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NH rs Sis applied surface science ELSEVIER Applied Surface Science 212—213 (2003) I-XIII www.elsevier.com/locate/apsusc Author Index Abe, T., see Kashiwaba, Y. 212-213 (2003) 162 Bae, C., and G. Lucovsky, Oxide formation Acker, J., see Bracco, G. 212-213 (2003) 151 and passivation for micro- and nano- Ackermann, J., C. Videlot, P. Raynal, A. El electronic devices 212-213 (2003) 644 Kassmi and P. Dumas, Effect of end- Baek, Y.-G., see Honda, S.-i. 212-213 (2003) 378 substitution of hexyl chains on the Baillet, F, see Pons, M. 212-213 (2003) 177 growth and electrical properties of qua- Barbaroto, P.R., I. Doi and L.O.S. Ferreira, terthiophene thin films 212-213 (2003) 26 Si-LiG process for inductive meso Ackermann, J., C. Videlot, T.N. Nguyen, systems 212-213 (2003) 406 L. Wang, P.M. Sarro, D. Crawley, Barborini, E., see Magnano, E. 212-213 (2003) 879 K. Nikoli¢é and M. _ Forshaw, Barrett, N., see Oughaddou, H. 212-213 (2003) 291 Micro-patterning of self-supporting Battaglini, N., H. Klein, Ph. Dumas, C. layers with conducting polymer Moustrou and A. Samat, Scanning tun- wires for 3D-chip interconnection neling microscopy of locally deriva- applications 212-213 (2003) 411 tized self-assembled organic Ade, H., see Lucovsky, G. 212-213 (2003) 563 monolayers 212-213 (2003) 481 Akahane, T., see Narita, Y. 212-213 (2003) 730 Baudot, G., S. Rohart, V. Repain, H. Ell- Akahane, T., see Yasui, K. 212-213 (2003) 619 mer, Y. Girard and S. Rousset, Tem- Akermark, B., see von Schenck, H. 212-213 (2003) 508 perature dependence of ordered cobalt Androulakis, J., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. 212-213 (2003) 78 nanodots growth on Au(7 8 8) 212-213 (2003) 360 Aoyagi, S., see Kawashima, Y. 212-213 (2003) 804 Baumvol, I.J.R., see Krug, C. 212-213 (2003) 556 Appel, G., see Lucovsky, G. 212-213 (2003) 563 Baumvol, I.J.R., see Radtke, C. 212-213 (2003) 570 Arakawa, T., see Shimaoka, G. 212-213 (2003) 694 Bechstedt, F., A. Fissel, J. Furthmiiller, Arayama, T., see Yasui, K. 212-213 (2003) 619 U. Kaiser, H.-Ch. Weissker and Arnault, J.C., S. Pecoraro, F. Le Normand W. Wesch, Quantum structures in SiC 212-213 (2003) 820 and J. Werckmann, Comparison of Belley, R., see Truong, V.-V. 212-213 (2003) 140 classical and BEN nucleation studied Bencok, P., see Hricovini, K. 212-213 (2003) 17 on thinned Si (1 1 1) samples: a Bendounan, A., H. Cercellier, Y. Fagot- HRTEM study 212-213 (2003) 912 Revurat, B. Kierren, V. Yu Yurov and Arwin, H., see Wronkowska, A.A. 212-213 (2003) 110 D. Malterre, Interplay between surface Asensio, M.C., see Izquierdo, M. 212-213 (2003) 67 and electronic structures in epitaxial Asensio, M.C., see Pérez-Dieste, V. 212-213 (2003) 235 Ag ultra thin films on Cu(111) 212-213 (2003) 33 Asensio, M.C., see Roca, L. 212-213 (2003) 62 Benito, I., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 850 Assmus, W., see Suchodolskis, A. 212-213 (2003) 485 Berges, U., see Schiirmann, M. 212-213 (2003) 131 Atenco-Analco, N., F. Pérez-Rodriguez Bernardinello, P., see Narducci, D. 212-213 (2003) 491 and N.M. Makarov, Surface-induced Bernardini, J., see Aufray, B. 212-213 (2003) 3 broadening and shift of exciton reso- Bernardini, J., see Liébault, J. 212-213 (2003) 809 nances in the thin film regime 212-213 (2003) 782 Bernardini, J., see Nyéki, J. 212-213 (2003) 244 Aufray, B., J. Bernardini, H. Dallaporta, G. Bernardini, J., see Oughaddou, H. 212-213 (2003) 291 Le Lay and P. Soukiassian, Preface 212-213 (2003) 3 Bertoni, G., C. Cepek and M. Sancrotti, Aufray, B., see Oughaddou, H. 212-213 (2003) 291 Temperature-dependent interaction of Autran, J.L., see Houssa, M. 212-213 (2003) 749 Coo with Ge(1 1 1)-c(2 x 8) 212-213 (2003) 52 Avila, J., see Izquierdo, M. 212-213 (2003) 67 Bertoni, G., see Padovani, M. 212-213 (2003) 213 Avila, J., see Pérez-Dieste, V. 212-213 (2003) 235 Beszeda, I., I.A. Szabo and E.G. Gontier- Avila, J., see Roca, L. 212-213 (2003) 62 Moya, Auger electron spectroscopy Azuma, Y., see Nakamura, T. 212-213 (2003) 515 determination of surface self-diffusion coefficients from growth of voids in Baca, D., see Ould-Metidji, Y. 212-213 (2003) 614 thin deposited films 212-213 (2003) 787 Bader, G., see Truong, V.-V. 212-213 (2003) 140 Betti, M.G., see Gavioli, L. 212-213 (2003) 47 doi: 10.1016/S0169-4332(03)00668-8 II Author Index Bibérian, J.P., see Oughaddou, H. 212-213 (2003) 291 C. Marliére, Surface fracture of glassy Bideux, L., see Gruzza, B. 212-213 (2003) 667 materials as detected by real-time Bideux, L., see Ould-Metidji, Y. 212-213 (2003) 614 atomic force microscopy (AFM) Bideux, L., see Petit, M. 212-213 (2003) 601 experiments 212-213 (2003) 92 Biely, C., see Fliickiger, T. 212-213 (2003) 43 Cepek, C., see Bertoni, G. 212-213 (2003) 52 Billon, Th., see Pons, M. 212-213 (2003) 177 Cepek, C., see Giovanelli, L. 212-213 (2003) 57 Bisio, F., G. Gonella, M. Canepa, S. Ter- Cepek, C., see Magnano, E. 212-213 (2003) 879 reni and L. Mattera, Thermal magnetic Cercellier, H., see Bendounan, A. 212-213 (2003) 33 properties of Fe films on Cu;Au inves- Chang, K.-H., see Shao, L.-X. 212-213 (2003) 305 tigated by magneto optical Kerr effect 212-213 (2003) 166 Chassaing, E., see Plumier, F. 212-213 (2003) 271 Bisio, F., see Moroni, R. 212-213 (2003) 224 Chaussende, D., see Pons, M. 212-213 (2003) 177 Blanco, J.M., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 850 Chayahara, A., see Tsubouchi, N. 212-213 (2003) 920 Blanquet, E., see Pons, M. el 213 (2003) 177 Chen, L.J., see Chiang, T.F. 212-213 (2003) 339 Bonamy, D., see Célarié, F. b —213 (2003) 92 Chen, L.J., see He, J.H. 212-213 (2003) 325 Bonnet, J., see Dongmo, H. t~ — Chen, L.J., see Lu, H.T. 212-213 (2003) 204 Boragno, C., see Pedemonte, L. Cheng, S.L., see Chiang, T.F. 212-213 (2003) 339 Borgatti, F., see Finetti, P. 213 (2003) 85 Cheng, S.L., see He, J.H. 212-213 (2003) 325 Bouchaud, E., see Célarié, F. —213 (2003) 92 Chiang, T.F., W.W. Wu, S.L. Cheng, H.H. Bourgeois, S., see Chiaramonte, T. —213 (2003) 661 Lin, S.W. Lee and L.J. Chen, Auto- Bourgoin, J.P., see Patrone, L. —213 (2003) 446 correlation function analysis of crystal- Bracco, G., see Narducci, D. 13 (2003) 649 lization in amorphous SiGe thin films Bracco, G., see Pedemonte, L. 213 (2003) 344 Chiaramonte, T., L.P. Cardoso, R.V. Bracco, G., see Pedemonte, L. —213 (2003) 595 Gelamo, F. Fabreguette, M. Sacilotti, NNNWLYYDOM Yvi5¢r:;9iN dg Y NMYNY Bracco, G., Y. Hu, J. Acker and M.D. M.C. Marco de Lucas, L. Imhoff, S. Ward, Study of the (0 0 1) cleavage Bourgeois, Y. Kihn and M.-J. Casa- planes of guanidinium methanesulfo- nove, Structural characterization of nate single crystals by AFM and He TiO,/TiN,O,, (6-doping) heterostruc- diffraction 3 (2003) 151 tures on (1 1 0)TiO, substrates 3 (2003) 661 Braun, W., see Evans, D.A. 3 (2003) 417 Chizmeshya, A.V.G., see Roucka, R. pose tiie ks Braun, W., see Kampen, T.U. 3 (2003) 850 Cho, D.-C., see Mori, T. 3 (2003) 458 Brochier, R., see Hricovini, K. 3 (2003) 17 Chou, L.J., see He, J.H. 3 (2003) 325 Bruguier, G., see Dongmo, H. 3 (2003) 607 Chou, L.J., see Lu, H.T. 3 (2003) 204 Buatier de Mongeot, F., see Pedemonte, L. 3 (2003) 344 Chueh, Y.L., see He, J.H. 3 (2003) 325 Bukaluk, A., see Wronkowska, A.A. 3 (2003) 110 Chueh, Y.L., see Lu, H.T. Aco Bulgakov, A.V., see Ozerov, I. 3 (2003) 349 Chung, S., see Kang, T.-H. 3 (2003) 630 Bureau, C., see Viel, P. 3 (2003) 792 Clark, R.G., see Oberbeck, L. 3 (2003) 319 NYNWWbYYDoM NY~i‘7¢‘T¥“N ¥t2ttAtAttAY oooSoSoNoS Y Busch, I., and J. Stiimpel, Investigation of Cohen, S.D., see Schroll, R.D. 3 (2003) 219 NNNPYYLY NYNYNYNYNYNY interface roughness and roughness cor- Conde-Gallardo, A., M. Garcia-Rocha, R. relation in solid-state multilayer by Palomino-Merino, M.P. Velasquez- coplanar diffuse X-ray scattering 2-213 (2003) 201 Quesada and I. Hernandez-Calderon, Photoluminescence properties of Tb" Cabailh, G., see Evans, D.A. 13 (2003) 417 and Eu** ions hosted in TiO, matrix 3 (2003) 583 Cafolla, A.A., see Guaino, Ph. 13 (2003) 537 Couturier, N., see Laffineur, F. 3 (2003) 452 Casanove, M.-J., see Chiaramonte, T. —213 (2003) 661 Crawley, D., see Ackermann, J. 3 (2003) 411 Camassel, J., and A. Tiberj, Strain effects Creemers, C., see Helfensteyn, S. 3 (2003) 844 in device processing of silicon-on-insu- Creemers, C., see Luyten, J. 3 (2003) 833 lator materials —213 (2003) 742 Crozier, P.A., see Roucka, R. 3 (2003) 872 Canepa, M., see Bisio, F. —213 (2003) 166 Curson, N.J., see Oberbeck, L. 3 (2003) 319 MNNWYYY MM Cardoso, L.P., see Chiaramonte, T. —213 (2003) 661 Carlotti, J.F.. see Dongmo, H. —213 (2003) 607 da Rosa, E.B.O., see Krug, C. 3 (2003) 556 Carraro, C., see Robert Ashurst, W. —213 (2003) 735 D’A ddato, S., see Finetti, P. 3 (2003) 85 MNLbMYo Msa.7i iss d Carrier, P., Z.-H. Lu, L.J. Lewis and Dallaporta, H., see Aufray, B. 3 (2003) 3 M.W.C. Dharma-wardana, Role of Dalmas, J., see Suchodolskis, A. 3 (2003) 485 NMbMl N interface suboxide Si atoms on the Das, A., G. Salvan, T.U. Kampen, W. electronic properties of Si/SiO, super- Hoyer and D.R.T. Zahn, Influence of lattices (2003) 826 substrate surfaces on the growth of Carty, D., see Guaino, Ph. (2003) 537 organic films 3 (2003) 433 Cechavitius, B., see Suchodolskis, A. 3 (2003) 485 Das, A., see George, V.C. 3 (2003) 287 Célarié, F., S. Prades, D. Bonamy, A. Dick- Diaz-Arencibia, P., see Prutskij, T.A. 3 (2003) 230 elé, E. Bouchaud, C. Guillot and de Boer, M.P., see Robert Ashurst, W. 3 (2003) 735 NNhbMMdo a_+:_ gtAtA oSoS Author Index Ill De Padova, P., P. Perfetti, C. Quaresima, Feuillet, G., see Pons, M. 3 (2003) 177 C. Richter, M. Zerrouki, O. Heckmann, Feyaerts, L., see Helfensteyn, S. 3 (2003) 844 wwvv QOW V. Ilakovac and K. Hricovini, Surface Finetti, P., F. Borgatti, R. Felici, R. Gun- states resonance on_ In-terminated nella and S. D’ Addato, Structure prop- InAs(00 1)4 x 2-c(8 x 2) clean surface 212-213 (2003) 10 erties of nanostructured Fe films grown De Padova, P., see Hricovini, K. 212-213 (2003) 17 on c(2 x 2) N/Cu(1 0 0) self-organised Delhalle, J., see Laffineur, F. 212-213 (2003) 452 surface 212-213 (2003) 85 Delhalle, J., see Mekhalif, Z. 212-213 (2003) 472 Firszt, F., see Wronkowska, A.A. 212-213 (2003) 110 Delhalle, J., see Philippin, G. 212-213 (2003) 530 Fissel, A., see Bechstedt, F. 212-213 (2003) 820 Delhalle, J., see Plumier, F. 212-213 (2003) 271 Floreano, L., see Giovanelli, L. 212-213 (2003) 57 Delhalle, J., see Sinapi, F. 212-213 (2003) 464 Flores, F., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 850 Descours, F., see Viel, P. 212-213 (2003) 792 Flores, F., see Sztics, B. 212-213 (2003) 861 Desmaison, J., see Jonnard, P. 212-213 (2003) 674 Flores-Desirena, B., and F._ Pérez- Dhanak, V., see Evans, D.A. 212-213 (2003) 417 Rodriguez, Optical manifestation of Dharma-wardana, M.W.C., see Carrier, P. 212-213 (2003) 826 magnetoexcitons in near-surface quan- Di Coccio, L., see Pons, M. 212-213 (2003) 177 tum wells 212-213 (2003) 127 Dickelé, A., see Célarié, F. 212-213 (2003) 92 Fliickiger, T., T. Michlmayr, C. Biely, R. Diniz, J.A., see Pereira, M.A. 212-213 (2003) 388 Liischer and M. Erbudak, Structural Doi, I., see Barbaroto, P.R. 212-213 (2003) 406 transitions at the surface of the deca- Doi, I., see Pereira, M.A. 212-213 (2003) 388 gonal quasicrystal Al—-Co-—Ni 212-213 (2003) 43 Dongmo, H., J.F. Carlotti, G. Bruguier, Fong, W.K., see Leung, B.H. 212-213 (2003) 897 C. Guasch, J. Bonnet and J. Gasiot, Forget, L., see Sinapi, F. 212-213 (2003) 464 Electrical characterization of charges Forshaw, M., see Ackermann, J. 212-213 (2003) 411 in irradiated oxides by electrostatic Fotakis, C., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. 212-213 (2003) 78 force microscopy and Kelvin method 212-213 (2003) 607 Franta, D., I. Ohlidal, M. Frumar and Downes, A., and P. Dumas, Chemical ana- J. Jedelsky, Expression of the optical lysis and optical properties of metallic constants of chalcogenide thin films nanoclusters 212-213 (2003) 770 using the new parameterization disper- Dreesen, L., see Humbert, C. 212-213 (2003) 797 sion model 212-213 (2003) 116 Dreiner, S., see Schiirmann, M. 212-213 (2003) 131 Frauenheim, Th., see Sziics, B. 212-213 (2003) 861 Dua, A.K., see George, V.C. 212-213 (2003) 287 Freire Jr., FL., see Krug, C. 212-213 (2003) 556 Dumas, P., see Ackermann, J. 212-213 (2003) 26 Friedrich, M., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 501 Dumas, P., see Downes, A. 212-213 (2003) 770 Friedrich, M., see Pham, G. 212-213 (2003) 542 Dumas, Ph., see Battaglini, N. 212-213 (2003) 481 Frumar, M., see Franta, D. 212-213 (2003) 116 Fujimoto, H., see Sato, N. 212-213 (2003) 438 Einstein, T.L., see Hyldgaard, P. 212-213 (2003) 856 Fujimoto, K., see Hayashi, N. 212-213 (2003)39 3 Einstein, T.L., see Schroll, R.D. 212-213 (2003) 219 Fujiu, M., see Takahashi, K. 212-213 (2003)19 3 Eizenberg, M., see Kohn, A. 212-213 (2003) 367 Fukuda, Y., T. Kobayashi, T. Shirai, N El Kassmi, A., see Ackermann, J. 212-213 (2003) 26 Kadotani and M. Shimomura, Adsorp- Ellmer, H., see Baudot, G. 212-213 (2003) 360 tion and decomposition of t-butylpho- Erbudak, M., see Fliickiger, T. 212-213 (2003) 43 sphine (TBP) on an InP(O 0 1)-(2 x 4)/ Erdélyi, G., see Nyéki, J. 212-213 (2003) 244 c(2 x 8) surface studied by STM, TPD, Evans, D.A., H.J. Steiner, A.R. Vearey- and HREELS 212-213 (2003) 329 Roberts, V. Dhanak, G. Cabailh, S. Fukutani, K., see Kawashima, Y. 212-213 (2003) 804 O’Brien, I.T. McGovern, W. Braun, Fulton, C.C., see Lucovsky, G. 212-213 (2003) 563 T.U. Kampen, S. Park and D.R.T. Zahn, Furthmiiller, J., see Bechstedt, F. 212-213 (2003) 820 Perylenes and phthalocyanines on Furukawa, Y., see Gruznev, D. 212-213 (2003) 135 GaAs(0 0 1) surfaces 2-213 (2003) 417 Ganem, J.-J., see Radtke, C. 212-213 (2003) 570 Fabreguette, F., see Chiaramonte, T. 3 (2003) 661 Garcia-Rocha, M., see Conde-Gallardo, A. 212-213 (2003) 583 Fagot-Revurat, Y., see Bendounan, A. 3 (2003) 33 Garreau, G., S. Hajjar, S. Pelletier, M. Imh- —WWwW Fann, S.-S., Y.-L. Jiang and H.-L. Hwang, off and C. Pirri, c(4 x 8) periodicity in An innovative a-Si:H p-i-n based X-ray ultrathin iron silicides on Si(1 1 1) 212-213 (2003) 711 medical image detector for low dosage Gasiot, J., see Dongmo, H. 212-213 (2003) 607 and long exposure applications —213 (2003) 765 Gavioli, L., M. Padovani, E. Spiller, M. Faure, C., see Pons, M. —213 (2003) 177 Sancrotti and M.G. Betti, Potassium Felici, R., see Finetti, P. —213 (2003) 85 assembled on the InAs(1 1 0) surface: Ferrari, L., see Giovanelli, L. —213 (2003) 57 from nanowires to two-dimensional Ferreira, L.O.S., see Barbaroto, P.R. —213 (2003) 406 layers 212-213 (2003) 47 Ferret, P., see Pons, M. —213 (2003) 177 Gavioli, L., see Padovani, M. 212-213 (2003) 213 IV Author Index Gebremariam, H., see Schroll, R.D. 212-213 (2003) 219 Haché, A., see Truong, V.-V. 212-213 (2003) 140 Gelamo, R.V., see Chiaramonte, T. 212-213 (2003) 661 Hajjar, S., see Garreau, G. 212-213 (2003) 711 George, V.C., A. Das, M. Roy, A.K. Dua, Hajnal, Z., see Sziics, B. 212-213 (2003) 861 P. Raj and D.R.T. Zahn, Growth of high Hallam, T., see Oberbeck, L. 212-213 (2003) 319 quality silicon carbide films by bias Hamada, K., see Kawashima, Y. 212-213 (2003) 804 enhanced low-pressure HFCVD using Hansen, L., see Wagner, V. 212-213 (2003) 901 methane 212-213 (2003) 287 Hasegawa, H., III—-V nanoelectronics and Geurts, J., see Wagner, V. 212-213 (2003) 520 related surface/interface issues 212-213 (2003) 311 Geurts, J., see Wagner, V. 212-213 (2003) 901 Hasegawa, H., see Ishikawa, F. 212-213 (2003) 885 Giapintzakis, J., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. 212-213 (2003) 78 Hatanaka, Y., see Nakanishi, Y. 212-213 (2003) 815 Gilles, B., see Meunier, A. 212-213 (2003) 171 Hatanaka, Y., see Ogita, M. 212-213 (2003) 397 Giovanelli, L., C. Cepek, L. Floreano, Hattori, T., K. Takahashi, M.B. Seman, H. E. Magnano, M. Sancrotti, R. Gotter, Nohira, K. Hirose, N. Kamakura, Y. A. Morgante, A. Verdini, A. Pesci, Takata, S. Shin and K. Kobayashi, L. Ferrari and M. Pedio, Molecular Chemical and electronic structure of orientation of C,g, on Pt(111) deter- SiO,/Si interfacial transition layer 212-213 (2003) 547 mined by X-ray photoelectron diffrac- Hayashi, N., S.-i. Honda, K. Tsuji, K.-Y. tion 212-213 (2003) 57 Lee, T. Ikuno, K. Fujimoto, S$. Ohkura, Giovanelli, L., see Suchodolskis, A. 212-213 (2003) 485 M. Katayama, K. Oura and T. Hirao, Girard, Y., see Baudot, G. 212-213 (2003) 360 Highly aligned carbon nanotube arrays Girardeaux, C., see Nyéki, J. 212-213 (2003) 244 fabricated by bias sputtering 212-213 (2003) 393 Girardeaux, C., see Oughaddou, H. 212-213 (2003) 291 He, J.H., W.W. Wu, H.H. Lin, S.L. Cheng, Gonella, G., see Bisio, F. 212-213 (2003) 166 Y.L. Chueh, L.J. Chou and L.J. Chen, Gontier-Moya, E.G., see Beszeda, I. 212-213 (2003) 787 Structural evolution in Ge’ implanta- Gonzalez, C., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 850 tion amorphous Si 212-213 (2003) 325 Gonzalez, C., see Sziics, B. 212-213 (2003) 861 Heckmann, O., see De Padova, P. 212-213 (2003) 10 Gothelid, M., see Szamota Leandersson, K. 212-213 (2003) 589 Heckmann, O., see Hricovini, K. 212-213 (2003) 17 Gothelid, M., see Suchodolskis, A. 212-213 (2003) 485 Helfensteyn, S., J. Luyten, L. Feyaerts and Gothelid, M., see von Schenck, H. 212-213 (2003) 508 C. Creemers, Modelling surface phe- Gotter, R., see Giovanelli, L. 212-213 (2003) 57 nomena in Pd-Ni alloys 212-213 (2003) 844 Granozzi, G., see Petukhov, M. 212-213 (2003) 264 Helfensteyn, S., see Luyten, J. 212-213 (2003) 833 Grigorescu, C.E.A., S.A. Manea, M. Helldén, S., see von Schenck, H. 212-213 (2003) 508 Mitrea, O. Monnereau, R. Notonier, Hernandez-Calderon, I., see Conde-Gal- L. Tortet, R. Keschawarz, J. Giapintza- lardo, A. 212-213 (2003) 583 kis, A. Klini, V. Zorba, J. Androulakis Heyns, M.M., see Houssa, M. 212-213 (2003) 749 and C. Fotakis, Surface particularities Hidalgo, H., see Jonnard, P. 212-213 (2003) 674 in pulsed laser ablation/deposition of Himcinschi, C., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 501 the ferromagnetic alloy NiMnSb 212-213 (2003) 78 Hirai, H., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003) 279 Gruznev, D., B.V. Rao, Y. Furukawa, M. Hirao, T., see Hayashi, N. 212-213 (2003) 393 Mori, T. Tambo, V.G. Lifshits and C. Hirao, T., see Honda, S.-i. 212-213 (2003) 378 Tatsuyama, Atomic structure and for- Hirao, T., see Kamada, K. 212-213 (2003) 383 mation process of the Si(1 1 1)-Sb(,/7 Hirose, K., see Hattori, T. 212-213 (2003)54 7 x ,/7) surface phase 212-213 (2003) 135 Hishida, T., see Nakahara, H. 212-213 (2003)15 7 Gruzza, B., C. Robert and L. Bideux, EPES Holliger, P., see Jarrige, I. 212-213 (2003)68 9 applied to the study of gold/alumina Honda, S., see Kamada, K. 2-213 (2003)38 3 interfaces 3 (2003) 667 Honda, S.-i., see Hayashi, N. 2-213 (2003)39 3 Gruzza, B., see Ould-Metidji, Y. 3 (2003) 614 Honda, S.-i., Y.-G. Baek, T. Ikuno, H. Gruzza, B., see Petit, M. 3 (2003) 601 Kohara, M. Katayama, K. Oura and Gu, D.G., see Izquierdo, M. 3 (2003) 67 T. Hirao, SiC nanofibers grown by high Gu, G.D., see Roca, L. 3 (2003) 62 power microwave plasma chemical NNNbbMMYdo Guaino, Ph., D. Carty, G. Hughes, P. Mor- vapor deposition 212- 213 (2003) 378 iarty and A.A. Cafolla, Scanning tun- Horino, Y., see Tsubouchi, N. 212- 213 (2003) 920 neling microscopy study of pentacene Hosoi, Y., Y. Niwa, Y. Sakurai, H. Ishii, Y. adsorption on Ag/Si(1 1 1)-(/3 x Ouchi and K. Seki, IRRAS and LEED / 3)R30 —213 (2003) 537 studies of films of the long chain Guasch, C., see Dongmo, H. —213 (2003) 607 n-alkane n-Cy,Ho, on Cu(1 0 0) and Guesmi, H., see Lapena, L. —213 (2003) 715 Cu(1 1 0) 212-213 (2003) 441 Guillot, C., see Célarié, F. —213 (2003) 92 Houssa, M., J.L. Autran, M.M. Heyns and Gundel, S., see Wagner, V. —213 (2003) 901 A. Stesmans, Model for defect genera- Gunnella, R., see Finetti, P. ~—213 (2003) 85 tion at the (1 0 0)Si/SiO, interface MWWWLKKLO| eeeMe lllel Author Index Vv during electron injection in MOS Itou, S., see Okado, H. 212-213 (2003) 575 structures 212-213 (2003) 749 Iwasawa, K., see Nakamura, T. 212-213 (2003) 515 Hoyer, W., see Das, A. 212-213 (2003) 433 Izquierdo, M., L. Roca, D.G. Gu, J. Avila Hradil, K., see Wronkowska, A.A. 212-213 (2003) 110 and M.C. Asensio, Shadow bands at the Hricovini, K., P. De Padova, C. Quaresima, Fermi surface of Bi>SroCaCOug , , P. Perfetti, R. Brochier, C. Richter, V. superconductors: structural or antifer- Ilakovac, O. Heckmann, L. Lecheval- romagnetic origin? 212-213 (2003) 67 lier, P. Bencok, P. Le Fevre and C. Izquierdo, M., see Pérez-Dieste, V. 212-213 (2003) 235 Teodorescu, Atomic structure and mag- Izquierdo, M., see Roca, L. 212-213 (2003) 62 netic properties of Mn on InAs(1 0 0) 212-213 (2003) 17 Hricovini, K., see De Padova, P. 212-213 (2003) 10 Jarrige, I., P. Jonnard, P. Holliger and T.P. Hsiao, H.L., A.B. Yang and H.L. Hwang, Nguyen, Spectroscopic studies of TM/ Direct observation of localized unoc- Si and TM/SiO> interfaces 212-213 (2003) 689 cupied states by synchrotron radiation Jedelsky, J., see Franta, D. 212-213 (2003) 116 two-color resonant photoemission 212-213 (2003) 73 Jeon, C., see Kang, T.-H. 212-213 (2003) 630 Hu, Y., see Bracco, G. 212-213 (2003) 151 Jeon, C., see Kim, K.-J. 212-213 (2003) 625 Hughes, G., see Guaino, Ph. 212-213 (2003) 537 Jiang, Y.-L., see Fann, S.-S. 212-213 (2003) 765 Humbert, C., L. Dreesen, S. Nihonyanagi, Jin, P., L. Miao, S. Tanemura, G. Xu, M. T. Masuda, T. Kondo, A.A. Mani, K. Tazawa and K. Yoshimura, Formation Uosaki, P.A. Thiry and A. Peremans, and characterization of TiO, thin films Probing a molecular electronic transi- with application to a multifunctional tion by two-colour sum-frequency gen- heat mirror 212-213 (2003) 775 eration spectroscopy 212-213 (2003) 797 Jin, P., see Miao, L. 212-213 (2003) 255 Hung, W.H., see Liu, S.H. 212-213 (2003) 907 Jin, P., see Mori, Y. 212-213 (2003) 38 Hwang, C.-C., see Kang, T.-H. 212-213 (2003) 630 Jin, P., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003) 279 Hwang, C.-C., see Kim, K.-J. 212-213 (2003) 625 Jin, P., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003) 654 Hwang, H.-L., see Fann, S.-S. 212-213 (2003) 765 Jin, P., see Tazawa, M. 212-213 (2003) 402 Hwang, H.L., see Hsiao, H.L. 212-213 (2003) 73 Jonnard, P., J. Desmaison, H. Hidalgo, F. Hwang, H.L., see Liu, S.H. 212-213 (2003) 907 Rossignol, C. Tixier and P. Tristant, Hwang, H.L., see Pei, Z. 212-213 (2003)76 0 Physico-chemistry and morphology Hwang, H.-L., see Shao, L.-X. 212-213 (2003)30 5 of silicon surface during the first stage Hwang, J.M., see Liu, S.H. 212-213 (2003)90 7 of alumina deposition 12-213 (2003) 674 Hwang, Z.H., see Liu, S.H. 212-213 (2003)90 7 Jonnard, P., see Jarrige, I. 12-213 (2003) 689 Hyldgaard, P., and T.L. Einstein, Surface- Jurczyszyn, L., see Kampen, T.U. 12-213 (2003) 850 NMbMKo state mediated three-adsorbate interac- tion: exact and numerical results and Kadotani, N., see Fukuda, Y. 212-213 (2003) 329 simple asymptotic expression 2-213 (2003) 856 Kaiser, U., see Bechstedt, F. 212-213 (2003) 820 nN Kamada, K., T. Ikuno, S. Takahashi, T. Ichimiya, A., see Nakahara, H. —2 13 (2003) 157 Oyama, T. Yamamoto, M. Kamizono, Ichimiya, A., see Nakahara, H. —2 13 (2003) 334 S. Ohkura, S. Honda, M. Katayama, T. Ihm, K., see Kang, T.-H. —2 13 (2003) 630 Hirao and K. Oura, Surface morphol- Ihm, K., see Kim, K.-J. —2 13 (2003) 625 ogy and field emission characteristics lizumi, K.-i., see Kiguchi, M. —2 13 (2003) 101 of carbon nanofiber films grown by wLNWWHKeMN e eeti1V‘-a igM ee Ikari, T., T. Kojima, K. Yamada, M. Naitoh chemical vapor deposition on alloy and S. Nishigaki, A _ metastable- catalyst 12-213 (2003) 383 induced electron spectroscopy study Kamakura, N., see Hattori, T. 12-213 (2003) 547 on the process of oxygen adsorption Kamizono, M., see Kamada, K. 212-213 (2003) 383 NhbM&o at a Ni(1 1 O) surface 3 (2003) 579 Kampen, T.U., D.R.T. Zahn, W. Braun, C. Ikuno, T., see Hayashi, N 3 (2003) 393 Gonzalez, I. Benito, J. Ortega, L. Jurc- Ikuno, T., see Honda, S.-i. 3 (2003) 378 zyszyn, J.M. Blanco, R. Pérez and F. Ikuno, T., see Kamada, K. 3 (2003) 383 Flores, Surface properties of chalcogen Ilakovac, V., see De Padova, P. 3 (2003) 10 passivated GaAs(1 0 0) 3 (2003) 850 Ilakovac, V., see Hricovini, K. 3 (2003) 17 Kampen, T.U., G. Salvan, A. Paraian, C. Imhoff, L., see Chiaramonte, T. 3 (2003) 661 Himcinschi, A. Yu. Kobitski, M. Frie- Imhoff, M., see Garreau, G. 3 (2003) 711 drich and D.R.T. Zahn, Orientation of Inubushi, T., see Narita, Y. 3 (2003) 730 perylene derivatives on semiconductor Ishii, H., see Hosoi, Y. 3 (2003) 441 surfaces 3 (2003) 501 MNWWWPbNYYYDoW-— o _ a—— ———___M— — o~ %a : _+_y - tttttttttN MoooooooooS M Ishikawa, F., and H. Hasegawa, Cathodo- Kampen, T.U., see Das, A. 3 (2003) 433 luminescence in-depth spectroscopy Kampen, T.U., see Evans, D.A. 3 (2003) 417 study of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures 212-213 (2003) 885 Kampen, T.U., see Kobitski, A. Yu. 3 (2003) 428 NWbbMMdo ttttbooo ——_— VI Author Index Kampen, T.U., see Pham, G. 212-213 (2003) 542 Klein, H., see Battaglini, N. 212-213 (2003) 481 Kampen, T.U., see Thurzo, I. 212-213 (2003) 753 Klini, A., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. 212-213 (2003) 78 Kampen, T.U., see Zahn, D.R.T. 212-213 (2003) 423 Kobayashi, K., see Hattori, T. 212-213 (2003) 547 Kanaya, T., M. Sakuraba and J. Murota, Kobayashi, K., see Ogita, M. 212-213 (2003) 397 W delta doping in Si(1 0 0) using Kobayashi, T., see Fukuda, Y. 212-213 (2003) 329 ultraclean low-pressure CVD 212-213 (2003) 684 Kobitski, A. Yu., R. Scholz, G. Salvan, T.U. Kaneko, K., see Miao, L. 212-213 (2003) 255 Kampen, H.P. Wagner and D.R.T. Kaneko, K., see Mori, Y. 212-213 (2003) 38 Zahn, Time-resolved photolumines- Kaneko, K., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003) 279 cence study of excitons in thin PTCDA Kaneko, K., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003) 654 films at various temperatures 212-213 (2003) 428 Kang, T.-H. K. Ihm, C.-C. Hwang, Kobitski, A. Yu., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 501 C. Jeon, K.-j. Kim, J.-Y. Kim, M.-K. Koguchi, N., see Ohtake, A. 212-213 (2003) 146 Lee, H.-J. Shin, B. Kim, S. Chung and Kohara, H., see Honda, S.-i. 212-213 (2003) 378 C.-Y. Park, Direct image observation of Kohn, A., M. Eizenberg and Y. Shacham- the initial forming of passive thin film Diamand, The role of microstructure in on stainless steel surface by PEEM —213 (2003) 630 nanocrystalline conformal Co9 gWo . 92- Kang, T.-H., see Kim, K.-J. —213 (2003) 625 Wo.02Po.0s diffusion barriers for copper Karlsson, U.O., see Szamota Leandersson, K. —213 (2003) 589 metallization 212-213 (2003) 367 Karlsson, U.O., see Suchodolskis, A. —213 (2003) 485 Koide, S., see Mori, Y. 212-213 (2003) 38 Karpus, V., see Suchodolskis, A. —213 (2003) 485 Koide, S., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003) 279 Kasai, H., see Nakanishi, H. —213 (2003) 829 Kojima, T., see Ikari, T. 212-213 (2003) 579 NNWWbYYNe —— N———— Via e Kashiwaba, Y., J. Sato and T. Abe, Emis- Koma, A., see Kiguchi, M. 212-213 (2003) 101 sion of lights of various colors from p- Koma, A., see Kiguchi, M. 212-213 (2003) 701 CdS:Cu/n-CdS thin-film diodes 212-213 (2003) 162 Kominami, H., see Nakanishi, Y. 212-213 (2003) 815 Katayama, M., see Hayashi, N. 212-213 (2003) 393 Komolov, A.S., and P.J. Mgller, Photocon- Katayama, M., see Honda, S.-i. 212-213 (2003) 378 ductivity and oxygen adsorption of Cu- Katayama, M., see Kamada, K. 212-213 (2003) 383 phthalocyanine thin films on cadmium Katayama, M., see Kiguchi, M. 212-213 (2003) 701 sulphide surfaces 212-213 (2003) 497 Katayama, M., see Okado, H. 212-213 (2003) 575 Komori, F., see Nakanishi, H. 212-213 (2003) 829 Kawashima, Y., Z. Liu, K. Terashima, K. Kondo, T., see Humbert, C. 212-213 (2003)79 7 Hamada, K. Fukutani, M. Wilde, S. Konig, D., see Thurzo, I. 212-213 (2003)75 3 Aoyagi and M. Kudo, SIMS character- Kosel, T., see Prutskij, T.A. 212-213 (2003)23 0 ization of hydrogen transport through Kouvetakis, J., see Roucka, R. 212-213 (2003)87 2 SiO, by low-temperature hydrogen Krug, C., FC. Stedile, C. Radtke, E.B.O. annealing 212-213 (2003) 804 da Rosa, J. Morais, F.L. Freire Jr. and Kera, S., see Nakamura, T. 212-213 (2003) 515 I.J.R. Baumvol, Characterization by Keschawarz, R., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. 212-213 (2003) 78 ion beams of surfaces and interfaces Kierren, B., see Bendounan, A. 212-213 (2003) 33 of alternative materials for future Kiguchi, M., K.-i. izumi, K. Saiki and A. microelectronic devices 12-213 (2003) 556 Koma, Atomic and electronic struc- Kubo, O., see Okado, H. 12-213 (2003) 575 tures of heteroepitaxial Cg, film grown Kudo, M., see Kawashima, Y. 12-213 (2003) 804 on Ni(1 1 1), Cu(1 1 1) 212-213 (2003) 101 Kunert, H.W., Allowed combinations and Kiguchi, M., M. Katayama, G. Yoshikawa, overtones of vibrational modes in wurt- K. Saiki and A. Koma, Metal induced zite GaN 2—213 (2003) 890 gap states at LiCl—Cu(0 0 1) interface Kuwabara, H., R. Sakamoto, H. Tatsuoka studied by X-ray absorption fine and Y. Nakanishi, Growth of Zn,_, structure 3 (2003) 701 Mn,Te films on GaAs(1 0 0) by hot- Kihn, Y., see Chiaramonte, T. 3 (2003) 661 wall epitaxy —213 (2003) 267 Kim, B., see Kang, T.-H. 3 (2003) 630 Kuwabara, H., see Yoneyama, Y. —213 (2003) 122 Kim, B., see Kim, K.-J. 3 (2003) 625 Kim, J.-Y., see Kang, T.-H. 3 (2003) 630 Laajalehto, K., see Mattila, S. 2-213 (2003) 97 NNNLbMMYHP 9“‘ciieaAAttA SSboS Kim, K.-J., K. Ihm, C. Jeon, C.-C. Hwang, Laffineur, F., N. Couturier, J. Delhalle and T.-H. Kang and B. Kim, Initial oxyni- Z. Mekhalif, Effect of the solvent on tridation of aS i(1 00) 2 x 1 surface by the formation of n-dodecanethiol films the annealing and low energy nitrogen on a polycrystalline AgogNi;, substrate 212-213 (2003) 452 ion exposure 3 (2003) 625 Laiho, T., J.A. Leiro and J. Lukkari, XPS Kim, K.-j., see Kang, T.-H. 3 (2003) 630 study of irradiation damage and differ- Kimura, K., see Nakanishi, Y. 3 (2003) 815 ent metal—sulfur bonds in dodeca- Kinomura, A., see Tsubouchi, N. 3 (2003) 920 nethiol monolayers on gold and Kishi, T., see Nakanishi, H. 3 (2003) 829 platinum surfaces MMbbmdo Ms.Y1~ e#dNNtNt SS oSo Author Index VII Lapena, L., P. Miiller, G. Quentel, H. Maboudian, R., see Robert Ashurst, W. 212-213 (2003) 735 Guesmi and G. Tréglia, Kinetics study Madar, R., see Pons, M. 212-213 (2003) 177 of antimony adsorption on Si(1 1 1) 212-213 (2003) 715 Magnano, E., C. Cepek, M. Sancrotti, Le Lay, G., see Oughaddou, H. 212-213 (2003) 291 F. Siviero, S. Vinati, C. Lenardi, E. Le Derf, F., see Viel, P. 212-213 (2003) 792 Barborini, P. Piseri and P. Milani, Le Fevre, P., see Hricovini, K. 212-213 (2003) 17 Thermally induced changes in clus- Le Lay, G., see Aufray, B. 212-213 (2003) 3 ter-assembled carbon nanocluster films Le Lay, G., see Suchodolskis, A. 212-213 (2003) 485 observed via photoelectron spectro- Le Normand, F., see Arnault, J.C. 212-213 (2003) 912 scopy 212-213 (2003) 879 Le Thanh, V., and V. Yam, Superlattices of Magnano, E., see Giovanelli, L. 212-213 (2003) 57 self-assembled Ge/Si(0 0 1) quantum Magnano, E., see Padovani, M. 212-213 (2003) 213 dots 212-213 (2003) 296 Makarov, N.M., see Atenco-Analco, N. 212-213 (2003) 782 Léandri, C., see Oughaddou, H. 212-213 (2003) 291 Malterre, D., see Bendounan, A. 212-213 (2003) 33 Lechevallier, L., see Hricovini, K. 212-213 (2003) 17 Manea, S.A., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. 212-213 (2003) 78 Lee, K.-Y., see Hayashi, N. 212-213 (2003) 393 Mani, A.A., see Humbert, C. 212-213 (2003) 797 Lee, M.-K., see Kang, T.-H. 212-213 (2003) 630 Marco de Lucas, M.C., see Chiaramonte, T. 212-213 (2003)66 1 Lee, S.W., see Chiang, T-.F. 212-213 (2003)33 9 Marine, W., see Ozerov, I. t2 12-213 (2003)34 9 Legowski, S., see Wronkowska, A.A. 212-213 (2003)11 0 Marliére, C., see Célarié, F. t2 12-213 (2003) 92 Leiro, J.A., see Laiho, T. Masuda, T., see Humbert, C. 212-213 (2003)79 7 Leiro, J.A., see Mattila, S. 212-3 13 (2003) “97 Matolin, V., see Ould-Metidji, Y. 212-213 (2003)61 4 Lenardi, C., see Magnano, E. 212-213 (2003) 879 Matolin, V., see Petit, M. 212-213 (2003) 601 Leung, B.H., W.K. Fong and C. Surya, Matsubayashi, Y., see Sakamoto, K. 212-213 (2003)24 9 Influence of intermediate-temperature Mattera, L., see Bisio, F. 212-213 (2003)16 6 buffer layer on flicker noise character- Mattera, L., see Moroni, R. 212-213 (2003)22 4 istics of MBE-grown GaN thin films Mattila, S., J.A. Leiro and K. Laajalehto, and devices 212-213 (2003) 897 Surface XPS core-level shifts of FeS, 212-213 (2003) 97 Lewis, L.J., see Carrier, P. 212-213 (2003) 826 McBreen, P.H., see Oudghiri-Hassani, H. 212-213 (2003) 4 Liébault, J., K. Zarbout, D. Moya-Siesse, McGovern, I.T., see Evans, D.A. 212-213 (2003)41 7 J. Bernardini and G. Moya, New tech- Meczynska, H., see Wronkowska, A.A. 212-213 (2003)11 0 nique to characterise thin oxide films Mekhalif, Z., F. Plumier and J. Delhalle, under electronic irradiation 212-213 (2003) 809 Electropolymerisation of poly(3,4- Lifshits, V.G., see Gruznev, D. 212-213 (2003)13 5 ethylene-dioxythiophene) on_ nickel Lin, H.H., see Chiang, T.F. 212-213 (2003)33 9 substrates 212-213 (2003)47 2 Lin, H.H., see He, J.H. 212-213 (2003)32 5 Mekhalif, Z., see Laffineur, F. 212-213 (2003)45 2 Liu, S.H., JM. Hwang, Z.H. Hwang, W.H. Mekhalif, Z., see Philippin, G. 212-213 (2003)53 0 Hung and H.L. Hwang, Ohmic contact Mekhalif, Z., see Plumier, F. 212-213 (2003) 271 to p-type GaN using a novel Ni/Cu Mekhalif, Z., see Sinapi, F. 212-213 (2003)46 4 scheme 212-213 (2003)90 7 Méndez, H., see Zahn, D.R.T. 212-213 (2003)42 3 Liu, Z., see Kawashima, Y. 212-213 (2003)80 4 Menon, M., see Sremaniak, L.S. 212-213 (2003)83 9 Lohneysen, H.v., see Siirgers, C. 212-213 (2003)10 5 Mermoux, M., see Pons, M. 212-213 (2003)17 7 Lu, H.T., Y.L. Chueh, L.J. Chou and L.J. Merz, J., see Prutskij, T.A. 212-213 (2003) 230 Chen, Effects of As ‘-implantation on Métois, J.-J., see Schroll, R.D. 212-213 (2003)21 9 the formation ofi ron silicides in Fe thin Meunier, A., B. Gilles and M. Verdier, films on (1 1 1)Si 212-213 (2003)20 4 Interdiffusion and magnetism in Ni/ Lu, Z.-H., see Carrier, P. 212-213 (2003)82 6 Cu multilayers 212-213 (2003) 171 Lucovsky, G., G.B. Rayner Jr., Y. Zhang, Miao, L., P. Jin, K. Kaneko, A. Terai, C.C. Fulton, R.J. Nemanich, G. Appel, N. Nabatova-Gabain and S. Tanemura, H. Ade and J.L. Whitten, Electronic Preparation and characterization of structure of transition metal high-k polycrystalline anatase and rutile TiO, dielectrics: interfacial band offset ener- thin films by rf magnetron sputtering 212-213 (2003)25 5 gies for microelectronic devices 212-213 (2003) 563 Miao, L., see Jin, P. 212-213 (2003) 775 Lucovsky, G., see Bae, C. 212-213 (2003)64 4 Miao, L., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003)27 9 Lucovsky, G., see Sremaniak, L.S. 212-213 (2003)83 9 Miao, L., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003)65 4 Lukkari, J., see Laiho, T. 212-213 (2003)52 5 Michlmayr, T., see Fliickiger, T. 212-213 (2003) 43 Liischer, R., see Fliickiger, T. 212-213 (2003) 43 Milani, P., see Magnano, E. 212-213 (2003)87 9 Luyten, J., S. Helfensteyn and C. Cree- Mintairov, A., see Prutskij, T.A. 212-213 (2003) 230 mers, Segregation in ternary alloys: an Mitrea, M., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. 212-213 (2003)7 8 interplay of driving forces 212-213 (2003)83 3 Miyata, S., see Nakahara, H. 212-213 (2003)33 4 Luyten, J., see Helfensteyn, S. 212-213 (2003) 844 Mizutani, T., see Mori, T. 212-213 (2003) 458 Lyskawa, J., see Viel, P. 212-213 (2003)79 2 Moller, P.J., see Komolov, A.S. 212-213 (2003)49 7 Vill Author Index Mokuno, Y., see Tsubouchi, N. 212-213 (2003) 920 Nakanishi, S., see Oishi, N. 212-213 (2003) 373 Monnereau, O., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. 212-213 (2003) 78 Nakanishi, Y., K. Kimura, H. Kominami, Morais, J., see Krug, C. 212-213 (2003) 556 H. Nakajima, Y. Hatanaka and G. Shi- Morgante, A., see Giovanelli, L. 212-213 (2003) 57 maoka, Dependence of structural and Mori, M., see Gruznev, D. 212-213 (2003) 135 luminescent characteristics of YO 3:Er Mori, T., T. Ogawa, D.-C. Cho and T. thin film phosphors on substrate 212-213 (2003) 815 Mizutani, A discussion of conduction Nakanishi, Y., see Kuwabara, H. 212-213 (2003) 267 in organic light-emitting diodes 212-213 (2003) 458 Nakanishi, Y., see Ogita, M. 212-213 (2003) 397 Mori, Y., S. Tanemura, S. Koide, Y. Sen- Narducci, D., L. Pedemonte and G. Bracco, zaki, P. Jin, K. Kaneko, A. Terai and N. On the re-oxidation of silicon(O0 0 1) Nabotova-Gabin, Thermo-coloration surfaces modified by self-assembled of SmS thin flims by XPS in situ monolayers 212-213 (2003) 649 observation 212-213 (2003) 38 Narducci, D., P. Bernardinello and M. Old- Mori, Y., see Tanemura, S. 212-213 (2003) 279 ani, Investigation of gas—surface inter- Moriarty, P., see Guaino, Ph. 212-213 (2003) 537 actions at self-assembled _ silicon Moroni, R., F. Bisio and L. Mattera, Mg surfaces acting as gas sensors 212-213 (2003) 491 deposition on Ag(1 0 0): temperature Narducci, D., see Pedemonte, L. 212-213 (2003) 595 evolution of the structural and electro- Narita, Y., T. Inubushi, K. Yasui and nic properties 212-213 (2003) 224 T. Akahane, Si c(4 x 4) structure Moustrou, C., see Battaglini, N. 212-213 (2003) 481 appeared in the initial stage of 3C- Moya, G., see Liébault, J. 212-213 (2003) 809 SiC epitaxial growth on Si(0 0 1) using Moya-Siesse, D., see Liébault, J. 212-213 (2003) 809 monomethylsilane and dimethylsilane 212-213 (2003) 730 Muck, T., see Wagner, V. 212-213 (2003) 520 Natori, A., M. Osanai, J. Nakamura and H. Miller, P., see Lapena, L. 212-213 (2003) 715 Yasunaga, Dynamics of c(4 x 2) Murota, J., see Kanaya, T. 212-213 (2003) 684 phase-transition in Si(1 0 0) surfaces l 3 (2003) 705 Murota, J., see Noh, J. 212-213 (2003) 679 Natori, A., see Nakamura, J. I 3 (2003) 724 Murota, J., see Sakuraba, M. 212-213 (2003) 197 Natori, A., see Sakamoto, K. 12— 3 (2003) 249 NNY N Murota, J., see Shim, H. 212-213 (2003)20 9 Nelson, D., see Ozerov, I. 21 3 (2003) 349 Murota, J., see Takahashi, K. 212-213 (2003)19 3 Nemanich, R.J., see Lucovsky, G. 12- 3 (2003) 563 Muto, D., see Sakuraba, M. 212-213 (2003)19 7 Nguyen, T.N., see Ackermann, J. I 3 (2003) 411 Nguyen, T-.P., see Jarrige, I. l 3 (2003) 689 Nabatova-Gabain, N., see Miao, L. 3 (2003) 255 Nihonyanagi, S., see Humbert, C. 12- 3 (2003) 797 Nabatova-Gabain, N., see Tanemura, S. 3 (2003) 279 Nikolic, K., see Ackermann, J. l 3 (2003) 411 Nabatova-Gabain, N., see Tanemura, S. Asai Nishigaki, S., see Ikari, T. | 3 (2003) 579 Nabotova-Gabin, N., see Mori, Y. 3 (2003) 38 Nishigaki, S., see Oishi, N. l 3 (2003) 373 Naitoh, M., see Ikari, T. 3 (20035)7 9 Niwa, Y., see Hosoi, Y. l 3 (2003) 441 MNHYLN ii:‘Ysi‘.e2;>i iggagettAttt>ttMttt d l ooSo S ooooo N s MNYNYNYNY Naitoh, M., see Oishi, N 3 (2003) 373 Noh, J., M. Sakuraba, J. Murota, S. Zaima NWWYYn —————eN3e i :a:+i 8gfgttttttN oo oooo Nakahara, H., H. Suzuki, S. Miyata and A. and Y. Yasuda, Contact resistivity Ichimiya, Ga-induced nano-facet for- between tungsten and impurity (P and mation on Si(1 1 1) surfaces 213 (2003) 334 B)-doped Si; _,_,Ge,C, epitaxial layer —213 (2003) 679 Nakahara, H., T. Hishida and A. Ichimiya, Nohira, H., see Hattori, T. —213 (2003) 547 Inelastic electron analysis in reflection Notonier, R., see Grigorescu, C.E.A. ~—213 (2003) 78 high-energy electron diffraction condi- Nyéki, J., C. Girardeaux, G. Erdélyi, A. tion —213 (2003) 157 Rolland and J. Bernardini, Equilibrium Nakajima, H., see Nakanishi, Y. —213 (2003) 815 surface segregation enthalpy of Ge in Nakamura, J., see Natori, A. —213 (2003) 705 concentrated amorphous SiGe alloys 2—213 (2003) 244 Nakamura, J., Z. Zhang, K. Sumitomo, H. Omi, T. Ogino and A. Natori, Struc- Oberbeck, L., T. Hallam, N.J. Curson, MLY. tural stability of the Ge/Si(1 1 3)-2 x 2 Simmons and R.G. Clark, STM inves- surface 2-213 (2003) 724 tigation of epitaxial Si growth for the Nakamura, T., K. Iwasawa, S. Kera, Y. fabrication of a Si-based quantum Azuma, K.K. Okudaira and N. Ueno, computer 3 (2003) 319 Low-energy molecular exciton in O’Brien, S., see Evans, D.A. 3 (2003) 417 indium/perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracar- Ogawa, T., see Mori, T. 3 (2003) 458 boxylic dianhydride system observed Ogino, T., see Nakamura, J. 3 (2003) 724 NMKbYyYl mhbkbap hb by electronic energy loss spectroscopy 212-213 (2003) 515 Ogita, M., S. Yuasa, K. Kobayashi, Y. Nakanishi, H., T. Kishi, H. Kasai, F. Komori Yamada, Y. Nakanishi and Y. Hata- and A. Okiji, Transport properties of naka, Presumption and improvement magnetic atom bridges controlled by a for gallium oxide thin film of high scanning tunneling microscope 212-213 (2003) 829 temperature oxygen sensors 212-213 (2003) 397 Author Index IX Ohkura, S., see Hayashi, N. 212-213 (2003) 393 Palacin, S., see Patrone, L. 212-213 (2003) 446 Ohkura, S., see Kamada, K. 212-213 (2003) 383 Palacin, S., see Viel, P. 212-213 (2003) 792 Ohlidal, I., see Franta, D. 212-213 (2003) 116 Palomino-Merino, R., see Conde-Gallardo, Ohtake, A., S. Tsukamoto, M. Pristovsek A. 212-213 (2003) 583 and N. Koguchi, Structure of Ga-sta- Paraian, A., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 501 bilized GaAs(0 0 1) surfaces at high Park, C.-Y., see Kang, T.-H. 212-213 (2003) 630 temperatures 212-213 (2003) 146 Park, S., see Evans, D.A. 212-213 (2003) 417 Oishi, N., N. Saitoh, M. Naitoh, S. Nishi- Patrone, L., S. Palacin and J.P. Bourgoin, gaki, F. Shoji, S. Nakanishi and K. Direct comparison of the electronic Umezawa, A structural analysis of coupling efficiency of sulfur and sele- Bi/Si(1 0 0) 2 x n surfaces by ICISS 212-213 (2003) 373 nium alligator clips for molecules Okado, H., O. Kubo, N. Yamaoka, S. Itou, adsorbed onto gold electrodes 212-213 (2003) 446 M. Katayama and K. Oura, In situ Pecoraro, S., see Arnault, J.C. 212-213 (2003) 912 observation of oxygen-induced aniso- Pedemonte, L., G. Bracco, A. Relini, R. tropic surface etching processes at 6H- Rolandi and D. Narducci, Morphology SiC(O 0 0 1) by variable temperature changes of Si(O0 0 1) surfaces during scanning tunneling microscope 3 (2003) 575 wet chemical halogenation 212-213 (2003) 595 Okiji, A., see Nakanishi, H. 3 (2003) 829 Pedemonte, L., G. Bracco, C. Boragno, F. Okudaira, K.K., see Nakamura, T. 3 (2003) 515 Buatier de Mongeot and U. Valbusa, Okutani, S., see Yasui, K. 3 (2003) 619 He diffraction study of the time decay Oldani, M., see Narducci, D. 3 (2003) 491 of ripple structures on ion bombarded NNWYY eMeet3-¥_v ttttt oooooe ——_——__— Olivier, S., A. Saul and G. Tréglia, Relation Ag(1 1 0) —213 (2003) 344 between surface stress and (1 x 2) Pedemonte, L., see Narducci, D. —213 (2003) 649 reconstruction for (1 1 0) fcc transition Pedio, M., see Giovanelli, L. —213 (2003) 57 metal surfaces —213 (2003) 866 Pei, Z., and H.L. Hwang, Formation of Omi, H., see Nakamura, J. —213 (2003) 724 silicon nano-dots in luminescent sili- Ortega, J., see Kampen, T.U. —213 (2003) 850 con nitride —213 (2003) 760 Ortega, J., see Sziics, B. —213 (2003) 861 Pelletier, S., see Garreau, G. —213 (2003) 711 Osanai, M., see Natori, A. —213 (2003) 705 Pereira, M.A., J.A. Diniz, I. Doi and J.W. Ouchi, Y., see Hosoi, Y. —213 (2003) 441 Swart, Silicon nitride deposited by NNNWWbMKYNHo|lee lelsvslx hhb s Oudghiri-Hassani, H., E. Zahidi, M. Siaj, ECR-CVD at room temperature for J. Wang and P.H. McBreen, Passivation LOCOS isolation technology 3 (2003) 388 of metal carbide surfaces: relevance to Peremans, A., see Humbert, C. 3 (2003) 797 carbon nanotube—metal interconnec- Pérez, R., see Kampen, T.U. 3 (2003) 850 tions 212-213 (2003) 4 Pérez, R., see Sziics, B. 3 (2003) 861 Oughaddou, H., C. Léandri, B. Aufray, C. Pérez-Dieste, V., J.F. Sanchez, M. Girardeaux, J. Bernardini, G., Le Lay Izquierdo, L. Roca, J. Avila and M.C. J.P. Bibérian and N. Barrett, Growth and Asensio, The growth of silver films on dissolution kinetics of Au/Pb(1 1 1): an Si(1_ 1 1)-(7 x 7) studied by using AES-LEED study 2-213 (2003) 291 photoelectron diffraction 3 (2003) 235 Ould-Metidji, Y., L. Bideux, D. Baca, B. Pérez-Rodriguez, F., see Atenco-Analco, N. 3 (2003) 782 NNMM ¥itA bS Gruzza and V. Matolin, Nitridation of Pérez-Rodriguez, F., see Flores-Desirena, GaAs(1 0 0) substrates and Ga/GaAs B. 3 (2003) 127 systems studied by XPS spectroscopy pice Perfetti, P., see De Padova, P. 3 (2003) 10 Ould-Metidji, Y., see Petit, M. 3 (2003) 601 Perfetti, P., see Hricovini, K. 3 (2003) 17 Oura, K., see Hayashi, N. 3 (2003) 393 Pernot, E., see Pons, M. 3 (2003) 177 Oura, K., see Honda, S.-i. 3 (2003) 378 Pesci, A., see Giovanelli, L. 3 (2003) 57 MdHbMYY—— aMa—__i — a:-7a gtttNt oooSo nt Oura, K., see Kamada, K. a. Petit, M., Y. Ould-Metidji, Ch. Robert, Oura, K., see Okado, H. 3 (2003) 575 L. Bideux, B. Gruzza and V. Matolin, Oyama, T., see Kamada, K. 3 (2003) 383 First stages of the InP(1 0 0) surfaces Ozerov, I., D. Nelson, A.V. Bulgakov, W. nitridation studied by AES, EELS and Marine and M. Sentis, Synthesis and EPES 212-213 (2003) 601 laser processing of ZnO nanocrystal- Petukhov, M., G.A. Rizzi, M. Sambi and line thin films 213 (2003) 349 G. Granozzi, An XPD and LEED study of highly strained ultrathin Ni films on Padovani, M., E. Magnano, G. Bertoni, V. Pd(1 0 0) 212-213 (2003) 264 Spreafico, L. Gavioli and M. Sancrotti, Pham, G., T.U. Kampen, I. Thurzo, M. Ag island nucleation on Ge(1 1 1)-c Friedrich and D.R.T. Zahn, Peculiar (2 x 8) —213 (2003) 213 features in the electrical characteristics Padovani, M., see Gavioli, L. 13 (2003) 47 of CuPc based diodes 212-213 (2003) 542 xX Author Index Philippin, G., J. Delhalle and Z. Mekhalif, Roca, L., see Izquierdo, M. 212-213 (2003) 67 Comparative study of the monolayers of Roca, L., see Pérez-Dieste, V. 212-213 (2003) 235 CH;-(CH>),—-SiCl, and CH3—(CH2),— Rohart, S., see Baudot, G. 212-213 (2003) 360 PO(OH)>, n = 4 and 13, adsorbed on Rolandi, R., see Pedemonte, L. 212-213 (2003) 595 polycrystalline titanium substrates 212-213 (2003) 530 Rolland, A., see Nyéki, J. 212-213 (2003) 244 Pirri, C., see Garreau, G. 212-213 (2003) 711 Rossignol, F., see Jonnard, P. 212-213 (2003) 674 Piseri, P., see Magnano, E. 212-213 (2003) 879 Roucka, R., J. Tolle, A.V.G. Chizmeshya, Plumier, F., E. Chassaing, G. Terwagne, P.A. Crozier, C.D. Poweleit, D.J. J. Delhalle and Z. Mekhalif, Electro- Smith, J. Kouvetakis and I.S.T. Tsong, lytic co-deposition of a _ nickel/ Epitaxial growth of the pseudo-binary fluorographite composite layer on wide band gap semiconductor SiCAIN — 212-213 (2003) 872 polycrystalline copper 212-213 (2003) 271 Rousset, S., see Baudot, G. 212-213 (2003) 360 Plumier, F., see Mekhalif, Z. 212-213 (2003) 472 Roy, M., see George, V.C. 212-213 (2003) 287 Pons, M., F. Baillet, E. Blanquet, E. Pernot, R. Madar, D. Chaussende, M. Mer- Sacilotti, M., see Chiaramonte, T. 212-213 (2003) 661 moux, L. Di Coccio, P. Ferret, G. Feuil- Saiki, K., see Kiguchi, M. 212-213 (2003) 101 leCt. F,aur e and Th. Billon, Vapor phase Saiki, K., see Kiguchi, M. 212-213 (2003) 701 techniques for the fabrication of homo- Saitoh, N., see Oishi, N. 212-213 (2003) 373 epitaxial layers of silicon carbide: pro- Sakai, A., see Zaima, S. 212-213 (2003) 184 cess modeling and characterization 212-213 (2003) 177 Sakaki, S., see Sato, N. 212-213 (2003) 438 Poweleit, C.D., see Roucka, R. 212-213 (2003) 872 Sakamoto, K., Y. Matsubayashi, M. Prades, S., see Célarié, F. 212-213 (2003) 92 Shimada, T. Yamada, A. Natori and Pristovsek, M., see Ohtake, A. 212-213 (2003) 146 H. Yasunaga, Surface electromigration Prutskij, T.A., P. Diaz-Arencibia, A. Min- of In-covered Si high-index surfaces 212-213 (2003) 249 tairov, J. Merz and T. Kosel, Some Sakamoto, R., see Kuwabara, H. 212-213 (2003) 267 evidences of ordering in InGaP layers Sakuraba, M., D. Muto, T. Seino and J. grown by liquid phase epitaxy 212-213 (2003) 230 Murota, Si atomic layer-by-layer epi- taxial growth process using alternate Quaresima, C., see De Padova, P. 212-213 (2003) 10 exposure of Si(1 0 0) to SiH, and to Ar Quaresima, C., see Hricovini, K. 212-213 (2003) 17 plasma 212-213 (2003) 197 Quentel, G., see Lapena, L. 212-213 (2003) 715 Sakuraba, M., see Kanaya, T. 212-213 (2003) 684 Sakuraba, M., see Noh, J. 212-213 (2003) 679 Radtke, C., 1.J.R. Baumvol, F.C. Stedile, Sakuraba, M., see Shim, H. 212-213 (2003) 209 I.C. Vickridge, I. Trimaille, J.-J. Ganem Sakuraba, M., see Takahashi, K. 212-213 (2003) 193 and S. Rigo, Thermal growth of SiO, on Sakurai, Y., see Hosoi, Y. 212-213 (2003) 441 SiC investigated by isotopic tracing and Sallé, M., see Viel, P. 212-213 (2003) 792 subnanometric depth profiling 212-213 (2003) 570 Salvan, G., see Das, A. 212-213 (2003) 433 Radtke, C., see Krug, C. 212-213 (2003) 556 Salvan, G., see Kampen, T.U. 212-213 (2003) 501 Raj, P., see George, V.C. 212-213 (2003) 287 Salvan, G., see Kobitski, A. Yu. 212-213 (2003) 428 Rao, B.V., see Gruznev, D. 212-213 (2003) 135 Samat, A., see Battaglini, N. 212-213 (2003) 481 Raynal, P., see Ackermann, J. 212-213 (2003) 26 Sambi, M., see Petukhov, M. 212-213 (2003) 264 Rayner Jr., G.B., see Lucovsky, G. 212-213 (2003) 563 Sanchez, J.F., see Pérez-Dieste, V. 212-213 (2003) 235 Relini, A., see Pedemonte, L. 212-213 (2003) 595 Sancrotti, M., see Bertoni, G. 212-213 (2003) 52 Repain, V., see Baudot, G. 212-213 (2003) 360 Sancrotti, M., see Gavioli, L. 212-213 (2003) 47 Richards, H.L., see Schroll, R.D. 212-213 (2003) 219 Sancrotti, M., see Giovanelli, L. 212-213 (2003) 57 Richter, C., see De Padova, P. 212-213 (2003) 10 Sancrotti, M., see Magnano, E. 212-213 (2003) 879 Richter, C., see Hricovini, K. 212-213 (2003) 17 Sancrotti, M., see Padovani, M. 212-213 (2003) 213 Rigo, S., see Radtke, C. 212-213 (2003) 570 Sarro, P.M., see Ackermann, J. 212-213 (2003) 411 Rizzi, G.A., see Petukhov, M. 212-213 (2003) 264 Sato, J., see Kashiwaba, Y. 212-213 (2003) 162 Robert Ashurst, W., M.P. de Boer, C. Sato, N., H. Yoshida, K. Tsutsumi, M. Carraro and R. Maboudian, An inves- Sumimoto, H. Fujimoto and S. Sakaki, tigation of sidewall adhesionin MEMS — 212-213 (2003) 735 Electronic structures of unoccupied Robert, C., see Gruzza, B. 212-213 (2003) 667 states in lithium phthalocyanine thin Robert, Ch., see Petit, M. 212-213 (2003) 601 films of different polymorphs studied Roca, L., M. Izquierdo, A. Tejeda, G.D. by IPES 212-213 (2003) 438 Gu, J. Avila and M.C. Asensio, Matrix Saul, A., see Olivier, S. 212-213 (2003) 866 element effects on the Fermi surface Schmidt, G., see Wagner, V. 212-213 (2003) 901 mapping by angle resolved photoemis- Schneider, M., see Wagner, V. 212-213 (2003) 520 sion from Bi,SrxCaCusOsx , , supercon- Schock, M., see Siirgers, C. 212-213 (2003) 105 ductors 212-213 (2003) 62 Scholz, R., see Kobitski, A. Yu. 212-213 (2003) 428

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