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Applications of Field Theory to Statistical Mechanics: Proceedings of the Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics Sitges, Barcelona/Spain, June 10–15, 1984 PDF

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Preview Applications of Field Theory to Statistical Mechanics: Proceedings of the Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics Sitges, Barcelona/Spain, June 10–15, 1984

Lecture Notes scisyhP ni detidE yb .H Araki, ,otoyK .J ,srelhE ,nehcneM .K Hepp, hcirJiZ .R ,nhahneppiK ,nehcnJ(M .H .A ,rellJ(mnedieW grebledieH dna .J Zittartz, n16K 216 Applications of Field Theory ot Statistical Mechanics Proceedings of the Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics Sitges, Barcelona/Spain, June 10-15, 1984 Edited by .L Garrido galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo 1985 ~Cll[or Luis Garrido Departamento de Fisica Te6rica, Universidad de Barcelona Diagonal 647, Barcelona-28, Spain ISBN 3-540-13911-7 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo ISBN 0-387-13911-7 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin Tokyo subject is work This to All rights copyright. era whole the whether reserved, or part of material the broadcasting, of illustrations, re-use reprinting, translation, of those specifically concerned, is reproduction yb machine photocopying or similar ,snaem dna storage ni Under banks. data copies where Law Copyright § 54 German the of era made for is fee a use, private than other payable to Wort", "Verwertungsgesellschaft .hcinuM © by galreV-regnirpS Heidelberg Berlin 5891 Printed ni Germany Printing dna Hemsbach/Bergstr. Offsetdruck, Beltz binding: 2153/3140-543210 TN~I~XI~/K~O~IECA I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those who collaborated in the organization of this Conference. My deep appreciation goes especially to Professor David Jou from the Autonomous University of Barcelona for his great enthusiasm and his never-failing cooperation in solving the numerous problems before and during the Conference. Also, I wish to extend my warmest thanks to the International University "Menendez Pelayo, and to the "Generalitat de Catalunya" for their economic support. To the City of Sitges I express my gratitude for allowing us again to use the ~useum "leciruL.~" as a lecture hall. Finally, I want to thank my wife for her unremitting cooperation. L. Garrido CONTENTS :EITGOLORP A FUNCTIONALPERTURBATIVEAPPROACHTOTHE CLASSICAL L. GARRIDO .~ SAG~ STATISTICAL MECHANICS .1 Introduction 1 .2 Liouvillian and Heisenberg's picture 2 .3 Fokker-Planck equation and Schr~kinger's picture 4 .4 A functional description for the FPD 5 .5 A pair of examples: )i the correlation function in a purely deterministic 8 system and )ii both propagators in a stochastic case .6 The turbulence problem iO THE STRUCTURE AND STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF GLASS D.R. NELSON .i Physical picture 13 .2 Model free energy 21 THE STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF SURFACES J. FROHLICH .1 Random surfaces in condensed matter physics and quantum field theory 32 .2 What is a RS model? 33 .3 Typical phenomena in random surface theory 40 .4 A mean-field theory for random surface models 43 .5 The planar random surface model 46 .6 Other models, more problems, conclusions 54 SURFACE EFFECTS iN PHASE TRANSITIONS H. WAGNER .1 Introduction 59 .2 Semi-infinite systems: Thermodynamics and models 59 .3 Molecular-field (Landau) approximation 62 .4 Lattice model: Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization 65 .5 Continuum rmxel: Fieldtheoretic renormalization 69 .6 Critical surface scattering of thermal neutrons and X-rays 74 dq THE ISING SPIN GIASS, .I MEAN FIELD C. DE DOI{INICIS .i Mean field equations and Parisi solution 8O .2 Statistical mechanics with many pure states 81 .3 Topology of the space of pure states 85 .4 Fluctuations from sample to sample 86 .5 ~an field solution panorama 87 VI ON THE ISING SPIN GLASS, II. FLUCTUATIONS C. DE DO~LINICIS .I KONDOR .i Stability around the SK solution 93 .2 Moving to the Parisi saddle point 93 .3 Longitudinal family 94 .4 The anc~alous family 95 .5 The replicon family 97 .6 The fate of zero modes 99 .7 Regularized propagators: Replicon i00 .8 Regularized propagators: Longitudinal anQraalies i01 .9 Conclusions 102 THE W~±'rING TRANSITION E.B~Z~ .i Introduction 107 GRAS~4ANN VARIABLES AND SUPERSY~9~TRY IN THE THEORY OF DISORDERED E.B~Z~ S4~ITSYS .1 Introduction 115 .2 Random matrices 116 .3 Supers!m~etry in the strong external field limit 118 RIGOROUS STUDIES OF CRITICAL BEHAVIOR M. AI Z~AIN .1 Introduction 125 .2 Intersection of brownian paths 127 .3 Ising model and 4~ field theory via random walk expansions 130 d .4 Results for ferromagnetic systems 135 .5 A bound for the 49 field theory 137 AhDERSON TRANSITION AND NONLINEAR j-~DDEL F. WE6NER .i Anderson transition 141 .2 gnippa~,l on a static problem and continuous syn~etry 141 .3 Composite variables and nonlinear ~-model 143 .4 Mobility edge behaviour 145 .5 Strong magnetic field 148 IIV ~N-PERTURBATIVE NOITASILA~.~PON~IR IN FT~.D THEORY D. J. WALLACE .i Introduction 151 .2 Interfaces and droplets in l+s dimensions 152 .3 High order estimates for c-expansions 161 .4 Conclusions 167 STOCHASTIC QUANTIZATION: ~ZATION AND RE~OP~LALIZATION A. GONZALEZ-ARROYO .1 Introduction 171 .2 Stochastic quantization in Q.F.T. 174 .3 Perturbation theory 177 .4 Regularization 182 .5 Renozmalization 186 SELF AVOIDING RANDOM WALK AND THE RENOP~4ALISATION GROUP D. C. BR~S T. SPliCER .i Introduction 190 .2 Outline of proof of theorem 191 S}~IINARS AND SHORT COMMUNICATIONS CASTF~TANI, C., DI CASTRO, C. : "Field theory of the metal-insulator transitions 199 in restricted syrsnetries" CAGLNAI~, .G : "Surface tension and supercooling in solidification theory" 216 SACHDEV, S., NELSON, D.R.: "Order and frustration on a random topography" 227 BAROUCH, E. : "On the equation A~ = ~ 2 sinh ~ and its applications" 231 ELIZALDE, E. : "The uses of zeta-function regularization in the dielectric 237 gauge theory of quark confinement" S'±'~, W.-H., SPIEKER, B.-M. : "One dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet equation 245 and the Painlevg test" NEUDECKER, B. : "Nonlinear crystal growth near the roughening-transition" 249 / PULE, J.V. : "The dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensation" 252 FONTAINE, J.-R. : "Decay properties of correlations in massless models: 259 The method of correlation inequalities" ,4Z,OD V. : "Nonasymptotic critical phenomena" 263 DE'BELL, K., GELDART, D.J.W.: "Large N expansions for paramagnetic to helical 273 phase transitions" VAN DER HOEK, J., ZWEIFEL, P.F. : "The maximal chain model- a one dimensional 276 system with a first-order phase transition" BREUER, N. : "Directed lattice animals and the Yang-Lee-Edge singularity" 280 B~ZA, V., MORRA, P. MONTALDI, E.: "Real space renormalization group treatment 283 of superradiance" IIIV DESGRANGES, H.-U.: "Kondo effect in a one dimensional interacting 291 electron system" GITTERMA/N, M., EDREI, I., RABIN, Y. : "Time-dependent nucleation in systems 295 with conserved order parameter" FUCHSSTEINER, B. : "Mastersy~metries for completely integrable systems in 305 statistical mechanics" MARITAN, A., ST~.TA, A.L.: "Scaling approach to self-avoiding random walks and 316 surfaces" ALVAREZ-ESTRADA, R.F., MUf~OZ SUDUPE, A.: "Long-time dynamics of coupled non- 327 linear oscillators " LIND~BERG, K., WEST, B.J.: "Nonlinear quantum fluctuation-dissipation 331 relations" DIEHL, H.W., EISENRIEGLER, E. : "Effects of surface exchange anisotropies on 343 critical and multicritical behavior at surfaces" KARWOWSKI, W. : "Dirichlet forms and Schr~dinger operators" 348 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 153 PROLOGUE A F~CTIONALPERTURBATIVEAPPRQACH TO THECLASSICAL STATISTICAL ~CHANICS .L Garrido F. Sagu~s Departamento de Ffsica Te6rica Departamento de Qufmica Ffsica Universidad de Barcelona Universidad de Barcelona 08028 Barcelona (Spain) 08028 Barcelona (Spain) .i INTRODUCTION Some years ago the need for a systematic perturbation theory, valid to be applied to the calculation of the statistical properties of classical systems, became urgent. This theory had to be used in a rich variety of problems ranging from critical dyna- mics ,i to turbulence 2,3 . In the introduction of their programmatic paper, ,nitra&~ 2 Siggia and Rose , claimed to have available an approach "parallel to the functional e~uations of Schwinger, or the equivalent diagrarmmtic techniques of Feynman, for expressing the statical and dynamical properties of a classical system .... " One of the most striking features of the ~artin et al. scheme, ,)RZiP( was the introduction fo~ an extra field which serves to infinitesimally change the classical vari&ble at a given pint in space and time. Indeed, i~artin et al. stated in their ~aper that "the failure to recognize this operator doubling in a classical theory, has been the major stumbling block to the development in terms of closed equations of a completely renor~mlized many-times classical theory". In fact, one can easily associate this operator doubling with the need for both, the Hamiltonian and the Liouvillian, to describe respectively the statics and dynamics from a classical pint of view. On the contrary_, only the former is necessary in a quantum context. On the other hand, this operator doubling leads unequivocally to consider two basic Green's functions: the correlation and the response functions, or equivalently, to a diagranmatic structure with two kinds of lines in any non-renormalized or renormal- ized expansion. en~"~ MSR paper starts by considering the evolution equations for the pair of operators previously mentioned. So, we may consider this paper as based on a Heisen- berg's picture. 4 As is well known what nitra~.'~ et al. finally obtain is a renormalized perturbation theory_ to be applied in a classical context. It would be equally possible to adopt from the beginning a Schr~dinger's picture focussed in the temporal evolution of a prob&bility distribution in the approp:riate phase-space. From this latter pint of view, it would be consistent to establish a functional scheme starting with a math-integral description of this phase-space dynamics. So.me recent works beyond the original ~ISR presentation go precisely along 5 this way. _~oreover, the central point of the MSR scheme, i.e., a Dyson equa- tion involving both, the correlation and response functions, can indeed be seen as the basis for developing a consistent renormalized theory, but also as the goal of a non-renormalized scheme. Undoubtedly, this latter approach would 3rovide a more consistent basis for the original ~R procedure, stripping off some ambiguities which the authors themselves recognize. Precisely, this was the main aim of a orevious paper 6 which also enlaraed the subject to include a proper class of ,. _ r exolicitly stochastic dynamics: the so called Fokker-Planck dynamics (FPD) . In order to describe this FPD from a non-renormalized point of view, a suitable aeneralization of i{ick's theorem was used .6 This latter theorem had previously been 7 formulated for canonical and deterministic systems Onlv very recently, such non-renormalized schemes 8,9 , as well as the more elmborated renormalized ones iO, were obtained in a mere transparent way by using the well-known rules of the functional differentiation acting upon a functional generator which s~ecifies itself the whole FPD. In refs. 9 and IO a pair of well- differentiated representations were also discussed: a Hamiltonian and a Lagrangian one. ,revoero~'_ we stressed in ref. i0 the advantages of a Lagrangian formulation in order to generate a renormalized perturbation scheme involving only the correlation function. In this prologue we neither pretend to present new results, nor to discuss the actual status of affairs in this field exhaustively. Our aim is simply to make a review of some of the main questions previously mentioned. el~I neither present here the ~SR scheme nor the renormalized procedure reported in ref. i0. We ran.Jrp in this nrolo~ue with a non-renormalized calculation of propagators. Sections 2 and 3 are devoted, respectively, to the Heisenberg and Schr~dinger picture for determinis- tic and stochastic dynamics. Focussing on the Schr~dinger's picture, the general FPD will be functionally described in Section .4 %lis allows us to discuss a non- renormalized perturbative functional calculation of the correlation and res~monse functions without having to use the more cumbersome Wick's theorem. .2 LIOUVILLI~{ AND HEIS~IBERG ' S PICTURE Unlike of what hap Dens generally in quantum systems, for which the Hamiltonian describes both, the statics and the dynamics, classical dynamics is conveniently specified by a Liouvillian L(q(t) ,~(t) )t, according to which q~(t)= L(q(t),q(t),t), q~(t) )1.2( where the square bracket denotes a con~nutator, q(t) stands for a set of N gross variables, q(t)=qm(t)i } ~=I ..... N' and ~(t) are their conjugated operators 2,4,6,7,11 : C 12.2( which will enable us to introduce the response function 2,6. The tenlooral evolution of this latter set of operators is assumed to be also given by eq. )1.2( )t(q ~(t) = ~(q(t), q(t),t>, )3.2( A In this way (2.2) is trivially satisfied, q~(t) evolves as expresses (2.3) with initial conditions A ~ ~ )4.2( )o(~q - 0~q = ~q~(o) : ?qo ~ The formal derivative character of q ~ )t( is actually prescribed for any other time hy )5.2( q~(t) = ~ q~(t) As is obvious from (2.5), a pair of q operators concrete if they are taken at equal times, but this is no longer true when they refer to different times. We consider, in what follows, equations of motion of the type q~(t) = f ~ (q(t),t) )6.2( According to (2.1) a suitable Liouvillian for such a dynamics is L(q(t), ~(t),t) = f~(q(t),t) q~ )t( )7.2( where repeated indices are s~d over. Let us now introduce a stochastic dynamics represented by a Langevin equation q~(t) = f~(q(t),t) + ~(t) )8.2( For each realization of the stochastic force ~ (t), (2.8) admits a representation in terms of a generalized Liouvillian given by L(q(t),~(t), ~ (t),t) = q(t),t) + ~(t) q~(t) )9.2( The dynamics associated to (2.7) or (2.9) is actually a Heisenberg's one. It will be worthwhile to go further by briefly discussing the Schr~dinger's picture.

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