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Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 1 Introduction PDF

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(cid:0)(cid:2)(cid:1) International Journal of Mathematics M CS and Computer Science, 1(2006), 63-81 Aristotelian prior boundary conditions Daniela Calvetti1, Jari P. Kaipio2, Erkki Someralo3 1 Case Western Reserve University, Department of Mathematics 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106, USA. e-mail: [email protected] 2 University of Kuopio, Department of Applied Physics PO Box 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland. e-mail: jari.kaipio@uku.fl 3 Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics PO Box 1100, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland. e-mail: erkki.somersalo@hut.fl (Received June 23, 2005, Accepted October 21, 2005) Abstract The selection of boundary conditions when restoring a flnite 1D or 2D signal has received a lot of interest in recent times. Dirichlet, periodic, re(cid:176)ective and antire(cid:176)ective boundary conditions may be appropriate selection for some problems, while wholly unsuitable for others. In this paper we show that, in an Aristotelian approach to knowledge, when it is not known a priori which boundary conditions should be chosen, by admitting our lack of information it is possible to let the data itself determine them. We consider 1D and 2D smoothness prior conditions. The application of this Aristotelian approach to boundary conditions to the solution of linear discrete ill-posed problems with Tikhonovregularizationortruncatediterativemethodsisdiscussed. Computed examples of deblurring and limited angle tomography showing the efiectiveness of Aristotelian boundary conditions are presented. 1 Introduction The selection of suitable boundary conditions when restoring a flnite signal from a distorted specimen may play an important role in the success of the outcome. The issue of which boundary conditions are most appropriate has been addressed repeatedly in the image deblurring literature, where Dirichlet, Neumann, peridic, re(cid:176)ective and antire(cid:176)ective boundary conditions have been proposed; see, e.g., [3, 6] and references therein. It is clear from the examples reported in the literature that it is always possible to flnd problems for which Research of the flrst author was supported in part by grant NIH GM-66309-01. ISSN 1814-0424 (cid:176)c 2006, http://ijmcs.futureintech.net Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 64 one type of boundary conditions work much better than the others. For ex- ample, if the signal that we want to recover does not vanish on the boundary, imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions may cause the computed solution to show oscillatory behavior near the boundary. Similar misbehavior of the com- puted solution can be observed with the other boundary conditions when used inappropriately. In this paper we consider the case in which we have no deflnite a priori knowl- edge as to which type of boundary conditions might be most appropriate for our problem. Instead of guessing which boundary conditions might be most appropriate, or selecting the boundary conditions according to how much such selectionwillsimplifythecomputations,weacknowledgeour\tabularasa"state and let our experience of the signal, i.e., the data itself, determine what is the most likely behavior of the solution at the boundary. We call the boundary conditions determined in this fashion Aristotelian boundary conditions because we, like the Greek philosopher, assume that knowledge is a process guided by experiences,builtlayerafterlayerstartingfromacleanslate. 1 Inthispaperwe propose an approach to boundary condition selection that allows a great deal of (cid:176)exibility in terms of expressing the various degrees of knowledge, or lack thereof, about the behavior of the solution at the boundary, and an algorithm which is computationally e–cient also for problems of large dimensions. We remark that while the basic ideas behind Aristotelian boundary conditions areessentiallythesameinone,twoorthreedimensionalspace,thetechnicalde- tailsbecomemoretediousinhigherdimensions. Thereforewewillflrstdescribe the algorithm in one dimension, then explain how it should be modifled for ap- plicationtohigherdimensionalproblems. Furthermore,sincealotoftherecent discussions on the choice of boundary conditions has focused on the problem of signal and image deblurring, we will also assume flrst that we want to recover a signal x from a blurred, and possibly noisy copy b. After discretization we have the linear system b=Ax+e; x Rn; b; e Rm; (1) 2 2 where the matrix A Rm£n is of ill-determined rank, that is, it has singular 2 values of difierent orders of magnitude close to zero. In order to keep the ampliflederrorcomponentsfromdominatingthecomputedsolution, someform of regularization is typically needed when solving (1). Here we consider only two regularization methods. The flrst one, Tikhonov regularization, replaces the solution of (1) with the solution of the minimization problem min b Ax 2+fi Lx 2 ; (2) fk ¡ k k k g where denotestheEuclideannormandLisaregularizationoperatorwhich k¢k deflnes a seminorm. The minimizer exists and is unique if ker(A) ker(L) = \ 1Aristotle’spositionwastheoppositeofthatofhisteacherPlato,whoregardedknowledge asatraitinnateinthehumanmind. Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 65 0 . In particular, if L Rn£n is invertible, the problem (2) is well-posed. f g 2 The second method considered here is truncated iteration. Regularization by truncated iteration consists of applying a few steps of an iterative method to the linear system (1), or to its normal equations, stopping the iteration prior to convergence to avoid the harmful efiects of the amplifled error components on the computed solution. The use of smoothing preconditioners in connection with truncated iteration may improve the quality of the computed solution. In particular, assuming for simplicity that the matrix A is square and that the matrix L in (2) is invertible, the solution by truncated iteration of the right- preconditioned linear system AL¡1w=b; Lx=w; (3) may be computationally more e–cient than the solution of (1), see [2]. In this paper we will show how to express our a priori knowledge, or lack thereof, about the sought solution and its behavior at the boundary by means ofaninvertiblepositivedeflnitematrixLtobeusedasaregularizationoperator for Tikhonov or as a right preconditioner in truncated iteration. The matrix L may, for example, express the fact that the solution is smooth along a portion of the boundary, without forcing any particular type of boundary conditions. We will call the matrix L Aristotelian boundary preconditioner when used in connection with iterative methods for linear systems. Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. InSection2weshowhowstatisticalinversion provides the tools both for expressing various levels of uncertainty about the behavior of the solution at the boundary and for having the data itself deter- mine what this behavior should be. In Section 3 we describe how to construct the matrix L in the one-dimensional model case. Section 4 describes its ex- tension to higher dimensions. We also consider smoothness priors related to structural information, and we present computed examples where Aristotelian prior boundary conditions are used in the context of limited angle tomography. 2 Inverse problems, regularization and statistics The construction of the smoothness prior with Aristotelian boundary condi- tions is based on the Bayesian interpretation of regularization. Now we brie(cid:176)y recall the basic concepts of the statistical theory of inverse problems. For a comprehensive discussion of this topic, we refer to [4]. Assume that x Rn represents a quantity we are interested in. Since we are 2 not sure about its value, we model it as a random variable. The randomness expresses our degree of uncertainty, which in turn is encoded in its probability distribution. We adopt the convention that a random variable is denoted by a capital letter, X, and its realizations by lower case letters, x. Further, we Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 66 denote the probability density2 of X by …(x). Consider the linear inverse problem (1) of estimating x from the noisy data b. Assume that prior to the measurement of b, we have some information about the possible distribution of the unknown x. This information is encoded in the prior density of the corresponding random variable X, denoted by … (x). pr Furthermore,assumethattheerroreisarealizationofanoiseprocessEwhose probability density is … (e). Then, assuming for the moment that X=x is noise flxed, the equation (1) implies that b is a realization of a random variable B whose probability density must be …(b x)=… (b Ax): (4) noise j ¡ The conditional density (4) is known as the likelihood density. The joint prob- ability density of the variables B and X is then …(x;b)=…(b x)… (x)=… (b Ax)… (x): pr noise pr j ¡ Bayes formula states that the posterior density of x is proportional to the joint probability density, that is, …(x b) … (b Ax)… (x): noise pr j / ¡ AparticularbutverycommoncaseiswhenthevariablesXandEareindepen- dent and Gaussian. Assume, for simplicity, that E (0;(cid:190)2I); X (0;¡); »N »N where I is the m m identity matrix and ¡ Rn£n is a symmetric positive £ 2 deflnitematrix. ThenBayesformulaimpliesthattheposteriordensityis, upto a norming constant, 1 1 …(x b) exp b Ax 2+xT¡¡1x : (5) j / ¡2 (cid:190)2k ¡ k (cid:181) ‰ (cid:190)¶ Let ¡¡1 = (cid:176)LTL. Such decomposition exists because ¡ is symmetric positive deflnite and therefore admits a Cholesky factorization. Then the maximum a posteriori estimate of x, x , is the maximizer of the posterior density (5) or, MAP equivalently, x =argmin b Ax 2+(cid:190)2(cid:176) Lx 2 : MAP k ¡ k k k Hence the regularization matrix L'for Tikhonov regulariza“tion corresponds to the covariance matrix of the prior probability density. Thus this matrix re(cid:176)ects our prior information about the unknown. The regularization parameter fi in (2) is related to the statistical parameters via fi = (cid:190)2(cid:176), giving insight of its statistical interpretation in terms of the noise level and scaling of the prior covariance. The determination of fi is usually based on discrepancy principle, 2To avoid measure theoretic considerations, all probability densities are assumed to be absolutelycontinuouswithrespecttotheLebesguemeasure. Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 67 while the statistical parameters can be estimated by hierarchical models. For further discussion of these topics, see [4]. For the purposes of this article, the key observation is that the statistical ap- proachgivesusmeansofinterpretingtheregularization. Indeed, ifL Rn£n is 2 an invertible matrix appearing inside the Tikhonov functional (2) or as a pre- conditioner in (3), the matrix B = LTL deflnes, up to a scaling constant, the inverse of a covariance. Exploration of the corresponding prior density e.g. by random draws, gives us a way to check if this matrix corresponds to what we assume to be known a priori about the unknown x. 3 One dimensional smoothness prior We begin this section by assuming that the desired solution is a smooth one- dimensional signal f(t) with support on the unit interval [0;1] and we denote by x=[x ;x ;:::;x ]T its values at the points of a uniformly spaced grid. 1 2 n Assuming that we believe a priori that f C([0;1]) C2(]0;1[), we seek to 2 \ construct a prior density of x that re(cid:176)ects this information. Observe that no assumption whatsoever of the boundary conditions of f is made. Thenaturalstartingpointforasmoothnessprioristoconsideraflnitedifierence approximation of f00(t) at the interior points t ;:::;t . We have 2 n¡1 f00(t ) 1 2 1 x 2 1 ¡ f00(t3) 1 1 2 1 x2 1 2 ... 3… h2 2 ¡... ... ... 32 ... 3= h2Lx; (6) 6 7 6 76 7 6 f00(t ) 7 6 1 2 1 76 x 7 6 n¡1 7 6 ¡ 76 n 7 4 5 4 54 5 whereh=1=(n 1). Thisapproximationgivesrisetoacandidatepriordensity, ¡ which we refer to as smoothness preprior, deflned by 1 1 … (x) exp fi Lx 2 =exp fixTBx ; pre / ¡2 k k ¡2 (cid:181) ¶ (cid:181) ¶ where B =LTL Rn£n; L R(n¡2)£n: 2 2 We observe that since rank(B)=n 2; ¡ … is not a proper Gaussian probability density. The rank deflciency of B pre alone does not prevent from using L as regularizing matrix, although care must be taken if the null spaces of L and A coincide. For certain techniques such as right priorconditioning ([2]), the invertibility of B is essential. Consequently, we want to augment L in such a manner that the resulting prior is a proper density. Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 68 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.01 (s D)j 0.02 (s A)j 0.01 0 0 −0.01 −0.01 −0.02 −0.02 −0.03 −0.03 −0.04 −0.05 −0.04 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 1: Six random draws from the prior … (left) and … (right) with the D A parametervaluefi=1. ThedrawsaregeneratedbysolvingthesystemLx=w, L = L or L = L , where w is a white noise Gaussian random draw. The D A standard deviations of the elements are plotted as a bold curve. AstraightforwardwayofaugmentingLsoastoobtainaninvertiblen nmatrix £ is to assume boundary conditions at t=0 and t=1, e.g., Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin or re(cid:176)ecting boundary conditions. Another way is to assume that f admits a C2-extension outside the interval [0;1] and the extension vanishes in the extended grid. Such an assumption leads naturally to the extension of L as 2 1 ¡ 1 2 1 1 2 1 ¡ 2 ¡ 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 L=2 ¡... ... ... 3!66 ¡... ... ... 77=LD 6 7 6 7 6 1 2 1 7 6 1 2 1 7 6 ¡ 7 6 ¡ 7 4 5 6 1 2 7 6 ¡ 7 4 5 The corresponding probability density is 1 … (x) exp fi L x 2 ; D D / ¡2 k k (cid:181) ¶ which is a proper density since L , and consequently LTL , is invertible. D D D To understand which prior assumptions are implied by this extension of L, we make few random draws from the resulting density. The random draws are facilitated by the observation that if W is Gaussian white noise, i.e., W » (0;I),thenX=(pfiL )¡1Wisdistributedaccordingto… . InFigure1,six D D N independent random draws from this density are shown. The boundary values arenearzero,indicatingthatbyaugmentingLinthisfashion,wehaveimposed thatthevaluesofthesolutionattheboundaryaresmall. Tobetterunderstand the relation between the matrix L and the constraint on the solution at the boundary,considerthevariancesofindividualcomponentsofX … . Wehave D » (cid:190) 2 =E X2 = ¡ ; D j j D jj ¡ ¢ ' “ ¡ ¢ Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 69 where the covariance matrix ¡ is D ¡ = fiLTL ¡1: D D D The standard deviations (cid:190) are p£lotted in⁄Figure 1. It is clear from the plot D j of (cid:190) that the variance at the endpoints is much smaller than in the interior of D ¡ ¢ the interval. We are now going to relax the constraint at the boundary without afiecting the smoothness properties inside the interval. The extension L L was based on some implicit assumptions about the D ! boundary values of f. We now analyze the dependence of the interior values on theboundaryvalues. Wepermutetheentriesofthevectorxsothattheinterior points come flrst, followed by the boundary points and we use the notation x n 2 x=[x2;x3;:::;xn¡1;xn;x1]T = x1 ¡2 : 2 • ‚ Accordingly, we partition the matrix L as L= L1 L2 ; L1 R(n¡2)£(n¡2); L2 R(n¡2)£2: 2 2 Observe that the b£lock L⁄ is invertible. The partition of L induces a partition 1 of B of the form LTL LTL B B B =LTL= 1 1 1 2 = 11 12 : LTL LTL B B • 2 1 2 2 ‚ • 21 22 ‚ Since the matrix L is invertible, so is B . If the boundary values of f and 1 11 thus the vector x were known, we could calculate the conditional probability 2 density of x conditioned on this information using the preprior. From now on, 1 we assume that fi=1 in the preprior. We have xTBx = xTB x +xTB x +xTB x +xTB x 1 11 1 1 12 2 2 21 1 2 22 2 = x +B¡1B x TB x +B¡1B x (7) 1 11 12 2 11 1 11 12 2 ¡ ¢ +x¡T B B B¡1¢B x : 2 22¡ 21 11 12 2 Notice that since the last term in (7) does not¡depend on x , it on¢ly afiects the 1 norming constant in the exponential deflning the preprior. The quantity B =B B B¡1B 11 22¡ 21 11 12 is the Schur complement of B . In this setting, the matrix B vanishes. In b 11 11 fact, from the relationship between the partition of B and that of L, we have that b B B B¡1B =LTL LTL LTL ¡1LTL =0: 22¡ 21 11 12 2 2¡ 2 1 1 1 1 2 Consequently, the conditional distribution of X£1 cond⁄itioned on X2 = x2 is a proper Gaussian density, … (x x ) B¡1B x ; B¡1 : pre 1 j 2 »N ¡ 11 12 2 11 ¡ ¢ Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 70 We recall that this density corresponds to the assumption that the Dirichlet boundary values are known, while in reality, they should be treated as ran- dom variables. Assume that the boundary values are Gaussian, with marginal distribution x (0;C); 2 »N where C R2£2 is a symmetric positive deflnite matrix whose inverse has a 2 factorization of the form C¡1 =KTK: The marginal probability density of X is then 2 1 1 … (x ) exp xTC¡1x =exp Kx 2 : 0 2 / ¡2 2 2 ¡2k 2k (cid:181) ¶ (cid:181) ¶ By using the identity …(x ;x )=…(x x )…(x ); (8) 1 2 1 2 2 j we can now deflne a proper prior probability density … as pr … (x) = … (x x )… (x ) pr pre 1 2 0 2 j exp 1 x +B¡1B x TB x +B¡1B x + Kx 2 / ¡2 1 11 12 2 11 1 11 12 2 k 2k (cid:181) ¶ £¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ⁄ 1 B B x = exp xT xT 11 12 1 : (cid:181)¡2 1 2 • B21 B21B1¡11B12+C¡1 ‚• x2 ‚¶ £ ⁄ Furthermore, the matrix appearing above allows a factorization in terms of L , 1 L and K of the form 2 B B LTL LTL 11 12 = 1 1 1 2 B B B¡1B +C¡1 LTL LTL +KTK • 21 21 11 12 ‚ • 2 1 2 2 ‚ T L L L L = 1 2 1 2 =LTL ; 0 K 0 K A A • ‚ • ‚ which, in turn, implies that 1 … (x) exp L x 2 : pr A / ¡2k k (cid:181) ¶ Note that det(L )=det(L )det(K)=0: A 1 6 This is equivalent to assuming that we have an observation model of the form X =AX +E; E 0;B¡1 ; 1 2 »N 1;1 where ¡ ¢ A= B¡1B ¡ 11 12 Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 71 is the discretization of an operator that continues the boundary values of a difierential equation inside the domain. If the boundary values are independent Gaussian random variables with equal variance, then 1 0 1 1 0 C =(cid:190)2 ; K = : 0 1 (cid:190) 0 1 • ‚ • ‚ SubstitutingtheexpressionforLintothematrixL andrepermutingtheentries A of the vector x so that the pixels appear in the natural ordering we have that 1=(cid:190) 0 1 2 1 2 ¡ 3 1 2 1 LA =66 ¡... ... ... 77: 6 7 6 1 2 1 7 6 ¡ 7 6 0 1=(cid:190) 7 6 7 4 5 The selection of the value of the parameter (cid:190) can be done so that the variance of the entries of the vector x is as uniform as possible. This can be achieved by letting (cid:190) = max (cid:190) ; 1•j•n D j where (cid:190) is computed from the density …¡. I¢n fact, D D (cid:190) 2 =var X = LTL ¡1 ; D j j D D jj so denoting by e the¡unit¢vector w¡ith¢the¡£jth com⁄po¢nent equal to one, j (cid:190) 2 =eT LTL ¡1e = L¡Te 2: D j j D D j k D jk ¡ ¢ £ ⁄ We choose j = [n=2], since the maximum variance occurs at the center of the interval. Figure 1 shows six random draws from the density … , as well as the standard pr deviation of the components X , i.e., the square root of the diagonal of the j matrix LTL ¡1. Therandomdrawsaregeneratedusingthesamerealizations A A of the white noise as in Figure 1. £ ⁄ We now compare the efiects of the matrices L and L with an example where D A L and L are used as regularization operators for Tikhonov regularization. A D To show how the matrix L performs as a Tikhonov penalty, we consider the A following deblurring problem. Let 1 b = K(s ;t)f(t)dt+e ; 1 j m; j j j • • Z0 where the kernel K is deflned as K(s;t)=c(s)s(1 s)e¡(t¡s)2=2w2; w =0:03; ¡ Aristotelian prior boundary conditions 72 1 true Zero extension 0.8 Aristotelian 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 2: Tikhonov regularized solutions of the deblurring problem using the regularization matrices L and L , respectively. D A and the scaling function c chosen so that max K(s;t) = 1. The sampling t2[0;1] points are s =(j 1)=(m 1); m=40: j ¡ ¡ The problem is discretized by approximating 1 1 n K(s ;t)f(t)dt K(s ;t )x ; j j ‘ ‘ … n Z0 ‘=1 X where the points t and s coincide, hence n = m = 40. The noise is assumed j j to be Gaussian white noise, E (0;(cid:176)2I); (cid:176) = 1% of max. of the noiseless signal. »N To avoid the \inverse crime" (see [4]) of computing the data using the same discretization grid in which the inverse problem is solved, we generate the data using a uniformly spaced grid of 100 discretization points. The inverse problem is solved using the Tikhonov regularization scheme, i.e., by solving x =argmin b Ax 2+fi Lx 2 ; fi k ¡ k k k where either L=L or L=L . T¡he parameter fi>0 in¢ both cases is selected D A using the Morozov discrepancy principle, i.e., from the condition b Ax 2 =E E 2 =m(cid:176)2: fi k ¡ k k k g The results are shown in Figure 2. T'he improvements near the boundaries obtained when using L are clearly visible. A

an Aristotelian approach to knowledge, when it is not known a priori which examples of deblurring and limited angle tomography showing the .. thus the vector x2 were known, we could calculate the conditional probability.
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