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Summer-Fall 2010 Apostles of Jesus for the New Evangelization “ It is impossible for us not to proclaim what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20) Zeal, Urgency and Collaboration “I planted, Apollos watered, but God causes the growth” (1 Cor 3:6) A postles CONTENTS APOSTLES SUMMER-FALL 2010 Editorial …………………………………………………………………. 4 Mission Statement ……………………………………………………….. 5 Partnership in Mission: “A Revolution of Love” …………………………6 The Incredible Trip……………………………………………………….. 7 Robert and Jane Klugiewicz Allentown couple visits the Apostles of Jesus in East Africa…………….10 Staff Writer President Yoweri Museveni Makes a Donation to Church ………………13 Mitume Busara Generous Pittsburgh Priest Honored ……………………………………..15 Mitume Busara The Shining Stars we Meet ……………………………………………….17 Rev. Francis Njau, AJ Witness from Sudan to South Africa ……………………………………..19 Rev. John Mary Mooka, AJ Associate Friends of the Apostles of Jesus (AFAJ)……………………….23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Managing Editor: Rev. John Mary Mooka Kamweri, AJ Associate Editors: Rev. Frederick Otieno, AJ Rev. Godfred Ocun, AJ Rev. William D. Oruko, AJ Rev. Paul O. Gaggawala, AJ Rev. Peter Mushi, AJ Staff Writers: Mitume Busara Photo Manager; Rev. Deogratias Rwegasira, AJ Lay out & graphic design: Rev. Avitus Kazi Siriwa, AJ Published by the Apostles of Jesus Mission Promotion Office Apostles 2 Editorial “T ry to get here before winter (2 Timothy 4:21).” This scriptural verse is sandwiched be- tween names of St. Paul’s collabo- rators in the mission. Mention is made of Prisca, Aquila, family of Onesiphorus, Erastus, Trophimus, Eubulus, Pudens, Linus Claudia, and others unnamed (2 Timothy 4: 19-20). The verses underline the zeal, urgency and the collaboration that characterized St. Paul’s mis- sion to the world. This message sets the theme for our Summer-Fall issue. Like Lau Tzu said, “A jour- ney of a thousand years begins with a single step.” We the Apostles of Jesus are thankful to God for help- ing us take a few baby steps to- wards advancing the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ to the people of Africa and the world. This mission is impossible without the collaboration of the many lov- ing and generous people dedicated to supporting our God given cause. Your prayers and sacrifices continually make us better agents of evangelization. We dedicate this issue to you dear friends of the Apostles of Jesus, our partners in ministry. If you did not hold our hand, we would not have made the first and the second step. But let us remember that all the glory is to God. For St. Paul said “I planted, Apollos watered, but God causes the growth (1Cor 3: 6).” Apostles 3 Mission Statement T he Apostles of Jesus is a Missionary Or- der founded by two Italian Comboni Mis- sionaries in Moroto-Uganda on August 22, 1968 for the express purpose of the New Evangelization of Africa and the world. The Apostles of Jesus commit themselves com- pletely to the service of the Spiritual- Pastoral and social wellbeing of all people with preference to the poor, in the spirit of Christ who came to serve and not to be served (Matt 20:28). Our Mission is the very Mission of Jesus to his Apostles to continue Christ’s holistic ministry; so that all may have life and have it in all its fullness (Jn 10:10). Thus, building a new civilization of love, justice, peace and life. In this context, we opt for first evangeli- zation and for Pastoral animation of all people, because God wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. We invite all to Mission partnership with the Apostles of Jesus because the mandate to evangelize is entrusted to all the followers of Christ, the first missionary of the Fa- ther. Through the intercession of Mary Our Mother and of the first Apostles of Jesus, we zeal- ously strive to proclaim the Gospel of Sal- vation to all, starting from East Africa to the ends of the earth (Ad Gentes Apostles 4 PARTNERSHIP IN MISSION: “A REVOLUTION OF LOVE” Pope Pius XII in his discourse to the new Cardinals on Febru- ary 20th,1946 said: “....the lay faithful, find themselves at front lines of the Church’s life...for them the Church is the animating principle for human society.” In his post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation, “Christifideles Laici,” 1988, Pope John Paul II emphasized that through baptism the lay faithful are in their own way made sharers in the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of the Christ. Pope Benedict XVI has called upon the lay faithful to be wit- nesses of Christ in the concrete reality and substance of their lives in all of their activities and surroundings. He pointed out that what is needed is a real “revolution of love”. (emphasis added, cf. Origins, July 1, 2010 vol. 40 no. 8, p.124) Then H. Richard McCord Jr. in his lecture on “Priests and Laity in the one Priesthood of Christ” pointed out that: “The priesthood of the faithful and the priesthood of the ordained are ordered to each other. They share in the one priesthood of Christ because they serve the one mission which Christ accomplishes through his Church.” (Cf. Origins, July 1, 2010 vol.40, no.8, p.119). This teaching is spelled out in the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church (Lumen Gentium). These quotations for our reflection and many more address di- rectly and present succinctly an ecclesiology of communion and co- responsibility for the evangelizing mission of the Church. Every Chris- tian is a missionary by virtue of his or her Baptism. The Church is mis- sionary by its very nature, and so are her members. The Apostles of Jesus inspired by this ecclesiology, and their charism have created opportunities for the lay faithful to effectuate their mission obligation. The Association of the Friends of the Apostles of Jesus (AFAJ) provides practical ways and means to get involved di- rectly in the mission activity of the Church. In January 2010, I visited the missions in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda with some friends from Pennsylvania; and as they relate their experiences in this magazine, the rewards are simply stunning. In order to fulfill Christ’s mandate to all his followers, namely, to go out to the whole world and proclaim the good news (Mt. 28:19), all we need is a heart. It requires a “Revolution of love.” With love all is possible. Rev. Paul O. Gaggawala, A.J Apostles 5 The Incredible Trip to Africa Robert and Jane Klugiewicz T hroughout life one never at the Mission Office in knows what God has in Northampton, Pennsylvania store for you. This has been about 80 miles from our home the story of our married life. located on the outskirts of the In April of 2009, quite by state capital. accident we met Fr. Paul Gag- We were initially awed with gawala, Regional Superior of the fact that missionaries the Apostles of Jesus at a headquartered in Africa are Knights of Columbus event. serving the dioceses of the Other than hearing that he was United States that are encoun- a missionary serving in the tering shortages of priests. United States, we knew little Secondly, that the Order is 41 about the Apostles of Jesus. years old and founded in our Eager to learn about the Order, lifetime by missionary priests Fr. Paul invited us to visit him from Italy. We learnt that its Apostles 6 seminaries are expanding and ceived the necessary inocula- that Africa is rich in its voca- tions for travel. Soon the tions to priesthood and reli- months went by quickly and gious life. What a blessing to weeks turned into days, we Africa and the rest of the were boarding our flight from world. Newark to Amsterdam and on As our conversation contin- to Nairobi, Kenya. ued with Fr. Paul, he popped We shall never forget the the question; “I am going to hospitality of the Apostle of East Africa early next year, Jesus. We were overwhelmed would you like to join me?” by hugs of joy. It felt like our We both recently returned from family was waiting for us after a mission trip to the Dominican being away for a long time. We Republic with the Missionary found a special friend in the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, but Superior General of the Apos- a trip to East Africa was some- tles of Jesus Fr. Speratus Ka- thing out of the ordinary. manzi, AJ. His awareness of Overwhelmed with the pros- the Americans, having lived in pect of going to Fr. Paul’s na- the United States, about 60 tive country, we kept wonder- miles from our home, helped ing whether this is what we us to feel very comfortable in were supposed to do. Was this his presence. We further learnt part of God’s plan for our re- that he was a member of the tirement? It apparently was Knights of Columbus, and had God’s will as after a great deal joined the organization during of prayers, things were falling his assignment as a missionary into place and soon preparing to the United States. We appre- for the trip was underway. ciate the hospitality extended We waited for the appropri- to us by the Superior General ate time to tell our children and during our stay at Mazzoldi grandchildren of our decision house in Nairobi. to go on a mission trip to Af- During our stay in Nairobi, rica. To say the least they were Kenya, we toured the major surprised with our decision. seminary at Langata and spent Yet, we kept asking ourselves, time with the seminarians that “Why us?” We kept praying, were returning for their second asking for guidance as we semester of the school year. filled our visa papers and re- We were left with that feeling Apostles 7 of gratitude as we joined the the friends of the Apostles of seminarians for the opening Jesus is very vital to advancing mass for the semester. Perhaps this cause. These seminarians some of these young men we may serve you and me as prayed with will one day be priests in the future. missionaries in the United That is not all about our States, serving in parishes, or trip. Our next destination was colleges and hospitals as chap- Uganda. On visiting the Shrine lains. It is an awesome experi- of the Uganda Martyrs and ence. I and Jane hearing the continue to ask story of Children are given special ourselves, why their mar- consideration in the mission us? tyrdom we of the Apostles of Jesus One more spe- came to an cial thing we en- understand- countered at the ing of the major seminary was the expan- strength of Catholicism in that sion of the buildings to accom- country. The courage of those, modate the increasing voca- now saint, to publicly defend tions promoted from minor their faith certainly has a pro- seminaries. The support from found influence on the Ugan- Apostles 8 dan Catholics as well as those of us who have had the opportunity to visit the Shrine. You leave the Shrine with a single question, “How strong is my faith, and am I ready to defend it?” Children are given special consideration in the mission of the Apostles of Jesus. We experienced this as we visited Lima Farm, an Apostles of Jesus community in a rural area of Uganda. This community that houses orphaned children also has a medical clinic, chapel, and now a school (under construction) for children of this rural area. When we are asked the direction to Lima Farm, we say, “Drive about 50 miles on a high way from Kampala, and make a left turn and drive into the bush.” Our first impression was of excitement to see all of these young children dressed in their maroon and yellow school uni- forms greeting us. One could not have received a greater welcome than what we received from the children of Lima. We were moved in learning that Judy, their teacher started a school for these children under a tree. The thirst and respect for education was very evident as we toured the three-classroom school under construction. We are as anxious as the children and the teachers to have the new school opened. What dedication by the Apostles of Jesus! The realities of life were very apparent as we visited the clinic and saw a man from the nearby village being treated for Malaria. “If this clinic was not here, I would be dead.” Here we truly witnessed the work of the Apostles of Jesus. To view the work of the Apostles of Jesus at Lima farm in the past six years is truly a Herculean event. Our story of the visit to East Africa with the Apostles of Jesus is more about what we witnessed. Every day, it became clearer that we were set to tell our friends and neighbors the story of work of these “men of the cloth” the Apostles of Jesus. We espe- cially thank Fr. Paul Gaggawala AJ, the Superior General Fr. Speratus Kamanzi AJ, Fr. Sivester Arinaitwe Rwomukubwe AJ, Fr. Valentine Katsigazi AJ, Fr. Ponsiano Kiyimba AJ, and Fr. Anacletus Mugabe AJ, for making our mission trip to East Africa an experience that allowed us to witness the faith of the people of East Africa and the work of the Apostles of Jesus missionaries. Apostles 9 Allentown Couple Visit the Apostles of Jesus in East Africa Staff Writer C armen and Mary ioners provided the first home Ann Genevese of away from home for the Afri- Allentown in Penn- can missionaries. Since then sylvania first met Fr. Fr. Potts has continued to assist Anacletus Mugabe AJ in 2007 the Apostles of Jesus and has through Fr. Robert Potts, Pas- introduced them to every friend tor of St. Ursula’s Church in of his. Fountain Hill, Pennsylvania. It was simply natural that the Fr. Potts has been a friend of motherly instincts quickly the Apostles of Jesus for years kicked in when Fr. Mugabe since he first welcomed two told Mary Ann about the or- priest students to his former phaned children he takes care place of assignment in Shenan- of at Lima Farm in Nakaseeta, doah, Allentown diocese, in Uganda. With full support United States. By opening the from her husband, Mary Ann doors, Fr. Potts and the parish- has since put no breaks on the Apostles 10

Then H. Richard McCord Jr. in his lecture on “Priests and Laity .. Gaggawala, they got on board. College. When the Geneveses visited the Basilica in Nairobi, they met a needy woman who .. Fr. Emmanuel Wafula, he sat on it.
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