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Preview Annual reports, Town of Acton, Massachusetts, 2013

MOWN OF ACTON Acton Incorporated as a Town: —Juys. 1738 Type of Government: Ton etings ~ eter env Town Manger Location: Eastem Massachusetts, Midd esex Cot nty. bordered on the eas! by Carlisie and CGoncort or the westy Boxborough, onthe norh by Westlord an Lietan, en the south by Sudbury, and on the soutwest ty Slow and Mayra Elevation at Town Hal 268" above troan gc love Land Area: Appronimataly 20 square lls Population: Yeor Parsons 198 3.510 198 728 1979 14770 198 9.000 198 18.149 2009 20331 219 21.938 eon zane oie 21.880 ana ease Front Cover Photo of Soler Panels on Acton's Lendlit Courtesy of Dean Chartes Municipal Properties Oirector 2013 Town of Annual Acton, Reports Massachusetts Two Hundred and Seventy-Eighth Municipal Year for the year ending December 31, 2013 Sta Printed by Atel Pate nc, — Athol MA Commonwealth of Massachusetts Be it hereby known to al that the: Town of Acton Having met the criteria established pursuant to Massachusetts General Law, Chapter ‘Twenty-five A, Section Ten has been officially designated as a: Green Community By the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Department of Energy Resources with all rights and privileges conferred upon itby the Green Communities Division. a “RESIGNATION DATE: May 25, 2010 ae eo Govern Ue Govemae N a = jebeys Kfeardling Tan A. Bowles Philip Gndce secretary Commissioner Energy and Environmental Affairs Department of Energy Resouces comm oa Gy, TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Services: 7. Public Works and Environment Boate of Selectmen 9 ‘Board of Appeals. 74 Towin Manager. : 1 ‘ung Department. 74 Town Report Commitee : 12 Cemetery Commission. 4 CCommunty Preservation Commitee 78 Financial Management Services Engineering Department on 7 Board of ASS2S8908 ron venom Green Advisory Boatdsucsnnsnnnnnenn 7B House Sales. Sa Highway Department... Te Elzabeth White Fund os Land Stewardship Commit coat Finance Commitee. Ss Municipal Propertes.. 2 Town Accountant Ie Natural Resources 0 ed ‘Open Space Commitee. as Human Services Commission on Disables. 27 & Community Satety ‘Community Housing Corporation. 28 Animal Control Offer. 86 Community Services Coordinator 29 Animal Inspector. 26 Counc an Aging 30 Bow of Heatth 96 Heath Insurance Trust. 3 Emergency Management Agency. 3 Housing Aut. 32 Explorer Postrew 7 Search and Rescue... 91 Public Heath Nursing Service. 23 Fire Deparment. #2 ‘Sealer of Welghts & Measures. 34 Ausllary Fre Deparment 96 Veterans’ Graves. 34 Police Department. 96 Volunteer Coordinating Gommittoe 38 Sidewalk Commitee 100 Education and Libraries 8. Legislative ‘Acton and Acton-Bxborough Schaols Repor....96 Annual Tow Meeting, Api 1, 2019...saseanut Ot Minuteman Fieglonal Vocational Technieal School 52 Special Town Meeting, June 3, 2013 133 [Acton Memorial Ut nnn SB West Acton Ciizens'Libranyasrssssesn88 — 10.Town Elections and Statistics ‘Annual Town Election, March 26, 2019. 146 Cuttural and Historical Activities Spocial Sato Primary Api $0, 2013. 147 ‘Acton-Boxborough Cultural Coun. 60 Histone District Commission 63 Historical Commission 64 Special State Election, June 25, 2018 148, 11.0ther Information Registored Votor Statistics 149 Community Development Dag Statites ae ‘Acton 2020 Comite. 6§ Vital Statist. 149 Cable Advisory 65 Design Review Board 188 _12.Acton Information Economic Development Gormiion 67 National, State. and County Officials 151 Lowell Regional Transit Author es Elected Town Officials 151 Planning Department. ee Official Appcinmerts by Moderator. 152 uole Geromonies and Celobratcne Commitee 68 Soard by Selectman Appointments, wage Recreation Department 70 Appointments by Town Manager. 156 ‘Senior and Disabled Tax Reliet Cammitee....72 ‘StreedPrecinet List 159 Transportation Adviory Commitee 73 Map of Acton : 166 Exmal Distibution Groupe ns snsonnonsnns 168 ‘Yoluntoer Application. moar Town of Acton Official Website a6 [At Your Service Inside Back Cover TU AO ayaeT a sors * | se iin saoneiah ta one Ea - vol i * ci if ‘ ‘THE 2013 ACTON TOWN REPORT IS DEDICATED TO: Robert “Bob” Eisengrein 1920-2013 overt "B00" Eisengrsin, 92, of Devens, Massachusets, passed away on January 20,2019, He wes bor on Staten Island, New York. or May 25, 1920, the son 9 Adam and Sopnie (Shroader)Eisengren. An elecrcal engineer by trade, [Bob oblaned degrees trom Polytech insite 0! Naw York Unversty and MAT. Bob's gret passion was for poles and he served asa Slale Representative from Keene, New Hampshire, for sx years. He alsa served onthe iy cauncd, Bob's eiforts to support the Democratic causa were rewarded in Api 2012, when he received a Fete achievement avard ‘tom the Massachusets Democratic Coalition, In 1985, Bob moved to Acton, Massachusets, where he became a member ang an integral part of Acton Citizens {or Environmental Safety (ACES). He worked with Chasotte Sagol, Mary Michelman, and Carol Holly o clear the water poluton that resulted rom local chemical manufacturer W.R. Grace's contarination. In recognition forhis work with ACES, ‘he Governor of Massacrusells selected Bob as Cilzen ol ve Year in environmental affairs, When he and his wife Bette moved to Devens In 2001. Bob continued to be an engaged ctizen serving on the Devens Commitee as an assessor and helping te bulld @ new community. "Even during the last days of his Ife, he was ‘engaged an thinking about now to improve te community” sad Srate Senator James Eldredge, Ho id" just comolain about tHe went ou, he organized, he used hs experience as an enginger lo think about aw to make adferenoe and he realy ai Eisengreinisaiogend"inEerdee's hometown of Acton, saldthe lawmaker. Now, 30 yaar alr, tha Acton Superfund ‘ites clean with contaminated sediment removed and new graunc:-natertealment systems in lace, "i [Bab and others) hadnt fought back against W.R. Grace, the people of Acton wouldnt Rave known about the contamination ard mayo some familes wouldhave had health problems,” said Eldridge. Acoording to Erage, Eisengren “cated very daoply about issues—whether it was the environmental issues in Acton or community issues on Devens." IN MEMORIAM Paul Hott Public Ceremonies and Celebrations Commitee Dedicated Leader Boy Scout Troop #1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BOARD OF SELECTMEN tn-a year when the national government seemed to ‘be mired inescapably in partisan bickering, fe in Acton was very diferent fortunately. with discourse cemain- Ing civil even on controversial issues, and the services that residerts expact and rely on never at rk; the Town Also retained is AAA bond rating. The SOM Anniversary Of the August 28, 1983 March on Washington, in which three Acton ministers patcpated, was the occasion for ‘National Public Rao program focusing onthe special ‘ommurity thal was and s Acton, As abways, the Board of ‘Selectman grappled wih a variety of issues some new, some “retteads, and some the continuation of ongoing fendeavors, Together the workmace for anctner challenging ‘ad intresting yearn service to the Town Board Membership Change InMarch, incumbent Janet Adachi vas e-locted toa, ‘second term, ardneweomer Katie Green, a formar legisla. tive alde to State Repeesentatve Jon Benson, was elecied to the seat that opened up when Pamela Haring-Barrat decided not to seek re-slaction. The new Board elected IMs, Adachi as Chairman, Mike Gowing as Viee Chairman, ‘and Ms. Green as Clerk [Acton-Boxborough K-6 Regionalization ‘lust twe months ater Actor's three-night Annual “Town Meeting in Apri, Acton and Boxborough hed siml- taneous Special Town Mectings in une, and residents of both towns voted to move foward with K6 regionalization, to became effective July 2014, The process of shiting ‘Actor's ve elementary schools and Boxborough's one into ‘the Regional District is compiex, andthe District anc both towns must work outan aay of details tobe memorialized in formal agreements. Kelley's Comer Improvement nitive Arewly selecies design constant wil assist Acton in generating plans for improvements in Kelley's Comer, hich stop potty in Acton's new completed Compre hensive Communty Plan, beter known as “Acton 2020." This yesr saw an uptce in Selectman hearings for com ‘moreial sito plans, including soveralprojoetsin the Keleys (Comer neighoorhood, so the intensted focus an the area ‘and hiring ofthe consutant are timely Open Space ‘th the approval of reidents at the Special Town Mectingin June, Actor acquired ahigh ratty open space parcel encompassing lust aver 20 acres at Arington Street ‘and Newtown Road ‘Tne mutiyear endeavor to update Acton’s Open Space and Recreation Plan was noaring competion atthe ‘end of the year. The fina, state-approved olan val qualify ‘Acton far state conservtion grants, and willbe a uset tool inthe Town's continual efforts to proserve the open space and “green inastructure" that contibute so much to the qualty fife for residents. Transportation [Acton continued to be an innovator in suburban uble vansportaton service withthe formation af Cross ‘Town Connect a public/private perrership of arca towns and businesses, The am of the partnership isto improve ‘meblityand encourage economic development tho area by addressing the demand fer daly needs" transportation {and the need for commuter services, not only fr Boston bound commuters, but for suburb-to-suburb commuters ‘and “reverse™ commuter traveling from Boston ard parts fas to obs in the suburbs, ‘As of late November, the Fitchburg commuter ine duble-rack instalation in Acton and the platform and bulding foundation work for the new Acton tain station were nearing completion. Reconstruction of Acton grade Crossings was underway and signal improvements wore ‘ongoing Green Community Inthe few years since Acton became a Green Com: ‘munity under the Massachusets Green Communities Ac, ithas made great eidesin improving the energy eficioncy ‘of municipal operations anc reducing Acton's carbon foot print” The Selecmen proviced enthusiastic support fora Rew program to encourage energy-saving practioes by ‘Acton employees, 8s part ofan effort to raach the Groen Community Ac five-year goal of 20% reduction in energy cconeumption. The achieverent ofthat goal willensuro that ‘Acton remains Green Community eigie for stata grants. [At the end of December, the newly installd solar panel aray at the Transfer Station wont live. Elecical ‘Costs for Acton municipal buidings are expected to decline ‘markedly ae a sisoount for muniipal eleecal services takes oft Municipal Space Study Report In February, the Selectmen recelved the eagerly anticipated report on available space in solct municipal ‘uilings,projectons of departmental space needs, and recommendations as to how Acton might adress space ads though Improvements of exstng bullaings andother actions. An update in June focused on a smaller number ‘of buildings and proved cost estimates. Whether or nat ‘Acton ultimately follows all ofthe recommendations, the report already nas proven tobe a helptl reference fr the Selectmen, Other Post-Employment Benefits ‘Acton continued to be proactive in addressing is {uture oaligation for retred municipal employee health bonofts, known as “other postemployment benefits” or “OPEB.' The FY4 budget that residents approved at ‘Annual Town Meeting includ nat only he annalcontibu tion to the OPEB Trust Fund, but surcharges for proposed new hirestreplacemenis to account for the furure OPEB ‘obligations for those individuals, Morrison Farm Although the creative plan to transform Morrsan| Farm did not recelve the nacessary tworthirds vote at ‘Annual Tou Mecting Apri the Seectmen agreed onthe importance of moving forward with same of the proposed Improvements. The Selectmen alsa have asked the Mort- son Farm Comite to provide guidance on possibie uses ‘ofthe farmhouse, which nas been updated but unoccunied for some years ‘Senior Center and North Aoton Fire Station Redux ‘The Selectren approved the cretion of two naw short-term commitiees to tako trash looks atthe fseues of ‘anew Senior Centr and North Acton fe elation, both of which have been the subject of past proposals that were tunsuccesst’ st Town Mosting Affordable Housing ‘The Acton Housing Authority decicated 12new, long awaited “green construction” town homes on Sachem We. ‘The new complex wil be known as Writlesay Vilage in honor of longtime Housing Authoy Commissioner and affordable housing advocate, Bob Whitlesey, Acton has ‘supported the project fom the outset, and Town Meeting fon more than one occasion approved the use of Com munity Proservaion Act funds for a small proportion of the total cost Environmental lesues ln Soptomber. Acton fled a lawsut in Massechu- setts Superior Cour, saeking to prohibit WR. Grace from shutting down the greundwater purrping end treatment system that has boon in operation snoe 2010 to clean Up chemical contaminants extending rom the WR. Grace Superfund Site toward the Schoo! Street well ld. The lawsuit asserts thatthe cleanup does not yet meet the sit standards of Actos groundwater-cleanup bylaw. The {federal Environmental Protection Agency, vith the concut- Fence of the Massachusetts Deparment of Env ronmental Protection, already had issued a conditional appcaval of the proposed shutdown, so W. R. Grace shut down the Itestment system. The dispute now isin the U.S. Distt 10 Court in Boston, where the court denied Acton’ request for preliminary inunetve rele but te court's decision on the Town's remaining clams stl pending In December, the Town of Concord held a Special “Town Meeting al wich residents approved the proposed purchase of property at 86 and 58 Knox Tall in Acton for school bus and other municipal vehicle storage and ‘maintenance, as wel a possibie access to the Coneora portion of the W.A. Grave propery. The Knox Tral parca les within the groundwater-protection district for Acton's the Assaber weil, which provide a sgniieent proportion of Actor's arirking water After Conords plan Became publicly known in October, Acton officals and Acton Water Distt officials voiced tir concems at @ meeting with Concord oficial, in writen communications to the Concord Selectmen, and in remarks to Concord resicants atthe Special Town Meeting in December. If Carcord completes ‘the acquisition, ts proposed use ofthe Knox Trl land i be an ongoing issue forthe Acton Seloctmen and the Acton ‘Water Distt n 2014, “The Solectmen work closely with and rely on the Town Manager, Town staf, and the mary residents volunteering ‘heir te on Town commitaes to keep the Town running ‘smoothly To all, cur eal hanks, Anda special thank: you to Christine Joyce, the Town Manager's Executive ‘Assistant, who has announced that she wil rere in May 2014 afer 41 years withthe Tow. We shall miss her, ‘Janet Adachi, Chairman ‘Mike Gowing, Vice Chairman Katie Green, Clerk David Clough, Member John Sonne, Member

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