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Apollo 12 SA-507 Saturn V Flight Manual - NASA's History Office PDF

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Preview Apollo 12 SA-507 Saturn V Flight Manual - NASA's History Office

SATURN V FLIGHT MANUAL SA 5O7 THIS PUBLICATION REPLACES MSFC-MAN-607 DATED 16 AUGUST 1969 FOR VEHICLE SA-607; HOWEVER MEFC-MAN.607 DATED I5 AUGUST 19611REMAINS THE BASE LINE MAN_:,_,_ FOR SA.61M ANO SA-rd)9. 15 AUGUST1969 CHAN6ED50CTOItln t969 "1 I:"_1D! ................................... ° 15 AU6UST1969 CHAHSED 50CTOItEI 1969 ___J r. _ r Reproduction for Hn-gowrmwnt uoe of t_ inl_m_ti4m of lilust_iege mmtsl_d in this publication Is not permitted without s_ifi¢ _qn_nI! of the Jsoui_ service. line in the outer margtns oY the page. TOT_J.NUMBEROF PAGESIN THIS PUBLICATION IS 246, CONSISTINGOF THE FOLLOMING: lie Imue *1]tie ........................... SOCt 1969 6-2 ............................... Oripal *A .............................. $Oct 1969 • 6-3 .............................. $Oct 1969 i................. 64 Itum6-10 ....................... Orqinal *',,00 ,,, O_J_d °6-11 tlml 6-12 .................... $Oct 1967 *ill. .S Oct 1969 6-13thin 6-16 ...................... Ol_q_.l • 6-17............................. $Oct 1969 I-1 thru 1-3 ........................ *i-4 ............................. $Oct 1969 6-18 tluu 6-33 ...................... O_inal I-S 6-34 Blank ......................... "_i_inal • I-6 ".'.''.°°.''.'''.''....................... .......... ° ,.°..,, 5OOc_i_t 1969 7-1 tent 7-21 ....................... O_l_nal • 7-22 ............................ 5Oct 1q69 1-7 thru 1-9 ........................ Original 7-23 .............................. Orisinat * !-i0 Blank ......................... Original • 7-24thru 7-25 .................... 5Oct 1969 *2-1 thru220 ..................... 5Oct 1969 • 3-1 ............................. $Oct 1969 7-26 thru 7-30 ...................... O_inal 8-1 tima8-20 ....................... OriginaJ 3-2 thru3-10 ....................... Original • 8-21 tlma8-23 .................... 5OCt 1969 *3-11 thru3-22 .................... 5Oct 1969 8-24 tluru8-26 ...................... Ori_nal *3-23 Added ...................... 5Oct 1969 9-i thin 9-13 ....................... Ori_nal • 3-24 Blank Added ................. 5Oct 1969 • 9-14_ 9-16 .................... 5OCt 1969 4-1 thru4-3 ........................ Oristnal 9-17 *4-4 ............................. 5Oct 1969 .......... Ori_nal 0 4-5 thru4-23 ....................... Original • 10-1thru 10-7.................... 5OCt 1969 4-24 Bia_l,.......................... Original • 1041Bhmk ....................... 5Oct 1969 5-1thru5-28 ....................... Original • A-! thru&-4 ...................... 5Oct 1969 • 5-29 ............................. 5Oct 1969 • B-i thai B-3 ..................... 5Oct 1969 • 5-30 Blank ....................... 5Oct 1969 • B-4 Blank ........................ •Oct 1969 • Index ! thn_ Index 7 ............... 5Oct 1969 *6-1 ............................. 5Oct 1969 • Index 8Blank .................... 5Oct 1969 * The asterisk indicates pages changed, added, or deleted by the current change. B-I NASA Chanired 5October 1969 tmr TABLEOFCONTENTS --cTuoH i Page General Del_flptteo ........................... I-1 SECTION II Performance ................................ 2-1 SECTION III Emergeacy Detectiqm end Precedms ................ 3-1 SECTION IV S-IC Stoge " • e • • • • • • e e e e e e e e ................. 4-1 SECTION V S-II Stage .................................. 5-1 SECTION Vl S-IVB Stage ................................. 6-1 SECTION VII Instrument Unit .............................. 7-1 SECTION VIII Ground Support Interface ......................... 8-1 SECTION IX Mission Control Monitoring ....................... 9-1 SECTION X Mission Yorioblos end Constraints ...... • ---....... .10-1 APPENDIX A Abbreviations and Acronyms A-I °" " "°ee o'.ee..ee .eu..o APPENDIX II Btbliogr_y ................................ B-I INDEX Alphobeticol .............................. Index I ( i/ii O &ATUItN V FLIOHT MAIWtAL | IIA.607 FOREWORD This manual was prepared to provide the astronaut with a sk_le mwce reference as to the characteristics and functions of the SA-$07 bunch vehicle and AS-S07 flight mission. Data on the SA-$08 and SA-509 launch vehicles and missions is included, however the 15 Aulpm 1969 manual serves as the baseline manual for these two vehicles. A change to the 15 August 1969 manual, incorporating the latest released data, w/ll be reJeued for etch vehicle, SA-$08 and SA-509, approximately 30 days prior to their respective leunch dates. The manual provides general miss/on and performance d|ita, emergency detection system information, a description of each stage and the IU, lind 8 general discussion of ground support facilities, equipment, and mimuon control. A bibliography identifies edait_,t_al references ff a !i more comprehensive study is de.red. Major hardware associated differences between the Saturn V launch vehicles SA-506 through ( SA-$09 are annotated in the manual. They are identified by reference numbers in the adjacent to the new information. These reference numbers refer to footnotes which are located at the end of each section. This manuat is for information only and is not a control document. If a conflict shoukl be discovered between the manual and acontrol document, the control document will rule. Recommended changes or corrections to this manual should be forwarded, in writing, to the Saturn V Systems Engineering Management Office (PM-SAT-E) MSFC, Attention: Mr. H. P. Lloyd; or the Crew Safety and Procedures Branch (CF-24), MSC. Attention: Mr. D. K. Warren. REVISION NOTE Manual MSFC-MAN-507, dated 15 August 1_69, was based on the G mimion. The information in this manual describes the vehicle configuration and mission characteristics asdefined for the H-I nlission and was prepared from information available approximately thirty days prior to 5 October 1969, Each page changed to make this revision is identified by a change note at the bottom of the page. Changes of technical significance are identified on these pages by a black bar in the marBin opposite the change. Nontechnical changes such asrecompt_ition of pages to accommodate new information, minor rewrite to clarify meaning and correction of typographical errors ave not identified by change bars. Changed 5 October 1969 IIIi1_ 1 i ETmI I liimal II __ TAll.| OF_ VEHICLE DESIGN GROUND RULES SATURN FSYS'I'£M DESCRIPTION .............. I-I LA vcHv mcL ossc irno ....... Nae s,4ver,v,No NSTRUMelVr,,I. KI I I Safety criteria are identified by Air Force Eastern Test Range PERCEPTIBLE PRELA UNCH EVENTS ............ 1-9 (AI_:_['R) SafeW Manual 1274 and AFETR Regnlatior. 127-9. SATURN V IIYITEM DEI_RIPTION Crew safety coe._leratlom requil_d the development of an EmerlKSIcy Detection System (EDS) with equipment located The Saturn V system in its broadest scope includes throughout (he I_unch vehicle to detect emergency conceptual development, design, manufacture, conditions as they develop. If an emergency condition is transportation, assembly, test, and launch. The primary detected, this system will either initiate an automatic abort mimlon of the Saturn V launch vehicle, three-stage-to.m_pe sequeace, o5"display critical data to the flight crew for tl_ir boost hunch of an Apollo Spacecraft, establbhed the basic anab_ andreection. concept. This minion !:eludes a suborbital start of the third stage (S-IVB) engine for final boost into earth orbit and Each powelreclstage is defined with dual redundant range subsequent reignition to provide sufficient velocity for escape safety equipment which will effect engtne cutoff and miuiom including the lunar missions. propeSant dispersion in ,the event of a launch abort after liftoff. Engine cutoff results from closing valves and LAUNCH VEHICLE DEVELOPMENT terminating the flow of fuel and oxidizer. Propellant is disperaed by detonating linear-shaped charges, .thereby The Saturn launch vehicles are the product of a long longitudinally opening the propellant tanks. evolutionary process stemming from initial studim in 1957 of SuqwS_ration the Redstone and Jupiter missiles. Eady conceptual studies included outer proven missiles such as Thor and Titan, and conddered payloads ranging from earth orbiting satellites to The separation of the launch vehkle stages in flight required manned spacecraft such as Dynasoar, Mercury, Gemini. and desfljn studies Involving consideration of many parameters. eventually Apollo. such as time of separation, vehicle position, vehicle attitude. 'singieor dual plane separation, and the type. qnantity.and location of ordnance. The Saturn V launch vehicle evolved from the earlier Saturn vehicles as a result of the decision in 1961to proceed with the Apollo manned hmar mission. As the Apollo mission The launch vehicle stages separate in flight by explosively definition became clear, conceptual design studies were severing a circumferential separation joint and firing made, considering such parameters as structural dynamics, retrococket motors to decelerate the spent stage. Stage stalPng dynamics, and propvlsiun dynamicL separation is initiated when stage thrust decay_ to a vah0e equal to or less than 10%of rated thrust. A short crest mode is used to allow sep_r_.._on of the spent stage, and to effect Design trade-offs were made in certain areas to optimize the ullage settling of the _cces_,e stage prior to engine ignitio|,. launch vehicle design, based on minion requirements. The beat combination of design parameters for liquid propellant A delayed dual plane separation is employed between the vehicles resulted in low accelerations and low dynamic loads. S-IC and S-II stages, while a *ingle plane separation is Reliability, performance and weight were among primary adequate between the S-I! and S-IVB stages. factors considered in optimizing the design. OmbilicMs Structural daslgn carefully considered the weight factor. Structural rigidity requirements were dictated largely by two In the design and placement of vehicle plates, conskleration general considerations: flight control dynamics and was given to such things as size. locations, methods of propellant slceh problems. Gross dimensions (diameter & attachment, release, and retraction. length) were dictated generally by propellant tankage size. i The number of umbilicals is minimited hy the ¢ombining of As propulsion req.irements were identified, wstem electrical connecttws and pneumatic and propellant ¢o.pli.g_ characteristics emerged: thrmt levels, burning times. into common umbilical carrie_. I.ocation of the tlmhili¢:|ls propellant types and quantities. From these data, enline depended upon the location of the vehicle plates, which were requiremente and characteristics were identified, and the limited somewhat by the propellant tanking, plumbing, and dealjn and development of the total launch vehicle wiring runs inside the vehicle structure. Um'.)ilical di_onnec! continued, centered around the propulsion systems. and retraction systems are redundant for reasons of reliability and mfety. Some of the principal design ground rules developed during Electrical Systems the conceptual phase, which were applied inthe final design, are discmsed in the following Peralraphs. An electrical load analysis of the launleh vehicl_ pr_,vi,le,,I the I-I in GENERAL DESCRIPTION incorporation of design features which will enable the flight Long distance water transportation for the Saturn V stages is crew to detect and react effectively to abnormal by converted Navy barges and landing ship dock type ocean circumstances. This permits the flight crew to abort safely if vessels. Tie-down systems provide restraint during transit. Ocean vessels are capable of ballasting to mate with barges the condition is dangerous or to continue the normal mission in an alternate mode if crew safety is not involved but and dock facilities for roll-on/roll-off loading. Docks are located at MSFC, KSC, Michoud, MTF, and Seal Beach, equipment is not operating properly. California (near Los Angeles). Failure Effects and Criticality Analyses Air transportation is effected by use of a modified Boeing The modes of failure for every critical component of each B-377 (Super Guppy) aircraft. This system provides quick reaction time for suitable cargo requiring transcontinental system are identified. The effect of each failure mode on the operation of the system is analyzed, and those parts shipments. For ease in loading and unloading the aircraft, contributing most to unreliability are identified. These compatible ground support lift trailers are utilized. analyses have resulted in the identification of mission A Saturn transportation summary is presented in figure 1-2. compromising, single-point failures, and have aided in the determination of redundancy requirements and/or design LAUNCH VEHICLE DESCRIPTION changes. GENERALARRANGEMENT Design Reviews The Saturn V/Apollo general configuration is illustrated in A systematic design review of every part, component, subsystem, and system has been performed using figure 1-3. Also included are tables of engine data, gross comprehensive check lists, failure effects analysis, criticality vehicl%dimensions and weights, ullage and retrorocket data, ratings, and reliability predictions. These techniques have and stage contractors. enabled the designer to review the design approach for INTERSTAGE DATA FLOW problems not uncovered in previous analyses. In the R & QA area, the prelimina_ design review (PDR) and critical design In order for the Saturn V launch vehicle and Apollo review (CDR) required by the Apollo Program Directive No. 6 represents specialized application of this discipline. spacecraft to accomplish their objectives, a continuous flow of data is necessary throughout the vehicle. Data flow is in both directions: from spacecraft to stages, and from stages to VEHICLE DEVELOPMENT FLOW the spacecraft. The IU serves as a central data processor, and nearly all data flows through the IU. Principal milestones in the hardware and mission phases of the Apollo program are shown in figure lq. Specific data has been categorized and tabulated to reflect, in figure 1-4, the type of data generated, its source and its flow. Certification and Review Schedules Each stage interface also includes a confidence loop, wired in series through interstage electrical connectors, which assures Certificates of Flight Worthiness (COFW) function as a the Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) in the IU that certification and review instrument. A COFW is generated for these connectors are mated satisfactorily. each major piece of flight hardware. The certificate originates at the manufacturing facility, and is shipped with the RANGE SAFETY AND INSTRUMENTATION hardware wherever it goes to provide a time phased historical record of the item's test results, modifications, failures, and GENERAL repairs. In view of the hazards inherent in missile/space vehicle The MSFC flight readiness review (MSFC-FRR), the countdown demonstration test (CDDT) and the manned programs, certain stringent safety requirements have been established for the Air Force Eastern Test Range (AFETR). spaceflight-flight readiness review (MSF-FRR) provide assessments of launch vehicle, spacecraft and launch facility Figure 1-5 illustrates the launch azimuth limits and destruct azimuth limits for the Atlantic Missile Range (AMR). readiness. During the final reviews, the decision is made as to when deployment of the world wide mission support forces Prime responsibility and authority for overall range safety is should begin. vested in the Commander, AFETR, Patrick AFB, Florida. However, under a joint agreement between DOD and NASA, TRANSPORTATION ground safety within the confines of the Kennedy Space Center will be managed by NASA. The Saturn stage transportation system provides reliable and economical transportation for stages and special payloads To minimize the inherent hazards of the Saturn/Apollo between manufacturing areas, test areas and KSC. The program, a number of safety plans have been developed and various modes of transportation encompass land, water, and implemented in accordance with AFETR regulations. air routes. These plans cover all phases of the Saturn/Apollo program Each stage in the Saturn V system requires a specially from design, through launch of the vehicle, into orbit. designed transporter for accomplishing short distance land moves at manufacturing, test, and launch facilities. These To enhance the development and implementation of the transporters have been designed to be compatible with manufacturing areas, dock facility roll-on/roll-o ff range safety program, two general safety categories have been established: ground safety and flight safety. requirements, and to satisfy stage protection requirements. 1-3 • ._.-. • .'' , . . .." • . , Such acto s as rehabdlty, weig..h..t. hmltatlons, and weight equipment. However, at approximately T-50 distributions dictated the requirements to minimize electrical seconds, power is transferred to the launch vehicle wiring, yet distribute the electrical loads and power sources batteries, and final vehicle systems monitoring is throughout the launch vehicle. Each stage of the vehicle has accomplished. its own independent electrical system. No electrical power is transferred between stages; only control signals are routed 2. While in the launch area, environmental control between stages. within the launch vehicle is provided by environmental control systems in the mobile Primary flight power is supplied by wet cell batteries in each launcher (ML) and on the pad. The IU also utilizes stage. The sizes, types, and characteristics are discussed in an equipment cooling system, in which heat is subsequent sections of this manual. Where alternating removed by circulation of a methanol-water coolant. current, or direct current with a higher voltage than the During preflight, heat is removed from the coolant batteries is required, inverters and/or converters convert the by a Ground Support Equipment (GSE) cooling battery power to the voltages and frequencies needed. system located on the ML. During flight, heat is removed from the coolant by a water sublimator All stages of the launch vehicle are electrically bonded system. together to provide aunipotential structure, and to minimize current transfer problems in the common side of the power 3. While in transit between assembly area and launch systems. area, or while in the launch area for launch preparations, the assembled launch vehicle must MANUFACTURE AND LAUNCH CONCEPTS withstand the natural environment. The launch vehicle is designed to withstand 99.9% winds during The development of the vehicle concept required concurrent the strongest wind month, while either free standing efforts in the areas of design, manufacture, transportation, or under transport, with the damper system assembly, checkout, and launch. attached. In the event of a nearby explosion of a facility or launch vehicle, the Saturn V will also The size and complexity of the vehicle resulted in the withstand a peak overpressure of 0.4 psi. decision to have detail design and manufacture of each of the three stages, the Instrument Unit (1U), and the engines 4. To more smoothly control engine ignition, thrust accomplished by separate contractors under the direction of buildup and liftoff of the vehicle, restraining arms MSFC. provide support and holddown at four points around \ . the base of the S-IC stage. A gradual controlled This design/manufacturing approach required the release is accomplished during the first six inches of development of production plans and controls, and vertical motion. transportation and handling systems capable of handling the massive sections. RELIABILITY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE The assembly, checkout, and launch of the vehicle required The Apollo Program Office, MA, has the overall the development of an extensive industrial complex at KSC. responsibility for development and implementation of the Some of the basic ground rules which resulted in the KSC Apollo reliability and quality assurance (R & QA) program. complex described in Section VIII are: NASA Centers are responsible for identifying and establishing R & QA requirements and for implementing an R & QA l. The vehicle will be assembled and checked out 2n a program to the extent necessary to assure the satisfactory protected environment before being moved to the performance of the hardware for which they are responsible. launch site. The Apollo R & QA program is defined by the Apollo Program Development Plan, M-D MA 500 and Apollo R & 2. A final checkout will be performed at the launch site QA Program Plan, NHB 5300-1A. prior to launch. Crew safety and mission success are the main elements 3. Once the assembly is complete, the vehicle will be around which the R & QA program is built. The primary transported in the erect position without criterion governing the design of the Apollo system is that of disconnecting the umbilicals. achieving mission success without unacceptable risk of life or permanent physical disablement of the crew. 4. Automatic checkout equipment will be required. It is Apollo program policy to use all currently applicable 5. The control center and checkout equipment will be methods to ensure the reliability and quality of located away from the launch area. Apollo/Saturn systems. Some of these methods are discussed in subsequent paragraphs. LAUNCH .REQUI REMENTS Analysis of Mission Profiles Some of the launch requirements which have developed from the application of these ground rules are: The mission profile is analyzed to deternfine the type and scope of demands made on equipment and flight crew during 1. Several days prior to the actual launch time, the each phase of the mission. This has resulted in the l-2 f mmutl, lum_ i/ Q ,at.." Fi_u_ I-i 1.4 ChRn|ed 5 October 1969 L I.,,, "1 m__r azmut_t mat'mnmw 0 +i Figure 1-2 GROUND SAFETY 5. Special Preca_tionary Procedures, This i_kage The ground safety program includes a ground safety plan covers pmsible umafe conditions and includes which calls for the development of safety packages. The fightning safeguards, use of complex test equipment. major catesories covered by these packages are: and radiological te_i_. I. Vehicle Destruct System. This package includes a Also included under ground safety arc provisions for launch system description, circuit descriptions. _hern_tics. area surveillance during launch: activities. Surveillance ordnance system description, specifications, RF methods include helicoptef_, search radars, and rangesecurity system description, installation, and checkout Personnel. Automatk- plotting boards keep the range safety procedures. officer (RSO) informed of any intn_n into the launch danger zones by boats or aircraft. 2. Ordnance Devices. This package includes descriptive information on chemical composition and To further assist the RSO in monitoring launch _lety. a characteristics, mechanical anti electrical considerable amount of ground instrumentation i_ u._d A specifications and drawings, and electrical hridgewtre vertical-wire sky _reen provides a visual rel_'ren,:e tl_.tt data. during the initial pha_ of the laun,:h t(_ m_mlt(_r vehh.'Ic attitude anti positk)n. Television systems phot(_raphmlz lilt' Propellants. This package includes descriptive data launch vehicle from dlfferen! angle_ _l_t_ pro)vide, _.i_u,_' on chemical con)position, (luantilies of each lype. reft.rence. Pulsed ;ind ('W traL'km_ r;Id_ir_ [intl rc:tl Imlc locations in the vehicle, handling pnx'edures, and lelemetry dal;i pr(widc all t'h'ctrtml¢. _ky _,.'rt.e,= _h_ h hazards. di_ltl:l(y)_natlt()n)alli_ch_liilhl_g);li(I:sl.nt_|'Is;ttlti5ltC'l'lllt'.,l l]igllIlr;ljeClorpy;Ir'llllelcr_. 4. Iligh Pressure Sy._lenl_ "l'hi,_package Inch,lt.s lype_ of gase._, vehicle _tl()ragt, hh:;lli()n% I'tre_tlre_. _llltl Inlh_.t0VCltllli:tIllk.I;itt_cvht'h,_Idtc,_iJlt.l,l,t,__I_I_I.H_.,I ha/artl_. lilt" I(_() rlltl_l Cttlnflt;lllt| th",tltlCl 1_+ li+t',llt*+ *_r th+" l.llt_'t

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