TECHNICAL CREWD EBRIEFING (U) APRI2L4 ,1 970 PREPAREDB Y: MISSIONO PERATIONS BRANCH FLIGHTC REW SUPPORT DIVISION GROUP 4 Downgraadte3 d- yaer intervlas;d eclassified after years 12 CLASS IFIEDDO CUMENT -TITLEU NCLASS IFIED Thism ateriaclo ntaiinfnosr mationaf fecting thena tionadle fenseth e UnitedSta tes af wihtin the meaning the espionaglea ws,T itl1e8 ,U .S.C .,S ees.7 93an d 794,th e af transmissioonr revelationw hichin anym anner toan unauthorizedpe rson of 1a prohibitebdy law. MANNED SPACECRAFTC ENTER "'" ..;. ,;.," � HOUSTON.TEXAS ( ... w •.r• � . . 0:.••0••• .: .••.00:0•• • 000 ••:• 0 •.•.. :••• •00• : 0 •••••00: •••0..•:• 0 0 :••••• 0.:.••••••0.:0 •••• •••: ••••• .. .. . . ---- .<·: ·.:: ·.:0·-::.·· ::.··::·.::·-.:·-.::.·: :.··:: .·· .·. r11..:. • .1 ·� "T"i '· . ·.·.·.·.:·.·.·:.·.·.·.·.· ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· .') f\, ,_ ii UNCLASSIFIED SECURITCYL AISFSCIATION Them ateiral conthaeienriendh as beetnr an scriebdi ntao workipnagp eirn o rdetro facilitraetvei ebwyi nteresMStCe edl ements. Thidso ucmento,rp ortiotnhse reomfa,yb e declassifsiuebdj te tcot hef ollowing guidelines: Portioonfst hids oucmenwti lble c lassified CONIFDENTLI,GA rou4p, t ot hee xtentth at they:( )1 definqeu antitatipveer formance charactteircisosf t heA pollSopa cecraft, ()2 detaiclr iticpaelr foanrcem characteris ticosf A pollcorw e systeanmds equipment, (3 )p rovei tdecihncadle tasi olfs ignificant launch vemhailcfluen ctiinoa ncst uafll igth orr eveaalc tualla uncthr ajectdoaryt a, (4 )r evaelm edicdaatl ao nf lighctre w membewrhsi hc can bec onisderepdr ivileged datao,r ( 5) reveaolte hrd atwah icchan be individudaetlelrym inteodr equircel assi ficatiuonnd etrh ea uthoriotfyt heA pollo Progam rSeucrityC lsasificatGiudoien, SCG-11R,e v.1, 1 /1/66. UNCLASSIFIED iii UNCLASSIFIED CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUITINAGN DI NRGESS. . . . 1-1 2.0 STATUCSH ECKASN DC OUNTND OW 2-1 3.0 POWERFELDI GHT 3-1 4.0 EARTHO BRITAN D SYSTECMSH ECKOUT 4-1 5.0 TLIT HRUS -IVBC LOSUETO 5-1 6.0 TRANSLUCNOAARS T 6-1 LUNAMROD ULEFAM ILIARIIZOANT 7-1 8.0 SPACECRAEFMETR GEYN C 8-1 8.1 COMMANDM OUDLE 8-9 8.2 LUNAMROD UL.E 8-15 9.0 LUNAFRYL BYT HROU2G-HH OUMRA NUEVER 9-1 100. TRANSEACROTAHS T 10-1 110. ENTRY. . . . .. . 11-1 120. LANDINGAN D RECEORVY 12-1 13.0 COMMAND ANDS ERIVCE MODULSEY STEOMSPE RATIONS 13-1 140. LUNAR MODULSEY STSE OMPERATIONS 14-1 15.0 FLIGHDTA TAF ILE 15-1 160. FLIGHETQ UIPMENATN DG OVERNMENTF-URNISHED EQUPIMENT. . . 16-1 17 VISAULS IGHTINGS 17-1 .o 180. PREMISSINO PLANNING 18-1 190. MISSIOCNO NTR.O L . 19-1 UNCLASSIFIED iv Section Page 20.0 TRAINING 20-1 210. HUMAN FACTORS 21-1 220. MISCELLANEOUS 22-1 1-1 1.0S UITGI ANND INGRESS LOVELL thougthhte t imew asa dequ.a tehadn op arctuilaprr oblems I I witht hes uitgi onrt hei ngrespsro cedu.r eTsheo nltyh ing I didn otiec wast hawt eh ado urp rotecitvev isorosn a lotl onger thaIn expected. SWIGERWTe d idn otg ett hep roteicvtev isroso ffu ntila ftewre h ad ingressaendd w erael ls trappdeodw. n Thef actth awte w ere strappdeodw mna dree movitnhgev isords iffiucl.t Everything aftetrh awte nta ccordtiont gh ec helckista,n dw eh ada dequate tiem. 2-l 2.0S TATUS CHECCKOSUT NDAONWDN LOVELLG rouncdo mmuntiiocnasw ervee rgyo oda,n dt hec ountdporwon- ceedesdm ontroalnsdd isplawyesr aes s howtno usa nda sw eh ade xperienicnte hde c ountddoewmno nsitorna.tI experienncope adr ticular suonuunsduisant l h el auncvhe hicle sequence btehfeno ormei neanlg inieg nition. 2.5 VEHICLES EQUENCE LAUNCH SWGIERTT heo nlty hing thatF rebadon tdhI noticweads a fluctuation inf uel cell WfhleonIw ss.w itchfeude cle llst,h ef lowwso uld bes tablfeo r2 or3 seconadnsd t hewno ulbde gifnl uctuating. Thiosc currienda llt hrefeu ecle llsb;e cauisteo ccurriend allt hreew,ea ttribuittet do s omes orot fs ignal-conditioning probleTmh.e f luctuatwieroenl s c ycl/esce,w ouldny'otus ay, Fred? HAISE I'm nots urteh ewye reev etnh arte yous witched froomn et ot heo thert,h er eadiwnogu lfdi rsbte v ersyt able; thena,f tear f ews econidtsw oulsdt ardtr iftiunpga couple ofM acsh ont hes calaeb ovea,n dt hednr ifbta cdko wtno t he normarle adinEgv.e rnyo wa ndt heni,t w oulrde peatth iss ort ofc ycleI.'m nots uriet h ada ne xacftr equetniceytd o i t. AsJ acska idi,t w as the insaam lel t hree,w esa oc tually 2-2 RAISE assumetdh atit w asi nt hes ignaclo nditionIi ngh.a d one (CNTO'D) othetrh ing adtdoo nt hel auncvhe hiclIet,' vse rsyu btle, butI thougwhhte tnh esya itdh ey'pdu tt heh ydraultioct sh e S-IVB,I coulfde eal littlter embbleel ouws a tt hatti me; buto,t hetrh atnh att,h ere wneobr oeo stearc tiotnhsa It couledv edre te,c t LOVELL Inc ompartihnigps a rotf t he flipgrhetp aratwiiotnAh p oll8o, I cans ayt haitt w as al otm orceo mfortaobnAl peo ll1o3. On Apoll8o,I wasv ercyo lddu rintghs i perioadn,d I suspect they'cvhea ngtehde e nvironmecnotnatlr soyls temI.t w asv ery comfortatbhsli e time, RAISE I havoen eo thetrh intgo a ddo nt hec reswt aticoonn trols. Wes pensdo m ucthi mien t hes imulattohraswt e f orgetth e contrabsett wetehne s imulahtaorrd waarnedt her eahla rdware, whicihs n'uts etdo a nyd egreeI.t w asv erayp paretnhta atl l thes witchmeosv vee rhya ridn t hes pacecrcaofmtp arteodt he simulatoIrnf. a ctt,h et hrepeo sitisowni tchweesn tto t he intermedpioastiet iaonndt heIn actualhlaydt of orcteh em dowinn tpoo amew ast ruefo rt her otarkyn ob.