4 YOGA MAT COMPANION bandhaypougbol ications Thibso oki si ntendaesd rae ferevnocleu moen lyn,o ta s mae dicmaaln ualI.ti sn ott ob eu sedi n anym annefro rd iagnoosrit sr eatmeonfmt e dicoarls urgiccoanld itiTohnisbs.o oki sa lsnoo ti n tendetdob e sau bstituftoear nyt reatmetnhtam ta yb eo rh asb eenp rescribbyye od uhre altcha re providIefyr o.u s uspetchta yto uh avea medicparlo blecmo,n suylotu prh ysiciAalnw.a yisn,y our particuclaasreo ,bt amiend iccalle arafrnocme y ouprh ysicbieafno bree ginnitnhgep ractoifcy eo ga ora nyo theerx ercipsreo graAml.w aypsr actiycoeg uan detrh ed iregcuti danacned s upervisioofn a qualifiaendde xperienicnesdtru ctoWro.r kindgi recwtiltyha qualifiyeodg ian structocra nh elp top reveinntj urTiheesa .u thor, illuesdtirtaoptruo,br lsi,s ahnedrd istributsopre cificdailslcyl aim anyr esponsiboirll iiatbyi liitnyj ufrotirhe asmt a yo ccudru rintgh ep ractiocfey ogao ra nyo ther exercpirsoeg ram. PublisbhyeB da ndhYao gaP ublications PlattsbuNYr gh, www.bandhayoga.com Copyri@g2h0t1 R0a ymonAd. L ongM,D ,F RCSC Alclo ntenvti,s uaanld t extuparlo,d ucuendd etrh ed irectioofRn a yA. LongM,D ,F RCSC Alrli ghrtess erved. Nop arotf t hibso okm ayb er eproducsetdo,r ienda r etrievasly steomr, transmitbtyae ndy m eans, elecmtercohnainci,cp ahlo,t ocopyriencgo,r ding, oro therwiwsiet,h owurti ttpeenr missfiroonmt hep ublisher. MatC ompanioinsae r egisterterda demark. Distribbyu tGerde enlBeoaofkG rouLpL C Foro rderiinngf oramtiona ndb ulpku rchasceosn,t aBcatn dhYao gaP ublications. [email protected] Phone5:1 8.578.3720 Desigann dc ompositbiyoG nr eenlBeoaofkG rouLpL C Covedre sigbnyG reenlBeoaofkG rouLpL C Fronatn db ackco ver illusbytr aKtuiroLtno sn gB,F A www.kurtlong.net ComputeGrr aphiTcesch nicDailr ectCohrr:iM sa civor Sanskcriatl ligraapnhdyb ordepra intinSgt:e waTrhto masw ww.palmstone.com EditoErry:nK irkwooMAd,, R YT www .barrhavenyoga.com • ISBN1 39:7 8-1-60743-945-5 Parotf t heTr eeN eutraplrToMg rawmh,i cohf sfettsh en umbeorf tr eesc onsumeidn thep roductiaonnd p rintoifnt gh ibso okby takipnrgo actsitveep ssu,c ha sp lanting I treeisnd irepcrto porttioot nh en umbeorf t reeuss edw:w w.t reeneutral.com� PrintiendC anadoan a cid-frpeaep er 101 11 21 3 1145 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FirEsdti tion C ON T EN TS INTRODUCT.I...O..N.. ......................... .....................................1.. . INVERSIO...N..S.. ....................................................................9 9 How TOU sET HIBSo oK... .......................................................2 ADHOM uKHAV RKSAS.A..N..A... ........................................ 100 PINCHMAA YURASANA.. .............••••••••..•••••........••••••.....•1•.0..9 EVERPYo sTEE LLAS S TOR.Y... .................................................. 4 SIRSAS..A..N..A... .............................................................1 16 KEYC oNCEP..T..S.. ............................................................. ..... 5 PARSVSAJS RASANA. .....................1.2.5. .................................. AGONISANTTAG/O NISRETLA TIONSHIPS: EKAP ADAS IRSAS.A...N...A.. .............................................. 133 RECIPROCALI NHIBI..T...I..O..N... ............................................. 6 SAI.AMBA SARVANGA.S..A...N..A.• •••••....•.•••....••.•••••........1..4...0. KEY MuscLIEs oLATI.O..N...s.. .............................................. 8 EKAP ADAS ARVANGAS.A.N.A. ..............1.4.8. ........................... KEYC o-ACTIVATIO.N..S.. ................................................... 10 HALASAN..A.. ..................................................................1 56 Co-ACTIVATINGS YNERGIS..T...S.. ........••••....•..•••••••...••••••1..2••• PARSVHAALA SANA. .....................1.6.2. ................................. FACIALTEIDTS TRETCHE.S... ..................................................1 4 REsTORATIVEP osE.s. ......................1.6.8. ................................... BANDHAS ............................1.6. ........................................... BALASAN.A. ........................1.6.8. ......................................... THEB ANDHAY oGAC oDE.X. ..................1.9. ....V.J.P.A.R.KARANI.T!.A . ....................................................................... .........1 69 ARM BALANCE S. .........................2.5. ....S.AV.A.S.A..N...A.... ....................................·.· .···.··..·. ....................................1....6 .9. ... ADHOM UKHAS VANASA.N.A. ................2.7. .M.O.V.E.M.E.N.IT.N .D.EX.... ............................................................. ................ 171 CHATURANDGAAN DASA••N••A••. ...................••........•••.....•.3••4•• ANATOMIYN DE...X.. .............................................................1 83 VA SISTHA.S...A..N...A.. ...................................................... .41 INDEOXF M USCLEASN DL IGAME.N..T...S... ..............................2 12 BAKASA.N.A. ........................4. .7. .......................................... EKAP ADAB AKASAIN.IA... .................................................5. 4 GLOSSAORFYT ERM.S.. ......................................................... 214 T!TTIBHAS.A.N.A. .....................6.2. ..S.A.N.S.K.R.PI.RT.O .N.U.N.C.I.AAN.TD.I .OP.NO. S.IE.N .D.E...X.... ..............................2.. 1.7. .. BHUJAPIDAS...A..N..A... .......................................................6 8 ENGLIPSoHs IEN DE..x••• ••••.••.............••••••.••••••••..........•......•2•• 19 AsTAVAKRAS.A.N.A. ....................7.5. ...................................... EKAP ADAB AKASAIN.. A... ..................................................8 2 PARSVBAA KASA.N.A. ....................9.0. .................................... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I NT RO DU CTOIN THEM AT COMPANIOSNE RIEPSR OVIDEAS M ETHODCIALA PPROACFHO RU SING scientcoeb alanacned c onnetchte b odya ndm indi ny ogaT.h ef ourbtoho kc on cludtehses eriweist ahr mb alancaensdi nversionsp-otscweao t egotrhiaectsl early integrate owpiptohstiihnteb e osd y. Ino urb ipedfaolr mt,h e hips anedx tlroewmeirat rieet sh ew eight-bearing constrTuhcetm .o rem obilseh ouldaenrdsu ppeerx tremiatlileosuw s t oi nteract witthh ew orlIdn.a rmb alancweesi ,n vetrhti cso nstrutchte,r esbtyr engthening them usclebso,n esa,n dl igamenotft sh eu ppeerx tremitFireosma. n e nergetic perspecatrimvbe a,l ances sttihmenu elravtpeel exusaesss ociawtiettdhh ef ourth andf iftchh akras. Prtahcetsipeco isnegws i thp recismioovne sn erviem pulses upwardtsh routghhe s ubtbloed yT.h iosp entsh ew ayf otrh eu nimpedfeldo owf energfyr omt he loawnedrm orep rimordrieagli oonfst hes acrpalle xutsot he higher-funclteivoenoliftsn h geb rain. A similbaarl ancoifno gp posittaeksep sl acwei tihn verted poses. Consider that mosto fo urt imies s penwti tthh eh eada bovteh eh earatn dt hel oweerx tremities beloiwt I.n versiroenvse rtshei bsr,i ngtihngeh eadb elotwh eh earatn dt hel ower extremiatbioevsie t P.o tentbieanle fiotfst hibso dyp ositiinocnl uldoew erbeldo od pressuarnedh earrta taen di mprovceidr culaotfei nodno rphiinnt sh eb raiAnl.ol f thipsr epartehseb odyf odre epr elaxation. Armb alanciensv igoarnadts eti mulattheem indI.n versibornisni gtt or est. INTRODUCT1I ON HOW TO USET HISB OOK Practicyionggai sl ikpea ssintgh rougah s erioefsd oorsw.it he achd oorr evealnienwg possibiliintt iheeps o sesT.h ek eyt ou nlockitnhgef irdsoto ri su nderstandtihnejg o int positioTnhsi.us n derstandciannbg e u sedt oi dentitfhyem uscletsh actr eatteh ef orm oft hep osea ndt hosteh astt rtech.T hek eyt op ositiontihnej go itnsi se ngagitnhge c or recmtu scleTsh.i bse ginwsi tht hep rimmeo vers. Entghaepg rei mmeo vers atnhdeb ones wilall igTnh.e k eyt od eepenitnhgea sanaissu sinygo uru nderstandoifpn hgy sioltoog y lengthen the muscles itnht ahtep osster.e tFcohc us on tahnedst eh ep koesytsu rweisl l automaticfaalllilyn tpol acaen dm anifetshte b eneficeifafle cotfsy ogaT.h esein clude improvefdl exibihleiitgyh,t enaewda reneas sse,n soef w ell-beainndgd ,e epr elaxation. TheM atC ompaniosne riiessa seto fm odulabro oksE.a chb ookf ocusoensa specipfoisce categoarnyd c ontaitnhsef ollowing: • TheK eyC onceptas d:e scriptoifbo ino mechaniacnadpl h ysiologpircianlc ipwlietsh applicatfioorsnp sec ificp oses. • TheB andhaY ogaC odexa: s implfei ve-sptreopc etshsa cta nb eu sedt oi mprovyeo ur flebxiliity, strengatnhd,p recisiinot nh ea sanas. • TheP oseS ectioan d:e taildeeds criptoifto hnei ndividpuoaslt ures. • MovementI ndexe:x planatioofbn osd ym ovemenatn dt ablleiss ttihngem uscles associawtietdhe achm ovement. • AnatomyI ndexa: v isulails tionfbg o nesl,i gamenatnsd.m uscle(ss howitnhge origins. insaenrdat citoinoson.fse ach). • GlossaorfyT erms • SanskrPirto nunciatainodnP oseI ndex • EnglisPho seI ndex AGONIST/ANTAGORNEILSATT IONSHIPS: RlCIPROICNAHLI BITION ,�1�· -· • F I G U1 TRh eEK eyC oncepts I'\ showy ouh owt oa pply biomechanaincdps h ysiology toy ourp oseRse.a dt hisse ction firasntd r eturnh eroef tetno refreysohu krn owledeg. 2 YOGMAA TC OMPANIOIN B OOK4 F I G UT hReo pEe ni2np ga gef ore ach SALAMBA SARVANGASANA posei llustrtahtebe ass ijco inatc tioannsd positioofnt sh eb odyf ort hapta rticular asanaS.a nskraintd E nglinsahm esa re providfeodre achp osturUes.et hipsa ge toa ssiysotu i nl earnitnhgeb asifco rm oft hep osea ndo thecro ncidseet ails. SalambaS arvongosano FIGURE 3 Prepatiorna Uset hep reparatsoercyt ion asa guidfeo rh owt oe ntetrh ep oseI.f youa ren ewt oy ogao rf eeal b its tiff, useo neo ft hesmeo dificatfiooryn osu r practiIcneg .e neratlh,ep reparatpoorsye s affetchte s amem usclger oupass t he finaals anaY.o uw ilble neffirto mt hep ose nom attewrh ichv ariatyioounp ractice. FIGURE4 Eachp osec omesw itha serioefss tepfso re ngagitnhge m uscles thapto sititohnej ointcso,n cludiwnigt h a summaryo ft hem uscletsh astt retch. Muscletsh acto ntraacrtec olordeidf ferent shadeosf b lue( witthh ep rimmeo vers deepb luea)n,d t hosteh astt retacrhe redU.s et hep oses ectitoonm aster thea natomoyf a nyg iveans ana. HOWT OU SET HISB OOK 3 EVERYP O SE T ELSL AS TORY Paintisncgusl,p tuarnedsy ,o gap oses-lwirkiet tepnr oducian gge nersaeln soef w ell-beainndeg m o workosr c inema-taelllal s torWyi.t ht hiisnm ind,ti onabla lanTchee.l owecrh akraasss ociawtiettdhh e iti sh elpfullo otakott hee lementthsac tr eaatn ea rsacrpalle xaurses timulataendde, n ergeotipce nings ratiavneds eeh owt hecya nb eu setdo b enefiyto ur occuwri thtihne s ubtbloed yA. m ultilayecroegdn i practiCceen.t rtaoal n ys toriysa confltihcatmt u st tives hitfatk epsl ace. ber econcoirla endo bstatchlaemt u stb eo vercome. We thenm oveo ura ttentitoona nothseurb Tensiobnu iladnsd,a c resceinsdr oe achfeodl,l owepdl ootft hem ains torUyn.d erstantdhianttgh em ain byd enouemeAn ts.o lutmiuosnt b en egotiaItne ds.t oroyfD ogP osies a focussetdr etocfth h eh am theb esstt oritehsi,ds y namiecv okeas c ognitisvter inagnsdg luteawel csa,n c aloln s upporticnags t shifitnt hea udienac nee,w p erspectCiovnes.i detroa mplitfyh iIsn.D ownwarFda ciDnogg t,h imse ans thiisnt hec onteoxfat p osoer p ractsiecses iUosne. contracttihnegt ricepTsh.i fso rciest ransmittot ed them etaphoofrn arratisvteru ctutroed eepetnh e thel oweerx tremiatiset sh,et orsiosp ressbeadc k trafnosr matpiovwee orf y oga. towartdh et higWhes .c ana lssoh itfth ef ocutsoa n Letd'esc onsttruhcets toroyfD ownwarFda cinga gonist/antaggroonusipus ctah s t heq uadricaenpds Dogc:o ntractthiepn sgo aasn di tssy nergists hfalmesxterisn rgse,p eatitnhge p rocedsess cribed above theh ipasn dtr unkT.h eh ipe xtensooprpso steh isf ort heh ipf lexoArsst .h ei ntensoiftty hes tretch actiocnr,e ataic nogn floirco tb stacIlnec.r eastihneg i ncreatsheesc ,o nfleisccta lautnetislfi, n alal yc re contracftoirlcoeef t hep soabsu iltdesn siwohni,c hs cendiosr eachwehde nt hep ostuirsce o mpleWtee . theg lutemuasx imuist,as n tagonriessti,sS tesn.s ormyo vet ot hen expto stuursei,n tgh eb reattohw eave receptroerlsai yn formattioot nh es pincaolr adb outt hep racttiocgee ther. them usclel'esn gatnhd t ensiTohnec. e ntrnaelr vous Iti ss aitdh atth ec onscimoiunsd c annofto cus systetmh enn egotiatae sso lutitootn h ec onfliocntm oret hatnw oo bjecattos n eti me.W henw es yn throurgehc iproicnahli biatinodno theprh ysiolocghironiozuera ttentoinot nh eb reaatnhd i ndividual calp rocessTehses. tr etchimnugs clree laxtehse, musclger oupwse,e liminmaetnet aclh attaenrdc ul metaphoriocbaslt acilsoe v ercomaen,dt heb ody tivatae s tatoefm editatiavbes orptiaolntl,h ew hile movedse epeirn ttoh ep oseE.n dorphairners e leasesdc,u lptitnhgep ose. 4 YOGMAA TC OPMAINONI BOOK4 KEY CONCEPTS