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Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: 12th International Workshop, APPROX 2009, and 13th International Workshop, RANDOM 2009, Berkeley, CA, USA, August 21-23, 2009. Proceedings PDF

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Preview Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: 12th International Workshop, APPROX 2009, and 13th International Workshop, RANDOM 2009, Berkeley, CA, USA, August 21-23, 2009. Proceedings

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5687 CommencedPublicationin1973 FoundingandFormerSeriesEditors: GerhardGoos,JurisHartmanis,andJanvanLeeuwen EditorialBoard DavidHutchison LancasterUniversity,UK TakeoKanade CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA,USA JosefKittler UniversityofSurrey,Guildford,UK JonM.Kleinberg CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY,USA AlfredKobsa UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine,CA,USA FriedemannMattern ETHZurich,Switzerland JohnC.Mitchell StanfordUniversity,CA,USA MoniNaor WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel OscarNierstrasz UniversityofBern,Switzerland C.PanduRangan IndianInstituteofTechnology,Madras,India BernhardSteffen UniversityofDortmund,Germany MadhuSudan MicrosoftResearch,Cambridge,MA,USA DemetriTerzopoulos UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA,USA DougTygar UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA,USA GerhardWeikum Max-PlanckInstituteofComputerScience,Saarbruecken,Germany Irit Dinur Klaus Jansen Joseph Naor José Rolim (Eds.) Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms and Techniques 12th International Workshop,APPROX 2009 and 13th International Workshop, RANDOM 2009 Berkeley, CA, USA,August 21-23, 2009 Proceedings 1 3 VolumeEditors IritDinur TheWeizmannInstituteofScience Dept.ofAppliedMathandComputerScience Rehovot,76100,Israel E-mail:irit.dinur@weizmann.ac.il KlausJansen UniversityofKiel InstituteforComputerScienceandAppliedMathematics Olshausenstr.40,24098Kiel,Germany E-mail:kj@informatik.uni-kiel.de Joseph(Seffi)Naor Technion,ComputerScienceDepartment Haifa,32000,Israel E-mail:naor@cs.technion.ac.il JoséRolim UniversityofGeneva CentreUniversitaired’Informatique BattelleBat.A,7rtedeDrize,1227Carouge,Switzerland E-mail:jose.rolim@unige.ch LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2009932147 CRSubjectClassification(1998):F.2,G.2,G.1,G.3,G.4,I.1,I.2.2 LNCSSublibrary:SL1–TheoreticalComputerScienceandGeneralIssues ISSN 0302-9743 ISBN-10 3-642-03684-8SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-642-03684-2SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. springer.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2009 PrintedinGermany Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:12734290 06/3180 543210 Preface This volume contains the papers presented at the 12th International Work- shop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2009) and the 13th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation (RANDOM 2009), which took place concurrently at the HP Au- ditorium in UC Berkeley, USA, during August 21–23, 2009. APPROX focuses on algorithmic and complexity issues surrounding the development of efficient approximate solutions to computationally difficult problems, and was the 12th in the series after Aalborg (1998), Berkeley (1999), Saarbru¨cken (2000), Berke- ley (2001), Rome (2002), Princeton (2003), Cambridge (2004), Berkeley (2005), Barcelona(2006),Princeton(2007),andBoston(2008).RANDOMisconcerned with applications of randomness to computational and combinatorial problems, and was the 13th workshop in the series following Bologna (1997), Barcelona (1998),Berkeley(1999),Geneva(2000),Berkeley(2001),Harvard(2002),Prince- ton (2003), Cambridge (2004), Berkeley (2005), Barcelona (2006), Princeton (2007), and Boston (2008). Topics of interest for APPROX and RANDOM are: design and analysis of approximation algorithms, hardness of approximation, small space algorithms, sub-linear time algorithms,streaming algorithms,embeddings and metric space methods,mathematicalprogrammingmethods,combinatorialproblemsingraphs andnetworks,gametheory,markets,andeconomicapplications,geometricprob- lems, packing, covering, scheduling, approximate learning, design and analysis of online algorithms,randomizedcomplexity theory,pseudorandomnessand de- randomization,randomcombinatorialstructures,randomwalks/Markovchains, expander graphs and randomness extractors, probabilistic proof systems, error- correctingcodes,average-caseanalysis,propertytesting,computationallearning theory, and other applications of approximationand randomness. The volume contains 25 contributed papers, selected by the APPROX ProgramCommittee out of 56 submissions, and 28 contributed papers, selected by the RANDOM ProgramCommittee out of 57 submissions. We would like to thank all of the authors who submitted papers and the members of the ProgramCommittees: APPROX 2009 Nikhil Bansal IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Ziv Bar-Yossef Google Artur Czumaj University of Warwick Michel Goemans MIT Sudipto Guha University of Pennsylvania Magnus Halldorsson Reykjavik University Dorit Hochbaum University of California, Berkeley VI Preface Elias Koutsoupias University of Athens Robert Krauthgamer Weizmann Institute of Science Ravi Kumar Yahoo! Research Lap Chi Lau Chinese University of Hong Kong Joseph (Seffi) Naor Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Chair) Tim Roughgarden Stanford University Bruce Shepherd McGill University Tami Tamir The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya RANDOM 2009 Irit Dinur Weizmann Institute of Science (Chair) Vitaly Feldman IBM Almaden Research Center Parikshit Gopalan Microsoft Research Danny Gutfreund MIT Prahladh Harsha University of Texas, Austin Avinatan Hassidim MIT Russel Impagliazzo University of California, San Diego Mark Jerrum University of Edinburgh Tali Kaufman MIT Subhash Khot New York University J. Radhakrishnan Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Dana Randall Georgia Institute of Technology Michael Saks Rutgers University Adi Shraibman Weizmann Institute of Science Emanuele Viola Northeastern University We would also like to thank the external subreferees: Dimitris Achlioptas, Adi Akavia, Andris Ambainis, Alexandr Andoni, Eli Ben-Sasson, Nayantara Bhatnagar, Arnab Bhattacharya Andrej Bogdanov, Niv Buchbinder, Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Bernard Chazelle, Kai-Min Chung, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Artur Czumaj, Amit Deshpande, Robert Elsasser, Joseph Emerson, Funda Ergun, Vitaly Feldman, Elena Grigorescu, Moritz Hardt, Jason Hartline, Tom Hayes, Elad Hazan, Rahul Jain, T.S. Jayram, Adam Kalai, Swastik Kopparty, Robert Krauthgamer, Oded Lachish, Homin Lee, Troy Lee, Yury Lifshits, Shachar Lovett, Aleksander Madry, Arie Matsliah, Or Meir, Manor Mendel, Sarah Mir- acle, Michael Mitzenmacher, Michael Molloy, Dana Moshkovitz,Elchanan Mos- sel,HariharanNarayanan,JelaniNelson,MarcNoy,RyanO’Donnell,Krzysztof Onak,AmandaPascoe,SethPettie,PrasadRaghavendra,SofyaRaskhodnikova, Ran Raz, Omer Reingold, Atri Rudra, Alex Samorodnitsky, Shubhangi Saraf, Nitin Saxena, Pranab Sen, Rocco Servedio, C. Seshadhri, Devavrat Shah, Asaf Shapira, Mohit Singh, Sasha Sodin, Daniel Spielman, Srikanth Srinivasan, Salil Vadhan, Rakesh Venkat, Elad Verbin, Eric Vigoda, Danny Vilenchik, Andrew Wan, Enav Weinreb, Udi Wieder, and Yi Wu. Preface VII We gratefully acknowledge the support from the Deptartment of Computer Science at the Technion in Israel, the Deptartment of Computer Science and Applied Mathematicsofthe WeizmannInstitute inIsrael,the Institute ofCom- puterScienceoftheChristian-Albrechts-Universita¨tzuKielandtheDepartment of Computer Science of the University of Geneva. The invited talk this year was dedicated to the memory of Rajeev Motwani from Stanford University who died in tragic circumstances on June 5, 2009. ThroughouthiscareerRajeevmadefundamentalcontributionstomanyareasof computerscienceincludingfoundations,searchandretrieval,databases,privacy, robotics,andmore.Some of the moststriking contributions were algorithmic in nature,inmanybranchesofthefield.ThetalkwasgivenbyPrabhakarRaghavan who is the head of Yahoo! Research and was a close friend and collaborator of Rajeev. Finally, many thanks to Parvaneh Karimi-Massouleh for editing the proceedings. August 2009 Irit Dinur Klaus Jansen Joseph (Seffi) Naor Jos´e D.P. Rolim Table of Contents Contributed Talks of APPROX Approximation Algorithms and Hardness Results for Packing Element-Disjoint Steiner Trees in Planar Graphs..................... 1 Ashkan Aazami, Joseph Cheriyan, and Krishnam Raju Jampani Adaptive Sampling for k-Means Clustering .......................... 15 Ankit Aggarwal, Amit Deshpande, and Ravi Kannan Approximations for Aligned Coloring and Spillage Minimization in Interval and Chordal Graphs ...................................... 29 Douglas E. Carroll, Adam Meyerson, and Brian Tagiku Unsplittable Flow in Paths and Trees and Column-Restricted Packing Integer Programs ................................................ 42 Chandra Chekuri, Alina Ene, and Nitish Korula Truthful Mechanisms via Greedy Iterative Packing ................... 56 Chandra Chekuri and Iftah Gamzu Resource Minimization Job Scheduling.............................. 70 Julia Chuzhoy and Paolo Codenotti The Power of Preemption on Unrelated Machines and Applications to Scheduling Orders................................................ 84 Jos´e R. Correa, Martin Skutella, and Jos´e Verschae New Hardness Results for Diophantine Approximation................ 98 Friedrich Eisenbrand and Thomas Rothvoß PASS Approximation: A Framework for Analyzing and Designing Heuristics....................................................... 111 Uriel Feige, Nicole Immorlica, Vahab S. Mirrokni, and Hamid Nazerzadeh Optimal Sherali-Adams Gaps from Pairwise Independence ............ 125 Konstantinos Georgiou, Avner Magen, and Madhur Tulsiani An Approximation Scheme for Terrain Guarding..................... 140 Matt Gibson, Gaurav Kanade, Erik Krohn, and Kasturi Varadarajan Scheduling with Outliers.......................................... 149 Anupam Gupta, Ravishankar Krishnaswamy, Amit Kumar, and Danny Segev X Table of Contents Improved Inapproximability Results for Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph ....................................................... 163 Venkatesan Guruswami and Ali Kemal Sinop Improved Absolute Approximation Ratios for Two-Dimensional Packing Problems................................................ 177 Rolf Harren and Rob van Stee On the Optimality of Gluing over Scales ............................ 190 Alex Jaffe, James R. Lee, and Mohammad Moharrami On Hardness of Pricing Items for Single-Minded Bidders .............. 202 Rohit Khandekar, Tracy Kimbrel, Konstantin Makarychev, and Maxim Sviridenko Real-Time Message Routing and Scheduling......................... 217 Ronald Koch, Britta Peis, Martin Skutella, and Andreas Wiese Approximating Some Network Design Problems with Node Costs ...... 231 Guy Kortsarz and Zeev Nutov Submodular Maximization over Multiple Matroids via Generalized Exchange Properties ............................................. 244 Jon Lee, Maxim Sviridenko, and Jan Vondr´ak Robust Algorithms for Max Independent Set on Minor-Free Graphs Based on the Sherali-Adams Hierarchy.............................. 258 Avner Magen and Mohammad Moharrami Minimizing Average Shortest Path Distances via Shortcut Edge Addition........................................................ 272 Adam Meyerson and Brian Tagiku Approximating Node-Connectivity Augmentation Problems ........... 286 Zeev Nutov A 7/9 - Approximation Algorithm for the Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem ............................................... 298 Katarzyna Paluch, Marcin Mucha, and Aleksander Ma¸dry Approximation Algorithms for Domatic Partitions of Unit Disk Graphs ......................................................... 312 Saurav Pandit, Sriram V. Pemmaraju, and Kasturi Varadarajan On the Complexity of the Asymmetric VPN Problem................. 326 Thomas Rothvoß and Laura Sanit`a Table of Contents XI Contributed Talks of RANDOM Deterministic Approximation Algorithms for the Nearest Codeword Problem ........................................................ 339 Noga Alon, Rina Panigrahy, and Sergey Yekhanin Strong ParallelRepetition Theorem for Free Projection Games ........ 352 Boaz Barak, Anup Rao, Ran Raz, Ricky Rosen, and Ronen Shaltiel Random Low Degree Polynomials are Hard to Approximate ........... 366 Ido Ben-Eliezer, Rani Hod, and Shachar Lovett Composition of Semi-LTCs by Two-Wise Tensor Products............. 378 Eli Ben-Sasson and Michael Viderman On the Security of Goldreich’s One-Way Function.................... 392 Andrej Bogdanov and Youming Qiao Random Tensors and Planted Cliques .............................. 406 S. Charles Brubaker and Santosh S. Vempala Sampling s-Concave Functions: The Limit of Convexity Based Isoperimetry .................................................... 420 Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Amit Deshpande, and Santosh Vempala Average-CaseAnalyses of Vickrey Costs ............................ 434 Prasad Chebolu, Alan Frieze, Pa´ll Melsted, and Gregory B. Sorkin A Hypergraph Dictatorship Test with Perfect Completeness ........... 448 Victor Chen Extractors Using Hardness Amplification............................ 462 Anindya De and Luca Trevisan How Well Do Random Walks Parallelize? ........................... 476 Klim Efremenko and Omer Reingold An Analysis of Random-Walk Cuckoo Hashing....................... 490 Alan Frieze, Pa´ll Melsted, and Michael Mitzenmacher Hierarchy Theorems for Property Testing ........................... 504 Oded Goldreich, Michael Krivelevich, Ilan Newman, and Eyal Rozenberg Algorithmic Aspects of Property Testing in the Dense Graphs Model ... 520 Oded Goldreich and Dana Ron Succinct Representation of Codes with Applications to Testing ........ 534 Elena Grigorescu, Tali Kaufman, and Madhu Sudan XII Table of Contents Efficient Quantum Tensor Product Expanders and k-Designs .......... 548 Aram W. Harrow and Richard A. Low Hellinger Strikes Back: A Note on the Multi-party Information Complexity of AND .............................................. 562 T.S. Jayram PseudorandomGenerators and Typically-CorrectDerandomization..... 574 Jeff Kinne, Dieter van Melkebeek, and Ronen Shaltiel Baum’s Algorithm Learns Intersections of Halfspaces with Respect to Log-ConcaveDistributions ........................................ 588 Adam R. Klivans, Philip M. Long, and Alex K. Tang Tolerant Linearity Testing and Locally Testable Codes................ 601 Swastik Kopparty and Shubhangi Saraf PseudorandomBit Generators That Fool Modular Sums .............. 615 Shachar Lovett, Omer Reingold, Luca Trevisan, and Salil Vadhan The Glauber Dynamics for Colourings of Bounded Degree Trees ....... 631 Brendan Lucier, Michael Molloy, and Yuval Peres Testing ±1-Weight Halfspaces..................................... 646 Kevin Matulef, Ryan O’Donnell, Ronitt Rubinfeld, and Rocco A. Servedio Small-Bias Spaces for Group Products.............................. 658 Raghu Meka and David Zuckerman Small Clique Detection and Approximate Nash Equilibria ............. 673 Lorenz Minder and Dan Vilenchik Testing Computability by Width Two OBDDs....................... 686 Dana Ron and Gilad Tsur Improved Polynomial Identity Testing for Read-Once Formulas ........ 700 Amir Shpilka and Ilya Volkovich Smooth Analysis of the Condition Number and the Least Singular Value........................................................... 714 Terence Tao and Van Vu Author Index.................................................. 739

This book constitutes the joint refereed proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, APPROX 2009, and the 13th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation, RANDOM 2009, held in Berkeley, CA, USA, in August 2009. The
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