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third Edition Ernst and Peter Neufert Architects' Data Third Edition Edited by Bousmaha Baiche DipArch, MPhil, PhD School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University and Nicholas Walliman DipArch, PhD, RIBA School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University b Blackwell Science ABOUT THIS BOOK This book provides architects and designers with a concise on, for example, climate and daylight is from the perspective source of core information needed to form a framework for of a temperate climate in the northern hemisphere. The the detailed planning of any building project. The objective is conditions at the location of the proposed building will to save time for building designers during their basic inves always have to be ascertained from specific information on tigations. The information includes the principles of the the locality. A similar situation is to be seen in the section on design process, basic information on siting, servicing and roads, where the illustrations show traffic driving on the constructing buildings, as well as illustrations and descrip right-hand side of the road. Again, local conditions must be tions of a wide range of building types. Designers need to be taken into consideration for each individual case. well informed about the requirements for all the constituent The terminology and style of the text is UK English and this parts of new projects in order to ensure that their designs clearly will need to be taken into account by readers accus satisfy the requirements of the briefs and that the buildings tomed to American English. These readers will need to be conform to accepted standards and regulations. aware that for example, 'lift' has been used in place of The extended contents list shows how the book is orga 'elevator' and 'ground floor' is used instead of 'first floor' nised and the order of the subjects discussed. To help read (and 'first floor' for 'second', etc.). ers to identify relevant background information easily, the The data and examples included in the text are drawn from Bibliography (page 589) and list of related British and inter a wide range of sources and as a result a combination of national standards (page 595) have been structured in a way conventions is used throughout for dimensions. The mea that mirrors the organisation of the main sections of the surements shown are all metric but a mixture of metres, book. centimetres and millimetres is used and they are in the main To avoid repetition and keep the book to a manageable not identified. length, the different subjects are covered only once in full. Readers will also find some superscript numbers asso Readers should therefore refer to several sections to glean all ciated with the measurements. Where these appear by of the information they require. For instance, a designer dimensions in metres with centimetres, for instance, they wanting to prepare a scheme for a college will need to refer to represent the additional millimetre component of the mea other sections apart from that on colleges, such as - sure (e.g. 1.265 denotes 1 m, 26 cm, 5 mm). Anybody familiar draughting guidelines; multistorey buildings; the various with the metric system will not find this troublesome and sections on services and environmental control; restaurants those people who are less comfortable with metric units can for the catering facilities; hotels, hostels and flats for the use the Conversion Tables given on pages 611 to 627 to student accommodation; office buildings for details on clarify any ambiguities. working environments; libraries; car-parks; disabled access The plans and diagrams of buildings do not have scales as (in the housing and residential section); indoor and outdoor the purpose here is to show the general layout and express sports facilities; gardens; as well as details on doors, windows, relationships between different spaces, making exact scaling stairs, and the section on construction management, etc. unnecessary. However, all relevant dimensions are given on Readers should note that the majority of the material is the detailed drawings and diagrams of installations, to assist from European contributors and this means that the detail in the design of specific spaces and constructions. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Publishers wish to thank, in particular, Dr Bousmaha Simon Marshall, railway expert Baiche, of the Postgraduate Research School, School of Stanley Partnership, Architects, Cheltenham Architecture, Oxford Brookes University, for his enormous Malcom Lee, National Small-Bore Rifle Association (NSRA) efforts and patience in overseeing the final English language British Steel Strip Products edition. They would also like to thank his colleague, Dr Matthew Foreman, Katy Harris, Jo Olsen and members of Nicholas Walliman, also of the Postgraduate Research staff, Foster and Partners, London School, for his valuable contribution on questions of content Liza Kershaw and colleagues at RIBA Publications, the Royal and terminology. Institute of the British Architects for permission to repro The Publishers are also especially grateful to Paul Stringer duce forms on page 48 (copyright RIBA Publications 1999) for his efforts in managing the editorial and production work Derek Wolferdale, Principal Track and Gauge Engineer at on the new edition and for his exceptional attention to detail. Railtrack, and members of staff of Railtrack They would also like to thank Mark Straker of Vector for his Graeme Loudon, The Met. Office work on the illustrations and text, Richard Moore for proof Pam Beckley (Copyright Administrator), the Controller, and reading, and the following for their work on the translation: members of staff of the Copyright Unit, HMSO for per Bantrans Services, Chris Charlesworth, Chiltern Language mission to reproduce illustrations (Fig. 1, page 541 and Fig Services, Katharina Hesse, Jeff Howell, Keith Murray, Amy 8, page 542) from Health Building Note 36 (Crown copy Newland and Wordswop. right material is reproduced with the permission of the Finally, they would like to thank the following for con Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office) tributing information and illustrations to this edition: Addison-Wesley Longman for permission to reproduce illustrations (Fig. 1, page 101 and Fig. 15 page 154) from Martin Pugh, Trevor Fish, Group Property Services, Barclays The Climate of the British Isles (Chandler & Gregory) Bank Pic Dr Ray Ogden, Professor Mike Jenks, Margaret Ackrill, Peter J. Clement, Group Property, NatWest Group Postgraduate Research School, School of Architecture, Mary Heighway and members of staff, Public Relations, Oxford Brookes University Environment Agency Chris Kendrick, School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes Uni Pick Everard, Graham Brown, Andrew Robinson, Pick Ever versity. ard (Architects, Surveyors, and Consulting Engineers) and The illustrations on pages 134-7 are reproduced from The J. Sainsbury's Pic Building Regulations Explained and Illustrated (powell AsdatWCEC Architects Smith & Billington), Blackwell Science Ltd. Lesley Baillie, Office of Health Economics ix INTRODUCTION Throughout history man has created things to be of service to him using measurements relating to his body. Until relatively recent times, the limbs of humans were the basis for all the units of measurement. Even today many people would have a better understanding of the size of an object if they were told that it was so many men high, so many paces long, so many feet wider or so many heads bigger. These are concepts we have from birth, the sizes of which can be said to be in our nature. However, the introduction of metric dimensions put an end to that way of depicting our world. Using the metric scale, architects have to try to create a mental picture that is as accurate and as vivid as possible. Clients are doing the same when they measure rooms on a plan to envisage the dimensions in reality. Architects should familiarise themselves with the size of rooms and the objects they contain so that they can picture and convey the real size of yet-to-be designed furniture, rooms or buildings in each line they draw and each dimension they measure. We immediately have an accurate idea of the size of an object when we see a man (real or imaginary) next to it. It is a sign of our times that pictures of buildings and rooms presented in our trade and professional journals are too often shown without people present in them. From pictures alone, we often obtain a false idea of the size of Leonardo da Vinci: rules of proportion these rooms and buildings and are surprised how different they appear in reality - frequently, they seem much smaller than expected. One of the reasons for the failure of buildings to have cohesive relationships with book. Many questions of principle were examined, one another is because the designers have based their developed and weighed against one another for the first work on different arbitrary scales and not on the only true time. scale, namely that of human beings. In the current edition up-to-date technical options are If this is ever to be changed, architects and designers included to the fullest extent and common standards are must be shown how these thoughtlessly accepted taken into consideration. Description is kept to the measurements have developed and how they can be absolute minimum necessary and is augmented or avoided. They have to understand the relationship replaced as far as possible by drawings. Creative building between the sizes of human limbs and what space a designers can thus obtain the necessary information for person requires in various postures and whilst moving design in an orderly, brief, and coherent form, which around. They must also know the sizes of objects, otherwise they would have to collect together laboriously utensils, clothing etc. in everyday use to be able to from many reference sources or obtain by detailed determine suitable dimensions for containers and measurement of completed buildings. Importance has furniture. been attached to giving only a summary; the fundamental In addition, architects and designers have to know data and experiences are compared with finished what space humans need between furniture - both in the buildings only if it is necessary to provide a suitable home and in the workplace - as well as how the furniture example. can best be positioned. Without this knowledge, they will By and large, apart from the requirements of pertinent be unable to create an environment in which no space is standards, each project is different and so should be wasted and people can comfortably perform their duties studied, approached and designed afresh by the architect. or enjoy relaxation time. Only in this way can there be lively progress within the Finally, architects and designers must know the spirit of the times. However, executed projects lend dimensions for minimum space requirements for people themselves too readily to imitation, or establish moving around in, for example, railways and vehicles. conventions from which architects of similar projects may These minimum space requirements produce strongly find difficulty in detaching themselves. If creative fixed impressions from which, often unconsciously, other architects are given only constituent parts, as is the dimensions of spaces are derived. intention here, they are compelled to weave the Man is not simply a physical being, who needs room. components together into their own imaginative and Emotional response is no less important; the way people unified construction. feel about any space depends crucially on how it is Finally, the component parts presented here have been divided up, painted, lit, entered, and furnished. systematically researched from the literature to provide Starting out from all these considerations and the data necessary for individual building tasks, checked perceptions, Ernst Neufert began in 1926 to collect out on well-known buildings of a similar type and, where methodically the experiences gained in a varied practice necessary, determined from models and experiments. and teaching activities. He developed a 'theory of The objective of this is always that of saving practising planning' based on the human being and provided a building planners from having to carry out all of these framework for assessing the dimensions of buildings and basic investigations, thereby enabling them to devote their constituent parts. The results were embodied in this themselves to the important creative aspects of the task. UNITS AND SYMBOLS bastc unIt definitIon SI units in symbol name (unit) meaning and relationshIps unlt symbol based on the definItion ampere (Al current 1 length metre m kwrayvpetolenn grathd iaotfi on V volt IVI potentIal dIfference" 1 V == 1 W/A R ohm Illi resistance: 1 !.1 == 1 VIA 2 mass kIlogram kg pinrtoetrontaytpioen al o coulomb (Cl charge: 1 C == 1 As P watt{W) power 3 tIme second duration period of G siemens (S) conductance: 1 S == 1/i2 caesium radIation F farad (F) capacitance: 1 F == 1 AsN 4 ceulercretrnict al ampere A ebleetcwtreoedny tnwaom cico npdouwcetro rs kg, m, S H henry (H) mductance: 1 H = 1 Vs/A <P weber (Wb) magnetic flux: 1 Wb == 1 Vs 5 temperature ketvm K triple point of water 8 tesla (T) magnetic flux denSIty"" 1 T = 1 Wb/m} 6 luminous candela cd radiation from freezing kg, S Intensity platinum ® Symbols and units: electromagnetism 7 quantity of mole mol number of carbon atoms kg matter G) symbol (unit) meaning SI basic units temperature (note: intervals in Celsius and kelVin are ldentlcal) The statutory mtroductlOn of SI Units took place in stages between 1974 and 1977. It IKI temperature differential As from 1 January 1978 the International Measurement System became valid using $1 Untts (51 == Systeme InternatlonaJe d'Unites). IJI quantity of heat (also measured m kilowatt hours (k.Wh)) IW/mKI thermal conductivity (k-value) prefixes and therr abbreviations are: IW/mKI equIvalent thermal conductivity (tera) = 1012 (billion) (cent!) == 1/100 (hundredth) IW/m'KI coeffIcient of thermal conductance (C-value) G (glga) = 109 (US bIllion) (mIlltl == 103 (thousandth) IW/m2KI coeffiCIent of heat transfer (U-value) M (mega) = 106 (millIon) (micro) == 10-6 (millionth) (W/m2K) coeffiCient of heat penetration (kIlo) = 10J (thousand) (nano) == 109 (US bIllionth) 1/1 (m2K/W) value of thermal insulation (hecto) == 100 P (pico) == 10 12 (billionth) lin (m2KJW) heat transfer resistance (R-value) da (deca) = 10 (femto) =-10 15 (US trillionth) 11k Im'K!W1 heat penetration resistance (decd = 1/10 (tenth) (atto) == 10 18 (trillionth) D' (m2K/W cm) coeffiCIent of heat resistance no more than one prefix can be used at the same tIme IWh/kgKI specific heat value CD IWh/m3KI coefficient of heat storage Decimal multipliers 11/KI coeffIcient of linear expansion IPal pressure area 1 m" 1 m == 1 m2 !Pal vapour pressure velOCity 1 m " 1 s 1 = 1 ms 1 == 1 m/s Igi quantity of steam acceleration 1 m " 1 s 2 == 1 ms 2 = 1 m/s2 191 quantity of condensed water 1%1 relatIve atmosphenc humidity force 1 kg " 1 m " 1 s I == 1 kg m s 2 == 1 kg m/s2 1-1 coefficient of diffUSIOn resistance denSIty 1 kg " 1 m J == 1 kg m 3 '" 1 kg/m3 p d (cm) equivalent atmosphertc layer thickness CD \, (g/m2hPa) coeffIcient of water vapour penetration Examples of deriving SI units (m2hPa/gl resIstance to water vapour penetration IW/mKI layer factor IW/mKI layer factor of atmospheric strata quantity unit dimenSions relationships 1(,$/kWhl heatIng cost (symbol) (M == mass, L = length, T = tlme) Symbols and units: heat and moisture area A m' L' volume V symbol (unit) meanIng denstty /) kgm 3 ML3 Iml wavelength velOCity v ms 1 LT' IHzl frequency acceleration a ms 2 LT' fy, IHzl limiting frequency momentum p kgms 1 MLT 1 f" IHzl frequency resonance moment of Inertia I,J kgml ML' (N/cm?) dynamiC modulus of elastIcity angular momentum L kgm1s 1 MLZT 1 S' (N/cm3) dynamiC stiffness force F newton (N) MLT 2 1 N == 1 kgm/s2 R IdBI measurement of airborn nOIse reduction Rm IdBI average measurement of noise reduction energy, work E, W Joule (J) 1 J = 1 Nm == 1 Ws 1 keal = 4186 J, R' IdBI measurement of airborn noise suppression m a 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ bUilding power P watt(W) ML 2T 3 1 W = 1 J/s IdBI Impact noise level standard pressure, stress p, (J pascal (Pa) ML IT 2 1 Pa '" 1 N/m2 I-I degree of sound absorptIon 1 bar = 105 Pa A (m2) equivalent noise absorptIOn area surface tenSIon y Nm 1 ML 1T 2 Iml radIUS of reverberation viscosity '/ kgm 1s 1 ML 1T 1 .IL IdBI noise level reduction o (j) Summary of main derived 51 units Symbols and units: sound 2 UNITS AND SYMBOLS quantity symbol SI Unit statutory Unit old unit relationships Mathematical symbols symbols symbols symbols > greater than normal 1 rad = 57.296 = 63 662 gon greater than or equal to angle pengon pi, 1 pia = 211 rad < smaller than fight angle 1-= 1/4 pia" (11/2) rad degree old degrees , = H90 = 1 pla/360 = (R/180) rad smaller than or equal to msellc1ountde 1" " == 1, '//6600 = 1 /3600 L sum of gon gon new degrees 1 gon = 1 g = ll/100 = 1 pla/400 L angle = 1l!200 rad new mmute 1 c = 10 2 gon sin sine new second 1 cc " 10 2) c = 10-4 gon cos cosine length metre mch 1ll1=254mm tan tangent millimetre foot 1 ft = 30 48 cm centimetre fathom fathom 1 fathom = 1 8288 m cotan cotangent declmetre dm mile mil 1 mil = 1 609 km kilometre km nautical mile 1 sm = 1.852 km on average equals A square metre square fool (= 0092m2), identically equal section acre (0.405 hal slillill use of land 1 a = 102m not equals plots hectare h' 1 ha = 104m roughly equals, about volume cubic metre congruent litre 11 = 1 dm3= 103m3 normal normal cubic metre Nm! 1 Nm3 = 1 m3 In norm condition asymptotically equal volume cublcmelre cbm cbm= 1 m3 (similar) to infinity second [line span, mll1ute lmm =60s II parallel duration hour lh = 60 mill = 3600s d,y 1 d = 24h" 86400s equal and parallel year a,Y 1a = ly = 87658h = 3.1557, lO's not identically equal to frequency hertl 1 Hz = 1/s for expressll1g x multiplied by reciprocal frequencies III dimensional equatIOns of duration divided by angular reciprocal lis {1} = 2, f 1- perpendicular frequency second angular radians per rad,s V volume, content veloCity second solid angle no of revs reciprocal root of speed of second revs per second revs per second 'p' l/s=t/s=r/s revolutIOns revs per minute rim 111 revs per mll1ute 'pm final increment congruent velOCity metres per kilometres km/h 1 mls = 3.6km/h second per hour knots kn 1 kn = 1 smlh = 1 852 km/h f\, triangle dcceleratlon metres per 11 same direction, parallel (lue to second per g" g" 1 gal = 1 cm/s2 = 10 2 m/s2 II opposite direction, parallel gravity second kilogram kg weight (as a gram 1 g = 10 3 kg Greek alphabet wreesiuglht ionfg tonne pound Ib 1litb = =1 0 M 4g5 3=5 190233 7kg k g A (X (a) alpha metriC pound , metnc pound = 0.5 kg B j) (b) beta ton Ion 1 ton = 2240 Ib = 1016 kg I'y (g) gamma tfhorrcues t newton dyn dyn 11 dNy =n l=k g1m g/csm2 is=2 1 = W 1s0/m, N = 1 Jim c\ 6 (d) delta pond 1 P = 9 80665 ~ 10 3 N F F (e) epsilon kilopond kp megapond Mp Z: (z) zeta kilogram force kg!f H'l (e) eta tonne force l,'f (-) {) (th) theta stress newtons newtons strength per square per square kiloponds per 1 kpicm2 .0 0.0980665 Nimm2 It (i) iota b612dn9lS bGl2dn9lG rQobouq2 b6l 1 rb'cw'i = 0 Oa80ee2 V1\WWs I r (I) 1019 lI€iN(OIIS neWOIl!; 1~,\ItHtl strength per square per square kiloponds per 1 kp;cm2 = 0.0980665 N;mm2 It (i) iota metre millimetre square cmlmm 1 kpimm2 = 9 80665 N,mm2 K" (k) kappa ener~lV WE Joule 1 J = 1 Nm = 1 Ws = 10' erg ;\ Ie (I) lambda kilowall hour kWh h.p per hour h p. h 11 khW ph;h = =3 26 6, 417086 0J, 1.0 036 6 J MJ M ~ (m) mu e'g e'g 1 erg" 10 7 J N \' (n) nu quanlllyof Q Joule calorie col 1 cal = 4 1868 J = 1 163 ' 103 Wh heat ~;; (x) xi torque M new10n metre Nm kdopond metre kpm 1 kpm " 9.80665 J tlendmg M, or Joule ()" (0) omicron moment fl IT (p) pi power watt W 1 W = 1 Jis '" 1 Nm/s = 1 kg m2/s3 P P (r) rho energy current horsepower hp 1 h.p = 745 7 kW L" (s) sigma thermodynamic T ketvln deg. kelVin T T (t) tau temperature deg. Rankine Roo 5/9 K y u (u) upsilon CelSIUS temp degrees CelSIUS fl = T -T., (T. = 273 15 K) temperature \ Tor \H = \ T. therefore <I> Q (ph) phi Ifllervaf anti H\ lK,,1C=1deg =: X (ch) chi differential Fahrenheit II, deg_ Fahrenheit Hf = 9/5 tl + 32 = 9/~ T -459 67 '¥ IjI (ps) psi temperature Reaumur temp H" deg Reaumur il (0 (0) omega CD 51 and statutory units for the construction industry 3 DOCUMENTATION AND DRAWINGS The format of documentation (whether in the form of plans, reports, letters, envelopes etc.) has, apart from in the y/2 USA, generally been standardised to conform to the r-x/2 internationally accepted (ISO) series of paper sheet sizes in 1 the 'A', '8', 'C' and '0' ranges. These standard paper formats are derived from a rectangular sheet with an area t1l y of 1 m2. Using the 'golden square', the lengths of the sides are chosen as x = 0.841 m and y = 1.189m such that: '---~~~---' x x y = 1 I----X--1 I----X--1 x:y=1:v2 This forms the basis for the A series. Maintaining the same CD -0 ratio of length to width, the sheet sizes are worked out by Basis of paper formats progressively halving (or, the other way round, doubling) the sheet area, as would happen if the rectangular sheet format A series 8 senes C senes was repeatedly folded exactly in half • CD -Q). 0 841,1189 1000,1414 917 , 1297 Additional ranges (8, C, and D) are provided for the 1 594 '" 841 707 " 1000 648 x 917 associated products that require larger paper sizes, i.e. 2 420 '< 594 500 , 707 458 , 648 posters, envelopes, loose-leaf file binders, folders etc. The formats of range 8 are designed for posters and wall 3 297 " 420 353 , 500 324, 458 charts. The formats in ranges C and 0 are the geometric 4 210" 297 250 ,353 229 , 324 mean dimensions of ranges A and 8 and are used to 5 148" 210 176, 250 162,229 manufacture the envelopes and folders to take the A sizes . 6 105" 148 125" 176 114" 162 • @ The extra size needed for loose-leaf binders, folders and box files will depend on the size and type of clamping 7 74 " 105 88, 125 81 '< 141 device employed. 8 52" 74 62" 88 57" 81 The strip or side margin formats are formed by halves, 9 37" 52 44" 62 quarters, and eighths of the main formats (for envelopes, 10 26" 37 31 " 44 signs, drawings etc.) -; @ + @. 11 18" 26 22" 31 Pads and duplicate books using carbon less paper also have standard formats but may have a perforated edge or 12 13" 18 15" 22 border, which means the resulting pages will be a CD corresponding amount smaller than the standard sheet Sheet sizes size -+ @. During book-binding, a further trim is usually necessary, format abbre- mm giving pages somewhat smaller than the standard format vtatron size. However, commercial printers use paper supplied in half length A4 1/2 A4 105" 297 the RA or SRA sizes and this has an allowance for quarter length A4 1/4 A4 52 " 297 trimming, which allows the final page sizes to match the one eighth A7 1/8 A7 9" 105 standard formats. half length C4 1/2 C4 114,324 etc. ® Strip formats 112M o A4 Format strips in A4 o t------210 ------; Loose-leaf binder I--layout width header area ----l I picas nlrn I 81 5 type area width 39.5 40.5 167 171 type width, .0c> type area, height (Without header/footer) 58.5 I 59 247 250 double .Wc column 0 space between columns 1 5 .0E "- max. Width, Single column 39.5 167 ® ~ Pads (including carbonless) max. width, double column 19 81 inSide (gutter) margin, nominal 16 14 r-- type width, - single column outer (side) margin, nominal 27 25 167 11 top (head) margin, nominal 20 19 bottom (foot) margm, nomina! 30 28 footer area ® @ Bound and trimmed books Layouts and type area with A4 standard format 4 DOCUMENTATION AND DRAWINGS The use of standard drawing formats makes it easier for architects to layout drawings for discussion in the design office or on the building site, and also facilitates posting and filing. The trimmed, original drawing or print must therefore uncut drawmg sheet, conform to the formats of the ISO A series. ,@-@ depending on requirement, IS 2-3cm wider than The box for written details should be the following final trimmed original draWing and print distance from the edge of the drawing: for formats AO-A3 10mm for formats A4-A6 5mm For small drawings, a filing margin of up to 25 mm can be box for WrItten details and used, with the result that the usable area of the finished parts list format will be smaller. As an exception, narrow formats can be arrived at by stringing together a row of identical or adjacent formats out of the format range. G) Standard drawing From normal roll widths, the following sizes can be used to give formats in the A series: sheet sizes In ace ISO AO ISO A1 ISO A2 ISOA3 ISO A4 ISO A5 with ISO A senes for drawing paper, tracing paper 1500, 1560mm uncut blank 880,1230 625,880 450,625 330,450 240" 330 165>-240 (derived from this 250, 1250, 660, 900 mm) paper (mm) for print paper 650,900, 1200mm format trtmmed, 841,1189 594,,841 420,594 297" 420 210,297 148,210 finished sheet (mrn) If all the drawing formats up to AO are to be cut from a paper web, a roll width of at least 900 mm will be necessary. 0 Sheet sizes Drawings which are to be stored in A4 box files should be folded as follows:, ® -A "- (1 )The writing box must always be uppermost, in the r;::"-= -~ ~.- ~~ :::;l correct place and clearly visible. I I I (2) On starting to fold, the width of 210 mm (fold 1) i' I uncut format I must always be maintained, and it is useful to use a cutting II~~t 0p~i~;awing _ 210 x 297 mm template. I I .1 I (3) Fold 2 is a triangular fold started 297 mm up from the ,!. 1 bottom left-hand corner, so that on the completely I '" I 1 1 cut-out ISO A2, A 1, AO folded drawing only the left bottom field, indicated I , I with a cross, will be punched or clamped. 1 WrItIng box (4) The drawing is next folded back parallel to side 'a' oL '::::._ ~ ~ ____ =.J using a 185 x 298 mm template. Any remaining area ISO size A2; A1; AO is concertina-folded so as to even out the sheet size C-B" --c-- and this leaves the writing box on the top surface. If W· .'.- ---- III it is not possible to have even folds throughout, the final fold should simply halve the area left (e.g. A 1 I 1 I [ fold 5, AO fold 7). Any longer standard formats can be folded in a similar way. I I +0 a (5) The resulting strip should be fOlded from side 'b' to cut-out ISO A3 I give a final size of 210 x 297 mm. j wrtting box To reinforce holes and filing edges, a piece of A5 size o~ QJ cardboard (148 x 210 mm) can be glued to the back of the punched part of the drawing. ISOsizeA3 <; o ISO sizeA5 cut-out ISO A4 dfolVr ISlons ~~. of ilde~~lcal te~~s bYIS h;;t siie A4 : a 16 I I : I : b 12 :2 \ ® ISOsizeA4 ([) Field divisions (grid squares) ISO A2 ISO A3 ® Dimensions and scheme for folding 5 DOCUMENTATION AND DRAWINGS Arrangement Leave a 5cm wide blank strip down the left hand edge of the sheet for binding or stapling. The writing box on the extreme right -4 CD should contain the following details: (1) type of drawing (sketch, preliminary design, design etc.) (2) type of view or the part of the building illustrated (layout drawing, ~ $N plan view, section, elevation, etc.) (3) scale garden basement ..•gr".o,. u.n..d. .fl.o..o•r .. .....u.p.p.e.r' .f..l..o... .o....r.... , ...... . layout writing (4) dimensions, if necessary. l.---- box l1li11 I I I I On drawings used for statutory approvals (and those used by supervisors during Qj · ........................ .,. ...... :.. .... :.. . .:. ........ . construction) it might also contain: (1) the client's name (and signature) ? 5 . .: ....: " (2) the building supervisor's name (and · . . . .. ....· ...... -. . ........ : .....'....... ... . signature) foundations layout of joists roof truss layout site plan (3) the main contractor's signature (4) the building supervisor's comments Suitable arrangement of a construction drawing about inspection and the building permit (if necessary on the back of 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 the sheet). -+I~II~I+IHII+I~II~I------~I-------I~-----r1------1 A north-point must be shown on the CD Suitable arrangement of scale details drawings for site layouts, plan views etc. Scales The main scale of the drawing must be given in large type in the box for written details. Other scales must be in smaller type and these scales must be repeated \- next to their respective diagrams. All objects should be drawn to scale; where the drawing is not to scale the dimensions must be underlined. As far as possible, use the following scales: for construction drawings: 1:1, 1:2.5, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:25, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:250 for site layouts: 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:2500, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000. Measurement Figures and Other Inscriptions In continental Europe, for structural engineering and architectural drawings, dimensions under 1 m are generally given in cm and those above 1 m in m. However, recently the trend has been to give all dimensions in mm, and this is standard practice in the UK. Chimney stack flues, pressurised gas pipes and air ducts are shown with their internal dimensions as a fraction (width over length) and, assuming they are circular, by the use of the symbol 0 for diameter. Squared timber is also shown as a fraction written as width over height. The rise of stairs is shown along the course of the centre-line, with the tread depth given underneath (--> p. 13). Window and door opening dimensions are shown, as with stairs, along the central o axis. The width is shown above, and the internal height below, the line ( > p. 13). Standard method of dimensioning an Details of floor heights and other heights are measured from the finished floor oddly shaped plan (measurements level of the ground floor (FFL: zero height ± 0.00). given are structural dimensions) Room numbers are written inside a circle and surface area details, in m2, are displayed in a square or a rectangle -4 @. ...............t ,:iK ... !... .. Section lines in plan views are drawn in chain dot lines and are labelled with capital letters, usually in alphabetical order, to indicate where the section cuts through the building. As well as standard dimensional arrows -4 @ oblique arrows s:z+ 2 75 and extent marks -4 ® + (!) are commonly used. The position of the dimensional figures must be such that the viewer, standing in front of the drawing, can read the Y +269 .~Ocl dimensions as easily as possible, without having to turn the drawing round, and they must be printed in the same direction as the dimension lines. in ground plans CD <------- 6250 ~ - :.:.:.:.".:.:.::i%¥.: .. L:.:.: ® f-- 6250 --"t t---- -25 + 312 o CD Heights as shown in sections and f- elevations

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