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Preview Annual reports of the Town of Stoddard, New Hampshire

Annual Reports of the TOWN OF STODDARD New Hampshire For the Fiscal Year Ending June 2005 30, 1 TOWN CLERK: JOANREAD 446-2203 HOURS: Tuesday&Thursday 9:00AMto 2:00 PM & 4:00 PMto 6:00 PM orby appointment TAXCOLLECTOR: PATRICIACAMPBELL 446-3487 HOURS: Thursday 12:00 to 2:00 PM orbyappointment TOWN OFFICE: 446-3326 FAX446-7770 EVELYNNADEAU-AdministrativeAssistant HOURS: Wednesday& Friday 10:30AMto 2:30 PM SELECTMEN'S MEETINGS: Mondays 7:00 pmto close ofbusiness STODDARD BOARD OFSELECTMEN: LouisE. GrandPre' 446-7866 JohnD. Halter 847-9581 Bradley C. Pratt, Jr. 847-3261 STODDARD RECYCLING& TRANSFERSTATION HOURS: Saturday& Sunday9:00AMto 4:00 PM JunethroughLaborDay -WednesdayNoonto 4:00 PM also POLICE: MUTUALAID 911 FIRE & RESCUE: MUTUALAID 91 FIRE WARDEN: BURNINGPERMITS Joseph Sarcione, Warden 446-7144 Lewis Clark, DeputyWarden 446-3480 PatriciaLamothe, Deputy Warden 446-7430 ANIMALCONTROL: JessePollock 446-3428 OrCall StoddardPolice (446-3597) or KeeneMutualAidNon-Emergency (352-1291) LIBRARYHOURS: Wednesday 7:30-9:00 PM and Saturday 9:30-11:00AM STODDARD CONSERVATION COMMISSION: GeoffreyJones, Chairman 446-3439 STODDARD HISTORICALSOCIETY: MeetthirdMonday ofApril, June,August& October 7:30 PM AttheTownHall (will beposted) STODDARD PLANNINGBOARD: Meet firstTuesday ofthemonthattheTownHall - 7:00PM Anyone"wishingahearingbythePlanningBoardshouldcontact: PatriciaPutnam 446-7104 STODDARD SCHOOLBOARD: Meetthe firstThursdayofthemonth at 5:15 PM atthe JamesM. FaulknerElementary School Anyonewho wishes toappearbefore theBoardshould, ifpossible, contact the Chairmana weekpriorto meetingdate to be listedon theagenda SCHOOLBOARD MEMBERS: Michael Meyer 446-7050 Brian Pratt 847-9604 AlfriedaEnglund 847-9727 STODDARD CONGREGATIONALCHURCH: Services are nowyearr—ound @ 10:00AM, will start @ 9:00AMafter AM Memorial Day Sunday School: 9:00 Rev. DeLisa Little 446-4332 STODDARD ZONING BOARD OFADJUSTMENT: Hearings when needed - to be posted AnyonewishingahearingbytheZBA shouldcontact: PatriciaPutnam 446-7104 Annual Reports ''^,;^ of the TOWN OFFICERS of the TOWN OF STODDARD New Hampshire For the Fiscal Year Ending June 2005 30, Shedd Hill Bridge Since 2001 the Stoddard Garden Club has planted and maintained the flowers in the 7 six foot long boxes on the Shedd Hill Bridge. The boxes were constructed by John Lightbody with lumber donated by Carlisle Lumber Company. Monetary donations from individuals and businesses in Stoddard (called Bridge Box Sponsors) help purchase the soil, nutrients and flowers forthese boxes each May. COVERPHOTO: Compliments ofSTODDARD GARDEN CLUB INDEX Auditor'sReport 3 Budget 12 Cemetery CommissionReport 39 Comparative StatementofExpenses 23 Dogs Licensed 28 EstimatedRevenues 13 FinancialReport 16 Fire and RescueDepartment Report 38 GraniteLakeVillage DistrictReport 43 HomeHealthcare, Hospice andCommunity Services 42 Minutes ofTownMeeting 2004 44 Payments 18 PoliceDepartmentReport 35 PoliceDepartmentStatistics 36 Receipts 17 ScheduleofTownProperty 14 Selectmen's Narrative 6 Summary ofInventoryValuation 15 Tax Collector, Reportof 24 Tax Rate Information InsideBackCover TownClerk, Reportof 25 TownOfficers 4 TownWarrant 8 TransferStationRecycling Facility Report 41 Treasurer, Reportof 21 TrustFunds, Reportof 32 Vital Statistics 26 Zoning BoardofAdjustmentReport 40 SCHOOL REPORT AnnualMeeting Minutes 2004 70 Auditor's Report 60 Balance SheetGovernmentFunds 62 Building andGrounds ExpendableTrustFund 67 Multipurpose RoomAdditionBond 68 Principal's Report 57 Proposed 2005-2006 Budget 64 Prorationfor2005/2006 SAU OperatingBudget 79 SAU#24Annual Report 75 SAU#24 2005-2006 Budget 78 SAU#24ReportofSuperintendentofSchools 76 SchoolBoardReport 55 School DistrictOrganization 53 Special EducationExpenditures 69 StudentEnrollment 72 Warrant 54 VALUATIONSAND TAXES CurrentUseLand 125 GraniteLakeVillage District 119 Property 83 AUDITORS REPORT The records ofthe Selectmen, Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Trustee ofthe Trust Funds, Cemetery Commission, and Library Trustees have been examined pursuant to RSA: 41.31 for the year ending June 30, 2004. This audit was conducted by balancing all accounts, checking all income and expense vouchers and verifying the method of handling all aspects of the financial positions ofthe Town of Stoddard. This included the procedures used by the duly elected Officers and appointed personnel charged with the responsibilities ofthe positions listed above. In the opinion ofthis Auditor, the above accounts, together with their financial statements, present fairly the financial position for the year end of the Town ofStoddard. These records also conform to generally accepted accounting principals applied using the cash basis method. Respectfully submitted, Virginia R, GrandPre\ Auditor TOWNOFFICERS AUDITORS VIRGINIAGRANDPRE' TERMEXPIRES2004 WALTERSERBENT TERMEXPIRES2004 ZONINGBOARDOFADJUSTMENT (BYAPPOINTMENT) BEVERLYPOWER/CHAIR SANDRASHERMAN FREDWARD ROSCOEPUTNAM RICHARDBETZ BONNIEDAHLING/ALTERNATE NANCYROBINSON/ALTERNATE PATRICIAPUTNAM/SECRETARY EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTDIRECTOR (BYAPPOINTMENT) LINDSEYFREESE HEALTHOFFICERS SELECTMAN CONSERVATIONCOMMISSION (BYAPPOINTMENT) GEOFFJONES/CHAIR RICHARDBRIER/VICECHAIR JOHNSECCO GERRYPELLETIER ANNIEFAULKERKING/ALTERNATE RECREATIONCOMMISSION (BYAPPOINTMENT) CHETTPRATTJR. JEFFREYBUSH OVERSEEROFTHEPUBLICWELFARE SELECTMEN REPRESENTATIVETOTHEGENERALCOURT DISTRICT#2 DANIELA. EATON STODDARD JOHNMPRATT WALPOLE SHELDONS.SAWYER WALPOLE TOWNSINDISTRICT#2 ALSTEAD ROXBURY MARLBORO NELSON STODDARD SULLIVAN WALPOLE SELECTMEN'S NARRATIVE All financial reports herein are from the 7/1/03 - 6/30/04 fiscal year, being that those are the most recent audited reports. The Budget and Estimated Revenues are the excepfions to this rule. We recently learned that Brian Cahill will soon be leaving our community after serving many, many years as Fire Chief. With heartfelt gratitude for his dedicated service to the town, we wish Brian the best ofluck in all his fixture endeavors. Congratulations to Patricia (P. J.) LaMothe, on being chosen our new Fire Chief We want to take this opportunity to express thanks to all the volunteer members oftown boards and commissions whose time and efforts seemingly go unnoticed. We very much appreciate that you take time from your busy lives to serve our town. Now Our thanks also go out to the Stoddard Garden Club. that spring is here, we will begin to see your flower boxes and plantings making Stoddard a more beautiful place. REMINDER: You need a permit for most building, excavating, lot clearing, and timber cutting. Any land work near a lake or wetland area may also require a permit. Please take the time to check with our office to obtain the necessary permits and make certain that j your project is not in violation ofany local or state laws before getting started. Thank you. Your Selectmen, Bradley C. (Chet) Pratt, Jr., Chairman Louis E. GrandPre' John D. Halter 2003StoddardTaxBillof$12.44 StateProp$3.68 30% 2004Stoddard Tax Billof$12.80 Town$0.86 StateProp$2.11 County$2.98 School$6.85 TOWN OFSTODDARD, NH TOWNWARRANT Totheinhabitants oftheTownofStoddardinthe County ofCheshire inthe State of NewHampshire, quahfiedtovoteinTownaffairs: Youareherebynotifiedtomeet attheTownHallinsaid StoddardonTuesday, thetenth(10th) dayofMay 2005, nextat eleven(11:00AM) ofthe clockinthe forenoonto actuponthe following ThePollswillbeopenfi-om 11:00AMto 7:00PM. ART. 1: TochoosebyballotallnecessaryTownOfficersforthe ensuingyear. FURTHER, youareherebynotifiedtomeet attheJamesFaulknerElementary SchoolLucyB. HillCommunityRoomin said StoddardonTuesday,the seventeenth (17th) day ofMay2005,nextat seven (7:00 PM) ofthe clockinthe evening,to act uponthe articles2 through27. ART. 2: To see iftheTownwillvotetoraise andappropriatethe sumof $170,549.00 to defi-ayTownchargesforthe ensuingyear. TheSelectmen recommendthisappropriation. ART. 3: To see iftheTownwillvotetoraise andappropriatethe sumof $3,500.00 asthe operatingbudgetforthe StoddardPlanningBoardforthe ensuing year. ThePlanningBoardandSelectmen recommendthisappropriation. ART. 4: To seeiftheTownwill votetoraise andappropriatethe sumof $1,057.00 formembershipwiththe SouthwestRegionPlanningCommissionforthe ensuingyear. ThePlanningBoardandSelectmen recommendthisappropriation. ART. 5: To see iftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethe sumof $1,200.00 asthe operatingbudgetofthe StoddardZoningBoardofAdjustmentfor the ensuingyear. TheZoningBoardofAdjustmentandSelectmen recommendthis appropriation. ART. 6: To see iftheTownwill votetoraise andappropriatethe sumof $1,000.00 tomaintainE-911 records. TheSelectmen recommendthis appropriation. ART. 7: To seeiftheTownwillvotetoraise andappropriatethe sumof $3 ,800.00 forthe operatingbudgetofthe StoddardPoliceDepartment. ThePolice 1 DepartmentandSelectmen recommendthisappropriation. ART. 8: To see iftheTownwill votetoauthorizethe Selectmentocontinue a lease agreementestablishedforthepurpose ofleasingaPoliceCruiserforthePohce Departmentandtoraise andappropriatethe sumof$7,364.00 forthe fourthand final leasepayment ontheFordExpeditionPoliceCruiser. This lease containsan escape clause. (Majorityvoterequired) ThePoliceDepartmentandSelectmen recommendthisappropriation. ART. 9: To seeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethe sumof 8

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