DBs and hardware: the beginning and sequel of a beau6ful friendship Anastasia Ailamaki EPFL and RAW Labs SA FRIEND OR BULLY? pipelining ILP SMT mul6-‐core heterogeneous H/W recurring headaches non-‐uniform communica6on underu6liza6on of resources one size fits none aspirin or vitamin? recurring headaches non-‐uniform communica<on underu6liza6on of resources one size fits none aspirin or vitamin? NU: MA, and more 21 cycles 72 cycles 237 cycles scan Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core s L1 /L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 B 8.8 L2 GiL2 L2 L2 GiB/sL 2 L2 L2 L2 5 6 L3 L3 Column Memory controller Memory controller Column Inter-‐socket links Inter-‐socket links Socket 0 Socket 1 unpredictable performance 2x12-core Intel Xeon E5-2650L v3, 24x16GiB DDR3 scalability on mul6cores 700 1200 600 )1000 ) s s p p T OLTP Q500 OLAP K 800 ( ( t 400 t u u p 600 p h h g300 g u u 400 8 socket x 10 core o 2 socket x 8 core o r200 r 800K rows h Parallel aggrega6on h T T 200 Probing one row 100 128MB column 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 8 16 24 32 # of sockets # of threads vitamin: adap<ve par<<oning access latency memory bandwidth 6 OLTP: communica6on islands [VLDB12,ICDE14] 7 ideal Shared-‐nothing 6 ) adap6ve S ATraPos Pthre5a ds T naïve M PLP 4 Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core ( t u 3 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 p h 2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 g u o 1 L3 L3 r h T 0 Memory controller Memory controller 1 IInntt2eerr -‐-‐ssoocckkeett lliinn3kk ss 4 5 InIntteerr-‐-‐ssoocc6kkee tt llininkks s 7 8 Socket 0 Number of socketSso cket 1 near-‐linear scalability OLAP: par66oning across sockets [VLDB15] 1 hot table 3 hot tables ) h / s H) 1 p 1 e h t p 0.8 s 0.8 Q . v ( 0.6 a 0.6 t u n p ( h 0.4 t 0.4 u g p u 0.2 h 0.2 o g r h u T 0 o 0 r h 1 2 4 8 16 1 2 4 8 16 T # of par66ons per table # of par66ons per table fewer par<<ons è higher throughput 8 recurring headaches non-‐uniform communica6on underu<liza<on of resources one size fits none aspirin or vitamin? processor is idle most of 6me 100x TPC-‐C 100% 100GB data D 1 worker thread n 90% w E Intel Ivy Bridge o 80% L d L k a 70% A e r T B 60% S s e 50% l c y C 40% n Y o 30% S < u U 20% use cores c e B x 10% E 0% improve performance Shore-‐MT DBMS D VoltDB HyPer DBMS M save energy