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J 2015 二零一五年六月 une HK$280 g r o r . e y w a - l k h Cover Story Face to Face with Anthony Chow, SBS, JP 封面專題 專 訪 周永健律師 ,SBS,太平紳士 TORT 侵 權 ON CHINA 中國實務 OFFSHORE 離岸 Informed Consent : China’s New Rules on Antitrust and Cross-Border Assistance in 知情同意: Intellectual Property Intersected Issues Insolvency Proceedings 中國對於反壟斷與知識產權交叉問題的 破產清盤程序的跨境協助 Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board 新規定 www.hk-lawyer.org Hong Kong Lawyer 香港律師 The official journal of The Law Society of Hong Kong HONG KONG LAWYER (incorporated with limited liability) 香港律師會 (以有限法律責任形式成立) 會刊 www.hk-lawyer.org THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會會刊 Editorial Board 編輯委員會 Chairman 主席 Inside your June issue Huen Wong 王桂壎 Jenkin SF Chan 陳少勳 六月期刊內容 Peter CH Chan 陳志軒 Heidi KP Chu 朱潔冰 Steven B Gallagher Warren P Ganesh Minkang Gu 顧敏康 Julienne Jen 任文慧 Dave Lau 劉子勁 Byron Leung 梁東華 George YC Mok 莫玄熾 Anne Scully-Hill Michele Tsang 曾憲薇 Adamas KS Wong 黃嘉晟 CToencyil iYae KnW 嚴 W元on浩g 黃吳潔華 18 COVER STORY THE COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會理事會 President 會長 Stephen WS Hung 熊運信 Vice-Presidents 副會長 Thomas ST So 蘇紹聰 Melissa K Pang 彭韻僖 34 AFTER WORK Council Members 理事會成員 Ambrose SK Lam 林新強 Dieter LT Yih 葉禮德 Junius KY Ho 何君堯 Huen Wong 王桂壎 Peter CL Lo 羅志力 Michael J Lintern-Smith 史密夫 Billy WY Ma 馬華潤 Sylvia WY Siu 蕭詠儀 Cecilia KW Wong 黃吳潔華 Kenneth SY Ng 伍成業 38 TORT Joseph CW Li 李超華 Amirali B Nasir 黎雅明 Brian W Gilchrist 喬柏仁 4 EDITOR’S NOTE 編者的話 Gavin P Nesbitt 倪廣恒 Denis G Brock 白樂德 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 會長的話 Nick Chan 陳曉峰 Bonita BY Chan 陳寶儀 8 CONTRIBUTORS 投 稿 者 Secretary-General 秘書長 10 DISCIPLINARY DECISIONS 紀律裁決 Heidi KP Chu 朱潔冰 Law Society’s Contact: www.hklawsoc.org.hk 12 FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE 理事會議題 與律師會聯繫 Tel: +852 2846 0500 14 LETTER TO HONG KONG LAWYER 給《香港律師》的信 Annual Subscription 全年訂閱: HK$3,360 16 FROM THE SECRETARIAT 律師會秘書處資訊 Thomson Reuters Hong Kong Limited 10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong 18 COVER STORY 封面專題 Tel: +852 2847 2088 Face to Face with 專 訪 www.thomsonreuters.com Anthony Chow, SBS, JP 周永健律師,SBS,太平紳士 ISSN 1025-9554 26 LAW SOCIETY NEWS 律師會新聞 © Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be reproduced in whole or 34 AFTER WORK 工餘閒情 part without the express permission of the editor. Enriching Young Minds: 讓幼小心靈得充實: Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Hong Kong Lawyer can accept no Teaching English to Balinese Children 在巴厘島教導當地兒童英語 responsibility for loss. 38 TORT 侵 權 Informed Consent : 知情同意: Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board J une 2015 二零一五年六月 HK$280 Editor 編輯 44 ON CHINA 中國實務 Cynthia G Claytor China’s New Rules on Antitrust and Intellectual 中國對於反壟斷與知識產權交叉問題的 [email protected] Property Intersected Issues 新規定 Tel: +852 2847 8053 50 OFFSHORE 離 岸 Managing Editor 執行主編 Cross-Border Assistance in Insolvency 破產清盤程序的跨境協助 Ranajit Dam 鄧文杰 Proceedings [email protected] Tel: +65 6870 3393 56 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS 業界透視 70 CASES IN BRIEF 案例撮要 Design and Production 設計及制作 Samson Pang 彭振生 78 PROFESSIONAL MOVES 會員動向 Translation team 翻譯組: 82 ASIDE 隨 筆 InfoPower The 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta 《大憲章》簽署800週年與法治的誕生 Matty Kwong The Birth of The Rule of Law Tang Mei Kwan 86 LEGAL HISTORY QUIZ 法律史測驗 Special thanks to 88 CAMPUS VOICES 法學院新聞 Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest and Reuters News 特別感謝 香港法律彙報與摘錄 及 路透社新聞 For marketing/promotion opportunities please contact: Henry Cheng 鄭裕康 [email protected] Tel: +852 2847 2016 For subscriptions contact: Traffic Administrator 統籌 Gloria Ng 吳傲宜 [email protected] Tel: +852 2843 6415 Publisher 出版人 Amantha Chia 謝京庭 [email protected] 44 ON CHINA Tel: +65 6870 3917 Managing Director 執行總監 Klaus Pfeifer 范梓樺 [email protected] All information and views expressed 50 OFFSHORE by contributors and advertisements in Hong Kong Lawyer do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of The Law Society of Hong Kong. Whilst every effort is made to ensure editorial and commercial integrity, no responsibility is accepted by the Publisher or The Law Society of Hong Kong for the accuracy of material appearing in this journal. Members are encouraged to contribute but the Editorial Board of The Law Society of Hong Kong reserves the right to publish only material it deems appropriate. 82 ASIDE • June 2015 EDITOR’S NOTE 編 者 的 話 The notion of informed consent dates back to medieval times. Italian, 「知情同意」的概念可追溯到中世紀時代。意大利、 French and Middle Eastern archives as early as the 14th century 法國和中東的檔案早在14世紀已談及pro corpore describe pro corpore mortuoto, or “hold harmless documents,” aimed mortuoto,即「免責證明文件」,旨在於治療過程 at releasing doctors from responsibility for untoward events during the 中,若有不幸事故,醫生可免承責任。這一概念已演 course of medical treatment. This concept has evolved to the modern- 變為現代的「知情同意」法律概念 — 這是當要決定 day legal concept of informed consent – the ethical standard by which 向即將接受治療的病人披露何種風險時,醫療專業人 medical professionals must adhere when deciding which risks to 員必須堅持的道德標準。 disclose to patients who are about to undergo treatment. In recent years, what is required of doctors with respect to risk 近年來,對醫生在風險披露方面的要求,作出了審 disclosure has come under scrutiny. In line with the evolution of social 視。隨著社會和道德價值觀的演變,許多法域也逐 and ethical values, many jurisdictions are increasingly recognising 漸認識到建立尊重病人自主權的法律標準,及採 the importance establishing legal standards that respect patient 用以病人為本理念的「同意」之重要性。在最近對 autonomy, adopting a more patient-oriented approach to consent. In Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board一案作出了 the recent landmark judgment of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health 具里程碑意義的判決時,英國最高法院似乎在效仿。 Board, the UK Supreme Court seems to follow suit. As Hong Kong has primarily followed UK case law with respect to issues of informed 由於香港對「知情同意」的問題主要遵循英國判例, consent, the author of our Tort Law feature (p. 38) discusses the case as 我們侵權法專欄(第41頁)的作者討論了該案件,以及 well as the potential implications if the judgment is followed in Hong 如果在香港遵循,可能產生的影響。 Kong. 在我們6月一期的其他地方,我們有中國實務專欄(第 Elsewhere in our June issue, we have our On China feature (p.44), 47頁),其中審視了中國國家工商行政管理總局(「國 which examines China’s State Administration of Industry of 家工商總局」)發布、備受各界關注的《關於禁止濫 Commerce’s new closely watched rules, the Prohibition of Abuse of 用知識產權排除、限制競爭行為的規定》,其施行日 Intellectual Property Rights to Eliminate or Restrict Competition, which will come into effect on 1 August 2015. 期為2015年8月1日。 We have also included an Offshore feature (p. 50), which examines 我們還加了「離岸」專欄(第53頁),該欄研究了香港 a recent case from the High Court of Hong Kong in which the court 高等法院最近一件案件,案中法庭被要求決定,如果 was asked to decide whether the Hong Kong Companies Court should 公司是在加拿大成立,在百慕達繼續,但並非香港 provide assistance to insolvency proceedings in London (under the 或英國的公司,則香港的公司法庭,是否應該向在倫 supervision of the English High Court), where the company was 敦(英國高等法院的監督下)的破產程序提供協助。此 incorporated in Canada and continued in Bermuda, but was neither a 外,為了紀念大憲章的800週年,我們已加進有關導 Hong Kong or English company. Additionally, in honour of the Magna Carta’s 800th anniversary, we have included an article (p.82) about 致其形成的歷史事件之文章(第84頁),以及解釋其在 the historical events that led to its formation, as well as explains its 香港的持續相關性。 continued relevance in Hong Kong. Cynthia G. Claytor Cynthia G. Claytor Editor, Hong Kong Lawyer 《香港律師》編輯 Legal Media Group Legal Media Group Thomson Reuters 湯森路透 [email protected] [email protected] 4 www.hk-lawyer.org FOUNDED IN 1966 • June 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 會 長 的 話 Ia m deeply grateful for the trust of of LLPs for solicitors. LLPs have been my fellow Council members in me adopted in other overseas jurisdictions by electing me as President for the for many years and practising in the form 2015/16 term. I am conscious of the of an LLP is very common for law firms in responsibility and commitment that this international financial centres like New title carries but am privileged to have the York and London. continual support and good advice of my Although the current form of LLPs fellow Council members, in particular, permitted in the Amendment Ordinance Mr.Thomas So and Ms. Melissa Pang, is not entirely the same as the one who were both re-elected as Vice advocated by the Law Society initially, Presidents of the Law Society. the introduction of LLPs is an important There is clearly much work to be done step forward for Hong Kong solicitors. (Cap. 159, Sub. Leg. S) for a foreign law ahead and initiatives to be taken forward It modernises the legal infrastructure firm. and I welcome members’ views. aligning it with global trends and offers an additional choice for solicitors’ The Council of the Law Society has Limited Liability Partnerships practice. considered the options available in One of the important initiatives that the implementing the top-up requirement. An innocent partner in an LLP permitted Law Society has been embarking upon After balancing the pros and cons of under the Amendment Ordinance will is the introduction of limited liability each option, the Council has adopted be protected against personal liability partnerships (“LLPs”) for solicitors. the following policy directions: for the default of other members of the I am very pleased to be able to report, LLP arising from the LLP’s provision (a) LLPs should be allowed to obtain in my first President’s Message after of professional services, provided that their own top-up cover in the open my re-election, the good news that the certain conditions are satisfied. market; subsidiary legislation supporting the One of the conditions is set out in s. 7AD (b) the terms of the top-up cover implementation of LLPs, namely, the of Part IIAAA of the Legal Practitioners required for LLPs should be similar Limited Liability Partnerships (Top-Up Ordinance (Cap. 159) providing for the to those provided by the Hong Kong Insurance) Rules, the Foreign Lawyers top-up insurance requirement for a LLP. Solicitors Professional Indemnity Practice (Amendment) Rules 2015 and Section 7AD requires every LLP to have Fund as provided in the Solicitors the Solicitors Practice (Amendment) top-up insurance cover for loss arising (Professional Indemnity) Rules. Rules 2015 were gazetted on 29 May. from default that exceeds a defined The Limited Liability Partnerships It has been a long process and I hope we amount up to an amount not less than (Top-Up Insurance) Rules are drafted are now approaching the end of it. HK$10 million in respect of any one pursuant to the above policy direction. claim, with no limit in the aggregate. The Legal Practitioners (Amendment) The defined amount in the Amendment With respect to the Foreign Lawyers Bill gazetted in June 2010 as amended Ordinance refers to the maximum Practice (Amendment) Rules 2015 and by the Committee Stage Amendments indemnity specified in the Solicitors the Solicitors Practice (Amendment) was passed by the Legislative Council (Professional Indemnity) Rules (Cap. 159, Rules 2015, the amendments are in July 2012. The Legal Practitioners Sub. Leg. M) for a Hong Kong law firm aimed at making it clear that when the (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 and to the coverage provided in s. 6 of Amendment Ordinance comes into (“Amendment Ordinance”) introduces an the Foreign Lawyers Registration Rules effect, those firms which are not LLPs additional mode of operation in the form 6 www.hk-lawyer.org June 2015 • PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 會 長 的 話 承蒙理事會同袍厚愛,本人獲選為 《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第IIAAA部 律師會2015/16年度會長,現謹 第7AD條載列的其中一項條件,就是有限 向各理事致以由衷謝意。會長一職,顧名 法律責任合夥的加額保險規定。第7AD條 思義,使命宏遠,責任重大,但律師會會 規定,就任何單一申索而言,每一屬香港 務處理得宜,亦有賴理事一直支持,籌謀 律師行的有限法律責任合夥,須就失責所 獻策,本屆兩位獲重選連任之律師會副會 導致的損失中超過訂明款額的部分,提供 長,蘇紹聰律師與彭韻僖律師,尤其居功 不少於港幣10,000,000元的額外保障。 至偉。 《修訂條例》訂明之款額是指《律師(專業 彌償)規則》(第159章附屬條例M)給香港 本人謹此歡迎各會員提供寶貴意見,在日 律師行訂明之最高彌償,以及《外地律師 益繁重的律師會會務中出一分力,齊心推 註冊規則》(第159章附屬條例S)第6條規 動律師會向前邁進。 定之保障。 有限法律責任合夥 律師會理事會已考慮落實加額保險規定之 律師會致力多年的重點工作之一,是為律 選擇。衡量過每項選擇之利弊後,理事會 師引進有限法律責任合夥的經營模式。 已通過下列政策方向: 本篇是本人獲重選為會長後首次發表之 (a) 有限法律責任合夥應獲准在公開市場 「會長的話」,深感欣慰的是,本人能在 為其本身選購加額保險; 此向會員報告一個好消息:支持落實有限 (b) 按《律師(專業彌償)規則》之規定, 法律責任合夥之附屬法例,即《有限責任 有限法律責任合夥必須提供之加額保 registered in Hong Kong pursuant to 合夥(加額保險)規則》、《2015年外地律 險條款,應與香港律師專業彌償基金 the Amendment Ordinance would not 師執業(修訂)規則》及《2015年律師執業 提供之條款相近。 be permitted to include “LLP” as part (修訂)規則》已於5月29日刊憲。 《有限責任合夥(加額保險)規則》是根據 of their firm names. This will avoid 花費經年終得見相關附屬法例刊憲,料想 上列政策方向草擬的。 confusion to the public as to which 有限法律責任合夥之落實亦指日可待。 LLPs are properly registered in Hong 在《2015年外地律師執業(修訂) 規則》及 Kong pursuant to the Amendment 《法律執業者(修訂)條例草案》按委員 《2015年律師執業(修訂)規則》方面,有 Ordinance and which are in name 會審議階段修正案作出修訂後,於2010 關修訂旨在闡明《修訂條例》何時生效, only. 年6月刊憲,2012年7月獲立法會通過。 也闡明不是根據《修訂條例》在香港註冊 The above legislation will undergo 《2012年法律執業者(修訂)條例》(「《修 為有限法律責任合夥的律師行,不准加入 negative vetting by LegCo. Apart 訂條例》」)為律師引進多一種經營模式— 「有限法律責任合夥」(LLP)作為律師行名 from these rules, there is still one 有限法律責任合夥。這種經營模式已在其 稱的一部分。這樣可避免公眾產生混淆, more set of consequential legislative 他海外司法管轄權區沿用多年,在紐約和 分不清哪間是根據《修訂條例》在香港正 amendments that have to be finalised – the consequential amendments to 倫敦等國際金融中心,有限法律責任合夥 式註冊之有限法律責任合夥,哪間只是名 O. 81 of the High Court Rules and the 是經營律師行極常見之一種模式。 稱上如此而已。 District Court Rules. Subject to the 雖然現時《修訂條例》所批准的有限法律 上述法例將提交立法會進行先訂立後審議 progress of the amendments to O. 81, 責任合夥形式與律師會起初提倡的不盡相 的程序。除上述規則外,現時尚餘第81號 it is hoped that the commencement of the Amendment Ordinance and all 同,但引進有限法律責任合夥是香港律師 命令的相應法例修訂有待敲定—《高等法 relevant subsidiary legislation will be 向前邁進的重要一步,既現代化法律基礎 院規則》第81號命令及《區域法院規則》 within 2015. n 設施,與全球趨勢並肩同步,也給律師提 第81號命令的相應修訂。《修訂條例》及 供多一個執業模式的選擇。 所有相關附屬條例有望不遲於2015年生 效,但最終生效日期視乎修訂第81號命令 如果符合某些條件的話,根據《修訂條 的進度而定。 n 例》獲批的有限法律責任合夥的無辜合夥 人將得到保障,即使有限法律責任合夥的 其他成員在提供專業服務時失責,也無須 Stephen hung, preSident 就此承擔個人法律責任。 熊運信 會長 www.hk-lawyer.org 7 • June 2015 CONTRIBUTORS 投 稿 者 Jasmine Karimi Jasmine Karimi Illumina Inc., Sr. Director & Head of Legal & Illumina Inc. 亞洲/太平洋區高級總監兼法 Compliance, Asia/Pacific 律與合規部門主管 Jasmine Karimi is a seasoned in-house professional JasmineKarimi是一位經驗豐富的機構內部專 with over 20 years of experience spanning across 業人士,擁有20多年多個司法管轄區和行業 multiple jurisdictions and industries (including media, 的經驗(包括媒體、製造業及奢侈品零售等) manufacturing and luxury retail). Preceding her in-house 。Jasmine 在擔任其機構內部的專業之前,是 career, Jasmine was a corporate and litigation lawyer at 加拿大及新加坡一些主要律師事務所的企業 major law firms in Canada and Singapore. A frequently 和訴訟律師。Jasmine經常獲邀在全球各行業 invited speaker at industry and professional forums 和專業論壇進行演說,她獲認許在英國及威爾 globally, Jasmine is admitted to practice law in England 士、新加坡、加拿大和香港作執業律師。她可 & Wales, Singapore, Canada and Hong Kong. She speaks 以說幾種不同流暢程度的亞洲語言。Jasmine several Asian-based languages with a varying degree of 被評為「法律500強:2014年亞洲100強『企 fluency. Jasmine has also been named as one of the 100 業律師』」中亞洲100名最有影響力的商業機 leading influential in-house lawyers in business in Asia in 構內部律師之一。 The Legal 500: Corporate Counsel 100 Asia 2014. Jasmine has recently embraced a new role to lead up the Jasmine最近接受了一個新角色,旨在提昇 legal function in Asia/Pacific for Illumina Inc., a leader in IlluminaInc在亞洲/太平洋的法律職能,該辦事 the biotech sector, based out of Singapore. 處設在新加坡,是生物技術產業的領導者。 Nicholas Millar Nicholas Millar Solicitor 事務律師 Nicholas Millar is a solicitor with a long standing interest in the Nicholas Millar是一名對醫學和法學的相互作用有長期興趣的 interaction of medicine and the law. He used to act for doctors and 律師。他慣於作為醫生及醫院的法律代表。最近他成為受傷 hospitals. More recently he has acted for injured patients. 人士的代表律師。 Steve Harris, Jr Steve Harris, Jr Winston & Strawn, Partner 溫斯頓律師事務所合夥人 Steve Harris has over 30 years of experience practicing Steve Harris在美國和國際法院和機構,已 antitrust law, and has handled many civil class actions, 經有三十多年的反壟斷法經驗,並已處理大 cartel investigations, merger control filings, and 量民事集體訴訟、卡特爾調查、併購控制申 administrative proceedings, before US and international 請及行政法律程序等事宜。他特別在亞洲有 courts and agencies. He has particular experience working 工作經驗,包括中國、日本和韓國當局的反 in Asia, including matters before antitrust authorities 壟斷事項工作。Mr.Harris經常談與寫有關亞 in China, Japan and Korea. Mr. Harris frequently speaks 洲競爭法的發展,並且是中國反壟斷法專著 and writes about Asia competition law developments and is the co-author of a leading treatise on the China 《中國的反壟斷法和實踐》的合著者,由牛 Anti-Monopoly Law, Anti-Monopoly Law and Practice in 津大學出版社出版;他也寫了有關亞洲知識 China, published by Oxford University Press, as well as 產權、競爭法和亞洲經濟的著作,由哈特出 Intellectual Property, Competition Law and Economics in 版社(Hart Publishing)出版。 Asia, published by Hart Publishing. 8 www.hk-lawyer.org

The official journal of The Law Society of Hong Kong. (incorporated Jenkin SF Chan 陳少勳. Peter CH .. Mr. Ernest T. K. Tsui of Messrs. T. K. Tsui
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