floners. Lot - The tert of Mot” apples to property vith or withau: a dein, SWFWMD - Southnest Plone Weter Meragemient District commonly referred ta as *sivilmud” Word “may” — Fypicelly used ir cho parase "may be” and moans optienal, ‘Wore! “shall” ~ Typically used in tie phrase “shal be” and means masdatory. ‘Word "should" — Typically used in the ohrase “should be" and meds recommended Padi ace 7420: Asbel Estates Homeowners’ Association, Inc The Homeowners’ Association 1. Introduction ‘The ecrmunity of Ashel Estates is a Masler Planned Community that may be comprised of as mary as 435 houses. Mil HOMES TAMPA, LLC., te developer, has envisioned a community whore vesldants cer Iie, work and play. In order to preserve, -rotoct and enhance the property values of those who purchase Pauses within the commur'ty of aabel Estates, the Asbel Estates Homeotners! Assocletion (Assnciation} was created, All awners of proparty within the Asbel Estetes community are Members of the Association. ‘This Meimborship includes certain mandatory aa igations, Fnanclal -esponsil es and a cormitment te abide by the deed (ase) restrictions and rues of the Association, The purpose of this Book of Standards Is 19 provide an explanation of the Association's governing documents and to gve tie Members of te Assodaciny an overview of howe Che Association functions in an easily understaad forinat. This bo3< vill revtews te rights andl obllqatinns of Members and leaders of Ure Association and present 9 worpilation of the Assoclatinn’s adopied pales, rules and -egulations. It, Mission of the Asbel ets’ Association + Ta mairtsin, protect and enhance the value of the houses and common proacrty vlthin Asta! Estetes + To faster a sense of community among the Members. + Topu-sue excellence in all that the Association does. »To‘tuld 2 community thet is based upon prirciples and values + To recore and rranage this vislon trough a system nf gavernance that respects ‘his pesaeciive. 11, The ing Documents ‘Anyur who purchases house in Ashel Estates should receive a cosy of the oF Ire Declaration of Master Covenants, Cercitions anc. Restrict crs (herein referred to as “Declaration” cr "CCR'S"), The Articles cf Incarparation (“articles”), The By-laws CBy- lave) and all amandments thal. may hava bee mac= to each of these documents. of these documents have been recorded In the public records of Pasco County. Tf you Udi not *ooeive these documents, notify your ttle company ard request that they provide tham to you ae required by Florida Statute. Conies "ay he obtained from the Prbiah due P2010 6 menagemert compery; however, you will be charged = copy fee far the eorument package. Dociments nay also be viewed and/or dowinlaaded from tie Pasco County Cerk of Court, Fal Homeaymers’ Association: nin i et overview of the governing decumonts speci ta she: Asbo! Estates Chopter 730 Fa Statutes Homectmers* Assacative Derlaralon oF Coven, Cardtions ane Restrlctions (OCR's) Thapier 0 of te Faia Sinfiies reglales “omeowrers Asscdetons Fen Abel states and tekes precedence over the fsbal Estates doaumnents Isted below. Anite that thero Is a dlepancy beri th stetute ane the Asbel states documents, the statute lh preva “The OCR's ara recorded in the gublic records of basco co-my. They estabish @ canted: between the Sssodatin and the proxery oxrers anal crate oblgatlons which are binding spon th Assoslion art! all presen and fusure oviners of proparty win Adel Eatrtes. The CCR’: | Eonar the plas ef developrrent, she method af uration and Ue rights and responsibil of the assaciion and the awners of property slthin ie aesorar, Files ot Tngorparetion L Filed vith the Flora Searetary of State and a ar exhibits Hie CRs, the. fticles estableh the Asbocktion, as a nobfor-preit corporlion Lneer Flora la Byes tals how the Assocation’ risinal Aas oI Pa conde” Tackle In this document are tre reculrements for voicing and conducting meetings, voting rights of Members, elections orouwdres, and job (eseritios fer offices und conmittess, This recorded as an exhibit to Taneneirenis oF Supplements are recorded et sone pale aR the CRs are Recorded ard may dd land of hrpose arc tsanal ol gations or restrictions on the provost. ‘emaesirems may 22 made to the OCR Artkies and By-laws 3y the Developer anti sich tine 7 he Astciation fs tansinned to homerminer eentrl or they may later ba amended by a vobe of the Membership 2s outlived isthe OCT’, Articles and By-lews atch fecal ‘uldalines “Tne. Asbel Zstakes COR's require what standards end) gudeliwes Tur imuravaren’s and medifeations tp tie cdarior of 3 house {inl 4ing structures and landsoop ng) ke developed. The archtectural Guidel nes ‘were ceeted Johtiy by the Board of Pineclors and the Architectural Powe Corvinitse, (tis ral necessary that thoy be recorled ir the pubic records af Pasco County and can be amended by the Goerd of Birectors atthe xnimiendation ofthe Archtecoral Reve Conmlce, “Rates and Regulations “These aro adopted by the B2BKC of Directors to yovem the use of | roperty, aces and conduct, An exam is Pool ules, les and Ragutalons ae not rence nthe puble records of 5m County [ Sead Resohitions’~ Feeiinns are adopled by the Goerd of TWeriors lo exableh rules, Dotcies, ard procedures or terval governance and. Associlisn ting, ral 0 regulate eperalon and use, of Con un Property. Polls sn 476 0 TV, The Board of Directors ‘The governing authority for the Associstion is the Beard of Directors (“Board”) Currently, there aro reo Membors af the 3naed znd ll are appointed by the Developer. At the time trat 90% of the tote! number of heuses thet can be bult wfthin Asbel Estates have beer cerveyed to someone other than a Etllder, t= control of the Assoclation ya be vansitoned to tye cwme's of hauses within Asbel Estales, Wien the Lransidin ocaus, all beard positions will be held by Members of the Association. “The Board of Ditectors is responsisle for the administration of the Associalon. ‘They have the aulhorlty to make and amend! ru'es, adopt paicy, edopt budgets, assess and eallact assessments, hire and fir> personnel, appoint committees, purchase Insetaree and enter into’ contracts on behalf of the Association. Tre Board is also responsible for enforcing the CCR's and all rules and pofleias o* the Aesaciatior. Board Members must acl whin the scape of thelr avtho-ty and perform thoir duties wrt care and digence when acting fur the cormmunlly. The Board misy delegate some des to he commonity manager, an employee of to a committe? but ultimately the Beard is respaneible for al decision making, v. The Committees ‘The Board of Directors has the authority to creage committses as it deems approsriete and fo assign each committee with o specific task. Committees work In an ‘advisory capacly to the Board and do nat have the authority to commit the Bozrd ta an ‘expense of required action, Committee Memhers are appuinled by sud seive at the pleasure of the Board, Committee Members ray ba removed from their cites for allure to perform within the scope of the commitee's bormderles. Currently, Asbel Ttales has two cammittees established, Those commitees arc thelr dies are deseribed in Fe tabs belove. ciel Wise Comrise (ARCH “Tris comiitige 1 Feapo7able “OF reviewing all Architectyrs Aterzrion Apoications made by residents fa" improvements to the extorior af the Rouse or lat. The camnmiltee also reviews Architect. Guideines and recommends changes and/or additions Wo Une Board for edoption, covenenis Enfortétiant Comite (ce, “This Is the heating tibunal for the Association and has the zuthority to recommend monetzry {ines far Mernbers who are non-comptart with the CCR’ and rules of the assodator. They also advise the Roard on needed clrifialons tm evisting rules or restrictions and may recommend adeltial rules or document amendmerts (or cansidevation by the 32. ich dae 242000 VI, Mectinas ‘The annual Membership mesting is held ir the last quartar of cach year. A quorum of 20% ofall owme's pits a representative of the Developer is required 11 order ‘0 conduct business. Its importa: that all owners complete and mall thelr proxy io the management compéy Mt utdor 2p be counted toward the quorum requrement. 8 proxy 15 & vitton ‘nstrument Wal alloms You to bo counted in actendantoe for the meeting and aagolns arther oerson to cest your vate on any voting matler precenterl ‘tp tie Membership, Any onner who sence in a proxy 2nd then attends the meeting can request is proxy be “etme thersby casting his oven votes om ell busiiacs matters, At 4 General Membersrip meeting, Members cen make motions and cast votes on all austrass matters lstod on the aganca, Boerd of Olrectors meetings are curducted as teeded. A majority of the Board Mombors must be preset fo canstiure a eLbrum and to conduct business. Not ce ofall Boare meetings rust ne ghven ta Members 4 hours In aevence of the meeting. Ang Treating at whier the Board wil adapt rie budget or approve assessments renuies 2 two week nolficatlon. All Board eneatings are open to the general Membership to attend: hnwever, motians and vaces are med by the Board Membars anty, Members may sneak ro ary agenda Item cu'rg ar open discussian periad at the beginning af the mecting, It a Mamber hac a business ftem that they woul! lke: ta be addressed by the Board, they may contact the management company to request that the Item be placed on the agenda, Rack up infernalion about tia requested agenda item should bz made exailable ta the Board! Members prior to che meeting and the Member requesthig the ‘agenda Ite shoudl be prepared to address iy Board at the “neeting, Commie: mee:ings are held monthiy, All comritiaes meet on the same evening. Members are encouraged to valunteer to serve on committees and arn ‘welcome to attend meetings VIL, Budget and Finances “The Board nf Directors ie responsible for creating avd adozding the annual burigel “or the Association. The meragement company aversees the aecounting needs fer the Assaclatior and prepares é finandal report each month, An audit of ths financial statements of the asoclation Is preoared| by ar acra.zng frm es var of the cransior a-aocss, Tre year end fiienlal state nent is provided 20 all Members. “The Board Is tasked with levying a7 assessirent an eac’ awrer based upan thal ‘owner's fair share of the anticipazed budgetary needs for the raring year, The budge! is diuléed inte she expense categories of administrative, grounds malntanance, amenities maintenance, utiles, and reserves, If applicable, Administrative expenses include the fost of management, 'ega" and accounting sonvres, office expanses (ie. pring of ewsibitars, postage, osm assadated wlth lessing a space to conduct the Annual Membership Meeting) and Insurance, Insurance pofcies (1 place var the Association bleh dane 242100 inchide Property and Cesuslty, General Liability, Werker’s Compensation, arc! Directors and Officers Leblliy. The Grounds Mafnierance category Incluces such lkems as landscape meitienance, pond maintenance, annuals, mulch, an¢ costs essoclated wth rraintalning the cormraa area wals, fences and algns. ilitfae ‘nelude alecatelty and vwator. The ros2-ve account funds are 72¢ 'n a separate bank account from the general funes that ate used to operate the Associstion’s routine business, The purpose of the reserve auurl Is to ofset tre high costs associated wit fong terr matitenance or replacement of amenities ovmed by the Assaciation, Te Beare! Is alsn responsible forthe collectinns of each ovinar’s assessmen’s. A callection colicy has been adopted by the Boerd and Is published In the Policies, Rules ‘and Regulations section of t's Book of Standards. VIII, Manauing the Association 4s noted in Seetion TV, the Beard Is responsisle “or ail decision making for the Assoclatian but can delegate some duties to others, The commurity management campany has beer contracted by the Bea-d to assist in implemanting the dacslons ‘nade by the Board, The manegemert company has assigned a comr ity manager ft Asbel Estates, In Fluid, comnmuily monagers aro required to have a CaM license that Is Iecued by the Deoarlmen! of Business end Profesional Regulations and to attend ‘continuing educatian courses ralated to community management on an annual bests ‘The mrarager “eports 20 the P-esidant of the Borrd and is responsible for overseetng the day lo dey business of the Association and for imalementing the decisions made by the: Boare IX. Records Request ‘Tha management company Is the Keepor of the Association's recards, Conics af cffidal racores as outined in Florida Statvte 720 wilch regulates Homeowners ‘Assoc aons ca be recuested from the management compary. ‘The request must bo made in weting, The managerert compery is e-qulred to respond to the “equest ‘within a ten working day periad after receint of tre request. The management: coinpany till arrange an appointment for the hameawiner bo come. tn ‘ts office and review the requested rooores, Taere wlll baz fee for say cootes requested. x nd Responsibliities (Ploass refer to vext page In boos.) Pts dae ata

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