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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ARISTOTLE ONASSIS PART 4 OF 4 BUFILE: 46-17783 47750 Re-.9 42- l 7-35! XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX F EDERAL B DUFB ERU INVESTIGATION F DIPA D PENLGEET ED INFDRNATIDN SHEET i Pagetsl withheld entirely at this location in the (cid:1)le. One or more of the following statements. where indicated, explain this deletion. @ Deleted uenxedienrp tiob n=t2s l &#D 3 9;7 __ __ with nseog regable material available for release to you. [I lnfonnation pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Cl Information pertaineodn ly to a third party. Your namei slisted in the t oitnlely. [II Documents originatedw ith another Government agencyties!. These documentsw ere referredt o that agency ies! forr eview andd irect responseto you. Pages containin formation furnished by anotherG overnment agencyties!. You will be advisedb y the FB] as to the releasability ofthis information following our consultationw ith the other agency(cid:1)es!. Pagets! withheld for the following reasontslz [Ii For youri nformation: _ __:_ ____ , _ __i__ E T315 fnoullmoi stwbobie nerg u fosre rde freergeanrcdeipn agg tehse:se o~ / XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " X DELETED PAG§E S! XXXXXX §N0 DUPLICAFTEIEO NX X(cid:28)XWXX (cid:24)X X x FOR THIS PAGE x XXXXXX 92RR7VVVV92FVV VV AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FBI/DOJ 4 -750 Rev.4el7-85! XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX F EDERAL B UREAU B F INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE I NSHFOEERTMATION _£_ P age Slw ithhelde ntirelya t t hisl ocationi nt he(cid:1) le. O neo rm oreo ft hef ollowings tatements,where i ndicated, e xplain t his deletion. [3 D eletedu ndere xemptionls! _ __ _ _ w ithn osegregable m aterial a vailable f or r elease t o you. E] I nformationp ertainedo nlyt oa third p artyw ithn or eferencet oy ouo rt hes ubjecto f y ourrequest. [I] I nformatiop nertainedo nlyt oa third p arty.Y ourn isa me l istedi nt het itleonlyi E D ocumentso riginatedw itha notherG overnmena tgency(cid:1)es!.T hesed ocumentw serer eferredt othat a ger|cy iesf !orr eviewa ndd irectr esponst eoyou. P agesc ontaini nformationf urnishedb ya notherG overnmena tgency(cid:1)es!.Y ouw illb ea bdyv ised t heF aBsI t ot her eleasabilityo ft hisi nformationf ollowingo urc onsultationw itht heo theragency(cid:1)es!. P age s! w ithheld f ort he f ollowing reason s!I [I] F ory ouri nformation: _ ___ T hef ollowingn umberi s t ob uesed f orr eferencer egardingt hesepages: H O - < 9. _ e_ o 7 _ E l XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3 ND D E0LEUTEDPP XALGEI F SC§! EAETION X P "IO&P#39;ll-IIQ p Al":I:&#39;lY XXXXXX FBI/DOJ _ . ,. - 1 ~ - _ _ _ _ (cid:1) -u~ - , ,,_-_,- ,7,_,,_ ,,__,, A j i 92 E - --..-(cid:20)92-|-92(cid:25)rv L »_ .. - V -:1-/71/£8(cid:25) - & . #39;._ =~(cid:24)T 5 ?1 L1,15 (cid:20) 6 (cid:24)1J?m1"s1" 945 (cid:24) . 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Deletede uxnedmepr tM ionlsl . 7- _ ___w itn hosegregabie m aterial a vailable f roerlease t o you. I nformationp ertainedo nlyt oa t hirdp artyw ithn roeference t oy ouo rt hes ubjecto yfour request. I nformatiop nertainedo nlyt oa third p arty.Y ourn amei sl istedi nt het itle only. [I] D ocumentso riginatedw itha notherG overnmena tgencylies!.T hesed ocumentw serer eferredt othat a gencyliesf lorr eviewa ndd irectr esponst eoyou. E i sbey d t heF aBsI P agesc ontaini nformationf buyrn ished a notherG overnmena tgency ies!.Y ouw illb f . 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Pages contaiinnf ormation furnisheb day nother Government agency iesY!.o u willb e adviseb dthy e FBI as to the releasability o thfis information following our consultationw itht ohteher agency(cid:1)es!. Pagets! withheld for the following reason s!: [I] For your information: _ __ I E T fohlelowing number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: _BO (cid:24) £1_s_ "E E E & #39; _ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DELETEPDA GE S! VVVVVV AJLILAJLA NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THIS PAGE XX Fll./DOJ 33.. ~ .(cid:24)~-Z1 ii&f(cid:25) _#,3;9.; -;3;(cid:24)-(cid:24)Q1-35*:-*3&#-39;§""&#39;i(cid:24)..(cid:24): - . --4; E?-- 1;: m I- f 1. 92. :- F (cid:24) I-lib Y M h -r . B11»: / I /r (cid:24) (cid:25) Casper ~ ,9 2- 4 . , " _.(cid:24)_r_ 1 "(cid:24) . - "_ 92._1 -._. ";_.w.. > (cid:24). . _ -L . (cid:24) (cid:24) &-* #&3#. 9j 3; 9;o nb ohalt0 ! t heG 1-oaG kore:-aunt. & #39;-"7?-&#39 ;" _ ,,,.T"&#39; - (cid:24)it - u (cid:24) _ . - _ . . _-. . 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Furthermore, he has entered into an agreement the Onassis Agreement! which establishes a competitor to the U. S. for the movement-of Aramco oil.
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