Annual Reports Hampton Falls New Hampshire Incorporated 1722 Town Reports 2009 School District Reports 2009-2010 TOWN SERVICES EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance, Fire, Police 911 & Ambulance Fire 926-3377 Police 772-4716 NON-EMERGENCY NUMBERS PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Fire Department 926-5752 Fax (929-0587) [email protected] Police Department 926-4619 Fax (926-6042) LIBRARY Hampton Falls Library 926-3682 Tuesday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesday 1 - 8 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9- 1 p.m. Saturday (Jun-Aug) 9-noon PUBLIC WORKS Road Agent Contact Number 926-4618 x 3 RUBBISH DISPOSAL FOR EXTENSIVE REMOVAL MA Northside Carting, No. Andover, 978-686-8604 Brush Dump open Saturdays (April toNovember) 10 a.m. -4 p.m. TOWN HALL Town Offices Fax: 926-1848 Town Administrator 926-4618 Ext: 3 [email protected] Administrative Assistant 926-4618 Ext: 2 [email protected] Town Clerk 926-4618 Ext: 1 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 a.m.- 12 noon & 1 -4 pm Friday. (Sept-May) 9 a.m. - 12 noon townclerk@ Tax Collector 926-4618 Ext: 4 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 noon& 1 -4 pm taxcollector@ Building Inspector/Code Enforcement 926-4618 Ext: 5 Health Officer buildinginspector@ Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8 a.m. - 1 1a.m. & 1 -3 pm Friday 8 a.m.- 11a.m. FrontCover OldStageRoadCoveredBridge Back Cover Construction ofthe OldStageRoadCoveredBridge Contributorsto Town ReportPhotos PascalM. Bracco, Robbie E. Dirsa, Pam Fitzgerald, DavidE. French, NorthwayBuildersInc., Photosmith and Tim Samway ANNUAL REPORTS FOR THE TOWN & SCHOOL OF HAMPTON FALLS NEW HAMPSHIRE As Compiled by the Town Officers for the year ending December 31, 2009 As Compiled by the School Officers for the year ending June 30, 2010 DEDICATION Theodore C. Tocci Selectman 2006-2009 Planning Board, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Member Road Committee Capital Improvement Plan/Master Plan Committee, Chairman and Member Rockingham Planning Commission, Hampton Falls Representative Rockingham Planning Commission Executive Committee Town Representative to: Seacoast Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Advisory Committee Coastal Communities Corridor Transportation Subcommittee Town Beautification/Improvement Committee Member Heritage Commission Member Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Library Trustees Selectmen's Representative DEDICATION Judith B. Wilson, Chairperson CoveredBridgeArchitectJack P. Fermery OldStage RoadCoveredBridge Committee Cuttingthe ribbon atthe informalbridge opening On December26, 2009 The OldStage Road CoveredBridge Committee l-r: Wayne N. Barker, RichardRobinson, Peter G. Robart, LarryN. Smith, Hampton Representative Nathan Page, ArchitectJackP Fermery, MichaelL. Henry, DavidE. French, . JudyB. Wilson (CH), Steve C. VolponeJr. andLarry & Fran Rice Members not in thephoto are Steven W. Bryant, Paul W. Fitzgerald, Tim SamwayandMarkA. Thompson. MEMORIUM IN Verna Pevear Gordon A. Janvrin I. 2/13/23-12/9/09 9/24/12-4/26/09 Supervisor ofthe Checklist 1990-1996 Fire Department Association Member Library Trustee Chairman and Member 1969-1983 Hampton Falls Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary Member Cemetery Trustee 1995-1999 Historical Society Member TOWN WINS BEAUTIFICATION AWARD A letter from the NH Arborists Association was Private donations, grants and volunteer labor covered the received by the Town in late January announcing a contest costs ofall these improvements. for municipalities throughout New Hampshire that had The application and all the information was turned over done landscaping and improvement projects. Realizing a to Sheila, who assembled a wonderful binder that caught number of projects had been accomplished town-wide, the attention of the judges, who stated it was "a joy to persons who had worked on these projects were called read." Wonderful news arrived in April that Hampton Falls together and asked if they were interested in entering the had been selected to receive the 2008 NH Arborists contest. Sheila Kennedy, Jack Fermery, Beverly Mutrie Beautification Award. Twenty municipalities were and Ted Tocci all agreedto "go for it." selected statewide based on population size. Jack Fermery With a short deadline of March 1, as much and Ted Tocci received the award in a ceremony at the information, photos, and article as possible were Governor's Council Chambers in June This achievement assembled. This included all the work done on the Town would not have been possible without the support of all Common, the planting of the elm trees along Governor those who volunteered their services, donations and the Weare Park under the direction ofthe Town Improvement grants received. Committee, the flower garden and walkway fronting the The binder and plaque is on display at the Town Hall Historical Society building, all the flower beds around the and Historical Society respectively. Town Hall and landscaping improvements at the Library. VOLUNTEER APPLICATION The Board ofSelectmen is often in need ofvolunteers to serve on committees, commissions, boards and departments. If you would like to volunteer your time to the Town, please fill out this form and send it to the Town Administrator at the Town Hall. NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: In order to contribute to the community ofHampton Falls, I am willing to volunteer to serve on the following board(s), commission(s), committee(s) and/orprojects. Conservation Commission Historical Society Election Workers Planning Board - alternate Emergency Management Recreation Commission & Energy Committee Solid Waste Recycling Committee Fire Department Town Offices "Doc Star" filing system Friends ofthe Library Town Improvement Committee Hampton Falls Newsletter Zoning Board ofAdjustment* Trainingrequireduponconditional appointment. Heritage Commission Please attach a briefstatement as to why you feel qualified to serve. Thank you. Mail Form To: Town Administrator Drinkwater Road 1 Hampton Falls, NH 03844 10/09 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOWN REPORT Police Department 45 Ambulance 48 Recreation Commission 54 American Legion 60 Rockingham Planning Commission 44 Assessing Department 28 ScholarshipCommittee 63 Audit fullaudit isatthe Town Hall 71 Selectmen 25 Audited Balance Sheets 72 Solid Waste, Recycling & Brush Dump 53 Bookkeeper 29 Statistics 10 Supervisors ofthe Checklist 27 Budget2010 83 Tax Collector2008 & 2009 125 Building Inspector 51 TaxRatio 74 Capital Improvements Program 30 CIP Spreadsheet 33 Town Beautification Award 5 Cemetery Trustees 45 Town Buildings 114 Code Enforcement 51 Town Clerk 124 Town Improvement Committee 55 Comparative Statementof Appropriations& Expenses 115 Town Meeting Minutes 1809 13 Conservation Commission 60 Town Meeting Minutes 1909 14 Debt Service Schedule 140 Town Meeting Minutes 2009 16 DefaultBudget 93 Town Officers 11 Election Results -Town 16 Town Office Hours Front Cover Emergency Management 51 Town Owned Land & Easements 111 Emergency PhoneNumbers FrontCover Town Vehicles 114 EnergyCommittee 61 Town Warrant2010 77 Executive 25 Treasurer 116 Expenditures 128 Trust Funds 138 Fees & Charges 65 Vital Statistics 175 Financial Administration 28 VolunteerApplication Form 6 Financial Assistance &Grants 64 Wages 142 Financial Report 75 Website 70 Fire Department 48 Welfare 54 BurningofBrush 49 Zoning Board ofAdjustment 30 ForestFire Warden 49 SpreadsheetofActivities 43 GovernmentBuildings 45 SCHOOL REPORT Health 51 Health Agencies 56 Attendance 153 HeritageCommission 30 Budget2009-2010 101 Highway Department 53 Certified Staff 151 Highway SafetyCommittee 53 Historical Society 62 Deliberative Session Minutes 146 InventoryofValuation 75 DistrictOfficers 145 Library Treasurer 59 Election Results 147 Library Trustees 59 Enrollment 154 Local GovernmentCenter 26 Revenues & Credits 155 Local GovernmentOperational Chart Back Cover Salaries 152 MosquitoControl 52 Salary Schedule 152 NewsletterCommittee 61 School Board 148 Old StageRoad Covered Bridge Committee 62 School Memberships 154 Ordinances 67 School Warrant2009-2010 97 PlanningBoard 29 SpreadsheetofActivities 36 Special Education 155 RoadCommittee 44 Superintendent 150 Board of Selectmen 2009-2010 l-r: RichardP. McDermott, Chairman MichaelJ. Farinola, Shawn C. Hanson