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Author Index Aldana Aranda, D. (Mérida, Mexico), Lucas, A. (Brest, France), Brulé, T., Andrade, M., Garcia, E., Maginot, N. (Mérida, Mexico) and Le Pennec, M. ( Brest, France) Observations on ingestion and digestion of unicellular algae by Strombus gigas larvae (Mollusca, Gastropoda ) using epifluorescence microscopy ....... siniildalietiiae aidan a Ali, C.Q., Ross, L.G. and Beveridge, M.C.M. (Stirling, UK) Microcomputer spreadsheets for the implementation of geographic information systems in aquaculture: a case study on carp in Pakistan ........... Allan, G.L., see Holliday, J.E. et al. Andrade, M., see Aldana Aranda, D. et al. Asgard, T., see Grisdale-Helland, B. et al. Backiel, T. (Olsztyn, Poland) Book review of Rotifer Symposium V, by C. Ricci, T.W. Snell and C.E. King (Editors) 292 Bern, H.A., see Yamauchi, K. et al. Beveridge, M.C.M., see Ali, C.Q. et al. Bieger, S., see Harris, A.S. et al. Blanc, J.-M., see Dubé, P. et al. Blaylock, R.A., see Shpigel, M. and Blaylock, R.A. Bongers, A.B.J., see Komen, J. et al. Bourne, N., see Townsend, L.D. et al. Brouns, J.J. (Arnhem, Netherlands ) Book review of Biology of Seagrasses, by A.W.D. Larkum, A.J. McComb and S.A. I IIIT a... cnsinccsisceniintnieniensinnnnsainibinnsiminiatanntidinteabiiiaintentehetnbannaaabanaintie 294 Brulé, T., see Aldana Aranda, D. et al. Buschmann, A.H., see Kuschel, F.A. and Buschmann, A.H. Chang, C.-F., Yueh, W.-S. and Lee, M.-F. (Keelung, Taiwan) Effects of LHRH-A and HCG on the steroid profiles of bisexual and mature male and female protandrous black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli Chouinard, M., see Dubé, P. et al Chow, S. and Sandifer, P.A. (Charleston, SC, USA) Differences in growth, morphometric traits, and male sexual maturity among Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, from different commercial hatcheries Clark, G., see SéderhAill, K. et al. Constantinescu, O., see SéderhAill, K. et al. Das, K.M. and Tripathi, $.D. ( Barrackpore, India ) Studies on the digestive enzymes of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val. ) De Groot, S.J. (IJmuiden, Netherlands ) Book review of Ecology of Teleost Fishes, by R.J. WOOUOM ............0ccecseeeeseeeseeerenneennereses 290 Deguchi, Y., see Sugita, H. et al. De la Noiie, J., see Dubé, P. et al. De Silva, S.S. and Gunasekera, R.M. (Singapore, Singapore ) An evaluation of the growth of Indian and Chinese major carps in relation to the GEARS CIEE sitcrinnsssecistncncesitaitnitsnsvsintantinanninnamneninininicniininmaininae 394 Diana, J.S., Lin, C.K. and Schneeberger, P.J. (Ann Arbor, MI, USA) Relationships among nutrient inputs, water nutrient concentrations, primary production, and yield of Oreochromis niloticus in ponds ....................0+++ ; Dick, M.W., see Séderhaill, K. et al. Dos Santos, J., see Jobling, M. et al. Doyle, R.W., see Harris, A.S. et al. Dubé, P. (Québec, Qué., Canada), Blanc, J.-M. (St. Pée-sur-Nivelle, France and Ste-Foy, Qué., Canada ), Chouinard, M. (La Pocatiére, Qué., Canada) and De la Noiie, J. (Ste- Foy, Qué, Canada) Triploidy induced by heat shock in brook trout (Sa/velinus fontinalis) ...... sone OOO Frances, J., see Holliday, J.E. et al Fiirst, M., see SéderhAill, K. et al Gannam, A.L. and Lovell, R.T. (Auburn, AL, USA) Effects of feeding | 7a-methyltestosterone, | |-ketotestosterone, | 7 #-estradiol, and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine to channel catfish, /ctalurus punctatus Garcia, E., see Aldana Aranda, D. et al Gasith, A., see Wajsbrot, N. et al. Gatlin, D.M., III, O’Connell, J.P. and Scarpa, J. (College Station, TX, USA) Dietary zinc requirement of the red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus Gil Verdugo, C., see Laing, I. and Gil Verdugo, C. Grisdale-Helland, B., Helland, S.J. and Asgard, T. (Sunndals¢ra, Norway ) Problems associated with the present use of menadione sodium bisulfite and vitamin A in diets for Atlantic salmon ssieasitelsimaee Gunasekera, R.M., see De Silva, S.S. and Gunasekera, R.M. Haenen, O.L.M. (Lelystad, Netherlands) and Van Banning, P. (lJmuiden, Netherlands ) Experimental transmission of Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda, Dracunculoidea ) larvae from infected prey fish to the eel Anguilla anguilla ici a Harris, A.S., Bieger, S., Doyle, R.W. and Wright, J.M. (Halifax, N.S., Canada) DNA fingerprinting of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and its application to aquaculture OTIS ovcevececenensvesererseceneenseveccorensesesveveccoscoveosovecseesevecessoosoneoneveouessoovesensooconeosenes Helland, S.J., see Grisdale-Helland, B. et al. Hirano, T., see Yamauchi, K. et al. Holliday, J.E., Allan, G.L. and Frances, J. (Salamander Bay, N.S.W., Australia) Cold storage effects on setting of larvae of the Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea commercialis, and the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Huisman, E.A., see Komen, J. et al. Huntingford, F.A., see Kadri, S. et al Hustvedt, $.O. and Salte, R. (As, Norway ) Distribution and elimination of oxolinic acid in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum ) after a single rapid intravascular injection Hustvedt, $.0., Storebakken, T. and Salte, R. (As, Norway ) Does oral administration of oxolinic acid or oxytetracycline affect feed intake of EERIE AR EE SE ESSER EEE SERENE: dire Ce eet cee Ne 109 Iwama, G.K., see Jones, T.O. and Iwama, G.K. Jobling, M., Knudsen, R., Pedersen, P.S. and Dos Santos, J. (Troms¢, Norway ) Effects of dietary composition and energy content on the nutritional energetics of cod, LEER TTR DURIS STEN Ewer ecuere Sena ee antes esmeenestnee hee eeeee ee Jones, T.O. and Iwama, G.K. ( Vancouver, B.C., Canada ) Polyculture of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg ), with chinook salmon, ESE SERN ne rene Ee AUER SE NS at 313 Kadri, S., Metcalfe, N.B., Huntingford, F.A. (Glasgow, UK) and Thorpe, J.E. ( Pitlochry, UK) Daily feeding rhythms in Atlantic salmon in sea cages Kamemoto, F.I., see Tsukimura, B. and Kamemoto, F.1 Kingzett, B.C., see Townsend, L.D. et al Knudsen, R., see Jobling, M. et al Komen, J., Bongers, A.B.J., Richter, C.J.J., Van Muiswinkel, W.B. and Huisman, E.A ( Wageningen, Netherlands ) Gynogenesis in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Il. The production of homozygous gynogenetic clones and F, hybrids .... A one 127 Krom, M.D., see Wajsbrot, N. et al Kuschel, F.A. and Buschmann, A.H. (Osorno, Chile ) Abundance, effects and management of epiphytism in intertidal cultures of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta ) in southern Chile ..... ; Laing, I. and Gil Verdugo, C. (Conwy, UK) Nutritional value of spray-dried Tetraselmis suecica for juvenile bivalves .. Lam, T.J., see Walford, J. et al Lee, M.-F., see Chang, C.-F. et al Le Pennec, M., see Aldana Aranda, D. et al Lillehaug, A. (Oslo, Norway ) Vaccination of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) against cold-water vibriosis - duration of protection and effect on growth rate ................... Lim, T.M., see Walford, J. et al Lin, C.K., see Diana, J.S. et al. Lovell, R.T., see Gannam, A.L. and Lovell, R.T. Lucas, A., see Aldana Aranda, D. et al. Maginot, N., see Aldana Aranda, D. et al. Markiw, M.E. (Kearneysville, WV, USA) Whirling disease: earliest susceptible age of rainbow trout to the triactinomyxid of M yxobolus cerebralis ‘ Matsuura, S., see Matsuyama, M. et al. Matsuyama, M. (Tsu, Japan), Nagahama, Y. (Okazaki, Japan) and Matsuura, S. (Fukuoka, Japan ) Observations on ovarian follicle ultrastructure in the marine teleost, Pagrus major, during vitellogenesis and oocyte maturation . Metcalfe, N.B., see Kadri, S. et al Miyajima, C., see Sugita, H. et al. Murai, T. (Tokyo, Japan) Book review of Principles of Fish Nutrition, by W. Steffens ..... Nagahama, Y., see Matsuyama, M. et al. Nash, C.E. (Rolling Bay, WA, USA) Book review of Aquaculture in Asia, by M.M. Joseph (Editor) Nishioka, R.S., see Yamauchi, K. et al. O'Connell, J.P., see Gatlin, D.M.., III et al. Ogasawara, T., see Yamauchi, K. et al. Pascual, E., see Polo, A. et al. Pedersen, P.S., see Jobling, M. et al. Polo, A., Yufera, M. and Pascual, E. (Puerto Real, Spain) Effects of temperature on egg and larval development of Sparus aurata L.. ...............00+ 367 Popper, D.M., see Wajsbrot, N. et al. 396 Renard, P. ( Plouzané, France) Cooling and freezing tolerances in embryos of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas methanol and sucrose effects Richter, C.J.J., see Komen, J. et al Ross, L.G., see Ali, C.Q. et al Salte, R., see Hustvedt, S.O. and Salte, R.; Hustvedt, S.O. et al Sandifer, P.A., see Chow, S. and Sandifer, P.A Scarpa, J., see Gatlin, D.M., III et al Schneeberger, P.J., see Diana, J.S. et al Shiau, S.-Y., see Tung, P.-H. and Shiau, S.-Y Shpigel, M. (Eilat, Israel ) and Blaylock, R.A. (Gloucester Point, VA, USA) The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, as a biological filter for a marine fish aquaculture pond Séderh4ll, K. (Uppsala, Swed (Drottningholm, Sweden ) and Constantinescu, O. (Uppsala, Sweden ) Isolation of Saprolegnia parasitica from the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus .... Storebakken, T., see Hustvedt, S.O. et al Sugita, H., Miyajima, C. and Deguchi, Y. (Tokyo, Japan) The vitamin B,» -producing ability of the intestinal microflora of freshwater fish ........... 2 Thorpe, J.E., see Kadri, S. et al. Townsend, L.D., Kingzett, B.C. and Bourne, N. (Nanaimo, B.C., Canada) An improved method for handling large numbers of juvenile scallops Tripathi, $.D., see Das, K.M. and Tripathi, $.D Tsukimura, B. and Kamemoto, F.I. (Honolulu, HI, USA) In vitro stimulation of oocytes by presumptive mandibular organ secretions in the shrimp, Penaeus vannamei .............<..- Tung, P.-H. and Shiau, S.-Y. (Keelung, Taiw Effects of meal frequency on growth performance of hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus X O. aureus, fed different carbohydrate diets ..............cccccccccceeeeeeeseenereeeeeeeees 343 Van Banning, P., see Haenen, O.L.M. and Van Banning, P. Van Muiswinkel, W.B., see Komen, J. et al. Wajsbort, N. (Eilat, Israel ), Gasith, A. (Ramat Aviv, Israel), Krom, M.D. (Haifa, Israel) and Popper, D.M. (Eilat, Israel ) Acute toxicity of ammonia to juvenile gilthead seabream Sparus aurata under reduced NN secictaciseticceiiiviitnisniivsteo eieieiteiinceariniieiiateiniiecnnaaiaintlattivedinnilieiificineeiil 277 Walford, J., Lim, T.M. and Lam, T.J. (Kent Ridge, Singapore ) Replacing live foods with microencapsulated diets in the rearing of seabass ( Lates calcarifer) larvae: do the larvae ingest and digest protein-membrane microcapsules? Wedekind, H., see Wohlfarth, G.W. and Wedekind, H. Wohlfarth, G.W. (Dor, Israel) and Wedekind, H. (Géttingen, Germany ) The heredity of sex determination in tilapias Wright, J.M., see Harris, A.S. et al. Yamauchi, K. (Berkeley, CA and Bodega, CA, USA and Hokkaido, Japan), Nishioka, R.S., Young, G. (Berkeley, CA and Bodega, CA, USA), Ogasawara, T., Hirano, T. (Tokyo, Japan ) and Bern, H.A. (Berkeley, CA and Bodega, CA, USA) Osmoregulation and circulating growth hormone and prolactin levels in hypophysectomized coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) after transfer to fresh water and seawater Young, G., see Yamauchi, K. et al. Yueh, W.-S., see Chang, C.-F. et al. Yufera, M., see Polo, A. et al.

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