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Preview Archives of Virology 1991: Vol 120 Table of Contents

Contents Adachi, A., s. Nishino, Y. Bauer, H. J., Schneider, R., Gelderblom, H. R., Lurz, R., Friehmelt, V., Monreal, G.: Biological and physicochemical characterization of the major (1.40) and minor (1.45) component of infectious avian adeno-associated virus (Brief Re- port) Bayliss, C. D., Peters, R. W., Cook, Jane K. A., Reece, R. L., Howes, K., Binns, M. M., Boursnell, M. E. G.: A recombinant fowlpox virus that expresses the VP2 antigen of infectious bursal disease virus induces protection against mortality caused by the virus Ben-Nathan, D., Lachmi, B., Lustig, S., Feuerstein, G.: Protection by dehydro- epiandrosterone in mice infected with viral encephalitis Berger, H.-G., s. Krebs, O. Binns, M. M., s. Bayliss, C. D. Bol, J. F., s. Dore, Isabelle Bosch, A., s. Pinto, R. M. Boursnell, M. E. G., s. Bayliss, C. D. Chambers, D. M., s. Welter, M. W. Cook, Jane K. A., s. Bayliss, C. D. Cooper, J. I., s. Hellen, C. U. T. Cornelissen, B. J. C., s. Dore, Isabelle DiMarchi, R. D., s. Kit, S. Dohner, L., s. Seidel, W. Dore, Isabelle, Legrand, M., Cornelissen, B. J. C., Bol, J. F.: Subcellular localization of acidic and basic PR proteins in tobacco mosaic virus-infected tobacco ... 97 Estes, Mary K., s. Mattion, Nora M. Fenner, T. E., s. Hufert, F. T. Feuerstein, G., s. Ben-Nathan, D. Flynn, W. T., s. Parwani, Anil V. Friehmelt, V., s. Bauer, H. J. Gadfield, Kathy L., s. Parwani, Anil V. Gale, C., s. Kit, S. Garten, W., s. Seidel, W. Geisler, B., s. Seidel, W. Gelderblom, H. R., s. Bauer, H. J. —, s. Schatzl, H. Hellen, C. U. T., Yuanyi, Liu, Cooper, J. I.: Synthesis and proteolytic processing of arabis mosaic nepovirus, cherry leaf roll nepovirus, and strawberry latent ringspot nepovirus proteins in reticulocyte lysate von der Helm, K., s. Schatzl, H. Herrmann, B., s. Seidel, W. Hohdatsu, T., Nakamura, M., Ishizuka, Y., Yamada, H., Koyama, H.: A study on the mechanism of antibody-dependent enhancement of feline infectious per- itonitis virus infection in feline macrophages by monoclonal antibodies Howes, K., s. Bayliss, C.D. Hirai, K., , s. Nishino, Y. IV Contents Hufert, F. T., v. Laer, D., Fenner, T. E., Schwander, S., Kern, P., Schmitz, H.: Progression of HIV-1 infection. Monitoring of HIV-1 DNA in peripherical blood mononuclear cells by PCR Ikuta, K., s. Nishino, Y. Ishizuka, Y., s. Hohdatsu, T. Ishihama, A., s. Yamanaka, K. Jeansson, S., s. Svennerholim, B. Jofre, J., s. Pinto, R. M. Kato, A., s. Lin, Z. Kato, S., s. Nishino, Y. Kern, P., s. Hufert, F. T. Kishi, M., s. Nishino, Y. Kit, S., Kit, Malon, DiMarchi, R. D., Little, Sheila P., Gale, C.: Modified-live infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus vaccine expressing monomer and dimer forms of foot-and-mouth disease capsid protein epitopes on surface of hybrid virus particles Klenk, H.-D., s. Seidel, W. Koyama, H., s. Hohdatsu, T. Krebs, O., Berger, H.-G., Marquardt, O.: The capsid protein-encoding sequence of foot-and-mouth disease virus O,Brescia (Brief Report) Kudou, Y., s. Lin, Z. Kiinkel, F., s. Seidel, W. Lachmi, B., s. Ben-Nathan, D. v. Laer, D., s. Hufert, F. T. Legrand, M., s. Dore, Isabeile Li, P., S. Martin, J. D. Lin, Z., Kato, A., Kudou, Y., Umeda, K., Ueda, S.: Typing of recent infectious bronchitis virus isolates causing nephritis in chicken (Brief Report) Linna, T., s. Vesanen, M. Little, Sheila P., s. Kit, S. Lurz, R., s. Bauer, H. J. Lustig, S., s. Ben-Nathan, D. Lycke, E., s. Svennerhoim, B. Malon, Kit, s. Kit, S. Maotani-imai, K., s. Nishino, Y. Marquardt, O., s. Krebs, O. Martin, J. D., Li, P.: Enhancer/promoter activities of regulatory regions of repre- sentative JC virus isolates (Brief Report) Mattion, Nora M., Estes, Mary K.: Sequence of a rotavirus gene 4 associated with unique biologic properties (Brief Report) Mengeling, W. L.: Virus reactivation in pigs latently infected with a thymidine kinase negative vaccine strain of pseudorabies virus Merza, M., Sdber, J., Sundquist, B., Toots, |., Morein, B.: Characterization of purified gp51 from bovine leukemia virus integrated into iscom. Physicochem- - ical properties and serum antibody response to the integrated gp51 Monreal, G., s. Bauer, H. J. Morein, B., s. Merza, M. Nagata, K., s. Yamanaka, K. Nakagomi, O., Nakagomi, T.: Genetic diversity and similarity among mammalian rotaviruses in relation to interspecies transmission of rotavirus Nakagomi, T., s. Nakagomi, O. Nakamura, M., s. Hohdatsu, T. Contents Nishino, Y., Kishi, M., Sumiya, M., Ogawa, K., Adachi, A., Maotani-Imai, K., Kato, S., Hirai, K., Ikuta, K.: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 vif, vpr, and vpu mutants can produce persistently infected cells Nitschko, H., s. Schatzl, H. Odagiri, T., Tobita, K., Tashiro, M.: Synthesis of the NS2 nonstructural protein messenger RNA of influenza A viruses occurs in the absence of viral protein synthesis (Brief Report) Ogawa, K., s. Nishino, Y. Parwani, Anil V., Flynn, W. T., Gadfield, Kathy L., Saif, Linda J.: Serial propagation of porcine enteric calicivirus in a continuous cell line. Effect of medium sup- plementation with intestinal contents or enzymes (Brief Report) Peters, R. W., s. Bayliss, C. D. Pinto R. M., Jofre, J., Bosch, A.: Viral erythrocytic infection in sea bass: virus purification and confirmative diagnosis Plagemann, P. G. W.: Hepatitis C virus (Brief Review) Reece, R. L., s. Bayliss, C. D. Saif, Linda, J., s. Parwani, Anil V. Schatzl, H., Gelderblom, H. R., Nitschko, H., von der Helm, K.: Analysis of non- infectious HIV particles produced in presence of HIV proteinase inhibitor .... Schmitz, H., s. Hufert, F. T. Schneider, R., s. Bauer, H. J. Schwander, S., s. Hufert, F. T. Seidel, W., Kiinkel, F., Geisler, B., Garten, W., Herrmann, B., Déhner, L., Klenk, H.-D.: Intraepidemic variants of influenza virus H3 hemagglutinin differing in the number of carbohydrate side chains (Brief Report) Sdber, J., s. Merza, M. Sumiya, M., s. Nishino, Y. Sundquist, B., s. Merza, M. Svennerholm, B., Jeansson, S., Vahine, A., Lycke, E.: Involvement of glycoprotein C (gC) in adsorption of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) to the cell (Brief Report) Svensson, L., s. Welter, M. W. Tashiro, M., s. Odagiri, T. Tavanizis, S. M.: Coat protein and protease activity as in vitro translation products of potato carlavirus M RNA Tobita, K., s. Odagiri, T. Toots, I., s. Merza, M. Ueda, S., s. Lin, Z. Umeda, K., s. Lin, Z. Vaheri, A., s. Vesanen, M. Vahine, A., s. Svennerholm, B. Vesanen, M., Linna, T., Vaheri, A.: Persistent inapparent HIV-1 infection of human neuroblastoma cells Welter, M. W., Welter, C. J., Chambers, D. M., Svensson, L.: Adaptation and serial passage of porcine group C rotavirus in ST-cells, an established diploid swine testicular cell line (Brief Report) Welter, C. J., s. Welter, M. W. Yamada, H., s. Hohdatsu, T. Yamanaka, K., Nagata, K., Ishihama, A.: Temporal control for translation of influ- enza virus mRNAs Yuanyi, Liu, s. Hellen, C. U. T.

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