GOLD1TSONE I I-_ � � TECHNOLOGIES AnalyatnidBc uss iness Intelligence ITC onsulOtffiS nhgo,r e Suppo&r Stt affing TestiAnugt,o mation & QSAe rvices T o��HL�oR��� StatutAouryd itors: CORPORAITNEF ORMATION M/.s MP.u ra&l Cio mpa,n y CharteArcecdo unt6a-n3t-s, Boarodf D irectors: 655/2/3, MrK.. .SSarmIaA,S( Re.t)d SomajigHuyddae,r a-b5a0d0 MrV. V enkaRtoam ana 082. MrP.o nnapSualnaj ePeavrat hasarathy MrC.l inTtroanv Ciasd dell PrinciBpaanlk ers: MrL. SPa shikumar CentrBaalno kf I ndia CIITB an.k BoarCdo mmittees; Regist&r aSrhsa rTer ansfer AudiCto mmittee: Agents: MrK.. .SSarmIaA,S( Re.t)d M/.sA artChoin sultParnitvsa te MrV. V enkaRtoam ana Limited, MrC.l inTtroanv Ciasd dell 1-2-2D8o5m,a lguda, Hydera-b5a0d00 29 NominatainodnR emuneration Committee: StocEkx changwehse re MrK.. .SSarmIaA,S( Retd.) CompanyS'esc uriatriee s MrV. V enkaRtoam ana listed: MrL.P.. S ashikumar BombaSyt ocEkx chaLnigmei ted NatioSntaolcE kx chaonfgI en dia StakeholRdeelrast ionCsohmimpi ttee: Limited MrK.. .SSarmIaA,S( Retd.) MrV. V enkaRtoam ana MrL.P.. S ashikumar RegisteOrfefdi ce: 9-1-8&3 8 4A,m archaSnhda rma KeyM anagerPiearls onnel: ComplSe.xD R.o ad, MrP.o nnapSualnaj ePeavrat hasarathy; Secunder-a5b0a00d 0 3 ManaginDgi rector TelangIaNnDaI,.A MrV.ti haVlS S N PoKp u;r i Te9l1.- 40-2780/07 764420 ChieFfi nancOifafli cer www. goldstcohn.ectoem, E-Mail: [email protected] nete CINL:7 22001T9G9 4PLC017211 CONTENTS Notice — 2 Director's Report — 11 Management Discussion Analysis and Business Outlook — 35 Report on Corporate Governance — 38 Standalone Financials Auditor's Report — 57 Balance Sheet — 61 Statement of Profit and Loss — 62 Note Numbers — 63 Cash Flow Statement — 70 Significant Accounting Policies — 71 Consolidated Financials Auditor's Report — 79 Balance Sheet — 81 Statement of Profit and Loss — 82 Note Numbers — 83 Cash Flow Statement — 90 Significant Accounting Policies — 91 Attendance Slip — 99 Proxy Form — 100 Ballot Paper — 101 1 NOTICE “RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 197, 198 and 203 read with Notice is hereby given that the Twenty First provisions of Part-I, Section II of Part-II of Annual General Meeting of Goldstone Schedule V and other applicable Technologies Limited will be held on Tuesday, provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, the 29th day of September, 2015 at 3.00 P.M. 2013 (including any statutory at Plot No. 1 & 9, IDA, Phase II, Cherlapally, modifications or re-enactment(s) thereof, Hyderabad - 500 051 to transact the following for the time being in force), subject to the business: consents and permission as may be ORDINARY BUSINESS: necessary, Mr.P.S.Parthasarathy (DIN: 0183728) be and is hereby appointed as 1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Managing Director of the Company for a Balance Sheet as at March 31st, 2015, and period of two years from 27th May, 2015 the Statement of Profit and Loss for the to 26th May, 2017 with a monthly year ended on that date together with the remuneration of ` 2,00,000/- Per Month Director's and Auditor's Report thereon. on the following terms and conditions: 2. To appoint a Director in place of 1. Salary Mr. L.P. Sashikumar (DIN: 00016679) who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers Salary of ` 1,40,000/- (Rupees One Lakh him-self for re-appointment. Forty Thousand Only) per month. 3. To appoint Statutory Auditors and to fix 2. Perquisites their remuneration and for this purpose The following perquisites may be allowed to consider and if thought fit to pass with in addition to salary: or without modifications, the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: Category A “RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions 1. Housing: Rent Free Accommodation or of the Section 139 and other applicable House Rent Allowance – ` 28,000/-per provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, month (Rupees Twenty Eight Thousand 2013 and Rules framed there under, as only). amended from time to time M/s. P. Murali 2. Other allowances/reimbursements like & Company (FRN: 007257S), Chartered Maintenance, LTA, Gardener, Servant, Accountants, Hyderabad, be and are Conveyance, Subscription to Professional hereby re-appointed as Statutory Auditors journals and Medical etc., not exceeding of the Company to hold office from the ` 32,000/- per month (Rupees Thirty Two conclusion of this meeting until the Thousand only). conclusion of next Annual General Meeting Category B of the company at such remuneration as may be mutually agreed between the Company’s contribution towards Provident Board of Directors of the Company and Fund, Annuity Fund or Super Annuation Auditors”. Fund and payment of Gratuity, Medical Insurance Policy as per the applicable laws. SPECIAL BUSINESS: One month leave for every completed year 4. To Consider and if thought fit, to pass, with of service or payment in lieu thereof. or without modification(s), the following Category C resolution as a Special Resolution. Provision of car for use on Company’s 2 business and telephone at residence will NNNNNOOOOOTTTTTEEEEESSSSS:::::----- not be considered as perquisites. Personal 1. The relative Explanatory Statement long distance calls on telephone and use pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies of car for private purposes shall be Act, 2013 (Act) in respect of the business charged by the Company. under Item Nos. 4 of the Notice, is 3. Minimum Remuneration annexed hereto. The relevant details as Depending upon further performance of required under Clause 49 of the Listing the Company the remuneration payable Agreements entered into with the Stock to Mr.P.S.Parthasarathy shall be not Exchanges, of persons seeking exceeding the statutory limits as may be appointment/ re-appointment as Directors prescribed from time to time pursuant to under Item No. 2 of the Notice, are also the provisions of Section 197, 198 and annexed. 203 read with Schedule V and other 2. A Member entitled to attend and vote at applicable provisions, if any, of the the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is Companies Act, 2013. However entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and contribution to provident fund/annuity vote instead of himself/herself and the fund/pension fund/gratuity and proxy need not be a Member of the encashment of leave at the end of the Company. The instrument appointing the tenure shall not be included in the ceiling proxy, in order to be effective, must be of the salary. deposited at the Company’s Registered “RESOLVED further that the Board of Office, duly completed and signed, not less Directors be and are hereby authorized to than FORTY-EIGHT HOURS before the alter or vary the terms and conditions of meeting. Proxies submitted on behalf of the said appointment so as not to exceed limited companies, societies, etc., must be the limits specified in Schedule-V or other supported by appropriate resolutions/ relevant provisions of the Companies Act, authority, as applicable. A person can act 2013 or any other amendments thereto, as proxy on behalf of Members not as may be agreed between the Board and exceeding fifty (50) and holding in the Mr. P.S.Parthasarathy.” aggregate not more than 10% of the total share capital of the Company. In case a proxy is proposed to be appointed by a BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Member holding more than 10% of the total For GOLDSTONE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED share capital of the Company carrying voting rights, then such proxy shall not act as a Sd/- proxy for any other person or shareholder. P.S.Parthasarathy A Proxy form for the AGM is enclosed. Managing Director 3. Corporate members intending to send DIN: 01837281 their authorized representatives to attend the Meeting are requested to send a Place: Secunderabad certified copy of the Board Resolution Date: 05th August, 2015 authorizing their representative to attend and vote on their behalf at the Meeting. 4. Members are requested to bring their Attendance Slip along with their copy of Annual Report to the Meeting. 3 5. Members who hold shares in mode. The Annual Report of the Company dematerialized form are requested to write for the year 2014-15 circulated to the their Client ID and DP ID Numbers and Members of the Company is available on those who hold shares in physical form the Company’s website, viz. are requested to write their Folio Numbers in the attendance slip for attending the 11. To support the ‘Green Initiative’, the Meeting. Members who have not registered their e- 6. In case of joint holders attending the mail addresses are requested to register Meeting, only such joint holder who is the e-mail address through the following higher in the order of names will be entitled link; http;// to vote. GoGreen.php . Please note that as a Member of the Company, you are entitled 7. The Register of Members and Transfer to receive all such communication in Books of the Company shall remain closed physical form, upon request. from 23rd September, 2015 to 29th September, 2015(both days inclusive) for 12. E-VOTING the purpose of ensuing Annual General The business as set out in the Notice may Meeting. be transacted through electronic voting 8. Queries on accounts and operations of the system and the Company is providing Company, if any, may please be sent to facility for voting by electronic means. the Company at least seven days in Pursuant to the provisions of Section 108 advance of the Meeting so that the answers of the Companies Act, 2013, read with may be made readily available at the the Companies (Management and meeting. Administration) Rules, 2014, the Company is pleased to offer e-voting facility as an 9. As on March 31, 2015 Amount of alternate to its members to cast their votes ` 2,49,004/-was unclaimed out of the electronically on all resolutions set forth in dividend declared on September 30,2008 the Notice convening the 21st Annual for the financial year 2007-08. Members General Meeting. The Company has who have not claimed the dividend are engaged the services of Central Depository advised to claim the same at the earliest. Services India Limited (CDSL) to provide In accordance with the provisions of the e-voting facility. Section 124 (5) of the Companies Act, 2013 aforesaid unclaimed dividend The Members whose names appear in the amounts shall be liable to be transferred Register of Members / List of Beneficial to Investor Education and Protection Fund Owners as on 22nd September, 2015 (cut- by October 29, 2015. off date), are entitled to vote on the resolutions set forth in this Notice. 10. The Annual Report of the Company for the year 2014-15 is being sent by electronic The e-voting period will commence on mode to those Members whose e-mail Saturday, 26th September, 2015 (09:00 addresses are registered with the hrs) and will end on Monday, 28th Company/Depositories, unless any September, 2015 (17:00 hrs). During this Member has requested for a physical copy period, shareholders of the Company of the same. For Members who have not holding shares either in physical form or registered their e-mail addresses, physical in dematerialized form, as on the cut-off copies are being sent by the permitted date may cast their vote electronically. The 4 e-voting module shall be disabled by CDSL For Members holding shares in Demat Form for voting thereafter. Members will not be and Physical Form able to cast their votes electronically PAN Enter your 10 digit alpha- beyond the date & time mentioned above. numeric *PAN issued by Income The Company has appointed M/s. Prathap Tax Department (Applicable for Satla & Associates, Practicing Company both demat shareholders as Secretaries (C.P.No. 11879), to act as well as physical shareholders) Scrutinizers to conduct and scrutinize the ● Members who have not electronic voting process and poll at the updated their PAN with the Annual General Meeting in a fair and Company/Depository transparent manner. The members Participant are requested to desiring to vote through electronic mode use the first two letters of may refer to the detailed procedure on e- their name and the 8 digits voting given hereunder. of the sequence number in 13. The e-voting facility will be available at the the PAN field. link during the ● In case the sequence voting period. number is less than 8 digits 14. The procedure and instructions for e-voting enter the applicable number are as follows: of 0’s before the number after the first two characters A. In case of members receiving e-mail of the name in CAPITAL (for members whose e-mail address letters. Eg. If your name is are registered with the Company/ Ramesh Kumar with Registrars) sequence number 1 then I) The shareholders should log on to the enter RA00000001 in the e-voting website PAN Field. II) Click on “Shareholders” tab. DOB Enter the Date of Birth as III) Now Enter your User ID recorded in your demat account or in the company records for a) CDSL: 16 digits beneficiary ID, the said demat account or folio b) For NSDL: 8 Character DP ID in dd/mm/yyyy format. followed by 8 Digits Client ID, Dividend Enter the Dividend Bank Details c) Members holding shares in Bank as recorded in your demat Physical Form should enter Folio Details account or in the company Number registered with the records for the said demat Company. account or folio. (iv) Next enter the Image Verification as ● Please enter the DOB or displayed and Click on Login. Dividend Bank Details in (v) If you are holding shares in demat order to login. If the details form and had logged on to are not recorded with the and voted on depository or company an earlier voting of any company, then please enter the member id your existing password is to be used. / folio number in the Dividend Bank details field as (vi) If you are first time user follow the mentioned in instruction (iv). steps given below. 5 (vii) After entering these details click on “CANCEL” and accordingly appropriately, click on “SUBMIT” tab. modify your vote. (viii)Members holding shares in physical (xiv)Once you “CONFIRM” your vote on form will then directly reach the the resolution, you will not be allowed Company selection screen. However, to modify your vote. members holding shares in demat (xv) You can also take out print of the form will now reach ‘Password voting done by you by clicking on Creation’ menu wherein they are “Click here to print” option on the required to mandatorily enter their Voting page. login password in the new password (xvi) If Demat account holder has forgotten field. Kindly note that this password the same password then Enter the is to be also used by the demat User ID and the image verification holders for voting for resolutions of code and click on Forgot Password & any other company on which they are enter the details as prompted by the eligible to vote, provided that system. company opts for e-voting through CDSL platform. It is strongly (xvii)Note for Non – Individual recommended not to share your Shareholders and Custodians password with any other person and - Non-Individual shareholders (i.e. take utmost care to keep your other than Individuals, HUF, NRI password confidential. etc.) and Custodian are required (ix) For Members holding shares in to log on to physical form, the details can be used and register themselves as only for e-voting on the resolutions Corporates. contained in this Notice. - A scanned copy of the (x) Click on the EVSN for the relevant Registration Form bearing the <Goldstone Technologies Limited> stamp and sign of the entity on which you choose to vote. should be emailed to [email protected]. (xi) On the voting page, you will see “RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION” and - After receiving the login details against the same the option “YES/ a compliance user should be NO” for voting. Select the option YES created using the admin login or NO as desired. The option YES and password. The Compliance implies that you assent to the user would be able to link the Resolution and option NO implies that account(s) for which they wish to you dissent to the Resolution. vote on. (xii) Click on the “RESOLUTIONS FILE - The list of accounts should be mailed LINK” if you wish to view the entire to [email protected] Resolution details. and on approval of the accounts they would be able to cast their (xiii) After selecting the resolution you have vote. decided to vote on, click on “SUBMIT”. A confirmation box will be displayed. - A scanned copy of the Board If you wish to confirm your vote, click Resolution and Power of Attorney on “OK”, else to change your vote, (POA) which they have issued in 6 favour of the Custodian, if any, in the Ballot Box during the Meeting. should be uploaded in PDF Members have the option to request format in the system for the for physical copy of Ballot Form by scrutinizer to verify the same. sending an e-mail to [email protected] by (xviii) In case you have any queries or issues mentioning their Folio No. / DP ID regarding e-voting, you may refer the and Client ID. Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) and e-voting manual available at iv. The facility for voting through polling under help paper shall also be made available section or write an email to at the meeting and the members [email protected]. attending the meeting who have not already cast their vote by e-voting B. In case of members receiving the physical shall be able to exercise their right at copy of notice of 21st Annual General the meeting. Meeting (for members whose e-mail ids are not registered with the Company/ v. The member who cast their vote by Depositories): e-voting prior to the meeting may also attend the meeting, but shall not be i. Please follow all the steps from entitled to cast their vote again. S.No.(i) to S.No. (xvii) to cast vote vi. The Scrutinizer, after scrutinizing the C. General Instructions: votes cast at the meeting through poll i. The voting rights of Members shall be and through e-voting will, not later in proportion to the shares held by than three days of conclusion of the them in the paid up equity share Meeting, make a consolidated capital of the Company as on 22nd scrutinizer’s report and submit the September, 2015. same to the Chairman. The results ii. Members can opt for only one mode declared along with the consolidated of voting, i.e., either by physical poll scrutinizer’s report shall be placed on or e-voting. In case Members cast the website of the Company their votes through both the modes, www.goldstonetech.comand on the then voting done by such member will website of be treated as invalid. the results shall simultaneously be communicated to the Stock iii. Members who do not have access to Exchanges. e-voting facility have been additionally provided the facility through Ballot vii. The result of the voting on the Form. They may send duly completed Resolutions at the Meeting will be Ballot Form to the Scrutinizer, M/s. announced by the Chairman or any Prathap Satla & Associates, Practicing other person authorized by him within Company Secretaries (C.P. No. three days of the AGM. 11879) having it's office at H.No.6- STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 102 3-1238/15/1, Flat No.301, 3rd Floor, (1) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013. Elite Heights, Somajiguda, ITEM NO.4 Hyderabad-500082 so as to reach on or before the conclusion of the 21st As per Recommendations of the Nomination Annual General Meeting or can carry and Remuneration Committee, the Board of the same to the AGM and deposit it Directors of the Company in their meeting held 7 on 27th May, 2015 had Appointed Mr. perquisites. He has no pecuniary relationship Ponnapula Sanjeeva Parthasarathy (DIN: with company either directly or indirectly and 0183728) as “Managing Director” of the he has no relationship with the management Company for a period of 2 years from 27th of the Company. The Company appointed Mr. May, 2015 to 28th May, 2015 subject to Ponnapula Sanjeeva Parthasarathy as a approval by the share holders of the Company Managing Director to utilize his rich experience under Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013. and expertise. GENERAL INFORMATION: OTHER INFORMATION: The operations of the Company would come Reasons of loss or inadequate profits: under the purview of the Software and IT Due to the continued economic slowdown enabled services. The Company has started its worldwide, the high stress on core business commercial operations on 18th March, 1994. margins resulted in loss or inadequate profits. During the year under review, your Company Steps taken or proposed to be taken for has reached a Consolidated Turnover of improvement: `697.18 Million as compared to `736.49 The company has already ventured into BI Million for the previous Financial Year. The segment with a strategy to sell BI products and Standalone Turnover was `290.66 Million as consulting services across the globe. against a Turnover of `261.76 Million during the previous year. The Consolidated Net (Loss) Expected increase in productivity and for the year 2014-2015 was (`27.27) Million profits in measurable terms: in comparison with Net profit of `19.64 Million The Company will take the opportunity in the during the previous year and the Standalone BI & Analytics segment and expected to grow Net (Loss) is (`38.01) Million during the year to the tune of 15 to 20 % in the FY 2015-16 and in comparison with Net profit of `10.81 resulting into considerable growth in Turnover Million during the previous year. The Company and Profitability. does not have any direct foreign investments as well as collaborations however company is Disclosure: having wholly owned subsidiary situated at The Board has also, subject to approval of the outside India. share holders, fixed the remuneration/ INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPOINTEE: perquisites/ benefits payable to the aforesaid Mr.Ponnapula Sanjeeva Parthasarathy, Mr. Ponnapula Sanjeeva Parthasarathy has a Managing Director from May 27, 2015, which, rich experience of about 20 years in the shall be as under: domestic as well as oversees operations of the software industry along with deep 1. Name of the appointee: Mr.Ponnapula understanding of US and European market. He Sanjeeva Parthasarathy has no specific recognition or awards other than 2. Designation: Managing Director his rich experience as specified. He joined the 3. Tenure: Two (2) years from May 27, 2015 Company on 30/05/2012 as Additional Director of the Company. His immediate past 4. Salary: ` 1,40,000/- P.M. assignment was as Non Executive Director of 5. Perquisites: the Company without any remuneration except i) Perquisites include Housing: Rent Free receiving of conveyance for attending of Board Accommodation or House Rent Meetings. Remuneration proposed for the Allowance – `28,000/-per month position was ` 2,00,000/- per month including (Rupees Twenty Eight Thousand only). 8