y" REDEEMER UNIVERSITY ANNO. DOMIN REDEEMER AUDSA SPIRO RNR RE UNIVERSITY President De, Rovsert J, Grae ‘elcome to the 2021 addition of Anno Domini, Redeemer’s annual yearbook! ’ Thanks to Senior Editor Meghan Heron and the rest of the ‘yearbook staff for all the work they have put into telling the story of our year together. As years progress, I know you will return to this book to reflect on your memories of Redeemer and the things you have learned. ‘As I write this in March of 2021, Trecognize that it has been a difficult year for us all. We have faced new challenges and obstacles. Things that we have come to depend upon, including the strong sense of community that is a hallmark of Receemer University, have been challenged. But signs of progress give us some reason for optimism and a return to a more normal way of life, hopefully in the not-too-distant future. Redeemer's theme this year was, "My grace is sufficient for you." Tf there was ever a year in which the need for God’s grace was obvious, it has been this year. God has cer‘ainly been with us, in ways seen and unseen, as we have had to individually and collectively innovate and adapt. The Bible is full of stories of God's people facing difficult and sometimes nearly impossible circumstances. It also tells over and over about God sustaining and delivering his people. I trust that ‘you have felt God's presence and perhaps have seen evidence of hhis mercies in your life. Know that the Redeemer communil including faculty and staff, heve and will continue to pray for you. This was certainly a year that changed us all, and one that ‘you will talk about for years to come. I encourage you to look ‘back and also sce the blessings that God has provided. Whether you are graduating this year or returning, I pray as you journey into wherever the summer takes you, you will continue to stay close to God througa Iis word and seek Tis will in your Ie. Yours in Christ, Dr. Robert J. Graham President SUFFI CIENT 2. CORINTHIANS 129 it D) NM W Hobls, 4 Seth i Kinberly lee Gu an (ridgst/CniieySergexn) (Petnr/I:aveling Man) (Dalia Potiocman 8/Poe!) ~ i “nah Rebekka a fA INT), — 0" Hf, sdosche Margie Abggail Bergel Sverine Deplanie Salacator (Cathleen/Ragged Man) 3 Rory Maohhy Od | (Poticoman X/Pos!) Stage Gocd night shuts jeyibe lo you all Gocd night cna joy Be to you al fhe Parking ies