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ANSYS CivilFEM Bridge Webinar P t R B tt - CAE Associates PDF

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Preview ANSYS CivilFEM Bridge Webinar P t R B tt - CAE Associates

ANSYS CivilFEM Bridge Webinar PPetter RR. BBarretttt, MM.SS.CC.EE., PP.EE. © 2009 CAE Associates ANSYS + CivilFEM Challenges of Bridge Engineers today:  Increase Construction efficiency — Design and Build to Save Material Costs — Extend the life of existingg bridgges — Better Empower a shrinking engineering workforce — SSoolluuttiioonn  Develop more accurate representation of the structural response: — • Nonlinear analysis and incremental construction are ANSYS/CivilFEM strengths DDevellop auttomattedd anallyses tto save ddesiign ttiime — Perform what if and design optimization tasks to create more effective — use of construction materials 2 CAE Associates – CivilFEM / ANSYS Partner The world’s biggest and most sophisticated users of engineering  simulation choose CAE Associates for consulting services, training and software. e.g. ABB, AREVA, Bechtel-Houston, GE (Nuclear, Energy, Aviation, GRC), Seimens, UTC (Pratt & Whitney, Otis, Sikorsky), AECOM, Westinghouse, Parsons…. SSiince tthhe company’’s iincepttiion iin 11998811, we hhave speciialliizedd iin proviiddiing  solutions to engineering problems using FEA and CFD technology. 3 What is CivilFEM? CCiivviillFFEEMM iiss aann iinntteeggrraatteedd PPrree- , SSoolluu - aanndd PPoosstt-pprroocceessssoorr aadddd-oonn ttoo  traditional ANSYS developed by ANSYS’s Spain distributor INGECIBER AASHTO LRFD NSYS/CivilFEM BB(Wrriieddsggteeer DDn eeUssSiiggAnn) SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss 113300º 51122005º 111100ºº CAN11A00D00ººA 2.5 50º 6600 5 15 40 5 5 50 515 2.5 2.5 40º 5 30º 6080 5 AcceleratioAn Coefficient SeZiosnmeic 2.5 2.5 < 0.09 1 5 > 0.09 and <_ 0.19 2 >>_ 00..2199 and <_ 0.29 34 Tropic of Cancer MÉXICO 4 INGECIBER- CivilFEM Developer / ANSYS Partner Ingeciber S.A. is a CAE company and ANSYS Channel Partner  wwiitthh mmoorree tthhaann 2200 yyeeaarrss ooff eexxppeerriieennccee uussiinngg aanndd ddeevveellooppiinngg CAE Software Inggeciber’s QQualityy Assurance Syystem is ISO 9001 certified.  ANSYS, Inc. and Ingeciber, S.A. have a long standing OEM  Agreement and established a strategic alliance for FEA solutions iin thhe constructiion iinddustry. SSome worllddwiidde CCustomers: 5 ANSYS Today WWoorrlldd’ss LLaarrggeesstt SSiimmuullaattiioonn CCoommmmuunniittyy >10,000 Total Customers >6,000 Total Customers >2,000 Total Customers  >>112255,000000 CCoommmmeerrcciiaall SSeeaattss  >>6600,000000 CCoommmmeerrcciiaall SSeeaattss  >>1100,000000 CCoommmmeerrcciiaall SSeeaattss  >140,000 University Seats  >70,000 University Seats  > 200 Channel Partners  >20 Channel Partners  > 75 Industry Partners  >80 Industry Partners 6 ANSYS + CivilFEM AANNSSYYSS ++ CCiivviillFFEEMM ccoommbbiinneess tthhee wwoorrlldd lleeaaddiinngg ggeenneerraall  purpose structural analysis features of ANSYS (ISO-9001) with high-end civil engineering-specific structural analysis capabilities of CivilFEM (ISO-9001). 7 Current CivilFEM Distributors 8 CAE Associates, Inc. » One of first 4 ANSYS Channel Partners  Since 1985… »» EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg CCoo.  Since 1981 9 CAE Associates – CivilFEM / ANSYS Partner 2255 yyeeaarrss SSttrruuccttuurraall, TThheerrmmaall aanndd FFlluuiidd eennggiinneeeerriinngg ccoonnssuullttiinngg  One of the original ANSYS Channel partners  TThhee UUSS lleeaaddeerr iinn AANNSSYYSS FFiinniittee EElleemmeenntt TTrraaiinniinngg  Custom Training of ANSYS and CivilFEM  10

ANSYS Strengths. ○ Nonlinear Stress Analysis. — Contact. — Plasticity. — Creep . For the correct generation of the solid model and the finite element model.
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