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ANTIVIRAL METAL COMPLEXES compounds such as polyanionic compounds(polysulfates ... PDF

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Preview ANTIVIRAL METAL COMPLEXES compounds such as polyanionic compounds(polysulfates ...

ANTIVIRAL METAL COMPLEXES ErikDe Clercq RegaInstituteforMedicalResearch, Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven, B-3000Leuven, Belgium Abstract The initial events (virus adsorption and fusion with the cells) in the replicative cycle of human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV) can serve astargets forthe antiviral action ofmetal-binding compounds such as polyanionic compounds (polysulfates, polysulfonates, polycarboxylates, polyoxometalates, and sulfonated or carboxylated metalloporphyrins), bicyclams and G-octet- forming oligonucleotides. The adsorption and fusion ofHIV with its target cells depends on the interaction ofthe viral envelope glycoproteins (gpl20) with the receptors (CD4, CXCR4) at the outer cell membrane. We are currently investigating how the aforementioned compounds interfere withthese viral glycoproteins and/orcell receptor. Introduction There are ten steps in the replicative cycle of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that could be considered as targets for chemotherapeutic interventions (Table 1) (1). The early events in HIV infection, i.e. virus adsorption to the cells and virus cell fusion, have been shown to be the points ofattack for some metal complexes or organic compounds containing metals. Here I will discuss those compounds among the metal complexes that interfere with the virus adsorption and/or virus cell fusion (i.e. polyanionic substances, bicyclam derivatives and G-octet-forming oligonucleotides). Table 1. HIV replicative cycle Virus adsorptiontothe cells 2. Virus-cell fusion 3. Virus uncoating 4. Reversetranscription 5. Proviral DNA integration 6. Proviral DNAreplication 7. Proviral DNAtranscriptiontoviral mRNA 8. ViralmRNAtranslationto viralprecursorproteins 9. Maturation (proteolysis/myristoylation/glycosylation) 10. Budding(assembly/release) The key molecule in the viral adsorption/fusion process is the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 (Fig. 1), which has a highly convoluted structure containing several regions referred to as variable regions such as V3 and V4, which are assumed to interact with the corresponding receptors atthe hostcell surface. 173 Vol. 4, No. 3, 1997 AntiviralMetalComplexes Polyanionic substances Foremost among the polyanionic substances that have been shown to interact with the binding of HIV to the cells are the polysulfates such as dextran sulfate, dextrin sulfate, curdlan sulfate, pentosan polysulfate, mannan sulfate, sulfoevernan, fucoidan, polyacetylal polysulfate (PAPS) and polyvinylalcohol sulfate (PVAS) (Fig. 2) (2). These compounds inhibit HIV-induced cytopathicity in cell cultures at an 50% effective concentration (EC0) ofabout 0.1 to pg/ml, that is at a concentration which is 1,000- to more than 10,000-fold lower than the concentration exhibiting cytotoxicity [50% cytotoxic concentration (CC0)] (Table 2). In addition to the polysulfates, polysulfonates such as suramin, Evans blue, bis(naphalenedisulfonate), polystyrene sulfonate (PSS), and polyvinyl sulfonate (PVS) (Fig. 3) and polycarboxylates [in particularpolymerized aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA)] (Fig. 4) have also been shown to inhibit HIV replicationwith EC0 values similarto those ofthe polysulfates (1). Fig. 1. The HIV-1 envelope (surface)glycoprotein gpl20 A large series of polyoxometalates (Fig. 5), i.e. JM1590, which corresponds to K3[Ce(SiWO39)2].26H20, are known to inhibitHIV replication atanEC0 of0.3 to 3 Mg/ml with CCs0 values higher than 100 lg/ml (Table 3). Akin to the polysulfates and polysulfonates, the polyoxometalates inhibitthe HIV replicative cycle atthe level ofvirus adsorptiontothe cells (3). 174 ErikDe Clercq Metal-BasedDrugs CH2OR CH2OR 0 O H H H H OR R R H Dextran Dextrin Curdlan sulfate sulfate su--Glte CH2OR TH2OR O O O H H H H 01:1 Pentosan Mannan Sulfoevernan polysulfate sulfate CH2OR --CH2-CH-O-CH-O- CH2 CH-CH2-CH- CH2OR OR OR H Fucoidan PAPS PVAS R SO3" or H Fig. 2. Sulfatedpolysaccharides andpolymers A new class, that ofthe anionic (sulfonated or carboxylated) metalloporphyrins, have been recently shown to inhibit HIV replication (Table 4) (4). Metals (such as Fe or Ni) play an important role in the selectivity of the compounds, for their presence significantly reduces cytotoxicitywhile maintaining antiviral activity(Table 4). An interesting feature of the polyanionic substances is that their antiviral activity is not limited to HIV but also extends to various other enveloped viruses such as herpesviruses [herpes simplex virus (HSV), cytomegalovirus (CMV)], influenza A virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), arenaviruses (Junin virus, Tacaribe virus) and rhabdoviruses [such as vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)] (Fig. 6). This broad spectrum antiviral action considerably enhances the therapeutic potential ofthese compounds forthetreatmentofviral diseases. 175 Vol. 4, No. 3, 1997 AntiviralMetalComplexes Table 2. Inhibitory effectofsulfated polysaccharides onthe cytopathicity ofHIV-l(III) inMT-4 cells Compound ECs0 (lag/ml) CC50 (tg/ml) Selectivity index (CCs0/ECs0) Dextan sulfate (MW 5000) 0.5 > 2500 > 5000 Dextrin sulfate (MW 3000) 2.1 > 500 > 238 c-Cyclodextrin dodecasulfate 6.5 > 2500 > 385 13-Cyclodextrintetradecasulfate 0.8 > 2500 > 3125 qt-Cyclodextrin hexadecasulfate 0.2 > 2500 > 12500 Pentosan polysulfate (MW 3100) 0.19 > 2500 > 13150 Fucoidan 1.4 1060 757 Heparin (MW 11000) 0.58 > 2500 > 4310 -Carrageenan 0.54 > 625 > 1157 Mannan sulfate (MW 30000) 1.2 > 2500 > 2083 Sulfated E.coli K5 glycan 0.67 260 388 Periodate-treatedheparin 0.52 > 2500 > 4807 Polyacetal polysulfate (MW 30000) 0.4 > 2500 > 6250 Polyvinylalcohol sulfate (MW20000) 0.18 > 2500 > 13800 We have recently succeeded in obtaining mutants resistant to polyanionic substances after passaging HIV in the presence of dextran sulfate (5). It thus appears possible for the virus to develop resistance to these polyanionic substances (Fig. 7). The resistance mutations appear to be located predominantly in the V3 loop ofthe gpl20 glycoprotein (Fig. 8) and render the overall charge ofthe V3 loop less positive, thus resulting in a diminished electrostatic interaction with the polyanionic compounds. Polyanionic substances such as polyoxometalates (i.e. polyoxosilicotungstates) inhibit the replication ofHIV, HSV and CMV atthe virus adsorption step. They inhibit influenza A virus and RSV atthe virus-cell fusion step (6). Little is known aboutthe therapeutic/prophylactic potential ofthe polyanionic substances in the clinic. Protective effects with these compounds against HSV and influenza A virus infections in vivo (mice) have been described with polyoxotungstates and polysulfonates when administered systemically (intraperitoneally) or topically (intranasally), respectively (7,8). In particular, topical administration ofthe polyanionic compounds, for instance as a vaginal formulation, seems to be an attractive modality fortheprevention ofsexuallytransmittedHIV and HSV infections (9). Bicyclams The bicyclams (10) represent a new class of highly potent and selective HIV inhibitors. They originated from the serendipitous discovery of anti-HIV activity in a monocyclam preparation that contained bicyclam as contaminant. Starting from this lead compound, several bicyclam derivatives were prepared that showed increased anti-HIV activity (Fig. 9) (11). The most active ofthis series is the bicyclam JM3100 (Fig. 10) which has been found to inhibit HIV- induced cytopathicity at a concentration ofa few nanograms per ml, while not being toxic to the host cells at concentrations up to 500 tg/ml, thus achieving a selectivity index of 100,000 or higher(Table 5) (12). 176 ErikDe Clercq Metal-BasedDrugs NH--- -03S NH--.CO..]l CO--- S03- ------- -so CH H,C 03S--/- 3 NH NH -03S so- CO CO NH--CO--NH Suramin NH OH OH NH2 so- so- Evans Blue SHO OHN--_SO S02S.--NHOOH: 2 03S 03S Bis (naphtalenedisulfonafe) so- so- so- so- so- so- so- so- so- so; PSS (polystyrene sulfonate) so- so- so- so- so- so- so- so- so- so- PVS (po]yvnyl sulfonate) Fig. 3. Sulfonatedpolymers 177 Vol. 4, No. 3, 1997 AntiviralMetalComplexes HOcoo- OcoHo- OH C coo- OOC OH CH ( H CO 2 -OOC OH CHO2 HCOff -OOC CO coo Fig. 4. Polycarboxylates" ATA (aurintricarboxylic acid) Fig. 5. JM1590:K3[Ce(SiW1039)2].26 H20 178 ErikDe Clercq Metal-BasedDrugs Table 3. Anti-HIV activity ofpolyoxometalates Compound ECso(tg/ml) CCo (lag/ml) Selectivity index (CCso/ECso) JM1583 Ks[BWO4o] 1.4 654 467 JM1590: Ks[Ce(SiWO39)].26HO 0.7 230 328 JM1591: KHPWOa8.24HO 0.3 339 1130 JM1596" Ko[PW8Zna(HO)O68].20HO 0.7 466 666 JM1809: K8HP2WsV306.34HO 1.1 293 266 JM2766" K6[BWGa(H20)O39] 2.8 > 500 > 178 JM2815" Ks[SiW(CsHs)TiO39] 1.9 > 500 > 263 JM2820: [MesNH]8[SiW8Nb6077] 3.2 > 500 > 156 Table 4. Anti-HIV activityofmetalloporphyrins R M ECsoa(tg/ml) CC5ob (tg/ml) SIc H3C SO3Na H2 4 4 \ / Mn 36 > 100 >2.8 Fe 4 > 100 >25 CH3 H3C SO3Na H2 0.9 23 25 Fe 0.5 > 90 > 180 Ni > 90 > 9O 179 Vol. 4, No. 3, 1997 AntiviralMetalCotnplexes Dextran sulfate PAPS PVAS Herpes simplexvirus Cytomegalovirus Vacciniavirus Polio/Coxsackie B virus Sindbis virus InfluenzaAvirus InfluenzaB virus Parainfluenzavirus Respiratory syncytial virus Junin/Tacaribevirus Veicular stomatitis virus Reovirus Human immunodeficiencyvirus Fig. 6. Antiviral activity spectrum ofpolysulthtes Minimal effective concentration inthe range of0o1-1 tg/ml (ll), 1-10 (tg/ml (), 10--|00 (tg/ml) (El), or> 100 lag/ml (El) 5000 4000 aooo 2000 I000 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Passage (n} Fig. 7. Rate ofresistance developmentofHIVo NL4-3 to dextran sulfate (MW 5000) MT-4 cells were infected with virus in the presence of 5 x the ECs0 (passage 0). Every 5 to 6 days supematantofthe cell culturewasusedtore-infectfresh MT-4 cells inthe presence ofthe same or a2-to 5- foldhighercompoundconcentration, dependingonthecytopathicityobserved. 180 l(r#:De Clercq Metal,-BasedDrugs Fig 8 Portion ofthe I]IV, envelope g!ycoprotein gp120 withthe mutations conferringresistance to dextran sulfate 181 Vol. 4, No. 3, 1997 AntiviralMetalComplexes HN NHHN OM 1657 ,JM 2986 NH N N HN [....] [.. dM 2762 JM 3100 ENH N- FN HN-] EHN ENN3HNHNH NHHN NHHNJ ,JM 2763 JM 3106 N/’N ENH HN- NH HN NH HN NH HN--J L-NH HN--J JM 2849 JM 3109 Fig. 9. Bicyclams: bis(1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane) derivatives Time-of-addition experiments indicated that the bicyclams (i.e. JM2763) inhibit the HIV replicative cycle at atime pointthat is situated between virus adsorption and reverse transcription (Fig. 11). From these time-of-addition experiments we must conclude that the bicyclams interact with the fusion/uncoating process (13). This process involves the removal ofthe envelope as well as capsid proteins from the viral RNA genome so that the latter can be transcribed by the reverse transcriptase. Theoretically, any of the viral envelope glycoproteins (gpl20, gp41) or capsid proteins (plT, p24, p9, p7) could be considered as possible targets for the interaction with the bicyclams (Fig. 12). Originally (13,14), we envisaged the capsid protein p7 (Fig. 13) as a possible target for the bicyclams, as this protein contains two zinc fingers that could possibly make zinc- coordination complexes withthe bicyclams. 182

variable regions such as V3 andV4, which are assumed to interact with the corresponding receptors at the 4, No. 3, 1997. AntiviralMetal Complexes.
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