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Armed Forces & Society Volume 32 Number 4 July 2006 685-693 © 2006 Inter-University + Seminar on Armed Forces and Society. All Rights Reserved. 10.1177/0095327X06289761 http://afs.sagepub.com hosted at http://online.sagepub.com Articles Articles, by Title American Empire and the American Military, by Matthew J. Morgan, 2: 202. American Public Opinion toward the Military: Differences by Race, Gender, and Class? by David L. Leal, 1: 123. Base Motives: The Political Economy of Okinawa’s Antimilitarism, by Alexander Cooley, and Kimberly Marten, 4: 566. Biodiversity and the Military in Botswana, by Dan Henk, 2: 273. Chinese Civil-Military Relations: The Divestiture of People’s Liberation Army Business Holdings, by Dongmin Lee, 3: 437. “Civilianization” in Greece versus “Demilitarization” in Turkey: A Comparative Study of Civil-Military Relations and the Impact of the European Union, by Ozkan Duman and Dimitris Tsarouhas, 3: 405. Cohesion During Military Operations: A Field Study on Combat Units in the Al-Aqsa Intifada, by Uzi Ben-Shalom, Zeev Lehrer, and Eyal Ben-Ari, 1: 63. Combat Motivation in Today’s Soldiers: U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, by Leonard Wong, 4: 659. Congressional Control over Defense and Delegation of Authority in the Case of the Defense Emergency Response Fund, by Philip J. Candreva and L. R. Jones, 1: 105. Coups and Conflict in West Africa, 1955-2004: Part I, Theoretical Perspectives, by Patrick J. McGowan, |: 5. Coups and Conflict in West Africa, 1955-2004: Part Il, Empirical Findings, by ° PatrickJ .M cGowan, 2: 234. Democratic Civil-Military Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A New Paradigm for Protectorates, by Graeme P. Herd and Tom Tracy, 4: 549. Does Ethnicity Affect the Coping of Military Spouses? By David J. Westhuis, Richard Fafara, and Philip Ouellette, 4: 584. Does Social Cohesion Determine Motivation in Combat? An Old Question with an Old Answer, by Robert J. MacCoun, Elizabeth Kier, and Aaron Belkin, 4: 646. Fear and Loathing in Falluja, by Alice Hills, 4: 623. How Not to Lose in Iraq: A Commentary on Dr. Alice Hill’s “Fear and Loathing in Falluja,” by William Locke Hauser, 4: 640. Intercultural Learning among Russian Immigrant Recruits in the Israeli Army, by Rivka A. Eisikovits, 2: 292. 686 Armed Forces & Society “Just Cause” or Just Politics? U.S. Panama Invasion and Standardizing Qualitative Tests for Diversionary War, by Jane Kellett Cramer, 2: 178. Military Brats: Film Representations of Children from Military Families, by Morten G. Ender, 1: 24. Military Cohesion and Regime Maintenance: Explaining the Role of the Military in 1989 China and 1998 Indonesia, by Terence Lee, |: 80. Politics, Economics, and Defense Spending in South Korea, by Uk Heo and Sung Deuk Hahm, 4: 604. Propensity to Serve and Motivation to Enlist among American Combat Soldiers, by Todd Woodruff, Ryan Kelty, and David R. Segal, 3: 353. The Public Military High School: A Powerful Educational Possibility, by Remi M. Hajjar, 1: 44. Public Service Role Models: The First Women of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, by Judith Lawrence Bellafaire, 3: 424. Reflexivity and Researching the Military, by Paul Higate and Ailsa Cameron, 2: 219. Research in /n Extremis Settings: Expanding the Critique of “Why They Fight’, by Thomas A. Kolditz, 4: 655. Suspending Routine Duty: The Sociological Significance of Military Holidays and Ceremonies, by Richard Machalek, Andrew D. Katayama, James E. Patrey, and Dana H. Born, 3: 389. “To Take up Arms against Brethren of the Same Faith”: Lower Midwestern Catholic Volunteers in the Mexican-American War, by Tyler V. Johnson, 4: 532. Taming the Monster: Demilitarization and Democratization in Nigeria, by Emmanuel O. Ojo, 2: 254. “Too Sweet and Innocent for War’? Dutch Peacekeepers and the Use of Violence, by Liora Sion, 3: 454. : Undermining Combat Readiness in the Russian Military, 1992-2005, by Dale R. Herspring, 4: 513. What Do the Soldiers Say? Needed Ingredients for Determining Unit Readiness, by James Griffith, 3: 367. What’s in a Name? Defining and Caring for “Veterans”: The United Kingdom in International Perspective, by Christopher Dandeker, Simon Wessely, Amy Iversen, and John Ross, 2: 161. Why Do Youth Enlist? Identification of Underlying Themes, by John Eighmey, 2: 307. “Why They Fight,” by Patricia M. Shields, 4: 645. The Word of Command: Communication and Cohesion in the Military, by Anthony King, 4: 493. Articles, by Author Belkin, Aaron. See MacCoun. Bellafatre, Judith Lawrence, Public Service Role Models: The First Women of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, 3: 424. Index 687 Ben-Ari, Eyal. See Ben-Shalom. Ben-Shalom, Uzi, Zeev Lehrer, and Eyal Ben-Ari, Cohesion during Military Operations: A Field Study on Combat Units in the Al-~ Aqsa Intifada, 1: 63. Born, Dana H. See Machalek. Cameron, Ailsa. See Higate. Candreva, Philip J., and L. R. Jones, Congressional Control over Defense and Delegation of Authority in the Case of the Defense Emergency Response Fund, |: 105. Cooley, Alexander, and Kimberly Marten, Base Motives: The Political Economy of Okinawa’s Antimilitarism, 4: 566. Cramer, Jane Kellett, “Just Cause” or Just Politics? U.S. Panama Invasion and Standardizing Qualitative Tests for Diversionary War,2 : 178. Dandeker, Christopher, Simon Wessely, Amy Iversen, ona John Ross, What’s in a Name? Defining and Caring for “Veterans”: The United Kingdom in International Perspective,2 : 161. Duman, Ozkan, and Dimitris Tsarouhas, “Civilianization” in Greece versus “Demilitarization” in Turkey: A Comparative Study of Civil-Military Relations and the Impact of the European Union, 3: 405. Eighmey, John, Why Do Youth Enlist? Identification of Underlying Themes, 2: 307. Eisikovits, Rivka A., Intercultural Learning among Russian Immigrant Recruits in the Israeli Army, 2: 292. Ender, Morten G., Military Brats: Film Representations of Children from Military Families, 1: 24. Fafara, Richard. See Westhuis. Griffith, James, What Do the Soldiers Say? Needed Ingredients for Determining Unit Readiness, 3: 367. Hahm, Sung Deuk. See Heo. Hajjar, Remi M., The Public Military High School: A Powerful Educational Possibility, 1: 44. Hauser, William Locke, How Not to Lose in Iraq: A Commentary on Dr. Alice Hill’s “Fear and Loathing in Falluja,” 4: 640. Henk, Dan, Biodiversity and the Military in Botswana, 2: 273. , Heo, Uk, and Sung Deuk Hahm, Politics, Economics, and Defense Spending in South Korea, 4: 604. Herd, Graeme P., and Tom Tracy, Democratic Civil-Military Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A New Paradigm for Protectorates, 4: 549. Herspring, Dale R., Undermining Combat Readiness in the Russian Military, 1992-20085, 4: 513. Higate, Paul, and Ailsa Cameron, Reflexivity and Researching the Military, 2: 219. Hills, Alice, Fear and Loathing in Falluja, 4: 623. Iversen, Amy. See Dandeker. Johnson, Tyler V., “To Take up Arms against Brethren of the Same Faith”: Lower Midwestern Catholic Volunteers in the Mexican-American War, 4: 532. 688 Armed Forces & Society Jones, L. R. See Candreva. Katayama, Andrew D. See Machalek. Kelty, Ryan. See Woodruff. Kier, Elizabeth. See MacCoun. - King, Anthony, The Word of Command: Communication and Cohesion in the Military, 4: 493. Kolditz, Thomas A., Research in /n Extremis Settings: Expanding the Critique of ‘Why They Fight’, 4: 655. Leal, David L., American Public Opinion toward the Military: Differences by Race, Gender, and Class? 1: 123. Lee, Dongmin, Chinese Civil-Military Relations: The Divestiture of People’s Liberation Army Business Holdings, 3: 437. Lee, Terence, Military Cchesion and Regime Maintenance: Explaining the Role of the Military in 1989 China and 1998 Indonesia, |: 80. Lehrer, Zeev. See Ben-Shalom. MacCoun, Robert J., Elizabeth Kier, and Aaron Belkin, Does Social Cohesion Determine Motivation in Combat? An Old Question with an Old Answer, 4: 646. Machalek, Richard, Andrew D. Katayama, James E. Patrey, and Dana H. Born, Suspending Routine Duty: The Sociological Significance of Military Holidays and Ceremonies, 3: 389. Marten, Kimberly. See Cooley. McGowan, Patrick J.. Coups and Conflict in West Africa, 1955-2004: Part I, Theoretical Perspectives, 1: 5. McGowan, Patrick J., Coups and Conflict in West Africa, 1955-2004: Part II, Empirical Findings, 2: 234. Morgan, Matthew J., American Empire and the American Military, 2: 202. Ojo, Emmanuel O., Taming the Monster: Demilitarization and Democratization in Nigeria, 2: 254. Ouellette, Philip. See Westhuis. Patrey, James E. See Machalek. Ross, John. See Dandeker. Segal, David R. See Woodruff. Shields, Patricia M., “Why They Fight,” 4: 645. Sion, Liora, “Too Sweet and Innocent for War”? Dutch Peacekeepers and the Use of Violence, 3: 454. Tracy, Tom. See Herd. Tsarouhas, Dimitris. See Duman. Wessely, Simon. See Dandeker. Westhuis, David J., Richard Fafara, and Philip Ouellette, Does Ethnicity Affect the Coping of Military Spouses? 4: 584. Wong, Leonard, Combat Motivation in Today’s Soldiers: U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, 4: 659. Index 689 Woodruff, Todd, Ryan Kelty, and David R. Segal, Propensity to Serve and Motivation to Enlist among American Combat Soldiers, 3: 353 Book Reviews Books, by Author Andrew Rod, Jr., Long Gray Lines: The Southern Military School Tradition, 1839-1915, reviewed by John Walmsley, |: 139. Bergen, Doris L. (ed.), The Sword of the Lord: Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century, reviewed by Joseph L. Soeters, 3: 487. Betros, Lance (ed.), West Point: Two Centuries and Beyond, reviewed by D’ Ann Campbell, 4: 677. Biddle, Tami Davis, Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare: The Evolution of British and American Ideas About Strategic Bombing, reviewed by Stephen Badsey, 4: 680. Bieber, Florian, and Zidas Daskalovski (eds.), Understanding the War in Kosovo, reviewed by Jan Hallenberg, 2: 337. Budd, Richard M., Serving Two Masters: The Development of American Military Chaplaincy, 1860-1920, reviewed by Michael P. Wilson, 2: 329. Budra, Paul, and Michael Zeitlin (eds.), Soldier Talk: The Vietnam War in Oral Narrative, reviewed by Jeffrey S. Wilson, 3: 484. Carmichael, Peter S.. The Last Generation: Young Virginians in Peace, War, and Reunion, reviewed by Jonathan F. Phillips, 3: 477. Cirillo, Vincent J., Bullets and Bacilli: The Spanisn-American War and Military Medicine, reviewed by Douglas’R. Keberlein Gutiérrez, 2: 341. Cliff, Andrew D. See Smallman-Raynor. . Cox, Caroline, A Proper Sense of Honor: Service and Sacrifice in George Washington’s Army, reviewed by Thomas Rider, 4: 676. Daskalovski, Zidas. See Bieber. Domaradskij, Igor V., and Wendy Orent, Biowarrior—Inside the Soviet/Russian, Biological War Machine, reviewed by Robert E. Armstrong, 1: 146. | Ensign, Tod (ed.), America’s Military Today: The Challenge of Militarism, reviewed by Cristina-Rodica Poponete, 3: 480. Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi, Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman and the Surrender of Japan, reviewed by Donald S. Inbody, 4: 664. Jarvis, Christina S., The Male Body at War: American Masculinity during World War II, reviewed by Brian Gifford, 1: 141. Koistinen, Paul A. C., Arsenal of World War II: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1940-1945, reviewed by Alan L. Gropman, 2: 345. Li, Peter (ed.), Japanese War Crimes, reviewed by Frank Osanka, 2: 339. 690 Armed Forces & Society Mandel, Robert, Security, Strategy, and the Quest for Bloodless War, reviewed by Joseph Paul Vasquez III, 2: 330. Matsui, Minoru, Japanese Devils: Confessions of Imperial Army Soldiers from Japan’s War against China, reviewed by Frank Osanka, 2: 339. . Neiberg, Michael S., Fighting the Great War: A Global History, reviewed by Bianka J. Adams, 4: 669. Orent, Wendy. See Domaradskij. Palmer, Michael A., Command at Sea: Naval Command and Control Since the Sixteenth Century, reviewed by Neil Greenberg, 2: 335. Patterson, Robert “Buzz.” Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Security, reviewed by Guy L. Seibold, 2: 333 Roberts, Frank E., The American Foreign Legion: Black Soldiers of the 93d in World War I, reviewed by Alan Gropman, 4: 671. — Rosenbach, William E. See Taylor. Rosenstein, Nathan, Rome at War: Farms, Families, and Death in the Middle Republic, reviewed by Eugenia C. Kiesling, 1: 149. Schultz, Jane E., Women at the Front: Hospital Workers in Civil War America, reviewed by Janet L. Coryell, 1: 151. Sledge, Michael, Soldier Dead: How We Recover, Identify, Bury, and Honor Our Military Fallen, reviewed by James E. McCarroll, 4: 666. Smallman-Raynor, Matthew, and Andrew D. Cliff, War Epidemics: An Historical Geography of the Infectious Diseases in Military Conflict, and Civil Strife, 1850-2000, reviewed by John Kemoli Sagala, 3: 482. Stedman, Stephen John, and Fred Tanner (ed.), Refugee Manipulation: War, Politics, and the Abuse of Human Suffering, reviewed by Stephen J. Scanlan, 2: 343. Tanner, Fred. See Stedman. : Taylor, Brian D., Politics and the Russian Army: Civil-Military Relations, 1689-2000, reviewed by Neal Jesse, 1: 144. Taylor, Robert L., and William E. Rosenbach, Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence, reviewed by James Griffith, 3: 475. Ydén, Karl (ed.), Directions in Military Organizations, reviewed by Roy Thomas, 4: 673. Zeitlin, Michael. See Budra. Books, by Title The American Foreign Legion: Black Soldiers of the 93d in World War I, by Frank E. Roberts, 4: 671. America’s Military Today: The Challenge of Militarism, edited by Tod Ensign, 3: 480. Arsenal of World War II: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1940-1945, by Paul A. C. Koistinen, 2: 345. Index 691 Biowarrior—Inside_ the Soviet/Russian Biological War Machine, by \gor V. Domaradskij and Wendy Orent, |: 146. Bullets and Bacilli: The Spanish-American War and Military Medicine, by Vincent J. Cirillo, 2: 341. Command at Sea: Naval Command and Control since the Si teenth Century, by Michael A. Palmer, 2: 335. Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Security, by Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, 2: 333. Directions in Military Organizations, edited by Karl Ydén, 4: 673. Fighting the Great War: A Global History, by Michael S. Neiberg, 4: 669. Japanese Devils: Confessions of Imperial Army Soldiers from Japan’s War against China, by Minoru Matsui,2 : 339. Japanese War Crimes, edited by Peter Li,2 : 339. The Last Generation: Young Virginians in Peace, War, and Reunion, by Peter S. Carmichael, 3: 477. Long Gray Lines: The Southern Military School Tradition, 1839-1915, by Rod Andrew Jr., 1: 139. The Male Body at War: American Masculinity during World War II, by Christina S. Jarvis, 1: 141. Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence, by Robert L. Taylor and William E. Rosenbach (Eds.), 3: 475. Politics and the Russian Army: Civil-Military Relations, 1689-2000, by Brian D. Taylor, 1: 144. A Proper Sense of Honor: Service and Sacrifice in George Washington’ orn by Caroline Cox, 4: 676. Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman and the Surrender of Japan, by Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, 4: 664. Refugee Manipulation: War, Politics, and the Abuse of Human Suffering, edited _ Stephen John Stedman and Fred Tanner,2 : 343. Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare: The Evolution of British and American Ideas About Strategic Bombing, by Tami Davis Biddle, 4: 680. Rome at War: Farms, Families, and Death in the Middle Republic, by ‘Nathan — Rosenstein, 1: 149. Security, Strategy, andthe Quest for Bloodless War, by Robert Mandel, 2: 330. Serving Two Masters: The Development of American Military Chaplaincy, 1860-1920, by Richard M. Budd, 2: 329. Soldier Dead: How We Recover, Identify, Bury, and Honor Our Military Fallen, by Michael Sledge, 4: 666. Soldier Talk: The Vietnam War in Oral Narrative, edited by Paul Budra and Michael Zeitlin, 3: 484. The Sword of the Lord: Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century, edited by Doris L. Bergen and Joseph L. Soeters, 3: 487. 692 Armed Forces & Society Understanding the War in Kosovo, edited by Florian Bieber and Zidas Daskalovski, 2: 351. War Epidemics: An Historical Geography of the Infectious Diseases in Military Conflict, and Civil Strife, 1850-2000, by Matthew Smallman-Raynor and Andrew D. Cliff, 3: 482. West Point: Two Centuries and Beyond, edited by Lance Betros, 4: 677. Women at the Front: Hospital Workers in Civil War America, by Jane E. Schultz, 1: 151. Books, by Reviewers Adams, Bianka J., Fighting the Great War: A Global History, by Neiberg, 4: 669. Armstrong, Robert E., Biowarrior—Inside the Soviet/Russian Biological War Machine, by Domaradskij and Oyent, 1: 146. Badsey, Stephen, Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare: The Evolution of British and American Ideas About Strategic Bombing, by Biddle, 4: 680. Campbell, D’Ann, West Point: Two Centuries and Beyond, edited by Betros, 4: 677. Coryell, Janet L., Women at the Front: Hospital Workers in Civil War America, by Schultz, 1: 151. Gifford, Brian, The Male Body at War: American Masculinity during World War II, by Jarvis, 1: 141. Greenberg, Neil, Command at Sea: Naval Command and Control since the Sixteenth Century, by Palmer, 2: 335. Griffith, James, Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence, edited by Taylor and Rosenbach, 3: 475. Gropman, Alan L., Arsenal of World War II: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1940-1945, by Koistinen, 2: 345. Gropman, Alan, The American Foreign Legion: Black Soldiers of the 93d in World War I, by Roberts, 4: 671. Gutiérrez, Douglas R. Keberlein, Bullets and Bacilli: The Spanish-American War and Military Medicine, by Cirillo, 2: 341. Hallenberg, Jan,. Understanding the War in Kosovo, edited by Bieber and Daskalovski, 2: 337. Inbody, Donald S., Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman and the Surrender of Japan, by Hasegawa, 4: 664. Jesse, Neal, Politics and the Russian Army: Civil-Military Relations, 1689-2000, by Taylor, 1: 144. Kiesling, Eugenia C., Rome at War: Farms, Families, and Death in the Middle Republic, by Rosenstein, 1: 149. McCarroll, James E., Soldier Dead: How We Recover, Identify, Bury, and Honor Our Military Fallen, by Sledge, 4: 666. Osanka, Frank, Japanese Devils: Confessions of Imperial Army Soldiers from Japan’s War dgainst China, by Matsui; Japanese War Crimes, edited by Li, 2: 339. Index 693 Phillips, Jonathan F., The Last Generation: Young Virginians in Peace, War, and Reunion, by Carmichael, 3: 477. Poponete, Cristina-Rodica, America’s Military Today: The Challenge of Militarism, edited by Ensign, 3: 480. Rider, Thomas, A Proper Sense of Honor: Service and Sacrifice in George Washington’s Army, by Cox, 4: 676. Sagala, John Kemoli, War Epidemics: An Historical Guanes of the Infectious Diseases in Military Conflict, and Civil Strife, 1850-2000, by Smallman-Raynor and Cliff, 3: 482. Scanlan, Stephen J., Refugee Manipulation: War, Politics, and the Abuse of Human Suffering, edited by Stedman and Tanner, 2: 343. Seibold, Guy L., Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Security, by Patterson, 2: 333. Soeters, Joseph L., The Sword of the Lord: Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century, edited by Bergen, 3: 487. Thomas, Roy, Directions in Military Organizations, edited by Ydén, 4: 673. Vasquez III, Joseph Paul, Security, Strategy, and the Quest for Bloodless War, by Mandel, 2: 330. Walmsley, John, Long Gray Lines: The Southern Military School Tradition, 1839- 1915, by Andrew, 1: 139. Wilson, Jeffrey S., Soldier Talk: The Vietnam War in Oral Narrative, edited by Budra and Zeitlin, 3: 484. Wilson, Michael P., Serving Two Masters: The Development of American Military Chaplaincy, 1860-1920, by Budd, 2: 329.

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