ANTONIOG RAMS CI AN INTRODUCTITOON H IST HOUGHT AntoniGor amscia, m ajorf oundinfiggu re ofth e Italian CommunisPta rtayn di tmso sto rigintahle oreticiisa n, littklneo wnb eyonthde borderosfI talYye.t h ep ursued a patho fp olitiaccatli viasnmd i ntellecitnunaolv ation whichg iwso rka contemporasriyg nificaonnca e levewli tht haotf L eninT,r otskayn dL uxemburgH.e is a figureo fm ajorh istoriicmaplo rtanwcheo see xtension ofM arxiana nalysiinst toh er ealmosf c ultuarned o fa rt isn ever divofrrcoelI!hd i sc oncerwni tht hew orkincgl ass conquesotfp owera nds ubsequetnrta nsformaotfi on societHyis.w orkp resenutssw itha ni ntegratoifto nh e economisco,c iaplo,l iticcuallt,u raanld m orala specotfs thea chievemeonfft r eedoams,w elals t hrowingl ighotn then at ureof c lascso nsciousannedst sh er evolutionary party. Int hisst udAyl bert:oP ozzolsientios u tt op resenatn introducttioGo rna mscil'isf e atnhodu ghnto,t i na ny uncritimcaanln erb,u tw itha lucidiatnydi ntegrity, presentGirnagm sciin h iss trengthasn dw eaknessweist,h hisi nsighatnsd l imitatiThoen sa.u thooru tlintehse wholeo fG ramscil'isf aen dw orka,n dt her elationship betweehni sc oncerannsd t hed evelopipnogl itisciatlu ation int her evolutiopnearriyo idm mediataeflyt etrh eF irst WorldW ar inttoh er isaen dth e consolidaotfit ohne Fascidsitc tatorsHhei tph.e nd ea:wsi th thep articular themeosf c entrcaoln certno G ramscit'hso ugh-t the relationosfht ihpe v arioculsa sss uenderc apitalitshme, naturoef t hec lassst ruggtlhee,r evolutiopnaarrtyay n d itsr elationwsihtihpt het raduen iontsh,e i ntellectuals, cultureed,u catisocni,e ncThee. bookq uoteesx tensively fromt hew hole" raonfGg rea msciw'osr k- toa llow Gramsctio ' s peafko rh imsel-f'w itha linking commentarbyy Pozzoliwnhii cha voidpsr ejudgement or dogmatiicn terpretation. ANTONCIHOA Msel /l'oGmr amsciS'osv iepta sspor1t9,2 3 A POZZOLINI ANTONGIROA MSCI An intrtood uction hitsh ought translabtyAe ndn eF .S howstack PLUTO PLUTO PRESS, LONDON Chec osah av eramendteel tGor amsci firsptu blishbeydC asaE ditriAcset rolabUiboa ldiEndii torReo,m e,1 968 Copyrig©h tC asaE d.A strolabUiboa ldiEndii .1i9.6,8 Thist ranslafitrisoptnu blish1e9d70 Copyrig©h tP lutPor es1s9 70 PLUTO PRESS LIMITED CottonGsa rdenLso ndonE 2 8 D N IS B NO 95011635 x (paper) ISBN 0 950116458 (boards) PrintiendG reatBr itabiyn S W (LithoL)i miteSdh,o reditch Contents Translatnoort'es pageXl IntroducttoiE onng liesdhi tion Xlll Preface 21 I Gramscil'isf e 25 II Theb ourgeoain:ldit eh ep roletasroicaita;l ainsdmf reedom58 III Thec onceopftc lasasn dt hec lassst ruggle 67 IV Thep olitisctarlu ggtlheep: a rttyh,eu nitoyf thew orking dass moavnedtm heenc to nqueosftp ower 76 V Thet raduen ionrse:l atiboentsw eetnh et raduen ions andt hep arty 89 VI Workerasn dp easants 96 VII Thei ntellecatnudta hleso rganisaotfic ounl ture 107 VIII Internatiroenlaalt iocnosl;o nipaelo plaensd c ountries1 17 IX Religifoeuesl icnagt,h olicainsdsm e cularism 123 X Educatimoans;s m ediat;h ef amilayn dw omeni ns ociet1y3 2 XI Scientriefisc( h: arc 142 Bibliograpghuiicdael 146 Selebcitb liography 155 Index 156 Translator's note Sincmeo sto fG ramsciw'osr ki su ntranslwaet headv el efatl tli tles int heo riginEanlg.l isehq uivaleonft tsh ev ariocuosl lectainodn s articclietse idn t het exatr eg ivebne lowA.l lf ootnohtaevse b een addedb yt het ranslautnolreo stsh erwiinsdei cabtyet dh ei nitiAa.Pl.s ( ) Thef ollowcionlgl r!ctpiuobnlsi,s hbeyE di naudiT urimnakeu pt he PRISON NOTEBOOKS fi IlM aterialsitsomroi ecl oa losofidaiB enedetCtroo cHei storical Materialainsdtm h eP hilosoopfhB ye nedetCtroo ce. GliI ntelleet lu'aolrig anizzdazeilolncaeu ltuTrhae I ntellectuals andt heO rgnaisaiotno fC ulture. IlR isorgimeTnhteR oi sorgimento. Notes uIM achiaveslullilp,aa litei csau llsot atmoo dernoN otes onM achiaveolnlP io,l itaincdso nt heM odern State. Letteraetvuirtaan azionLailtee rataunrdNe a tionLailf e. Passaet par esenPtaesa tn dP resent. Lettedraelc arceLreet tefrrso mP rison. Scritgitaiv anEialrilW yr itings. AND NEWSPAPER JOURNAL TITLES L'OrdiNnuea voT heN ew Order. IlG riddae lP apalToh eC ryo ft heP eople. AvantFio!r ward! UnitUan ity. XII TRANSLATOR'S NOTE Sottloa .MolUen dert heG rindst(oTnhei msa ya lsboe a na llustioo n la Molae t,o weirn t hec entorfeT urin). Falcee M artelHlaom mera ndS ickle. ARTICLE(Si nt heo rdeirn w hicthh eayr efi rsmte ntion:e d) 1 monaci diP ascaPla scaMlo'nsk s. Alcuntie mdie llqau istimoerindei onalSeo meT hemeosn t heS outhern Question. N eutralaitttai evda0 p eranAtcet ivaen dW orkinNge utrality. La citftuat uTrhae F uturCei ty. La rivoluzicoonnter iol' CapitaTlhee' R evolutaigoani n'sCta pital'. Per un rinnovamendteolp artistooc ialTioswtaar das R enewaolf t he SocialPiasrtt y. 11p rogramdmeal l'OrNduionveo T heP rogrammoefL 'OrdiNnueo vo. 1 communiset Iiee leziTohneiC ommunisatnsd t heE lections Operaei c ontadWionrik erasn dP easants. Oppresesdio ppressOoprpir essaenddO ppressors. Come devee ssefrae ttuon giornalceo mmunisHtoaw a Communist Newspapsehro ulbde R un.