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Are there static texture? PDF

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Are There Static Textures? Lukas Lichtensteiger1 and Ruth Durrer2 1AILab, Computer Science Department, Universit¨at Zu¨rich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zu¨rich, Switzerland 9 2D´epartement de Physique Th´eorique,Universit´e de Gen`eve, Quai Ernest 9 Ansermet 24, CH-1211 Gen`eve, Switzerland 9 1 n a J 4 Abstract 1 v WeconsiderharmonicmapsfromMinkowskispaceintothethreesphere. 4 Weare especially interested in solutions which are asymptotically constant, 2 i.e. converge to the same value in all directions of spatial infinity. Physical 0 3-space can then be compactified and can be identified topologically (but 1 notmetrically!)withathreesphere.Therefore,atfixedtime,thewindingof 0 themap is defined. Weinvestigate whether static solutions with non-trivial 9 winding number exist. The answer which we can proof here is only partial: 9 Weshow that within a certain family of maps no static solutions with non- / h zero winding number exist. We discuss the existing static solutions in our p family of maps. An extension to other maps or a proof that our family of - maps is sufficiently general remains an open problem. o r t s 1 Introduction a : v Manyphysicalproblemscanbedescribedbyscalarfieldsϕwithtopologicallynon- i X trivial targetspaces. The equation of motion for ϕ often requires ϕ to representa r harmonicmapfromspacetimeintothetargetspace(Inthephysicsliteraturesuch a maps are better known under the name ’non-linear σ-model’). Thequestionariseswhetheragivenfieldconfigurationistopologicallytrivial (continuously deformable to the constant map). Topological defects are topolog- ically non-trivial field configurations. If we consider a topologically trivial four dimensionalspace-timemanifoldM,non-trivialfieldconfigurationsareingeneral singular on a certain sub-manifold S ⊂ M. The dimension of S depends on the first non-trivial homotopy of ϕ(M\S)≡Imϕ: If π (Imϕ) is non-trivial, the submanifold S forms a network of ’domain walls’ of 0 space-time dimension 3. If π (Imϕ) is non-trivial, a network of ’strings’ of space- 1 time dimension 2 is formed. If π (Imϕ) is non-trivial ’monopoles’ of space-time 2 dimension 1 appear. And if π (Imϕ) is non-trivial ’textures’, singular events of 3 space-time dimension 0 appear. 1 Higherhomotopygroupsdonotleadtotopologicaldefectsinfourspace-time dimensions.Thesimplestandmostcommonexamplesoftopologicaldefectsarethe cases Imϕ=Sn, where Sn denotes the sphere of dimension n and S0 ={−1,1}. But also other examples play an important role in solid state physics (helium[1], liquid crystals[2]) and cosmology[3, 4]. InthecaseofafieldlivingonSnwithn≤2simplestaticdomainwall(n=0), string (n = 1) and monopole (n = 2) solutions are known (see, e.g. [4] or [5]). The question which we want to address here is whether there also exist static texture solutions (n = 3). A static texture solution is different from monopoles, strings and domain walls in that it is non-singular: A map from R3 to S3 which is asymptotically constant,lim ϕ(x,t)=ϕ (t), can wind aroundS3 without |x|→∞ 0 being singular anywhere. Derricks theorem[6] then already implies that there is no static texture solution with finite energy. However, the simple static domain wall, string and monopole solutions we are alluding to (which contain a singular sheet, line and point respectively), have infinite total energy and we thus want to allow also for infinite energy solutions. We therefore cannot apply Derricks theorem. Nevertheless, numerical simulations[7, 8] indicate, that winding texture configurations always shrink, leading to a singularity, the unwinding event, at a finite time t , after which the configuration becomes topologically trivial and c approaches the constant solution, as predicted by Derricks theorem. The total energy of the initial configuration is, however in general infinite so that Derricks theorem cannot be applied. Thisnumericalfindingpromptedustosearchforaproofforthenon-existence ofstatictextureinflatphysicalspace.Clearly,theresultdependsonthegeometry ofphysicalspace.Ifspaceis a 3-sphere,the identity maprepresentsa welldefined statictexturesolution.Wewanttoinvestigatewhethersuchsolutionsareexcluded, for example in Minkowski space. Wedonotquitesucceedinthistask.First,weshallassumethatthesearched for static winding solution has a spherically symmetric Lagrangian density. This assumption does not bother us too much. It seems physically well motivated (we can, however not use any rigorous energy arguments to justify it, since the total energy of our solution must be infinite). Also within the class of solutions with spherically symmetric Lagrangian densities we have a proof only for a special ansatzfor the fieldconfigurationanditremains anopen problemhow generalour ansatz is. Our paper is organized as follows: In the next section we write down the equationsofmotionforthescalarfieldandspecifyouransatz.Insection3wethen showthatwithinthisansatznostaticsolutionwithnon-trivialwindingnumbercan existanddiscussthenatureofthegloballyexisting(non-winding)staticsolutions. In section 4 we present the conclusions and an outlook. 2 2 Spherically symmetric ’texture’ fields We consider a scalar field (order parameter) ϕ : M → S3 and we ask ϕ to be harmonic, a non-linear σ-model. A harmonic map satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equations for the action 1 S(ϕ)= |dϕ|2 dx. (1) 2 S3 ZM We consider the situation where M is 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime with the flat Lorentzian metric g and S3 is the unit three-sphere with the standard metric which we denote by G. Here dx denotes the volume element of the metric g on M and ∂ξi ∂ξj L(ϕ)=|dϕ|2 =Trace (ϕ∗G)=gµν(x)G (ϕ(x)) (x) (x), (2) S3 g ij ∂x ∂x µ ν for some(local)coordinatesx=(x ,...,x ) onM andϕ=(ξ ,ξ ,ξ )onS3 (We 0 3 1 2 3 always assume summation over repeated indices). We only consider regular maps ϕ, i.e. maps that have finite energy density |dϕ|2 everywhere. In addition to being stationary points of (1) we also demand S3 our maps to be asymptotically constant, lim ϕ(x,t)=ϕ (t) . 0 |x|→∞ At fixed time we then canconsider them as maps ϕ from compactifiedR3, R3 = t R3∪{∞}≡S3 to S3, assigning ϕ (x)=ϕ(x,t) and ϕ (∞,t)=ϕ (t). t t 0 The winding number of this extended map ϕ : S3 → S3 is a topological t invariant and counts how many times ϕ (S3) winds around the target S3. This t number cannot change under continuous time evolution. We would like to show that there are no static solutions ϕ with non-zero winding number. Unfortunately, we are not able to solve the problem in this generality. We thus impose some restrictions onthe maps ϕ. One way of doing this is to demand ϕ to obey certain symmetry properties. We want to impose spherical symmetry, i.e., invariance under SO(3), the group of rotations of physical space. The action of an element of the rotation group, g ∈ SO(3) on the maps ϕ:M →S3 is given by (g·ϕ)(x)=ϕ(g−1·x) (3) (scalarfield).Thefixedpointsoftheaction(3)arethesphericallysymmetricfields of the form ϕ=ϕ(r,t), r =|~x|. We might want to require spherical symmetry of the fieldϕitself.Forourpurposeshowever,thisrestrictionistoosevere:Sincethe imageof asmoothmapcannever haveadimensiongreaterthanthe dimensionof the domain, this would limit us to only two-dimensional ranges (one-dimensional in the static case) which are topologically not interesting. Instead we will only demand that the Lagrangiandensity L=|dϕ|2 (4) S3 3 be SO(3) invariant, L(gϕ)=L(ϕ). We proceedas follows:We first derive the full Euler-Lagrangeequations and then make an ansatz for ϕ (which is inspired by our symmetry requirement). We then insert the ansatz into the Euler-Lagrangeequations. Since the equations remain self-consistent, we can try and solve them. The solutions we find are then always solutions of the full Euler-Lagrange equations. It remains to investigate whether they can be topologically nontrivial, i.e., whether there exist solutions with nonzero winding number. We use standardspherical coordinates (r,θ,φ) for the spatial part and write the standard metric on flat Minkowski spacetime M as g =−dt2+dr2+r2(dθ2+sin2(θ)dφ2). (5) For y ∈S3 we use the standard spherical coordinates y = (sinξ sinξ sinξ ,sinξ sinξ cosξ ,sinξ cosξ ,cosξ ). 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 In our case the ξ are functions living on spacetime M, i ξ :M →R, ξ =ξ (t,r,θ,φ). (6) i i i The standardranges for the angles ξ are ξ ∈[0,2π],ξ ∈[0,π] and ξ ∈[0,π]. It i 1 2 3 is important to note that for a map to cover all of S3, ξ and ξ have to assume 2 3 both boundary values, 0 and π, and ξ must assume both 0 and 2π. 1 The standard metric on S3 expressed in terms of (ξ ) is i G=dξ2+dξ2sin2(ξ )+dξ2sin2(ξ )sin2(ξ ). (7) 3 2 3 1 3 2 The equations of motion corresponding to the Lagrangian(1) are ∂L ∂L ∇ = , 1≤i≤3. (8) µ ∂(∇ ξ ) ∂ξ (cid:18) µ i (cid:19) i With the standard metric (7) on S3 they become: 0 = ∇µ∇ ξ −sin(ξ )cos(ξ ) (∇ ξ )(∇µξ )+sin2(ξ )(∇ ξ )(∇µξ ) µ 3 3 3 µ 2 2 2 µ 1 1 0 = ∇µ∇ ξ +2cot(ξ )(∇ ξ )(∇µξ )−sin(ξ )cos(ξ )(∇ ξ )(∇µξ ) (9) µ 2 3 µ 3(cid:2) 2 2 2 µ 1 1 (cid:3) 0 = ∇µ∇ ξ +2cot(ξ )(∇ ξ )(∇µξ )+2cot(ξ )(∇ ξ )(∇µξ ) µ 1 2 µ 2 1 3 µ 3 1 To obtain a spherically symmetric Lagrangian density we use a generalized hedgehog Ansatz: ξ =ξ (φ,θ), i=1,2 and ξ =ξ (r,t). (10) i i 3 3 The idea behind this Ansatz is that we want to make use on the vaste knowledge onharmonicmaps on2-dimensionalspaces,which willhelp us to firstsolvethe 2- dimensionalproblemforξ andξ inthe coordinatesθ andφandthen afterwards 1 2 4 solve the equation for the remaining function ξ . The crucial point in order for 3 this to work is that the equations of motion respects this ‘decomposition’ of ϕ in a(r,t)-dependent anda(θ,φ)-dependent part.Thisis the subjectofthe theoryof (ρ,σ)-equivariant maps which is explained in great detail in [11]. With the Ansatz (10) we may introduce a map Ω:S2 →S2 , Ω(φ,θ)=(ξ ,ξ ) (11) 1 2 with Lagrangiandensity |dΩ|2 =(∇ ξ )(∇µξ )+sin2(ξ )(∇ ξ )(∇µξ ). (12) µ 2 2 2 µ 1 1 The total Lagrangiandensity of the map ϕ is then |dϕ|2 =(∇ ξ )(∇µξ )+sin2(ξ )|dΩ|2. (13) µ 3 3 3 Our Ansatz (10) yields λ(φ,θ) |dΩ|2 = , (14) r2 Spherical symmetry of the Lagrangian density then requires λ = constant(≥ 0). Inserting our Ansatz (10) into the Euler-Lagrange equations (10), we find after multiplyingwithr2 thatforthecomponentsξ andξ theseequationsarejustthe 1 2 Euler-Lagrange equations of the map Ω : S2 → S2. Thus Ω has to be harmonic (on S2!) with constant Lagrangian density |dΩ|2 = λ, where |.|2 now denotes S2 S2 the Lagrangian density on S2. But this means that Ω has to be an eigenmap of the Laplacian △ on S2 with eigenvalue λ (in the sense of [11]). Therefore the components Ω have to be given by linear combinations of spherical harmonics of i fixed degree k, Y , km Ω = a Y . i im km m X If we apply this to our map Ω : S2 → S2, we obtain for |dΩ|2 (with respect to the metric g on spacetime) k(k+1) |dΩ|2 = , k ∈N. (15) r2 We willalwaysassumeλ=k(k+1)>0sinceweareonlyinterestedinspherically non-trivial maps. Note that λ = 2 just corresponds to Ω = id, the identity map, used for example in the ‘hedgehog’ monopole. The remaining Euler-Lagrangeequation for the last component ξ is now 3 k(k+1) 0=∇µ∇ ξ − sin(2ξ ), k ∈N. (16) µ 3 2r2 3 Itisthisequationthatwewouldliketoanalyzeinthispaper.Inthenextsec- tionwewillprovethenon-existenceofstatic solutionswithnonzerowindingnum- ber, whereas an infinite family of time-dependent solutions of (16) in Minkowski space for arbitrary winding number n∈N can be found [13]. 5 In[10]solutionsfromageometricalS3 toS3 arestudiedwiththeansatz(16) for k = 0,1. Here we consider compactified R3, which is topologically equivalent toS3,butwithflatgeometry.Usingouransatz(10)onthegeometricalS3,wecan alsogeneralizethe resultsof[10]byshowingthatthereareactuallytwocountable families of such maps for every k >0, k ∈N, where k(k+1) is the eigenvalue of the map Ω defined in (11). This will be detailed in a subsequent paper [13]. All of these results can also be found in [12]. 3 Non-existence of static winding solutions We consider maps to the standard three sphere where spacetime is parametrized bystandardCartesiancoordinatesrandt.Inwhatfollowswewillusethenotation ∂ ∂ ˙= , and ′ = . (17) ∂t ∂r Then (16) becomes 2 k(k+1) ξ′′−ξ¨ + ξ′ − sin(2ξ )=0, k∈N (18) 3 3 r 3 2r2 3 An exact solution to (18) which describes a winding time dependent texture for the case k = 1 has been found in [14]. (Time-dependent solutions to (18) can in fact be found for any k∈N and for any winding number n∈N [13]). The r-dependence of the last term in (18) shows that nontrivial solutions of the form ξ =ξ (t) are impossible for k 6=0. However,for static maps the Ansatz 3 3 (10) becomes ξ =ξ (r) and equation (18) reduces to (ξ ≡ξ ) 3 3 3 2 k(k+1) ξ′′+ ξ′− sin(2ξ)=0 , (19) r 2r2 the equation we will discuss in the following. 3.1 Local properties Equation (19) has a singular point at r = 0. Since we require solutions to be regularforallr andt,weassumethatξ(r)isdescribedinaneighborhoodofr =0 by some power series ∞ ξ(0+ǫ)= a ǫj. (20) j j=0 X If we multiply equation (19) by r2 and insert (20) at r = 0 + ǫ we obtain an equation in powers of ǫ ∞ 0 = (j+2)(j+1)a ǫj+2+2(j+1)a ǫj+1 j+2 j+1 j=0 X(cid:0) (cid:1) 6 a = mπ (2m+1)π/2 0 a = (0<j <k) 0 0 j a = free 0 k a = 0 0 k+1 a = − k(k+1) a3 0 k+2 3(2k+3) k Table 1: Expansion coefficients for ξ at r =0 where k(k+1) is the eigenvalue of 3 the map Ω:S2 →S2 and m∈Z. ∞ ∞ k(k+1) − cos(2a )sin 2 a ǫj +sin(2a )cos 2 a ǫj .(21) 0 j 0 j 2      j=1 j=1 X X      From comparison of the lowest order terms ǫ0 we obtain immediately sin(2a )=0 ⇒a =mπ/2, m∈Z. (22) 0 0 Let l ≥ 1 be the smallest integer for which a 6= 0. Then the lowest order l terms ǫl yield k(k+1) l(l−1)a +2la − cos(2a )·2a =0 (23) l l 0 l 2 Therefore a (l(l+1)−k(k+1)cos(2a ))=0. (24) l 0 Combining this with (22) leads to a (l(l+1)−(−1)mk(k+1))=0, (25) l thus for m odd, a = 0 for all l > 0 and thus ξ is constant, but for m even, ξ(r) l has a nontrivial power series expansion at r = 0 for every eigenmap Ω : S2 →S2 witheigenvaluek(k+1),wherethefirstnon-vanishingexpansioncoefficientisjust a . For the next higher orders ǫk+1 and ǫk+2 we get in a similar way k k(k+1) a =0 and a =− a3. (26) k+1 k+2 3(2k+3) k Table 1 summarizes this information. 3.2 Global Properties For a global analysis of the behaviour of solutions of (19) it is convenient to transform the equation into an autonomous one by the transformation 1 2 s= lnr, where β = . (27) β sk(k+1) 7 The new variable s runs from −∞ to +∞. Remember that we always require k > 0, k ∈ N, so that 0 < β ≤ 1. Denoting the derivative w.r.t. s again by a prime, Eq. (19) transforms into ξ′′+βξ′−sin(2ξ)=0 (28) This differential equation describes the motion of a particle with constant damping β and potential sin(2ξ). If we switch off the damping, we obtain the conservative system ξ′′ =−gradU(ξ), (29) where the potential U(ξ) is given by ξ U(ξ)= −sin(2ξ)dξ =−sin2ξ−U . (30) 0 Zξ0 The ‘energy’ of this system 1 E(ξ,ξ′)= ξ′2−sin2ξ−U (31) 0 2 is conserved, and all solutions are periodic, lying on the sets E=const. When we switch on the damping, the solutions no longer remain on levels with E=const., but ‘fall down into the potential wells’ at ((2m+1)π/2,0) (see Fig. 1). 1 ¢x 0 -1 0 1 2 3 x Figure 1: Phase diagram for the solutions ξ(s) and ξ′ = dξ of the damped system ds (k =1,β =1).Becauseoftheenergylossthesolutions‘falldown’intothepotential wells at ((2m+1)π/2,0) Ifthedampingisweak(β ≪1)theyspiralseveraltimesaroundthosepoints, gradually loosing energy and moving towards the center (under-damped motion), 8 whereas if the damping is strong (β ≫ 1) they move towards the center quickly (over-damped motion). In any case, since the energy is no longer conserved, non- trivial periodic solutions are not possible. We can formulate this more precisely: If we differentiate the ‘energy’ (31) with respect to s and insert (28) we obtain dE =ξ′ξ′′−sin(2ξ)ξ′ =−βξ′2. (32) ds Thus the energy is always decreasing with growing s (for non-constant ξ). With this we can show the following Lemma: Lemma 3.1 If ξ(s )=mπ, m∈Z, for some s >−∞, and if ξ is not constant, 0 0 it tends monotonically to ±∞ for s→−∞. Proof: (Theideaoftheproofistakenfrom[10]).Letξ(s )=mπwithξ′(s )=a. 0 0 For s<s we have 0 1 1 1 1 0<E(s)−E(s )= ξ′2−sin2ξ− a2 ≤ ξ′2− a2 (33) 0 2 2 2 2 and thus ξ′2 >a2, ∀s<s . Therefore E is monotonically increasing for s→−∞ 0 and ξ′2 → ∞ with ξ′2 > 0, ∀s < s . Correspondingly, ξ tends monotonically to 0 ±∞, the sign depending on the sign of ξ′. Lemma 3.2 If ξ(s ) = mπ, m ∈ Z for some s , and ξ′(s ) = 0, then if ξ is not 0 0 0 constant either mπ <ξ(s)<(m+1)π or (m−1)π <ξ(s)<mπ ∀s>s . 0 Proof: Let ξ(s ) = mπ with ξ′(s ) = 0. If ξ is not constant then for s > s we 0 0 0 have 1 0>E(s)−E(s )= ξ′2−sin2ξ (34) 0 2 and thus sin2ξ > 1ξ′2 ≥0, ∀s>s . Especially, sin2ξ(s)6=0 ∀s>s which 2 0 0 implies our statement. Corollary 3.1 There is no static texture solution which satisfies the ansatz (10) ( a texturesolution being a solution with homotopy degree 6=0, i.e., one that really winds). Proof: From Lemma 3.1: The only non-constant regular solutions through a point mπ are the ones with ξ(−∞)= lim ξ(s)=mπ. (35) s→−∞ Furthermore, for a regular solution dξ ξ′(−∞)= lim ξ′(s)= limβr =0. (36) s→−∞ r→0 dr 9 To fully wind around S3, ξ =ξ with ξ =mπ at r = 0 (s =−∞) would have to 3 assume either the value (m−1)π or (m+1)π which, according to Lemma 3.2 is not possible. 3.3 Existence and stability of static solutions Finally,wewouldliketobrieflyverifythatnon-constantsolutionsto(28)doindeed exist globally, and we want to review their properties. With the substitution x = ξ (37) y = ξ′ (38) equation (28) is equivalent to the autonomous system of first order differential equations x′ = y (39) y′ = sin(2x)−βy (40) Together with some initial conditions x(0)=u , y(0)=v , this is an initial value 0 0 problem (IVP) of the form x′ = f(x,y) y′ (cid:18) (cid:19) (x(0),y(0)) = (u ,v ). (41) 0 0 The local existence and uniqueness of a solution to the IVP (41) follow from standard theorems on ordinary differential equations. All regular solutions (x(s),y(s)) with lim x(s)=mπ, m∈Z(and thus lim y(s)=0) (42) s→−∞ s→−∞ are bounded for every s ∈ R as follows directly from Lemma 3.2 and its proof. Thereforethesesolutionsexistglobally(cf.[15],Corollary3.2).(Thelocalexistence of solutions fulfilling (42) follows from our series expansion in Section 3.1.) Now let us discuss the stability of the critical points (x ,y ) for this system 0 0 which are given by (x ,y )=(mπ/2,0), m∈Z. (43) 0 0 Insomeneighborhoodofacriticalpointwecanapproximate(41)bythelinearized system x′ x =(Df)(x ,y ) (44) y′ 0 0 y (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) where Df is the first derivative of f (with respect to x and y). If we calculate the eigenvalues of Df(x ,y ) and use the principle of linearized stability [9] we find 0 0 that the critical points (x ,y ) = (mπ,0), m ∈ Z are unstable, while the critical 0 0 10

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