IlllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll USO05295472A United States Patent {191 [11] Patent Number: 5,295,472 Otsuka et a1. [45] Date of Patent: Mar. 22, 1994 [54] APPARATUS FOR DETECTING 17169 2/1991 Japan . 26862 2/1991 Japan. MALFUNCI‘ION IN EVAPORATED FUEL 249364 11/1991 Japan . PURGE SYSTEM USED IN INTERNAL 503844 7/1992 Japan . COMBUSTION ENGINE OTHER PUBLICATIONS [75] Inventors: Takayuki Otsuka; Kouichi Osawa, both of Susono; Tatsumasa Ser. No. 895,102 ?led Jun. 8, 1992 -copending applica Sugiyama, Kariya; Katsulriko tion. Teraoka, Aichi; Nobuyuki Kobayashi; (List continued on next page.) Koji Okawa, both of Toyota, all of Japan Primary EJcaminer-E. Rollins. Cross . Assistant Examiner-Thomas Moulis [73] Assignee: Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha, Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Kenyon & Kenyon Aichi, Japan [57] ABSTRACT [21] Appl. No.2 998,191 A malfunction detecting apparatus for an evaporated [22] Filed: Dec. 29, 1992 fuel purge system includes a ?rst control ,valve for con [30] Foreign Application Priority Data trolling a ?ow of fuel vapor in a purge passage between a canister and an intake passage, a second control valve Jan. 6, 1992 [JP] Japan ............................... .._. 4-000288 for controlling a ?ow of air from the atmosphere to the Jan. 6, 1992 [JP] Japan ................................ .. 4-000289 canister via an air inlet opening of the canister, a ?rst Jan. 6, 1992 [JP] control part for turning OFF the second control valve Feb. 10, 1992 [JP] and for turning ON the ?rst control valve during a ?rst Feb. 14, 1992 [JP] time period, so as to subject the purge passage, the Mar. 5, 1992 [JP] canister, and a vapor passage to a negative pressure of Jul. 9, 1992 [JP] the intake passage during the ?rst time period, and a Jul. 23, 1992 [JP] Aug. 31, 1992 [JP] ?rst discriminator for detecting whether or not a mal Aug. 31, 1992 [JP] function has occurred in the system, in accordance with Sep. 28, 1992 [JP] a pressure change rate derived from pressures of the Sep. 28, 1992 [JP] system sensed at a start of the ?rst time period and at an Dec. 25, 1992 [JP] end thereof. The apparatus further includes a second control part for detecting whether or not a pressure of [51] Int. Cl.5 ........................................... .. F02M 33/02 the system reaches a prescribed negative pressure after‘ [52] U.S. Cl. ....................... .. 123/520; 123/198 D it is detected that no malfunction has occurred in the [58] Field of Search ............. .. 123/516, 518, 519, 520, system, and for turning OFF the ?rst and second con 123/521, 198 D trol valves during a second time period after the pre [56] References Cited scribed negative pressure is reached, and a second dis criminator for detecting whether or not a malfunction U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS has occurred in the system, in accordance with a pres _4,949,695 8/ 1990 Uranishi et al. ................... .. 123/520 sure change rate derived from pressures of the system sensed at a start of the second time period and at an end (List continued on next page.) thereof. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 102360 4/1990 Japan. 32 Claims, 33 Drawing Sheets 130255 5/1990 Japan. 5 mm: PASSAE u 1mm 1 2o unusual can: 1ST mtmu. VALVE 15 s an —-> nlsmmmm n m 2 msu: 13 won 1ST . PM u g / mummies 12v, umm i, w an some. ’ VAUE IS an m l sis 151' vuve ac vuvr [~11 emu. PART mu PART 5,295,472 Page 2 us. PAH-5,1311: OTHER PUBLICATIONS 5,027,780 Uranishi C! a]. ................ ..-... Ser_ No_ Oct 10’ 1991_c°pcnding applica 5,123,459 6/1992 TOShihil'O ....... .. 123/520" “on 5,143,035 9/1992 Kayanuma .. 123/520 ‘ . ‘ 5,146,902 9/1992 Cook et a1. .. 123/520 Ser No. 777,757 ?led Oct. 10, 1991-copend1ng apphca 5,158,054 10/1992 01611116 ........ .. 123/520 11611.w _ we": Ser.No. 867,148 11166 Apr. 10, l992-c0pcnding applica s,193,s11 3/1993 Fujino ........... ......... .. 123/520 mm- 2 5,193,512 3/1993 Steinbrenneretal. .... .. 123/520 ' 5,197,442 3/1993 Blumenstock et a]. ........... .. 123/520 W0 9112426 (PCT) Aug- 1991 5229898 6/1993 KidOkOrO 61 a1. ................ .. 123/520 W0 9116216 (PCT) 091- 1991 US. Patent Mar. 22, 1994 Sheet 2 of 33 5,295,472 I_NT... (Agmmmwkmi? MM04883115 US. Patent _ Mar.~22, 1994 Sheet 4 of 33 5,295,472 FIG. 4A EXECUTION FLAG 0N? PRESSURE FLAG ON? NO / vsv 36 OFF (2ND CONTROL VALVE 1s (am/V104 , I / vsv as 0N (1ST CONTROL VALVE 15 ON) #105 STORE PM W110 ‘ 1 <35) CGVPUTHPQFPSO/X ~H1 5,295,472 US. Patent Mar. 22, 1994 Sheet 5 of 33 FIG. 4B / vsv 38 OFF (1ST comm VALVE 15 om?ns 116 2ND TIME CUJNT B=0? NO 120‘ NO INCREMENT B N118 ~121 SET DETECTION FLAG ~119 I CUIIPUTE(P,2-Ps2)/X N122 123 N O (NCRMAL) (PQZ'PSQ/YZRZ YES WARNING LAMP UII I STCRE FAIL CEDE / vsv as on (2ND comRoL VALVE 1e om/wzs RESET TILE CCUNTS A AND B W127 I SET EXECUTIGI FLAG ~128 I RESET DETECTIGI AND N129 PRESSURE FLAGS I END US. Patent Mar. 22, 1994 Sheet 6 of 33 5,295,472 FIG.5 VALVE I5 ON 1 VALVE l5 OFF VALVE IS ON ] VALVE 16 OFF TANK INTERNAL PRESSURE NEGATIVE ATMOSPHERIC I (P0) 1| 12 1314 15 --r-TIME (sec) US. Patent Mar. 22, 199-4 Sheet 7 of 33 5,295,472 FIG. 6 STEPS 101-126 (FIGS. 4A-4B) 130 TANK PRESSUREZPO I 5131 YES DISALLOW VSV 38 TO RESET TIME CGJNTS ~12‘! BE TURNED (N 1 SET EXECUTKN FLAG ~128 ] RESET DETECTIW ~129 AND PRESSURE FLAGS END US. Patent 5,295,472 Mar. 22, 1994 Sheet 8 of 33 FIG. 7 (START) STEPS 101-115 (FIGS. 4A-4B) YES , TANK PRESSURE 2 P1 5146 NO (NORMAL) WARNING LAMP ON STEPS 116*126 5147 (FIG. 4B) STORE FAIL CODE 1 (VSV 36) INCREMENT C N141 V VSV 36 ON ~148 NARNI NG LAMP ON ~149 STORE FAIL CODE ~150 (VSV 38) 7 YES (NORMAL) RESET TINE CGJNTS SET EXECUTIW FLAG ~129 RESET DETECTION 1 mo PRESSURE FLAGS Claw