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Preview Analytica Chimica Acta 1999: Vol 19 Index

VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY Vibrational Spectroscopy 19 (1999) 479-481 Author Index Akin, D.E., see Himmelsbach, D.S. 361 De Groot, H.J.M., see Egorova-Zachernyuk, T.A. 347 Aluas, M., see Cinta, S. 329 DeVerse, R.A. Andrushchenko, V.V. —, Hammaker, R.M. and Fateley, W.G. —, Van de Sande, J.H. and Wieser, H. Hadamard transform Raman imagery with a digital micro- Interaction of deoxyribo-oligonucleotides with divalent man- mirror array 177 ganese ions: comparison of vibrational circular dichroism and Diesing, D., see Futamata, M. 187 absorption spectroscopy 341 Dunken, H.H., see Hobert, H. 205 Arenas, J.F. —, Lépez Tocén, I., Otero, J.C. and Marcos, J.I. Eckert, C.A., see Kazarian, §.G. 277 The charge transfer mechanism in the SERS of 2-methylpyra- Egorova-Zachernyuk, T.A. zine on silver electrode 213 —, Remy, A., Shkuropatov, A.Ya., Gast, P., Hoff, A.J., Assa, J., see Karamancheva, I. 369 Gerwert, K. and De Groot, H.J.M. Efficient conditions for the photoaccumulation of H, in the Baumruk, V., see Leulliot, N. 335 photosynthetic reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides Bok, J., see Prochazka, M. 233 R26 with uniformly labelled bacteriopheophytin monitored by Braiman, M.S., see Hutson, M.S. 379 Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy 347 Brantley, N.H., see Kazarian, S.G. 277 Chazalviel, J.-N., see Maroun, F. 193 Fateley, W.G., see DeVerse, R.A. 177 Chmelova, K. Fomina, M., see Grube, M. 301 —, St&pdnek, J. and Zachova, J. Furukawa, M., see lida, Y. 399 Polarized Raman study of the low-symmetry molecular crys- Futamata, M. tals: 9-methyladenine:1-methylthymine complex 255 — and Diesing, D. Church, J.S. Adsorbed state of pyridine, uracil and water on gold electrode — and O'Neill, J.A. surfaces 187 The detection of polymeric contaminants in loose scoured wool 285 Gapes, J.R., see Schuster, K.C. 467 Cinta, S. Gast, P., see Egorova-Zachernyuk, T.A. 347 —, Morari, C., Vogel, E., Maniu, D., Aluas, M., Iliescu, T., Gerwert, K., see Egorova-Zachernyuk, T.A. 347 Cozar, O. and Kiefer, W. Gerzabek, M.H., see Haberhauer, G. 413 Vibrational studies of B, vitamin 329 Ghomi, M., see Leulliot, N. 335 Cinta, S. Goémez, M.F. —, Venter, M., Iliescu, T., Cozar, O., Haiduc, I. and Kiefer, —, Rascén, A.N., Ruiz, T.P. and Liencres, M.P.F. W. Vibrational analysis of precursors of compounds of biomedical SERS application in elucidation of the nature of homologue Cu(I) triazenido complexes 223 interest 1. The case of 5-fluoro-l-indanone 441 Gouyette, C., see Leulliot, N. 335 Cozar, O., see Cinta, S. 223 Griahlert, W. Cozar, O., see Cinta, S. 329 —, Leupolt, B. and Hopfe, V. Danev, G., see Karamancheva, I. 369 Optical modelling vs. FTIR reflectance microscopy: character- Decker, U., see Scherzer, T. 385 ization of laser treated ceramic fibres 353 480 Author Index Gromozova, E., see Grube, M. 301 Karamancheva, I. Grube, M. —, Stefov, V., Soptrajanov, B., Danev, G., Spasova, E. and —, Zagreba, E., Gromozova, E. and Fomina, M. Assa, J. Comparative investigation of the macromolecular composition FTIR spectroscopy and FTIR microscopy of vacuum- of mycelia forms Thielavia terrestris by infrared spectroscopy evaporated polyimide thin films 369 301 Kazarian, S.G. Guelachvili, G., see Picqué, N. 295 —, Brantley, N.H. and Eckert, C.A. Applications of vibrational spectroscopy to characterize Haberhauer, G. poly(ethylene terephthalate) processed with supercritical CO, — and Gerzabek, M.H. 277 Drift and transmission FT-IR spectroscopy of forest soils: an Khahili, S., see Himmelsbach, D.S. 361 approach to determine decomposition processes of forest litter Kiefer, W., see Cinta, S. 223 413 Kiefer, W., see Cinta, S. 329 Haiduc, I., see Cinta, S. 223 Kobayashi, Y., see Hasegawa, T. 199 Halttunen, M. Kuzmanovski, I. —, Tenhunen, J., Saarinen, T. and Stenius, P. —, Trpkovska, M.., Soptrajanov, B. and Stefov, V. Applicability of FTIR/PAS depth profiling for the study of Target-testing factor analysis of Fourier transform infrared coated papers 261 spectra as a tool for the determination of the composition of Hammaker, R.M., see DeVerse, R.A. 177 human urinary calculi 249 Handke, M. —, Rokita, M. and Mozgawa, W. Leulliot, N. Spectroscopic studies of SiO,—AIPO, solid solutions 419 —, Baumruk, V., Gouyette, C., Huynh-Dinh, T., Turpin, P.-Y. Hasegawa, T. and Ghomi, M. —, Kobayashi, Y., Nishijo, J. and Umemura, J. Aqueous phase structural features of GNRA tetraloops formed The effect of surface roughness on infrared external reflection in short hairpins as evidenced by UV absorption and Raman spectroscopy 199 spectroscopy 335 Heremans, K., see Smeller, L. 375 Leupolt, B., see Grahlert, W. 353 Himmelsbach, D.S. Liencres, M.P.F., see G6mez, M.F. 441 —, Khahili, S. and Akin, D.E. Lébau, J., see Pohle, W. 321 Near-infrared—Fourier-transform—Raman _ microspectroscopic Lépez Tocén, I., see Arenas, J.F. 213 imaging of flax stems 361 Hobert, H. Maniu, D., see Cinta, S. 329 —, Dunken, H.H., Meinschien, J. and Stafast, H. Marcos, J.I., see Arenas, J.F. 213 Infrared and Raman spectroscopic investigation of thin films Marcott, C., see Noda, I. 461 of AIN and SiC on Si substrates 205 Maroun, F. Hoff, A.J., see Egorova-Zachernyuk, T.A. 347 —, Ozanam, F., Chazalviel, J.-N. and Theif’, W. Hopfe, V., see Grahlert, W. 353 In situ infrared investigation of metals electrodeposited for Hutson, M.S. SEIRAS 193 — and Braiman, M.S. Meinschien, J., see Hobert, H. 205 Application of doubled-angle phase correction method to Mertens, F., see Schuster, K.C. 467 time-resolved step-scan FT-IR spectra 379 Michl, M. Huynh-Dinh, T., see Leulliot, N. 335 —, Vickova, B. and MojzeS, P. Ag colloid—ethanethiol films: spacer-modified substrates for lida, Y. surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering spectroscopy of —, Towata, A., Tsugoshi, T. and Furukawa, M. chromophoric molecules 239 In situ Raman monitoring of low-temperature synthesis of MojzeS, P., see Michl, M. 239 YAG from different starting materials 399 MojzeS, P., see Smejkal, P. 243 Iliescu, T., see Cinta, S. 223 Morari, C., see Cinta, S. 329 Iliescu, T., see Cinta, S. 329 Mozgawa, W., see Handke, M. 419 Ivanovski, V. Muniz-Miranda, M. —, PetruSevski, V.M. and Soptrajanov, B. SERS investigation on five-membered heterocyclic com- Vibrational spectra of hexaaqua complexes. IX. Reflection pounds: isoxazole, oxazole and thiazole 227 infrared spectra, optical constants and longitudinal optical phonon-transversal optical phonon splitting in some alums Nishijo, J., see Hasegawa, T. 199 425 Noda, I. —, Story, G.M. and Marcott, C. Kalinkova, G.N. Pressure-induced transitions of polyethylene studied by two- Infrared spectroscopy in pharmacy 307 dimensional infrared correlation spectroscopy 461 Author Index O'Neill, J.A., see Church, J.S. 285 Smejkal, P. Ortelli, E.E. —, Vitkova, B., Prochazka, M., MojzeS, P. and Pfleger, J. — and Wokaun, A. Testing anionic spacers by SERRS (surface-enhanced reso- Use of periodic variations of reactant concentrations in time nance Raman scattering) of a cationic free-base porphyrin in resolved FTIR studies of heterogeneously catalysed reactions systems with laser-ablated Ag colloids 243 451 Smeller, L. Otero, J.C., see Arenas, J.F. 213 — and Heremans, K. Ozanam, F., see Maroun, F. 193 2D FT-IR spectroscopy analysis of the pressure-induced changes in proteins 375 Pejov, L. Soptrajanov, ., see Ivanovski, V. 425 —, Stefov, V. and Soptrajanov, B. Soptrajanov, ., see Karamancheva, I. 369 DFT computational and experimental study of indole contin- Soptrajanov, ., see Kuzmanovski, I. 249 uum solvation 435 Soptrajanov, .. see Pejov, L. 435 Penchev, P.N., see Varmuza, K. 407 Soptrajanov, ., see Stefov, V. 431 PetruSevski, V.M., see Ivanovski, V. 425 Spasova, E., see Karamancheva, I. 369 Pfleger, J., see Smejkal, P. 243 Stafast, H., see Hobert, H. 205 Picqué, N. Stefov, V. — and Guelachvili, G. —- and Soptrajanov, B. ArH®* near 5 pm with high resolution double modulation FTS Fourier transform infrared study of the temperature-induced 295 structural changes in diammonium diaquatetrabromocuprate(I]) Pohle, W. 431 —, SaB, M., Selle, C., Wolfrum, K. and Lobau, J. Stefov, V., see Karamancheva, I. 369 Probing phospholipid chain fluidity by vibrational spec- Stefov, V., see Kuzmanovski, I. 249 troscopy including sum-frequency generation 32] Stefov, V., see Pejov, L. 435 Prochazka, M. Stenius, P., see Halttunen, M. 261 —, St&panek, J., Turpin, P.-Y. and Bok, J. Stépanek, J., see Chmelova, K. 255 Concentration dependent behavior of the free base porphyrins Stépanek, J., see Prochézka, M. 233 in Ag colloid/porphyrin SERS-active system studied via the Story, G.M., see Noda, I. 461 metalation kinetics 233 Prochaézka, M., see Smejkal, P. 243 Tenhunen, J., see Halttunen, M. 261 TheiB, W., see Maroun, F. 193 Rascén, A.N., see Gomez, M.F. 441 Towata, A., see lida, Y. 399 Remy, A., see Egorova-Zachernyuk, T.A. 347 Trpkovska, M., see Kuzmanovski, I. 249 Rédig, C. Tsugoshi, T., see lida, Y. 399 — and Siebert, F. Turpin, P.-Y., see Leulliot, N. 335 Monitoring fast reactions of slow cycling systems with time- Turpin, P.-Y., see Prochazka, M. 233 resolved FTIR spectroscopy 271 Rokita, M., see Handke, M. 419 Umemura, J., see Hasegawa, T. 199 Ruiz, T.P., see Gdmez, M.F. 441 Van de Sande, J.H., see Andrushchenko, V.V. 341 Saarinen, T., see Halttunen, M. 261 Varmuza, K. SaB, M., see Pohle, W. 321 —, Penchev, P.N. and Scsibrany, H. Scherzer, T. Large and frequently occurring substructures in organic com- — and Decker, U. pounds obtained by library search of infrared spectra 407 Real-time FTIR—ATR spectroscopy to study the kinetics of Venter, M., see Cinta, S. 223 ultrafast photopolymerization reactions induced by monochro- Viékova, B., see Michl, M. 239 matic UV light 385 Viékova, B., see Smejkal, P. 243 Schuster, K.C. Vogel, E., see Cinta, S. 329 —, Mertens, F. and Gapes, J.R. FTIR spectroscopy applied to bacterial cells as a novel method Wieser, H., see Andrushchenko, V.V. 341 for monitoring complex biotechnological processes 467 Wokaun, A., see Ortelli, E.E. 451 Scsibrany, H., see Varmuza, K. 407 Wolfrum, K., see Pohle, W. 321 Selle, C., see Pohle, W. 321 Shkuropatov, A.Ya., see Egorova-Zachernyuk, T.A. 347 Zachova, J., see Chmelova, K. 255 Siebert, F., see R6dig, C. 271 Zagreba, E., see Grube, M. 301

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